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HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-11-06, Page 12ITS PROOF., Not MERELY JUST A NUNC1-1, OUR OIL SURE 1-1AS A HEATING PUNCH HARRY WILLIAMS NUTCRACKER SUITE hchalkovskYis CARNIVAL Of THE ANIMALS (Sain - Saens), 2 Glittering orthestrai favorites, CAL,100 PETER AND THE WOLF (Proltoflef f); TILL EULENSPIECEL'S MERRY PRANKS (R, Strauss), KoUssevitsky, Boston Symph, Groh, CAL•101 ,SYMPHONY No, 5 ("troth. the New World") (Month), LeopoldStoktetr4 Set dOnducts the PhIladelPhla Grch, CAL-104 WILLIAM TELL OVERTURE (Rossini); len OVERTURE (Tehalkolisky),Bos. tort Pops Greh., Fiedler, C Cond. L110 01TrIsr. 11 GALBRAITH RADIO TV Conte in And Hear the Newest Stereophonic Sounds YOU SAVE. TODAY- IT'S FALL CLEAN UP TIME - HERE! SAFE TOMORROW-, OUR CARS ARE "SAFETY" CHECKED 1958 MODELS Chevrolet Biscayne Sedan Anniversary Gold and Beige Chevrolet Biscayne Sedan Smart Blue Two-Tone• Chevrolet Bel Air 2-Door Hardtop Gay Coral. Whitewall. Tires. Radio With Rear Seat Speaker. (These are low mileage quality cars) "BETTER" USED CARS '53 Oldsmobile Sedan $995.00' Autonatic, radio, tinted glass '52 Chevrolet Deluxe-Sedan Spotless inside and out $650.00 ,'50 Ford Sedan . Built in radio. Good Snow Tires, Clean 450 00 paint '50 Ford Coach A dandy second ca '51 Pontiac Sedan Not a thing wrong with this one „,„ TRUCKS -- PRICED RIGHT '48 Dodge. 1/2 Ton Pickup Many miles left, A good buy. '50 Studebaker 1/2 Ton Pickup Runs like a clock - good value OTHERS 'TO CHOOSE FROM -- COME AND SEE! Lorne Brown Motors Ltd. $400.00 X445.00 $375.00 $250.00 PAM TWELVE CLTNTON NMVs-AKQB1) THURSDAYS •Nov.gu13gE, S, 195w First Skating At Arena Tonight, P.S. Children Only First use of ice in Clinton. Lions Arena is expected to- night at about .8,30, when. manager .HoWerd Breinstlon expects to be able to let pub-. Tic school children (only) on the newly frozen surface. The annual custom of being allowed to skate the bumps off" will be carried out again, Public skating will prob, ably be held on Friday night, • providing weather conditions are favourable. Goderich Township 1111111111111111111111111111111111111.11 1NARRY WILLIANIV tize FUEL OIL •#,(irm GASOLINE MOTOR OIL 3*-4 LOBRICAIITS R.R.2,CLINION•<Pkout Phone HU 1.6683 The SS 4 Community Club met at the hoine of Mrs. Harry Oakes with Mrs. J, Tebbtitt, president, in charge. 16 members answered the roll and brought articles for a shipment to the Slomans in their school car at Capreol. These items filled two large boxes, and will be distributed among the needy peop• le of Northern Ontario, with whom the Slomans are familiar. Mrs, R. Thompson displayed a large map, showing the Sloman,, school car, Plans were made for a social evening to be held in the school on Friday evening, November 7. After the Mizpah benediction. Mrs. J. Tebbutt and Mrs, S. Far- quhar assisted the hostess in sery ing lunch, The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. I. Tebbutt. Farm Forens The first farm forum of the season was held on Tuesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Merrill, and. the TV topic was "What Price Freedom V The meeting next Tuesday night will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Merrill, 8.. W, „Churchill Funeral 'service was conducted on Saturday afternoon from the 13eattie funeral home, Rattenhury Street Bast, Clinton, for the late Benjamin Wellington Churchill, who passed away on TinirS43, night, in his 84th year. The Rev, C, S. :Wider conducted the service and burial was in the Clinton Cemetery, Born in Goderich. Township, a Son of the late Mr. and Mrs„ Tho- mas Churchill, he had resided and farmed there all his life. He was a member of St, Paul's Anglican Church, Clinton and was a member of both the Loyal Or, ange Lodge No, 710, and the Clin- ton Lodge