HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-11-13, Page 11CLINTON CURTAIN McEWAN WINDOW RODS VENETIAN --,- Phone SHADES HU BLINDS S 2-9766 Irwin's Draperies ... Curtain Reds — gStinlates CLINTON -,- - Lad ies' curt... Phone Wear ., Blinds. Drapery Track Free — HU 2-862a • PAINTING and DECORATING PAINTER kilquron Street GRANT and -,- Clinton Phone RATH DECORATOR HQ 2-7040 D. A. PAINTS Clinton FLOORS VENETIAN Kay and Son SANDED BLINDS and WALLPAPERS — Phone HU 2-9549 AD CONCRETE HENRY YOUNG 'General CLINTON CONTRACTOR Concerete — Phone HU Construction 2-9496 it GENERAL CONTRACTING M . ,Clinton (GENERAL — .McADAM Phone 'HU CONTRACTING 2-7070 Industrial -- Commercial Cement Work CALE LBuIEDING 'DOUCETTE CONTRACTOR Clinton Phone HU 2-9562 • ROOFING - - !EARL DOUCETTE !BUILDING CONTRACTOR .Asphalt Roofing 'CLINTON — Phone HU 2-9741 W IS WINTER THE BEST TIME- --for repairs, maintenance, renovation and general clean-up work around your home or place of business? In the winter men and materials are more readily available, and small jobs get better attention and can be more economical dur- ing the cold weather lull. This applies particularly to building and renovation jobs. HOME IMPROVEMENTS CAN BE FINANCED- -by Home Improvement Loans under the National Housing Act, available through your bank . . up to $4,000 and up to 10 years to repay. FARMERS,— , —inquire about Farm Improvement Loans backed by the government and available through your bank . up to $5,000 and up to 10 years to repay. Plan to help yourself and at the same time help your conortunity to increase employment thin winter, CALL YOUR NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOR ADVICE AND ASSISTANCE zoo 164 10,'" 4 issued Int authority of the Minister of Labour, Canada. Hawkins Hardware Victoria. St. — HU 2-9433 HARDWARE -- PLUMBING and HEATING Cities Service Oil Co, Ltd. Jack Scruton, Distributor HEATING FUELS Clinton -- Phone HU 2-9653 A. F. Scotchmer ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Domestic -- Commercial Industrial BAYFIELD — Phone 16 For Top Quality GAS APPLIANCES — See Sutter-Perdue Ltd HARDWARE Clinton — Phone HU 2-7023 Harry Williams HEATING FUELS White Rose Petroleum Products R.R, 2, CLINTON Dial HU 2-6633 WISE PLUMBING and HEATING Harold Wise, Prop. CLINTON — Dial HU 2-7023 Plumbing -- Heating and Electrical Services Huron Gas Eq Dial HU 2-6647 • CLINTON "If it burns Gas—We have it" ht ;kik AMC igsi World's Fines! 000 Ikarini AW "THIAISDAV, NOVEMN "".••••••••••191., , 3,958 MANTON NgWS-AECORT) 111111 11 4/11 PACM ZUVVIN' BUILDING and REMODELLING REFERENCE LIST HOUSEHOLD • HO4T4 LIGHT and. ITEMS PLUMBING Clinton Electric Shop G. C. German & Son COAL — FUEL OIL Clinton Dial _HU g.6634 See GAS RANGES at 4,P.....••••••••!404••••••••••1' • Step-Saving Efficiency Found in Modest Splitlevel Desigri and for a home-owner semi-de- tached house $22,100. Interest and Other Charges The interest rate on Corpora- tion loans is six percent per an- num, calculated semi-annually and not in advance. Other charges in connection with the loan include a mortgage insurance fee and an application fee. The mortgage insurance fee is added to the loan and does not require a cash outlay. If progress advances on the loan are required during construction, the fee is two percent of the amount of loan. If the loan is advanced only upon completion of the house, the in- surance fee is 1% percent of the loan. An application fee of $35 for a single unit, or $70 for a home- owner duplex or semi-detached house, is charged when formal application is made for a loan. In addition, borrowers will 'be required to pay for a surveyor's certificate, the solicitor's or not- ary's fee, the cost of searching the title of the property, and preparing and registering the mortgage or hypothec. Repayment The loan is repaid in equal monthly instalments over a period of 25 years. In cases where the repayment of annual mortgage charges plus taxes exceed 27 per- cent of the applicant's salary, the term of the loan may be extended up to 30 years to assist the ap- plicant to become