HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-10-30, Page 97470CIRSDAY, OCTOBER a0, 1.958 ofAubUrnNew C4ri'eepc4dent s, ItQ$$ none 110411ana>Ion 9 Y5 Mrs, Jeremiah TaYlotr its Vl'siiab'urig rl,ttl((atffi,. ter; �1{1'�f. • { 'LloY4 •110Ithlb'Y 4aInMf Mr4 •R arthiv„ LOndc 'ids -,irawtor IS a Patient tin • ••lC af,eta FWlali'ie Htospattail where he '+ vt •iron alPPROdlix operation. Mme, and Mrs, Wets $aafomasdi, lett -an.Sunclaly' for a holiday in Mexioo., Mrs, Oeopp.-: [(laapnitten, xafendls m Berticetfield And Sear -Mril and Mres, Cal SttMugh+a n -visited. Mrs, Fr'e'd' R,a tafitur-. fi; Mrs. Cage 1Vlill ilei, s irs. Wets 8c!wilnoCk, Mars, Bert 10rraig; Mrs, Frank Rialutliiby, Mars, Thomas :Hag, . gilt t, 'Mrs H, ,Grolier and Mrs, We tarn Strianighan attended the ;Area ' Cotnivenition, Ott London Haat week, ^1VTaS C. E., Asquith, who tea ":,beers, visnlii , her datul !i err, Muss :Mary Asquith, $armti+a, has pie- • tuunxed home. Mr. and Mics, Fd. St>olttz, New 7. Dunlldee, were recent visataarts with lYfr. and Mrs. J. C. Stoltz, .A. number if bare atateandeld • the eoituxuwniaby koncert held in tete asemilbly room of the Goider+ieh CoQ, 1egiate Insttit ute van Friday wen - mg. Fred P1aetizer was takenit by 'arnm- rbul;atnce to.. CSiinnton Public 7Zlosgntafl Dan Slutrndaty'. Jia>maes Mills was taken to Vic - tarifa Hospital, 1.Lontdlon, last week, • Where he 'underwent a Major op- er'lattico,. %hero via be quo Serviee.ar Knox Presbyterian aavt011 .4tOtt.may,. glvslog'rpo, IV11 tatnavivear airy servticeS o $ t, Andir ow s. Prwslbytbei+ram, ?^ tia"Ql?, a'irt!oln'• Anglican Guild Sat, 1VTatrlk's Misglican Guild met alt ttiue bonne. -of Mrs.Door an Friday, mentog with:17 (member's amid, mioirtor+s 1Yretlet t. Mars, Jahn Dim„ president, 'mod the meet-. g wlta a 11P/MT a, and Scripture brats mem fb[y Mrs. Fid. Davies: PSiairat 12;, followed wed by prayer by the Rev, iVLealt . Study. book was taken by the rpt'estikdei t, featutr+iaitg tam, aint'ereut- iang ,aurtidIe on able, Weald 'Dai^ of Mrs. A. Netabirt 'grave tiva to* and read to Weniderful, address from BalshoF Ku'ras'i; oaf Japa...m , Whom she lead the pleasure of 'heating in St, George's cblureh, Goder+ich. Aim tilnvataatian from the Blyth Gtufild to meet with, them in the rectory at 2,30 p.m. on Thaua'darY, October 30. was accepted, Atttteaisdanee art S+tm,da>,y Scholl was, reported as being very good end plansa were started for their Christmas eomeeart. (MIDI' >S dltlirsdn was farelseaitt.eid withn a farewell gift since she tits moving Ito Port Hope. conigrefgaational sitNPPer - Membership Protection .. Support .. NATIONAL FARM UNION WEEK November 3rd to 8th Parity Prices PRESERVE THE FAMILY FARM CLINTON SCOUTS and CUBS are having a Scrap Metal Drive BRASS, LEAD, COPPER, IRON or STEEL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1 Nothing Too Big or Too Smal (No Coat Hangers Please) • Suitable Items Include: Electric Wire, Hot Water Tanks, Car Pa Locks or Knobs, Light Fixtu DELIVER TO .McADAM'S YARDS., NEAR If you can`t get your scra Phone HU 2-6694 or H PROCEEDS IN AID OF B s, Old Taps, es CNR STATION metal in U 2-6692 ILDING FUND ire Hensall Chamber of Commerce Planning ;ForWeekl•y Paper ••1-04111.45 S'ieorrd, president or ttnie Heragal(1 tettisznbe+r o<f t7omaimaer e w OE o need zx>goibers grid ,guests at the ldunauer mooting:held rut rthe Leon :Half last Wedneaday eve- ding, October 2f2. 