HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-10-16, Page 3'THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 195F $eaforth RC Church Gets New Pastor Rev. Charles Swvl'tvan, Point Me/Ward, has been apoi'nted pastor of St. James' Roman Catholic Church, Seaferth, to seed Rev. P. Welber, who died last llug- tts't, ',rather Sulaiman spent seven year's as a chaplain do the Can* °diem Anel 4unin,3 the Second Wor'dd: War, end for seven years was :pastor of St, Patrick's Church, Windsor, During his pastorate there he built the church, house and' school, He has been at Point. Edward since last spring, I e as- sumed 'lees new pastorate at Sea - forth en Thursdlaty last, "•:`5'2 :;":Erg:: "$`+y 1. Name and initial a•of the person Mall is addresse Post Dffice Box arrect street address, number • number, or -Rural Route i >< City (include correct Metown number if f applicable), or village. or equivalent) and country: lii 4. Province, state ( own name and address In upper `'` Your k... ,,. corner .;:, rxs: > £ fefthand ca . • >.,:;,: : :<»u : :?:t::} ::ii%'::ice : •.i.ni: r:iii..:v. :•:.Y. v'Y::it L< vS. a who FS .f.343.TTON :N r-RECQRD Obituaries John Alexander Brown (By olur Bayfield Corresponc'leint) John Aileoeandee 13r'k wn, aged 45, dgeed sudl !from a heartad- suddenly ment early Thursdey morning, O]ntober 2, 1958 while .at week at the London, Free Pres. Beane in Owen Snuald, he carne toe Biay5ie ild as a elviald when his mother, the late elev. AIteatandem Brown, moved here. He received his education in Owen Snus'ud and Bee ieaild tFulbll'lc S,chhotole. He ',learned his trade as a baker in G,oderiich at •Curriie's Bakery where the 'worked for six years. From there he went tto Woodettock to ply his trade. Foe over Fit years he hlad been one the Meint- erraince staff of the Langdon Free Press, In the swing he suffered a heart seizure and was a patient hi Vic- toria Hospital for ,ten weeks. After leaving hosllyi'tal., he spent a. week here with his sister, Mats. J. L Parker, but due to his health was obliged to retuxnu to hospital again for three weeakts. He ,resided with his sister, Mrs. Lombe '. IIS, 234 Grand Ave., and had commenced Work again on the Monday pre- vious to his demise. The deceased men as a rnemb- pane TI eeeveter1 • /I,t'f neelit GAS broilers light automatically Yes, the delicious, delightful kind of broiling—flame broiling—is also automatic broiling. A flick of your wrist instantly brings the exact broiling heat you de- sire. In fact, on new gas ranges, everything's auto matic magic. Top burners are temperature -control- led; ovens turn on and off by clock control. And only gas matches this automation with such flexible and fast response. Choose the range that's really modern .. the range easiest to use. Choose a GAS range .. automatic all the way. Trade -In Values Are Highest Now ,e- at your GAB ~``• APPLIANCE DEALER r I UNION ,t1 COMPANY Huron Street -- CLINTON -- Phone HU 2-9098 HURON GAS EQUIPMENT CO. Phone HU 2-6647 WISE Plumbing & Heating ELECTRICAL SERVICES HAROLD WISE Albert St. HU 2-7023 See Gas Ranges at HUGH HAWKiNS - HARDWARE Victoria St. -- HU 2-9433 HARDWARE -- PLUMBING and HEATING 1 er of a darnere eliteb, the aZtottvdron Ski Cloth, the London Reroiver Oka and the resit City Archery CS]ulb.. Known, as an .exrpeet bowman, he instructed nit shoots when, due to ,hes,, heaall:'th, be wan no longer a$lde to paetiibiipa'tre himself, He was a member of S't. Bargee has. ChlurKib, Surviving are three s hems, al/frs. J. H. Parker, leateeel-d; M.rs. Al- bert Seabrook and Mrs, Lome Epps; L'oalldlan:. The body rested at the A. l\tile, lard funee i chapel wee Salhurdaiy morning, then taken to St. Barba - hats Chusidh, The `buir'.uat service' con- ducted by the renter, the Rev. A. E. Young, at L30 pan, • xrtenmemt was in the fernily apWot im: Hayfield Cemetery, The Rev, B. J. B. Harrli+saan assisted the Rev. A. E. Young at the grave- side. Pallbearers were: ;three nelph- ews, Alred Weston, Bayfield; Keith Prase; and Rausselll Wlade, London, and G. Griffin (releveseuittng the Revolver Club); A. Jacks (Land on Free Press') and N. Goody (Forest City Archery CIulb),. Flow- er bearers were George Hoy, Stu- art Atkins and Chef Prince. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Weston, El - aloe and Cathy and Mr's•. J, H. Parker were in London for the sfunerral. Folli wing the cortege to Bayllieald Cemetery were 30 other relatives and fariends. Mr, and Mrs. E. A. Feathers- ton, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Parker and Mrs. R, L. Larson paid their respects at the A. Millairid chapel, London, on Friday. Mrs. Grace Grealis !Funeral service was conducted by the Rev, D. J, Lane or Moan day etterrnoon, October 6, for the late Grace Cook, widow elf the late Thomas Greta:es, who- passed aawael late on Saturday, at the borne of her daughter, Mrs. , Ross McE,wta r, Victoria Street, Clinton. Service was conducted in the Ball and Match d unxeral home, and interment was in, Clinton Cemet- ery. Pee -bearers were William Cook, Clarence Ne'ilans, Stewart Cook, Percy Carter, Frank Cook ant: Bilil Routley. Flower-beauens were Jim Routley, Paul: Pickett, Don Strong, Rose Carter, Frank McElwain, Harry McEiwan and Frank Muth. Bann in Chintonn, ih'e daughter of the late Frederick Cook and Mar- garet Lorimer, she manned Thom- as Crealds 62 years, ago. He died in 1920. She was a member of St. And- rew's Presbyterian Church and had spent her elle in 'Clinton, except for three years in Toronto, Servicing are two daughters, Mrs. Ross (Mary) McF)waac and Mrs. Andrew (Ruby) Steep, both .of Clinton; three ,brothers, Oree Cook, Clinton; Fred Cook, Wyan- dotte, Mich., and Douglas Cook, Bright; ten grandchildren and 21 great grandchildren. Good Reading for the Whole Family • News • Facts • Family Features The Christian Science Monitor One Norway St., Boston 15, Moss. Send your newspaper for the firm checked. Enclosed find my check or money order, 1 year $18 ❑ 6 months $9 Q 3 months $430 Q Nam. r i A. R. Dinnin Fu;;relrall s'er'vice was condeeted on Septe'rnlber 1S tin the Br aiefaeeld United iQlvuxeh for the late Albert D nein, tihend sen elf Mr, axed Mats. W. V, Dimi % of the village. The Reiv. S. Denison conducted the servile% Pallbearers were six senior netnee nnnvistsuoned offilere few: RIGAiF Satiation Clinton, nvho serv- ed through the courtesy of the Commanding O!fitlilcer, .Group CaiF- tia K. C. Carnler'on, They were: Sergeants Wheelhouse, D. Cates/et, Dtm3ayne, G. Clark, Hethuaw'ay and letedy. Flbiwer-lbeereete were firienlds: .of the deceased; from the Petraodia distrliet: Hob 'elrenche, Bob Clair- man, Ormond Mididfetour, Prank Envy, Bob Becher and Floyd White ale petite. Interment was ircu 1VIlcilleg''iart'a Cemetery, Us - borne Torw'nslhh . Death eamze suddenly as the result of an afxeralft achcrelent new" Nakuna tri N tihieri Ontario. Ehn- plowed by Austin Airways, Mr, Minnie, had been aipprceiching the landing dock, and had made a iturav over the village of Mieina. Inivesti!gaitiion hollowing the accid- ent alhloweld that a strait had beak - en, the wring had ripped off, and the plane crashed to the ground ,and burned. The pilot was alone in -the crash, Record of the airways company hes; been excellent. Only one pre- vicius tataillity has occurred in the 25 years the Austins have been operating it. The 'aircraft had been given a major !oiverhaul liege than a year aag'o--and was considered to ibe in good shape, Both J. A. Austin and Hal Mc- Cirackenr, of Austin Airways, at- tended the (funeral, coming from Suelbauty to do so, From. Parry Sound, George Blackburn, owner 'of the Georgian, Bay Airways and Mrs. Blackburn attended. Pilot Dinn:in had been with their corn- pany before joining Austin Air- ways. Mrs. Frank V. Martin (By our Bayfield. Correspondent) A summer resident of Bayfield who will be greatly missed died in Harper 'Hospital., Detroit, en Tuesday, September 30, 1958, in the person of Mrs. Margherita B. Martin, widow of Frank V. Mart- in. The deceased lady first came to Bayfield about 40 years ago with her two small children, Nor- ma arid Buddy, after the death oit her first husband, J. Brown. After returning for several years, she built e summer home, "Bould- er Lodge". Later she was marred • to Frank V, Martin, Detroit, who passed away over 12 years ago. Mr's. Martin spent the past sea- son at her cottage with members of her ,Saintly, returning to Dee mit late in August owing to ill heath. A very kindly person, Mrs. Mar- tin artin Volved Ray/field end was.nter- ested do coltnnmvtvnitty projects here. In