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Clinton News-Record, 1958-10-30, Page 1
-..,,.�.---... _. ...._....,�,�-.,�.,.,,,.�-.,,�,,,��:,�-�� � .. . _,.. . . .. , . _ . ..., . _ .. .. . , . .._. . , ,. : .. , . ._ ,. .. , ,... .. . ., , .. ,. . .., . ,-.-�.•.,. �-..�,�nrrrr�!�----"�r�, ' �: ......� ^ �'.,... �.... • ��� �"���t r��Xt�m��-�_ _ (Hy W. D, Y3.3 � d , � . ., TH� N�YV �RA-93rc! Y�AR � µ , . l� _ � : . � � � ,. � � . .. _ �.. G'Q4D ,N�WS .��0'iJ'1' T�3� . , ' T�-!� M�V+IS R�GCiRU 7% h Y Raya� Tfi?inte� x'z�ir< ..�n add'z.tion. �n� ��-,,,,-, hp Mome .Pa er W.it�l� ihe Neevs _ C�:INTON Ot�iTAR�4?, 1'H F�S[iAY DCTOB�I�. �Q i __ ta thc �Queea's Guinea�, and a�i ihe "� P _ r _ �1 �r , r 9S$ 7c per co _ Qther .a�ri�ultuzal clas,aes, ,, an�. ix: a. . _ _ �dditkon �a That mAr� �odf,r�y az�d Presen#� Bqsebc�ll i'rapl�� ° /� �r � �is harse.., There wi�l bs the ' �j��� S���V� ����J + . (�'� ��" _. "c�ancin� uvatexs," bxiied as a cpm- , ir/ M�� �� � �%} ��� tr�. bznatxon o� m�usrc, GoZouz'ed iights . i� � R���� ��������� arid sPurt�n� water. .. We saw ' tf#is shoW .P�ne CimQ at the C�T�, : s<, .' E� � � � and were a,te l,eased wiih. th•Y `� '�`" � �� . p � : :. . In �ght ��l���+�s . . �. :, a� # a Whole af��i�. , .The da�cin� waters _ _. � . ' ." . are an engir►eering .rr�axvel, an�i . ;�, . } � f: , � � ,,., � " ki� {S1c�!a�oa, a�t �1q+n�tx�x� �Dis�triCit � �`, , N� ar� �laye.d b� a, man at v�rliat �ookc • :' #; ; ,. ���x '-�.� : ���gi�a,be� �nu�lirGu��^c� .G� �ai� iba a (T1ae follawing zeport is p 3:° "S. , � Zike an eiectric qrgan but whicki ' .,�, � �. i 's. `<. � � � � :��'.����. �a'd' s!ba�� �'om� �h�� S�ait�'�t�h �o�n�ec�t,- • • • Tzurnn County HealtY� Unit. Ii.. � h xz2an are sto s buttons az�d� � � `��,` :, Leg�or�aG9'ES Yb�SN aS . Y. r� P, � � '�z xti ' x �� �"`� �tdnne� �ear. T�l�eu�e, �,s� a, �p�eg,�mlti��g offiCer of he�Ith, Dr Aldis ea ,a. �rk "` �Y�`' • } '� �{�� �,�= � e��roi�e�ut �f 1t3� �twd�nhs� �n �91g�fc ' �+ • a� erx►ergency as x�ot e�Pected, a �ontxols, .. The effect is verV ; r S utmck Mon �,Cx �Ieasing, and'we'd like an op�or- �'k� � x �' �,����.6?: �'£ '`�' aUass�eGs. ,;' p � ' be �ast ered so as to dea� betie tux�it td see i�: again same iime, .. '. ` K�. � ��: ;<' �,F�a�dh� r11i�s� �v��. �hre�t oru W'�'dm�t5- Sen�exk�d o�f t�.e� �e�li�o���t�:s, a�t� s' ' ' �,a a, :� :;� <;. �;; .; °� ; ,.,. � f����n day �o��' e�aic� w!�e�]c �c� a.perl;�ad� a�' fiiex��dEln� ��Jh+� �b�a�n�u�t m�e�e;ting .o�f ih�e f�rm�d a�t Uh�e 1�1sn.e,�T�� n�}x'i�t�a�1Ga� � BE TI U AUTUM WEAT - �:� ;: ,: <F� �� �w�e�k�s, Imi���d'e�d � al�a�s�s�� .C�limit+�uu Ba�a�c�h, 1.�� �C'�u��;diia�; %e- .T�u�ran, Gawn+taY, Yq�u wd1;1' i�e �pn- �,; � ;.. AU �' � N .�3 "v� ,�> �f�ar �e�l�e�a�t�r� s�;wll;n�g, Nva�t� 2il gn�o�; a�4 itlh� �h�1Q �h�xe �qn M�ancUay c�nr�e�i' �w�vth� tihe pnax�i�nu�by tq ias n!f ;; . er, , The blue _of the slty, th� gold az�d b�znt amber af i,kke tr�es e�nmaZlec71, �tlau�ghit ,'bY ;�xs�. Ca�m�a�t, ?�6tgU�� ,wea�,� :J�re�a�be�d� ,�a aai e�ce�q�mr� an c�pi:ld'e�mue �vr� �t+h�e r�c� fiax �wihadh ° ' ; ' . . ha�s �e;e�n Chiie�f ee�rvbre,�l �n C�r�y and yellow-brown fallen leavss. .. M�Pih�siar�; �tb�r a�lva�c�,di s'e�wln�, v7�iw �a� bave ptf rt1��e Russn�aa�� Sl�wt- "ry��: v5' . fihe indecision of Lve�ring a coat, rVuth. 16 �a�r'�QIUee�d�, �au�l�tt ib�y 1V�'a�, niierk� +a�� ztt s�pe�.' r��cxa��� �tiYi�e� s��, � Ra1b'xe�s !ar �y�diro�hblbd�a is a v�rus 1�. B!eu�ts�oau S+ta�tt�er; ^Vvwoiad� Nv,�rkdm�g Olk�s�r�v�r�s� xeip!ou:�Ce�d! ,thia�t, tft- �k 'vnl�elGt.uaru �h�uc+h aUUaicic�s �tJh;e u�ler�, a sweate�, or �eithex, ,, The. avs�e- s sqme fact that cold t��inter wiii tivirtllv ll3 �emma�R'e�I, h�u�4�it `h� Wa�� .a�bio�utt �au� �nlim�wt�es �tlo; cr�a��s fr�o�n waws ;�y�s�Ceun. I�t nis� s�r�c� ita �iu'- �oon be upon 1as, and we xnus� be lllua�rs� iC'a'�il�; �t�r�n�g', f+om' 2i3 st�p= 9vomiiz!c�av i�o� th�aruzpn, �a�� albavit fr.114 rnlanSi �rud' �wa��xn:-Ibdotadqd� a�ilihna�s ready. , a1J, make us ready to �dlem�ts, 5t�auL�� �by �'s. R. N; A1�ac- p,an. irt vwas ���es�cm�'�e�� �s� haNinig �Y '�i� �nitx�adnzotii� �rvba �tlki�e: +b'o�ci�y enjoy the .golden days .as tl�ey �amld�", �.om�slb�t"o; ��eh�(L es�arfi� a�q��iuvg.