HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-11-20, Page 11-ATTENTION- FARMERS!! We Will Handle All Poultry In Clinton District CALL CLINTON HU -2-9301 or EXETER 256 COLLECT —WE WILL ARRANGE PICK-UP. —BEST AVAILABLE RETURNS FOR YOUR POULTRY Canada Packers Creamery Creamery Poultry Plant Phone HUnter 2-9301 HUnter 2-9565 CLINTON, ONTARIO 1I Waft OUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS ARE NOW ON DISPLAY FOR YOUR SELECTION For Men -- Women and Children, by Max Factor — Yardley— Shulton Chantilly — Quelque Fleurs Stag — Old Spice — Tussy Tabu — Etc. SEE OUR SELECTION OF CHRISTMAS CARDS Special Box, 50 cards 98o Box of 30 Cards, reg 3.50 for $1.49 Juvenile Cards -- Religious Cards Personal Cards Gift Wrap — Tags — Seals Ribbon — Bows EVERYTHING FOR FANCY WRAP KODAKS — PRINTING AND DEVELOPING — FILMS W. C. Newcomtie, Phm. B. Chemist and Druggist PHONE HU. 2-951 1 — CLINTON • P•see us for Kodak SEND PERSONAL CHRISTMAS CARDS THIS YEAR WITH YOUR ONWEGNATFANVEOLIRITE 25 Cards with Envelopes $2.75 50 Cards with Envelopes ..„ $5.00 100 Cards with Envelopes , $9.50 QUIET HEAT EXCHANGE SUMMER SWITCH 10 Year Guarantee NOTHING DOWN 3 years To Pay For Free Estimates Call' HU 2-6647 LET U'S INSTALL A NEW . SWITSON Gas Furnace '( IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION) Huron Gas Equipment Co. VICTORIA STREET CLINTON, ONTARIO Sometimes even the 'good guys' don't stand a chance Some TV sets are downright unfair to cowboys. Reception is bad —the pictures blur and contort. Sometimes the gun smoke never clears. But on Electrohome television . why, you can even see the bad guy's yellow streak. Straight-shooting Canadian engineers built these sets for Canadian conditions—you get a constant, clear picture. There is hardly ever a hint of interference anywhere. Pictures stay bright and clear— sound comes rich and smooth as a fast draw from 'True Fidelity' speakers. And Blectrohorrie sets look powerful good—even when they're turned off. The cabinets are styled by famous lDeilcraft designers. • NEW LOW PRICES START AT $219.95 AT GALBR 1TH RADIO & TV HI-FIDELITY - STEREOPHONIC SOUND ELECTRC)HOME, KITCHENER, ONTARIO—AN ALL.CANADIAN COMPANY also famous for nigh Fidelity, Phonographs, Radios, Deitcraft l"urnilure, Mr Circulators, MOM by STUDEBAKER see and drive your new dimension in motoring at Dalrymple's W. H. Dalrymple & Son PHONE HU 2-9211 — BRUCEFIELD, ONT. NOMOMCONOCONOMM When they are eat- ing wells they are MOLASSES flEaLiPnSingBwOTelill g Molasses does three things for your livestock 1. Palatability — appetites ON good with molasses. 2. Laxative 3. Tonic — there is something about it that has a tonic or conditioning effect. 5-10% molasses for cat- tle and 2-3% for hogs will help your stock feed better this winter. With our Champion mill we cart blend heated molasses with your grain and our concentrates. The stock will like it arid milk well too. Clinton Farm Supply CLINTON MOBILE MILLING C, Nelson, Prop, HU 24612 CLINTON NO)1741V413BR 20, 1.90$ CLINTON NEW$,RECORD PAGE ELEVEN' The monthly meeting of the Brucefield Pnited Church Woman's Missionary Society was held ox November 11, with mrs, Norman Walker and Mrs: F. Rathwell tak, ing the worship service. Mrs, S, Davison presided for the business part of the meeting. 15 members answered roll call, with a verse on "Peace", The treasur, er's report showed that the group 'had reached their allocation, Mrs, McQueen reminded memb- ers to pay for their "Messenger" Subscriptions. Mrs, E. Bowey, sup- Ply secretary, asked for donations of used nylons, Ten calls were re- ported by Miss M. Swan, commun- ity friendship secretary. Current events were given by Miss Bowey, The December meeting will be held on a Sunday evening, and the executive will arrange for a suit- able date. The study program on "Mis- sion work on the Islands of the Carribbean" was taken by Miss Bowey, Miss M. McQueen , and Mrs. Moffatt. After threeand a half years of faithful service as president, Mrs, Davison tendered her resignation and asked the nominating coin- mittee to select a new president for the coming year. Brucefield WMS Holds Regular Meeting; rs. Davison Announces Resignation Tuckersmith Twp. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Douglas ;and family, St, Thomas, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, John' Turner and• Mr and Mrs. Roy Pepper, all of RR $, Sea- forth. County engineer J. M. Britnell told Huron County Council last week that increased road programs must be continued if the county wanted to keep up with the in- creased vehicular traffic. He said the county objective should' be at least $1,000,000 a year, requiring a tax rate ofeight mills to raise the county portion. It has been estimated that the motorists drive a total of 64,157,- 680 miles each year on Huron County roads. The largest road and bridge program pverlindertaken in Huron is nearing completion and the only work remaining is completion of a small bridge-near Hensall, the en- gineer said. The Hensall, bridge, first of its kind constructed in Western Ont- ario, is made of pre-cast reinforced concrete deck sections, fabricated by the Schell Industries Ltd., of Woodstock, and placed on abut- ments. Completed this year on- county roads was 12 miles of grading, six miles of paving, two miles of hot mix, seven •miles of surface treat- ment, five bridges and five cul- verts. `Total expenditure for this year, 'including the development road, is in excess of $900,000, an increase of 40 percent over previous years. a County Home Plans Revised by Council Revised plans for the proposed addition to the Huron County Home were approved by the Hu- ron County council in session last week. The new plans call for a 92-bed addition, which would bring the total accomodation to 202 beds. Cost of the addition, exclusive of furnishings and equipment, would tentatively be $1,100.000. The proposed addition would consist of a ground floor, first and second floors, and the origi- nal building would be torn down. The Department of Welfare will pay 50 percent of the costs of construction. The last addition was constructed in 1954. It is expected tenders will be called at the January sessions of council. County Engineer Requests Additional Money Be Spent on Huron Roads Goderich Township Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Klopp, Zurich, attended the Grey-Huron- Bruce Aberdeen-Angus banquet in Underwood last Friday night. Wes- ley Ham, Guelph, was guest spea- ker and showed pictures' of his world cruise. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Betties are attending the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto this week. Also they are visiting his brother Earland, who has been in the hospital for a month, but is now home. Mr. Fred Cook and Miss Black- er, Seaforth, were visiting last week with friends in the town- ship. Mr, and Mrs. Bob Rathwell and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Stirling spent four days last week in Michigan with friends. HURON MOTOR SALES We Specialize in Body Work and Painting We guarantee our work 100%, Our prices are low. We also have a complete line of auto supplies and parts. MEMBER MOTORCADE STORE Special Price on Sniow Tires ••••01111 FOR THE BEST IN BODY WORK HURON MOTOR SALES HENSALL TEL. 210 47-8-9-50-b CHICKS HY-LINE LAYERS CAN GIVE YOU 20 to 30 MORE EGGS PER 100 1-13S, OF FEED, -odd 10 to 15 percent. more EGG 11\1cOME from 100 lbs of feed. Order feed-thrifty Hy-Line chicks 'NOW from: H. F. WETTLAUFER CLINTON Phone HU 2-9792 Huron County Council Raises' Fox 'Bounty To $4; Was Only $1 The bounty on foxes in Rum County was raised to four dollars by the county council at its final sitting of the November session last Friday. The county will be reimbursed by the two dollar fox bounty pro- mised by the provincial govern- ment. The new bounty came into effect on November 17. Hunters will present the ears of the fox to the municipal clerk for payment. The ears are to be destroyed by the clerks. Prior to the rabies outbreak in the county $1,703 at one dollar per head was paid out in bounties in Huron, from January 1 to May 31. Art, S. Bolton Gets Promotion To Associate Agr. Rep. T. R. Hilliard, Direct& of Agri- cultural Extension for the Pro- vince of Ontario has announced that Arthur S. Bolton has been promoted to the position of As- sociate Agricultural Representa- tive, A, S. Bolton was aPPOinted to the Extension Services of the Pro- vince shortly after his graduation from OAC, Guelph in 1955, He has been the Assistant Agricultural Representative in Huron county since that time in charge of 4-H club and Junior Farmer work. Mr, Bolton specialized in agricul- tural engineering while at OAC. Art is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Russell. Bolton, RR 1, Dublin. He lives in Seaforth with his wife and daughter, and commutes daily to Clinton and the office of the Department of Agriculture here. CONlywArror SAW noms (By our Hensall Correspondent) Weanling pigs, $1.1..25 to $13,30; chunks, $14 to $17,75; feeders, $19.25 to $22; sows. $58 to $66. Holstein calves, $1$40 to $15; Durham calves $34 to $49;,- fat cows, up to $17,40; baby beeves, up to $26; stock calves, up to $27.$0; stocker steers, up to $24,00. 700 pigs and 1,50 head of cattle And calves sold.