1 -alias ,P turiiialry of ache J-7terus,atiQ Branch, Canadian 1lel0am, %tered ifor tlsn ?aasaueat.. Wdliam WC0wit repotted Ona the aivii Defense program pran isiORg MOM lc to is tat, to • %ttor date, Don Sowtlx,'att, fl7xetter •'lsime-Aldvloca[te, presented an outline an wayrs and means elf haling a taoalt pa I' priu'Ntlead ifor Bemsagl, CMBfiifoi(alts orf the Clhanibetr wok on this and report to the aprrowp later :A diillm, was shy rt, .ciarnpQaari'enlie eE ishol oitt 'Tuve 'Ol arm,'berr wiall stpionlsor a "Diet out and Vote" campaign. All So they plan to Set nip a (labour bank. Certain people Will the oalld'eld on to donate Sever- al hours Of their rtiime, to llr'eQp beautify the )towttn, ,and ttheSe who ,put in the crest bouts should be e itiitteld 'tic mecolgnitilon at ,bine end tie ofeelar A motion WaS rxassed th'ati serrie re cignitthon the ,gi;vlan Jack Drys- dale for -laws donation, some years ago oaf a building tfior the howl ng green. The Chamalber has since. sold this building, road for November 14. Committee 2xu !charge Sas Mrs. A, Nesbit; Mrs. Clifford Brown, Mrs. Tbamaals Hag- tgiltt aantd Mrs, S. Taylor.- r. - Mrs. S. Daer kindly donated tui4p. bulb for the front of the eh2urelh, 1Viirs. 0, Taylor presi'deld at the piano for the hymns. After :the meeting Olc sed. a successful 'auction was held +and a pat (luck lrusj h• ser- ved by Mr's, S. 'Daer end her daughter, Mrs, Hiirkciotnnell and Mrs. John Daer. Auburn Appetizers Mrs. Dd. Davies- was. hostess Scor tate rl irst ameeting of the 4-ff Homemaking 'Club called the Au- burn • .Aippeliilzemsa, on: F.rida(r evtti- 6nlg, October 24. Meanlbea'Isa are: president„ Mari- Jli"ru Daer; vice-president, Mary 'Kirke/0=0i; secretary, Rosearnaar':iee Leltiheal!anld; pre secretary, Bar- bara Bae hfer; Bernice McDoug- all, Eileen de'c'ider, Lova Maty Chamim'ety, Betty Yungbinnt, Leatd- er+s+: Mrs. Ed. Davies assisted by Mrs. Audrey Mac(haon. The agia171s. +dailsieussiedi their record (books ,and adedideld ,to we tEhr+ele rizvg note (books, Mita. Davies gave. a short talk on cereals and dem- onstrated the measuring of lliquidis and dry ingredients, The leaders gamed. a ,cdaint y lunch. • The next meeting, win be dna N,otveanber 7 at the home of Mrs. Roy Deer at 7.30 p.m. Day and Night TAXI SERVICE Leave Your Driving Worries Parked In Your Garage - Call CLINTON CAB HU 2-9012 1111 2-9036 Don Switzer - - Howard Grealis Night Calls HU 2-9036 See The New Award Winning 1959F'RD Special Showing Thursday Night South End Cities Service Wes Holland CLINTON, ONTARIO Dory Rutledge AWARD WINNING DESIGN Ar THE WORLD FAIR BRUSSELS - BELGIUM Goderich Motors Ltd. OODERICH PHONE 83 - Night "Night Smiles Phone 869 VUITTON II W'S,R,MI OFU Staging Big farmers Union week, Outline Basic Purpose of Union Lomas o the Ontario Farmers Union acv this ,area acre joining (next weld �. fou k ttrr other oia1' farm (unions,lint MISitfiadlva, Saskatchewaan, Ail9rerta land lrt- as'sh Columbia as well as their own Ontario +WIMP +un National Fano Union Week, November 3-8, The ,'ptri :fUlTatilo n of No*04 Farm Union Week is to acquaint nt urban as X11 as rural peke with the lfaet that there iss a Farre, Via - lion and ,inipr'etsS upon them the alihns of Ontario 'lamrnertst' Union. ;The atnadoncre of inutiban and rural People as m?alated; ;#1 ey tatre 2ntter- depenclicnt, flarmea'ts adtepetnd aotn tum- ibam, people to ,buY their farm pror duce, urban Ple0Pole depend mil mem ..tot 'buy their anetrcha se. llf agriculture its. mot prosperous farmers cannot buy dams, trucks, tractors, ballers', forage harv'es'ters, combines and oiler moaacibbies so necessary to operate a ctairn 10 - day, The level Of ras�eaibr also in afliuences whether Mrs. bier gets as new heat or makes do with /the old one, whether she has a prets- snrre S'yy'berh or carries waiter frohn the ;pump Ina a1Jhte yard, Whether she gets a new heating syssttem or .coaxes another oth err year's, .service frrom the tolld' kitchen s'tov'e, 'Phase things have a bearing on the pay cheque of