�n�tu;an�, iavcrs��s�ia��g a�a� af rt'h�e� �n�.�bd�s vdmu,s, am�cU �Uhis �ls ,.Y � ', ll�g�h�t 4�n�t�x��1'c�t�; aan�d n(��m fa,d,im� u��u�aM�y ik�y� ,� ib�ilY,� � a zralbY'� ram- com,e. •.. Blue and gold, red, b�ac�s .. E:;;rY � �ta�g�� roa 22 by Mr�-. :W. D. W�,��• , and green, the hula-k;oo s nf the S�s�`,. : 1�a�tfla�r'cx�f� f�r 14 �:s�tauidlem�ts- �6� im�alP. Orn� r�,me o�cc�a�i�o�n�s� d�G ��s ai p :; .,�,,,. � �.br ,n;oit➢�kn�g aipp!�r�Glly a5, ,it a°e- d��weR�aP�� �fa"arn, �Uh�e cos��t�act �af Nive : ;. youngsters hav� taken the place :��_�;.�",> ° :. 1VI'a^s-. �Arit�hnar �G?l�amk�, An�.`b'un'Itr; ,p1:1 �rp�,�rqd' �an!d �h� urtt'ae�,tii�an f�;d�d�, s�a�lirva �oif ��h a�n �a�nd�nial wi:Uh �a t of ra11e#�skates anci skippuig xapes �s , p�airubitnlg. �'ar�^ 1�, �j5i�" M�as�. OI��� $e�n�- �iut the joy oi being young is �vith �s!omy Mi�tah�el�l raavd u��ndfln�r�y fiom them as usual. .. 1� 5�tauKlemit�s, 'h��' (Mxs• Me� �art- , ,x ��: ��: � _ Shei1 out For� lJ�lI�EF T+� LN'1Yk�Tt�,�S(1TDN�Cz TG �?IOf.CE� '.�I�AT . �. A. Fia�'���, iprSml�it?� ��hi�. da1- 4'�zot �yeam ,�tlh�a w�a�m sylsit�nn� 4n . ,_ ,Le�lila+t�, is� ad'Sb� lA�+an'�iip�al. vn; ch��mg'e� � Ron Livermore, eapta�n of the Clznton Legion-spo�isorecl �E �}�y�, ;r�iigh�t �cxh�ol. , ■ r k �Iel I�eedy L�ttle �h��dren �i�ut'°¢u "K'u� itYe' 5a y'Q�ms' '°�1�d' ... Midgei baseball team is slaown (centrel receiving con�ratulations --p----- � a�em�imu'��nlg 'on Tfu;es!da�* eiv'�nS'ing�, from J. Douglas Thorndike, WOAA executive znerzzber �nd 'Legion . � ��� �'��� S���d' ''�� District official., On the 2ef� is business manager of tk�e team, Lions Club Heer�s ,�boa�t '�'�� ���'�' '�'e' '�'`'� �1'��` ' Dou�las Andz•ews. Mr. `�'hoxnciike officially presentecl'the Norm ' Tlh�is wala �h� �+� s��erom�: UN�IC�t�. iin� �ihi�s nv�ay a�s� ,Ua be �anis�fe�r•r�ed ��`K'e'�� ����1- ��'�� Hiii Tro h to the team at the Le xon's annual banquet.Monda North�rn Qnta+e°�o �Za�d��Nve%eln �t�a be� carrzaie�l� ouut an �f�, t?hle� c�a�r� �oif h(h�e T�iam. Sii�cln�ey, t�e+m �k'�d b�y �'at�, �af rtth�e � eb e P Y g�� �� � A't �t1Le� r�guil�m an,�1�:hUg', ldf ,C�17m� ,C1:iisutlorn. �S�proin�s�ome,�i'� iby �tJh� Ml:�th�k- S'm�ittlhi, mi�vi�s�t�e�r �ai ��are�i�gn• a�6fa�irs, 1� � ever�ing at which the_.:WOAA Midget C champions w�re gnests. �� �,�� �� ���, -�� ;�y�g p�,�, ''.Phie�e� n�at�� �aue�n, :�l�nlotw4le+dlgl� (Fhoto by F'�an�z Phi�lips}' Y i. �i�a1� .A's�solcli�at�i�oav, �tlhie� �f[-imlid'reuv o� nau a siiruglie� �h!e;q�u�, au7sd w!iffQ! be t�f �e �a'Gt' �th4�t 7bhle� IlYaNlbl� b�oa�S �hialll af S�t, R'a�w�s+ A.+tvg�l,�caau Chtuir�h, ,th�e �aae�a ,ha�ve� ?b�c�ru 'ln�itTnz.cte;d i�n jpa�s�d, �a�l�arx itio ih�e1� �ee�d G1�61�1:- g� p.�,• br �va�t ib�e�e�rv i�bwf�d �Ca �cre�a�t,� iihie ' s�lides w+er� �s�uav�mi �ay' 73�u,ce �• Uh�� vv�a�}r it��eiy +can �h�edlpc ��v�ar�e� xen, ', mva�om�ly mieie�i�d . .:a�ax�ea�ib7y � �a�u;ce �k�s �be��n v�iila Mlve` D�n�Gam�.i�o' ;c�h�n'I�d�re� ia0,1 �c�ver t�e� �r,oa^A�d, roh�e +Eadh�. U�NiGC1�'iF 'gs'aWP aho;os�s a' st9x+ea+� w�a;s� �ucn �o+pl�asi�i�an �th�t L� p�� �onors �all Tearn �iy�d;ra in, 'NarGh�enn OnJta�rwn flar il�NJ1C��" tivay. me�p�r�sie�rut�a��n�ne� :fnom 1;1�e are�a (�`in rt�r� �1ald� llxe�n s�ev�arall v'at�es ouv � � s�oar� it'ianie �; �t�;� �Kc�n�a,. melgaan. Uav •Ftyud'aiy` nfi�gh�t, kIalQtawv;ere�m, Qllir�L�an� �t�lvis, dh�7!d ryv'ul�� :b�e •tthie �om�e rCh� �s�ufbijeict �ha�dh ��ad� rPal;Qhd . , ' ■ ' Fi�i�s IPi'c�trur'e�s� �vuexe o�f �z�s 2�J'eGbs ,anQ �s4rt� o� �go1b11',nt�, wd�tcihiet� au1'd �do11�I�e+c�b'Ln(g, +tth�e rrLg.