HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-10-23, Page 5THURSDAY, bcT013M. 23, Ms MOM/ l'!'.}! / OWS-REGI P 1.OE FIVO Building a New Hom�? Re -modelling? Adding a Porch? Whatever Your Plans -Shop These Local Stores First! Matthews -Reynolds Flight Lieutenant Rev, C. A, Me, Larnen oilficiated at a vea'ty beautie lfu7! rdeubtie ring cereeneW on Oct- ober 11 tin?( 'the Pr ;tesitaaut Ch'ap'el ii ,(XAIF Station 'Clinton when Marjorie Eileen, -llc es+t daughter rof plight Sergeanit and Mrs, tT3lar rriVi Re ltlellds ibecaan'e the bride of Glen Arcrtiheir Maibthowst -.y ge son Of M„r.. :and! Mess`. Ge"oaig"e Mat• ithe s, Yorleton, ,Selskatebewran, C,inrein inmarriage Iby her t'athreu', the Ibrthc1e wore a ballerina. length gown Of white( lace and butlle wiath et chapel veiil! held in pllace warm a tiara Of sequins and rp'e"ad s, and she carried yellow roseS.atnd elnlo+w`- drift clnryrs'andleimnlatus, Aibtendiavg the bride was 3Vilise Brenda London, who wore dusty arose brocade !taffeta With matching 'feather headdress and a weli'stlet of white c;rarntial- tilensS. The ibxaldes 'luittl+e easter Ann was illo)wem glial, daintily dss reed an arose 1 af+feta and marled a nose, Mary of White baby 'mums. Grooms ' 'mage wall Ronai4 .Sntttoan, Clamtion Medi !the eishere"were Harold Tobin and. Melrose es t, bOth of RCAF Station Clinton, claseimaltes .of'the groom The Mother of :the (beide was dressed lin .nanny with Williber faceestsforieS and the groorne's Mother Wore a two piece brown ensemblte wide ,gmeeau accessories, Both wore wlhii;tie carnation corsages. The - Church wlais +bealutth&i ly deleeraite!d with :anaitauhnm+ flowees and an ap- tbpn ante Thaoksgivireg setttna•ng- The arelclepithon was held with 40 giuleSts pres'emit can the adjoining annex of the canapell, served blr the LatiLes Guiilld• for going .away the bridle wore a • breiige Wet* su twith !winter White accessed -lea and' a 'prink arose -corsage, Guests were 'present from; Weir- ton, Sask., Clinton, Jarvis, Vouatt- hau anal and aatonr, atnc]lu'dunig the ituld'e'sa grandmother fes' Jarvis aOcli gn oionee. grandmother from. 7Une 'couple will reside air Cliilne ton ILDINGI REFURNISHING? II BU �� o .y.• Ask Us About The. Loan You, Need Clinton CommunityCredit Union Ontario Street — Clinton Phone HU 2-9643 rrr+vrrr�r+�rr+ LADIES' WEAR and DRY 60016 Headquarters for CURTAINS and DRAPERIES Free Estimates -- Measuring and Installations Phone HU 2.6623 • - Clinton - NOW 15 THE TIME TO COME TO THE AID OF YOUR HOME While the Weather Is Fine Before the Cold Sets in �llA�ilyd : it STORM WINDOWS and DOORS Permanent Storm & Screen Windows and Doors keep house warmer in winter and cooler in summer. Re -roof Now Before it Snows Phone HU 2-9514 and we'll be glad to estimate your job. We have all types of roofing,. INSULATE and SAVE ry--4.tee, . . �"L}A on Fuel Bills This Winter. Your hou$e will be Cooler next surnMer, too. EVERYTHING for the BUILDER Prompt Delivery Service Ball -Macaulay Ltd. COAL. LIME CEMENT i BUILDER SUPPLIES — SASH eiiratOn Sealfortb Phone HU 2-4514 1' New Project Begun This .Week To Provide "Building News" This "building page" is .a :new feature in the Clinton News - Record for those who own a house 'they plan to retrtodel, and those who wish to plan now for a home in the future. Through the co-operation of the advertisers on this page, and elsewhere throughout the paper, we hope to be able to provide news of the latest things in building, how to obtain loans for building homes -and other structures; where to get materials; and suggest layouts for new homes, etc, .Following is a beginning of an outline of the home building loans