HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-10-23, Page 80 111
94 andMrs. a"d Ellao�
------- the Aew, 9R B.
1_] at the rwbow on Tues -
News of 0ayf 1S1peld d
Mrs. Wink(, �iwaere
By MISS JXCY R. WOODS W1r. and Wo, Dare.iZalfola'JIMItcZ�
PHONE: BAYFIELD 45 r 3sonsMbaunnsa axed 81H
we 0. Mrs, Bmte
XeWlylelaMf =1�1 (noun C^Iday
C&Irw (Bklapdonl hm
was up Or M
vers. J. UCKMAe, *w w1e0k on, to Swiday.
Ow, weakend. -thedr way to Nov4 Scatia, N&-. and -Mrs- 'Charles Bell), milso
Mrs, V,
McEwen 6s v4�sitlng"in X01, F, 11epdrielk, B1M*n)dhQW? Joyw BeH, Donald 13glL accigmp,
London thas w004 McNgan, who caKple, ion NW*idnesday eniied W, Miss Xpan WiloQXmichev
Howw'd Anrotircing'miptomd
11300ch. forthe day on
sorpnd Xxs.1i, X. Kalb -to close rbhei4, cottalge fm the sea,
deislch� London, were of thdr, cot- son, is, itheiguest of MM C. W. Sou'nMa�5!"ol
tage olm� the wepkevd- Brown.
Master Bmden misses Ruth( mlarrlay, Jean Rnk . Mr. -and Mm. JTkled PavdslQn, De-
is speodl•ing thisl and P041 Husisely 450trta were troall�, rvisa�tod W& brothexs-, LYOR9,
aunt, XM J, D'. livvey,,, the guestsp xt TV&;; jessae &;etc�ff Uehdn and, Russet, Dgvlson, over
alt b)er home do the 'ViRaiage over 1the weekend, The� silstew, Mrs`.
T& and MS. Georgel HW-2� ithe weekend. MUIett, iw.clowpanlied by hex
wem W Ourlinlilm from miursday - daughter, 10s. Jerry Robinson aind
to Satur�- I Mr and 2&s K A. ZIea�heirbton daujgbtelr, ,Patsy!, . were ,also, with
Tony Pugh end fan.Agly, retunw4home ,ane Thursday after iifwmi, on Sunday.
h)ava�ng "rit a few idaWs with pmIar,
W '
Oak "�ch were at their'cottage t ZW.. �lad Xw. A. L. Cba
for '16; ;��end. l =d:UO"er and mll�=neld to Detrll:A on Wodat
Mr. and Mrs,. LawrerxeSWaigue, A 'aitter havbV spent thli weekexk
srs at their, noftaige lon, lquaga �3btet
Detroit, wem at "Hodagy L~. 1, . , J,,, W. Denby and two
for the weekend. dblughters, Plaltdcla, and; Jeannine, OLrr Sunday, accompanliled byMiss,
Mr. and Aft, L. W, paorpo Buffalo vjfs1tedhpr,d&u9hter, Mrs. es A M, and V. J, StaIlling, the5
AsAed' thek s XenneiUi 03ranidoa land' fw-o* oVer Wer.e.�tfte, esW,& t,
on, Waxbe. r gu he Rev- wi'(
fwnffy ani Suln,day. tti!e woelcend- Ws. Peter RenneT+ TeesWater,
Mer. and Mrs. Lloyd X-aaft'si reg 5&iMurray, amomp.
J. 0, last week to s,. Walliam
spend the winter with his nephew )turned, home on, Tuesday e!Yeq* wded by Uss. Jean, Berry, Wlalr,
isIted their ren, Mdicbi., vWitad, her . ndece, Xiz�s
ft� Ottawa,, deg after hw4vg w
Mrs. William L. bLetcaff left on, daoghftor, 'Mrs, X, Xa� Ohl Lml- W. J. MtLeod on bxbofty, an�
WiednesdW (for her blomer in Marxt- don for sleverall days. ofisio her mother-4,n4aw, T&&. Ane
re)a$ aftr hqving.vWted h�er moth, Misses, and Anne Drouin and Ru,
rray, hiClClinton PubLia Hospd-
tv, gNft,. David Dewar. Missy Adele) Fleme&W closed ftbear itaft' -Wil]2-am Xurray is, a patieni
Uskel Elllbtt, Tft land Mrs. respeotiive o6ttages tar tho, seas- da -b 1ho;i0ircai, in I Datr4t,
idin 'Uln4.k�ay and� - Ceorge� spent oni anl�i relturmd ltD Deitrollit last Mh 'and Aft. Sttan; Kernoban,
Slunldlay wftl-m Tdr. and Mrs. R. Jbn- W,&ek.
