HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-10-23, Page 3?C'SO>Q.gl 23, 1.9;25 =WON. non -n=1) » Run An Adler You;Can .De tq move oac�ees ael;reda and, waste baokaetxe, tirtnt #e040, diatttrbed red often follow Dodd'a I+idnoy Pi11a atixqulate kidneys to Aoruaat duty, You foot bettor-•AIeen int;' tor, work hotter. You can depend end Dodds Pills , pa pu Dodo. diet ja odd'a at any drug raj Mensal! Legion Bingo Winners Announced - ion Wava, wiomeur osi Satur- day were Alberta Bedard; .Mrs. W. Ven ; Mrs, IT. Jeffery; .Mas.. Clarence Reid; Eel'. Little; !Rodger Winti son, 'plpn? Kylle; lvlz's. !vitae iN*Allaol Mo. Roy Pepper, Eac, Biter, (0); Mfrs. t'tlrferanprvt"i,x10, O e+ itrollt; M i?u+11lilaQ'if l aker; Mrs. R. Baker, Sr. (2); M'rs. C.. WWII, sten; Vis, p. Bedard. Jaickp9'tth2's Saturday wgi4 iae $r145 in 58 COS.. \Patna. Women Hostesse- Fo.r NVM$ Presbyterial The Centire Seot oa 2 ConlventGikari+ of Bloom Presbyterial Wo rm's tiYfilssuiou?laray' Soci'ettly; was het1d in, Varnb rch pPt' Olettober 8, Morning sand al$t'e'rn>Ifran seaei(ana' Were conducted by the vice-presi- dent, IM rs'..R. NfoOlctutrei, 71hPirne 'flair lathe aneettig was "Maeoverteg l efietlbKiurhogici;," automatic all the -way ONLY GAS combinesautomatic top burner lighting, automatic oven and •broiler lighting, automatic timing and top, -burner temperature controls with amazing speed and_ flexibility.' This means automaticcooking that's easier, quicker . . . true cooking automation. FOODS WON'T BURN on the new gas -burner - with -a -brain. Temperature of food in pan automatically triggers..s'ize of flame. See new.- est model gas .'ranges• today . they're really modern! FAST, FLEXIBLE TOP BURNERS - SMOKELESS OAS BROILERS EVEN -TEMPERATURE GAS OVENS Trade-in Values are Highest Now! alit a" Your APPLIANCE; DEALER,, UNION SUPANl Huron Street --- CLINTON. --- Phone HU 2-9098 WISE PLUMBING and HEATING Phone HU 2-7023 CLINTO ...• N ONTARIO SUTTER PERDUE HARDWARE For Top Quality Gas Appliances Albert: Street -- CLINTON -- Phone HU 2-702:3 See GAS RANGES at .. ». HAWKINS HARDWARE .CLINTON -- Hardware – Plumbing -- Heating HU 2-9433 HURON GAS EQUIPMENT CO. Clinton — Dial HU 2-6647 Dealer for Switson furnaces, Hot Water -Tanks and Conversion Burners; Moffat Ranges; Temca Space Heaters "4 I Miaetung oipenefd with the deco- ovrtl Irwtoeatabn "Tlza is as Your Migblbtoiur". +Serietture was retard Iby Sehoenhai, Cilin ea Itow'ed by an eocce4Qleintt coanan>entany. Um. DallOYar?lpRie, laVugerfa4 , aetd $n prayer, Greet w tee - ed tic as 1 'present iby 11Im,S'. 11 J. Pitt and a"ea*ed• to by 1YTxs. Staeiw, PM?, .?'info's aGirw h. Mfrs, to. Cainatlom4 wail egeeted t o be Ow reipreseinbat irve foo tho reentnialting aorrenntte>ea for .the next year. • Mats. Tsorbiyo.. was electrep reseanthativve on the, a aresbtrteinial. awe Ioorn¢nattee. Mrs, Vataal ton was elected cblainnan • of the re+sioaln;talon; and courtesy ciaxnaruittee anldl she tis 6o choose trier owm' coma aniittee Of three. • An invitation to holed the fait >rxa.ilfy in Constance in 1959 was graelloitIfslY +aaccelpted. U epiorts Were need • from 28 atlxitiarleS., An aver - NOTICE of the. Passing of a Proposed By -Law for the. Town of Clinton. N OT I OE is hereby given that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Clinton will give consid- eration to the third reading of the aforementioned By-law at its reg- ular meeting to be held in the Tow i Hall on Thursday, November 6th at 8 o'clock in the evening, and that all persons who claim that their land will be prejudically affected by the By-law or have any other interest ,therein may appear in person or by their Counsel and Twill be heard at the said meeting. The Bylaw referred to . is as follows: By -Law Number 14 for 1958 for the Town of Clinton By-law to stop up and convey to The Public Utilities Com- mission a portion of Ratten- bury Street in the said Town of Clinton. WHEREAS the building owned by The ' Public Utilities Commis- sion and located at the intersec- tion of ,Albert and Rattenbury Street encroaches over the lands hereinafter -described on a portion of Rattenbury Street and it has been deemed expedient to convey to The Public Utilities Commission that portion of the street on which there is 'an encroachment. THEREFORE, BE IT ENACT- ED by the Town of Clinton that: L That part of Rattenbury Street East of Albert Street as shown on Registered Plan Number 13 for the Town of Clinton' anti more partic- ularly described as: Commencing at a point in the production of the Easterly limit of Albert Street at the distance of 1.7 feet measured Southerly thereon, from the South- wes,terly angle of said Lot 227, which said point is the point of intersection of the Easterly' limit of Albert Street with the South- erly face of the Southerly wall of the brick building situate on the South portion of said Lots 227 and 226; thence Northerly, and along the production of the Easterly limit of .Albert Street a distance of 1.7 feet to the Southwest angle of said Lot 227; thence South. easterly along the Northeasterly limit of Rattenbury Street a dist- ance of 80.2 feet to the • intersec- tion of the Northeasterly limit of Rattenbury Street with the East- erly face of the Easterly wall of the aforementioned building; thence Southerly and along the Easterly face of the Easterly wall of the said building a distance of 0.9 feet to the Southeasterly corner of said building; thence Northwest- erly and along the Southerly face Of the South wall a distance of 80.2 feet to the point of commence- ment of the parcel herein describ- ed, be and the same is hereby stopped up. 2. The said lands, as described in paragraph•1, are hereby direct ed to be conveyed to the Public Utilities Commission for the Town Of Clinton for the rum of One Dollar .($1,00) and the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign and execute . any transfers, conveyances` or assurances that may be necessary to more effect- ually carry out the conveyance of the said lands to the said :COm• mission, John Livermore, Clerk. 9l -2.3.4-b A faithful friend : » bringing you daily comfort and convenience ...your telephone "Fred can make it 'fordinher, :dear!" ,rltf tle�lt< , a 'mon over "for cake I" It• is natural to take for granted its little everyday uses. Yet—perhaps it is iti„ these many Mile ways that we are most often .re - Mind eti eMinded ofthe wonderful value of that friendly erinexnbeir-0tthe..family"—the teie sIiorre. ale eft ter matings a V' ropor;teid,. Maw toles! have 'and 'and ateutit Keineai :c#ur own Indian reserves. "'Ill ore aU!>t our anie!lippltbouras", •epeeial spoohero were, Obrtantrecl fon^ spree, ndll' lueetiovs with exee lent reskeitis. seiafotetlh Noritlh Side •recetNeci aongrr lialIa,ti+ono n •iRhe+:u' vats U ig aye aord, 563 harm eallIS end 03a 17430'baR' !eat. Keep Iv Ole .094 Wei rkl Newt? apA soeiieltaiea bonded din Moir +d ivatilcns :fore the Mrs. Whiea- ib4e° Nteanoriaii i bnd. TheThere were 15, Maim Banfdl and 15. Baiby Bends reported.' Mrs.. George Yield e a!he tature secretary ouilualei l fll of -1hew reading rnatiemii+at slaying, "ooics Uveilp oto keep kis an tiouch. Geoid ibato a the+.lfx ibulilid net. only our .cheneetensi, but ttlzos'e of our cihii$d- a'ctry laltvd! me+aiddmig ,�hota id he a+n im portent.part of our S'V'MS' study. 'The b ciawts: 'They Clash" is a ipierrfelgt reading !cornpainien tro aur' new studyAbe* fikti y'efior." There are 27 active (X IT groups iav Huron, The treasurer, i&Vfro. Suttter, axe - ported Ofl T Utile More +t li as had elf the rafiaaaitinnt raised to 'date. T.ihe alloeataon ;this year was $24,99', She suggested the WMS quarterly oup!si r/ aiisr�e. their money on a. qua! t�eri 1fi,basJis. (SuiptpAy. 