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Clinton News-Record, 1958-09-11, Page 1
� ��c ,�'tx�� �CoYu��c�= � _ , _ . � _. ' _ � f By �°' D' �'� TH E ty EV1( EI2A--93 rd Y�AR N�Ofi` '.ItEIF�,T '4� US�C.iALLrY I�,`A,.UIE' . ,:,.,...,..rg.•r,,....�.._ . . .,....._.� . ,,.+,.......... W. . ...�,.,.�... ..�..'_,T.�.,,�,.w�...w�.r««�. •� ,�-..�--^'�"i. y. . . . . . . . , ., , � �. .._ . ! . ..,,,.+,�„-� , . . . ' _`..�",�YW . . . 4 , � , � TME NEWS-R�CORD-.T-i7th Y�AR a x7aur►Y __ . _ �yr�,��y���p���(y}��'.��{. _ . _ . e�]4H��/!�� �QTI ��M'IT' � R � U�4 ... . . . . ... . .... . ... . .. . ... .. .. .. . ... .. . .. .., , ... . . .. .... ... .. . .. . . ... . . . ... ... . .. . ..... ... ....... ... . .. . . ...... . . . ... .. �' ��� ��" �� ��'�h�?�� �� No. 37--�The Home Pape�r With the News �LIN�'ON, ONT'ARIO, T�IURSC?Al/, S�i�TEMBER 11, i958 '10 Pagqs �--� 7 Cents a Capy —�-.. �3,Op Q Year ' �il��e ju�t �tlh;ai� , , � Sb�?x�'� lwcak� �a�zux��^S' have� �hehr Faa�l Wfl�.e{a�t 6n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .,--�.+.. _ _ � , . Q�t�,er�! un,ereUy� � e� �t�craidin� #'�al � ��,.,,g � �,, �,�, , , . s�,,�, ■ �l�e Beuns To Liquidqte Chu�cM� AAo�tgage ������ th�����. . , �t�� � � � r . �s�� s � � P I AI mos a o �a+l� �at4wa?�d �ta twru�u�r�� �t1��an . . . O� .. � a�r��d ,tu�ni�ng thean• . . . a�d trusvi- _ ing� �h'ern . � � I� i l � � �, �� * � � TiS�T"fi �.0 �A �CIA,UT'iO�N' Wll-DE� V� � S�� O V � ; paen�s an�d! �e¢�icqls' ,go? Satne�rcri,�e�s l t �, � k���; 7, i� x�� �ey �haive� wiimgs� — o�" �Ws�h a�as�t �gao�d „s�►b�t in t�h�e ed� �t'�c:s� tat�al, ma,kdm,� a;g,rarut af �ih�e a�oanrn�tte�e iis• �anxvo�us �ih�at � ` ��t, �'ia]q�ns .,. S�amenvher��e ,a��tm�' rs,ce�iti�.ed durlin�� the p,as�C $�2fl0. T�e r�es��'a,nf� $40,4 �Fi�gturc�e i�he� sfllee�Ginlg' g� an; th�e� ma�f�teirs ': , R ; t&�,erq m�u�t ibe simllp�ly� 4��a�s� ��w��'k, t'�e� �Cpuru�om Counm.uruit�y rr�akes ilt ipos�sufba�e tia c�o�rru�le�te� t'h� r.ilg�#,� a�ap�, �ba �xolke�c�; �e jolU �lw � �Illsi amd+ pe�n�� ... Same�d'a�y Siw'imm�Gn�g PIooJ, seemn�s we�i a�n; �Che ��roidl, pa+o�je;�t thbs �fraflQ. r�,ad!y� dan�e, ��`; ; ` a` €� y s�n�om� is� gairug ta an;a�e �, �Art- w�ap� to�a�d� I�e�mg ,��d�d'. �'un�ds o� Though mom�y is� na �on+,g�r n.ee�., �v�esy intere�s�d �n tis �umged `� ' i =�• t�n ; , a k�� , ' � � � ,wne w��r�� �e carneS �wpian th�e d�an�l� nn„i14 pa�y tos� Uhe� �oo � f dn t h�e e d d'e�slPem�a�e Qy, wu� 1 ld�vg h,a n a d� ame io� s� h.aiw' na��M far �n:e ar b,a� t h a f : ` �,� �tomerh�o� ,.. I�e�']ii' be xti.'c� as� �b�at1�'ho�u5�e, �and� e�ce�p�t ��om sma�al.'1 ne$d'�d'. �Wark �aart2es arg�nuze�! t�hes� nanank par�aes, <: ,° : 3x � F``:I;: % �a�, �nurkse�li� .. ir�c�ud'eu��a�s� i;r�slide the lbath�►o�use�, l;a��t n�e�k are d�i�s�a,�a;Pounti�n�, ,a�d .