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Clinton News-Record, 1958-09-11, Page 10
*FAGF TEN r CLINTON N9WS-8•ECORD M-lidget Ball Team A Town (oun . av eetinguauocnil Tuesday evening. $13of the-vnband, accountVeatStayner; To Play an"numad has (been ac6e!pted by the Swvim- y , pool CoamnLttee. 1±'riday night in Sta ner the and was promptly followed with CLINTON Ail it H i'O A E arimg Clinton Legion, Midgets defeated three amore! by Garan, Bartlwtif and Jac!pb, c ............ 5 1 1 0 1 1 Coui14ti1 authorized a g ra,4t of ' •, . Powell, ....... 5 3 1 0 0 1 20 d the, pool committee, the Stayn'er team, by a s�oae+ of Livermore, These, atom with a $ R Nawar 10-5 to -talc' the !pent of three Sltlap�ner earlom resulted �n Clinton matching d'oll'ar for dollar, grants Barl6liltiP l�f ....,,., 5f 1. 4 2: 0 0. seri-fis>all in two games, slcoring three runs'. � of $50 e!atyh anode last week by Livermore, p, ss,4 0 1 1 2 0• tolwm:s!hi' ' Surrounding' the town,. This, game proved' to be a far The lead -Ing hti!ttes' an thee�aa :Cldn- Scho9rals, Zlb 5 1 1i 2 2 0 utoser one than the previous' one Iran club was Charles BartlIff with Walsh, of, p ..,. 5 2 2 0 1 1' Coundls of HuBetat, TufakersmAth, in !C% nton- Clinton, opened the four straight singles 5n coming ;up Plc,+kett, 3!b W and":.Goderich alp, 3 1 0 3' 2 0 Stanp were steaming with a two run outburst kn wi[th a flour for five effort. Larry Ladd, 1b .......... 4 0 1 9 2 1 proa'ched by. a, delefgadion made, up 'g ' TO`IIAI.S-- 41 10 13' 1$ 15 4 df Reeve Stanley arid; R. the .second inning an a hat and Walsh and Larry Powe!11 also con- e BurGa!n one S:taynner error. Tiley added trtlbuted with. a brace of sungles and they J, Bud Schoenhaps, two lin the third and, one in the apiece. Frank Ladd with a .two- � amet with-sucessi In each. lofaataon.. p TAYNEiL ABR HPOA E fourth. (Minton wrapped up the bagger had, the only extra. base hit D. Arnnsiromg., x*,f 5 '0' 2 1 0 () Lelt+ters, w,4re- mead from the Nat- Iball game in the fifth inning when of the e. Ho!o�d, +p, se .. 5 0( 0 1. 3 3 10mfal 'Mortgage and Housiing Coa- Larry Powell led' off with a single Ron Livermore started on the T. A;rr=,Arong, 31b 5 1. 0 2 1 0pomtion sit,ating that the Federal mound for Clinton, and tpi;tc:hed Gartfiand, ss, P 5 0 1 3 2' 0" Government had oled the inves,ti:- Efifective baU till a sore side forced. Sjpellman, cf .... 4 0 0 2 0 0 gartdon of 'the need dor more Hous- e 8 dP ` tl�i!m to retire .and play in the B�rowWvtridlg () in�g an Clinton,, and a survey will BOWLING BITS field. Larry'Walls!h relieved: for hire Fisher, c ......... 2 0 0 01 2 4 he taken in down commencing Gxoth�, ('5) 3b 2J 0 0 1 1 ' 0' .and continued to keep the Star next Tuesday, September 16, A Thon�psan, 2b 4 1 1 2 .7: 1` , (By H. W. >C. er ,b array Culhan, lb (4).c 3 1. 0 9 6, 1 will, in! , concerned ,) boys well in check, Between young 'Tady from the corporation tih'e trnla pitchers, they allowed ' tenview all those com!cerned At the Seaforth mixed d'aubles fp ve hits. In the two games, C9snt in the soul and economic develop- tMirnament last Wednesday, fifth ofi, pItching ,allowed Stayner only TOTALS— 37 5 5 '21. 