'seer'etarly, Mrs. 1V1IcGejUl1 reported a �gtood yeaar. Many nurs- es u rs;-es! uniforms and 4sa rxeehs were sent to ,Korea `e nvdi ittp»tlhe hong fiieAlds. intra. avietwmley, commun- ity friendship secretary, eisikeld that rriewrgher,shio cazrdis be (Med out and sennet 4 .'hem when someone leaves one society and inti les it o another. er. She rens:laded members to visit not only the sink and shoat -ren; but the new.aitizeatsi as will. Dismnitesel prayer was givven. by Mrs. Case. ,alfter which dinner was served: by the Varna tardiest. Tthe, anteroom scripture was giv- en by Mrs. Brown whlo easie .gave ern 'excellent -con14nentaary, Miss I:inli Dennis lend in prayer. Mrs. H. Pollock, Eord'waoh, gave a very .cczaul:eoglinag talk ons Ch i e:anr cttti- zein !him. She said, "If we Satre good citizens, well be good anything else," and ail o asked the rl'adiiieis to take as their motto the letters IIADIOM, 'int AU7 Depends On Me." The guest speaker of trhe day was Miss. Jean Stewart, She is a rfau0l1 dime (Worker -tor the church. ,She gave a most enjoyable and ern,- iigh>tening talk on her work with the Jai apse tpetclpie cn. Harnatien. She wa4 in Charge of the Japanese ,congregation of AR People's. (bir- ch, and took the, nervti+ces• twilee a nziontth, herself, Ministers ;from Torcairla came down and Qlaymen of her church fdl1eld ini the other Sundays'. Viisit ding required. a great detail of her Ulnae, and from the many inci- dents she related her hearers; gxai]n- eid a new tnslighit into the Jiaipanese way of life herrn in Canlatda. , She asked the wiorh;en to em Courage the;!r young people to eon. slider &UR time service for their church, and! to give of their fiime and talent to its many fields. Bidwefver +affter two and one fhiam yeanis irnt Hfamiifltonv, a full-time min- ister was secured and the nnisca:cin board sent her to Maniiftoba •whietre she now has a charge. Her nerwt assignment she expects will ;be in Winkled_ The offering was taiken and Mrs. J. T. White, Lord esnoma gave the ot1fearltiotgy prayer. Mrs. L. Peyae reported from Conference Bmanich. Greetings from- the Woman's As+soedaattdlonn were extended by Mrs; A. McTaglgiaht, Mononi Me reser x�llwtaoini tan4 courtesy cornanitteie brought 'in an excelfljent slate and fall carried. The !presiideint, 1Virs. 1VIoVdtttt'e, gave a message of sigrlrhg thoughts. She remarid'ad them of the neem! of neighbours, in far away places. "God has given us so much, surely He requires. much of us. Have we fulfilled these re- quirements! in,1.958? Let ifs streng- then aur stakes and, lengthen: cur cord& in the year to corm". The meedhihvg. dosed with a hymn and Rev. T. J. P'itt pronounced the benediction. • • 0— LONG CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY While aehlool opened this year on the earliest possible date, Christmas holidays wrifR' he unus- ually, tlbI1g. School will close Fsti- d)atr, December 18 and will re- open on/ iMondaay, Jemmy 5. PAGES , DRUG STORES „..,:-.,.. , :,...,..,::.:,:..„... lJ//rte.. . . spEcIALs ALL THIS WEEK AS ADVERTISED Octobor 2Ofh - October 25fh HALOSHAMPOO2 B►G SPECIA44 $129 Regular 98c, $1.95 79.. VITALISPti s FREE COMB --with 4 oz, Vitalis at regular price of 69c you get a quality / �� r comb at no cost o NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM T urge 6 az, size 9$c COD LIVER OIL A pure tested and highly re- yn�, fined source of Vitamins at a , b4c saving of 20c-16. oz. bottle PALMOLIVE RAPID SHAVE and Schick • Injector Razor. 1.89 value .• 1.19 COLD CREAM -Evelyn Howard Theatrical style -1 pound Jar, reg. 89c 69c WILDROOT CREAM OiL 20c off tube 53r A.B.S. & C. TABLETS for the relief of constipation. Regular 29c 2r UNIQUE F. B. PENNEBAKER �l�nier SERVICE2-6626 IMRUGGIST ^.,C,�<}:s3,h:t}?e2f,.,:.,n.'{tih.''F?<frt �:�.•y. �.. .: {�.�,',.{iS,;�w,j2\�� S '+: +f,tyt.i CANADA SAYINGS BONDS Fug yours now, bq i siatmeti s or for cash; ,oL otnq brolrtekof THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA WANT CASH FOR YOU NEED THIS !THEN GIVE T. A TELEPHONE THINGS FALL? cc. CALL! SCHOOL EXPENSES }lame 'REPAIRS TRANS CANADA CREDIT Loans froth $150. to $2,500. or illore. 'take tip to 30 moritbs to repay oft a'wide Selection of Tomo plans. Prompt, tlignifiet'i service" 2.48 THE SQUARE, 'PHONE 707 GobyEiIC , JfNT. AUTO REPAIRS CONSOLIDATE DEBTS tsa44