Clinton News-Record, 1958-10-16, Page 4PAGE FOUR
Seventeen New Canadians Receive Their
Citizenship Papers; IODE Gives Party
even!teen New Canlaclians• re-
eilWed. their citizenship papers in
an lianpxesSive ceremony at the Hose in Goderiah out Oct-
ct-O er 7,
• Alddressang the Nene Canadians
Judge :Clark, Guelph, pco noted out
4Iiat (getting citizei hiP a emit
thilore than just getting a piece
of !paper: He stated it meant for
them la freedom to worship, free
speech, the night to vote lin secret,
the right to have a fair Wel if
eharrged with any oil fence.
In return, they were to be lova"
to ttheur :adopted country for it
meant much to their welfare, They
lln'ust have respect for the bawls
and (become fared i;ar With: govern-
anent fmom2 the municipal level up.
They were to take an active inter -
rest an their country !arid exereis:e
their right .to' note,
Judge Clark noted that the ma -
jollity 'of the New Canadians. were
faioan. Holland and they might have
a tendency, to speak Dutch in Can-
ada 'because of the large Dutch
settlement in. Huron County- He
advised them that to make friends
and the Emends of English-speaking
people, the New Canadians! from
Holland should speak Engiish,on
the streets and in public places.
Not to dlo sa creates a certain
amount .of suspicion among Can-
adians who dnnft understand your
Ulanvguage, he said.
Then, Judge Clark said that
Canadians have a (duty to the
New 'Canadians and that Canad-
ians are grateful for the tatlentts
which. are brought to this country`
trem Europe.
Coffee Party
A coffee party at the God'erich
Legion Hall was under the gener-
Will Operate
Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday
Of Each Week
During October and
until November 20
Pro •P rietors
Terms --- Cash
No more guessing or uncertainty
. with your Westinghouse Dryer
you can dry ALL fabrics safely.
Dries clothes faster . , , uses less
.current with the exclusive advant-
air and heat passes directly into
the clothes not through the basket.
Four Models of Westinghouse
Dryers to Choose From.
Priced from $199.95
Clinton Electric Shop
"Your Westinghouse Dealer"
''� D. W. Cornish, Prop.
Albert Street --- Clinton
hip of Mrs, R. Breck-
end dge, citizenship convener,
Maip+le Leaf Chapter of the.
Among the rguestts who spoke
were; Charles lYliacN'aughton, (MP?,
for, Huron; deputy reeve Peter
M a:Wa:n, who reipresented Wiard-
en John Morrissey, Judge Clark,
Gtue1lph; Sheriff Nelson Hill; May-
or E. C, +Figsher,
New Canadians
The New Canadians who mealy -
ed .oitizenshitp papers on Tuesday
included; Doiuwe Dam, 'Ilhyrs Green
and Ferrimdfgje Growl, Goderi+ch;
Reunanelt ,S'ahelhaas, Zurich; Al-
Ib'ert Valkentbiurg, Jenny Valken-.
(bung and Gisela Pratte, Clinton:;
Tri;jn'tze Vailcenlburlg, RR 3, Seafor-
th; Bernard Ten Pas Geerrtrulda
Ten Pas and 'Hendrik Jan Tem
Pas, RR 2, Blluevale; Gerrit Wynj'a,
RIR 3, Klippen; Jan Greidanus and
Wiepki Gre'idanus, RJR 1, Landes -
bora; Desire Varu Dorsseflaer,
Stephen Tofwns'hip; Conrnals Bur-
luma and Bartle Burunia, RR 1,
Huron Jr. Farmers
Celebrate Their
10th Anniversary
Huanun .County Junior Fawners
and Junior Institute m'em'bers,
.present and past, gathered at Sea -
forth and Clinton to celebrate the
county's 10th year of rural clulb
OM acquaintances were renew-
ed on O•atober 4 at a basibecue
held at the Seaforth Community
Centre with albonut 300 people at-
ft:tending. This was followed by a
concert presented by the young
people, (including numbers! by
Harry Henn, Exeter; Doris and
Doreen Brock, Exeter; Bert Pep-
per, Seaforth; Miss Doris Johns-
ton, Climiion; and Sharon Strong,
A highlight of the evening was
the presentation of past -president
pins to George Robinson, Gode-
rlch; Anna Brock (Rowdlitfffe),
Landon; Jack Currie, Wingham;
Harry Dougall, Exeter; Audrey
Bradburn (Adair), Distowell; Bob
Allan, 'Clinton; Isabelle Spiers
(J-Iarmren), Brussels; Ron McMich-
ael, Wroxeter; Dorothy Paterson,
Forest; Howard Pym, Erreter;
Helen Johnston (McLean), Hen -
sell; Arnold. Allton, Dungannon;
Lois Jones, Toronto; Earl Mc-
Spadden, S ea f or t h; Catherine
!Camplbell (Keys), Chatham; Boyd
Taylor, Blyth and (Shirley Mc-
Michael, Wroxeter. 1Vliss. Jean
Smith, Brussels., and Bird Dougall,
Exeter, made the pres'entati'on a£
".Meeting Our Challenge" was.
the theme of Rev. W. A. Young's
:address to the anniversary cele-
bration on Sunday night at On-
barrio Street Uniited Church, (ili'n-
ton. Mr. Young is chaplain of the
OAC, Guelph. He was 'assisted by
Biilil Douugail, Exeter, president of
the Huron County Junior Farmers;
B41'1 Slronrg, Sealfonth; Rev. Grant
Mills, minister off the Murch; and
Miss Jean Smith, president of the
Huron County Junior Institute.