AF and AM No, 84, Both lodges conducted memorial services in the funeral home on Friday evening, Surviving are his widow Daisy Dale; one son, Thomas, London; three daughters, Mrs. Mitcheal (Mabel) McAdam; Mrs. Walter (Grace), Forbes, RR 2, Clinton and Mrs. Jck (Lillian) Woods; nine grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. Pali-bearers were Joseph Mur- phy, Goldwin Smith, Harry Thom- pson, Robin Thompson, Les Pears son and Harry Oakes. Winghans n "- Clinton On Wednesday afternoon Wing- ham and Clinton clashed on Clin- " ton's home field in the sudden- death playoff for the HSSA chains pionship, Both teams had ended the season with identical records of five wins and one loss, each. having won from each other on their home fields. • #1101111111.11110.111.11111111111• A MODERN CONCEPT IN PROTECTION Today our life insurance ben efits the policyholder while liv. ing; In death, benefits' his fam- ily as well. Your insurance now can be used to strengthen your business, build retirement funds, send the kids to college, be an aid in time of trouble, Let me help you with your plans, Without obligation phone:- "HAI:" HARTLEY HU 2-6693 Canada Life Assurance Co. Wingham took the lead early in the first quarter when Glen Culbert went over for the touch- down for Winghann Peter Nais- mith converted for the team and they led 7-0. Clinton broke into thescoring next when Art Groves kicked the ball into the Wingham end zone for the single point, Early in the second quarter, Clinton started ' a ground attack that .ended when Bruce Lobb plunged over from-. the one yard line for the major, Larry Walsh kicked the convert to put Clinton ahead in the game for the only time. Before the quarter had ended Wingham had also sustained a good ground attack and Peter Carmichael scored their second TD. Naismith booted his second straight convert to make the score 14-8 for Wingham. Ray He- therington finished the scoring in the first half when he booted a single. The third quarter was scoreless as each team battled it out in mid- field most of the time, In the fourth quarter Wingham started to pull away as they scor- ed their third touchdown with Bob Hard carrying the mail for them, The convert attempt was missed, Clinton tried hard in the final quarter but just could not get any sustained attack mounted as Wingham played stubborn defens- ive ball. Late in the fourth quarter Hetherington kicked the ball into the end zone for another single to make the final score Wingham 22-Clinton 8. Although Clinton lost out in the CDCFRedrnen Defeat Godlerich Forcing, Playoff Last Thursday afternoon the Clinton Redmen won their last league game against the Goderich team. This allowed the Beam= to finish in a first place tie with Wingham. The Bedmen ran roughshod over Goderich as they racked up six touchdowns in beating them 38-19, Touchdowns were scored by John Elliott (2). Larry Walsh (2), Bruce Lobb, Mike Spiller inters cepted a pass and scored a toneh- doWn, Larry Walsh converted two of the TD's and Art Groves • kicked a single to take care of the ing. Tigercats- Leading In P.S. Football At RCAF Station The Tigercats at RCAF Station Clinton are proving themselves able to take anY team in the league as they won two more games in the second ..half of the Adastral Park football schedule. Last Thursday night the Allouet• tes took a beating with the score 19-0, and this Tuesday the Rough-riders suffered almost as badly, when the score settled . at 24-6, Wednesday evening an exhibi- tion game was staged when a pick., ed team from the public school' took on a team from Grade 9 a' CDCL Against much heavier plays ers, the junior team conducted themselves well, and CDCI won by the score of 13-6. • Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Machinery, at Lot 8, Concession 6, Hullett Township, 