HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-11-20, Page 6Ladies Auxiliary Makes Donations The regular meeting of the Lad- ies Auxiliary of the Canadian Leg- ion, Clinton Branch 140, was held on Monday, November 10 in the Legion Memorial Hall. During the business meeting $10 was voted to the Muscular Dystrophy Fund; $25 to the Beck Sanitorium Christmas fund; $25 for bingo prizes at West- minster Hospital, London, It was decided to buy a new stove for the kitchen, as the old one was not large enough for preparing for banquets. Several banquets were also discussed. A Christmas party is planned for next meeting. Each member to bring a gift not under 50 cents value, and name enclosed. Mrs. L. Arnston's group served lunch. - Impulsive Impulsive Children Imitate Elders, May Forget Lessons Nine year old Tim received an intensive bicycle safety education when he was first put on two wheels. He was shown posters, given lectures and made to read some of the excellent pamphlets available: such as "You and Your Bike" and "Hi! Bike Pilots." By the time the Canadian Nat- ional Exhibition came around he knew better than even to ride two abreast on a quiet farm road, but the day after he was taken to see the Swenson Thrill Cavalcade at the CNE Grandstand-stunt driv- ers putting cars through death- defying and gravity-ignoring man- oeuvres-his safe driving attitudes seemed to deviate sharply. His mother detected him riding down the driveway at high speed, making noises like an Apache, and stand- ing on the seat! His parents• suppressed the im- mediate impulse to use a slipper to emphasize to Tim what part of the body should be kept on a bi- cycle seat. With the young it is hard to know when to punish, when to lead and when to laugh. This incident helps to explain why more children die in traffic acci- dents than from any single disease. Children are both impressionable and impulsive, points out the On- tario Safety League. However thorough their training in safe be- haviour, their stability cannot be relied on to the same extent as an older person's. The good driv- er always reacts to a traffic situ- ation involving children, afoot or awheel, as he would to a slippery pavement or other potential haz- ard-less speed, more care. Children will remain children. Which is good enough for most of us. Good enough to deserve the extra protection that drivers can give them, by slowing down a lit- tle before the need arises. cralillb LADIES' WEAR 11••••111•1•11101111111.11•11111, Our Sat. Special: From Our Store Only- BOSTON CREAM PIES Reg. 60c for 53c Order early. Don't be disappointed ‘40, -likoapq Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. Bakery and Restaurant \NW FOR THE MEN IN YOUR CIFE SHOP NOW NOW WHILE GIFT SELECTIONS ARE AT THEIR BEST. WE SUGGEST: • SPORT SHIRTS 0 GLOVES • SWEATERS • SCARVES • WHITE SHIRTS • SOCKS • PYJAMAS r BELTS • JEWELLERY • GOWNS '0 TIES and many other items for Mon and Boys GIFT BOXES GIFT CERTIFICATES Open Friday Evenings -- Use our Lay.Away Plan -t A Small Deposit will hold Any Article until December 22nd, Pickett & Campbell*t d e *inftiliw,•••• • 'PAGE SIX criNTON NEWS-RECORD THURSDAY, NOVEMBER .20„ 1958 A....11111.1111O Good Will Club Gives $35 Each To Two Groups; $10 For Springhill Fund Mr. and Mrs. Don Symons and family visited last week at Beams, Ville and Philadelphia, Pennsyl, vania. Mr. and Mrs, William Cook at- tended the funeral of Mrs. Cook's sister, Mrs. Roy French, in Mid- land last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John A, Gibbinge and family, Stratford, were week- end guests with Mr. and Mrs, B. J. Qibbings, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Huller, Georgetown, spent the weekend with the former's sister, Mrs. Reg. Shipley and Lynne. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bauskill and Margaret, Toronto, visited ov- er the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jenkins and Mrs. Wilmer Wal- lis. Mrs. Roy Stackhouse, Ridgeway; Mrs. Wesley Stackhouse and Mrs. Mac Wilson, Brucefield, visited Mrs. Ada Adams and Miss O. 'Brigham on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John McFarlane and Mr. and Mrs. David Easom visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lyon and Wayne, RR 1, Auburn. