HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-12-04, Page 4GINGER SANDWICHES (Makes 11/2 Dozen) 1/2 cup butter 24 cup brow sugar 1. egg, beaten 2 tablespoons lemon juice 11/2 tablespoons molasses 2 claps sifted, all-purpose flow dash of 'salt • 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 -teaspoon powdered ginger Cream butter and sugar thor- augliniy.; add egg, lemon -juice and molasses. Sift in ,combined dry in- gredients and mix well. Chill dough. Drop by small spoonfuls onto buttered cookie sheet, Press down with fork. Bake in, a moder- ate oven (350° .F.) for 10 to 35 minutes. When cool put together with llernorr-flaworecl butter icing. COCONUT STACKS (Makes 11/2 Dozen) 21/2 cups desiccated -coconut 1 cup sifted all-purpose flour 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon grated orange end 14 cup softened butter 1 egg beaten Mix together first four ingred- knits, Rub butter in well with hands, Add egg; mix well. Drop onto buttered cookie sheet and peak with spoon, Bake in a hot even (450° F,) for 10 to 15 min- utes. HONEY SNAPS (Makes- l'/ Dozen) 1/2 cup honey 1/2 cup butter .1/2 teaspoon almond flavoring 1/ teaspoon. soda 1% cups' sifted all-purpose flour Boil honey and butter together one minute. Coal. Add remaining ingredients; mix well. Chill dough for 2 to 3 hours. Roil to 1/2 inch thickness; out in: variety -of shap- es; decorate with nuts or peel. Bake in a Moderate oven (350°F.) for 12 to 15 minutes. Thank You Voters of Clinton: Your confidence is very much appreciated. I will do my utmost to justify if. HERB BIM 49-b llwain (Gordon Orr, Len McGee); Grant Stirling (A, H. Warner, D, E. Gliddon); school trustee, Jack Tebbutt (E, McIlwain, W, 3. For, bes); reeve, C. Laitlrwaite (W, J, Stirling, George Ginn); school trustee, Francis Powell (3, V', Deeves, Ed, Deevea); Gerald Or (Robert Welsh, W. J. Forbes); Ii Kcilwain (R. Welsh, W, J. Farb es); George Potter (Robert Weld W. 3, Forbes), ATTENTION; Ratepayers of Goderich Town, ship your vote is valuable Will trade at [east I 00 hours of good admin- istration on your council FOR 1 hour of your time and your support on Monday, December VOTE: CLAYTON E. LAITHWAITE FOR REEVE 49-b 4111111111111... To the Electors of Goderich Township: am offering my services as Reeve for 1959 after acting as Councillor for the past four years, and previous to that six years on the School Area Board. As it will be impossible to call on everyone, I solicit your vote and influence on December 8. If elected I 111 serve to the best of my ability. —WALTER J. FORBES For Transportation Phone HU 2-9267 49-p ill111111111111111111M11111111Mall VOTE DEEVES FOR REEVE IN GODERICH TOWNSHIP Having served for 4 -years as your Reeve, I offer my services and exper- ience (including four years as a councillor), as reeve for another term. I Sincerely Solic- it Your Full Support on Election D a y, Monday, Dec. 8, JOHN DEEYES 49-p Wishing everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. J. E. "Eddie" DALE For instance, using !butter, that full-of-Xlavetir dairy food _gives. the firma taste quality to . our cookies-. .And they look so atteac tive served on a triplicate-tiered cookie holder, The well blended flavor of mo- lasses and spice in the Ginger Sandwilenes makes them except- Imlay good eating, and partyish with lernon,flamored butter icing sandwiched between -cookies. Have lots of them made up and the tie- ing ready din the trig. so it'll be just a matter of putting the two togeher when about time to serve. Shaped much like a macaroon, Coconut Stacks are dandy little cookies to make on short notice . . . they're so simple to- mix up. The coconut flavor predominates but it's rthe -orange and butter taste combihation: that gives them their special appeal. A chillLrotti-and-cut dough, the Honey Snaps . . . with their blend- ing of honey, butter and almond baked to a tight golden crispness , . • create texture contrast in this cookies- trio, Slip these recipes into, your entertaining Me' , • you'll find them answering your questions of what to make for 'teenage parties, teas or Christ- mas giving later on. CITIZENS OF CLINTON: Thank you for your support at the polls on Monday. ONLY 18 SHOPPING DAYS 'TIL CHRISTMAS Gifts for HER Sandwich Toasters Electric Irons Heating Pads Pop-Up Toasters Salad Bowls Aluminum Cooking Sett Electric Tea and Coffee PerCOlators