1/2 mile west of Kinburn. Wednesday, November 12 at 1 p.m. Horses: 1 Brown Mare, 10 years old weight 1700. Cattle: Registered Hereford cow with heifer, calf by side; purebred Hereford cow with bull calf; pure bred Durham cony with heifer calf registered; roan Durham cow with calf; brindle cow with heifer calf; brindle cow with heifer calf; brin• die cow with twin calves; Hereford cow with purebred Hereford calf; blue cow with calf; Hereford cow and. calf. Sheep: 1 Ewe Implements: McCormick Deering binder, 7 ft. cut; Massey-Harris mower; steel land roller; disc; M-H disc drill; John Deere man- ure spreader; Cockshutt 2-furrow tractor plow; wagon and rack; fanning mill; set 2,000 lb. scales; pig crate; 2 set fence pulleys; .30 ft. extension ladder; steel water trough, 6 ft.; 4 ft. water trough; Post hole auger,. • Household Effects: Antique bed- room suite; swivel office chair; Edison phonograph and 125 re- cords; small Quebec heater; wood box stove; dining room table; 6 chairs; -13-day clock; arm chair; 'antique rocker. Terms-Cash William Moore, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk 45b CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of FARM STOCK, MACHINERY, HAY and GRAIN At Lot 14, Con. 2, Stanley Town- ship, 11/4 miles west of Brucefield, on Saturday, November 8 at 1 p.m. Machinery- Ford tractor; Mag • or Deisel tractor; John Deere 3- furrow lift plow; Allis Chalmers 66 combine, complete with all at- tachments; power lawn mower; Al- ec() tractor disk (new) 18" plates; bailer, New Holland; 2-furrow plow on rubber; corn elevator grain auger; air compressor with paint attachments, pea harvesters; side rake; 12 water bowls (new); litter carrier (new); 3 section spring tooth Cultivator. ' 12 steel stanchions; McCormick Deering milking machine, 2 single units, 1 DeLaval double unit Litts grinder. Steel circular saw for Ford trac- tor; 1/2 ton Studebaker truck (50); 3-section rotary hoe; Elnorec bean lifter; McCormick manure spread- er, with plo. Hay and Grain-1000 bales hay, 1000 bushels mixed grain; 500 bus- els barley; half silo of corn. Cattle-11 Jersey Cows; 2 Jer- sey heifers clue time of sale; 5 Holstein heifers, due ,Nov, and Dec.; 4 yearling ..jersey heifers; 3 young calves; 4 sows with pigs 4 weeks old. Terms-Cash Ray Pepper, Prop, Itarold anckson, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk Fire Near School On Hallowe'en; Fife alarm shortly after one o'clock on Friday night, October 31, took the Brucefield fire truck and brigade to the public achool playground at, $S 10 Stanley Township, Hallowe'en 'pranksters had apparently set fire to an ex- tensive leaf house in the corner of the lot. The "house" has been situated there for several years, with the school children becoming more Skilled each year in making a substantial shelter, This one was re-inforced with sorghum stalks as well as limbs and leaves. Alarm first was that the school was on fire, and telephone calls were received by Mr, and Mrs, Dutton from Toronto and London daily newspapers asking for de- tails, Provincial Police •had turned in the alarm, and then went forth and captured two youngsters from Seaforth, who had been making the rounds of the area leaving trouble in their wake. Charges are pending, Possibly they were ,responsible for a couple of other fires on the Tuckersznith side of the village, where corn stooks were set a- bide. In the village air was let o u t of tires in the Ross Scott oil truck fleet, and a rear- vision mirror on one was broken off. AUCTION • SALE 40 Head of Grade Holstein Cows and Heifers To be held at the farm, Lot 14, Concession 2, Stanley Township. 114 miles west, Vs mile south of Brucefield, on' Tuesday, November 11 at 1 o'clock, consisting of: 15 cows, fresh and springing; 25 heifers, fresh and springing; 15 stocker cattle; 1. registered Here- ford bull;'number of young calves. Cattle are vaccinated and of good quality. Terms-Cash. D'Arcy Rathwell & Sons, Props. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer 45b Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Implements and Household Effects Of the estate of the late Oliver F. Edward from lot 12, concession 5, loderich Township, IA miles south of No. 8 highway, on Saturday, November 15 at 1 -p.m. sharp Farm: 80 acres of choice clay loam on which is situated an 8 room frame house with hydro; an L shaped large bank barn; an im- plement shed and garage. On this farm is a never failing water sup- ply. This is an ideal farm for raising of livestock close to Goder- ich. Implements, etc.: farm wagon; hay- rack; gravel box; dump rake cultivator; 3-section harrows; MIS seed drill; out-throw disc; set of sleighs; 2 walking, plows; riding plow; fanning mill; bag holder' cutting box; grind stone; post hole augur; slings; ropes; 2 building jacks; heavy block and tackle; a large quantity of lumber, including planks and -hardwood flooring; 2 galvanized water troughs; 3 wood- en water troughs; bee-keeper's equipment of hives, honey extract- or etc.; a quantity of cedar and hardwood stove wood; logging chains; set of double harness; set of single harness; horse collars, forks; shovels; carpenter's tools and numerous other 'articles. Household Effects: 2 oak beds, dressers and wash stands; antique spool type bed; iron bed; mahog- any pedestal table; mahogany square table; oak library table; fireplace stove; hall mirror; large, rug; 5 rocking chairs; walnut oc casional chair; extension table' dining room and kitchen chairs: kitchen stool; pine cupboard; lawn mower; 5 ft step ladder; hanging lamp; 2 part sets of dishes; mantel clock; silverware; quantities of linens, quilts and wool blankets; pictures. Included in this sale are some antiques. Terms on Farm: 10% down on date of sale and balance in 30 days with the farm offered sub- ject to a reserve bid. Terms on Implements and House- hold Effects Cash If weather is unfavorable, sale will be under cover. Allan S. Charlton Executor of the Estate Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 45-6-h s Colts To Practice Sunday Afternoon Clinton Colts Hockey Team hold, a practice session at the arena on, Sunday at 1.00 p.m. Anybody` interested in catching on 'with the team is asked to core out. At the present time it is nod known what grouping the Colts, will play in as at the WQAA. meeting in Wingham Tuesday ni- ght a grouping was not agreed: Upon." Coming Events 4e a word. minimum 7150 Goderich Pavillion - Dancing: Saturday night. Dereck Knight and his Orchestra, Lions Bingo ev- ery Wednesday. 45-tfhs Fri., Nov. 7-Bazaar and tea,. Brucefield WA at 2.30 p.m, 45.1s Tues., Nov. 13 - Card Party, Trinity Parish Hall, Bayfield. Sponsored by L.A, of Guides and Brownies. 45-b- Sat., Nov. 8-Bazaar and home, baking sale, in Town gall at S, p.m, Door prize and draw on (tur- key, Happy Workers Club. 44-5p Sat,, Nov. 15-Bazaar and bake sale in the, Council! Member, ton, sponsored by the Civil Serv- ice Laidlies'• League, RCAF Sta- tion Clinton, from 2- to 5 p.m., 44-5b sat., Nov: 8-Tri-County Youth. For Christ, Clinton Legion 8 p.m. Special speaker, Rudy- Peterson, Detroit; Glad Tidings, quartet, trumpet trio. Wed., Nov. 19 - Pre-Christ-. mas Tea and Bazaar in St, Paul's- Anglican Church, parish hall, from 3 to 5 p.m., auspices Friendship, Club. 45-6-1) Tues„' Dec. 9-Colored film "The Sceptre and the Mace", auspices- Wesley-Willis Good Will Club. Sil- ver collection, 45-b' CDCI Redmen Lose Sudden•Death Wingham Now Advances InlY OSSA final game they played very hard and with a few breaks the game very easily ...could have gone the other way, Our congratulations go out to all members of the team for the splendid