HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-11-20, Page 7"' IURSDA3�, NOVEMBER 20, 1.958 .1.+.rAN+Y.. NNVVYBsRE r�. RV PAGE SEVT, NEW$'RECORD WANT ADS FOR QUICK RESULTS RAVES No charge for a mo rn: aats et MarrSuee><0441:101161 Articles for sale, rent, ate* Cald of ThamluiLiq Memoriam, en gemannsl ac at WOK 1i) 1Bistsr C, BON No. to this office � adllltk niuL ibpeee Ins sections 2c a word, minim= 803. CASH DISCOUNT: .14 !t paid by Saturday tool lowing last insertion. Billing charge. of 1,0c added eaoh time ball is sent. Latest Time for Insertions .-• 12 nisei) Wednesday DLu1 BV 2-3443 Accommodation For Rent ;3 -ROOM apartment, furnished and heated, available now. Phone HU :2-3844. 47-b `THREE ROOM apartment, heated and furnished. Phone HU 2-3329. 47-8-b 48 ROOM HOUSE, modern conven- Iences. Apply Lloyd Lovell, Kip- pen, No. 4 Highway. Phone 678r22, ltiensall. 46-7-8-b THREE ROOM furnished, heated apartment, Central location, Avail- able last of November, Phone HU 2-9005. 47-p 'FOUR BEDROOM farm house 'with bath and furnace, available snow. Gordon Hill, HU 2-3307. 4789b 'HEATED APARTMENT for rent In Egmondville. Apply Ivy Hend- erson, phone Seaforth 668r2, even- ings, or 64531 clays. 47-8-b TWO APARTMENTS FREE, un- furnished, heated, private bath- rooms. Ceriel Van Damme, phone HU 2-6685. 47-b 'THREE ROOM furnished apart- 'ment, laundry facilities available. Suitable for couple. Vacant around "December 1. Phone HU 2-9504 :mornings or evenings 6 to 8 p.m. 47-tfb BEDROOM brick house, modern kitchen, bath and livingroom, also garage and barn, 30'x50'; on three ,acres of choice garden soil on a Highway 4, first place north of Huron County Home. Contact Clar • ence Green, Phone HU 2-9991. 46-7-b Accommodation Wanted FIVE ADULTS require three bed- room house (or larger) in Clinton. „Civilian. Write to Box 454, Clinton News -Record. 47-p RESPONSIBLE COUPLE desires three bedroom house to rent, or rent with option to buy. Box 473, Clinton News -Record. 47-b Articles For Sale DRESSED ROOSTERS. Phone HU ;2-3226. 47-b 1 QUEBEC HEATER and stand, Ph- j HU 2-9146. 47 b cone QUEBEC HEATER, medium size, excellent condition. HU 2-9206. 47b AUTOMATIC DAMPER control for coal or wood furnace. $15. William Dinnin, HU 2-7117. 47-b LARGE COLEMAN oil space heat- er, 51,000 BTU, reasonable, HU 2- 9383. 46-7-b 54" DUNLOP Viscount foam rub - ;$35, phone HU 2-9843, 47p 4 USED' TELEVISIONS: 16" RCA, $65; 17" Jackson, $65; 17" GE, $70; 17" Hallicrafter, $85. :Phone HU 2-9320. 47-b USED UPRIGHT FREEZER in first class condition, price $189. `'T. A, Dutton, Brucefield, Phone HU 2-3232. Open evenings. 47-b CHEAP BED, springs and dresser, treadle sewing machine; light fix- ture in good condition. Phone HU 2-9624. 47-b HARD WOOD DINING room ped- estal table, three extra leaves; four straight chairs, one arm chair, buffet. $20. Phone HU 2-9619. 47b GET THE JUMP on Christmas. Shop now. Only $1 will lay away .a Bulova watch at Anstett Jew- ellers. 47-8-b -GOOD CHEER 22" FURNACE. Without grates, but with hearth .for oil burner. $30. William Dinnin, Brucefield, HU 2-7117. 47-b • USED BEACH ELECTRIC range, warming oven, fully automatic. Used coal furnace and duct work. Phone HU 2-6647. 47-b .SUCH AN IMPORTANT GIFT as a diamond should be chosen with special care, Phone for an even- ing appointment. HU 2-9525 or HU 2-7054. Anstett Jewellers. 47-8-b COLEMAN OIL space heater, 51,- '4)00 1,-'4)00 BTU with attachments and oil storage tanks. Angus Robertson, Spencer St., Clinton. Phone NU 2- '3857, after 5.30 p.m. 47p PLACE YOUR ORDERS now for Christanas delivery of Spode, Roy- al Doulton, Wedgewood, Royal Albert China at Anstett Jewellers. 