�t �'W�pas�t �'ar ,K :E :�" � �i�ry 't'h�a�t �ar�a,`. que;eir �s�h�atp�eid �fil�ures� tivi�il Ib�e ap- �Uhe iixi`aj�ot) ��rdd� aiJfl rt,heise n�ames 'I1Hi0!SI�I WFA�E! T1I�E: G.00� .Q�IJD And F�rst ar �������5 y-""—'`� , peamia�b at y�o�u�r ctioio� f'�r a tr,e�alt are� ,e�rv�cr�:d iru •a �raw. 'Zitie 1ue�ky, K�alys . . . �h�is� ��iave� af �nS�i�s�Cim(g ' /� } p � o{F s�omle� s!o,rit. Aii,s�a, �tlhe�y vv�iL1: �be rna.rrve -h,o `be �cUrawn �awt �^,util� b�e mvad� �L'h,� sie�nii�om carna��s�co�ner �re- "�his is a solemn time of year, gzll Counter. In his r�marks, BiI[ N�� �y l��r ����� • ca�rr�yiing �a UNxC{E�` b��c tih�ey� w�i71 fih�ast �oif �a :cli�'vl;d� who� wil� b�e :flau„ru �a1� �a siari �af "dlanm�bx�aoik"' �hn�dh not only� to Legionaif-es, but iC reminded Legianaires that 1958 waS a' �a+s�l�. y�au 1;a .corutri.�bnz� �tb�, ��il@h �a .OiL1!aiwia roa �na�ke �lhe ;pz�seu��ba- Ibtro�� ,ou�t �r� ��,e �a11d' �lea���n;g �,ihvk should. be tb all Ca�adians," said the 40th anniversary of the Can- a p ,������"��'� �t�,e�ir •c�alfl�, ",S�h�,e!17; �awt f�ar UNZ- �'.tan, �o�f i�i�i+s . UNiC�F dh�gue ibo� (il�o�carf�d, wih�,e;r.e Cia�niadia Paice�;,�.s� Fred O'Brech, px�siclent ai On- adian L• c�gion, ancl in Jaecembex' �M� �y�� �E�"'. i1h� IVIir�us�i,em. Som�flm� .£x�am C7Jnm:- a �e�a myillQl �,��r �anyd�s;) .,a;n;d; ,�h� taria Provincial Command of thn Clinton. Branch 140 wou?rl ceieUrate • 7.lh;e• mvoney coStt�e•ct�e�d �n C�a�nacia bon �Cou11d �i�e �th�at �r.e�gr�s�e�,�Galtliv�et ,�,�, ,��y���� ��;�;, �zi�p �n�o Cat.aclian Legion, at the Clinton 'its 3Qth anniv�rsary. in speakind GO�� ��ner��s�� ro�p�o�;e�cl ��tve +tnater �,ysitre�m� Ilay �e Branch's annual banq_uet Monday �o if�e older members, Bill saidc . �) �w�ats. �callQ;c�d Ua iGhe sic��i�e� ,, evening�. ,. "These are the men who held the Clintnn is still la��ix7g behin�a � �. �� � � with her donationS ta the Can�a- +He� asriv;e�d a:t �h�,e �imd� tir� �fis Mr. O Br�cht, who is alsa fhfrd �e�on together till we aTl came Ian Natianal Instit�ut� for the � �+ b�e;dirb�omi �l�i!ppers', atrrdl w,a�s"a�a�tl�fes �Vice-presid.e37L of Dominion Coin- back frozn beating Hitler, then .4va�n�l5'c�p;e,d �.�i �th� s�rt .., mand, spoke mainlyy to �he midget �hQY gladly stepped aside �or us Bl��d• ��� objective is $550. Do- 'Ilh'�; 6�ia.� .rtfl'x� +s�culfitIl�e �ue� �Las+t �lf�e basel�alZ; ;Ceam, who wexe guesis tio carxy on:' Most of the older. nations up until -]ast �hursday, �luj�ems+ a�!d� �n�d'ed" up �dbi�r�� .�{is at the dizaner, and to th� first war veterans of Ciinion bra�ch are October 23, totalle�T t�nXy $42:3.5�4.� �����% �� �� j�b Wri; s�o��.k�ir�g g.e,ei;,.,. „ .. .� ve��xans who, he saic!- pionee�ec� stz11 aetzve:-,rnemi�.exs:�� • Jae SiZ�bcl� `�hairman af tk�e c� �,�ign hes�e, � ��* all Z�e ion activities, He said the is W. Vic Roy, ,mannger'bf the � g� (Cantinued on Page Ten). G��nton Coznmunity Cxedit Union. 'WE"�! •NUT 'lyHik:l QN3;,Y .C9L�'N Legion is now sports Conscious; a'- Anyone `wishing to contribute ma,y E.i : rtk� n�hll�}l� ,%s .�i�lye�rta;mg �bo �a�s and went on ta explain ehe Can- 1v� , ,�,�y • 7�. ��� �t�y� adian Legian's Yoath Training send i1; directly to him, or drop Ya�r��k ;thiely+'� u.nn�'a1u�d '�uru �L'h�e, Pian. Over $20,000 a year is spent �oeai Fo�k A��e�d inta the office personally. s�aunl� �pr��at ... Hiause�hb�"t'd�ea�s by the Legion on this yuuth de M - The rie@d "zs �reat. . daum� !Nh�em7;s!ef�v�s; s�twak �� ce1- velopment program. Frank Statnpfl a�u A!1lAu��• �T �1 !!a There are si,x peopae fxom Clin- 8�ns' �h�a�if �fu��: t�f rtva�l�, �1n1d� ttua iwh�e� is � coaching supervisor of �the pIan. � ton and district xeceiving help � Ibv.t�rv �i� . .'Tlh�e Li�an�s� Cliw'b The speaker informed this br• ' � n frarn the CNIB: One is a residcn� Man St��� �������1E� of the School for the Blind. Th., r�aak �om �1ih� rolb� �af re�n�awimig wt, anch that the Legian is �lannin� other five are beang assisted at au�u� ��;n� +�h�ey ci9�itri�butle�d� Fit