the man fin ,ton :114Ci.V 1174114 .laarirri Umfi'o s trY ato ivqop ibelx meanibea itp landate favn$nlg eomt- mttiunlitXy do winter* nuufaruned on 101109 which are eUfnrenit�' hap- , ening' dirt ,aQil' aQue'idsa what ,traili at iiirfeelt eigtrlr:tzlNxe, !AveFatorder''s Voioo is organized sized aVine devdits, J xaoail'i, poly nd ietpoV'aopua♦!i . LocaJ7tg, *Noll a* u'snalUliy' Pot !Wp, lane to a Tawinshitp, baci, rogloar. moottay, t ngs:t ld discuss v'ar!ious nga ei t p rali pro - Railcars. Rte nlda!ti Dos faiann ;awe to, ,the iOawrnty Oaleran zataon to the form: Of realcialtilonS, Resatw- ttiom{s 4iilat pasts ;county aneetrin are sent to 'head office for ddsttri- Rataiti,on to the other W44$ vii thin the priolvince. They thein Va before the iPrOlvimeila1 Mwtxa4 Convention .and if fpaSsed lbecoane 'Umioin I'olnr�y, what, tnanoott the changed Ib'y dlir- ectt'ors, This leaves control of the (origaa ;kz tibio cin 01# hods of the anennbers, Thus the term "grass wets", The National Farm Union Wie k Campaign includes press and air advertising, ppacards and stream- ers .amt stores and feed mills, busi- ness people win Wear sp±eddatl Sahel ihadges, Volpe sttaikers t be used on all Farm Union Mail. In addition to this and perhaps m'ogt implortant llocaal members Willa eon- dtet a foam canvass tor new trnteanlbensthips. News:- of Londesboro Correspondent -- MRS. BERT ALLAN Phone Myth 37 r 5 The Naovemiber meeting of the Women's Inistiitute will be an the {loan uutnlitty Hall ore Thursday aft- ernoon, November . when a spec - tat speaker witll contribute to the Pmalgaraanr. Mr. and .ZVrms, Joihn .Armstrong and Mr+s, Glen Carter were visit- ors is Hamilton en •Sunday. Mr.'land Mrs. Wiaa ner IYaowaatit, Mr. 'and IYt s'. Gordon Ilow,att vier iibed with Mr. ianJd! Mrs. Man Hod - gent at Exeter on Sunday. We WeJ lcome 1V1r, and M. Har- vey HWm1rring to the village as we understand they are attalkimg up ales&deance in 'Mr..NLe Ian's house this Meek, Wdkiiaan aclrawtord Tett for Ridge - town on Monday to resume his training tat the' Agricultural Col- lege. Billy iShaaddick has returned home from hiospiital, . He was thrown from WS bicycle last Frir day and a number sof stitches >wemle required to close a wound. He (also suffered concussion. • Mission Circle The Alianwell Mission Circle held their meeting in the'church base- ment with the Bdlyth Friea'udtslhiap Club as their guests. With the president tRwbh, ` Vincent lri the ca'aat'ir, ' the ameetting opened with a hymn, followed by prayer. Rc111 call was answered by 17 members, Marjorie Hunkirug play- ed a piatnio solo, The worship serv- ice was ,taken by Jo Ann Lyon and .Gail Lear. Ruth Vincent and Galial Lear saing to lovely duet. The ,offer oHg was received by Marie Jesting and Marjorie Hunk- iniU. Ga>v1 i trroduced the s'peakerr, Mrs. Stanley Lyon who told some- off the highlights. lig!hrts. aof her trdi,p and short visit iim Hazelton,B.C„ wadi. her daughter. Noma tRiip:e thanked the slpea'ker. Laura Forbes igave a short poem, "Mother'sApron". The Meeting dosed with the bene- diction. Lunch was leaved' by the Londesboro CSrele. Special... Recap Snow Tires Month of October USED 600 & 670x15 TIRES Scrap Metal USED HOT WATER TANKS Any Amount -- Reasonable Prices DUNLOP TIRES Sales and Service New Cushion Ride Nylon Dunlop Tires ----Special $17.50 Without Trade -In Summer Prices on New Silent Traction Snow Tires. C ERE-YU AUTO WRECKERS R.R. 2, CLINTON Dial HU 2-3211 Glen Price, Prop. 37-tfb a1111011110trttrn► STOP LICE ••• NOW! Your stack,,ean go through the winter louse free. Treat. beef cattle and hogs with HOWAka STOK?EST LOUSE SPRAY , .. dairy cattle with COWPEST LOUSE SPRAY. Easy to use --simply spray or wipe on. You