47-8-b ' PROTECT your hard earned mon- ey. Use a modern easy to use cheque -writer, to perforate name and amount right into the cheque. Cannot be altered. See thern at Clinton News -Record, 36-tfb SEND the Christmas card with your photograph. See these new cards, Clinton Howling Alley; C & W Groccteria, RCAF' Sta- tion; C & E Utter Variety Shop, 'Hayfield; Dutton Television and ' Radio, Brucefield. 46 to 49b YOUR, OLD WAS44.EI#. IS WORTH motley when traded on a new 'Westinghouse washer. T'. A. but- ton's Appliance Store, Brucefield. lihone Clinton ITU 2-332, 11-tfb Articles For Sale 'INTRODUCTORY OFFER ONLY: All top quality first grade wool yarn, including 4 -ply double knit- ting, 3 -ply with nylon, and Beehive baby wool, 50c. Mail, orders filled. Woollen Shop, Bayfield, Box 41. Phone 83, 47-b GETTING MARRIED? See samp- les of wedding stationery at the News -Record office. Invitations, thanlsyou cards, wedding cake boxes, place cards, serviettes, match books, etc. 11-tfb GILSON coal and wood FURN- ACE in first class working condi- tion. Can be seen in operation at farm on Highway 8, five miles east of Clinton. $50 cornplete. Rea- son for selling: installing new oil - burning furnace. Jonathan Hugill, Silo Builder, phone HU 2-9822. 47b SEE THE NEW SURGE BUCKET milker with the "looking glass finish on the inside." New lid an- gle milks low, uneven udders bet- ter. Contact Lovell McGuire, Phone 593 Wingham. Surge Buc- kets, Syphon Milkers, Parlor Stalls, Wash Tanks, etc. 46 to 47b THE EXTRA MILE IS WORTH YOUR WHiLE! Come in and see Philips, RCA, Admiral, Marconi, Westinghouse TV at T. A. DUTTON BRUCEFiELD 39-tfb SALE of DRYGOODS that will be discontinued Flannelette Blankets 70x80" — Per Pair $3.99 Women's Lined Jeans Size 14 to 20 Reg. $4.25—To Clear at 32.99 Clifford Lobb Store Clinton, Ontario 47p Articles Wanted FOOD USED BABY carriage. HU -7143. 47-b ABY CRIB, 54" with plastic cov- red spring filled mattress. Phone IU 2-9192. 47-h GOOD STANDING TIMBER WANTED Apply Box 57, Ailsa Craig 46-tfb Automobiles For Sale 951 CHEVROLET Sedan in good condition. Low mileage. Phone HU 2-9462, ' 47-p 1953 FORD Custom 4 -door sedan, 33,000 miles, in good condition. Heater and defroster. HU 2-9512. 47-p Board and Room ACCOMMODATION FOR MALE roomers and boarders. Phone HU 2-9376. 46-7-b Business Opportunities OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton HU 2-6692. 16tfb Clothing for Sale MAN'S BROWN tweed sports coat, nearly new, sizs 38. Phone HU 2-3444. 47-b ROYAL BLUE Princess style coat, size 14, worn only six months. Also pink waltz-Iength gown with jack- et, size 13, dry cleaned, Phone HU 2-7164. 47-p Custom Work BULL DOZING and excavating. J. and G. Postaill, RR 3, Clinton, HU 2-7436, 31-tfb 1! OR YOUR PLUMBING AND Heating needs, cell HtJ 2-9433 Hawkins Hardware. 2-tfb SANITARY Sewage Dieposafl. Now is the time to have your neptnc tafui , icess-poalg, etc. listnniPted out before winter. Write or phone, LouisI#ilake, 42r6 Brussels. 43 to. 9p ATTENTION FARMERS? White w a S h i n g, disinfecting, cleaning barns, and spraying cattle for lice Phone Hubert Cooper, Exeter, 599113 45-tfb NOTXCE. AUTOIVIATIC SAW SHARPEN- ING. New location, Ontario Street, east of the Shell Service Station, on the Clinton and Seaforth high- way. Wm, E. Jervis. 47-tfb OR SALE OR RENT b'IVE' BEDROOM HOUSE, bath- room, modern kitchen, dee, living room and dining roots. Also gar- age. On Ontario Street, I4U 2- 9928, 45-tfb Fruit For Sale SPRAYED APPLES; Spy, King, Snow, Sweets, Delicious, Greening, Macintosh, and cider apples. Free delivery in Clinton and RCAF Sta- tion. Phone HU 2-3214. Fred Mc- Clyznont and Sons, Varna, 46-7-8-p Hay For Sale 20 TONS OF HAY. Phone HU 2- 9842, 47-b Livestock To Feed ACCOMMODATION and FEED wanted for 8 steers for winter. To be fed on weight gain. Call Robert Taylor, phone HU 2-9144. 47p LOST and FOUND LOST—Strayed from Lot 37, Con cession 16, Goderich Township, 2 Hereford steers, 700 lbs. Contact Gordon Cudmore. Phone HU 2- 9781. 