1.3 5 nient of the community, and ad- paize watt won by Mrs. J. M. sf.x hits alltold. R H E vests will, be placed in the ElliottGd and Hughen's doubles n�. D. Armstrong was the only play- llolcal, (paper asking all: those who Goderik h men':s doulbles on Mon, (Minton 022 130 011-10 13 4 day ,night for the C'arMgg, trbpihy, er for S!taymer to collect more Statyner 001, 0;10 2x1.0— 5 51 5 are eligiilble and desire, (better (first prize and the trophy was.: won, than, one. hit off their o!Pferiaafgs, housing, to mak,, afpl! cation. by Fred EMott and Caxyi' Draper, as he gat two singles. Luvenrnore, Waash, (7) and Jalc- The .public works committee, and second was' won b Hna db; Hood, Gartland (5) and' Rsh- prize y � !Ctlintan wvdpl now meet alae along tiva:th the town engineer have Hawkhns and Wialiter Newlcom be.. er, Borthwick (4) . Wpaeatp'ey Mid�ts'� iraf the next considered i+he work on Princess, rI41e ,aaLr>lual mrixed' trebles harv- ,o est tournament n wiYl bei held! v- round of play-offs with the fist Rattemlbury and East streets, and October 1 at 1...30 p.m Anyone 'game of a best of three in C'1+in- a detailed account of some need wishl ig to bawl please advise Mrs. ton on Saturday, September 13, Dept. of Lands and for repaiat tba the work was pie - J. 'M E2dott by September 30 at 3.30 o'clock. s'ented by the engineer. A fetter of appreciation was, received' from Forests Release floe Rev. hl, L. Reed -Lewis, stating SERVICE STATION and SNACK BAR tow, already th nked sled woo the . Many town, tawnb and thanked the council FOR RENT for prompt attention to diifii'cudt- Thousands of pheasants have des at the driveway of the house (1) Located on No. 8 Highway in Town of Clinton !banded s•been released and by the at St. Joseph'. Church. (2) Completely renovated and decorated. Ontario D Several! roadiwlarys along the new ' Department of Lards and ' (3) Reasonable rent arranged for right party to ensure Forests for this fall+6 hunters, if streets require .attention,. your success. the haunters, ha!g banded birds,, they Proclamations (4) Immediate possession. are asked` to turn in the leg hands 'Council authoraze!d Mayor W. J. APPLY to (local, Department officers. Pur- 'Miller to proidalm as stpeoial Harold O. Free pose is to assess' what value hat- weeks, the. Canadian, Weekly chery-raised birds contribute to Newspaper Week from. October Phone 366 S e a f o rt h the ,annual hunt, 1 to 8; also as Fire, Plreventilon 30-tfb Tfie provincial Week, from October 4-111. p game bard farm Daylight Saving at Cod'rdngton -turned out aboutC°ouarCil ayUg ed tin vote op - 36,000 'birds this year, releasing Beautiful Oil Paintings You Can Paint Yourself For The Home or Gifts. SERIES 18- 2 GIANT 16x20 PICTURES with 18 Pre -Mixed Oil Colors and 3 Brushes. 12 boxes of 2 pictures each.............................................................. $5.95 SERIES 12- 2 LARGE 1206 PANELS with 12 Pre -Mixed Colors and Brushes ...................................•.............. $3.95 SERIES 1.0- 2 SIZE 1004 PICTURES with 10 Pre -Mixed Colors and Brushes ................... $2.95 SERIES 40-- 3 MATCHED COMPANION PICTURES --1 picture 24x18 — 2 at 10x8 with Oils and Brushes .. $6.95 1-2-3 OIL PAINTING SET for Beginners or Children - 12 subjects .................................................... $1.50 LITTLE ARTIST CRAFT MASTER Numbered Coloring Pencil Set .................•....,............................... $1.50 �' MC v' anVs GIFTS and STATIONERY Clinton — Dial HIT 2-9766 THE IVY -LOOK IS "NIGH FASHION".