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Heard -were: Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Cooper and children, Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gillies, Willowdale; Mrs. Eno. Chadwick, London. Visitors over the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Lobb were their son and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Orval Lobb and John and Wager, Chatham, and Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Chabot, Chester, N.Y., Who left Tuesday morning for their new posting at Enid, Okla- homa, U.S.A. Farewell. Party is Given For Lady Posted to Goose Bay Mrs. D. E. Forrest was hostess at her home, 4 Regina Road, Ad- astral Park on Monday night for a going-away-party, when Mrs. J. Gattinger was presented with a gift. Attending were Mrs. Laister, Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. Banville, Mrs. Manko, Mrs, Eccles, Mrs. Deline, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Lebedovitch, Mrs. Brightwell, Mrs. Wheelhouse, Mrs, Demarey, Mrs. McCarty, Mrs. MacDonald, Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Sutton, Mrs. Hamelin, Mrs. Co- b ain. Flight Sergeant and Mrs. Gat- tinger are leaving for Goose Bay, Lab., next Tuesday. They have five children, Dale, Caron, Cres- side, Dwight and Wayne. • Brucefield Society Welcomes Everyone Hear Special Guest The Women's Missionary Soc. iety is holding a special service on Sunday evening, November 23, commencing at 7.30 o'clock, in the Brucefield United church auditor. him. Guest speaker will be Dr, Donald Watt, medical superinten- dent of the hospital in Bella Coola, B.C. He will tell of the work he is doing there among the Indians and will show pictures of interest. Congregations of neighbouring churches at Varna, Goshen, Kippen and Egmondville, are invited to attend and join the Brucefield Society in this time of inspiration Mrs. Mary Couch Mrs Mary Conch, the former Mary Dowson, London, died in her 76th year at Victoria Hospital Monday. She was born at Varna, a daugh- ter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Hen- ry Dowson. She and her husband lived in Clinton prior to moving to London 23 years ago. Her hus- band predeceased her. Surviving are two sons, Fred, Guelph, and John, Kitchener; two brothers, Will Dawson and John Dowson, both of Varna; two sist- ers, Mrs. Ed Foster, and Mrs. Archibald Galbraith, both of Var- na, The body rested at the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, until Wednesday after- noon when funeral service was conducted by Rev. Paul Eydt, Bur- ial was in the Clinton Cemetery. O Kippen East WI Euchre and Dance (By our Hensall Correspondent) Kippen East Womens Institute held a successful euchre and dance last Friday night in the Town Hall, Winners of euchre were: Eniteb eburcb REV. J. A. MeKIM, B.A. MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE. Choir Director Sunday, November 23 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 12.15 noon-Sunday School and Bible Class HOLMESVILLE 1.30 p.m.-Worship Service 2,30 p.m.-Sunday School ,Let us use the Lord's Day to strengthen our Christian Faith EAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH I. BODENHAM, Pastor Sunday, November 23 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.-Evening Service Wed., 8 pm.-Prayer Meeting You are cordially invited to these services, Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18: 20) meeting in the above hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love. Order of meetings on Lord's day as follows; 11.00 a.m.-Breaking Bread 3.00 p.m.-Sunday School 7.00 p.m.-Preaching the Gospel 8.00 pat.-Wednesday-- Prayer Meeting and Bible leading. Maple Street GOSPEL HALL ciLOTToN Nov. 21-Coloured slides by Charles Hart, missionary from Jamaica, Sunday, November 23 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11,00 aen.-Morning Worship 7,$0 p.m.-Gospel Service: Speak- er: Mr. Eob Brandon, Forest Tuesday, 8 p.m.-Prayer and Bible Study `A Hearty Weleotoe AWaits You" .111-1 The Good Will Club of Wesley- Willis United Church, met in the lecture room for their Thankoffer- ing meeting on Tuesday evening, November 11. Mrs, H, G. Manning presided with Miss Mavis SteePe as pianist. After the opening hymn was sung, Psalm 121 was read by Miss F, Jamieson. Prayer was offered by Mrs. V. Townsend. The following donations were made: $35 each to CARE and Save the Children's Fund and $10 to the Springhill Disaster Fund. A nominating committee was chos- en to prepare a new slate of offic- ers for 1959. The film "The Scep- tre and the Mace", is to be shown Orange Lodge Will Confer Arch Degree At Kitchener LOL The Murphy Loyal Orange Lod- ge met last Thursday, with Wor- shipful Master Harry Crich in the chair, and donated $25 to the Loyal True Blue and Orange Home at Richmond Hill, and $5 to the Muscular Dystrophy campaign for funds being carried out locally by the Clinton Fire Department. A thank you letter will be sent to the ladies of Wesley-Willis Un- ited Church for catering to the annual banquet