----...-4 � . - . ���'" �t'n,c� ipmo�ject vvill t�e Go¢nII�4�e. a�nly e6ig�t om tem� m�n s��on�d ulp, �.� �< ,BI�UIGIFifr A N�EYW' SS�TNY I'T+�'N T�he� Tateslt qnije�o�n� Nv�a�s� �a`e�P- The�y n�oa�ke,d xrviig'k�ti�y �b�zt it�ey e �: ! �:i�5 rvve�k . . . h�ape t� 4�a�ve �t �rt a�re,d !by� R. J "Bud" S�hoen9iaQ� nee�i! �no�r� he�l�p. Lo�ts �p+f io!o�s axe ^'��. ' �� ��f � `��3 � l�asit te�, �d�arys� .. Th�eav ¢t wtill� am�cl Reav;e �. Sba�e�, wk�a made flm 1va�d' �,ar 15 ar 24 men. Far Th� Raal? �` � � 7,i,keitq� �o :whe�r.e �a:17; tivri�i�� iu�nlp- t�.� r�oNrod�' af t'��e iton�h2� cau!nci�'s M�ar� Nvomk ip;a4''tlies� at� .p�l,a�med � „ : 3eanemts S�eem �a �ga .. l�a�sk �x?eelk, and a'b�,auned �xyoan; e�h far th!is� �rd.diay, Se�p�tem�u�e�^ 7.'�, and ,��S�rvice 1�a�s�t �G'btis eadin� a� eans,d �' s � �� � *,k � a iga�ar�t o� $5U t�nx7ar�d:s� �t,he g�o�al. next �1ue�sday, Se�t�ex �.6. Dux•ty � g P� ;�� 5 4 ;� �. ' � �n tJhe N�aws-iRsap�nd, .ma�1y, rniany ; � { � a N�iW �FiIAO'�R, IS GOiTNG I,N'1"O ?lhi:s we:e�l� �he t�owr�� Coium.�ch1 m�a�tch- we�ith�x No'�14. s�q�an; be �un�a�vo'vclalb0e, ��a�'e 'h�,v�e �hav4Ya�u t'h;�,t t11ey a�e `�$ x '��` �`� iaixe aneuniar��ail! 5ho� �n; ta,llbes�C S�t- aeifi'rrnite�l�y iipr ti�� pao2. T11e �drs1; �� ' S `� �� ' s< me�ert . . h�h.� grsia,na�te� s�tanes� have� dan�ltian re�a�nd��'�; was, o�n Segt_ z' '" ' k��n pil;aced �at�,t on the �aiw�n n�nQ�e eanibes 6, 1956 Noiw', jus�t twb � s £ � �' �'�� �� �s' ��� �°�'� � � � ���� Extr� Char e Pro osed l i1'� �,u�t i�aak a g�oad dea'l . l.il� Wt � � y'�a�rs� vaher,, +Lll�zitar� peppl'e a1 e ,� F; r cangr,a�fiu!Ila�ling �.hean�selve�s a n d i�d1 a �fenv ye�an5.aga. �theam ne��g�lbou;rd,nig nwnal' annaq�i�Ji- � ��alarfries u�p�a�� a��&�i�n�g a srw6mrm,in,g £ a . ��.aL���� Lo�� Sewa�e Bill 5�c ore �� S�are as� a Cam�lete mess, as� af �oo�l ;a!Jhnasit an�t�r�1�y' �and� foQ. x€y f? � a�ava, Ibnut - px�o{�albQ�y a�t �IL1� �1�o�olk SJis�ted h�e�:'e ar� dar�atiion�s m�ad�e �}�� (be�tter soan . . . Z4�,a,t �� �the� s�h,e �a_�ciLrui�n�g wm� thc� firis�t bt� J�a�- �Ih,ar�'ge,d+ ba �1�o;o�k �a�tlt�r rrvan,r�ten�aruc� �yin�ce '1as�t �hey' �were �u�xiits4zc�d u,n �; �, �' . g x� �' S .. ., g te�� wn t� 1.5 �u�nc�s bhe� w�a�t �� No�ve7nlber, 1�7 , h �� �r ". �t�or �h� �di ���1���beaa�n�sr a� �`� fo n o�fn5b e�ts��er ¢narLt�h man,n- Ib� t�u�nn d�oNe� ea�h y ar fta the $ 2.00 �� �� ��,, p5' ' . e�r ra� w�as' S�a�m SiPen�cer ............. 