Special music novas, presented by
the Huron County junior Farm-
ers chair, under the direction of
Mgrs. Marie Douglas, Wingham.
A short fhresliae social wars con-
ducted at the close of the service.
Jack Currie, Henrsel% past -presi-
dent, expressed the thanks of for-
mer members.
Because Modern
Cars Are More
Complex ...
CARE regularly! That's why
you should always drive in
here . , . and enjoy complete,
thorough service.
Don's B -A Service
Volkswagen Sales
Clinton HU 2-9088
Sorrow confidently at HFC
Household Finance is backed
by 80 years' experience in
making prompt loans. At
HPC you may borrow up to
$1000 for any good purpose.
Borrow in privacy with repay-
ment terms that suit your
income best.
Over 500,000 Canadians .borrow from HFC every year
M. ft. Jenkins, Manager
35A Welt Street' Telephone 15Q'
441 Homemaking Club Leaders Attending
Courses This Week on Season's Projects
This week marks the beginning
of the 'fail program for the 4-H
Homemaking Clubs in Huron
'County. Leaders appointed frown
the Wome'n's Institute are attend-
ing Training Schools in Clinton
on Tuesday and Wednesday and
Wingham on Thursday and qday
for the project the Cereal Shelf.
in this project the girlsstudy
.why they should eat cereal, along
With gaining ideas on how to serve
!cereals in interesting ways to their
The local club meetings will be
)beginning immediately after the
Training SK:hoofla this week and
any girl who is 12 years old on
September 1 and has not reached
her 26th birthday May take part
in this project.
The Cereal Sh!e3rf, of course is
a foods. prpject waaie is not too
d'ifficialt, it entaillss seven meetings
and at the end of the meetings
the 'girls 'will attend an Achieve -
/pent Day at which they will ex-
hibit a Record Book along with a
plate of 'bran muffins which they
have learned to make at their
Some of the interesting dishes
which the girls will be learning
to make include a macaroni and
cheese casserole, bran muffins,
date squares, oatmeal cookies, rice
custard and casserole dishes which
use any kind of cereal product,
Everyone Reads
The Classifieds
Clinton Memorial Shop
Thomas Steep, Clinton Representative
Bus., HU - -
Res., HU 2-3869
3 6
Six Jr. Farmer Debating
Teams Compete Qct, 22.
lTuron Junior Farmer Assecia-
tion debating and public speaking
competitionswin be iheld this
year on Wedrwsday, October 22,
at 8.30 ,pun. DST, in the Seaforth
and, District High School.
A. team golf 'two members will
represent each club in the debate.
South, Huron Juniors will take the
,affirmative and the Clinton jun-
iors the ,nelgative on the question:
Resolved that Daylight Saving
Time should continue under the
.present regulations,
(Collwanash juniors will take the
(afffirmative and North Huron, jun-
Fors the negative in the question;
Resolved that small local fairs.
shougld ibe discontinued in favor
of ,one large .county fair.
S,eafonth j urui.ors will take the
affirmative and Howick .juniors
the negative in the question; re-
scdved that rural youth an Ontario
is being adequately trained for
modern agriculture,
In the pulblic speaking competi-
tion each club will be allowed to
have one entry.
'Henson Community
Sale Prices
(By our Hensnll corresponden)
Wea r ting pigs, .$10.50 to $14;
Chunks, $1-6,4,- to $18.10; feeders;
$+23,50 to $35,50; eows, 'to M.
Holstein calves, $16 to $29; Du--
ham calfyes, $24 :Oct $51. Stacker
steers up to $23.25 a .ewt„ butler
cows up to $16.75 a, cwt,
750 pits+ and1240 head of ca,rtiile
and •calives were solid.
1ut{ gaus now, bq tnsfaLmr.+fs or for cosh,
at anti
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Like all '59 Chevyies, the Impala Sport Sedan is roomier, smoother riding.
'59 CHERl: >,:v:
what Canada wants, Canada gets in a Chevy!
It's shaped to the modern Canadian taste with a lean, clean silhouette, crisp new contours, beauti-
fully restrained accents. It brings you more spaciousness and comfort with a new Body by Fisher.
It has a bright new sheen — a new kind of finish that keeps its lustre without waxing for up to
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Never before has an automobile manu-
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The 1959 Chevrolet is more than a
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pletely new car. It's your kind of car.
Shaped to reward your new taste in
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Engineered for greater safety, econo-
my, ease of handling and smoothness
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Your first look shows you that Chev-
rolet says new like nobody else. New
Slimline design brings entirely new
poise and proportion to automobile
styling. Inside the new and roomier
Body by Fisher you'll find truly tasteful
elegance. And you'll have clear seeing
from. every seat. The new Vista -Panor-
amic windshield curves overhead -• and
there are bigger windows all around.
When you take the wheel, you begin
to find that Chevy's newness goes down
deep. A new steering ratio makes
handling easier. New suspension engi-
neering gives you a more stable ride.
There's a sweet new edition of Turbo -
glide.* Eight V8's plus a new Iii -Thrift
6 that goes and goes on a gallon. New
and bigger brakes. Even new tires!
There's still more! A new Magic -Mirror
finish that keeps its shine without wax-
ing or polishing for up to three years.
New Impala models. Wonderful new
station wagons — including one with
a rear -facing rear seat. And, with all
that's new, you find those fine Chev-
rolet virtues of economy and practi-
cality. Stop in now and see the '59
*Extra -cost option.
Bel Air Door Sedan — new right down to its tires.
Lorne Brown
Phone HU 24321
otors Limited