HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-10-02, Page 71 InWR$DAY, OCTODER 2, 1958 CLINTON WS.RECQRo. Accommodation Articles For Sale HELP WANTED --MALE Will Trade For Rent U'A[rI�E'i1LE1D MECHA.N!I�C w1itb WILL EXCHANGE 61/2 cu. t. TH(; EXTRA MILE is �%1/URTH YOUR W ��- ; �'�nse. W 'goner repairs, W. H. Westinghouse relfrilgera�tor for e1- EAT1rD FURNISHED ROOMS Da7irymnle Som, 13uwcef�eld'. 40-b ec'truc selwanlg nn'aca)'ime. Tuzlaarvd. suitable for a couple. Reasonable. C'gme in and see Phone iBayf,'i'eld W51 4a -p 411 370J Seaforth. 39-40-b Ph'1' RCA Ad ' i iMAiN Bio WOR1K at Cvnton. Uonis r •,RIOQiM HOUSE, on. Queen Street to glimiton. With; oil fur nine, pi�eice bath, Possesion, :at once, HU 2-19W. DI -4=,BEDROOM (harm house, unr!fluam. 3Saneldf, 'baith and furnace, atvaalabl now, Gomddn! HIR, Varna, HIS 2, i07. SMALiL DOUSE', unlfuxmlished, all conveniences, suitalbale for a compile, Oin Highway 4 near RCAF Sita.- ti!on, plaque HU 2-9270, 40p •34WOM apamtan�ent, furnished! and ,ail.' heated, separate entrance, wa- :.sliding. machine, avar'- ' October .6, Alp!pay Mrs. Mairronv ,See!ley, ev�en- 1 ugts� or 'wookends', 40-rp COAUIORTABLEE and ,clean, stteamn heatetd, three room fur�na lshed atp- atrtnznent, wall ltocatted'. AvedltaW now fon' quiet couple. Phone HU 2- '9728, 40' -Ib :3 ROOM FURNISHED APAR:T- ment, comfortable and newly -de- ,corated, well located, for couple, -private bath, refrigerator included. .Available now. Phone HU 2-6665. 40p :J aD STI°I-IiNG ROOM, kitchen- -jette add bath; funnbshed rand h,eart- Sed, suitable lfor light housekeepding uor s11'oepintg accommodalruon, avaia:- :ablie now. Appilly' Mrs. Mannion See- 4M.,'evenings, or weekends. 40,p Accommodation Wanted ''rP AVS ,desires rooms once or ,two nights ewh week, during the WAnteur' months., Apply Box 400, QMTkon Ne!ws!-Recard, 40tp 4 -ROOM rapamtrnen!i, or sma!h, com.. Pact Mouse, one or two be&oams ,required for permanent residence. Phone 11 U '2-9301, evenings HU 2- 3496. 40-1b i' Alrtl'cles For Sale OVEN READY DUCKS, $2.00 each. (Phone HU 2-7567. 40-+b MOFFAT white enamel annex. eaalent condition.. $25. Turland. Phow, Paylfnleld 661,5. 40-rp ACCORDION, 120 lbass Italian make. 246698, H. D. Tobin, RCAF Station Clin'taiL 40-p AEANf'S, heiavy tweed overcoat, size 36, $1'5; lbvebdrds' mating cage, X10. .Phone HU 2-9340: 40-p -W.00ID and CEDAR KINDLING for giallo. Contact Elinor Trick, Clinton HU 2-3221. 38-tth CONSOLE S�FIWING MACHINE, :ahnast new, reverse sew, walnrut -finish, Phone HU 2.9976. 38p-39tfb ACME' ME!C TIUC cook stove, in ;good' canidibion. Phone HU 2-9379, 40-b ANTIQUE ALkHOGANY R CA vibtral!a, Iodllector's, item, in• good w+arkinlg eandittion, finish like new. 'Phone H'U 2-9728. 40-1b ?3EOCH COOK STOVE., coal or nvaad, hike new; ,also girl°S 34oce •coat set, size 4 to 5 years. ,Phone Hentsall 676x31. 40-1-+p QUEBEC STOVE,, coal or wood, .good baker. Phone HU 2-6650, 40p ,QUE1B!E!C HEATER, BEACH, me- .ddum size, Phone HU 2-7454, 40-1,p 'NO'W IN STOCK, 212 cu. fit. RCA °fareez'er, avoids 750 lbs.; 5 year -wanmanty, T. A. Dutton Applianlces Hrucefa!elld, H'U 2-323'2. 40. b CANADIAN CEMENT, unlimited quantity in stock. Low prices. A. G, Grigg & Son, phone HU 2-9411. 184f.b. MOk7klAT ELEi=C R, A N G E, ;all o automatic S:unlbeamn toaster, *both sn good condition, veery. reas- onable. Phone HU' 2 9284 or Bay- fileld 48r3. 404b BILNDLAY TOIL SPACE HEIATEfR, 'harge size, 55,000 B.T.U. amid 150 tgallon pail tank with attaichments. ' (Phone HU 2-7064 days,; HU 2- -9,704 .- - 9,704 after 6 p.m. 40 -ib YOUR OLD WASHER. IS WORTH money when tradad on a new t'Westinghouse washer, T. A, Dut- `'toes Appliance Store, Brucefield, `;Phone Clinton HU 23232. 