HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-11-20, Page 8PROCLAMATIO N MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY -NOTICE is. hereby. given that a meeting of the electors. for-the -NOmination of Candidates for the position of ReeV'e,. Deputy Reeve, Three Councillors and Three Trustees for the Township School' Area, will be held in TOWNSHIP HALL, VARNA on: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1958 between the hours of one o'clock and two o'clock in the afternoon. If Necessary, AN ELECTION' to fill the aboe named positions or any' of them will be held on' MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1958 at• the following places and by the following named persons. That is to say in: PSD No. 1—Baird's School ORO—Cliff Stewart PSD No. 2—SS 10 School D R 0—John Aiken head PSD Na.,3,-SS 14 School DRO—Aub. Farquhar PSD No. 4—Twp. Hall, Varna DRO—Ralph Stephenson PSD' No; 5---SS -5 School DRO—F. McClinchey PSD No. -6—SS 4 School, W DRO—Leonard' Talbot PSD No. 7—John Denomy's, Drysdale DRO—Philip Durand PSD No. 8—Bayfield Town Hall DRO—Harold Brandon commencing at .9 a.rn. and continuing until 5 p.m:. FRED' WATSON, Clerk and Returning Officer 47-8-b =MN NEW$-AKOM THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1.950 Live Wire Farm ForMo Members of the Live, Wire Farm Forum met at the 'ho7.rii'e of Mr. and Mrse, John- 'Snyder' on November 17 with 1.5 adults and two children present After—Retell- ing to the 'broadeast, two groups. were fornied. The... subjeck_was "Performance pr Personality", . The business part of ' the meet- ing was in charge ..of John Snyder. Cards were played and lunch .en- Joyed by all, Next meeting to be at the home of Janet and Joe Hunk- ing. ' will help the fall plowing. Most off' the outside work has been comple, ted with .the exception of fall plowing. Odd jobs are now being; completed, Some cattle have been. put into the stable for winter. LONDESBORO HURON COUNTY FARMING REPORT (By D, Miles, Agricultural Rep- resentative for Huron ConntY) "Recent rains have been a help in filling wells and cisterns and Edward Watson, Penticton, B,C., who had been attending a three- day conference at the Mutual Life Insurance Company Headquarters in Kitchener, accompanied by Richard Appell and Jim Armit, age, Kitchener, were in the village for a short time on Thursday even- ing, Edward Watson left the fol- lowing morning from Melton Air- port to spend the weekend with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. J, Watson, Sintaluta, Sask., before going on to Penticton. John G. Berry Approved As County Clerk In session in Goderich lapt week the Huron County council appreeyl ed the apointment of John. G, Ber-p ry as .clerk-treasurer of the coun- • 'Mr. Berry, deputy clerk under the late A. B. Erskine, will receive a salary of $8,500 a year, plus mileage at the rate of 15 cents a mile one way on county busin- ess, Named as deputy clerk from a field of 22 applicants was Billie G. Hanley, Stanley township, who will commence duties on. January 1, at a salary of. $4,000 a year., Mrs, Harvey Erskine, widow of the late clerk, was granted $1,000 in lieu of holidayS not taken by her husband. Anniversary Twenty friends and relatives paid a surprise visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gaunt on Friday evening, November 7, to celebrate their 28th wedding an- niversary. They were married on November 12, 1930, Parents Night Burns-Londesboro Young Peopl- es Union met Sunday evening, No- vember 16, 31 members and their parents were present. After a sing- song, a short worship service was conducted by A.rlyne Powell, All joined in .a Bible Quiz. Lunch was served and "Taps" was sung. Unique Farm Forum Members of the Unique Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Klopp, on Monday night, with 20 perspns attending, The topic for the evening, "Per- formance of Personality" was dis- cussed, with Clifford Pepper as chairman. The questions were answered as follows: (1) By what standing do you buy your stock? Answer, first record of performance; second, vig- or and vitality; third, showing performance. (2) Today's show- ing standards do not guarantee the best livestock for the average producer. Performance testing as well as showing standards should be used. (3) We feel showing stan- dards are good, but the average or commercial farmer should be made more concious of the value of good stock. Ceylon Rally Subject of Hensall WI Meeting Attended By Many Friends Special.... Recap Snow ,Tires Month of October USED 000 & 670x15 TIRES Scrap Metal USED HOT WATER TANKS Any Amount — Reasonable Prices DUNLOP TIRES Sales and Service New Cushion Ride Nylon Dunlop. Tires—Special $17,50 Without Trade-In Summer Prices on New Silent Traction Snow Tires. (By our Hensall Correspondent) Hensall Women's Institute was honored to have as their guest speaker, Mrs. George Wilson, St. Marys, public relations convener of Federated Women's Institutes of Canada. She gave an inter- esting address on her 