• - FOR FALL! Here if is! The natural shoulders .. . slim. mer, stroighfer hang. ing body; narrow lap• els, fhat all s -P-0-1.1 fhe "Ivy -Look suit." Long wearing hard- finish wool. Dark col. --- ors. All siva. — Shop Earlyl Herman's Men's Wear ( Open Friday Evenings) HU 2-9351 _ Clinton them in the Lindsay, Rideau, )ptosed by only two rAmunivers, fihat Tweed; Huron and Simcoe dist- the town would revert to standard rants, On Wolfe, Island, near King- time.on Sunday -morning, Septemb- s,ton, 100 adult hens which had er 28, commencing at 2 a.m. This been used as stock birds were i' the same date set by Exeiter freed. and London, although, both Gode- rich and, Seaforth, and points nortth With the co-operation of district are expected .to Wait another fish and game chubs, the birds month for the change. were given the "gentle release" treatment — planed in pens and cared for for about ten days, then allowed to -come and go as they ,pleased. Food and water were kept Inside ,and outside the pens until the birds became accustomed to freedom. and could take care of themselves. The department also all, oeated and distributed several hundred adult pheasants to vaariou!s ,bird dog retriever associations for use in the training of hunting dogs. These birds usually are unharmed during the dog trials and sub- sequently help to restock the areas in which they are used. a Golden Wedding (Continued from page one) ,alll+ of Clinton, :and Mrs. Harry', Pelletier, Toronto, poured tea. The Woman's Asisaoia+tion of Wesley- WilEsi -United Church wroth the sac, dal eamtmibtee, do charge, served refreshments. Douglas• F'leuslchauer, Cllitorr, ,sang "My T"Je' and .Love's Olid Sweet Song!' Guests attended from New York, Landon, Guelph, St. Catharines', Richmond 101, Toronto, 13urgess- ville, Stratford, Moorefield, Chic- ago, Detroit, Aylmer, Stoney Creek, Vineland, TAonburg, 'and surrounding disltriet. Mie celebrants received tele grams' off ,congra.tulatiibn from their many friends. They also re- ceived many useful, gifts. On Sun- day, they were joined by about 30 relatives at a fan illy dinner at thelir home. 0 Everyone Reads The Classifieds Down only $200 On First Summer at Pool Operation of the pawl ftor the first year did not prove as ex- pensive as some folk hard predicted. AIt present it looks as if there, is a d'eficl t of aiboUt $200 strictly or% the operation of the project. Reeekks! from season's ,tickets were $554.00; from,, admissions at the ;pool, $64',,1.1. Matin, expense upas of course; wages', amountingto alta $,1 t:,100 for the vb months the pool operated. . I II� IIS `I I'► ►\ ANG► ORI, 1.IV ,..FOR WHAT EVERY YOUNG COUPLE SHOULD KNOW! A recent "Gallup Poll" reveals that Life Insurance and down payment on a home head the list as mari- tial musts. Start your insurance plan, early, rates are lower and you get greater protection. WITHOUT OBLIGATION PHONE "HAL" HARTLEY H U 2-6693 Canada Life Assurance Co. M l In , Action Cler1c J. Iiiverinoiereported that a 0FPL, TV survey, request - Ing letters :on the topic from an area as far north as tits town, was in the majority in; favour of i the Septemlber change, Used as arguanen,ts,, were" the' one raised by Reeve Stanley that 'it was not fair to ask cbIldaen to wait in ,the .dank on .these duul mornings for the sahool buses. Mayor Miller supported ,this, stat - Ing that he- believed the rural families, nearby, were in favour of a change this month.. He stated that the RCLAW Station was happy to change whenever the surround- ing communities cha'nge'd, Building Permits. PerrWhsion