HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-11-13, Page 4PAGE FOUR Missile Men at Station Clinton Guided Missil'es are discussed on a Tri-Serv;; ice and International basis at RCAF Station Clinton. Inspecting a model of a Bornarc ground- to-air missle are (from left) Group Captain E. B. Hale, DFC, CA .RCAF; Wing Cornmancler^R. E. W. Harland, RAC, Lieutenant Colonel A. II, M, Green, Canadian Army and Commander D. C. Waring, RCN. Wing Commander Harland, guest lecturer at the Joint Services Missile Indoctrination Course operating continuously at Clinton, is an RAF iiaison officer in the Ballistic Missile Divi- sion of the USAF Air Research Development Centre, Inglewood, California. He is a graduate engineer of Cambridge University and the Royal Military College of Science at Shrivenham, Eng, land. Group Captain Hale is the Air Officer Com- manding, 14 Training' Group, RCAF, Wihnipeg, while Lieutenant Colonel Green is from Army Headquarters, Ottawa and Commander Waring of HMCS Bytowr4 bttaWa. The missile course at Clinton is given to members of all three Canadian Services and the Refence Research Board. THEY NEED EXPERT CARE regularly! That's why you should always drive in here . . . and enjoy complete, thorough service. Don's B-A Service Volkswagen Sales Clinton H U 2-9088' Because Modern Cars Are More SIZE,600/16 , Model A K Space Saving COMPACT 24" RANGE with big oven capacity . . Automatic Clock and Oven Control . Oven Signalite . . Platform light eliminates shadows . — RANGES as low as $189.00 • FREE—CHECKERE YOUR OWN TV AND RADIO TUBES H, • Clinton Electric Shop "Your. WESTINGHOUSE Dealer" ALBERT ST.. D. W. Cornish, Prop. • CLINTON nnouncing Th A e .ppointment of (Clay( Dixon's Auto Supply •k: Tuckersmith Ladies Club Names Officers Mrs. Eldon O'Brien Is 1959 President The Tuckersmith Ladies Club Met at the home of .Mrs, Warren Whitmore on November 4; at 8.30 p.m. 17 members and four visitors, were present. Roll call was ans- wered by paying dues for 1959. During the business session, $10 was voted to be' donated to the Springhill Disaster, Fund. Ross Crich entertained the guests by showing coloured slides of a trip he had taken to the East Coast and. Prince Edward Island. The new officers in the Club for 1959 are: president, Mrs. Eldon O'Brien; vice-president, Mrs. Will- iam Pepper; second vice-president, Mrs. • Norris Sillery; secretary, Mrs. Frank Walters; treasurer, Mrs,- L. Lawson; assiOant secre-, ta.ry-treasurer, iyfrs, William Rog- erson; social 'committee,. Mrs. Al- den Crich, Mrs. Warren Whitmore, Mrs. V., Sytnick, Mrs. Warren Gib- bings, Mrs. E. Crich, Mrs. Walter Pepper, Mrs. Ed. Layton; sewing committee, Mrs. E. Crich, , Mrs., William Rogerson, Mrs. Frank ,Walters, Mrs. W. P. Roberts, S. H. Johns; buying committee, Mrs. L. Lawson, Mrs. Alden Crich, Mrs. E. Crich; press secretary, Mrs.. H. Johns; flower and.. cards commit- tee, Mrs. Warren Whitmore, Mrs. Bert -.Garrett; Pianist, Mrs. Fred Pepper; assistant . pianist, Mrs. William Rogerson. Roll call for the December meet- • ing will be an exchange of 75 cent gifts. CUNT ON 'IN,TE.W.S-RECORE) F/0 Budflayttr Tots Goderich. Group About "fitnesr .Flying Officer G. L. "Bud" Hay, ter, Rattenbury*Street West, was guest- speaker at the Home School. Association meeting in the Goderieh - Public School' auditorium on October 28. His theme 'was: "Physical Education in our Sell-. ools", and the recreational director • At RCAF Station Clinton pointed out the lack of ,physical fitness among our cbildren both in public and high achoOls in Canada. He stated that European count- ries are far superior in physical fitness to Canada and the United States, In a recent survey in Can, oda among children six to 16 years of age, 58 percent could root do five straight "push,,-ups". Of the same number of European ..child.