kip, London.. Mrs,. GeMgle Lindsay and son, Mr. andMrs. BarAM Kernphan, For.
Mises Joan 1,&Leod, ;aJnton Brown, accoMpaxAdeby two of lest, Were tbO guests Of thelia coin
and Helen AtcLeodLoudoA spent axe igrandcMdren, Ellen ard Dor, ft' Mrs. RldibL-rt Kerr oiver Sun,
the wleokend wlth,, their mother, asd lAmidsay vk4teld her son, Geo. dhM- Alga WsM19 W- and Afts
Mml; 1W.. J. McLeod ligd _and,fwnaly, an �.p,"i on S,,a11,,. R. KeT on Sunday were 4fiO
Mr. , and Aft. Burt Leshle, Los day)., daughtek,, Xw Robert H=Vhiie:
Ang,4%,, Clabilf., visited W, aaild W and, Mrsi RusseRl Elliott, and son Elise, Mrs. Hopper aero
grandson Chris, PortStarlliey, ionto
Rar,Xy 6; zee, sit. nwmas;.
Xembea's of -the Student Christ.
dr,m Movement, TJWO, held a buls,
libess session, and weekend meeft.
Motor�t! You should know'dng 'ifirom ;FVi�dlay to Sunday al
Clamp 00end*aj. Presentwmo ;thy
Rev. Vrank 'niompslon (Ca -ate W
0 That PROPER MAINTENANCE of your car's' Plauls Oathedral), Mrs. Tlwmp•
water system is just as important as;'the care sion, Mohael Show., (president),
care Marglirelt Howard' (secmtary)�
of the oil system. SUsamw Bryant, Bolen S)box'ey
Mary Grgifffini, Ray Bray, Don.-Bei�
�ur w tty, Dbn Gray., and, Dick Heinder.
40 That -the -3 dollars, spent per year on, your water goo, eR, ol! H=on Colloge. 'Or
system• can do as much for rolonging the ShturdaM the group heaved ant aid.
P &+ Vs on ICWtlare and Religion b3
life of your car as the 40 dollars spent yearly I&. Dudhey,
for oil changes.
Rubber Stamps
0. Come to WELLS AUTO ELECTRIC to have your and
cooling system tested with our pressure test- Marking,
er. Be safe! Be sure! Devices
Of every description
Wells Auto Electric GRIGINAL Stamp, Pads
Sold by
Phone HU 2-385i Clinton News-Recordl
vitAcK CAR
"No witchcraf fabout these prices,- they are all 'a real treat!"
• Beautiful White Sani 4?qden Step on Can --reg. 8.25 Now 6.59
• Polish Corn Broom ........ ....... ................ Real Value at 1.19
-0 Plastic Baby Path -pink or blue -reg. 2.98 . .................. Only 2.49
• Plastic Laundry-� Baskets in colours -reg. 2.98 *,.., .... 1. ... .,: Only 2.49
• Rubbermaid Dish Dred6dr Tr'diy-reg. 2.98 ....................... For 2.09
• Rubbermaid Dish Drainer Rack -reg. 2.98 ....................... Fol 2.09
• No. 4 Enamel Roastor-=-reg. 1.49 ............................... ...... Now 1.09
• Quality Brown Stair Tread's (9 x 18) .................... Special at 35c ea.
