HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-12-04, Page 5now sit before a lighted box in a darkened room, shoving unknown, untested food into their slack little mouths. Brawny labourers, home after a hard day on the job, looking for- ward to a heaping hot plate of viands, quail as they are confront- ed with another triumph of the canning kings, the frozen food fanatics, * * 4. There is a close similarity be- tween the development of new cars and new stoves. As gadget after gadget, frill after frill is added to the new models, their owners be- come worse and worse drivers. As stoves sprout more and more but- tons, louder and louder bells and buzzers, women groW less and less able to cook a decent meal. * As a matter of fact, the very word "cook" is growing into dis- repute. Women no longer admit shyly that they are "a pretty good cook." They brag instead that they can "turn out" or "whip up" a pretty good meal. The very phrases tell a lot about modern "cooking." The women turn out the contents of a box, whip up the muck in it, and think they've bak- ed a cake. * * Even at that, it's an ordeal. Only time we see a cake around our house is when some organization is having a bake sale, and the Old Girl gets hooked for making one. By the time she gets through mak- ing one lousy cake, we're lucky if we get a can of soup, or some fro- zen fish and chips, for dinner, Mother is not only exhausted, but every dish in the kitchen is dirty. I remember what my mother baked every Saturday: eight loaves of bread, including a couple to give away, three or four dozen buns; a couple of pans of cinamon about four pies and two cakes, chocolate and light. Mum was too busy baking to cook on Saturday, so we'd have to be satisfied with something light, like maybe a big dish of home-made pea soup, with home-made bread, followed by fresh buns and preserves. t:1 It almost makes me cry hen I think of the future my 7:;38 tnce, islesA there is a reverrat of the end in ittotlem o0o1.-.;:a,t.. The t);her night, I was -z;;.>l:,1c:,•17,2.gil study dr,:plimcd • 63,.3. put ' o; .`.!razy in " nays. t a in ft t 1:'•;)‘1r )4. in • t 1•11.1out in • L'uend . nr. EA, -4,ttArt,er • t!....ttmges, lx•ri. snash,!; I), ;Y:j pN and !.:;‘,110p at it) Ittore. .•.',11tAlti.ol• to think. cooking Li the Item"' on %.,,ay 10 Tie.- , comill„; art, Fiat ItalL.:,th the girls stop etrAlettr, from the recipes i bet I ho outt,ide of those packaged food boxes. and at nwt cookinp• with seine integrity and imagination Oho day is coming, Ai-d wiK a it arrives, I'm golat_s to sprinkle a little powthrryst arsenic in with the prepared pie fill, and eliminate a hopeless future for my little brood. I don't know what brought all " this up. But I want it clearly un- derstood that the fact that my wife has been deeply involved in a drama group for some weeks, during which the kids and I have subsisted on crackers-and-soup, beans-on-toast, raggedy ends of ,bvoiltohgliit,a, bought Cookies and bits of stale cheese, has nothing to do MORE PRIZE MONEY (Loolotow Sentinel) Prize money in excess of $1,400 Will be paid in full by the Luck. now Agricultural Society. This was decided at a meeting of the Board last week, .when t he fiti= ancial statement of the year's op. orations was reviewed, Practically all classes were err. toted at this .year's fair, and a new dairy class and increased prike . money in Other .lasses, re- Allied in approximately $200.06 more being paid out this. year, than a year usgo, 