t}o extensive financial helg to the re� �t}v� m�e�l�l, +�i�t���r �as� an au,�fml��h�t ceni mine-disaster folk at Spring- �i:�frt �oa� ait a vie�r,y 1fqv� �ri�e . , hill, N.S. ' S�am,dls 1'i�k� a,n� eac�ld��nit �aodvu�i�rhn. The speaker was introduce$ by *** Douglas Andrews and thanked by 1VL'E��'JAL �A1SS!d�fIfA.TI,OiIV UQN- v+e�vUi.brtv c�a¢n�e �af�f �w�i�tivow� �, Q�IJt�h �beutdap . . . �B� un�a�icim'� iu�e �aP �tku� m�u,rses� re�s�i�d�e7uce, �ih� d!e!c�Uure 6�a➢D; �olf �t�� O.n�raz+i�a S�tr� U�uirte�d �,ua�c�3i: �a�vd;. rth� �L�gti:ouv M�e�voad�ail u 1�31a11�: '. . oiv;e�- 10� d�act�oms a�avd v� o rbh�eli�^ �la�'ies w� aCCom�n�oid'a.�c� , S�p�a�dlaU:s� a2�as a�f •th� �qhn.uL�h �prbnnid�e�I� e�hnibv�ib�n s{�aic� dar ,hltue anx�dluca0� snr�pdi�Is �m.d' e�guaiprn�m�t eochmbuts� , . . �Tt�asplutall'.tty n�f T�x. �,rud Mrs. W,all!te� A, +Op'�alre�s w��h �lh� ,ws�e a!f �tihieir Q�ro�me� �A�r �, c�af- �ee �bn�r ,�or �h�e�. �d�o�at�xr's� 1�,cli�e� Qt�A�id an�aUl�e� t�h�an �e�e� �ut hlorcn� . �ril�f 'Tlli+ourups+o4i ��e+71p'e�c1 �i,t rth� �,bz'e�vs af cars� `bel;om4gi'.t�;g �ta �tii�e xn�di'cai� �n�e�n� C�vt� �bh'e �lbtt kvt rNh�e . ae�r �f rffh�e. �Goanan.�e�r�i� A�p. �amtmveuvt�s� t�far;�ne�iJly �t�h�e� puib�iti�c sr�h�ao[L� �l+a+ylgYiawnld) . . , a�nid dShi�,y �bKu��, �Ga Qnme s�e�ver.a4 iaf �bh�e s�tu�t� nea��by....Uhe chwneh . , . L�01#a�'d �0�1�1SQtt G��� Ba ������ A�'WO Convoca��an� Charles roh»ston wAs ih Lan- dbn last �riday night at `I'h�tnes �iall, attending the graduation cerernonies carried ou� by the �n- iversity of C3ntario, �iS broth�r, Leon�rd, tivk�'o is prfnci�al ��fi a p�ib- lic sChoa] in St, 1V1�tr�+s, received his �3aehelor t�� Arts c�egrpe, �lon� with �$0 nther student5 bcing hanoured tht�t nigh�. Giving th� Coitvacation address w�s Dr, Jb�n Tuza 'Wi]sori, prb- �s�ar ak �e'i��ysnc� �� tJu�i'��z�i�6Y bf Tbranto, �rid the �irs� Can�r�ian preSident bE th� TY�i'eriitttinnttl C�ophysicAl tJ,nibn. Th�re were 9(3(1 pea�Ie �n attendxnce at th� �vent. '�h� VI/��kWs "1�eather �3i�'i LArV ,7iigri Low :195$ z957 OCt, 2� Fi0 Afi .ti7 5�: 24. 5'7 4� �v8 3'7 25 50 3'� �� , �� �6 51 �3 �'T 3(i 2'7 54 �0 4�1 2�3 2� 4� 3v 52 2� 29 �9 �� �� 3`7 '�t�3�x: .�� ins. �i:�ifrt; �.�� InS. ��t�wr ,� �ns, J. Douglas Thorndike, both Dist- rict Legion affi.cers. Seventeen out of i.he 40 first world war Legion members of th� brar�ch were at the b�r..quet. They were called to i;h;e front and ad- dressed brie�ly by past pr.esident C�inton D�b�ters Win Con�est A �in t g s O�h�r 1r� �armers ;Riei(�a�:esenvt�ing ,t�e �xm;tb�n J'ua,za�irbr �az�rueu�!s„ 'I°eld� �uryd' J;a�c.k D�au�in �a.s�t wle�k n�,noa�� �;h�eli�m d�eli�a�t�e wu�f:h •i� N�orfilv '�E�wr�c�av Jn�mii�or �ta;nm�rs�, �dn 'Nil.e' tSUb�je!Ci� x�eStd;IV�£�ci� It1�1'a�t D!ayil�g�h�t �S�i�vg Z�.i� s�h!o;u�+d! �c�vnt�z�n�e� u,rnd- �z� ith� , �res�t r�t x�e�gwll�b`.k�m�s�. 7`h� �al�ut�,�bo�r� t�e+a�zn �,ats angu;im� �.�h�e n�e�g- ��;tu�r�' sl�d�: 'af �t+h� d�'t�a�te. 71h� �d�i�a�t�els +arn�i pl�ub(lli�e slp�al��r��g can�s�s �af �;i� Jn�n7ar Farm�ems �w��� �a�, � a,ct� � �n � S�ari�ntih Gbi�sltmr�c�t �#�ii�!h S'�h(o�a4�. �O:t'h�r �wi+n,n�eu�s vV� ��,lli Sit�'omi� � � S.sarcry W,h;�a�{;I+e�+ af S�eia�f�h', Jlumli<� .Fa��i�►fems �am, rt.h� �aiP�fua�n�� � UIJv�' 'S��CZe �otf '1ih.p' s!Ull�j'��C'�., X'e�SbiDvekl � �.. �f�hl��: �rum�ll+ y,owth. S�n: Ou�.2+�z^a�o. �s� �v�- � �ifVg; ��ier�aa�arf.e� �,�:�Jd �� mioKi�r� �algn"Ieud;h�rle. 3�h�e� ��e1ga,�iiv�e s�ikle .wv�a� �ti'p�k'�� IbIY •tih�� �i�ick �izmGph� F�^- rnems. ._ ;1Vtv,miray G�actim!t anc� Gi���e Rilb�ey �af ��hi� ���o,l�qna�ambs� J�u�nfi�a�r5 �ax,gu�e�l +Uli� �a�f.[�,mknaut�i;�2� ���d�� o�£ �:h�e� sv�bje�c�t, �iesafUv�e,�d� �tfh�a+t sm�a�1t �Uo�Ca�l� �f�lilrs ls�h�{ �aulti 1�e d2s!��o2ui�imu�� ,i�� d'+av�auT t�f :dm� 2�,r�e c�onzn,E�y �nirr. 'Tlh� ruer�a �iuu�e� sii�t�e� w�� c�a�rui:e�n�t�e� .bp� �art�, I�wrtrru �7n�n�i�s ,l��arn th�e �.