available under the National Housing Act. Tn future issues, we hope to complete this outline, and provide other information about homes and building generally. Central Mortgage and Housing Will Arrange e For Loans on low -Cost Homes Generally, mortgage loans made under the terms of the National Housing Act, 1954, to aid in the financing of new house construc- tion for home owners are obtained from approved lenders ouch as banks, life insurance companies and trust companies.. To ensure that the lending facilities of the National Housing Act are avail- able in all areas of Canada, Sec- tion 40 of the Act authorizes Cent. ral Mortgage and Housing Cor- poration to make loans where they are not available from approved lenders. In areas under 55,000 population, the Corporation makes loans to hvrne-owner applicants on the same terms and conditions as in- sured loans made by approved lenders. In areas over 55,000 population, Coroprationi loans to home -owner applicants are subject to limita- tions concerning the size of the house and the "extras! that may be included. The purpose of these Iimitations is to direct Corpora- tion funds into low-cost housing for lower-income borrowers under the National Housing Act. Similarly, Corporation loans made to builders offering houses for sale, in any area regardless of population, are limited to low- cost houses. Eligible Under Certain Conditions Listed Here For Possible Appllcints Any person who could qualify for an NHA loan through an ap- proved lender, and intends to oc- cupy the home is eligible for a loan. An applicant must have been refused an NHA loan by Ienders normally expected to make loans in the area. Letters from two lend- ers, stating that they are unable to 'make an insured loan, are re• quired in areas over 5,000 popula- tion, One letter is required in areas under 5,000 population (such as Clinton) . Age of the applicant does not determine eligibility for a loan, Applicants must have: (a) suffi- cient equity. He must be able to provide the difference between the amount of the loan and the total cost of the house. Equity may be in the form of cash or a combina- tion of cash, land and labour, (b) Sufficient income. ' The annual mortgage charges for principal and interest plus taxes should not ex- ceed 27 percent of the applicant's annual income, In calculating gross income, the wife's invest- ment income and up to 20 per- cent of her gross earned income will be considered., A borrower may obtain only'one loan from the Corporation for 4-H Club Leaders Attend Training School at Clinton Ladders representing 28 Worn- era's instituters attended the tesla day' Training School for the, 44H Homemakitng Club 'project "The Cereal Shelf" in 'Clinton October 14, 115 and Wlimglhaa n October 16 and 1.7., buoying the two days the l'ead'ers reiceived instruction on or- ganizing a Homemaking Club,' on *he use of :cereallS uhsr the family daily menu. ,At the Training School!, the !ladies saw a demo nt- ratinon .ein making 'graham muffins, glee -box :gingier cookies, apple oat- meal .eq caress and lemon' sauce, macaroni! and cheese casserole, oat- meal ipiomrid'ge, toffee eookiies and coat bread. Attenfding the Training S'choiorl in Clinton from this dista'ilet .were: Dashlwoed 441 Homemaking 'Club with Mrs. Sy!d Baker, leader and Mr's. Arnold Kuntz assistant lead- er; Grand Bend 4 -HH Hotneerta'ldng •allwb wiith. iVTrs., Dion Hendrick, -lea- der teaoder and Mrs. E4 Gill,'assistant lelaoder; Klippen 4-H Homemaking Okth with, Mrs, Ross Cleaman, lead'- er and Miss' Donrellda Lostell, as- salsrtamt leader. Clubs wilt be :formed in the local .coannrunuitiee with girls who are 12 