10 Swing -a -Way Can Openors-reg. 3.95 .............. I_., Yours for 3.39
0 Swift Carpet Sweepers -req. 9.00 .................. A Real Buy 'at 6.95
0 For the Handyman (24" Aluminum Level) 'reg. 6.95 .... Now 4.95
0 Here's a deal to really save money'
(Electric Hair Clipper Set) --reg. 14.95 ............ for 11.05
0 Genuine Everdady Flashlight (complete with batteries) ..4or-85;
0 SOLORAY HEATING PAD-reg',5.95 ...................... Now Only 4.49
0 .HOLLOW -GROUND PARING KNIFE ................................ Only 20c
0 BOYS' & GIRLS' BICYCLES -made by Standard Cycle Products,
Toronto (Parts Always Obtainable) now on display at $39.95
STOP, SHOP and SAVE at Your Local I.K.A. Hardware
0 LOCK R9SETT o, Etc.
0 Factory Approved Enuinment for Testing
Why take a chance on a Control that is not doing 0,• job,
time to have it Checked,
Now is the
CLINTON Phone HU- 2,9505
Russell, Xbrt)hw,
Trinity Church WA Will
Clentl$f $ ReIaTlOn
Lodge" 11n. 1956.
ern the ipmaye rs!, thepres%-
Distribute New
Calendar for Next Year To Ba._ fleld Adds
.(Dy our Bayliced Corresponden
The Women's AuIxillalry of TV Interest toRocket
Paul' Kulloslel, Bishop of lVfid-japlan
, on
ity Cburd4, met at lqhe Hat" %
7bur.5dw daernoon, The preddent (By Lour 04yfleld Correspondent)
X1* Luray Woods, conlivipted dhe
FURNACE TO OIL- ( complete with tank)
exercises, Mm. R. J. Lar,- Th -d fbdllbN�z churl the New
astap, N&W, mcentiy M-155�4 this
slon read $Uo acrjpUure, from St. Yqm*, Tinvs, Wednesday, ootobeir
LUXe: 'Chapter 6. Z., ancreases local. interest i'm the.
The secretary, Mrs, W. J. B%c- of U, S. to
MI.- &wrles: Kinuckey, hostess,
Loqd, disrtvlbut�& low. Canadian m0on.
A9*110an, 'M.en;d�ir 1%9 for siale allch000d G. �Stephelnson?o mdf��, is
Tenders will be received .until November 1, 19 58. cqjm-
NMI Percy Welubm, Dorca,,s, p%' lfarmelr Carol Suppodlck, Det-
lispllayed 00it She spent in Bay-
pletion of work by Noyombor 15, 1958. Lowest or any ten 4r
reitm d, ry for summers'
a calrdigim Mcl
the ,,g afv�k imatu ,
te, from'IhLe Amel sl was' t"
not necessarily acciapted.
Xr% T, B. aggins took thle years df alga, and" la$tluni hew
Study Book, "He Cars," eelbslnfg, huslUpd's poolfesskun, tTh
ook e fpm,
,the, plerind vlfli 'R pwayier, RY to the West Coast, they are
tracwng 9td"11 4i the s;i;theM_
V_Gaftdner repootqd all' eMid Bayfidd fains and come
correspondence 09 Ojeern&ng the back wheneiveir possibl�e:.
_ )thee)theeRev, S!Vanley Mrs, SitlegNTenisdn and- figur clad-
prayer palrtner
oy, an 4, lied �n the
Ten 0 � iy
pent a •yaoationat "Holl;e
pmyer [for bbs, 'work,
Lodge" 11n. 1956.
ern the ipmaye rs!, thepres%-
P&. apdUm. R. G. Sitophenson4'
ident eemembered the Rt. Rev,.
amlompaTAW by -thedr-lbrele, sons,
Paul' Kulloslel, Bishop of lVfid-japlan
Artlhuri, C'arl and,,Davdd, went t6
and tho Rt, Rev. Chandu RW,
I-11awaii #o Juneand return to their
Asojisltunt Dishop of Lahore Pak-
hone din� C% wnth
astap, N&W, mcentiy M-155�4 this
distlraklt lin Ahe p0ayeir for fordIgn
Radio IFquipment, Tracked
MI.- &wrles: Kinuckey, hostess,
rhinge, Into
'servo ll tea.