47-p LOST—Large red steel wagon, child's, with one hub cap missing, from home on Albert Street on Vinegar Hill. Please phone HU 2- 7153. 46-7p LOST—About a year ago, yellow or orange cat lost near Walton, White breast and small kink in tail, Will give $25 reward. Phone HU 2-9628. 47-b LOST—Steer weighing between 800 and 900 lbs., strayed from Lot 22, Concession 8, Hullett Township. Anyone knowing where- abouts phone Robert Campbell, Seaforth 849r31. 47-b LOST—Little fluffy grey .kitten, having four white paws with extra claws. Belonging to Rod and Greg Jervis, lost from home on Isaac St., Sunday afternoon. Anyone knowing whereabouts call Walter Jervis at HU 2-9087. 47-b FOUND -7 head of cattle stray- ed onto Lot 8, Concession 12, Stanley Township (three black and four red cattle), weighing about 850 lbs. each. Owner may have same by identifying and paying for advertising. Fred Watson, Bay- field. 47-b Livestock Wanted OLD HORSES WANTED AT 3%e lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once, G1'LBERT BROS. MINK RANCH, phone col- lect, Goderich, 1483 J 4 or 1483 J 1. 38 -tab ATTENTION FARMERS; ..Cash paid for sick, down and disabled cows and horses. Dead stock pick- ed up free of change; no call ac- cepted under 300 lbs. Call collect Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Seaforth. Associated with Darling and Co. of Canada Ltd. 39-petfb DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest cash prices paid for dead, Old, stick and disabled horses and cattle. Old horses for slaught- er at 5c a pound. For prompt, sanitary disposal phone collect, Nommen Knapp, Myth 21r12; of busy phone Leroy Acheson, At- wood 153, William Morse, Brus- sels. 15J6. Trucks available at all times. 36 to 10-p Dead Stock Services HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAiD FOR SiCK, DOWN OR DISABLED COWS and HORSES. Also Dead Cows and Hat -SOS At Cash Value Old Horses --- 4c per pound Phone Collect 133 -- BRUSSELS BRUCE MARLATT 24 Hour Service Livestock For Sale 8 PIGS, six weeks old. Phone HU 2-7550. 47-b LANDRACE BOAR, 5% months, John Campbell. Phone Hayfield 58r11. 47b 11 YORK PIGS, six weeks old, Jim McDonald, phone HtJ 2-7508. 47-b Personal WHY PEEL OLD? feel Years Younger, Ostrex Tonic Tablets revitalize thousands past 40. ONLY $0c. At all druggists. • 45 to 48-b Poultry For Sale 200 PULLETS, Columbia Rock and Rhode Island Red. 5% mon- ths old. L3ruce Tyndall, RR 3, Clinton. 47-p GEES E, AfricanxEmden, large prolific healthy breeding stock, male or female. Come personally or phone Blyth 37r19, Bert 13run- sdon, . Loedesboro.. • • �4'f- 3 Ia Property Wanted TIME% BEDROOM house wanted to buy, in or near Clinton, by est. ablished businessman. With base- ment preferred. Write to Box 472 Clinton News -Record. 47-p REAL ESTATE BE PREPARED for new hospital workmen. Have large house hi Bayfield, suitable for rooming house or apartments. Must be sold. Terms, and open for offers. Lauek- ner Real Estate, Phone Adam Flowers, Bayfield 83, Box 41. 47-b REAL ESTATE IS OUR BUSI- NESS. Farms, residential, com- mercial, runner cottages. For de- pendable and capable service list your property with Johan Bowels', Wellesley Street, Goderich. Phone 1108. Salesmen: C. Buruma, Clint o n; J. McConnell, Sea - forth. - 38 -alit Miscellaneous VIOLIN LESSONS, Beginners 24 hour. Instruction 75c. Phone Clin- ton HU 2-3825. 47-p EVENING STAR, Lady Hamilton, White Orchid, South Seas, Ballad, all one third off regular price at Anstett Jewellers. 47-8-b WATCH REPAIR IS A JOB FOR experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Establish- ed Jewellery Store. 47-p FAME OUTBOARD MOTOR WINTER STORAGE WITH SPRING CHECK-UP Millwood Epps Spooning Goods. 36-kifh LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chan- ces. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch re- pairs and Peart restringing. W. N. Counter. 