on Sep amber 1, ,.1958 end heave ,not reached their 26th !birth- day. Seven meeting are required tla croanptete the project. Any girls who are Mt:exested in •partiailpating in' the fall 4-H Homemaking 'Club activittes in Myren should contact their local leader. lihe school was carried on by Mrs. Te,n•MeAalliater, Hoene Econo- mist with the Ontario Department elf Agrt9:lcultttere, Huron County as- sisted by Miss Mary Lou Blank, Home (Economist for Bruce Coun- t y. home -owner construction except where borrowers are transferred by their employers or in cases where a new home is needed be- cause a substantial change in the size of the family rendere its ex- isting accommodation inadequate, Information about NI3A loans may be had from the Kitchener Office of CM and HC at, 251 King St., W., Dunker Building, Kitch- ener. D. A. KAY and SON Headquarters For t, WALLPAPERS -- PAINTS LOXON & ROXATONE Phone HU 2-9542 Huron Street CLINTON Emphasis on_Natural Ligh'ting Ensures Pleasant Atmosphere ptr.,r� �ag ria. lF to tea, N t! Tf, 9 IA* IF! 57: ", ✓s+K rP t r ii �C!MII ari The emphasis is on natural lighting in this design by archit- act Roy Sellors, of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Large windows at either end of the living room and the large fireplace with tile heatth provide„ n pleasant at- mosphere. The well -arranged kitchen features a dining area and ample cupboard space. There is pro- vision for cross ventilation in two of the three bedrooms, A planting area and flower boat enhance the exterior appearance of this bungalow. Tho total floor arta is 1,14/ square feet While the exterior dtrneesions are 38 feet by 31 feet,. tight inches. Working drawings for this house, known as Design 212, are available kern Central Mortgage and Housing Corpora- tion at nlnttimutn cost. t36Df2OOM k11`-6� BEbkO M :-B%1C5-S(` ka�6nM�nh�c 12 f HALL BE.DROOM $�3xlb*$• LIVIN04b1NlNG -IZ-1Cyx2.�"4 NEWS of GOSHEN NORTH Mr. rand" Mrs, Donaild. Kay 'spent Thanksgiving Monday at the borne of Mr, and Mrs, John Armstrong. Mr, .and Mrs. Gordon Keys, Gay„ le, Murray arid Carol, Carnldchie, spent Sunday with Mr. amid' Mas, Bruce Keys. •Mr, and Mrs, Rohent Peck, D!i- are, Donna, Wayne, Cheryl and Batlan spent, Sunday et Lond'es- rboaro taking in the Ohurrehr Anni- versary. 'Algae, Marjorie Hyde smut the weekend with her friend Miss 1Dnn- mra Hniytnr, • Mass Elaine McCliin'chey spent the weekend WM. her parents, Mx.. rand' Mrs. Frank MoCiinohey, .Arthur McCiinehey Funeral saaiviicen were conducted from: Ball and Mulch funeral home an Moonlday for Arthur McCJinchey. He had been in -Clinton Puiblic Hospital after einffering fx'om a stroke last week, w - WKS Goshen Women's Missionary Legion Ladies Auxiliary 'Postpone Nominations; Hop 'For Better Crowd Regular meeting Of the Ladies Auxiliary to Canadians Legion Brandi 140;Clinton was held gin the Legion Hall on Monday, Oct- ober ,13, The president, . C. Proctor initiated .one neve• member, ;Mrs. Grant Sitinting, Four banqu- ets for October and Noivember were ,disouussted. Ward conveners }for Poppy Day were°eppolutold! !else RCAF camp rcanvassears. Na' equipmentt flor the !Mitchel, was discussed. - Nomiirnations tfor 1959 officers were opened but left fit next meeting when it is hoped. there will he a abetter ,attendance. Mem- bers are a sn k ed to remember Chturch, Paratde +on Sunday Nov- ember 9 anal also Remembrance Dry parade on Ncwember 11, A visitor, Mrs:. Drayton,. New Wes'tminst'er, Auxiliary, ;Clanton, British Columbia; was ;present. , $1O was voted to the Canadian Natiton!al Institute for tthe Burro. 