HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-11-06, Page 11News of uburn
09rtgspigolPot :WM .VANP 498$
Phone OOKNI1004, 9 r
.• •
W. C. Newcombe, Phm. B.
Chemist and Druggist
PHONE HU. 2-9511 — — CLINTON
Chantilly — Quelques Fleurs Flatterie by Houbigant
A flacon of perfume.
in a gaily decorated,'
:• miniature hat box.
If your granaries are abulgin'. And that's a sucker bet,
For the crop has been _a good one
And it's cost you lots of sweat
Then you're lookin' for a market
For your oats, your corn and wheat
And you wanna make a dollar
Cause the kids, they gotta eat
Then take it from a feller
Who has been around awhile
You can walk it off to market
And you'll, wear a broader smile.
For the best durn way to cash it,
But don't leave "til too late,
Is to mix it, then to feed it
With a SHUR-GAIN Concentrate.
There's your answer and your market
For the grain you've got at home
For the detailed SHUR-GAIN program
You've only got to phone,
You needn't ponder longer
As you view those brimmin' bins
Choose your SHUR-GAIN feeding program
If you're bringin' in your feeders •
There's shipping fever risk
SHUR-GAIN Cattle Booster Sweetened!
Arid They go on feed right brisk,
:anada Packers Limited
Phone HU 2-3815 Clinton
FARM FORUM TIME Fire Marshal Asked
To Probe Fire
The Ontario. Fire MarshaMs of-
fice in 'Toronto has been asked to
investigate a fire which .destroyed.
the 25-room BrunswickIiotei in.
Winghain on. Sunday, Loss was,
No. 119—,
Men's Sizes 6-11—Rog $19 95 Spedal $14.95
Sizes 6-10—Reg. X12.95 „.. Special $10.25
Sizes 7-11—R eg. $15.95 . Special $11.95 •
' •
No. 168—
5 • • -Special $6.50 Boys Sizes 2 and 13—Reg. $7.9
No. 479—
Ladies Figure Size 2—Reg $9 95 Speciai $7.95
iloadis Figure Size 6—Reg $12,95 Spec. $10.25
.,Canades Finest Sporting Equipment right.
at your door. ,
(What You Don't5ee Just Ask For)
„„c0.01.itig 5006 7tf..C/4
Gleaming Brass Rack with Milk White
covered Casserole
Gleaming Chrome and Glass
A delight for any hostess
$5.95 and $9.95
Mr, and Mrs, .0, R, Taylor were
weekend visitors with their son-
in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs,
Ron Rathweli, St, Oatherines,
Mr. .and Mrs. Harry Glasgow,
Alan .and Dennis visited Mr, "and
Mrs, D, A, McicaP" on SattIrdaY.
Mr, and Mrs. L, Hemberger and
Marion, and Mrs. J. Sclater, Sea-
forth, visited Mr• And. Mrs, Oliver
Anderson on Sunday,
William Kruse was a recent
Dr. Arthur Lyon, Windsor, And
his son, visited with Mrs. Jennie
Lyon one day last week,
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Armstrong
spent last weekend' in Hamilton
attending the wedding of their
niece, Miss Eleanor Armstrong on
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hunking, Mr.
and Mrs. Ted Flunking and Mrs.
Margaret Manning visited with
Miss Maxine Hunking in London
on Sunday. )
Miss Ruby MeVittle is spending
a few 'days at the home of her
nephew, Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Carter.
Visitors 'with Mrs. Margaret
Manning on Saturday were Mrs.
J, P. Manning and daughter, Mrs.
Phyllis, Johnston and three child,
ren, Riverside, near Windsor..
...Billy Cowan spent the weekend
with his parents, Mr, and Mrs.
George Cowan,
Herb Oakes, Goderich Township,
spent a few days last week with
his sister, Mrs. George McVittie.
' Women's Institute
The Women's Institute met in
a darkened Orange Hall, with
lighted candles in pumpkins and
black cats on the wall, First
vice-president, Mrs. Thomas Hag-
gitt presided with Mrs. R. 3, Phil-
lips at the piano,
Judges of the Hallowe'en par-
ade were Mrs.. W. T. Robison and
Mrs. William Rose. Prizes for the
best-dressed went to Mrs, G. R.
Taylor and to the comic (scare-
crow) Mrs. Ed Davies. Mrs. Tay-
lor sang a Hallowe'en song.
The motto "The Door of Wisdom
is' ever Shut" was taken by Mrs.
George Millian. Mrs. Donald Hain-
es gave a report of the resolutions
Appeal oii Hog Vote
Set for: Nov,115,'
Next Saturday, November 15, a motion to have the July Plebts-oite on hog Marketing set' aside because of .irregularities in the
voting,. will be brought before the
Ontario. Appeal Court—,
Information on this motion "is
from Peter McDonald, Bright, who
is resident of the Free Enterprise
Hog Producers Association, set tip
to fight Ontario legislation which
;waxes it compulsory to buy -or sell
hogs through the Ontario gog
Producers Co-operative. •
The Hanover Post reviews, the, situation in this light: A province-
wide referendum was held on July
25, when .$8,2 percent of the vot-
ing hog producers endorsed the
marketing plan r binding on all
Optarlo hog producers..