47-p MOTORS AND GENERATORS rewound and repaired. gushes, capacitors, switches, bearings; small appliances repaired. Used or reconditioned motors for sale. Art Levett, Isaac Street at Dunlop. Phone HU 2-6640. 44tfb HOME CATERING SERVICE will help you with your catering pro- blems, anniversaries, weddings, shower teas, a specialty . When planning, phone Mrs, Redmond, Blyth 10r13. 47-8-b FOR ARTIFICIAL INSEMINA- TION service or more information, telephone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association collect at: CLINTON HU 2-3441 Between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. week days, 6 and 8 p.m. on Saturdays. Do not call for service on Sunday. Cows in neat on Sunday can be inseminated satisfactorily on Mon- day. We supply service to top quality bulls of the Holstein, Jersey, Ayr- shire, Guernsey, Brown • Swiss, Red Poll, Hereford (polled and horned) Beef Shorthorn (polled and horn- ed), and Dual- Purpose Shorthorn, Angus and Charolais breeds. The cost is low. 28-tfb Pet. Stock SMALL COCKER PUPPY for sale, three months old, female. Contact Mrs. Searle HU 2-3450. 47-p THREE CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES for sale. Mrs. Mcllwain, phone 112 Seaforth. 47-8-b Tenders Wanted FARM SALE BY TENDER — The farm of the late Oliver F. Edward, being Lot 12, Concession 5, in the Township of Goderich, will be offered for sale by tender on the following conditions: prop- erty will be sold subject to res- erve bid, the highest or any tender not necessarily, accepted, immediate possession can be given, 25 percent of the purchase price to be paid, balance can be arrang- ed under a mortgage at 6 percent. Tender is to be received by 12.30 p.m, on Monday, December 1st, 1958, Hays and Prost, Solicitors for the Estate, 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. 47-8-b Notice To Creditors All persons having claims against the estate of Arthur McLinchey, late of the Township of. Stanley, in the County of Huron, retired farmer, who died on or about the 17th day of October, 1958, are re- quired to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 22nd day of November, 1958 as after that date the assets of the estate will: be distributed. DATED at Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 29th day of October, 1958. HAYS and PREST, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 45.6-7-b Notice to Creditors In the I.state of JOAN FRANCIS SHANA#IAN, Tate of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Retirel Farmer,- IDee'o,sed. All persons having clairns again- st the Estate of the above deceas- ed a.o required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the slid Instate,' on or before the 8th of December, A.D., 1958, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clintoh, Ontario, this 17th day of November, A.D,, 1958. `. H. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontii,rio, Solicitor for the seldt $ . BIRTHS BAN I1I LD ,-- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, Novem- ebr 12, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs, Russel Benfield, Clinton, a dam- ghter. BERRY --In Clinton Pmblic Hospi. tal, on Sunday, November 1,6, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Berry, .Clinton, a son. BURDGE In Clinton Publie leas- pital, on Monday, November 17, 1958, to Mr, and Mrs. William Burdge, Brucefield, a daughter BRUCE—In Clinton Public liospi, tal, on Tuesday, November 18, 1958, to LAC and Mrs, Michael Bruce, Clinton, a son. CLARK—In Clinton Public Hospi• tal, on Thursday, November 13, 1958, to LAC and Mrs. Norman Clark, Clinton, a daughter. CORLETT•,—At Western Hospital, Toronto, on Tuesday, November 11, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs, Gary Corlett (nee Eleanor Cook, Hens sail), a daughter. FLEMING—In Parent, Quebec, on Saturday, November 15, 