11-tfb SEU L NEW PATTDRNS in English Bone China Dinnerware, ,including lovely "Cornflower". See It and others in our window and get our low prices for fine china, Counter's Jewellery 40p -PROTECT` your hard earned mon- ey, Use a, modern easy to use cheque -winter, to pert btrate name ,.and amount right into the cheque. Cannot be, altered: See them at Clinton. News -Record. 36-tfb GETTING MARRIED`t See samp- les of wedding stationery at the 'News -Record office. Invitations, tha:nk�-.you cards, wedding cake boxes, books, etdards, sere el t t fg NLW L,A,DY'S GLASS FRAMES, m iaroon :an:d silver' in calaur, Foos- onv for sallwng: shipment not to order, Pink fall coat, size 10, party dress, m2e 10, Apply Phillip Queens,,, ptrirntces�s St -0-0t, aerosis filum Eliliatt',Clolntstrucati0ft, -00. Ips, .. iYllra , Marconi, Westinghouse al T V at T. A. DUTTON. e BRUCEFIELD 39-tfb 40p. Articles Wanted SMALL COOK STOVE Apply Mrs, Orvlta111e Wbiber, HIU 2-32.. 40-b Automobiles For Sale 11949 DE SOTO', in goad shallie, built-iin radalo� 4 new Hires, vwihvd- tdha!elld wash%, 'sun visor. Cheap lfioa^ q'ui'ck sale. Merton T. Keyes. Phone Seaforth, 656x7.1.. 40-p 1'3511 NAS!H Statesman sedan, flca!dii,ng seats, Ekeellent motor, goad rulbb'er andtires. Very econ- t>arvilcaI bramispp'ortati im. L, . Spialst- buryj Diad HU. 2-74110. 4Np Board and Room ROOMERS, one alone or two sharing, Mirs Brien Hawley, opW, site RCAF Station, phone HU 2- 9226.. 40=41-�p Business Opportunities OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, high Street, Clinton. Plaone Olin - ton HU 2-6692, 16tfb Clothing for Sale LADY'•S tweed winter coat, worn, one year, s1ze, 14, Did HU 2- 9279. 4046 Custom Work PIANO LE'SSO'NS Phone Mrs, Sparks, BaylfileM 48x3. 40-b BULL DOZING and excavating. J. and G. Poutilll, RR 3, Clinton, J -W 2-7436. 31-tflb FOR YOUR PLUMBING AND Heating needs, call HU 2-9433 Hawkins Hardware. 2-tfb WILL DO MENDING and simple sewing. W111 also make cura6ng sweaters. Apply Mrs, Herring, Ph- one HU 2-3844. 37-8-9-40-p CUSTOM PLOUGHING or Com- bining. Price reasonable by the acre. Contact Lyle Montgomery, RR 1, Clinton, Phone Seaforth 841r31. 39-40-1-p CHEiSTERFPEfLDS AND CHAIRS restyled and upholstered, full !line of covers. Estimates given free. Phone Myth 20014, Arthur E. Clark, RR 1, Auburn. 37 to 40-p ATTENTION FARMERS! Spray- ing field crops, own, grain and naet.rnre, Alen %x,lx,ita ximr-hi:n r div- I one ~Hubert Cooper, Exeter, 59W3, 40-tfb Employment Wanted WOULD LIKE, to, do babysitting, d'ay or night. Phone HU 23487, 40-tb Farm Equipment For Sale DINE! CAW IN :ROLLE'R, dnlilven lid taraci!ar; also one large Igalvanizeld water' trough. Ray W Atnn!ore, plr� ane HU 23306. 40-P $5.00 DOWN BUYS the new mod- al Surge Milker unlit. It's bagger, c+assaerr cleaned, ansade entirely vdsi- blle. New Pulsator cover excludes dust and moisture. , Same safe bast "Tug and Pula" cow malldntg. ^-all Lovell McGuire, Wingham, Phone 593 collect. 40-44-b Fruit For Sale !'� '>*15--�Ma,cimltosh, Snawa�l�;, ralmlon SWee)t, Spys, Kings, Del- cIous. Will sell, the orcband, au!t- dght at !a, reasonable Price. Percy 3iibbings, RSR. 1, Clinton, HU 2 3925. 39-40�p yPR.AYIED APPLES for sale, Whclntoshti •Ka:ings, Taamvant Sweets, Snows, Orem%ags., Delilcibus�, 'ft- Itan. Pippins, etc. Free d'e']Wee* n town,, Phio o HU .2; 3214, Fred yllcCll!ymont 4vnnd S�on�sy Vla'mrna. 40-1.2-+b Help Wanted �--- Female WOMEN WiA.D,=, D to, 'babysat, We days' weekly, For particularls Dual ;HIL 2.-3450 •after 5 p.4n, 40-b ;BIND, RELIABLE WOMEN TO to occasional baby sitting: Phone HU 2-7154. 