HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-10-30, Page 7tinlIMPAY, OO/3E3Q 19*8 432401; 111011151MVAP rAoE MN* ituariet R. H. Freeman mo tom* Pdpbert Henry Flreeman,Oton, was head Nfon- dalY 4'0the Bak and Mtdch fun- blotne, Chilti, Rev, Grant YAM of the Ontario Sit. Ifniftod Church POOdUctedthe, servile*, and burial AM49.1%imCffinition CemeterY. ak/fr, Freeman died in his 82nd wri7uir7sr.w.-isiirsorlosrlrfwmir7srier 0144tPLUMEIER NAROZ D 14I / E r7rmouGs4 VISIBLE QR OUT OF GI'GHT, OUR dOES ARE (JUST EXACTLY RiGlow 1 E PLUMBING HEATING EA .7073 ELECTRICAL cE- ou9:10,b` dliraill.alli.11164111.4111.4116.4.6.4111■41111.+Ihwills. Weer, suct4e1itty at NS home Vie, Lia. Street, eariV Saturday morn - Born en tale semed eoneessktort of Ouiliett Towns, he farmed there e gatit nettining to 'ClAntOn ten, years ago. He was a son of the Rate Nfr. GTO M. Henry Freeman. He was a memb- er Of the Ontario Street United Surmiving are his widow, idle for- mer Sarah Marshall; three sons, Wilford tand Thon both of cillintear, and Ross, London; one daughter, Mrs, Williarn (Hazel) • Pothering- hiam, Baluceifield; one brother, Jact Freeman, MAI; one isiSteir, 1VErs. Thomas Glazier, Clinton. D. W. GibiOn DiarVid! W. Gibson, who died in Detroit, on October 15 will long be remembered bY the ananY friend& he rnexled Coderich Town- shiP during his visits to the biome of this wife's parents. He was the only son of the late Wig, and Mrs. John Gibson and Was barn and reared) in Detroit. After graduating from pig:elle iand high schools there he was an; account- ant in the offiiceof the 'Detroit CopPer and Braes'Rfi Mills. After theirMerridge,. he and Mas. Gibson took up resadence in Wilmington, Dektvvare, for about reyiears. Returning to Petrolt he entered the ernploy a the Ford Motor Compiany,.and when Willis - St, Clair +organized we to the pkint an Marysville, oh- • ou get loads.. „•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,••• • 414, • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • OP • • • • • • • • • ,x ELECTRIC t , wa tt ieith ail TER And an elect* Wi �iffibient, it toots only a few cents a day *fa 46 -ate. W1tFL the littler Size and A , . heating capacity you can depend on plenty of hot Water tor all your 'household heeds. An 'etetic Water heifer is site, oleo, and eceilomitil. It's the iiodeit choice of t &tithes wha"live better electrically”. electricity does so much . . costs so little 41111111111S: Latest Figures For Unemployment Show .0..Decrecis The number of persons with jobs, was estimated to be, 5,888,000 at :September 20, 1000, 137,000 fewer than a .month earlle. TM % decline was largely seasonal, The end of the vacation period and the corn- pletion of .harvesting and some toed -processing operations rearalt- ed JO the :lay-off of -Students, and other short-term workers, many of whom dropped out of the labour market. • - Withdrawals from the labour.' force between August and Septem- ber exceeded the decline in the number of persons; with 3obs, so that the number of .persons Witil- out jobs and seeking work drop- ped by 10,000 to 271,000. Jin addi- tion, the number of ...persons on temporary qay,oef dropped from 3/.7.,00010.