showing they made this year under the -fine coaching of Ray Bieman. Clinton Redmen Lineup HALFBACKS: Larry Walsh, Bar- ry Pipe, Art Groves, joins Elliott, Paul Schoenhals, Ron Livermore, Steve Scotchmer, Grant Turner, Bill Wild, Charles Crawford, Ken Truscott. QUARTERBACKS: Ken Cum- mings, Ken Engelstad. CENTRES: David Alexander, John Jacobs. GUARDS: Bob Billings, Murray Lobb, Mike Regier, Ross Carter, Doug Gibbings, Gerry Wallis, Mike Spiller, Ron Turner. TACKLES: Bruce Lobb, John Shaddick, Charles Bartliff; Tony Hutchins. ENDS: Frank Glew, Tom Logan, Michael Michalski, Larry Powell, Barry Harper. First Quarter- Wingham-Touchdown (Culbert) 'Wingham Conyert (Naismith) Clinton - Single (Groves) Second Quarter- Clinton - Touchdown (Lobb) Clinton - Convert (Walsh) Wingham - Touchdown (Carmi- chael) Wingham - Convert (Nalsknith) Wingham-Single (Hetherington) Third Quarter- (No Scoring) Fourth Quarter- 'Wingham - Touchdown (Hard) 'Wingham Conyert (Naismith) Wingham--Single (Hetherington) RCAF Ladies Bowling League The scheduled games of the RCAF Ladies Bowling League for Friday, October 31, had to be play- ed on Thursday and Sunday last week, ,due to a Station dance held 'in the Recreation Hall on Hal- lowe'en night, The prizes went to Mrs. M. Edge for a high triple of 700, and Mrs. M. LeClerc for a high single of 224. Ladies who made 200 or over were: Mrs. M. Edge, 260-270; Mrs. M. -Leclerc, 224-210; Mrs. P. O'- Dell, 209; Mrs. M. Sutton, 208.207; Mrs. M. Constable, 207; Mrs. M, Burns, 206; Mrs. D. Dunkin, 205; Mrs. M. Brown, 202; Mrs. S. Dark, 201. Team Pts. Hula Hoops 25 Wish Bohes 23 Satellites 22 Spark Plugs 18 Aces 17 Pinwheels 16 Gnip Gnaps 16 Black Cats '. 14 Bomarcs 12 AUCTION SALE 45 HEREFORD CATTLE Registered, accredited and vacci- nated at Hirtzel Bros. farm, 1 mile south of Crediton or 6 miles southwest of Exeter, on Saturday, November 8, at 1 p.m.: 12 bulls ready for service of which 9 bulls are eligible for grant of 331/2 %.up to $200.00; 7 open heifers sired by Blue Jay Donald Domino, Grarfd Champion bull at the 1956 Calgary Bull Sale. Also selling 17 heifers bred to him, 4 cows with calves by side and rebred. Sale under cover. ' HIRTZEL BROS., Props., Crediton, Ont.; W. S. O'NEIL. Auctioneer. 45-b throtily 118 on 12" L P BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS "EDGAR GUEST" America's Favorite Poet "CURRIER and IVES" Reproductions From Originals "NORMAN VINCENT PEALE" Inspirational Messages "CANADA IN COLOR" Beautiful Canadian Scenes "FOREVER FAVORITES" Designed for Personal Signatures . 12 Cards $1.00 12 Cards $1.00 I 12 Cards $1.00 12 Cards $1.25 12 Cards $lim "TOP VALUE" 51 Assorted Cards "SPECIAL VALUE" 36 Assorted Cards "'GLOSS TONE" t271Assorted Cards "BIG VALUE BOX" By Coutts, 21 Cards PERSONALIZED CARDS-Printed in Our Store- Many Designs To Choose From-Order Now - While Our Stock Is Complete. 25 Cards Printed From $2.75 to $4.25 ° McEVtran 9 s GIFTS and STATIONERY Clinton - Dial MI 2-9766 OUR BIG VALUE BOXES Per Box Only $1.00 Per Box Only $1.98 Only 89c Only $1.00 GREAT CLASSICAL ALBUMS ON AMEN A Product of RCA Victor Company, Ltd, DISTRICT AUCTION SALES ';••••••004•440.1444.4•41.04.04NIMPIAN14,000#04444.104,41.4.414141,0:04,1se • The Huron County Council will meet in the Counci` Chambers, Court House, Goderich, on Wednesday, November 12, 1958 of a.rn. Ali deputations, communications' and accounts must be in the'' hands of, the Clerk before noon, November 8th, 1958, JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk, County of Huron, SAVING MONEY IS EASIER': BORROWING COSTS YOU LESS AND THE MEMBERS ARE THE OWNERS!' Clinton Community Credit Union Ltd. IT PAYS TO. JOIN YOUR Ybcie Friendly cHev,-oLos. HUnter 2-9321 VAUXHALL to °Ca ILINTON CT, 4.441,44,2isindivi4.0440,kr.040,4"4,04,AN,V44 isseSliseSisSiesSOSerse.144.041444