Detreiit, she was active in the Gird Scouts, was a member of the Tuesfd'ayl Musicale, Theatre Artie, the Wiameo'sa 'City Club and Wo- men's Alliance of the Uniitarian Church. Surviiiving are her son, Jacob G. Brown, Det est; three .d'anxght• ere, Mr's. Nonniia SIuItrie T1loride; Mre. Robert ( rutlr, uy.) Kztatr and Mrs; Archie (Maargaareit Edith) MaQaxdelle FDetrolt; :e+lghit gt,amd- children; a brother ;and sister, Hubert E. arid Mists! Dorothy Slfa- Men. Funeral servicee were held or Thursday,, October 2, from the WRIlian1r R. Hernilton Chanel, pe - trete to fleleeigreent Cemetery, '11V. Earl Maclaren Reiqunern leige Mass was, sung in St. Joseph's Church, lenugs- brnidge, Wednesday'afternoon, Oct - Ober 8, for W, Fart MacLar'en (iforiereely of Clinton) who ailed snz'ddleriby at hie home, 196 David Street, God'erilcYh, eerily Sunday morning. The Rev. Heery van Witold Officiated. He was, !horn in Marton, a son of the late Andrew MacLL+amen and the Ifoxrner Jane Sinclair, and mov- ed to Gladenich 16 years ago. He was a. member of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Chuirich, Kiings- bri,dge and a, veteran cif .ehe Peet World War, A well-known photographer, Mr. McLaren had shown his colilec- tlbm' in London on various owes - ions. He delighted in catching the eepressioni of the ivory young, and the ich'ai recter of those who were older, Many .of his :beet elhotos were of persons familiar to the people of Gadexich, and of Clinton, where he had a studio until two years ago. He was misted lin: his work by his wife; the former Mary Hussey, Godkrhich, who survives him. Also surviving is one son, W. Bennett Maleleeen', Norwalk, Cal- ifornia; two sisters;, Mrs, Laura Lee Blair, McAllen, Texas; Mrs. Bernie M, Schwab, New West- minster, B.C.; three grandchildren:. Pall -bearers were Johnna I-luss:ey, Joseph O'Keefe, John S. Dalton, Robert Howard, Frank Donnelly and Walter Heitman. Mrs. B. Keys Mrs, Benjamin, Keys, the former Rachel Ann Turner, Wife of the late Robert Benjamin Keys, died October 5 in Clinton Public Hospi- tal, She was: fin her 75th year, Her passing was sudden and was the result of a severe stroke suf- fered the morning of the same day at her home at Brucefield. Up to this time she had enjoyed reasonably good health. Mrs. Keys wee born, on the Parr Line, Stanley Township, the dau- ghter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Turner. In 1913 she married the late Robert Benjamin Keys and moved 'to the Babylon Line. en 1943 they moved to Varna and in 1,947 to BrucePiel.d. Mr. Keys died in 1955. Mrs. Keys was a member of Brucefield United Church and was active in women's organizations in the church. Before moving to Brucefleid, she lead 'been a member elf United Churches: at Goshen and Varma. Mrs. Keys is survived by her four sons, Mervyn, Winnipeg; Harvey, Hensall; Alllan, Ottawa. and Gordon, .Caml,achle; also one brother Harvey Turner of the Parr Line. There are nine grandchild- ren. The remains rested at the Bon - we SHARE THE Cal •s•.: r•... • Let us assume part of the care of your clothes. You'll save yourself time. money and energy the Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaning way, and you'll be pleased with our fine - quality service and rea- sonable prices. This Week The Lucky No. is 2323 ' Check your Calendar. if the number matches, take the Calendar to our office and claim your $3.00 credit. THE HOUSE AND CAR WE MUST REPAIR ,.,AND MONEYS SCARCE AS ELEPHANT HAIR/ elQWGK CASH WOULD MAKE YOU WORRY -FREE, SO GET A LOAN AT T.C.C. WELLTHAT WAS EASY, FAST AND NICE I'M GLAD WE TOOK TRUSTY'S ADVICE. IF WISDOM SHOWS THE NEED TO BORROW, CALL T. C. Co FOR A LOAN TOMORROW. T58, et (4 y f. TRANS CANADA CREDIt _ .. r•{25'. is N4, i f '.. ✓ ..n:F /. TRANS CANADA CREDIT CORPORATION LIMITED 148 THE SQUARE, PHONE 797 GODERiCH, 0Nt. Palls and Income don't add up? Whenever a loan willl solve a money problem, Trans Canada Credit's All -Canadian loan service stands ready to help you. Borrow from $150, to $2,500. or even more. Repayment plans are flexible—small monthly or seasonal sums to fit your budget --over 12, 18, 24 or 30 months. " 1MM thr:on, Funeral ebeneat Hens;' . eiee tiiili tee fiulnierail s;ervhce in 13rue' i field United OWrich am Wedues4 day, October 8, The service was temelected by Rev. 5, Davison with 'interment in Hayfield Cexnetere. Pallbearers were Walter l4lc Bexatlr, Russell Brratt, Clifford Keys, E4)ira avroKanley, 'Fred Me- Cleanone aid Gen Swan. Flouwer bearers were llnser, Terrier, e Turner,7 alter Jan7' e 1;uft,4 1e '7 1-Xa•'C!F!