-14,000. The kahour force totalled 6,159,000 in the week end- ed .Seternber 20, 1958 as compared with 6,306,000 one month .earlier. iJaain, and when it was taken over by!Chiryiller,. he came to that or- ganizatinoin Detroit, Later be was iappodatted piotxta .8141e0 Man- ager of Dodge vehicles. in states west Of the IlViissippi, and had' a 44opig 404 suceesstui career with that organization. e.,bad flogbeen in failing health before his death. He was married to Maude 'Stewart Mac- Dougall eldest dainghter cif the Fate M. arid Mrs. Donald Mac- Coderlich Toiwniship, who survives him, as well as two sis)t- ers. Mrs. Charles Gettlith and M. John iKeenian, Detroit. Preffieleriarg funeral service was heild,an the Harper-Millillgan funer- al parlors,. and ilifasonie ekes, at the graveside in Woodknere Came, telly, Detroit, gin -the Gibson lam* pilot on October 17. Douglas MarDougallff, Goderich Township, and MS brother wan - ace, Londesborea, attended the. it- era J. F. Shanahan John F. Shatrahon4 Clinton died his 70,th year at the Clinton Rubllc Hospital. ,Sotuadlay moairri• ing, October 24, after a king Born) h Hullett township, iste farmed there a his fife until re- tiring to Olintm two. years ago. He was a caramber of St Joseph's Roman Catholic Church!, Clinton, and 1ts Holy Name Socteity. His wife, the former Ada Icind- ,ree, .died two years ago. Surviving ore three brothers, ALL. oysiu Sfhonahan; Hullett; Charles Shanahan, London; .1 -wept Shona: haini, St. (Lambeth, Quebec; two sis- ters, Mrs. J. D. (Mina) Clinton. and .Mrs. Charles (Ella) Smyth, Ottawa; two Sisters pre- deceased him (1VIayane) Mrs'. JO-, *sepal Boyle and (ElliZalbeth) aVfirs. 'Frank liroCaughey. The body rested at the 13affi and Muitch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, until Monsla.y morning, when r)equiern, high mass was sung at Sit. Joseph's Church by the Reiv. L. EReed-Leivis. Burial was. Holly Angel's Cemetery, St. Thorna.s, PaIll,bearers were Hubert Rey- nolds, Bernard Tighe, George Car - bet, John Quigley, Theodore Flynn, and Joseph ,FIlyntru Mrs. M. Charrette. Mrs. Merance Charrette, wlklow of the late John °barrette, died in CanitOrt on Saturday, October 25, ,,in her 85th year. Her. husband predeceased her 16 years ago. They had former* lived em Hay town- ship. &lawgiving are four sons!: Dirties and Zeit% /both of . Detroit, and Norman and Dennis, both of Hay township; five daughters: (Jane) Mrs. Waiter Jeffrey, Detroit; (vin) Mrs. William Mllne, To- rento; (Eleanor) igrs. Ralph Meek, St. Claire& Shares, Mich.,. (Merle) Mrs, Henr, Tk y iiniker, Fairhaven, Mich., and Silster Mary 1VIonica, Chicago, ma. There are also 43 grandchildren. The body rested at the home of her son, DenniS,in Hay town, saliP, ;arm Tuesiday annealing, when Requiem High Mass was sung at 9,39 am. in St. Peteir's, Roman Church, St. .JosIiitt" termer* wag made lin-the rudIjoining Creanetory, rwith the ,Iteiv. I. J. Poisson nfgelating. Westlake Inn, eral home in Zurich was b charge of the arrangements. CITIES SERVICE' ..TMIL ES led •.,,1"Iff,4-- • -.4401101:eN* -rm• awe "ma A WOMAN'S mom Ooistor s/$ , miriWAvir& Myatt° NOW ,Ift•VO MY "prow rm. dews:CAR Arbiat mow SERVICE IS OUR MIDDLE NAME JACK scieuTON FOR EVERYTHING IN 41ETI1OLE1JM FILL2-9653 CLINTON When to. Plant? Sprint and fall. Have Advantage As apiplicatieris for young trees. for sring deliVieey reach the Ont- ario DePantinent ,of Lands and renests Alitfall, the perennial cil.teStion ot the relative .imerlitsof autumn and sterling planting anises, ISItudies igenerally show that spring is the better of the two seasons says odor est:Wm supervisor It Rae tOrtnnelii, ala other faetors &rig Nue i• stkinintd: cUnie Mot diavieilq), Mint of the stock ibe poor, then sprung Pliaintlng MaY ibe 20 percent superior," he adds, "Ito 'winter and early Spring vindisi place heavy dementia' on OFU CoilientiOn Is • WeH Attended At -OAC GueIPh Hall. „. . ;For the filirst !time the Ontario Vomiters" Union held at theOr sev- enth annual, what wary termed a "idellegalle$ Convention" with' rep- resentativeskfrom .practicalilly every 000n%s in Ontairio mins in the Timiskarding, &stria) .atteridingo Tuesday, October 21, tin Memorial ROM, OW, COtelph, Gluiest& speakers