3k tt� ��.ro�nh daar r.�ea�dy ta insta4�1<.. .T. H. 8runsdon� ................ 10.50 �c'' . teila�lc� char,g,e� wa�1� �e an�ade wpon tn�w�n, �or �SayQr►e�nt o!r� �t'h� d�elb�eixl�_ , 25.00 : �,�s��'�k�:�a sx �E , ; 4• �� � ; Tr�uibde us, iihi�ngts� wpl]; jnzs�t �get-ex- , An�arnynnaus� , .... ,...,.. . k {s .,�� �� �, �cu�ti�v an'd �t� ,'1�' . t� and� 2ut � �'ac� user drn Gli�nitan. ure--�a.nd' n�t �ras es�iim�ateid tQi�at M�.s. I�. M Tay�7or ......., 3.OQ '� ,�,� {x< �, �'Y'� g p wP b77ii�s� u�o�ul�dl lb.e� $1� 040 er e�a�r. '� ��� �, �wo�diea�� 1'r�omit t�a f�e� �bui�diuv , Pur'ga�s�e o1f t�h� s!ncre:ase {iarnr , p Y CSDIUL Srtwd�en�t�s �o�uncil 104.00 ,� ,k '� � g ouaiiing ta $6A0 ge�r eam, . e�r aan- Zn; acGul�a f,a�c�t, '�o�vV�vex, tlhe� .5 > F� 3 anfd tiv�e�'1d �vat b.e� �bR� ta �ra.�dh � � bimies the wa� zya�te �afis�d �n�uc'h Dana�lri' IKay ... ......,.,. 7.38 �� � t � 3 � rth�ean n�or+lz ... S�h�o�un'd be a�anN suaner) z�s� to a�ssnsit in rc��etani�ug tlhe � O,n�ba�rlia Pnovlinraal P�a96�ce� '��: �bha�t ce�nsitru�c�i��r� siho�udd' aLl Ibe �seR�%,age deJbenture, Ii i�,� ewpccte�d le�ss� iL-han wa�� requim,ed' �ar �na�in- T�wrlan, �Caur�ty �datac(h- � �"�`�� � ie�a�r�ce Nviim t�e re�s��t i�h�t 1'ess ; '�`P � �� �gs^ace�l nva,t�h J,arg� esuau�h p,e�elc- ta r�ad��e about $6,000 a y.ear� f�y � me!rvt ......... ...:. ..., 104,00 ,. .......,' �.i,. �,�,�.....s�`a� �hii�, me�thad. The se+walg,e� �lelbel�t- '�Yuan $15,a0Cf w�as tvmru�e�d� avem t!o To�hn Det�ves ....� .... 5A0 �vig� vranrdaw�� �iat �G1ve s�de� thesn: am,dl �caua�ic�i�l was� f,os+oe!d io �w'a11�k erarv�d'e;ni �an • e�t lias ume wad�l �b� paicl �fox� by X96fi. Galbe Lll�l@att ..' ......,.... 10.00 filb b� e�li�xutem�cli�i g. O�f iQawvaill pass�e�d' a¢natipn ot� bu�d��et rfo�r tll�is de�fa�cdk, and Ita�ke p g.. I�n�notte Cliulb o�' Cldm�an 200.00 � l� ,. . . 1;h,e� �ad�c�iii�o�rna1 a�nonznrt �z°oan ieg+u- �cn�u;rse . Plraceeds af Birugo�, May �ave h;ax% thear f�' a� M1�ahat sliowi!cl � g� ryan. Uh� exi �g ,'�I�n ia�a�iom, �o�nz yeaxls� khri�s 1�as 9 L9�8 ..,..... 