• ren, only one half of .one percent could not do this exercise. Such facts are most startling and should cause parents and tea- chersmuch concern regarding the physical fitness of the future citi. tens of the country. As a man grows-oldei. and wiser he talks lea": and 'say's more, • If You're TIRED ALL THE .TIME Now and then everybody gets a ' "tired-out" feeling, and may be bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth- ing seriously wrong, just a temporary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney'Pills. Dodd's help stimulate the kidneys to relieve this condition which may often anise back- ache and tired.feeling. Then you feel better, rest better, work-better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box with the red band at all drug counters. You can depend on Dodd's. oo OniToopporienp AM, DON" ltltA t41$ .Phone 011094 fffI •*-$.362 Grace WA The Wemen's Association of Grace United Church Met on Thursday last at the home of Mrs Alvin Betties, The presidwit„ Mrs. A. Lockhart presided over the me- eting which Opened with the sing ing of a hymn after which Mrs Donald Harris, led in prayer, The Scripture lesson and topic. was giv- en by Mrs, Reid Torrance. Roll call was answered with a "Verse. on Peace", Secretary and treasurer's reports were given and correspondence. read, 'It was decided to give a donation to The Bible Society and The Springhill Disaster Fund. Plans . were made for catering . to a wedding dinner in the near future. Committees and conven- ers were named -to be in charge, Talent money, articles were au- ctioned by Mrs, Elgin Cox. The meeting closed - with the Mizpah benediction and lunch was, served by the- hostess. . Walton Girl Crowned Stratford Alumni Queen Miss Mary .Dennis; now teach. ing in suburban London, was. Crowned 1958 Stratford Teachers' College Alumni Queen at the 50th RURSDAY, MVV1V1134n 1.$, 1958 anniversary of the school,.and an- nual alumni at-home en airit. night Miss Dennis is. 'from W41- . tens Her ettendents were Elaine Bowden, Head; Wen Wu-, es, Winghern and Doreen Render-. son, Sebringville, at 8.30 p.m. Sponsored by .Gocierich Lions Club for Welfare Admission: $1.00 SPECIAL JACKPOT GAME BOOSTS TOTAI. POSSIBLE PRIZES. To OVER $500 h BINGO GODERICH PAVILION EVERY . WEDNESDAY THE ROYAL WINTER FAIR. NOV.14 • SAT. NOV.22 ..Canada's Showplace Of Champions Hundreds of interesting Features • Cattle Auctions • Poultry & Pet Stock • Flower Show' 0,..Seed, Grain, Hay i-Feshion Show • Government Exhibits I OVER 15,600 ENTRIES GENERAL ADMiEsIoNs Adults 75 cents t Children 25 cents " ROYAL HORSE SHOW Figuring ARTHUR GODFREY See ArthUr GOdfrey* riding his magnificent Palomino horse Goldie, Mut n sensational display of Jumping bypbarrinionship teams frOm Cuba, Mexico, West Germany, United States and Canada. *Eveiy evening and both Saturday matinees. HOE Evenings: 0.0; ASO ' Matinees: Wed., rti. $1.00, Sat. $1.50 ROYAL COLISEUM itt Fr N-ro OPEN SPEC OTHER LO MEL "CLARKE R STATION GLEN PRICE Wreckers Dunlop FAMOUS M. I. T. Silent Traction 670 x 15 3.38 OPENING CIAL TIRES PORTER'S HILL HERE IT IS! REG. $14.30 NOW REG. $14.95 $ 95 size 67P/15 PRICE INCLUDES YOUR CLASS "A" CASING All Prices Include Your Class 'A' •Trade.In FREE NSTALLATION THE DU N LOP RECORD FULLY GUARANTEED AS A Tire Dealer New CarII 1 • u •Owners C, 1.5 OPENING SPECIALS NYLON TIRES 6/0x15 1.50. OPENING SPECIAL ,