HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-12-04, Page 7We Suggest a WHITE TERYLENE SHIRT Truly a Wife Saver $9,95 ea. i tear t*A "fir t 7 0,201a,yryat'rbr,�1pli1't337` - ftp'tptom to7".s°wLi't Y'Fr.7 2,,,.i3t7i i0d 'ITWRSDAYt DECEMBER 4, 1958 CN zws-rola PAGE MAI NEWS.RECORD WANT ADS FOR QUICK RESULTS RATES No charge for announcements of Births,. Marriages and Deaths Articles for sale, rent, etc., Gird oC Thankx, to Memoriam, engagements, 30 a word, minimum The Box No. to this office 15c additional, Repeat in- sertions 2c a word, minimum 50c. CASH DISCOUNT: ?%s if paid by Saturday fol. lowing last insertion. Billiil8' charge of 1.0c added eaoh time bill is sent, Latest Time for Insertions -- 12 noon Wednesday Dial HU 2-3443 Accommodation For Rent 'TWO LARGE furnished rooms. Phone HU 2-9773, Clinton. 49-p 4 -ROOM APARTMENT, upstairs, 'heated and furnished. Mrs, Rad - ,'ford, phone HU 2-3483, 49-b :SELF-CONTAINED, one bedroom apartment, furnished and heated. Phone HU 2-9390.. 49p FOUR BEDROOM farm house with bath and furnace, available now. Gordon Hill, HU 2-3307. 47-8-9-b 7-8-9b SMALL FURNISHED apartment SMALL :on ground floor, on Raglan Street, suitable for one woman. If inter- ested phone HU 2-9483. 48-9-b NEW BUILDING for rent, four rooms, located next to Parker House Motel. Phone HU 2-6663. 49b -SMALL HOUSE, partly furnished, two bedrooms. Available in Dec- ember. Phone after 6 p.m. HU 2- 3228. 48-9-p SMALL APARTMENT fully furn- ished and heated, available Jan - !nary 1, 1959. L. G. Winter, High Street, phone HU 2-6692. 49-b 3 - ROOM furnished apartment, 'comfortable and newly decorated, well located, for couple and one Schild, private bath, refrigerator in- cluded. Available now, Phone HU 2-6665. •49-b 'COUNTRY HOME, located eight aniles from Clinton. Could be divid- ed for two families, stove provid- ed, Available now, reasonable. Ap- lily to l3ox 490, Clinton News -Ree - ford. 49-p 2 -BEDROOM upstairs apartment. Private front and rear entrances, hardwood floors, modern cupboard - lined kitchen and storage room. Phone HU 2-3444. 49x ;Accommodation Wanted T'WE ADULTS require three bed .room house (or larger) in Clinton. Civilian. Write to Box 454, Clinton News -Record. 49-p RESPONSIBLE COUPLE desires :three bedroom house to rent, or rent with option to buy. Box 473, Clinton News -Record. 49-b Articles For Sale SECOND HAND DOLL BUGGY. Phone HU 2-9176. 49-b CAST IRON BATH TUB with legs, in good condition. Phone HU 2-9720. 49-50-b 210 GALLON TANK, on skids, 'suitable for farmers, $35. Phone -Oscar Switzer, HU 2-9682. 49-p AFRICAN VIOLETS for sale Many varieties. Mrs. Alex Inkley, Queen Street, phone HU 2-9311. 49b FOR BATTERIES, cords, and oth- er hearing aid supplies call at Sutter -Perdue Ltd., phone HU 2- '7023. 49-50-1-2-b tQUEBEC HEATER, medium size, with quantity of stove pipes, in :good condition. Phone HU 2-9407. 49b (ORDER YOUR Christmas goose now. Cooked and stuffed $7.50 or :$6.50 dressed. Phone HU 2-7567. 49-b BUNK BEDS, maple, felt matt- ress, $30; GE electric blanket, du- al control, $20, phone HU 2-7131, after 5 p.m. 49-b USED oil -burning equipment for conversion, including 200 gallon tank. Apply A. J. McMurray, dial HU 2-9606. 49-p :SUCH AN IMPORTANT GIFT as a diamond should be chosen with 'special care. Phone for an even- ing appointment. HU 2-9525 or HU 2-7054. Anstett Jewellers. 49 to 52b MEN'S WORK and hydro type parkas in olive green. Here's warm :hard wearing outdoor wear priced to suit you from $11.95 to $19.95, at Aikens. 49-b DRAIN TILE Call 193 Lucan RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD. Elginfield, Ontario. 49 to48p PLACE YOUR ORDERS now for Christmas delivery of Spode, Roy- al Doulton, Wedgewood, Royal Albert china at Anstett Jewellers, 49 to 52-b BEECH COOK STOVE, with wat- erfront, burns coal or wood; Que. 'bee coal heater; 30 gallon hot wat- er tank with pipes and fittings, Al] in good condition. Phone Clin- ton HU 2-9913. 49-b PROTECT your hard earned mon- ey. Use a modern easy to use cheque -writer, to perforate name and amount right into the cheque, Cannot be altered, See them at Clinton News -Record. 