was, granted for building !permits .to the followvimg: ,to F. C. Burns, for a, house, $9,000; K. C. Cooke, greenhouse, $500; Site naaYs, alternations, $6,500; H. Wise, workshop, $3,500; G. Walker, suniporch, $300; R. Cant- e1on, addition, $500. About Union; Gas .A letter to the Union Gas Com- pany, with. copy to go to McDace C,onstru!ction, Company was auth- orized, setting ,forth. the ,fact that the coufnell was dissatisfied with certain aspects of the work done, such as failure to seal' al places where asphalt was re+palredi; cut- ting of tree roots, low muddy plac- es washed out by rains and, sink - Ing. The letter will, ask that the work meets dull, satisfaction of the council before the clean up gang leaves, Clinton. ,Counlatllor Dale defended the gas Auction Sale of Dairy Cows and Heifers, at lot No. 31, Concession 6, God'erich Township, 1 mile south of Porters Hill on Tuesday, September 16 AT 2 P.M. Consisting off: 30 cows and hedf ers, Hols!telins, Ayrshires and Jer- seys; some, fresh; close springers; balance due December and, Janu- ary with some milking and re -bred. 10 young calves; 10 summer calves. 200 Rhode Island Red x Leg- hom pullets, 9 weeks. old. Massey Harris, 2 wheel tractor manure spreader. '.Germs: Cash A. E. Townshend: Proprietor Edward W. Elliott: Auctioneer 37-b Dispersal Auction Sale Of HOLSTEIN COWS, HEIFERS and STOCKERS at Lot 32, Con. 2, McKillop Twp., 1%4 north and 1%2 west of Seaforth, on Wednesday, September 17 at 1.30 p.m. 16 Holstein cows and heifers, a number milking, others due to freshen from Sept. to April; one market cow; registered Holstein cow; 1 Holstein bull, 18 months old; 2 Holstein heifers, 9 months old; 10 Hereford one -year-old steers; 8 calves from 3 to 8 mon- ths old. TERMS—CASH Gordon Scott, Proprietor Harold Jackson, Auctioneer 36 -7 -ib Clearing Auction Sale of the Estate of the late Robert W. Fuller, fat lot"13; concession ,5, Goderieh Township: 3 miles east of Goder' h . (on No. 8 High- way) and 1' ' miles ''south' ion Wednesday, September 17 • A.T 1.30 P.M. .CATTLE;: 4 young- Durham cows, milling. (2, vowvs re -bred); two 2 -year old',steers; 4 yearling calves. PIGS.- Shaw, with: 13 pigs, ilMi_ : -M-H 11 hoe fertnillizer drdli; M -H 11 hoe grain drill; binder, 7 ft. cut;, rubber tire wagon; flat ra!ok; ,gravel box; Deering mower, .6 ft. cut; 2 wheel. -trailer; 3 section h'amows; set of bteechdng harness-; horse collars; set of 1,200 lb. scales; milk ,cart; set of tandems disc; hay fork; rope; sling ropes; quantiity of Lumber and cedar posts; carpenter's tools; ,garden- tools; finks, shovels, logg- ing chains; colony house; brooder stove; root .puirper; fanning mill; numerous other articles, 1l'EM: 350 bales of mixed hay. Terms: Cash Mrs. Ethel Fuller: Proprietress Edward W. Elliott: Auctioneer 37-b . Auction Sale at McLelland Barn, Bervie, on Thursday, September 18 IN THE EVENING ChoiIce lot of springing cows and heitfem. As special: 7 bdlg springing Hol- stein helfers' (,Rag Apple Breed drug). 25 well-bred, yearling golstein heifers. Big Pony Sale the last Saturdap? _ ,°m. September. 