� sp�ea�lc�ms �;w� we�e ��it�o�s�e�tv � � i�e�aim, �1t� �re!pa��s�c�ri�t �on ' Ct�aviy° ,i � ;th�s y��ar`s �rio�• I v!iitvdaall d�lb�atesc iC�ti��r�t4v� Grau!n�i, I C+�ebri�e !#�,7b�!y, ��mn'y 1�Vh�e�a�67�y, j ��umem�c,e Ne�sl�i�tt �,ttld' A�llte�ha�t�e, ', �i;l � S�Qrloml�. / 11�i:�s- ��z,h�dt�a ;ia�ai'�, ��ft 1, �3.w't�dm, . �, m�mn��Mr �� �tih�e ���e��t'a�rim. J'�anni�r ��rnsaf�cf�uf�� +wa�s Gh�ox� t�r �P�irC�s�� �]Gar+o�r� C�aa�t�y� ��aa�u �h�i� ���r, � t�� , �eb , �t - " i �a � �lYll � t�Vl.�l� fYCt p� � 7m� '�OICICMh f,�'�1- �U;a�t�y 1d a,C� i11� Jun�i�ar �+a�mE�^ C`�am� . 6�i "l�'em1(ilb�i�., J'�'cU�s �W�ne ���r� Cx�rr'�lmt�, Ca�n�c�fe�ri�ih,, iri��e��tltx� �vf ipn.t�,lli� ��41�� rn r�o�1s� �m �en�t�r� �C�[rtzr�a�i, ��vd� �� ,rjg� ,�P,fiC�m��nm, a�e�9�r�c� �uitnl��c s�hrb�b� �Siylll�(q4�Yc11��� �'1111�1DQii. • IVZr. aavd 1VLrs�. Ro�b�nt TayNom, NLr. arvd Mrs. •E�a� �adahiw'e�fb, Gb¢•d'rnrv Ra�tihnv�e��'1, 3ahm; SeR'nip�le�a,n!d 13ia� VV�i�� w'�ere an»r�atlg t�h� d'e'die� ga�e� IFr.am ,H+�2An L.'�a�u+zvty wdva at�tsnd�eVi t�h�e �m.oMm�caa�, �avn�u�all mee;tiun�. �f �tih�; �7aa�n�em's Unfiio¢z� �h�1 a�t O�AIC* Gru�e�pih, d�as�t vwe�ik. G�ryrcL�m I�171U, �7�a�n�a, ti�ats r,e-ed� el�t�l�l �I���sild+en��t .af +bh� Omrtamia Farm,emts� Ur�li�an �or a se�ti�n��' y'z�air. .Tia�TL'els� �P�af6temis;o�n, W+i ¢1 �ri 9 T�' �e';g', i� p�r�ts�idlem�� �oif �th'e� �t�an�i�C!oib�a� F�aa�rcnr e�rs� U�nman �am�d� c�h�aarm�a�rn �aP �tlh� mn��zr•+pmavl'.hvci�a;1 1�'a�cm�em� . Usili�am� C�alln,�i�1� w+�l� axve� 'af �h�e �r���il. slpe�a�k�e�'s., He e;n;c,oiur�a,�d� �hh;e em- �a�an�aur �r� �� �ca,�e -faan�Ry f�a.rar,, s'alynmlg: �tl�a,t "T�l�e� ���o�cl�e� �rnf C'a�z�F adla w�iQd' ilvarv;e� �ba mia���e h,h� rl'�.�i si�aa�� . . , �t�atrvi� ;Nh�e� farcara.�r. �of,f �tki�e� Q�artiici h�a �g�t r1h�a� fo�1, nm �a�y' �&aiv a �faim �p21:�ce� f+o� ¢�.,, '�e� ip�r�au��d� hlh� fia�s�. f�ol,k ��r �h!eiirc� �on*n";Fu i,n; e�f�fiic:i;e�ncy,, sit�art- '1�rNg, "SRTVC�.' ��i1,'@' VV'c'�,2', ��'a'PI[Yl pR'p�fl�IC- 9 ;Ui�an, i'.In�ene�sle�c3! �un e�f�fic�a,em�c� 0yy mare 7�lva�ru �1/z �1;iaxz�s . . . I ciaulb�t it(h+ait �m� 3uisd'tUsltiry .c�ul�i! rn�altclh rbhl'�". 1aa�bt�e¢�o�' s�aiixl, "'IIl�� s�act�ennie+n�. �t�,��� �, �e �a� ;�a��� �,��a �r f�eti� �tnxi�er �tlze� �fa�z��r's� ��� dlurr- �i�nig r�h� i7Sat� it �dqpa�eSs�i�an ' is� a�t'rsU�' t� +�n;e�." A,t�intailibY', U�� mlo�t�, fra�m��� an, �i�h�� �m�aDil �faa'ni�tly :fasun +hia� �il- '�t�Ry+� lb�eeln� a �Ua�bl:tihzimg,.dm�1'tUe� ;c�t�rfiizvg �tve �die�pu`ets�s�i'�an�r a�uci �ii�ud lvefllp�d t�a ab�anb �Ombmd�c s��o�Ilts, home, and receiving aids to makn life easier. You can help those vvho a,re less fortunate tk�an you az^e. And i2 couId happen tn you, too.. , .. �--=-- local Foik �t R�lf Y In Ra a! Yo�� H�te1. Y LdoaQ p�oip� ,aitt�mKiC'i�lg1 a x�u- v�rrvUi�an: yn� �� tR�ay�a�l Yark H�atQ,l; �iml Zlanaiv�o �amily �6�s� weeik w�re Htarrry Bailll, tlhiaf'vrm�am� �df 1� +b�lam�' aF �n� �c�u,�aa� .z��� �o�it�> � Mu�ss �iiQd4�. Sun�iih, su�p�exvn�em�demit oF tih� hasip�iita�l, v�ha �htem�l+e!d 'f8�!e pmlbamd� �as�pit�� Ass�aci�a�biion qom- uem�tiian. ' �t.�lpres�em�bati:tv�s ib�£ 7Jh� �a�c��1 �-Tiots- �iifia�l' Aiu�xiQ�iialnY '�v��a �t�te2�cleid ;Ehe ipa�v��tvcu�ail Hosl�li't�� Awdi�n�ary A�- sa�c's�tubav �canrv�tti�v +w�er'� 1ViTs�. V4'. ;$, OI]Id�, �i:`ttsit vi�Ce'��2�'siKlle't�'t �af th� 4qc�al graWp� �mid' M3rs. C. A. T�r�at�t, rniehYilbem. .Bi!#y .Naniy Ha� 'Recomm��d�tio� � �01" C�q�l�' �`OS�' Billy G. H�nly, RR 5, Clinton, has been recomnnended 1%y the warden's committee fpr � �ppoint- - ° ment as cteputy clerk-treasurer �f Y!"�� ������� ���� Huron County. If t�ae recoz�men� ()�# dA'tion as approvecl in !he N'avem- ber seSsion of Hurbn County Coun- D�sney St�d�o �� c�2, Mr. Hanly's ctuties wiil com- r�ienCe ori J�nu�ry 1, 1959. V�\i�r! 141� 1d.