1�J30.66 Tuesc�ay evem2n � �y ri� a:baut a charu arruowrite;d �a $7,OQ0. In; or�har � v�nvtl7a, 2ihe� na�tumal ga�s m�aaa�:s gaiv��g se�w�a�e 'b�y-l�,�w ta p�em�rnl�� tihe in- L,adi�s. Cans�emv�af�i.t�n C31u�a 50.00 fin ... �rease,�d� �'haz�ge, `IThe� ch.an�g!� wdL� w!oa�d�, ta�catn�an, �vv�a:� rla�:sir�g albo�u�t Oar 1 Dra�er have ta be � ove�d It� ih�e� On�t- tiwo�-d:�hi�rd�� �af the delbe�nibu,me re- �' ...",..�......�. 24Afl t�hdrd whiicih ��a�� 1� lam�nad �,r, �fre�shanervt Boti�th ��a�t • � I d�addii�ia , �o� 0 ..,.'............ � ' ario Mna,nuctip Baand� (b.elfo�re �xt 6s tzrem�erut !'�lgzare ' �•,rigo, „ ,,,, 21.40 w ������ �� ���� m;ade �P.fe�cti,ve. . T�he px'o11�as�e �,� �a�e olf �ti'acZts ....... G�21.00 �Q���� �����,� g �Sev�ra'l p�ians �fro�r ra�is�in;g acldh- QLink�an Lc�gian ....... 100Q.OQ rt,i�anal xe�ve�niue �vexe da+s�cn�s�sed '�y �en� �� rr�,anth rr�aunitzn.an�e f�e ....,... ����� ��� ��a ������' ta e�ver canmtiwn.er'�s� i�nro'ai�ce �l M. T. ,Car�ess� .., 2.a0 !fi Wheat�ey Nere '�0iunci!l and the I'UIC Ibe�Fore �s' �ake it �plo��silb�le� tEar the P([T� to Tee�i�� T�vn ;::; '.":,. 75.00 an�e�t+had' was, d'e�accZe�d �Wpan�. A me�e�t- Anan�yanaus 1$.75 ���� ����������� in� ;aF 'bo�th �hodies�. w�as� fl��1a ¢�n� �av�e an �ad'duttiom�a'1 $6,OOd e�a,c'h Saturday, Septa �� �;�, Hwran, klish arnd �aane ,Alu�gus�t far di�scas'sion af the pir�o- Ye�aa to a�plpl�y to t'he de�b�mtwre �nsarnra�lii,an ,Asss�aozat�tvru 9�k5.9Q rei�re+mer�t. �t�u�a1�1 ihe� � o Rv�s�e���: Kolme's 100.40 p,, Drid ta �ux�clyase qrart o�f G,c�r- y px"oib!I�n is thlis: Fred �Have,yr .. ?A.67 dan �5 Riaaned o�wt aigasn yest�ndla�y e,v Wlhe�n� �t;he� se�we+ra:ge by-4a� u�a�s � 4th� :Ql�im�ari �xo�wxue Facli 25.00 �3uare in th.e� Sr. Jannes Wiard, �i'��, il�e� aVIli�dige�t �ba�elbal'P ie�artn gna,�t �:nita e�if�e�ct, yeas'S ag�a, fl�t was �0�0 �� Brueefr�ld �w �.... vt'as turned d�w�i�� an Tues�3�: nfl�'h,t VI ��inton �Go�,cert. � a•rnd 137.7$ Y� o ss noiw �ioak�i�n�g. foriwa:�c�� ba �he� fa�tut , qyl�ann�e�d' �ua�t nne-�tha�rd� �f� tila�e c,as't •�� � � � I�i�ram Wallier �i.i;s� ...,:..; �:^'~•5CY:00 ���Y L1�$ Cl,i,ntan Tawn Gu��i+}; �in �game� di t�zedm p4ay-�oiflCs� �vh�ilh d£ tihe d'e�benitn�re� w�auLd !be patid Build�n :,i�Q! �r19Q���r O'Kee�fe B�nenNing Gcs. ... 25.00 fav�aur vf ipla7r.s t:o �pra�du;c� a.2�1!aY- W�hieia�il'e�y, to t,aike p'La�ce� k�c�re ,an ;by� �awin,g bhe� pr;a,per�y-aw�ners. Mo�lsbn's B�rawe�ry (Oavt- g�rau�ndypar+lt area there. J. W. �?, r�aa Q'�� t�n On�ari�o Gha.mr �!b� hhe� actua�, users �af hv�a,ter. _Ofiher �uel�in s a�nia) Ltt�d . .. ....................... 