1958, to Corporal and Mrs. Alvin Fleming (nee Cora Handy), twin daughters (sisters for Chuckle, Patsy and Lex). GUETTER In Clinton Public. Hospital, on Saturday, November 15, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Christ- opher Guetter, RR 4, Clinton, a daughter, HUNT—In St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Saturday, November 15, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard S. Hunt (nee Amy Aiken - head), 19 Stevenson Ave., Lon- don, a son (John William, broth- er for Richie). LORD—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Thursday, November 13, 1958, to LAC and Mrs. Donald Lord, Brucefield, a son. OIKLE—In Kingston, on Saturday, November 15, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Oikle (nee Mary Madden, former teacher at CDCI), Gananoque, a daughter (Pamela Marie). POUNDER—In Victoria Hospital, London, on Friday, November 14, 1958, to Mr, and Mrs. Jack Pounder, a daughter, Mary El- izabeth. SMITH—In St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Wednesday, Novem- ber 12, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith (nee Marlene Petzke), Hensall, a son (broth- er of Danny and Debra). TURKHEIM — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, Novem- ber 13, 1958; to Mr. and Mrs. Herb Turkheim, Zurich, a son, (Daniel John, brother for Doug- las and Cheryl). - MARRIAGES CUDMORE-WILSON — In Tay- lor's Corner United Church, on Saturday, November 15, 1958, by the Rev. C. E. Peacock, Bay- field, Wilda Ernestine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson, RR 1, Goderich, to William Norton Cudmore, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Cudmore, Brantford. DEATHS COUCH—In London, on Monday, November 17, 1958, Mary Couch, beloved wife of the late Percival Couch, dear brother of Fred and Jack, and dear sister of Will Dowson, John Dowson, Mrs. Ed. Foster and Mrs. Archibald Gal- braith, in her 76th year. Funeral from the Ball and Murch fun, eral home, High Street, to Clin- ton Cemetery, on Wednesday afternoon, November 19. CARDS OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere appreciation for the many kind- nesses and expressions of symp- athy during our recent bereave- ment. —The family of the late Ben W. Churchill. 47-p I wish to thank all those who visited me, also those who sent flowers and treats while I was a patient in the Clinton Public Hos- pital. Special thanks to Dr. New- land and nurses who were also kind. —Mrs. Agnes J. Baird. 47-b We would like to thank those who sent beautiful flowers, gifts, and cards in our sad bereavement of our mother. Also thanks to Rev, Pitt, pallbearers, flower bear- ers and also to Dr. Newland and those who helped at the house. —Bertha, Harvey, Murray, Jean and grandchildren. I wish to thank everybody who sent me cards and treats and those who visited me and also thanks to my teacher and pupils and Dr. Addison and Dr. Munn, when 1 was in Clinton hospital. ----Phyllis Taylor. 47-b I would like to thank my neigh- bours and friends for sending me gifts, flowers, cards and letters, while a patient in the War Mem- orial ChiIdren's hospital. — Ruth Ann Lewis. 47-b The family of the late Charles Williams wish to thank all those who assisted at the time of thein' sad bereaveenint; for cards, flow- ers, and special kindnesses. Special thanks to Dr. Addison, Dr, Munn and Miss Hertrand. 