�1��4s�A L �tarried to th� Porm2r J�an :N'edig�r, NLr. tianTy is �t preserii: eknpla�ec� as bookkee�er �t tIte 'Z'�va �l�lgltilifuil, v6cs�i�bms� wit� iVi��. Citi�s Servite dil Cornp�any's de- ��rnd� 'Nbr;s. ����rt �W�d�c�n s�e�,e��I�'pbti here in Glinton. �i� playec� t�em� ;ttwia f.dl�k �,im�tts dtibQ'rz �hh�e 'wif.h the Clinton ColtS Hncltey 'V�al�i ;i3ism,�y ��ui�in' i�n �-I��i�iy�b�bki', t�am, ar►d b�Il team �br severa! C2a�l'i�P., NCu�g �'r�,�C��s A;ri�h•er �am?ci ye�ti�s, I�is f�ther is Mervyn lv�is� �eiv�er��c�y �ut�, `I'h�� �� i�ar�ly, tax co1]ector �nd �sse�sso�, �b;�ns �z�an!ail�l�y� p3c,�;e�1 viu� �'�oa� foz� StanTe� `I'o�rrrishii�. w:om,lc li;ri+ �ti%�e� s�t�d�ila ll�y We�t1Vt 1�it�- lVir. �n�t �li�s. i�artly isave t�iiee n�eq�, . Ct,�rare�. 'i7h.� tnt�a yk�ur�!g ;l.a!dx�� ��e� am� 'T`he post of t��put� el�rl�>treas� t�u� �i�r� �r7�'I� ��art- �F O�n�t��io, am�c� t�rer is �Ehe arie b�cCupied bY �ohrt h�i�d; �i�t� �dm: �ypmbcnl;s ��t Ga�%e!ra,cli G. i�er�y '�efare �is p�bmistiori to amlct +i�tt �th� tJiruinre�rwi�tp� a� W�e��t�i'rni cl�rk-treasur�Y� fb]lowir�� fhe �eatt, t O�nh����v Ymr �.�o�ru�!cm, this year a£ �5.,� �rsltin�. ��r��r�. �ih��� �B�e+�i: Rbtivc��:n 6s �..v � . . .. _ a cbnzs�im� �rf �`h�e� �.is�In�e�ia�l5!ekt c�rc°» �l�dl�.'S ��15�'1�'!?d�� �S �t�oacc�tts�;, 'V�'af��. �zs�n�e��� it3��� �,rS�s w�� �i,niUer���cu�', a�� v����i�n�� �,itrn. �w�+.�5�� '���` ���Sd1�'� �1h�e�H 1}nit�4vcU �:��'kErs� !b�a,c�c r�a�rci '�i� 1�21�i:e,q p�'u}t���i� w�;s�,h�rrti� u+� tio+ 1�tir. s�i�r�c�,y ,i�lia�t t�h�� ��ad� c�rt� t�h� �itint�� �ti'�ta� Lt�if�a�Ei�s �pui�� �U�t�ci.�ct atri� �p�F '�i� r���iti,�t�,S w�ti]w �u:s�ib�i�'in.�u�di��' as� �cl�ks�; �`e�,j�� +'h,�r� xm� C3�,b�.r�a, arc+i� S�� ae��r�. O,ne a�plp�i�catrian �%oa semv�i�e w�as �aiFtA"ranre�d b+y �th� C�1in(Ban �'�u;b:lic Uitii:ci:i �s� iCam�n;i5islibmer-s;. it�h'os week •a�s • tmiey m�e�t vrv �Uhe� p�UC +af�fi� �k�o� �Uh�eitr azvonthly �aertan�g. Wa;te�r, s!eiwe+rwa�e �azvdl �h�y�d�raa s�nv+i�;e�s w�r�e �a�p�ron�,e+d �om a rnew hbnne arn Fre�d- xd�c Sitroe�qt ���in�g c�s�ru�cd:e�d ilay T�l��m��a's +G�e�aQ'i�s. T.Ci�e� �G'o�naril',5snailr�+s ruohe:d t�ha�t a�t �as� �a�Jm�ocst 12 mvanrhh� simre ��h'ey fix5�t ��lr:e�d��Y1h,e De,pa�rt��nit aP Natzoma([ D�fem�sie Fo�r auu a�r�crea,�s� p�a�ymea�.�t ;f�aT �a�ar� ibe�in;g, ws�di a;t S.� aitfib�n C�lmn�tan:; �nntlhu� �au��y a;ot- n�an� I�el:h�� tia�ke,�, y�e�t. ,A nehv ;r�a�t� s�t�ru;ch�urp ��s. �b,e3n�g c�n�'idler�ekl ,f�ar �h!e se{lA:i,r.�g tzf �hydria am; �bhp� f�awmi, ��ffe!cY;��.g �Uh�e fi�sit .olf Jam+uatry, 1959, Th�� �aumypsflse o!€ •t�k��e� �a�db�usrtan�e�n�t 1�s, +tio� r�e�d�t���e �Ive s�wrplllus� w��i�c�h �bh�e� PLPC �h�ats �beeai� lbvi fl�lii�� u�P �a�ciY:. y�e�a?r, Iru 195Ci e th�e �su�lp�lu�s w.as� �la�ona,t� $�15,Q00. A h�a+�tt�h!y apsra�`nn� s�umpd�us a�s� cnn�- ss.�leme�d t�x 'b.e� �a�bio�uh $lO,OQfl �e�r y;e�a�r. �h� adgus.�t�e!d� r.a�tes tu�rIlQ� m+�a.r� c�ecre�a�s'es �fe�r �ou�n:e� bif t!he� ctanswmw e�rs� iin �Gl,'an�toa��, ' �:O{Ii1Gli �Iii �Ni�@�` �9a Thursday, t�e�rv�e�l�er 6 'Ilh�e Nionre.m!b2+r mc�t�+nl� af �ih;e �liuvGan 'I!o+wau .Ciauniai� witlil �b� ��eillcl arn Thnzrs!day eive�nCin;g, N�av�ehnt�ex 6, taoanmeu�,�i.n:g at 8 �5.ax►. erv�c�s; L�n� 6 � 11C� � � �. � +�p . Ga.Yus�ideraUuon wa�s :ginr�n Co �Lh�e rrve�,mraci �o�f ave�a�tunl� Lhioan�es. ,�anld' co�n- md�z�c+:la1� es�t�a'b�'-.�i�s�haneruts, w�i�il 1��dhro. �1�� FUC i,n��n•dis� u�s�img �ils m�e- +bhiad �uu bh�ii�r pm+o��as.ed �n,e�w a�P�u�c� ibnz�'1�dii,t�g iratv P�ark St�x.ee�E. 7(hie r�ait� �c�f �aiymue7�t fo�r ,h�y.d;rro� �us;e�3 fom lvaus�e� h�aiti�nig w�:�lil� 'b�e 1.78 cemlGs � igros�s,� IP's�r F�VH. Th;e� �o�w�r ,us�d i:(ru �Utui;s w�a�y �s� ��d! �fdvx°aug�h a �!.e�- ara�G� an�e!herr, aa�d' is, �bml�Leic�t �erutli!rell�y �a�t �h�at ,ra�te. �3,o�w�e;u�r, i,f a cws�bo�ner wi�lh;e� �,�� �i1�at •arne qua�t�e� af �s ;Ytb�u�s� ar 11�etss� w�ii�+h ��yd�r� �x.on�v;�r, h�e� �n�y �a sa ^�f�f #ihe� s.arcn�� meiCe� �h�e is �a��re�a,d�y uls',r,l„ �ar.�.