75.00 , Satru,rc�a �aifternaan, comanetveirv T�e� ,o�ther �tivvo thnr^�1's� ' waul'd I� �� �' tl Tawn�'h�� �f Ttzel�e�rsmo�th 50.00 nZ.anrnirug had' �m�ad�e an afif�r af �y We �r I�y �tlh� P�CT!C Chargirug 1,5 tnsnes d TAnu�n�hu�p oif Hulleii ..... 50.4Q �?At� for t�h�is� lot. �n�, the lqcal bay's. are wark9avg the wia4e�r ra�te. Asr ac�dit�:an,al .5 ,Wark h�as com�anence,d yn� Biru�ce- �o�nsQ�u af �C�odenidh .... 50.00 �an� lihe Omlbaaiiio t�i��Ie�. blane�s' �the� u�aier rabe was to 'b'e ifael�d' �on 4'he ea�ca�vatii�on f�ar `the � Reeve� Burt�on Stam,lep� s�pake an: ' nen� �atane�h.ause v�l�ich vwi1�1 be � T°'wrns�hlirp d£ S�tarvley .....,.. 50.00 the �m�atte�r, n'ating ih,a;t the¢°e ame - Taw,n� af �Olimrtan .............. 200.00 I adcD�;tii�n, i;o� dihe �r,esent c'h�nlg, near.'I�y 45 children in that area. od �e � ' mvi1�T. T�h� �-iens!all1 G'a-o�p�e��td�ve, Praceed�s .of iB�a.nqnzet ...,.... 25.?A tawn wha have na pl�a�e- rta go �0����� ����. �.Q►���C3�� wu�aKxh 'tva5 a��aa�!�Y± �n� 2uri�ch as � a . far, a,�1ay.graund, dl�e sr�ui� �.he < <i tive�L1 as� in Hrr�ce,�ieil!d�, is �lama�ing �a yf ie Ic� �a I I F� � r �an �: q:u;anse�t B�ty�le bwil�cliYng, sdze; citicens �here are qta�ite wi:111isvg '/r�' ��_ `Y, �r� :.� .� n_ 32x43 tfeelt, r�glvt (be�i.nd' im�e pr.e's� . ta co-�ape�na,te tivit�h, the� bawn� an V � � Q`i � ��� M� n� V a y, enrt � iTawil�ditvg, P� V I 11 ! J l�i J��� 4 i I c?•�c �i�im�g a,pl a�ygrau�,�, with sna- T�e a;d2iitian; wi,l1 �b,e� .us:�d� to • � L+nthusiasi�c gronp of inembers oi tlie Bay- gage on i:heir church building. From the left, fieid Baptist Church pause a moment; in t;l�aeir are the Rev. Ivor Bod�nham, I3alph Cornish, Mrs. lahaurs. . The�� are harvesting i;he bean crop Archie Mustard, John Pearson, Mrs. Mary I-iey, whieh the el�tirel� has unclertalcen to talce eare Mrs. Mary Zandag, Miss Joan Thompson, Gerritt of this stimrn:er, �vith view to reducizig the znort- Zondag and John Mcl'hail. �1Zr, a�nd! 1VLrs. M, T. Cor1'ess, O�r- aryge� 15bre�t, CUirutar�, ape�n,�ed' theur �s�e 6�a�twndlay a�fit�rn;aar� asLd eiv�e- �litn;g t�a ��ri�eavds a�ci� relat`�ves� an rt�%e :o�c,asi�n, af t�h.efir �gal;d'e�m !we�d- �d'irn,g cerlakrra�tioms, Ov�er 250 atter�ci'- �ct. Tlliey w�e�re� m�arried' in� 1948 at � 'home dP �t�he lani�de's �rax"en�ts {by� �i,e�v. RdL�crt R�oig.ers�, �n�f�hd11, n�o had pr�viausly mrarraed� sax �af ,the br�:kl'e�'� r�s�te�rs. �fter a Ib�ri;e�f h�aney,m,00in im ,Narlw,i,aYu, th:e cauip�le 1�fit �ar Vfic- �taria 11�t:�ne5 an� Nbr�t�er�r� O�r�ta�ra�a, n�lhere� �?r, iConless to�ak e�lloEy- cm�.nrt tiv',it'� 1a Ibra� aflfice� af tMan�d� N5cke1 +C'o�. 