Electric Stoves [ See our Christmas Lights for Indoor and Outdoor Use. Gifts for HIM ELECTRIC DRILLS ELECTRIC RAZORS WRIST WATCHES HOCKEY GLOVES STICKS and PADS TOOLS It won't be long! P A A Small Deposit will hold Any Article Until Christmas! Hawkins' Hardware Phone HU 2-9433 voiroAtimmutimazltzliaintatato, CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS at our store For the Youngsters: Toys, Sleds, Wagons, Dolls Doll Prams, Rocking Horses, Wheelbarrows, Games, etc gvc-pg4K-Kwzvetctzverovgvovvt,fil 1 oA Sincere Thanks . For Electing Me Your Reeve for 1959.. —W. J. MILLER 49-b TO THE ELECTORS, TOWN OF CLINTON: Sincere Thanks to you, the voters who supported me at the polls on Monday. I will do my utmost to fulfill the trust you have placed in me. To The Electors of Clinton: MEL CRICH IMPORTED OILETTE PICTURES with 2 and 3 inch Mouldings -- 15 inch by 30 inch and 20 by 40 inch, entirely new and different — Prices Range from $13.00 to $19.00 ,4f ci-Z4Wg-AK TXWAMWA t VISCOSE MATS size 24x36 $2.95 27)6 I $4.95 $7.95 36)(60 SMOKERS—TABLE LAMPS and FLOOR LAMPS — sold individually or in matching sets—All new 1959 designs — Specially priced for Christmas selling. Call at Beattie Furniture for Gift Selections BE TTIE FURNITV orr.c",Ator.eqq..cstreravt-Ry.er-Acitfr in vbtlat.- 44t MINTON NEWS-RECORD -PAGE FOUR, Dmgyaimi. 4, 104 • • mt, • 0( Cookies for the 'Teenage Crowd Made With Nutritious Butter Goderich Township Voting December 8 Second Nomination Needed for Trustee • Is there a, special 'teenage dance coming up? That +probab4r Means Soanelone in the ,crowd be• a party- beforehand for clese fatends planning to attend," A geoid idea we think, for nowacIV$ these special affahas are extravag- anzas, .capably managed, by -stn- dents conned% and threre's little opportunity for the gang to enjoy themselves as, an indwidital grKup. Lest in the crowd, hest friends Sometimes newer see each other for the rest Of the evening. Besides, its+ refreshing for the older folk to glance in et the yOung people, chattering arid mingling with nary a care in the world. And it'ssi fun ,and' whole- some for the youingegerce also, with an at (nowhere free and easy, supervision not too 'obvitrus and the "eats" superb. Refreshments needn't be. a bur- den for mother if she allows the youngsters to voice their opinions and then lets them be a part of the "show". It gives- them an op- portunity to develop poise while entertaining, We affit know young- stars have their own ideas, That's why we've chosen three excellent cookie recipes for you to suggest they try. To the Electors of Clinton: I wish to thank all those who supported me at the polls on Monday. Wishing all ratepayers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. NORMAN LIVERN ORE 49b (Continued from Page three) Councillor Grant Stirling noted that there was a $73,000 assess- merit from the Union Gas line go- ing through the township. As re. Iief inspector he said the total spent was $307.38, with the goy* eminent paying 80 percent of that. He noted that now the railway crossings at the 14th and Ben- miller sideroads were fixed, the ninth should be the next one done. Cost of fixing these crossings is shared with the Department of Transport paying 60 percent; the railway 15 percent; the township 25 percent, Then n1/4 percent comes back to the township train the province. He briefly mentioned the trailer camps with, a licence fee charged on some, and two on Concession 9 to be assessed. He said that too much of the road work is begun in the fall, just when it should be finished. Councillor H. Ray Cox said he would rather wait a few years to go back on to council, when he had more time, He said he had enjoyed the co-operation of other councillors throughout the year. (Later Mr. Cox qualified for the position of council, when it appear- ed that another nomination would be forced, without his consent to act). Mayor-elect Burton A. Stanley welcomed the township men to the meeting, and offered them the use of the council chamber at any meeting they wished. Jack Yeo was not present to speak to his nomination for coun- cil. Everett Mcllwain said he was definitely quitting the school board and would stand for council. He complimented the council for a fine job on Concession 4, and at the Benmiller sideroad, and prais- ed the treasurer, H. B. Whitely for an excellent financial state- ment. He