�i �t�h�e �he-�;��ge wdiifY �be� �alecorc�dl'frng �t� ,ii1� cor��aaf»pbi�om otif hns� �rutd�re� 1dg�hti',n� �an�d �nma�tdmig �llai,�i�. Ua�id;E�r �,h� ;Ar3o�pb�d' m�ew� ma�te �brwc�t;wr.e� flar Glim�taxv +t87�e� e� .w111i1 ibe �fio�ur ,ra�es ansit�e�a�d oaf rtihm�e�e�. �cir it�h� fiirs�t 50 �kwih kh�e ma�f.e� tiv50�i. lb;e� 3 �cc�t�iUs�; �,qm �ih;e� ��e�xit 20t3 attiv�h ,tJh�e� r.ait�� wi.l'J]! b�e l.:i teru'� a2��1 f�o�r K` ;t�,�� �n��� �ao .�rv�� r�� �a�� �an b�e .9 ��eirut��. 'I1h�e lbal�ain�,� -us�'d' wi4% �be �vt rtJt��e r.at� �af 1.2 cemits�. Snal���r_nibemd�rv� J. �. Ra�a��l�s� r�e- parbeltU kh�a�t rtJh�e r,c�-w�ruu�� p�o�rc�asrn.. �,n �t�o�wrn nvi�u'id �be �rou•n�pC'a�t+ed e�a:c�1(y irv 1'�5i9. ;He� nv,a� crom�itnru�aldy �!�- ;�.i'�ar:l',NI; firan�CifQrancerly w�ufih: 9arigiex uati It��, aitUd� �dio�ulb�i,rng v� w�h�erc�e ru2c- e�;�sairy. AIPlt�oiviail� �h� rvat p��t� be��ru re- ceit��d� �fr'onti �tihe� Om�f,a�ria 1VIiunu,�up�aS B�o�a�+d; a�IgamcZi��g �td�� sad� af' +t3��e 11�Y.T� �tx2(�Ghug, Young Kippen Soldier Str��s�ing iuc�zS�Clts �and equiprnez�t ta � jeep zn t�he field a�: Ntotyntain Vie�v {nettr,iP#et�rr, C;ntarin) af��x unIbhiting it from an RCAT�" "S`]yin� �oxa�r" tl��� ta ri�hi:T Sgt,�lv��t�oy� 1�ar� , . �i�d rite, Hnwurt� ZJayman wild iYiacczr�r�alcl, �/CpS. zv�n Ga�nett ttre t�k3ng �ait iti ��� comb�n�r� �1.rmy��.�.AX' Exercise ��Gl�b� 'T`rbtt�r �." dert°it�g which t}se 2nd �3Attalfon, TI�b 1`i,�y�l ��.nse�zan . p _ mtir� airfirld, #��z�db�, ta '4�e�ime��� is �ir trana art�c� ;Crom CX u �VCoanft�ir� C�ier�v, ��.mulatzng th� ove��s�as �irlift a� �n Trif'flntary �a�;talio7t ��oup. CSN'[ Mt�cdonalcl Com�s frori� Cta�rlott�to�+r� ��,T;,i.T �ICpI G�trrt�t�t is the s�t� ot ;iv�r, ttrid IVIrs. �orin Gn�ka�tt� �ax�r�eil ��iiX�rr��n�, ��iri� �'n��, �.�.; r�hiZ� �te,. �� ari's �vxf� � ?t�ttt'£:��,r�� )i��'�C �1t i'�1�, �, ;�a��'Eri.. _ . _ : t �A►� RY^-��3,Q0 ��,� y�nX----'[ 0 Aag�� � �i r � � _ c�+� r�es: �� � � resented by t�e a�fieials of the M. ATd#s, M.D., D.�,H., medical nghas#zeci that ait�ough a st;ate t is hoped that co-apGre�tion will r with impendi�ng event�s). sana�:d1� o�r a�h��r I�re�ak zn �h'e � o�F rt�h�� n�ci'im;. Tie�ca�u�s�e� :af v�ar.�ous f�aato:�s sn�k� af� �tlh�e� auvbe�rvc�nfilao�v o4� alb�h�iavg, �ve s�elv�xi,la� iaqucl �poslJti�an, af 1Qt� �xiit,e, ralbilets, do��� �!�at �aceLs�a�r'�1� d�e�vsl]�i fiopil�aw)ilvg .�n� a�t�a�,�c '�y �a;n, us[fe�t: e�d' ;a;nihn�a�l�--+sam� iaru;UY�loz7i'�ie� siha.�Ce blvait �inR�y ��itv��e rt�o� 15 pet� �n,t af ��o�nts. �Iutlt��n; �l�y maJ�i�a a�ags, a¢� wn�,ne�a��+d�, actnx���y d�erv�J�ap tih�e� ciis�= c�acs�e, � . Th� �inGulb�ihouv P'e+rwo�1 �ami�s tv�uf�i i4ve siifGe '�'d s�ev�riltb o�f rti�� w�aunKt; �aatid'. h�vay �h'e ttivo io sax Ih w'e'e�I�s �r Lc�nlg+e�;. Q�tae� fi�h;e �p- �o¢ns' �ol�' malk�ies .�tip�ar mn m�a'r� �o anian�aQ, d'e�a,�t� rf�o+llUorvvs• ,�n #+��a llt��o sdx rciaiys. 3n dlaig+s �tlh,�c� c�a�zti� sp�4n,ni�oms ames ��� � ������b��� ������ 1o�s �vf aip�4�ti9t�e, i:em�d'e{rucy hia fl�ulct�e. S'aan� tah�e ;appe;tdtt�e� I��'comietg Jafb�rvcr�- miaIl ar�d Uhie� ,am1i� tniay t�rpr �o e�alt ig(l�a�'s �ar s�'an�s�, �tc. Lai:�er wt miay .nutslh: al�'a4�'� � a. �1s�6b"�'� `' way, fa�uavg �'awsu �mqm, �im1e �to t�tne�. Ait fihis :1aiimie anaip�piih�lg �amk3 b4bunlg �tic�rucUe�ncri�es �!r�e� coar�rniom; saQA i�a �o,wrs� aiu�i af ,tlh�e� �n�au�, au�nd t7Yuc� thamk ds; nvairn'he�. '1'd�� filnia�7 �basg� 6�s� +an!e ,af �pairatUys`.�, wn� �ihle Uawer ja�w a�n�d' Ih�Lxvd 3'i�n,�bs iiim�ct �aiEFt�dte�d. 'Iih!ow�h t�:e� amii�rval masy �b�,v �hi�s ti¢ne� �b,e �wn�aib�I�e tb �tiam4d, �,t can cdit�en srGiall �ba;t�. De�a'tlh ac- cawns a�fibor a rCx�w' d!ays' cQii,�'e�ss. pe�rr�a�i�i wa�r�at�ian�s �ay �o�cu�r �n tlh.e iil1�1»le�,s�, a,rzd� �he paral�y�i�e sy¢n pbarn�s m�a�r +�e� uno�re •r�xro�rnisvea�t, uni�lli �i;�t4e� io�f �Uh�e "fumi�au�s" �ae- �a�i'lowr. Fi��enz in au�iim�al:S� wu�ih n�om!e� o!f i�hle �Jla,s�saaad sy�n�p�tems, rt4ve 1'a1b'oma�t�o2�y �hia;s �e�6afblYi�s'���d � tlli�a�- �io�s�,s� ��f �albn'�s. Zlhe i7ag 11a.