Earth!s Atmosphere
Mb§ South Point, lia'Waill XU&b
tracwng 9td"11 4i the s;i;theM_
olost tip Of the HawgEan Islands,
'%aW' the Pioneer moon-proR
.iW- and' bEm. Collin Campbdj,
vehlicle paunge, 'hack into the ear-
Obt9m, spent a few days. vAth,
fth's: atmiosphereI,
[the krMer's, brather, Albert Camp-
"We watched at go in," said
RP:cb?ajVd1 G. S,tqphensony the selkot-
Mrs. Seers, mtcbeq da, visgonig
dot who manages, 4he, st-aUon. The
her sun Fired.
v6hdlde disintegrated inthe earth's
Eldon Litolitz Guelph, 0sltedMs
'abMt08phelre 0 1 r the South Paca0k
i pairent% 'Mr. sand -Mas. J. C..Sltuatz
at 6 p.m. Sunday Hawaiiian time
on -Monday.
(mTd1n;1lgJh1tBa�,biWA daylight tarnle)".
VisibUrs0t the 'home of Mr. and
rl7he StagDrLl Us Operated' )by thO
Mrs. J. Houston, at the wedfenld
9Pace Tefchncfloigy Laboratories of
were Msg Mary Houston Han -AT-
Los, AlngeTes', which is an charge
ton; XL'ssl Franiclev Houstl'ani, Lon-
'of Chet Alir Force's moron -probe
don and Rev. and Ms. J. Greene,
-561ilendMa program.
The staitioaft equipm=t fi-41bides
Mr. oxd Mrs. Xclith Ualcbiani
a pambollic antenna, sixty feet in
Randy and 'AUct� visifelil ae� fbr_`
diamletlev -mounitedl on! a concrete,
rover's paxen& tsi, �and Mk Malcb-
IIA10cMQuIS'e. Just befure South
an, Llslbolwel, on Sunday,
PaNt Rzt contact with Pioneer,
BTM. '"Mliam Rose,, Swan ldver,
ether antenna Was, tillted towar&� the
dsl vA�4tinig her solrj4n4aw, JAft. J.
horizon, pcdnUng due. scuth.
W. Gratham.
Has Seven in Crew
-W. axed BTMS, Shearer VOftdn,
Mr. Stephenson, a -husky, 39-
Don1dIcni, %? Mr, and Ws. Wes.
year-old black haired six ft)fter,
Biradnock an, Sunday.
direoted a larew of seven sclendists
and rtd)chnadiwis. His, home is, in
Theins will rber no; semlice an
Los AngeTesi. 1-11s was the last
KnIox Presbytedim. 1 Churdv next
Anthe earthHg+lwing chaan, of mon-
Sunday owdmig to, Anniviersiary Ser-
lkwing, s%tionsto ftraok th;e Pion-
,vites An St. Andrew's Church,
Bb,th, when the Rev. Wallace Me-
The station was, to send a sigaal
Clealn� LuAnow, will: be )the' ,guest
tb thleil-Xioneer, that, at was hoped,
Would sett off- tits, retro -rocket. Thais
IT&. and Mrs. Ed Davlies were
was. orlonaally designed to alter
at St. 'Ribmas: on )the weekend ow-
ithe'couxise, eavd, speed of the ve-
inIgitto the death,.of a, friend, W.
hidle, neat ithe moon so that it
Bowen St. Thomas, who passod
Wou$d, be dr -awn 4fto -in orbit a-
lawaiv suddenfLy on, bt lday.
round that boldy.