40b nHILDREtN BACK TO SCFtOOL. Aore time on your hands, Make axtra. moneyby selling Avon Prop lusts, Territories are available In 7,oderich and Hullett Town - ;hips. Write for information to Green, istrict M n- 12ris. Lourien G en D a ager, Box, 281, Hanover,, 40b Livestock For Sale 2 HOLSIPE IN lbul7 , ca,lvles, Suit- chile for veal, Phoit� 140 2.,334, Aurrra,y Forbes, 1�1t3,;21, (Minton, 40-t1, Amn!a., Work to coanmemice ap- pr!oxianlaWly October 20 till end io f 11V11arich. Apply do vwra!ting to G. M. Lalv3s, Cilia�ttlon, 40-'b Livestock Wanted LD HORSES WANTED AT 31j2 c lb„ and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once, GMBERT PROS, MINK RANCH, phone col, lest, Goderich, • 1483-) 4 or 1483 T 1, 38-,tflb ATTENTION FARMF-,R$.! ..Cash paid for sick, down and disabled cows 'an•d horses. Dead stock tick- ed up free of charge; no call, ac- eepted under 300 ;lbs. Call. collect Ed, Andrews, 851r11, Sea forth, Associated' with Darling and Co, Lf Canada Ltd. 39-p-tfb Dead Stock Services HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR SICK, DOWN OR DISABLED COWS and HORSES. Also Dead Cows and Horses At Cash Value Old Horses -- 4c per pound Phone Collect 133 -- BRUSSELS BRUCE MARLATT 74 Hour SerVIGe REAL ESTATE IS OUR BUSI- NESIS. Farms, residential, coin Miscellaneous mercial, summer cottages. For de- pendalble and oapmum serve,ce 11 your property with John Bosveld; Wellesley Sltreet, Goderich. Phone 1:108, Salesmen: George McGM' 11v - ray, Lucknow; J. McConnell, Sea - forth. 38-tfb Pet Stock WOULD Lli= GOOD HOME:: for dog. Purebred Kentucky Rejdbone,. 8 months old. Psis; cost of this, !ad. Phone HU 2-7471. 4o -p Poultry For Sale 2175 � L� P'UrLIX111S, laying, Apply to !E4rl (fox, Phone Clinton 1HU 2-9887, 40ap 250 RED X ROCK PULLETS, ready to lay. Georlge Dow+son, Viar- inn:, Iph'ano 676x;21 Hensaal, 40 -ib 85' YEARLING WHITE' LEG - ,HORN hew !for sa"de. Phone HU 2-3247., Mins; Wdaham Norman, RR 31 Canton. 40ab PULII.LETS, 2.00 Reid x Columbia., tt'hae'e months odd; 100 Xjimber., ten, �woeks oad- 30.0 Kimber, eight weeks olid" 500 Ki7nlber, five weeks ,old'. Bllyth 151,10.. .-Frrank Hessel<s. 40-p PIODUI111i1Y TIARMERS; due to In- ere!awd, Droner proldlutcti n�, we find ;it necessary to obtain severral new +N,acik own�en's in ybu,r area. If you lame Interested Iry sealing hatt- ich`ing eggs at a set price the year round', white to Momtkton Poultry Farnn!s, Momlktom, Ont. We htave at present .:10,000 breeders growing land rthey will, )be for sale s'h'ortly. O!utr ,.,xelpRocemvent stock is wail - able, _eivery three months. Our next relAac'emenrt stock will be a,vafflalble ;the, first week of Janu- ary, 1959: 40 to 43-b REAL ESTATE GOODSTANDING BUSH LOTS wanted, Apply to P.O. Box 57, Ailsa Craig. 37 to 41p WATCH REPAIR IS A JOB FOR >xperts. Our work assures your >atisRaction. Counter's Jewellery. �uxon County's Oldest Establish - :d Jewellery Store. 40p i3tEE ' Outboard motor winter storage with springcheck-up, Special dis-. aunts on motors ,for ha nited' time arvly. Ellwood Epps Sporting goods. 36-tfb MOTORS AND GENERATORS rewound and repaired. Brushes, capacitors, switches, bearings; small appliances repaired. Used 3r reconditioned motors for sale. Art Levett, Isaac Street at Dunlop. Phone HU 2-6640. 44tfb IXT US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones ;afely secured—don't take chan- es. Expert work done reasonably :o your satisfaction. Watch re - )airs and Pearl restringing. W. �'. Counter. 