36-tfb SEVERAL new patterns in English 'Hone China Dinnerware, including lovely "Cornflower", See it and. eethers in our window and get our low prices for fine china. Counter's Jewellery. 49-_ lz YOUR OLD WASHER IS WORTH money when traded on a new "Westinghouse washer. T. A. Dut- 'ton`s Appliance Store, 13rucefield. 'Aerie Clinton (111 2.3232. 11-tfb Articles For Sale SEND the Christmas card with your photograph. See these new cards, Clinton Bowling Alley; C & W Groceteria, RCAF Sta- tion; C & E Utter Variety Shop, Bayfield; Dutton Television and Radio, Brueefield. 46 to 49b SURGE SALES AND SERVICE. "The machine that milked its way to the top". Phone Lovell McGuire, Wingham, 593. Local representa- tive, Roy A. Cullen, Clinton on the Bayfield Road, Dial HU 2-7207, 48-9-50-1-p GETTING MARRIED? See samp- les of wedding stationery at the News -Record office. Invitations, thank -you cards, wedding cake boxes, place cards, serviettes, match books, etc. 11-tfb YOUR CHESTERFIELD wanted as trade-in. Show cushion from your suite to salesman at the Mild- may Furniture Showrooms for trade in evaluation of old suite. Select from French Provincial, sectional and modern Kroehler liv- ingroom suites. Time payment plan. Also pianos, carpets, appli- ances. Free delivery. Godfrey Schuett, Mildmay, Ont. 48-9-b THE EXTRA MiLE IS WORTH YOUR WHiLE! Come in and see Philips, RCA, Admiral, Marconi, Westinghouse TV at T. A. DUTTON BRUCEFIELD 39-tfb Articles Wanted SINGLE BED, 40"; also fernery. Phone HU 2-7088. 49-p WOULD LIKE to buy .used root pulpers. Write giving make, con- dition and price to Lucan Farm Equipment, Lucan, Ont., phone 70. 49-50-p GOOD STANDING TIMBER WANTED Apply Box 57, Ailsa Craig 46-tfb Automobiles For Sale 1949 METEOR COACH, in good running condition. Phone HU 2- 7077. 49-b 1956 PLYMOUTH four door, low mileage. Will consider older car or building lot as part payment. Ap ply Box 473, Clinton News -Record. 49-b Board and Room ACCOMMODATION FOR board- ers, one or two sharing. Phone HU 2-9465. 49-b Clothing for Sale NEW man's Mary Maxim heavy wool sweater, antique cars design on white back ground, large size. Phone HU 2-7058. 49-p. Custom Work BULL DOZING and excavating. J. and G. Postall, RR. 3, Clinton, HU 2-7438. 31-tfb FOR YOUR PLUMBING AND Heating needs, call HU 2-9433 Hawkins Hardware. 2-tfb SANITARY Sewage Disposal. Now is the 'time to have your septic tanks, cess,pools, etc, pumped out before winter, Write or phone, Louis Blake, 42r6 Brussels. 43 to. 9p ATTENTION FARMERS! White w a s h i n g, disinfecting, cleaning barns, and spraying cattle for lice, Phone Hubert Cooper, Exeter, 599rJ3 45-tfb NOTICE AUTOMATIC SAW SHARPEN- ING. New location, Ontario Street, east of the Shell Service Station, on the Clinton and Seaforth high- way. Wm. E. Jervis. 474tfb. FOR SALE OR RENT FIVE BEDROOM HOUSE, bath- room, modern kitchen, den, living room and dining room. Also gar- age. On Ontario Street. HU 2- 9928, 45-tfb Help Wanted Female SCHOOL GIRL who would life weekend work as waitress. Apply Ruby and Bill's Snack Bar, 49.50b COMPANION for elderly lady and to do light housekeeping. Apply to Box 491, Clinton News -Record. 49-50-p GIRL OR WOMAN to do house- work. Clinton district. To- live in evenings free. Write to Box 493, Clinton News -Record. 49-p NATIONALLY POPULAR, ex -elu- sive cosmetics line, BuSireSS now at peak, take your share of pro- fits. Write DORALLINA COSME- TICS CO.----C.P. g, Station C, Mon- treal, P.Q. or Mrs. E, Heywood, Box 443, Wingham, phone 1043. 49-b Fruit For Sale SPRAYED APPLES; Spy, King, Snow, Sweets, Delicious, Greening Macintosh, and cider apples. Free delivery in Clinton and RCAF Sta- tion. Phone HU 2-3214. Fred Mc- Clymont and Sons, Varna. 49 to 52-b Help Wanted RELIABLE CLERK --Male or fe- male, wanted immediately. Apply in person to Hugh Hawkins Hard- ware. 49-b ST and FOUND FOUND—Strayed to Lot 19, Con- cession 6, Hullett Township, one cattle beast. Owner may have same by proving property and pay- ing expenses. Signed Bernard Tighe, phone HU 2-9194. 49-b LOST—Strayed from Lot 15, Con- cession 4, Stanley, white faced steer, weight around 800 lbs„ name tag in ear. Anyone knowing of this steer please phone. Jack Taylor, HU 2-7527 Clinton. 