noted the excellent co-op- eration between the area and the other school sections, telling of a joint musical program planned by To.the Electors of the Town of Clinton: My sincere thanks for your support at the polls on Monday. As one of your councillors in 1959, my efforts will be to serve you. Season's Compliments to everyone. -GEORGE MULL 49-b the music teacher, in which all of the schools took part. He felt there was no use trying too hard to get those sections in, as it would only cause hard feelings. Reeve J, Deeves was given an- other chance to speak, and he not- ed that the $73,000 assessment on the gas pipe line would be at commercial rate, as Well as an-other $9,000 on the Blue Water gas line. He noted that in the VLA de- velopment near Goderich, only two houses were completed, but there would be 11 homes there eventu- ally. He said he felt there should be a planning and development board in the township to work a- long with the one in Goderich, Deeves also noted that a gas line would in all probability be put in to the new hospital-school, C. Laithwaite reported concern- ing the planning and development board in Goderich, on which he had acted for four years as the township's representative. He told of the importance of the work, noting that decisions by the board could affect citizens for 100 years. Deeves spoke briefly again, con- cerning the problem of a vote to persuade the other four school sections into the area, noting that there would be 100 persons entit- led to vote, who had no concern in the matter of the schools, at all. None of the four men named for school area board were present. There was no report from the township's representative to the Clinton District Collegiate Instit- ute. However, the council has al- ready approved the proposed addi- tion to the collegiate. Goderich Township's share of the cost will be about $31,057, on a 20 year debenture. Ex-reeves called upon to speak were Ed. Grigg, George Ginn and Gordon Orr. Mr. Ginn noted that repairs to the graders totalled about $5,600 this year, and felt that the grader had been asked to do a job that a bull-dozer should be doing. Concerning the school area pro- blem, he noted that the school sections not in the area, paid more taxes than those who were in it. He had come to believe that areas were not the first step towards consolidated schools, as had been feared originally, Mr. Ginn reminded council that their job • was to make decisions for the township. There never would be 100 percent agreement, but that could not be helped, Gordon Orr said he felt a bull dozer should have been bought in- stead of the second grader. Roy Tyndall, road superintend- ent stated that the government would not pay subsidy on the purchase of a bulldozer, but they would on a grader. He also re- minded . his hearers that neither grader purchased had raised the mill rate in the township. Nominees, with mover and sec- onder were as follows, in order: for reeve, John Deeves (John Per- due, John Smith); councillor, Ray Cox (Allen Bettles, E d w a r d Grigg); reeve, Walter Forbes (Ed Grigg, Allen Betties); for coun- cillor, Jack Yeo (Ray Cox, Edward Grigg); Ken Merrier (Gordon A. Orr, Len McGee); Everett Mc- • wish to express thanks for support re- ceived in the Municipal elction on Monday last. It is my earnest desire to serve the peo- ple of Clinton to the best of my ability in the coming year. ROYCE MACAULAY 49-b MY SINCERE THANKS To those who supported me at the polls on Monday. JOHN SUTTER 49-b 49-b THANKS TO THE ELECTORS OF CLINTON: Pot electing me to the Council of the Town of Clinton for 1959. I will endeavour to fulfil the confidence you have placed in me. Wishing all, the Compliments of the Season! —DON SYMONS 49-b ELECTORS OF CLINTON: I wish to thank those who voted for me in the recent election. I am sorry I will not be representing you at County Council This coming year. "Congratulations!' Mr. Miller. (Signed) ROBERT N. IRWIN All the most popular and best buys in CHAIRS such as: KENMAR SWING KING $69.00 KROEHLER TV SWIVEL $44.00 k Scandinavian Design, 2 Models• in Occasional Chairs $27.00 $39.00 2 sizes in Hostess Chairs $13.95 - $17.95 8 Only—KNEEHOLE DESKS $34.50 to $75.00 BOOK CASES—open shelf—single and double with 2 doors GOOD ASSORTMENT — LARGE STOCK ' $15.75 to $55.00 t END TABLES and COFFEE TABLES—One design less 20% Birch walnut finish.