1�wr�img the �F'�i�ns�t 'Wom�lfd Wa�^, he� ton�k charg,e� �olf �Frao� an'd' �evac�k 'Min,e's, �flfu�c�, �a:r�.d im 19QA� rcrLaVed� �t,o Prin�ces�s i Sitree�t, �l+initam. ,For a rvuaivber �df y�e�:2s�, �VI�r. Carles� �was di�strict ' �, �n�:naig�er with an ins�unan� aam; �a:r�Y.. In 1940 �he becamtie� c�l�emk�tre�a- SILUrkaG' Olf Ql�lt]ftari, & �koSSi�It51UtL ih�(.'' �e�1d ,uunN�l �u� �efiarem�zxi �n I95Q. �lar a�U,mlber a� y,ea�s he� wa5 �urn�n�n af rtne a�.n,to�n� P�b�1i,c S�h� fBaar�d� arnci a�l�s�a serve�d � tffie� Cl�n�tan Ciall�giate I�ns�Ni�ute �aar�d, A�4�i!v� ixv �htur'ch �wark, �he n�a� s�ujpe.xii7vtervd'e�n�t af Wes;l�ey- i V�'dliliu �Umdtocl C�hna�x�dh 6iwrvd�aiy' Si�k��adl; �ar �Ei,ue y��rc5 �tLtud� a�s s�qw I, an� e�ldh�r � hhe �'h�wt�Yi. ,ri�'. IComl�ess� nvas, an, acbive �, m�emvb�er af �� c�h�u�'�ch Cholir fio�r � YI� yea �ts�, a� tiveQd as aru etvN�na�si- � �S��e nnem�lber �o� t�he 'VV'�qnar►'s I, ,Ass,bKaiatibni ar1�i WomAn'�s �Vi'is�- 6d�0'1)�itT�' i5(TCi'i'li�. �a�oh, ha�v�e lh.oli�hies,-�-�Mr. Car- � h 4e�s is� a, cle�vated g���"de.�e+� an�i 1VT;ns. �C7ar��es�x �,n�lo�s ruig-m:�kin,g. �ru the �,a.�t s�h� ;ha� cpmvp�le�te:d � alb�au,t 20U �ru�gs, The W�e�`s W eqther ' Higlz T�aw Hi�h Law . Y95� 195? Seiplt.. 4 73 6� 65 9$ ' 5� 75 49 63 '�1 6 2�i? Fr4 &$ 39 7 '71 67 6� 90 , $. G�3 51. 65i 3'7 9 6� �.� 68 �.4 1Q � 5�. G6 5�3 iFt�Bn,: �.37 un.� F��in, 1.3'7 n��s. � � in5s, teeters, etc„ Par t,he use ntF �hay hav,e one s'ouf, Berisan, �0�� C°n�ce�n,txtia,tes� arud ra,c��m7n:o- P�IZ� LEJI� �1 � OU! Ch�a yo�un�gsterxs. '��o ��' a bank m�anagex� in Milton, �atdan far am dfif�?�ce d,n the firan�t olf �he new sitrur�bur,e i�s q�ro�vdde�dl Cion.tn�c�i�l9!or N. LnvemrtnA�re corcn ai�ud .ou1e� dau�g�ter,, 'Mrs. Ke.nn�t�h �par. �Cercn�i womk wisl !b� d�ane Pruze� 1�� �far taa:e B�ay�ie4d ��,nite;d Uh�ait n�v.he7� hGs, f�tbher was om {fDoarathY) �re?akey, Zuri�c,h. They � the �Br�wn �C'ans1;r+�tiR�i;azv �C'am ;Fa11 FaSs� are �bein!g. distmu'bu;ted� 1��aiue three g�a,ndic�ha�lidx'en, SuSar� �`�' �� �thiis� nv�eak. �lhfis� �is� ihe� 102,nd� r�unciI ift ha;d �be�n� h:is 3t,o�e tivat am�y, Gma�nd Bervd�. f't�e wh��1e o�f Go�rdom� �Square� cau�id an�� J�ahn Carlc�ss, Mid�tnmy and Rd- �`air tb. Ibe ncld Sn t�he lake v�i11- �;,aue been det�ello e,�d. dm;��a a a,r� cih,amd! �Brea;key, Zaz�r���. On�e� sbn, Other Buildfng i�ge. rA p Alivdru Corless, died in 1F�44 wdvle O�h�r eaqpan;sian; i�n� th�e vn�lage or ,p�l.