117e - Receive AcegelMations Sets of Deuvc1 ite These two men, CLAYTON DIXON (now chairman of the Board) and GEORGE LAVIS (right) received an acclamation to a two-year term on the Clinton Public School Board, at the nom- ination meeting on November 21. Last week their pictures were omitted from the group receiving this honour, Both have been members of the board since 1953, RCA Victor Console High Fidelity PLAYER, record storage, 4-speed changer - was $199,95 - Now $179.95 2tknreri STEREO & MONAURAL LONG- PLAYING RECORDS $1.98 up CLOCK RADIOS from $39.95 MOTOROLA RCA VICTOR - ELECTROHOME ROGERS MAJESTIC • available at Ca50 HU 2-3841 F. B. PENNEBAKER YOUR I.D.A. DRUGGIST Unique Phofo Service i461460ClittaillOtOttsitetC1604P4P046141t0t4 *VC Phdrte HU 2.6626 t.V.ttkitAtCtttctctosctogtttoiy,;. Malta EX70 indoor Chi.i,:thias p;;Autos are btitlitt and , Giva catloiis 42, QUICK $1.25 $2.00 CLINTON MEWS-RECORD P.A,C4d4 Two THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1,958 k**.i. 'to" xx v k1,1. ait• 4 • xr .Y.A.4 Att7 SUG Ft and SPICE (By W. (Bill) B. T. Smiley) Lady Teachers At Meeting Held h Clinton Pubgc School Tuesday evening, NoVember 25, the members of the Clinton Unit of the F.W.T.A.O. assembled at the Clinton Public School for the final meeting of the fall term. Miss Edythe Beacom, president, opened the meeting with a Scrip- ture reading and an article entitl- ed, "The Dreamer". It was decided to hold a dinner meeting in either March or April, and to try to obtain a guest speak- er from the Copp Clark Publishing Company for this occasion, SEA BREEZE HI-FIDELITY STEREOPHONIC TAPE RECORDER Walnut Cabinet-Was $339.95 - ONLY $299.95 RCA VICTOR - SEABREEZE PORTABLE RECORD PLAYERS - Monaural from $29,95 Stereo from $99,50 Overnight Parking on the Streets of the T win of Clinton is Prohibited from Dec. 1, 1958, to March 1, 1959. By Order of the TOWN OF CLINTON --NOTICE Mrs. Beatrice Taylor and Mrs. Ethel Jefferson were in charge of the program which opened with a delightful vocal solo by Mrs. Wil- liam Hearn, accompanied by Mrs. M. J. Agnew at the piano, Mrs. May Mackinnon, in her own inimitable way, captivated the audience with a travel talk based on her recent trip through Europe. The .large collection of pictures which she showed and the intrigu- ing souveniers which she displayed made the trip very real for her lis- teners, One of the highlights of her journey was a. conducted tour through the many scenic spots of Switzerland. 41:•:.<---,:3pN • 5.-1.,-"ez-`''` • - •••••z.it- c.) d. To leek your best fo r all the Yuletide sea son, treat yourself to Fiudnut hair-do. 1?1C11ARDHLIDNUT 1,0441V.); frr kioltday SCelSOn 5, welcome monicure sets by Each set contains Nail Polish Remover, Cuticle r4,1nOWT and ' other manicure O'CtX $1.25 $3.00 by Lentheric PURSE PERFUME 1/3 oz. vial with hand- some jewelled rg cap $3.2S COLOGNE 3 & 5 oz. $1,50, $2.00 GIFT SETS „ $2.750, $3.25 rr4 N frfcirjrCifiliCC) ;GNU DE COILJNilEi An old fovntttit..-, in ca mcdern gift c.wainer. 3 ez. ..... $2.90 063536;`,1t; f'0`..5. 7.-7. $2.00 PriPiFtial 6,';11.25, $2.00 Shock-resistant mechanism. Unbreakable crystals. Stainless steel becks, Men's Marlin $12.05 Ladies' end Misses' Petite Model $7.95 Ofirit DUMP! E5,51r5 Models for Men, Women, Children of a wide range of prices. Guaranteed for one year. niwr SUPREME Eiox $1.95 VISUAL PAK A temptino assortment of cashews, pecans, filberts and almonds. 