49-p Livestock Wanted OLD HORSES WANTED AT 3% lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT BROS. MINK RANCH, phone col- lect, Goderich, 1483 J 4 or 1.483 J'1. 38-tflb ATTENTION FAI J'RS:! .,Cash paid for sick, down and disabled caws and horses. Dead stock pick- ed up gree of charge; no call ac- cepted under 300 lbs. Call collect Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Seafortih, Assoriated with Darling and Co, of Canada Ltd. 39-pettb DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest cash prices paid for dead, lold, sick and disabled horses and cattle. Olid horses for slaught- er at 5c a pound. For prompt, sanitary disposal phone collect, Norman Knapp, Bliyrth 21x•112; if busy phone Leroy Acheson, At- wood 153, William Morse, Brus- sels 150-6. Trucks available at all tinges. 36 to 10-p Dead Stock Services HIGHEST CASH PRICES PMD FOR SICK, DOWN OR DISABLED COWS and HORSES. Also Dead Cows and Houses At Cash Value Old Horses -- 4c per pound Phone Collect 133 BRUSSELS -- BRUCE MARLATT 24 Hour Service Miscellaneous EVENING STAR, Lady Hamilton, White Orchid, South Seas, Ballad, all one third off regular price at Anstett Jewellers. 49 to 52-b WATCH REPAIR IS A JOB FOR experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Establish- ed Jewellery Store. 49-p FREE OUTBOARD MOTOR WINTER STORAGE WITH SPRING CRECI%-UP Ellwood Epps Sporting Goods 36-bfib LET US REPAIR AND MAKE Nur rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chan- ces, Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing. W. N. Counter. 49-p MOTORS AND GENERATORS rewound and repaired. Brushes, capacitors, switches, bearings; Small appliances repaired. Used or reconditioned motors for sale. Art Levett, Isaac Street at Dunlop. Phone HU 2-6640. 44tfb FOR ARTIFICIAL INSEMINA- TION service or more information, telephone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association! collect at: CLINTON' II' J 2-3441 Between 7:30 and 9.30 a.m. week days., 6 and 8 p.m. on Saturdays. Do not call for service on Stmday. Cows in heat on Sunday Can be insemiinated satisfactorily on Mon- day, We supply service to top quality bulls of the Ilolstein, Jersey, Ayr- shire, Guernsey, Hrown• Swiss, Red Poll, Hereford (polled and horned) Beef Shorthorn (polled and horn- ed), and Dual Purpose Shorthorn, Angus and Charolais breeds. The cost is low, 28-tfb Notice — WANTED TO BORROW, $5,500 on first mortgage on farm; or $3,000 on second mortgage Write to Box 492, Clinton News—tem/EL 49-b Poultry For Salo 200 FISHER. 303 3 -way cross pul- lets, five and a, half months old, starting to lay. Mrs, Earl Switzer, phone ITU 2-3278. 49b REAL ESTATE BUSINESS PROPERTIES, farms and homes. Build a home to suit your pocketbook on the Nu -Way house plan, Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, .Agent for Kernohan. Phone HU 2-6692 for appointment, High Street, Clinton. 49-tfb REAM. ESTA1ee IS OUR BUSI- NESS. Fauns, residential, com- mercial, summer cottages. For de- pendaibiee and capable servitce hart your property with John Bosveld, Wellesley Street, Goderich, Phone 1108. Salesmen: C. Buruma, C l i n t o n; J. McConnell, Sea- 38-tfb Tenders Wanted SEALED TENDERS are invited by the Stanley Town- ship School Area Board for the transportation of Grades 5 and 6 (consisting at present of nine pup- ils) from Section No. 10 school to Section No. 7 school, on the Pear Line. Pipils to be picked up at SS 10 in the morning, and dri- ven to their home gates after school is dismissed. The operator will be required to provide the necessary insurance and abide by all the transportation laws. Tend- ers are to be in the hands of the undersigned no later than 12 o'- clock noon, December 15. T. B. Baird, Secretary -treasurer, Bruce - field, Ontario. 