were Rex Frost, CIFIRB farm commentator who re - Marked, ."applar.ently. fatifiners acre all in favour Of marketing- hoards until they go) into menet/env then they tear ;them to pieces'', .and tarey Knowles,vtite-president. of the iCanoillart Labour Congress!. Mr...Knowles noted that the. CLC is proud of iaccompligitmentst for' labour which lincludes increased wages); pensions, health platt and other frg4 benefits. "People can win things ' to which they' .are jokiltr. entitled," he said "Increos- ed prices proceeded 'increased wages, and increased) wages did not upset the aplple cart. In fact, increased wages strengthened the whole economy", he •ecintiturecl. R.esointions ipassed at the con- •viention included some far reduced licence fee ifor, fainm trucks; a un- ion dialbel )for farm products; • that the OM he ireaogniZed as poll* .Indidnig organization for agricul- ture, and asked for equality of opportunity in .educiation thiroingh 'more uniformity Obi text :books a- cross Canada. tire mot 03/Stems for =lame to MIRA' the mole foliage where MOW cower Is often 'Wanting and MaY result in heavy loss, Shauld autumn Plenthmg be necessary because of a heavy spr, nig work load or planning site ac. oessibillitYl, the earlier the. !better once late sumer rains =Ave. Bythen, top growth of enifers has ceased and new root deveielro- ment continues, and them &g. reasonable chance 'of good estage. lishment, "Further, late Planting May re sult lin winter heaving Where the turf has been removed and normal soil moisture exists in the spring, Heaving iS in' no way limited' tio plants on silty or silty -clay soils, ofteaijed amporved, hut bare soil end high springtime water table will do the trick: Huron County Fanning Report (By P. i, WM agricultural representative for Huron County) Beet harvest ;win be fairlyilvell eonniteted ads week.. FA plough- istr and corn Plenting. Lane the order tof. the klaY. Ch:ickens Imre beam moved in p0 range..Farrers are making preparations for wint- er. • MITCHELL • CIDER • MILL Will Operate Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Of Each Week During October and until November 20 FRED HENNICK and SON Proprietors Terms — Cash 41-2-3-4b s Clinton Memorial Shop , T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER — SEAFORTH Thomas Steep, Clinton Representative — Phones — Bus., HU 2-6606 - - - Res., HU 2-3869. TENDER TCYWNSHIP HOLLE'TT, SEALED TENDERS will be received,by theTownship of Hullett for the construction of an open Orciin known as The Buchanan MuniciPal Drain. The work cCritemPlated consists of approximately 10,702 Lineal feet of open ditch to be constructed according to the Plans and Specifications of the Drainage engineer. All Tenders to be accompanied by a marked cheque to the amount of $200.00. All Tenders to be in hands of Clerk at 9 !clock P.M.; E.S.T., November 6th in the Community Hall Londesboro, Ont. Specifications and Plans may be seen at the Clerk's office Lot 16 Con. 8, Hullett Township.. The lowest Tender or any Tender not necessarily aceep ted. 44-5-b HARRY F. TEBBUTT, Township Clerk, RR No. 1, Londesboro, Ontario. Westinghouse Refrigerator 12 cu. ft. FROST FREE Refrigerator with separate Home Freezer. IMPERIAL MODEL HDL -.12_ Inttilated, Separate 75 Ib. freezer assures zero degree stor- age . . • will sharp freeze feeds at below zero temperatures. Cold injector refrigerator section has temperature control dial— gives proper cooling degree for your foods.,. Chills foods faster, keeps foods better. Prices Ranging from $219.00 and up Come in and Test Your Own TV and Radio Tubes FREE. Clinton Electric Shop "Your WESTINGHOUSE Dealer" ALBERT ST. D. W. Cornish, Prop. CLINTON