40p - FOR AR'ITFICLA L INSEMINA- TION service. more Information, telephone. the • Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association collect at: CLINTON HU 2-3441 Between 7,30 and 9,30 a,m, week days, 6 and, 8 p.m. on Saturdays. Do not call for service on Sunday, Cows .an neat :on Sunday can be inseminated satisfactorily on Mon- day. We supply service .to bop quality bulls sof the Hoatstein, Jersey, Ayr - share; Guernsey, Brown, Swiss, Red Poll, HereToTd Gpalled' and horned) Beelf Shorthorn (•paUled and horn- ed), and, Dual -Purpose Shorthorn, A,ngus -and Charolais breeds, The cast ds :taw. - 28-M Notice NOTICE TO SPORTSMEN THE CO.OPERATION OF ALL Sportsmen in -respecting the "No Hunting, or Trespassing" notices Dn the peat bog, McKenzie Farm, is requested 'in the best interests of conservation. This area is prf- nate property, and it the inten- tion of the owner to prosecute anyone found hunting or trespass sing. (Signed) HARRY BALL 40b Propgrty For Sale 2-t131WRO,OM insul, briick house; Dill furnace, hardwood floors, aoca- ted on. East Street, phone HU 2- 9470, 35-tfb 200 ACRE MRM, _ Lots' 22 and 2!3, Ooocessdion 2, Stanley Tom - ship. S:oAd Ibi*k house. or full iutnige recd mug' Modern comvien- i,enceGs, Two :b'a'rns, 27 acres fall wheat, !C7an!taict John A. Mc'Ew'en Bruee;fijelfd, 404fb, ONE! STO�EIY .. HOUSE with as. pla:al!t shinglesiding 3 -piece bath- morn, lli'vungg room,, tfiree be!dro'oms, kitchen wilth: bu)l�:t4n, cuipboards, spacilous, liarown wi ft flower bed!., large gandonls Approximately one quarter acre of land. ''Phone IIS 2- HOUSE' IN WI!NGHANI, 2 storey, stucco, three bedroDans, full bath upstairs, large liv)ngrooni, dInInlg room and kitchen, extra bol,let down;, Owl furnace, newly d:etcorat- ed insnde and out; large lot, two Patios ' and lovely lawn, Immed- iate possession, Phone Winghalm MR or write- for par:ticularS to Mfrs, Boaz ,Carbert, Leopold Street, M'ngham. 39.40.414) i $7,500.00 -- IV, STOREY FRAME with insul brick siding; ; 3 bedrooms up, kit- chenette with built-in cupboards, dining room, living room, large sun porch and, tutee piece bath down. Full 'cellar; cement floor throughout. Also included in this price is a 66x132 corner lot. This property is in very good condi- tion. Early possession can be ar- ranged. $7,000.00 -- THREE BEDROOM Frame Cot- tage, three piece bath, living room, good sized dining room, oil fur- nace, full cellar, heavy duty wir- ing. Double garage; good lot in residential district. . K. W. COLQUHOUN Insurance and Real Estate CLINTON Phone HUnter 2-9747 40b Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock & implements Wednesday, October 8 At one o'clock, at the farm of Frank Coleman, Sr,, Lot 5, Con. 2, Hullett Township, one mile north of Highway 8, on the Kinburn Rd. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer Frank Coleman, Proprietor Edwin Chesney, Clerk , 39-40-p BIRTHS 130W.MAN In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, September 30, 1.95$, to Mr. and Mrs, II, Bowman, RR 1, Blyth, a son, DONNE, --- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, Septem. ber 25, 1958, to LAC .and Mrs.. I, S. Donnelly, RCAF Station, Clinton, a son. HATCHIM --In 'Victoria Hospital, London, on Saturday, September 27, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs, Donald Hatcher (nee 'Woodena Epps), Centralia, a daughter (Shauna Lee), MUNN-Tin Clinton Public Hospi, tal, on Thursday, September 25, 1958, to Mr, and Mrs. Donald Munn, Hensall, a daughter. SLADE In Clinton Public Hos, pital, on Wednesday, September 24, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs, Lawrie pital, on Monday, September 29, 1958, to Sgt, and Mrs. R, Voight, RCAF Station Clinton, a dau- ghter, WILSON --In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Monday, September 29, 1958, to Sgt. and Mrs. L. Wil- son, Clinton, a daughter. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of AGNES WAY. MOUTH, late of the Township of Hullett in the County of Huron, Married Woman, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the said Agnes Way - mouth, who died on the 15th day of July, 1958, are required to file proof of the same with the under- signed on or before the 10th day of October, 1958, after which .date the assets will be distributed among the parties entitles thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. Dated at Clinton this 17th day of September, 1958. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ont., Solicitor for the Executors. 39-40-41-b Clearing Auction Sale of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Ord St., Seaforth Saturday, October 11 1.30 p.m. D.S.T. Dinette table, chairs, buffet; new refrigerator; new electric range; new portable tubs and washer; electric iron, kettle, toaster, frying pan, dishes, pots and pans, two dressers, steel bed, new walnut bed and dresser to match, roll- away bed, 2 springs, 2 spring - mattresses, new wardrobe, chest of drawers, 3 odd chairs, rocking chair, nylon freize sofa -bed, vac- aum cleaner, platform rocker, arm chair, foot stool, television, radio, typewriter, rugs, living room Able, lamps, library table, '50 Dhevrolet Coach; Craftsman power awn mower; step ladder; desk; ;arden tools; ironing board; num- :rous other articles. MRS. LEW ROWLAND, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer 40-1-b AUCTION SALE Of property and Household Ef- `ects of the Estate of the late Mr. Albert Carter from Maple Street, Clinton, on Saturday, Octobelr 4 at 1,30 p.m. Household Effects: Motorola 17- n'cih TV- with aerial a, }.a rotor; Frigidaire 6 cu. ft. refrigerator; :ompartment size rangette; enamel ,anger mantel radio; studio couch; :offield electric washing machine, rrborite table and chrome chairs; citchen chairs; 2 small tables; vheel barrow; carpenter's tools; ;arden hose; garden tools; dishes ind cooking utensils. ; Property: A desirable property 41 )n which is situated a small insul i )rick cottage with full basement ; rnd modern conveniences. ; Terms on Household Effects: ; :ash. Terms and conditions on )roperty: 10% of the purchase 44 noney down on date of sale and ; )alance in 30 days. Property will ; )e offered for sale subject to a ; -eserve bid. George Carter, Box 343, Wing- i ram, Administrator. Edward W. 41 Elliott, Auctioneer. 39-40b , COUNTY OF HURON APPLICATIONS For Deputy Clerk -Treasurer of the County of Huron SEALED: APPLICATIONS for the position of Deputy Clerk -Treasurer will be received by the undersigned until 5 o'clock p,m., Tuesday, October 14th, 1958. Please state age, marital status, experience, education, salary expected. Also state references. Please mark clearly on envelopes—"Applications." JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer, County of Huron, Goderich, Ontario. 40-1-b DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE Royal Canadian Air Force CLINTON, ONTARIO SEALED FIXED LUMP SUM TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until 5 p.m, E. S. time, Tuesday, October 13, 1958, for the supply of all necessary materials, labour and equipment to provide an extension and renovations to Building 62 RCAF Grocery Store. Plans and specifications may be obtained by applying to the undersigned, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J, M, McDONNI LL, Construction Engineering Officer, RCAF STATION, CLINTON, ONT, 39-40-I) PAGE SEV , No BOXY THEATIN Clinton two Showa :Nightly Wide Sorin Now Playing; 'THE SHBBI'IVIAH Gtenn l=ord — Shiripy Mol-aine -,- Leslie Neilsen. Mondays*''-"- Tuesday -1,-r Wednesday "S i. LOUIS BLUES" The life story of JW. C, Handy, the Mari who wrote sorne of