- ey Coloinan, Anson Coleman James McNaughton, BACKACHE May be Warning Backache is often caused by Joy Kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, dis- turbed rest or that tired -out and heavy - beaded feeling may soon follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work bettor. Get Dodd'; Kidney Pills now. se Treasurer's Sale of LANDS FOR TAXES Corporation of the County of Huron TO WIT: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Warden of the County of Hu- ron under his hand and the seal of the said corporation bearing date of 12th day of August 1958, sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the County of Huron will be held at my office at the hour of 2.00 p.m. in the Court House on the 9th day of December 1958 unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in the On- tario Gazette on the 5th day of September 1958, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. The adjourned sale, if necessary, will be held at the above office on the 16th day of December, 1958. Treasurer's Office this 13th day of August, 1958. (Signed) J. G. BERRY, Treasurer 38-50-b• NOTICE of the Passing of a Proposed By -Law for the Town of Clinton. NOT I GE is hereby given that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Clinton will give consid- eration to the third reading of the aforementioned By-law at its reg- ular meeting to be held in the Town Hall on Thursday, November 6th at 8 o'clock in the evening, and that all persons who claim that their land will be prejudically affected by the By-law or have any other interest therein may appear in person or by their Counsel and will be heard at the said meeting. The By-law referred to is as follows: By -Law Number 14 for 1958 for the Town of Clinton By-law to stop up and convey to The Public Utilities Com- mission a portion of Ratten- bury Street in the said Town of Clinton. WHEREAS the building owned by The. Public Utilities Commis- sion and located at the intersec- tion of Albert and Rattenbury Street encroaches over the lands hereinafter described on a portion of Rattenbury Street and it has been deemed expedient to convey to The Public Utilities Commission that portion of the street on which there is an encroachment. THEREFORE, BE IT ENACT- ED by the Town of Clinton that: 1. That part of Rattenbury Street East of Albert Street as shown on Registered Plan Number 13 for the Town of Clinton and more partic- ularly described as: Commencing at a point in the production of the Easterly limit of Albert Street at the distance of 1.7 feet measured Southerly thereon, from the South- westerly angle of said Lot 227, which said point is the point of intersection of the Easterly limit of Albert Street with the South- erly face of the Southerly wall of the brick building situate on the South portion of said Lots 227 and 226; thence Northerly, and along the production of the Easterly limit of Albert Street, a distance of 1.7 feet to the Southwest angle of said Lot 227; thence South- easterly along the Northeasterly Iimit of Rattenbury Street a dist- ance of 80.2 feet to the intersec- tion of the Northeasterly limit of Rattenbury Street with the East- erly face of the Easterly wall of the aforementioned building; thence Southerly and along the Easterly face of the Easterly wall of the said building a distance of 0.9 feet to the Southeasterly cornet of said building; thehce Northwest- erly and along the Southerly face of the South wall a distance or 80.2 feet to the point of con'tmence- ment of the parcel herein describ- ed, be and the same is hereby stopped up, 2. The said lands, as described in paragraph 1, ate hereby direct- ed to be conveyed to the Public Utilities Commission for the Town of Clinton for the ruin of One Dollar ($1..00) and the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign and execute any transfers, conveyances or assurances that may be necessary to more effect. ual]y carry out the conveyance of the said lands to the said Com. mission. 41-2-3-4-b John Liyermoro;j Clerk;