get complete coverage ... and kill all the lice. Safe to use. HOWARD PRODUCTS ARE SOLD BY • Clinton Farm Supply Clinton, Ontario 011 and Gas Heating At Its Best SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF COLEMAN OIL AND GAS HEATERS NOW ON DISPLAY • Model 871, Oil its three colours. BTU Rating 35,000, heats 2 or 3 rooms $79.95 White $89.95 Model 4110, in two colours, heats 2 to 4 rooms 37,500 BTU . $89.95 • -Model 4111, in two colours, heats 4 to 6 rooms 51,000 BTU $124,95 • Model 4112 Deluxe, 51,000 BTU, open side door type and open front grille $139.95 (Less tank deduct $10,00) .......: ...... . Large Size Models, in Gas and Oil are offered at a real Special with the purchase of a Coleman Heater we offer you installed, :Cr 3 speed blower attachmen#"for the bargain price of only $12,95 Regular Price $32,95 ACT NOW, SAVE $20,00 GAS AND OIL HEATERS NOW ON DISPLAY Our Layaway Plan really helps. A small deposit will hold any item until Christmas BALL & MUTCH Clinton I.I G,A. HARDWARE HU 2-9505 All Nylon Supp.Hose Sheer suppoirt+ hose mode with-$ , 95/ out rubber, Parr N Cornfortable .support nylons that are QctuQlly high- fashion. sheer. An elastic sheer Nylon stocking g Without rubber. Doctors approve of Stipp -Hose for women who. need firm, comfortable support stock- ings, Beige or white, Regular (8%z-9' medium) long) Tall Royal (101-11 long) Extra large (14'/>z- 11% extra long.) Pair .,,. 4,95 W. C. Newcombe, Phm. B. Chemist ar.d Druggist PHONE HU. 2-951 1 — CLINTON FOR THE FINEST IN MEATS Shop This Weekend For Sure. At .The. NEW MODERN MEAT MARKET - Fresh Neck and Shoulder Ribs (While Farm Style Sausage 3 lbs. for $1.00 Fresh Select Young Side PorkLean (by the Ib. 49c Fresh, Young, Meaty Pork Hocks lb. 25c Fresh, Young, Meaty Spare Ribs (Gut Narrow) Ib. 59c Mild Cure—Peameal (Real Lean) Cottage Roll (Our Own Cure) Only 55c Ib. Stock Up On These Freezer Specials: Fancy Peos2 Ib. Poly -Bag (reg. 590, Save 10c)Only 49c 1/2 Gal. York Ice Cream Reg. 99c (Save 10c) ., 89c Barbecue ChickenLarge Size $1.50 Our Own Sliced Side Bacon (Truly Fine Selection This Week) T A N. L E .Y 1 MODERN. MEAT MARKET They Last) 3 lbs. for 25c piece) ONLY O. Stanley, Prop. Ib. 69c AIM FOR MORE MILK, = 4 LONGER LIFE ... Any dairyman who is serious about making his herd produce a better living for his family must get more milk and longer life from his cows... That takes plan- ning and skill -- but it can be done. Careful records kept on a large number of farms show the importance of "more milk", Cows,giving only 200 lbs. fat couldn't cover costs. Cows giving 300 made only $25. Cows giving 450 met all charges and left $91 profit. Another example: Figuring feed and milk at 1950 prices, to get a fair comparison, the Purina herd at their 1928 production level returned $94.22 per cow above feed; at ther 1950 level $320.96. It cost more to feed the higher producers, but the higher pro- duction paid off. That's half the story. Surveys prove that the average cow milks less than 4 lactation --- then she is sold. Such cows have only two lactations at most in which to make a profit after repay- ing their oasts. in the Research Farm herd the average cow milks for 7 Ioda- tions. If she pays for herself in her first two milking periods she has 5 years left to make a profit. The cow that really PAYS is the one that stays with you fora long time and produces and reproduces regularly, stead- ily, without fading out or breaking down. Many good cows fail to -rake ,good over the long pull because they are not getting what they need in their feed. Feed Your Cows The Purina Way SPECIAL : DISCOUNTS TILL NOVEMBER 15 1 Clinton Farm Supply and MACHINE SHOP • Gla CititMcl it s NP SON Phone IW 2-9615