HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-11-20, Page 9For Best Car Care . . AND BEST BUYS IN ALL CAR NEEDS— SEE UP • Tires Always Checked • Windshields Cleaned • Car Swept Out • Under-hood Check-up Don's BaA Service Volkswagen Sales Clinton HU :2-9088 M...01.11•111111.1.11 1,;••••• "TIVIRSDAY, NOSTIVITig.3fig, 1908 Farm Forum, season is now op its way, I suppose partly due to the good weather and the rush of last minute, farm work the atten- dance on November a, for radio and November 4, for TV-, was not as large 'as hoped for. In the discussion the vast maj- ority of forums agreed that any freedom lost was very slight and that the benefits gained were great. It was also agreed that while living in a society of organ- izations, farmers will find it more and more difficult to remain as individuals. • ' Only five TV forums reported from Huron on 'November 4, but the number was up considerably on November 11, These reported a decided improvement in the tele. cast. Most of. us do ,not realize the difficulties and the time necessary to produce a successful TV pro- gram, but we can look forward to better and better TV productions as •time goes on,. At a recent meeting of the TV Farm Forum Committee in Wing- ham I was very much interested •to hear . Norm. Garriock ,• of the CBC say that members of parlia- ment :and cabinet ministers are most anxious to hear'the results of Farm Forum discussions. This ties in very nicely with the state- ment by the Hon. W, A. Good- fellow - at the OFA Annual, that Governments are most willing to carry out the will of the people. , -Farm- Forum gives every inter ested farmer the opportunity to make his ideas known. If your idea is a good one, put it in your Farm Forum report and you can rest assured that it will be heard by the people that can do some- thing about it. ' Several of the townships are holding their annual meetings in the near future and we hope that all farmers will be out to these meetings. This is your opportun• ity, to,,, elect the persons you want to represent you. It is also youi opportunity to make suggestions and ask for information. The Federation of Agriculture in your township can only be as good as your participation in it, Fieldnian is Encouraging load ideas AppFecjated By Gpves. arictLeiders (by J,, Carl liemintiwaY) FARMERS We are -shipping cattle every Monday 'for United Co-operative of 'Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm. Please PRONE COLLECT not later than Saturday nights. Seaford' Farmers Co-operative 'IL S. Runt, Shipper Phone 773 43-tib • „ad Spezia!! Baii Bearing TILT-ARBOR complete whit Westinghouse 1/3 h.p. Motor, Belt and Pulley— `Worth $65.50 • (Extensions, per pair . • 4.05) 'WHETHER IT'S HOME. REPAIR JOBS OR NE'W PROJECTS' `•',7 Anything 7ou do, you'll do better with this Master craft Ball Bearing' Bench Saw Outfit — !end with professional skill and accuracy.-, . easier, too and in a fraction. of the; 'time. Come In and give this value buy your expert eye—appraise its many engin-1 •ered features usually obtainable in Power Saw Outfits selling 'at" $25. of more ,atbOve Canadian Tire's limited time, limited quantity offer. Act fast. Doable-Wait Arbor gives twice. the sapper. and rigidity prevents chattel** and binds slistortiert. Artier unit is atitentetive typo / Leath* repapped, *ever Mitch Ain*‘ We adaptable as ether stateseiriee far cpriadiss, settlift*,, dude!