�aygsbvnd. Sar��ce t�h�at tdma�, E�arh; ye�ar •t�e s�o+w ns zn- �.n onTar'se�as s�er,viee w'it'h �t�he �f Br�uceafiie�l�d, es� n�at�e�d i•n �e� crnn- �.�,�s,ini irv saze� �n�d k�as 'be- S�"`'e�r.a�l 'hounes :hanTe� ;beern bui�l:t on� g��F, _ m�n,�cement orf w',ark �n a n�ehv' res- � ' th;e Sqvare redu�ci�ng �ihz� ar�ea id'e�ruce by Mrrs. C�reo�e CJ1-ilfban, ,om� iC°�� � 4��ite� abtracrtaee ane, so�tneLvh,at. Councd�l4sar� Li,ve�en,aro Mm. Cor+l'ess was i�orn 84 ye�ars E�veryit�h��n,g s�s in�CQhuded Prom veg- � y A�p� wilth. aga, anz rzf seven ch�d'rexu af �,e the lat next to Mrcs, Tsn�a l�a�m:an;, . aic? he was� ce�rta��n3 h,ai n�ortlh �siide� o�� ihe� Bay�fie�ld' �Road. eba{b7e�s', ta the miige� �emlp�i�n� ilhe� ide,a o�f ha��ing a pd,aygmona;n�d tla�te 1VIr. and! 1Vxr.s. N%�es; Gar�.es5, ,aA1F�l;es� famiaus an t�ze� caun�ty, �ta , O�cifiard' �owni A home� com�vex�ed fs�o¢n pamt �af , th�re, �k�ut was san� dt cau7�d• n;at Y• the� �,ounen s�ro¢�k antl th:en a pF 7;ar the f.naQne h�ause Ifarnn�e�rly owned ' g�x• �Far �the ani�:ver•s�ary, Mhe�irz� h�me �am�le�te lfine af �llive�staclt s�h�oiws. b� J. K. ,Carnash at '�h� co�mex, ,Ma�yar M,(d�l,e�r �o�nm�em;ted, s�aya�n�g ari O�rano'e� S�t�reet vwas dee;�na,ted hias beeru �c�n,�lete.d day� Gear�ge� Cl�i�f- T'1�e d'ate is Se�pte¢�tbsr 25. he f.:elt it -u�,�as the fee4lim�; +otf ca�rr- w�i�t� an.ubu�mm� ftawers. O� u�v5hZa1 ton,, an �bhe 5o2tk•h sid'e �o�f th�e B!a;y- � c�il th�at the lot s�,houl'di be� retadnett. F.!nher.etst was tlh� tgp tier� af the �aeld �Uaad; amcl C!arpora:] ancl Mtrs. I-Te spoke ba Mr, M�anm�in�, s�tata�n� �r.i��im,a1 nueddi�g �ca,k� �ro�n �henr p�t Hu�g.hes rriaved� amt �t�}uis nxtrorut�h. St Johr� Ambulance �� hroi ed th,s de,cision vv�ov9�d nolt 1� m�a�rr'�iage. Zt was_ �l�a�ced an ' pr�e��ent Ih�ni�fr,om �buying arva�heo^ �t'h� 1iva�ylgraam� ta�ba�e, �'Ilanike�i by • • �51we�dli!s�h •ga1t1 can�dflesltH�cks� and COUN7Y FILM COUNCIL TO Course In F�rst A,�d �0t a�n to�w�n: �for t�,e �wr,pose �+f � M�ETS HERE SEPT�MBER 22 buildin� a h�aus�e. �a�ndile�s. Ye7d�aw r,ase+s �d'�cararted �e