49-50-b Treasurer's Sale of LANDS FOR TAXES Corporation of the County of Huron TO WIT: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Warden of the County of Hu- ron under his hand and the seal of the said corporation bearing date of 12th day of August 1958, sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the County of Huron will be held at my office at the hour of 2.00 p.m, in the Court House on the 9th day of December 1958 unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in the On- tario Gazette on the 5th day of September 1958, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. The adjourned sale, if necessary, will be held at the above office on the 16th day of December, 1958. Treasurer's Office this 13th day of August, 1958. (Signed) J. G. BERRY, Treasurer 38-50-b Postponed Auction Sale Of the Estate of the late Mrs. Dorothy Rohner, from Lot 10, Stanley Township—Bayfield-Varna Highway, 21/2 miles west of Varna on Saturday, Dec. 6 At 1.30 p.m., the following: 3 -piece parlor suite; large wal- nut chest of drawers; cherry glass cupboard; cherry oval table; 3 beds, dressers and wash stands; Singer drop -head sewing machine; organ and stool; sideboard, battery radio; small antique rocker; Me - Clary enamel range; wicker arm chair; kitchen chairs; extension table; dishes, including some an- tique; day bed; laundry stove; end table; cooking utensils and numer- ous other articles. Terms: Cash Mrs. Harvey Taylor, Murray Rohner, Administrators .of the Estate. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. 49-b RECEPTION and DANCE For Mr. & Mrs. James Wild (Nee Gail Shearing) in the Community Centre ZURICH on SATURDAY, DEC.. 6 Music By DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA Everybody Welcome 46-7-b C5inton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY 1.30 palish. Government inspected Bales Gattis Sold By Weight TEAMS: CASH JOL COREY, Sales Manager 13013 MoNAIR, Auctioneer 1‹. 'W. COLQUEIOUN, Clark BIRTHS COX ---In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, December 1, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Keith CQx, R.R. 2, Bayfield, a daughter. AfONTGOMERY-In Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, on Tuesday, Dec- ember 2, 1953. to Mr. and Mrs. James Montgomery, Seaforth, a aen. MUSTARD -- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, Decem- ber 3, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. John Mustard, Brueefield, a son. NEELY—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Monday, December 1, 1958, to Corporal and Mrs, Jam- es Neely, RCAF Station Clinton, a son. ROOTS --In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, December 3, 1958, to Corporal and Mrs. George Roots, RCAF Station Clinton, a son, VAN BAAREN—In Clinton Pub- Iic Hospital, on Monday, Dec- ember 1, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Van Baaren, R.R. 1, Londesboro, a son. VANNNIER — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, Novem- ber 26, 1958, to F/L and Mrs. Guy Vannier, 20 Winnipeg Road, RCAF Station Clinton, a son, DEATHS DUNCAN—In Ford Hospital, De- troit, Michigan, on Sunday, Nov- ember 23, 1958, Herbert Dun- can, native of Varna, in his 76th year. Funeral from the Robb funeral home, Sarnia, and in- terment at that city on Wed- nesday, November 26. FRASER—In the Heywood nurs- ing home, Exeter, on Friday, No- vember 28, 1958, Alvina Vance, Hensall, widow of the late Wil- liam Fraser, in her 79th year: Funeral from the Bonthron fun- eral chapel on Monday after- noon, December 1, by the Rev. C. D. Daniel, and interment in Staffa Cemetery, HUDIE—At the Thamer Nursing Horne, Seaforth, on Sunday, No- vember 30, 1958, Harvey Wesley Hudie, R.R. 2, Walton, widower of Mabel Alexander, in his 77th year, Funeral from the Box fun- eral home, Seaforth, to Mait- landbank Cemetery, on Tuesday afternoon, SUTTON—In Tuckersmith Town- ship, on Sunday, November 30, 1958, Wesley Sutton, in his 85th year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High St- reet, Clinton, to Exeter Ceme- tery, on Tuesday afternoon, Dec- ember 2. IN MEMORIAM ADAMS—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Thom- as E. Adams, who passed away December 7, 1954: "Your memory is a keepsake, With which we will never part, Though God has you in his keeping We still have you in our hearts." —Always remembered by wife and family, 49-b ANDERSON—In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. Mary E. Anderson, who pas- sed away one year ago, December 5, 1957: "Many a lonely heartache, Often a silent tear, For every day in many ways, Unseen, unheard, but always near." —Lovingly remembered by her daughter Lula E. Ellwood, son-in- law, Bill and granddaughter Mary Joyce. 