75-day trip around the world as delegate to the A.C.W.W. conference in Cey- lon. The address was illustrated with beautifully colored slides, by which she took the audience along to enjoy the trip. In response to the roll call, members introduced friends whom they had invited. Program con- veners, Mrs. Maude Hedden and Mrs. George Hess were unable to be present. Mrs. Carl Payne, presi- dent, presided throughout the meeting. The hostesses were Mrs. George Armstrong and Mrs, N. E. Cook. Mrs. Beatrice Hess, Zurich, fav- oured with a piano instrumental which was much enjoyed. Wayne Payne played violin selections, and Mrs. Jayne sang a solo, both ac- companied by Miss Greta Lammie, Mrs. Albert Shirray introduced the guest speaker and courtesy remarks were voiced by Mrs. E. Norminton to Mrs. Wilson, the musicians, and all who had assist• ed in any way with the enjoyable evening. It was voted to send a dona- tion to the London War Memorial. Children's Hospital. A letter of appreciation was read from the Supervisor of that hospital for used Christmas cards which had been collected and sent for the occupa• tional theapist to use in Christmas projects for the children. Mrs. B. Edwards reported on the tag day, when the village was can- South Huron Hospital Auxiliary vassed and $109.40 collected. She thanked all the ladies who had as- sisted with the project. Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin thanked her committee who gave such gen- erous help for the Family Night TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of The Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Tuckersmith on the 14th day of November, 1958, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. AND I hereby call upon all voters to take immed- iate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law, the last day for appeal, being the 29th day of November, 1958. DATED this 14th day of November, 1958. E. P. CHESNEY, Township of Tuckersmith 47-8-b banquet last month and it was voted that a donation he given the Legion Ladies Auxiliary for the use of cutlery and dishes. A committee composed of Mrs, Albert Alexander, Mrs. Basil Ed. wards and Mrs, Laird Mickle was elected to secure a Christmas tree and help in decorating the hall fo? the December meeting. Miss Joyce Bell, London, was home over the weekend, Mr. and Mrs, E. A, Featherston spent Tuesday and Wednesday in London. Glenn Brandon who has been working near Chatham iS home for the winter, Mr and Mrs Eugene McLaren have taken up residence in the Leckie cottage in Lakeside Park, Mrs. Jack Sturgeon returned home on Saturday from Alexand- er and Marine Hospital, Goderich, with her infant son, Andrew. Percy Renner left on Sunday to join his father, Rev. Peter Ren- ner, Teeswater, on a hunting trip north of Sault Ste. Marie. George Lindsay, Paris, stayed with his mother, Mrs, George Lin- dsay, while in the district on bus- iness from Friday to Sunday, Walter Green, who has been sailing on the SS "Ontadoc" which is laid up in Goderich harbour is home for the winter. Miss Anne Drouin and Mrs T. B. Mullen, Detroit, were at the for- mer's cottage from Thursday to Monday. Mrs. R. H. Middleton, Hensall, came on Tuesday to spend a few days with her sister, Miss Lucy R. Woods. Mrs. William Sturgeon, who has been in ill-health was taken to Clinton Public Hospital on Monday night. Miss Shirley Brandon, U.W.O., London, and Bobby Brandon, Gr- and Bend, spent the weekend with their father, H. N. Brandon. Mr, and Mrs. Warner Payne and two children left on Satur- day to spend a week in Port Hu- ron, Michigan. Mrs. William Parker and baby Charlie, London, were with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fraser, from Tuesday to Sunday. William Parker was also with them for the weekend. Mrs. William Johnston and two children, who visited her aunt, Mrs. George Little last week, re- turned to St. Catherines on Sat- urday with her husband, Provin- cial Constable W. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson and two sons, Francis and Paul, Science Hill, spent Sunday with Mrs. Anderson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E, J. Sturgeon. Mr.. and Mrs. Edward Sturgeon and Mr. and Mrs, Dennis Bisback Clinton, attended the funeral of Mrs. Elden Merner in London, on Saturday. Mrs. Don Murray, Toronto, came on Monday to spend a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. W. J. McLeod. Miss Helen McLeod, London, was with her mother and sisters over the weekend. The Reverend E. J. B. Harrison returned to the Rectory on Satur- day evening after having been in Muskegon, Pleasant Ridge, Mich . and Sarnia for ten days. Harold Weston, Ferndale, Mich., spent the weekend with his father, George Weston, and his daughter, Susanne stayed with Fred Weston and family, Susanne suffered an attack of appendicitis early Sun- day morning. Her father rushed her home where she entered hos- pital. Mrs. L. H. McLeod recently re- ceived word from her youngest daughter, Mrs. Andre Toma, that she with her