Mir. and D&s, D. A., MacKay,
When tihle shot fated to reach
Nfr- amid tMiTs, Robert Arthur, Mr.
the moon, a -number of attempts
and AIrs. W. L. Crag and Mr.
were, made to, fire th!'Ps rocket an,
and Mrs. Oliver Anderson attend-
-the hope that It might place, thle,
Rid', the Bwdber Shop Quartet don-
VPJhacTe do a Ilong-dasiting orbit a-
dert lin London on
round the, earth. Soma of these
Ws. Ed Dwles: Keith
atiteempts, were, made 'from here by
Xladvm atithended' the Leadership
Mr. StePhemslon-
Tbadding, Clourse - for the, 4-11
In one, of fte a4tempts- he suf-
Homemaking CM,prcdev�t, "TheeTelredl
lanelectric shock. Elks;stuthbn
hold, In. CUnton last
was, wired', on a closed telephone,
Tuesday an' Wedhiesday. I
dir"t, iiia all, the, other )tracking
MssiMa0gaireit R. Jackson, Mtr8.
s Wions! and hence, ats: he put at,
R. S. I-Ellitz and Bernice. M-cDlougaa
His, cry of Pain was "heard, wound,
S'andr'a Walre, Ann Sp[iogeab;zW,
(the, world?!
Mafraan, and Maxitde; W=Mamat-
trended OGIT f&
a rally, I-1,uron
County held in, OnbaTlb Street -UTi_
At -the evenfing servtceu the Rev.
Red Church i an Sundoy.
Leslie Elder, Sealforth, waLs the
M1ss X. X Gm1or, Toronto, vis-
lg!iest speak�er,. abd he chose as
lited, Mass; M. R. J4ckson, last week.
blis text, Maltiffi6v IS., 20. The
Bible Society
choir sang two numbers. A gen-
The annual lme'Wing df the Au-
erMq (free will offeTft was! re -
burn MIAe, SWIfety 'was held in
the BalptiLsit Ohxrch, oh Wednesday,
math ReV.. John Aiguddan- pres�iidinlg
for ther devo(til,'Mial. Rev. D. J.
Lane, of Knox Presbyltedlan (fin.
north, gl-wel ary interesting and' in, -
set ruative oddress, en the, work of
the Mte. Society and made meln-L
Kon !of the, splend-id work done
bty ithe (Yocaill brarich.
Ptesadent Thank Rathbly took
charge of the blaiess! I d. See-
e0bary WMlam Str report-
ed $246,40 had, been, sent to head-
quarters- 0rom the Auburn )branch,
last year.
Officers appointed were: R. J.
,Pblffips, president; locafli caergy,
all vic.0-prdsadents!; s e r e t a r y -
tneasurer, Wiffiam StwaVghan; cal
loot urs, tor Donnybrook, msms
,Mary Jeffealson,'Dorothy Noble;
for Westeffieb-MTs.'Harvey Me -
Dowell, Janette Snegn!; for East
WhWanlosh,, Carol, Awnstwong Ma's,
A, Xesbft; for gravel road,' Mrs.
Flravit Rwhbby, Mrs. W. Sander-
son; for 13th, HuRaett, Wiadam
WeIgner, Egadott Lapp; for Base-
adne� Mrs. Airldrew Wrkicornegfll
Mrs; S B0111, (forwesit walwamsh,"
ID&s: ii�d- il!ils., lqb•s. H. Websiter
for CUbornel, Mrs, Donald I-Ulhe5l
Afrs,, William Hench.; for Afuburrl,
north, Remit 71aylor; Auburn, east,
Albert Campbell!; Auburn west,
WROAhm, Stmughan. 1 0
ReIv. John Algufl;llan, offered the
Knox Anniversary
SulecessIful Annilversary Ser,vurcee,
weim helcl JTY %nox Presbyterian
Church on Sunday, with Rev.
Johnathan Greene, B.A., BruSs,015,
as' .sorest sipeaker. He gave an, Ilm,
presghre messing.e.. Tth,e choir, worth
Awthbir Yungbltdt'aft ;the orgaffiy led
in -,the service or smg. A male qUar-
tb)t from Clinton; 'atcampam$ed by
mrs. M. J. Agnew, sang two num-
Court of Revision
A Court of Revision on the
Assessment Roll for -1959 will
be held for the Township Of
Goderith, on
Nov. 3rd at 7 p.m.
All appeals must be' 'ffi the
Clerk's hands according to law,
as stated on the Assessment No-
tice. The Court will be held in
Holmesville, at the Township Shed.
R, E, THOMPSON, dlerk
ONLY $3,95 25 I.B. BAG
Canada Packers Limited
Phone HU 2.1815 - Clinton