47h Stanley Township Mrs, Goldie Graham loft on Sun. day to visit Mr. and Mrs, Fred Itobinson, Toronto, far a few weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Vie Taylor visited Miss Charlotte Johnson, Lttaltriow last Sunday. efeeeeeesreeeeeeeeseleerssiseiesssesepeesehe.eeseeeiirees ROXY THEATRE Clinton Two Showa Nightly Wide Screen NOW PLAYING; Double Bill "Country Music Holiday" and '"Hired Gun" MONDAY-- TUESDAY .,-, WEDNESDAY "THE BROTHERS KARAMAZQV"r (Adult Entertainment) A dynamic drama --set in the era of Czarist Russia-r-pres- tinted by a brilliant cast, (Note; Due to its length, this picture is shownonce only each evening, starting at 8 o'clock), Yu( Brynner -- Maria Schell -- Claire Bloom THURSDAY --- FRIDAY -- SATURDAY "THE YOUNG LIONS." (Adult Entertainment) One show each evening, starting at 8 P.M. The story of two Americans and a Nazi told against the background of WWorld War II. From Irwin Shaw's best-selling novel. Marion Brando -- Montgomery Clift -- Dean Martin (Note: This picture will not be shown on Saturday after- noon. For the children we have "PONY SOLDIER"). iN MEMORIAM Cameron—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Hugh D. Cameron, who passed away one year ago, November 23, 1957: "The depths of sorrow we cannot tell, Of the loss of one we Ioved so well, And while he sleeps a peaceful sleep His memory we shall always keep." —Ever remembered by his wife and family. 47-p VARNA Lloyd Keys is visiting friends at Listowel this week, Miss Etta Reid from Port Huron visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Keys. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie McClinchey, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Keys and Miss Jean Rathwell visited on Goshen Line Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McClinchey and family. Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY 1.30 p.m. Government inspected Scales Cattle Sold By Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk 1 Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere VOMIAMINIt K. C. COOKE, FLORIST Dial HU 2 -7012 ---Clinton `dmovelMIIIMIIMMIONImMOMM.MWMVISIIMIIMIMMINIMI# PARK THEATRE GODERICH Now Playing: Gregory Peck, in "THE BRAVADOS" with Joan Collins In Color Mon., Tues. and Wed. "HIGH SCHOOL CONFIDENTIAL" (Adult Entertainment) A shattering drama of present day teenagers, wth a company of guest stars including: Ray Anthony -- John D. Barrymore Jerry Lee Lewis Charles Chaplin Jr. --Diane Jergens starring: Jan Sterling - Russ Tamblyn and Mamie VanDoren Thur., Fri. and Sat. "MARACAIBO" In Vistavision — Color Filmed in Caracas and Venez- uela, a swift -action adventure drama based on the expanding oil industry. Cornet Wilde -- Jean Wallace and Francis Lederer Coming: "FRAULEIN" In Color, with Mel Ferrer (Adult Entertainment) DANCING Every Friday Night in the Community Centre ZURICH MUSIC BY Desjardine Orch. Dancing 10 to 1.30 Modern, Rock 'n Roll, Square Dancing JOIN THE CROWDS Sponsored by ZURICH LIONS CLUB REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 7 -ROOM, 11/2 STOREY Insul Brick House in Clinton, 3 bedrooms up; 3 -piece bathroom down, living room, large kitchen and kitchenette with built-in cupboards, glassed - in sun porch, good dry basement, insulated, heavy duty wiring, storm windows and screens, this property has one extra corner lot 66x132. Early possession can be arrang- ed. Property to be sold for cash. 6 -ROOM COTTAGE in Clinton, 3 bedrooms, 3 -piece bath, living room, dining room and kitchen, heavy duty wired, oil furnace, full basement, sun porch, double gar- age, situated in nice residential district. 7 -ROOM, 2 -STOREY Frame House in Clinton, three bedrooms and bath up, double living room, kitchen with built-in cupboards, full basement, coal or wood furnace. In select residential district. Owner wishes smaller house. Mortgage can be arranged. SMALL FARM, 18 acres, 40x40 barn, town water, colony house, double garage, 7 -room 11/2 storey frame house, 3 bedrooms and bath up, double living room, large kitchen, heavy duty wired, cool furnace 6 years old. Own- er will sell for $9500 cash, or will take bock small mort- gage to the right person, K. W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE and REGAL E61'A't Phones. Business HU 2-9747; Residence HO 2-1S56