49-p ROXY THEATRE Clinton Two ,Shows .Nightly Wide Screen NOW PLAYING: Double Bill "THE $.AW AND JAKE WADE" Robert Taylor -- Patricia Owens and "THE NAKED TRUTH" Terry Thomas -- Dennis Price MONDAY — TUESDAY-- WEDNESDAY "FRAULEIN" (Adult Entertainment) Tender and touching story of a sensitive, respectable girl amid the hectic uncertainties of occupied Germany. Dana Wynter -- Mel Ferrer -- Helmet Dentine THURSDAY -- FRIDAY -- SATURDAY "JOE DAKOTA" Highly dramatic frontier tale of suspense and strife over the drilling of an oil well on Indian land. Jock Mahoney -- Luana Patten -- Barbara Lawrence and "YANKEE BUCCANEER" Jeff Chandler MARRIAGES WILD -SHEARING -- In Wesley - Willis United Church, Clinton, on Saturday afternoon, Novem- ber 29, 1958, by the Rev. J. A. McKim, Clinton, Olive Gail, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Mitchell Shearing, Clinton, to James William Wild, Zurich, son of H. P. Wild, London, and the late Mrs. Wild. CARDS OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends and relatives for the lovely gifts and cards sent to us on the occasion of our 50th wedding an- niversary, they were greatly ap- preciated.—Sam and Isabel Rid- dick, London, Ontario. 49-b The family of the late Kenneth McKenzie wish to thank all their friends, relatives, and neighbours for all their kindness shown them following the loss of a dear hus- band, father, son and brother, also for the beautiful floral tributes, th- ose who loaned cars, acted as pall- bearers and flower bearers, Rev. D. J. Lane and all others who help- ed in any way during our sadness. —Jessie and family, mother, sist- ers and brothers. 49-p The family of the late Thelma Workman wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and floral tributes received from relatives, friends and neighbours in our recent bereave- ment of our beloved mother. Sp- ecial thanks to Rev. T. J. Pitt, pallbearers and all who helped in any way. 49-b I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the nurses of Clinton Public Hospital, Dr. Walter Oakes and Mrs. Yvonne Campbell during my recent illness. Also special thanks to friends for their lovely flowers, cards and gifts.—Mrs. G. E. May - man. 49-b We wish to expressour heart- felt thanks to those who sent bea- utiful floral gifts in our recent bereavement of our son, Andy Johnston. Special thanks to the pallbearers from the H.E.P.C.—An- drew Johnston and family, Rock- wood, Ontario. 49-p avaris.A.msar.a.mraisc WOR,Z+X OM* PARK THEATRE GODERICH Now Playing: 2 Exciting Attractions "THE BLACK TENT" In Color • and "COLOSSUS OF NEW YORK" Mon., Tues, and Wed. (Adult Entertainment) "A CERTAIN SMILE" In Scope and Color Filmed in France and telling the life and loves of a young femme student at the Sorbonne in Paris Rossano Brazzi -- Christine Carere and Brad Dillman Thur., Fri. and Sat. Joe( McCrea -- Gloria Talbot and Don Haggerty Across the sweeping plains a wide - vista drama of the old adventurous West. "CATTLE EMPIRE" Scope and Color Coming: Dan Dailey, in "UNDERWATER WARRIOR" with Jose' Ferrer in "I ACCUSE" Notice to Creditors. In the Estate of JOHN FRANCIS SHANAHAN, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, Deceased. All persons having claims again- st the Estate of the above deceas- ed are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 8th of December, A.D., 1958, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 17th day of November, A.D., 1958. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 47-8-9-b SUITS SPORT COATS SUBURBAN COATS SHIRTS SWEATERS TIES • SOCKS PYJAMAS ° Scarves '' Jewellery ' Belts , Orobenirelymotonigmmingrkraggliwzgrt 9S In GIFT BOXES GIFT CERTIFICATES ' 4 Open Friday Evenings Open All Day Wednesday Until Christmas Campbell ---.zC�� of r �����`"a ���}",:'��%.�':'�Fi' `ht�".Ni'�� '.�t ��.a«"F"�,rd:��f>����s+�'d '�'�• �1'o"�'popijk,,