Justice 4. I, Ferguson ruled
the scheme invalid the same
month. • Attorney-General Roberts
sought to have the ruling reversed
Ancl'the Ontario Appeal Court has
reserved judgment on the legality
of the scheme.
Mr, Justice Ferguson made his
ruling on the grounds the 1957
Farm Products Marketing Act re-
mikes that marketing schemes re-
ceive a favorable vote from pro-
ducers before they, can be put
into effect and hog producers
were not polled,
-The scheme Was approved by or-.
der-in-council and -deemed to be
mit in force, as of June 1, 1957.
Legislation confirming it was pas-
sed. last March. ,
which had been presented at the
area convention, Mrs. Ed Davies
gave a demonstration on invisible
mending and Mrs. Millian reported
on the area convention.
During the business period, the
secretary, Mrs. D. Craig read the
minutes of the previous meeting
and Mrs. Cliff Brown reported for
the card and visiting committee.
Mention was made of the
Tweedsmuir workshop being held
at_ Dungannon. Mrs. William
Saaughan and _Mrs. Wes Brad-
-nock were added to the committee.
The fall rally is to be in Exeter
on November 5. Arrangements
were made for a bus trip to the
Royal 'Winter Fair on Thursday,
November 20. Mrs. Ed Davies and
Mrs, Sam Daer were added to the
gift committee.
Lunch was served by Mrs. G. R.
Taylor, Mrs, G. Millian, Mrs.—A,
Billings and Mrs. Ed. Davies.
(10)" 04r 414,1esbor0
The members of the. Live Wire
Farm Forum held their 'first Meet-
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs,.
Wilmer Howatt, with j5 members
present After listening to the
broadcast, two groups were form-
ed to discuss the subject, "What
Price Freedom?"
The next meeting will be held
at. the home of Gordon Howatt.
:r4.un FARM PORT,Tlif
(By our Ifens.all. Clorrespoudent).•
The Parr Line Farm Forum
met at the home of Mr,and Mrs.
'Ross Love for discussion on the
subject "What Price Freedom?"
Members felt they had lost no
freedom through, farm organiza,
tion, and that.' they. had gained
through freedom of the marketing
boards, They felt they had ra9m, toorasnia,yohlititeh: .4141g Price of their
The for= felt they had gained, financially through organization.,
For, example, the floor price would
have been reached months ago in
the price of bogs;. wheat price would have peen lower..
Greater financial gain is pos.*
Bible through co-operative .orgarti,
nation than through the individual,
for the farmers can share the risk
and management decisions, They
retain ter themselves, a, larger
share of the benefits of 'their joint
During the social session, win"
ners in euchre were; ladies, Mrs.
John Soldan, Mrs. Stewart Mack-
well; men, Ross Love, Stewart,
Blackwell. The. large .attendance
fully enjoyed the first meeting of
the season.
The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard
estimated at more than .$1,00,000.
No one' was injured during the
five hour blaze in the ..downtown
business' section of town, The own-
er,. Clayton Grose, . was, the only
man in the building, and by the
time he noticed. . the entire
furnace room was Ablaze. Fire*
men kept the fire under control,
and saved the buildings next to the
Please have you? bottles ready for the Cubs and
Will Pick Them Up Between 9 and 12,
Saturday Morning, November 15
No. '112—
No. 114—
visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
Miss Mary Houston, Hamilton,
and Miss Frances Houston, Lon-
don, visited with their parents,
Mr, and Mrs, J. Houstop,
Mr, and Mrs, Donald H. Ross,
Janice and Catherine, Oakville,
spent the weekend with is moth-
er, Mrs, rred. RQSa,
and Mrs. J. R. Weir, Jean
and Bobby, London, visited on
Sonde)? with Dr. B. C, Weir and
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. MacKay,
• Mrs. William Rose, who has
been visiting Mrs. J. W, Graham,
has returned to Swan River,
Mr: and Mrs. J. J. Robertson
spent • the weekend with their
daughter, Mrs. H, Hitehen,. and
Mr, Kitchen, Port Dalhousie.
Mrs, George Hamilton, who has
been visiting relatives in Seaforth
and Brucefield has returned home,
Pre-Winter Sale
Special price - $250.00
To Clem' at only $195.00
1949 MONARCH, very good shape,
new tires, only $195.00
A few more at these Special Prices to clean
up before Winter sets in.
PHONE: HU 2-9475
Wide variety featuring genuine stag
handles, Mother-of-Pearl, Simulated
Stag Handles
$5.65 to $8.95 •
Variety, Stag Handles Mother-of-
Pearls, Simulated Stag, 2, 3, 4, 7
piece sets
$6.00 to $15.95
iniURS1),AY, NOVEMBER 6, 1956
Sunbeam, Samson, Presto
Round, Square, several sizes
Pastel coloured handles, pink, yellow,
Turquoise, Gray, Black
at $17.95 100,400g $21.00 $24.95
Sutter Perdue Lt
Quality Hardware and Housewares
Clinton 110 24023