7 oz. 95c 14 oz. $1.75 TIME WATCHES 2)4hipSHULTON..90141piest "Desert Flower" STICK COLOGNE purse size $1.25 TOILET WATER $2.00 PERFUME - purse size h in modernly•styled gift box $2.00 SPRAY COLOGNE ., $3.00 BUBBLING BATH CRYSTALS $2.00 Mendkilp rneden BATH SALTS $11,65 LIQUID PETALS cream perfume $1.50 1012,17` WATER 1,31.25, $L75 - DUSTING POWNR Eaton, email° and Piko 9 F, 1113(1. II. Tda ft 2' tinpcidocl Frond? fragrance 2At3 !..13 coloGrr: ' IgLel, moo peoumil .... . GIN and IA oz, Perfume .. $:"3.00 A doluxo ott of 48 tkoots o fine quall:y paper or.-.1 43 envoi i. - 47,Pt3 In ! ha IT Ch 01110 hincjed cobigio. $V Citro Loxes .r,on, 75, 5L.07 5 Dt;.S GIRT et.11:40111S Vi.),;:pn 100's - G1\V‘`iti Roza, Nictcles, Siscivirio Cream $1,2.0 PAPER-MATE PENS $1.29, $1.98, $2.49, $3.50 WATERMAN'S CARTRIDGE FILLED PENS - from $2,95 WATERMAN'S SETS $5.90 to $25,00 PARKER JOTTER PENS $1.95, $2.95 Ideal for any man. t Ituositset SVINVIOG pure badger air Brushes $2,98, $3.98 up' ........ $1,00 $1.50 uP Others foe mart hair grooming king size tube in Its special Christmas wrapper Brush 84 Comb Sets 93c, $2,50 Charm-A-lot Hot Plate .. $1.93 Vinyl Squelze Toys - i'Tom 690 O l ti L J rsd11... A fV \I fierIV-21' CC; TItis electric leotlo wormer automatically booby's tiiiyis to tho rlCkt iomp,...rature. Elimioni rcplzeoc,bie. iteintit,si shown has Ci vaporizer copse useful when baby has a cold. $ 2E ',,"/A1Zhirill without ktcperizor cap 4., oatiuves a fill contact head- built- in whisker 0100 -on-oil switch. In roe-tone coo* COO ki 94. 6 CO 011 Sig G1 $: 1 :5 h 1119.11%.: ntlisglcse2S55:6:5 0 CtrielcrInea,i7reiosbitig. VANE AFTER LOTION m .50 LSVIAVING MUG ?vio-r03,24P"'C Gpt STARFLASH OUTFIT BROWNIE Holiday Time is t Q.,60.....1.0.0...0.....0......i.o..........,* Keep Atka-Seltzer hoody for headache or upset stomach doe to thrIthilai excitement ,it 1 34c 68C .010 . t It14 1 Settler; Time Something sinister is developing in the kitchens across this fair lands of ours. There is confusion in the cuisine. Culinary dry rot has made its appearance in the cookhouse. The signs are everywhere. Gar- bage cans, which once sat in solid dignity, heavy with tea-leaves, pot- ato peelings, egg shells and grape- fruit skins, now teeter giddily in the slightest breeze, their cargo composed of frozen food wrappers, waxed wango juice containers, empty tins and vacant ready-mix boxes. qf .••••1011,11. Convenient, ONE-STOP SHOPPING for these and mans other FINE 9/IFTS CIECirdc HEATING PADS $t4.95 to $9.95 EVEREADY FLASHLIGHTS (loss hatteries)...... 79c up BATHROOM SCALES $6.95 $10.95 Art": Another pleasing solo by Mrs. Hearn brought the program to a close, A social hour in the lounge Children, who once came in from followed. piping "what's for supper, Mom?" Camera (in colour), batteries, flash bulbs, film and r" instruction booklet. 1.40 OTHER CAMERA OUTFITS $11.75 to $28.95 ltODAK C/AMEPA5 STARFLEX $12.45 STARLET ................. $6.95 BROWNIE HAWICEYE, $9,25 MOVIE CAMERAS - from $37.95 Perfect gift for a flash camera fan! FIRST All) AUTO KIT $3.95 MARATHON GOLF BALLS SOc 3 for $1.39 A MACDONALD GIFT /S ALWAYS WELCOME! "020 rt" CIGARETTES Plain or Filter Tip 20 33c 25 41c 50 82c FISHER CIGARETTE LIGHTER BRIER TOBACCO Pipe smokers enjoy its aroma. burns cool, pound tin - $1AS. . . . Save Chris: mas fun for years to come! 1• 7141iii FILM A Ma that be on Chi i:am'M Joy. nil typc,. in stock. Enchant her with JOHNSON T 8LETRY SETS Assortments of famous Johnson baby-care products in gift boxes. $1.50 $2..50 $3.75 SANTA'S BABY GIFT PACKAGE 97c