the world's greatest blues, including the immortal title. song. Filmed in Vlsta,VIsion " „ BAILEY NAT KiNG COLE --- EARTHA KITT -- PEARL Thursday Friday ---r Saturday; "SADDLE THE WIND'/ A trigger-happy young fighter who couldn't be saddled , a story filled wth the action, songs and flavor of the West, Robert Taylor Julle London John Cassavetes COMING NEXT: October 13 to 18 "'THE LIGHT IN THE FOREST" MARRIAGES WIS!I&MUR[RAY—In St, Andrew's P resbyterijan Church, Clinton, on SatturrdaY, September 27, ],958, by the Rev. D, J. Larne, Gayle Zbreruce, dhughter of Mr, and Mrs, Ealmer (Mural, y, �Iarras!tony tax John Thomas Wase, Olanton,' Sion df Mals, H. L, Wase, London, land +the ]late Mr. Wase, CARDS OF THANKS We wish, to express our si�rncem thanks for the miany kindnesses extended to us during our sad bereaveiment. S�!ral ihanlm to Dr. Addison, Rev. ffmvison, nurses on the second floor of tie Chian ton h!aslpvtal, also 'Baal and Manch. Mr. and Mins, Geom+ge Waise. 40p I wound lake to thank all my friends for treats, cards:, flowers and visits while a. patient in Cllii Mary Public Hospital Special thanks to, Dr, Newland, and the nursxmg staff, Rev, S, Dannisort, Simon McKenzie. 40b IN MEMORIAM REID--In loving memory of my dear sister, Mrs. James Reid, who passed away on September 26, 1942: "To hear her voice, to see her smile, To sit with her and talk awhile, Wouldbemy dearest wish to- day." o- j --Ever remembered by her sister li Laura, and brother-in-law Lloyd. 40b Notice to Creditors in the Estate of JAMES AL-. BERT CARTER, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Laborer, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the said James Albert Carter, who died on the 12th day of August, 1958, are required to file proof of the same with the undersigned on or before the 14th day of October, 1958, after which date the assets will be distributed among the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. Dated at Clinton this 22nd day of September, 1958. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ont., Solicitor for the Administrator. 39-40-1-b PARK THEATRE GODERICH Now Playing: "SADDLE THE WIND" in Color -- Robert Taylor and Julie London All Week --Qct. 6 to 11 WALT DISNEY Presents. "THE LIGHT iN THE FOREST" -- In Technicolor — A true life advanture drama— telling rama telling the story of a white boy, raised amidst the traditions and culture of an Indian tribe, and his return to his own people. Fess Parker -- Joanne Dru and James MacArthur COMING: Jose Ferrer In "The High Cost of Loving"' with Gena Rowland Notice To Creditors In the estate of JOHN FIDE [ BERT McEWRN, late of the Township of 136mley in the Counr tJ' of Burow, Yeoman, Deceased, Crediltom and, others having claims a;gadmst the above estate ,are .required to send tfu11 parti- culars of such, claims to the under. sired Admninis!trator air or befom the firth day Iof Oatober, A.D. 1958, after whish date the estate's as- sets wall be distributed, heaving re- gard only to dWms. that have then been raceave'd'. THE CANADA TRUST COM- PANY, London' Ontario, Adminis- trator, ;by E. S. MENZIES, Sol- icitor, ol icittor, Chnton, Ontaxio. 38-39-40-b TOPCOATS For FALL LOOK SMART! FEEL SMART! in one of our ALL -WOOL TOPCOATS, superbly tailored in the season's newest shades and styles, TWEEDS -- VELOURS -- DOESKINS F ee the DRAGNET ALL-WEATHER lI y `COAT - $25,00— — _i -SUITS— . Select' your new Suit now, while the selection is best. Made-To;Measure Suits from Canada's Leading Clothing Houses TOP OFF YOUR FALL OUTFIT with a Smart New t HAT by STETSON or MALLORY e Limited Pick ett & Campbellm i�d ARROW SI MTS STETSON HAUS Phono HU 2.9132 -- Clinton, Ont,