**, stk. *" tenthitiatiert Itiptaseecet had. — irrporlir lever sale* Instant saw blade la& ,Oleatititi Meter Meat keeps „Oared smiles at aR tires, to *ire tall pewit ea real eet. Chridesiet anti** depth — westsitp, *W' at tro Pettey oast V.1.1t liteiridect. IS.SIN Matkimatt '59. Canada's finest Power , *Tools *cm sou thno and money On every da-lt-yourself project. NORTH ST; • Ooderich, Ont. 1,, 0. Whetstone 'Canadian Tire slices prices to -give you the famous Mastercraft 8" Ball Bearing Bench Saw Out- lit—at a rare bargain. The finest ' -we've ever seen—or sold—at this "money-saving price • TERMS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET '0,0k• any ivt -- rip, bevel, set.efl, mitre . . `hat* Isere ftesvtately. Safer tee, and MON tott• -- yew werk on an ever.levet table Avertaser sew blade sprlekly Ohs to the fleshed '00blik, Ili is 48*. :eulorestioa Heidi Rip hate is self.alittatire '14.0 M. treat cod tear, ter positive peeitlealas, .011ser skte of saw saillateeted Mitre OVIVOL Westioliteette Meter, 110-volt 40 syste L= Wilk epeeist! Nap* starter nteclisatista: *Nandi Nati.eatel eltertansary table Ate liVat214" uossuiss 1004231. bawd est and Had. PAGE PIIN* B.EGoodrich RAILMAKEli UNQUESTIONABLY CANADA'S FINEST WINTER TIRE • HERE IS THE TIRE DESIGNED TO KEEP YOUR CAR SAFE, OBEDIENT and RELIABLE THROUGH ANY WINTER WEATHER mileage/ AVAILABLE NOW AT... SOUTH EN'D CITIES SERVICE GENERAL REPAIRS Phone HU 2-7055 — Clinton, Ont. CITIES SERVICE „floomill,„„dmitilimio.,,„„. ifig#010 the new for 4 „thliP 1.0°K green lab' jog" IliJ 4Lomelill po poiginigoihu DEADLY TO RATS AND MICE but Safe to usp because its relatively harinless to hinnani, all livestock, pets and poultry, HOWARD WAR. FARIN RAT KILL Is ready to use-'-kt Meal of pellet forts. PRODUCTS ARS MD DV Clinton Farm Supply Clinton Ontario HOWARD CRUDE OIL RESERVES 3041 12 MILL ON BARRELS 3.2 BILLION BARRELS HARRY WATKINS SUNOCO SERVICE Phone HU 2-6661 — Clinton, Ont. WHITE Rose FUEL OIL LLOYD BUTLER WHITE ROSE SERVICE Phone HU 2-9021 — Clinton, Ont. CANTELON'S Service Station CITIES SERVICE PRODUCTS Phone HU 2-9032 — Clinton, Ont. Phone HU 2-9311 Queen Street — Clinton e CITIES SERVICE ALEX INKLEY WHITE ROSE DEALER IN MOMENTS OF CRISIS CONFIDENCE COUNTS, Imperial's 78 years of leadership has helped •C:tanadiane Reliability implies an ade- quate supply of the products you depend upon... when and, where you need them, at reasonable prices. Imperial has always been the leader in ensuring Cana- dians of an adequate supply a oil. Imperial's discovery of, oil at Leduc, in 1947, opened the Vast western oil fields. The first Oil company to supply Consumer needs in all Canada's provinces, Im. perial has nine refineries from Halifax to Vancouver (and in the Northwest Terri- tories) to meet the local needs of Canadian*. Imperial has always been the leader, too, in a highly competitive industry which must seek , .. by broadening , markets and increasing effi- ciency . 'to keep prices down. Over the past ten years, while prices of things in general have risen 134%, regular gasoline has gone up only 11%. oil products Since Leduc, Canadian crude oil reserves have increased ,d5 time;, take !Or granted the reliability Of oil and IMPERIAL cool. LIMITED !NIP le!AL O ...11 0* '76 VEAfta A LEAbOR IN CANA A,*'brtO+dalT it 0OIT Moots The Busy Beavers of the Bruce- field United Church met in the schoOl room, and answered roll call by paying membership fees, There are ten roprobpr4 and two leaders. Mrs. Clifton conducted the wor- ship service, and Mrs, Graham gave a poem about The. CGIT Girl, Seine riddles concluded the recreation period. The next meet- ing will be on November 3.7, and roll call will be answered with a verse on "Love". The monitors and worship service will be con, ducted by Marjorie Pfaff, Gaye Elliott, Irene Taylor and Rosemary McDonald. The CGIT is accepting orders for assorted cookies, to be del- ivered on Saturday, November 22. Phone oiders will be taken by Mrs. Clifton and Mrs. Mel Gra- ham until Thursday evening, Nov- ember 