and serving meals on July 12. An invitation was accepted from Right. Worshipful Brother Carl Smith, Kitchener LOL No. 2027 for the local lodge to put on the arch degree on Tuesday, November 25. Cars will leave the hall at 7 p.m. for Kitchener. Election and installation of of- ficers for 1959 will be held at the next regular meeting on Novemb- er 27. Worshipful Brother Kenneth Betties, County Master, will make his annual visit at this meeting, ladies, Mrs. Doug Wilson, Sea- forth; Mrs. Verne Alderdice, Kip- pen; Mrs. J. Pethick, Seaforth; gentlemen, Lorne Hay, Glenn Bell, James McNaughton. Lucky lunch prize was won by Mrs. J. Pethick, Seaforth, PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. Victoria Street, Clinton K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Assistant Pastor: B. DAVIDSON Friday, November 21- 8.00 p.m.-Christ's Ambassadors: Sunday, November 23- 10.00 •a.rn.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.-Gospel Service Tuesday, November 25- 8.00 p.m.-Regular Prayer and Bible Study Service. A Special Welcome Awaits You ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA St. Paul's - Clinton REV. C. S. INDER, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin. Organist Sunday Next Before Advent (Stir-up Sunday) 8.30 a.m.-Holy Communion 11.00 a.m.-Morning Prayer Every member visitation on Sunday afternoon. Thurs., Nov 27-Chancel Guild pot-luck supper in Parish Hall, 6.30 p,m. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS. M, J, AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, November 23 9.45 am,-Church School, 10.45 a.m.-Public Worship Subject of Meditation: "Secret Sins" Fri., Nov. 21, 8 p.m.-Men's Club Meeting. DIVINE WORSHIP IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL ALL WELCOME Christian Reformed Church REV. G. J, HOYTEMA, Minister 10.00 a.m.-Service in Dutch 11.30 a.m.-Sunday School 2.30 p.m,---Service in English Everyone Welcome Hearthside Club The Hearthside Club of Ontario- Street United Church held their meeting on Thursday night, Noy- ember 13 with the president, Ruth Greencastle, Indiana, U.S.A. to conduct an Evangelist Campaign Nov. 19 to Nov. 30 Meetings every evening (at 8 p,m. Except Saturdays Dr, Robert Oughton is a former weightlifting champion and record holder. When Dr. Oughton renounced the applause of the world for his achievements in sports, he entered a, seminary to study for the min- istry, and became very active in the field of evangelism, preaching in Japan, the Phillipines, the Un. ited States and Canada. He has been used extensively in Youth for Christ work, conferences a n d youth rallies. .Knox, in the. -chair, The devotional service was taken by PIWILOS. SP11,. oerthaTs, Mrs, j, A. McKini as guest speaker was much enjoyed by all. There was also a skit on stewardship. .Group 3 had charge of lunch. PERSONALS at the next meeting, on December 9. Miss Emily Collins played two delightful piano solos. Mrs. Hodges introduced the guest speaker W. Craven, County Probation Officer, who gave an informative and thought-provoking address, speak- ing especially on juvenile deliqu- ency, causes and possible remedies. Mrs. Paisley thanked the speaker for his splendid address. The meeting closed with a hymn and the lVfizpali benediction, after which a delicious lunch was serv- ed by Group 4 under the leadership of Mrs. A, L. Rodges and Mrs, H, Jenkins. FOR MEN! ... Clicker Coats Car Coats Suburban Coats Hunting Coats Hydro Parkas Week-End SPECIALS LADIES CLOTH COATS - Plain and Fur Trimmed. All reduced for quick sale. LADIES - MISSES AND YOUTHS CAR COATS AND JACKETS Save a $5.00 Bill on any one of these LADIES SKIRTS--We have made a Special Buy of a Manufacturers Clearance of All-wool Skirts, sizes 10 to 20. Value to 13.95 Special Offer $6.95 each Suburban Coats Hooded Coats Car Coats Windbreakers Priced Right Choose Your Phone HU 2-9352 LAY. ,A-WAY NOW Church Directory CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: JOHN AGULTAN, 11.00 a.m.-"Christ of the Prophet's Vision" 12.00 a.m.-Sunday School Thursday, 7.30 p.m.-Young People's and Prayer Meeting. A Cordial Welcome to All ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor*--II.EV. GRANT MILLS, 1134A. 9.45 aoria.-Sunday School 11.00 'a.m.-Morning Worship 7.80 p.m...--Nvening Chapel Service 'TURNER'S CHURCH 2.00 p.m.---Clintreli Service 3.00 pat, -Sunday School 8.30 Corning to Bayfield Baptist Church Dr, Bob Oughton The People and Pastor of Bayfield Baptist Church extend to all a cordial invitation to come and hear this gifted servant of God. PHONE HU 2-9732 CLINTON 4.44-•444-04444-4..-4-4-444-6-.4-44-4,-.4-4+4,444•44 +44.4 # F44444<4+4444444•444