'Me xneteting Closed 4n regular form, with a seelal half hour. •SrocietY met on 'Thursday night at tire noane ,of Mrs, Arnold KeY0 with 24 Pala -Wt. IMM. Elaner Hater tar "pre'stddld'with Mt% Ali+gun Aar. strong in change Of the pregnant, i17ns. a uaneaa Efearatit w±as *dist. There were 15 visas- to shut-ua'L'9i reported. Mrs. John fEiloibirnsron gave the treasurer's report .stating ttiva't, this year's allocation as $3130. Mus. Robert McKinley reported for birthday (fund. Reports of the sectional rneeVh he'd in Varna on October 9 were giiMen iby Mrsi..,AnolellKeys and MPS, Jraaners Keys, Mrs; Alihn AuMe strong .gave a reading, "Comet ytoiur Blessings", after wMch e+verq - orne joined in singing the The meeitinig closed witch prayer The next meeting wfi'l be fin cihaoge 'df Mrs, Anson McKinley. To. Hold Fowl Supper ' The Women's .Association held a short meeting on Thursday eve - ring to decide on whether to have the a.+nnvnai tdaw1 supper at Goshen. Alt were an I' avow,. Thee tguetst spe'a'ker is to be 1Vlir, Norman Mramnin,+g, Clinton.ltThe sulpiper as to be held the last 'Duels - day in, O'etober, with other e.nter- t+atinnrent to follow. Mission Band The Mission Band of Goshen +Ohu;rob held 'their regular meeting on:Sunday morning, with the new pressrtidenit, Gerald Hayter, om Charge. Joan Elliott was at the piano. Patricia Robinson read the mun- prtets. Prayers were by Karen Mc- Kinley rand Joan Elliott. Marlene Keys read the Scripture and Bleb McrBrride game the call: to worship. Mrs. "Clare McBrride read the iloet chapter from "Kenji"with corn• orients byPatricia, Robinson:: Members were reminded of the; box Dope they are to collect and bring to the next meeting. Much in the manner of the yellow pages in the telephone book available in larger centres, the various local contractors have listed their, services here for the use of the people in the community. This initial list may not be complete. Any sugges- tions for additions will be wel- comed. BUILDING and REMODELLING. RE.FEMNCE LIST • HOUSEHOLD ITEMS McEWAN'S CURTAIN RODS WINDOW SHADES VENETIAN BLINDS CLINTON -- Phone HU 2-9766 Irwin's ladies' Wear DRAPERIES and YARD GOODS "We Measure and Instal" CLINTON -- Phone HU 2-6623 43x • PAINTING and DECORATING , GRANT RATH PAINTER and DECORATOR Huron Street — Phone HU 2-7040 Clinton D. A. Kay and Son FLOORS SANDED VENETIAN BLINDS PAINTS and WALLPAPERS Clinton -- Phone- HU 2-9542 43x • CONCRETE HENRY YOUNG. CONTRACTOM Sidewalks and Cement Work CLINTON -- Phone HU 2-9496 `r GENERAL CONTRACTING M. McADAM Clinton * Phone HU 2-1070 GENERAL CONTRACTING industrial -- Commerbial Cement Work 43p CALE DOUCETTE BUILDING CONTRACTOR Clinton Phohe HU 2-9562 i ROOFING EARL DOUCETTE BUILDING CONTRACTOR Aphalt rtobfing CLINTON -- Phone 'HU 2.6141 • HEAT. LIGHT and PLUMBING G. C. German & Son COAL -- FUEL OIL Clinton --Dial HU 2-6636 A. G. Grigg & Son Clinton — Dial HU 2-9411 COAL -- FUEL OIL CEMENT Clinton Electric Shop For ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES and WIRING Clinton -- Phone HU 2-6646 See GAS RANGES at Hawkins Hardware Victoria St. -- HU 2-9433 HARDWARE -- PLUMBING and HEATING Cities Service 011 Co. Ltd. Jack Scruton, Distributor HEATING FUELS Clinton — Phone HU 2-9653 A. F. Scotchmer ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Domestic -- Commercial Industrial BAYFIELD *-- Phone 16 Foe Top Quality GAS APPLIANCES -- See Sutter -Perdue Ltd. HARDWARE Clihtoh Phone HU 2.7023 Harry Williams HEATING FUELS White Rose Petroleum Products R.R. 2y CLINTON Dial 14U 2-6633 WISEPLUMBING and HEATING Harold Wise, Prop, DLiNTON --- Dial HU 24622 Plumbing -- Heating end Electrical Serviaee Huron Gas Eq ipment Dial HU 2-6647 CLiNTON "If It burns Gas We have It"