husband and two children are settled at Biloxi, Mis- sissippi. F/1.. Andre Toma who has been at Portage La Prairie, Man., will be stationed at that US base for five months. Mrs. J. Mayman was taken to Clinton hospital by ambulance on Monday morning where she under- went surgery. Sergeant and Mrs. J. Mayman and little Jeffrey, Centralia, were visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Mac- Millen, while he was on leave, when Mrs. Mayman was taken ill. Walter Robinson, Toronto, spent the weekend with his mother. Mrs. Robinson has closed her cottage for the season and left on Sun, day to visit her daughter and fam- ily in Niagara Falls before going on to Clearwater, Florida, to be with her son James and family for the winter. . Cliff titter, George Little, Reg. Francis and William Johnston, bagged two deer and one moose, They returned on Saturday from Still River, Parry Sound District after two weeks hunting. William. Mcllwain and Spencer Emilie re- turned the middle of last week. They were all hunting in a party which shot six deer and one moose. They report the weather too mild for good hunting, the bush being wet and the deer hard to flush. CLERE-VU AUTO WRECKERS R.R. 2, CLINTON Dial HU 2-3211 Glen Price, Prop. . 37-tfb. FEED FOR PRODUCTION AT ' LOWEST COST 4. WITH MAXIMUM RETURNS FEED SHUR-GAIN N MINATIONS Science Applied and Science Proven on the SHUR-GAIN Demonstration Farm Assures You of Feeds that Make Available to You the Best and Latest that the Science of Animal Nutrition Can Provide. A NOMINATION MEETING FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH • DIETHYLSTILBESTROL. For Faster Thriftier Gains- oil:Your Beef Cattle. • MOLASSES For Better Food Digestion and Higher- Palatability. • SUPPLEMENT "A" Providing for Deficiencies irt Poor Qualif‘k Roughages. • HIGH LEVEL ANTIBIOTICS As a Special Booster when needed most. Old Forge Sold To Listowel Man; Blackies Will Farm SHUR-GAIN I 'BEEF AND DAIRY FEEDS AVAILABLE WITH THESE EXTRAS will be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBER TOWN HALL, CLINTON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28th Between the hours of 1 and 2 p.m. Nominations will be accepted for the office of Reeve and 4 Councillors for the Township of Goderich for the year 1959, and also for the positions of 2 Trustees for the Township School Area Board for 2 year terms. IF AN - ELECTION IS NECESSARY it will be held on MONDAY, DECEMBER 8th Between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. at the following places, and with the following officials in charge: Sub- Deputy Returning Division Place Officer Poll Clerk Canada Packers Ltd Phone HU 2-3815 Clinton 1—Orange Hall V. Falconer H. Fuller 2—SS 2 H. Sturdy • C. Sturdy 3—House of Albert Schilbe ..., Chas. Wallis ,.. Wm. Mcllwain 4—House of H. Tyndall Elmer Trick .... Don Middleton 5—House of H. McCartney H. McCartney . Les Pearson 6—Township Hall Reg. Miller ... E. J. Trewartha R. E. Thompson, Clerk 47-8-b (By our Bayfield Correspondent) Thomas Blackie has sold "The Old Forge" to Fred Fester, Listo- wel, who gets possession the first of December. Mr. Blackie purchased the pro- perty in April 1952 from Ronali MacKay, Toronto, The following year, he added a dance hall to the restaurant. It has remained clos- ed for the past two seasons. Mr. and Mrs. Blackie will be missed from the corner of the Blue Water Highway and Bay- field Concession Road where they have resided and operated a res- taurant since they took over the property. With their son Murray, they will move to their farm on the Bayfield Concession Road South, which was purchased from Harry Reid in 1956., Mr. Blackie has had the residence completely renovated and modernized, MIXIIIINENX11110111111M111111111111111111111011111111111112W1111111111111111IIIMIIIIIIMM ast 3 Days of Herman's Men's 10th ANNIVERSARY SALE Wear 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 .14-44R72Y WitifAMS 9,44'' 91414- LAY-A-WAY FOR CHRISTMAS A SMALL DEPOSIT HOLDS ANY ITEM THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL ALL WEATHER CAR COATS... PINE COTTON SUEDE FREE DRAW NOTHING TO BUY Visit This Store During This Sale WIN A HARRIS TWEED SPORT COAT WORTH $39.50 Draw Saturday, Nov, 22 Super Sheen Polished Cotton Quilted Lined for added warmth. This Coat was a complete sell out last weekend, We have received another large ship,. ntertt. ALL SIZES — BEIGE AND GREY ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL $16.95 No-Iron Sport Shirts • ALL SIZES • CHECK* PLAID — PLAIN • GIFT BOXED FOR CHRISTMAS ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL $3 95 BUY YOUR NEW SUIT OR SPORT COAT NOW FOR THE CHRISTMAS SEASON - SAVE $20.00 TO $30.00 ON OUR ANNIVERSARY SALE FUEL OIL GASOLINE MOTOR OIL LUBRKABIS 11:0;dINTON.4904 ERMAN'S MEN'S WEA Phone U 2,66V OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS NOVEMBER 20,.21, 22 HU 2.9351 CLINTON News of Bayfield By MISS LUVY R. WOODS. PHONE; BAXFIELD 45 r A USE ALWAYS RECOMMENDS OUR OIL, MOST GLAOLY, TO HIS FrZIENDS