an eligible bor- rower. For every $1,000 of loan, the payment is approximately $6.40 a month in principal and interest over 24 years or $5.95 for 30 years. One twelfth of the estimated an- nual taxes must be added to de- termine the total monthly pay- ment. These tax payments will be credited with interest at the mortgage interest rate Until the money is used to pay the taxes. Tax bills must be forwarded to the Corporation for payment dir- ect to the municipality. This ar- rangement for payment of taxes relieves NHA borrowers from making a heavy tax payment at one time. Should the tax estimate be low, or should the taxes increase, the borrower will be required to pay the difference to the Corporation in a lump sum or by adjustment of the monthly payments. Monthly payment s covering principal,interest and taxes start the month following the Interest Adjustment specified in the mort- gage. The interest adjustment date is estimated when the mort- gage is prepared and may be post- poned if the house is not com- plete or occupied by the time the date is reached. The NHA mortgage includes clause which permits the borrower to pay the balance, or any por- tion owing on the loan, on the date of the 36th instalment and any subsequent payment date. In additioh, a payment equal to ten percent of the original loan may be made against principal on the 12th and 24th payment dates, A three months interest bonus may be charged on the prepayment in full and all additional amounts paid against principal over the monthly payment, Rid 'four Attic Of "Don't Wants" Rim Ndlet Town Building Permits Total $U50 Must Be Obtained Before Work Begins This design is one of 71 house designs prepared by Canadian architects for use by Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation. For those who wish to build a small home, these are suggested designs, which have been approv- ed under the housing standards issued by the division of building research of the National Research Council, and are minimum requirements for those building under the Nation- al Housing Act, NHA Loans Are Available OCiM,Ilit paw ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, teeeL , Ateeyo aele From the street this modest split-level house has the appear, once of an attractive one-storey .dwelling. Designed by architect K. It D. Pratt, of Sr. Vital, Manitoba, the house combines the step-saving efficiency of a bungalow yith the privacy of sleepinrarea found in the two- storey house. The U-shaped working area and the dining space provided in the kitchen should appeal to most housewives. An attractive feature of the plan is the up- s6irs hall, which forms a bal- cony overlooking the living room. Recreation rooms, as well as heating and utility, facilities are on the level below the bed- rooms. An abundance of win- dow area ensures a bright and cheery atmosphere in the house. The total floor area is 974 aware feet and the exterior dimensions are 37 feet by 27 feet. Working drawings for this house, known as Design 753, are available from Central Mortgage lin Housing Corporation at um cost. Loans for building under the National Housing Act are available to persons willing and able to comply with certain regulations, Following is a resume of the method by which builders may borrow to build for resale, the amount a man may borrow and how the loan is to be repaid. Further information about NHA loans will appear in future "Build- ing Pages" in the News-Record. loans.. Amount of Loan. The amount of loan is calculated from the lending value of the house and land on the basis of 90 percent of the first $12,000 of lending value plus 70 percent of the remainder lending value sub- ject to a maximum loan of $12,- 800. For a home-owner duplex or a home owner semi-detached house, the amount of the loan is calculated on the same 90 per- cent-70 percent basis for the first half of the lending value, plus 80 percent of the other half of the lending value. The maximum loan for a home-owner duplex is $15,300 •••4•414,00 Clinton Community Credit Union Limited is now in the FIRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE LOANS Field Limit is $10,000 at 7% —fully insured in case of death Personal Loan limit is $3,000.00 • Further information may be obtained from the Manager of CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LIMITED Total Assets as of Sept. 30, 1958 Total amount loaned to date, $547,64313 $1,540,098.01 Total loaned to members during last fiscal year $549,682,90 PHILIPS STYLINE TELEVISION BUY NOW AND SAVE Be sure of Good Viewing for the long Cold Winter's Nights Ohedd. Come in and See our New Models PRICES RANGING MOM $199.00 UP 04-,1444-444 ,14.41 era S. Same CLINTON Phone HU 2-1'021 11U 2-9012 111J 2-9036 Don Switzer - - Howard Grealis Night Calls MY 2-9036 tr KODAK GIFTS SAY They'!! save Christmas fun for years to come! Breck Hair Mist Set Free with Breck Shampoo 1.75, reg. price 2.54 Save 79c Christmas Cards Latest Designs SPECIAL BUY: 50 Cards 98c 30 Cards, reg. 3.50 for 1.49 See Our Displays of Gift Wrap, Christmas Cards and Toiletrie Sets for Christmas. Buy Early for Best Selections W. C. Newcombe, Phm.B. Chemist and Druggist PHONE HU. 2-9511 CLINTON THE HOUSE OF GAS Presents UNIVERSAL Constant Comfort Gas Heater By FINDLAY'S AT LONG LAST! An Automatic Forced Air Heating System in a Space Heater. HEAT IS FORCED OUT AT FLOOR LEVEL Space Saver 17 and 3/16" wide 22" Deep Ideal for Wartime Houses CALL US TODAY HU 2-6647 Huron Gas Equipment Co. VICTORIA St at Stoplight (Former Newcorthe's Drug Store) For ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES and WIRING Clinton — Phone HU 2-6646 A. G. Grigg & Son Clinton — Dial HU 2-9411 COAL FUEL OIL CEMENT Building permits totalling $5,- 250 were passed by councillors of the town of -Clinton, meeting in regular session last Thursday .eve- ning, November 6, They included one for an office, George S. Elliott, $1.,000; a house, Thomas Grealis, K000 and a sun , porch for Clarence Potter, $250. Before coming to council for ap- proval there, all requests .for build ing permits in Clinton, must be re- viewed by Grant Rath, who is building inspector (along with his position as fire chief). Regulations regarding building in town pertain almost entirely to the matter of whether or .not they comply with 0,414INNP•04•0441.41.~}41140011,41,044r#44NPANP, requirements laid down by the Ontario Fire Marshall, Permits should be obtained be, fore building or remodelling is be, gun, and during the time the work is in progress it is required that the permit be displayed in a pro, minent place at the site of the building, High Percentage of Total Cost Houses for Sale Loans by the Corporation to builders offering houses for sale are only available for houses which do not exceed maximum floor area requirements and do not include "extras" in the plans and specifi- cations. The aggregate number of loans made by the corporation and loans obtained under the 1957-58 agency loan program may not exceed 25 units but a builder who has oper- ated in more than one urban area may qualify in each. Where projects consist entirely of own- er-occupied duplexes or semi- de- tached houses, the maximum num- ber of units that may be approved eeINNP is 26 regardless the number of cou Total Share Capital as of Sept. 30, 1958 $401,461.05 by HEAR WITH BOTH EARS! DAHLBERG Day and Night TAXI SERVICE Leave Your Driving Worries Parked In Your Garage Call CLINTON CAB anal Optical Mop by ilanocl._,optital **craft Dahlberg Hearing Service Newcombe's Rexail Drug Store HU 2-9511 — Clinton Gentlemen please arrange without obligation a free hearing test for me. COME iN TODAY! FREI INFORNANOIN NO ODUOANONI *Wear your own glasses *Change framsa in seconds • Marcel appear- once , natural- Iike hearing! Name Address Phone 46-7-8-b BROWNIE S OUTFIT With Starflash Camera in your choice of colors All for $11.95 Special Savings for Yon Nylon Hair Brush Free with Colgate Tooth Paste ,. both 89c Lustre Creme Shampoo Free with Colgate Tooth Paste ., 63c Both regular 1.08 Save 45c Halo Shampoo—reg. 65c, 2 for 98c Tussy Wind & Weather Lotion 6 oz. size, reg. 1.25 for 75c 12 'oz. size, reg. 2.50 for 1.25 111