37-b Auction Sale at iLot 3, Concession 8, Morris Township, I. r/.1 miles north of Blyth and %Z ?anile cast on Thursday, September 18 AT 1.30 P.M. ;CA,TT11l1: 5 Durham tows, milk- ing .and .re -!bred; 4 cony's with calves, at foot; farrow .cow, Dur - burn hei'£er, due in January, Dur- ham heifer, due to De'cem'ber; one butcher heifer; tw'-o 2 -year old heifers; five yearling steers•; 5 ,'wring heifers, eight spring daly- es. Six acres ensolage corn. Reason for se191img, ill (health, Tenum Clash Mervin 06%riff 'Proprietor George Nesbitt, Auetioneet George Powell, Clerk 37-1b TNURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1959 MMPIPY in ribs regax.d', sta!timg o than a had heard anany Co J Events fhavgs about thepn, and that coutn- ell already had assurance that 4o a word, winimum 7tic ,the work would ,be satisf"1 m7y be- Fri., Sept. 12—Reception for Core they wound leave it.1Vfr: and Mrs, Ray Huedier '(nee, Street` Lights %X gexry Webster) do WaltoaY Mayor Miller reported that a Witty Halal, Ian Wll&'o a Ordhestra. Ladies please brdM delegation from, Wingbam had met lunch, 37ap. With meanlbers of the .Clinton P'UC, Thurs., Sept- 25 --Bayfield' Flair lash Thursday, and were very ion- DanM BaWi ield' Town Hall. Spoq_ pressed, with .the lighting installed cors; B'ay!fiead ags+icultural sadly; on our streets. Carxauther's Orchestra.. L u n e h; (Councillor Sutter spoke a woad Counter. Popular polices. 37-8-9-fb: in flavour of two more of the new Dancing '•very Friday at Bay- lligthts! to be placed in •the Ekps field VM, l] on. Dance to Ken Wil; - S tit Shop area, Cowdiplor Irwin bee 'and' his orchestra. Adim ss!tm 4 Me, $1.25 a couple. 34-tfbi chairman of the clomn - ttee in Goderich Pavilion --,Dancing ev- charge, stated that alt present it ery ,Saturday night. Glen Brick - was doubtful that enough money pain and his All-Star orchestra, would be alvaftble this year. Ab =K MONEY TROUBLES GOT YOU UP AGAINST A BRICK WALL? % ■WC IIImlils ,F JOIN THE CLINTON COMMUNITY 4 CREDIT UNION .4 BROWNIE S DRIVE - I N LIMITED CLINT0N-ONTARIO Featuring the Largest Wide Screen In Huron County —0-0-0 Thursday and' Friday — Sept. 11 and 12 "SEVEN YEAR ITCH`' (Adult Entertainment) (COLOUR) (CINEMASCOPE) MARILYN MONROE and TOM EWELL (ONE CARTOON) Saturday and Monday — Sept. 13 and 15 '11.0 TO YUMA" GLENN FORD and VAN HEFLIN 3 STOOGE COMEDY (ONE CARTOON) f Tuesday and Wednesday — Sept. 16 and 17 "WOMAN OF THE RIVER" (COLOUR). (Adult Entertainment) SOPHIA LOREN and GERARD OURY (ONE CARTOON) Two Shows Nightly©— Rain or Clear ! Box Office Open at 8 p.m. — First Show at Dusk CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CARS FREE e 11'S FPII Clean -up -Time WE HAVEN'T A LARGE STOCK - - BUT WHAT WE HAVE IS GOOD! '55 DODGE SEDAN .................... $1350.00 Smart green finish. Spotless inside. Radio with rear seat speaker. Whitewalls. Fender Skirts. Fender Mirrors. '55 CHEVROLET SEDAN .. , . • ........ $1550.00 Light blue with dark blue top. A smart car. Priced right. `54 FORD COACH ... , ....... • ...... • ... $1050.00 Medium Blue. Clean! Radio included. '54 CHEVROLET COACH ... $1050.00 Deluxe Model in top condition. '53 BUICK CENTURY SEDAN ...... $1050.00 A luxury liner! Built in radio. Easy eye glass. Custom lounge interior. Automatic transmission, etc. '52 FORD COACH ......... • ...... , , .... $ 550.00 Nicely two -toned. Good motor - -and- ti -r -es. Radio included.'57 CHEVROLET 1/2 TON PICKUP $1575.00 One owner since new. In top condition throughout. `57, CHEVROLET 8 Station Wagon $2750.00 Looks and runs like new. Full warranty. ff Attractive price F58 DEMONSTRATORS new duction. Full new car warranty. Lorne Nown Motor's Ltd. Your Friendly oa�+os, ` CHEV.-OLDS. Dodidr' HUnter 2-9321 CLINTON