20, WA Meeting Mrs, John Broadfoot convened the November meting of the Wo- man's Association in the church on November 4, and Miss Margaret McQueen played the piano, Mrs. Norman Walker read from Acts. Mrs. Lorne Wilson gave the topic on "Sharing God's Gift," and led in prayer. Mrs. Harvey Taylor gave the treasurer's report and received the offering. Thank you notes were read by Miss Bowey from J. K. Cornish, Mr. Baird, Sr, Mrs. T. B. Baird and Mrs. Ross Scott. A nominating committee made up . of Mrs. W. Broadfoot, Mrs. J. Cairns, Mrs. E. HoWei and Mrs. Walter Moffatt will bring in a suggested slate of officers at the next meeting, On motion of Mrs. Berry, sec- onded by.Mrs. J. Cairns, a second telephone With Seaforth central, PROCLAMATION Township of Hullett The Annual Meeting of the Ratepayers of the Township of Hullett will be held in the Community Hall LONDESBC40 Friday 'November 21 1 9 5 8 The Clerk will be .in the Com- munity Hall, Londesboro, from 1 to 2 p.m. to receive Nominations for Reeve •and ,Councillors for to hold office for the' year 1959. When proposed candidate is not present his Nomination Paper shall not be valid unless there is at- tached thereto evidence satisfactory to the Returning Officer that he consents to be so nominated. - A Meeting of the Electors will be held in the Community Hall, Londesboro, at 2 p.m., Friday, No vember, 21, to hear proposed can- didates, and in case more than the required number of candidates to fill the offices are nominated, and a vote demanded, a Poll will be held on Monday, Dec. 1 1 9 5 8 From 9 a.m. until 5 p.m., at the following places: Polf 1—Forester's Hall, Kinburn, Secord McBrien, DRO; Ken Thomp • sort, poll clerk. Poll 2—School House, SS No. 6; Bert Beacom, DRO; Leo Watt, poll clerk. Poll 3—U. School House, USS No. 2; Jos. Flynn, DRO; Bernard Tighe, poll clerk. Poll 4--Community Hall, Londesboro; Joseph Shad- dick, DRO; Len Shobbrook, poi' Clerk; Poll 5—Community Hall, Summerhill; Ephriam Snell, DRO; Ivan Hoggarth, poll clerk. Poll 6— Community Hall, Londesboro; Bert Shobbrook, DRO; Lloyd Pipe, poll clerk. Poll 7—Forester's Hall, Auburn; Mrs. William Craig, DRO; Major Yungblut, poll clerk. H. Tebbutt, Township Clerk will be installed at the manse. The number will be 641.33.1. The manse is already Supplied with a Clinton phone, Thankoffering T h e Autumn thankoffering meeting of the Woman's Mission- ary Society of the Brucefield Un- ited Church was held on October 29, in the church auditorium with the ladies of Hensall United Chur- ch, and Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, as guests. President, Mrs. S. Davison op- ened the meeting with a poem en- titled "Whole Familiar World," The Scripture was read' by Mrs. M. Graha, and comment was by Mrs. Glen'Swan. Mrs. Davison gave a thanksgiving prayer and Mrs. Wilmer Broadfoot a "Thanks- giving Creed." Mrs, Davison wel- comed the guests. A duet was sung by Mrs. G. Henderson and Mrs. G. Richardson entitled "Listen". Mrs. Rowe, Hensall, gave a reading. Mrs. G. Henderson and her guest, Mrs. Lobb, played a piano duet, "Jesus bears the Cross Alone." Flight Lieutenant the Rev. C. A. McLaren, padre at RCAF Station Clinton was the guest speaker, in- troduced by the Rev. S. Davidson. His topic was "The Health of the Home." He stated that home should be a healthy happy place with Christ in the heart of each member. He told of the lives of two young people: one who had come out of a minister's home, where home life was not healthy on account of the mother's attitude in the home. His talk was very., heart-searching, showing how an unhappy life could influence the Life of the young people in it. CLINTON NEWS-RECORD News of Brucefield ;(intended for last week) 46-7-b