� and �i,ve S,t�. k�natie�bi'om� A�ct ,�r,dvu�.deis� fom �by- 1�a�s �o� �b�e �a�s�s!adi �by 1aca4 mvund- c'vp�all'�tie�s• �fc�r �tlhie Ji'voe�n�s�i�vg otf d�qgs �arvd Uh!e� aar�Y�r,a1� af am�y mumm�u�lg a�t �Da,rig!e�. �afbme� v��c�camia�i�an a�s ad'- �+lu�aib6�� 5ar diqg:s, ��c7:a@lly tiif �y �ame aQ7law�ad' iaa x�wn �orn, a fa�im�nn �ar use�d f�or �nain�G'vnlg. T�„ani`Im�al v�a�- . ci�rue :fiar maib�ie+s �i's s�affe a,mid �nlauy �be s�e�c�wre�di +ax ��amun�a�l co�s•t :Eram • a ',p�aata�avrug v,etea���n�airA�am. �10'ti :Q�l��'� {1bEgu�", �IIUi� ,.C�4 '�S� �0'%E"$; wiotl,�e�s a��vd �tih�c�r v�arm 'bZacvd�d anviriva�ls� �n�y �az� mafbl'.�es�. Li�v�- s�t�c�k a�n�ay i��!cam..a �inife�ch�,cl ibsy at- ba�alis :fira¢n. nalkrvd a�nsax�,ln, and. s�h�attild, �l1�tx+esf�, �b'.e v�a�ecnat�arbe�d n�h��n� �f�iid�ic 11i�m��n�. 'llh�e�i;e� are c�pe,oiall �pe�xl'e an yaum a�rea w�a bam� Ih�c3Tlp w�h�em ma�bi�es �tlkvrea�n+s. Fo� �ex.a�crvp�le;, iilru �ve oase� af ,"v�tnss� Ln �p�,bs aavd� �i�v�e�- �,t�acic, a tne�t�x�inlami�am� c+an �;ciiv�il�e t'h!e awrne+r; �u�� fi]�;e c�ase� �af .vv��dllirfe, a da�al�rvatiiom, aHfi;lceir af' tJhie O�n�t- ai �ri'�o Dap�a,nbmeavt af Landls aavd �ta�r�es�tts i�s ,nea�c�y ta ���ssts�t; wh�,ne s�tr� dolgs so� oats� s�h;aw shn!� belh��vd!au•r, ,tth;e �fl�agaatc'he�r . ar pa% i�ce slh�aul�d b!e u��di�i�ffie�d: , . 'i4ue f�na2 a�w�hlarity, !ho�v�v�x�, wi:lt'h m�elgamd. t'a �ralbi�es in a���vallis, is f:h�e� I-�c�aliUh. �af Amlian�aiis I'�iiv�i;�idn cxf th� Ganad�a I>�p�a�xrt¢�nerut '�f ,A,�g. ric�u:Yi�ture. Tlh� T-Le�as�, �af Aa�ia�vail�s o�f�Pi�� �far Uhis c�v,n� d5+.�si�t�u+a�t�d u�v �.�he Pio�;t O�n�ae� ib�u�iilldli�nlg, S�a- f�h�,. ���eIF'h�ane� 372. Natilfy �bhem �f a�11 aas.�ets �af and�m�al �a�b+i�s. Silvo�d �a '1�tuan�a�n� fl�c$�'.Ibt�n i�y a ' t�i�, , ar sn�p'eat �r�abi�d arvimya(1, (Continued on.Rsge Ten) Wh�re's Th� �ire? Fzr� alarra Iast night was set off f��il�ativ+imig �a tya�l� f;r� a muma4! hatnie K vwh�eme� �n ai�1 lb.wc7n.�*r -ruas �giivi� s�omue �tr�on�;bille. rn� ,a �ew 7nli�nna;te's a se��vcY c•a'.11 �can�e�fi�� iY1e a�ran�¢n ��f�ar!� rftir�ercn�n hr�tct 2�fh fiTh�e flitr�e h1a�l�. . � Om; �lu�ciay' �emomlg� tYL�e �e aNarmv it;aat� �tm� 'ba��ga�� �t�a fi�lx�e ,dLd +p��1d nve�ax rt1h�: +Ou�lhn�are sQa!u�t�em h�nus� a,t rGn� �,lo¢�t'h, emid' a� W�l�waom i Snn�e�t. �y �tJh� rtrirn� ,Uh�ey rearah�e�d� � �Uhie! �ame�a, �rw�a �au�n!g d�lls nv� S�la�d ; baitcc�v �, :t�fiC orcut� atvtaa h�'lv� wa�tem �`ax�d, then lost their pales, h�d jump, e�i �afi, s�a¢n as�hiare� �m�i �veme b�, �rti�g �dmti�ed� �rtildl it�a�m'eid A� �hnxn�. � �BrQi1 �F3�al�srt k�lald' �cNaQdi�d Coai:s- �ir�b�te ,Perdhze�, t�ha calle�l` �t�� ,F'sa�e �hii�ei �Gi��rub iR.r�tih�, rwh,a s+et o�1f rf�h� ',altial�n. 71h�+ �rs!em� �e�ir�,d� t�hah �7ie� �l�!cl's� unG'g4�� ��ah� h�c� d:i��'d�wi�p� tivi�t�u hQt�e� q'U,i'c`ltt5'axte�l IbbliaCoh�n t4v2 ,�a�n,� ��s Wa6�c� �� ih�an�e'. �r��r� Miles Spe�k�r At lLions Fa�rmers �Vic�hi� Do�U�ll� !H', M�l��, Glnmit�bm, +a� �ert.Ui+t�tur'�t' r�mes�mlt�a�t�iv�e� �f�ar Fiu�raai �G1on�x»ty wa�s� gu��sr� sp�e��Ce� �,t �. �+arm���s av��mi� ��en�a », ��s��a� �6' ith� �Uiomisl K�litUk� a�f ,t�h�a� vo�Ila�g�: �1h� c�]ictT� ��am�bu� �6i�,� Ba�z��� �-iF�l �vi�z� �Ci'Uwb .�nd" m�e�bea�ls I � t5fix�e�lt� �t �,he� d"u`mmtvr, �i �L.ian �a(llsia EI1w�,te�d �, ifa�ran'�r�m�e�nw Ib�e�',. � . �„ . � . _. -. _ .._ . ---^,-- : .. �3Ver 8d ���thday C(ub NLrs. �S�lhi� rial�ljm�le, ()ntario ��t:�'t, a7ive� �P �t'h� �7�le��t ,��est�eairt� a� �C76i�n;�na1, wn1� ct�1!e(bma;t� 9��1� tJ7s� �ristit�cl�t� ��: �5�;h�am� �an a�a�fni,ract�alq'j N�e�ri'b;eh� �, �w�th: �i �i�2ts�e 't�i �iY �irli�ztidb� �:t� ��3a:l,y. A.�¢�x +����ri»� ��i�t��n�aury �� r�wty wa1�t a�t�rle �t�� �(�i��. �bd:ri;�i!�r Cia� 'i'�tl��S�!atY> �'�Qi'r�irer ��