Hurari Conzn�ty Falxn Caun- �t�he te� t��,�. To St�r� Here Sao►n Qh�tli�sterua Lai,c�llan*r 1+2rs �I�u,g� ei9 +wu1�t ¢neet ��n tl7e a�gri�u�lt;una�i ����J � ��i `I �5�� ���i� '�� �� � ������ ������ The� r�e���:ie o�i fi'he ��a�yifi.el�d B�a�p- b�st �hu,nc'h �be]ii:e•ve an, p�u,bt�.ini.; the tc�a�c�hii!ngs c�f th,e� Bilb�le ta wank. W�i�tl1� t'h�is� �i��n mind� 't:1�e� � taiok �n this• ��um�ne,r, the piro�jec�t oif car- amtg ��fz��r a-�'a�.�d at" be!a,ns� �a�oen �,pil�a�n.�tlin,g ta ]zarv:est. C�ofi-n�g at the tiv�ork in� �na�wps, Uhey m�ad'e 1�vgiht g tivomk a�f fih, and' at the� sarrLe time�, �ilms Av��lab[� �e�e FI'0�'1 ����'9 C0�1���� iVl �11 Q�p ����'���5 Olfifu�cd�aQ+s� af th�e va�rli•oiu�s o.r,ga,nh- �atians� in t�ouPn ��Ti11 lae ;hiapp�v to kn;orw t'h�at f,he �C1un�an �F1�1hn Gio�um- �i1 Ss� sihil�l qpe�ra�ir��g, and has� �i,n s�ack un tawn a 4�1ac�k o�P f.ilms, avaiiil�alb2e wiUhouL cost. The�e fi`lun�s are s,oune �af t�hase dnstruli�uted rb�y iihe Gr.ey - �Bruce - Hu.ro;n Gawruty �i@m�: Coitun�dils. :Flar tne fiIatls�, �get ,ist; tau�c;h wi,tltt Clare �NLa�gee, either a.t the Sh�e,r- ��ac�1e�lVLan��'a�e Pi�aino� +Paeto�ry, ar a;t "l:is h�oane, a�1 Dflnsl�e,y Terstace, �-i,I.T 2-g2ii;7. P,rPnrs�au..�1y Tam, M�.l;r�y n�f Mu,np'hy Br�s. gar,a�ge has been 6n char'g,e oif �the� �flilrns, bu�t o�n Mx. Mluir�phy's� rnlave� �a A� v�a, �r. 1VIa- gee oiflEered ta take care af i:he f�]&n5• tean�para�ra4ay. Tn, adid,itaam� bo tl�ase fi.lr,�s s;t�o�r�ed ';n �baw�,n, many m,ere are av.anl�alb�le tjos bh,e �pllamn�i�ng �f pTbgra�n�s�, iJh;r- o��h fiJhe i'c�aJ: Fi1�m Cau�rncil', and the Natiio¢ua�l �k'i9urt, Cau,rucil' +wi,ti� re�,an�al� atif,irc� at Hanasyer. �Cam�enarn, aVfrs. �1VTar.garet Add'ifsomy ti�fice Iboaxt�' r�oom, C16ritom�, an �M+an�Uay eve�niia��g, Se�pteanlbcr 2�2, Und�r the aus�i�ces o�f St. J�n. r�cery Char��es Hands (Con.tinued on Page Ten) counhne,n,qiavg at 8.15 p.m. ����t;a.nce, a cl�a�� Qif �,rai°�ninlg �n Fi.rs.t AdcZ .ta t�he� Injtzre� w�i�Q �e �e�Lcl� S�v �the ,roau�rns af 2!he� De�pas�t� ■ . y� m�e�1�t af �A�'ri�cu��tua�e ua�• C'�unhnrr� .� j�y S�IlS �:eiebrate Golden Ann�versar ��m�c;,n,g .at 7.s� p.r�. a,,,, T,,�urs- day, Se�p�tem�lbe�r i�. � �'�� A c,ha�vge o� onvn�rs�hi;p to�otc � ; ,rn�s�taiwcaUar at the ca[a�rrse widl be ,p�;ace• in to��i re,ce�vtSy, i�n whach � �, � d�� '.�'�"' Glare QVI�,ge�, RR 5, G7liat�tarn. 1Vlm, �f�i,e T. an.d J, Supe�rirua,rket wa�s� SVIa ee af' �t.h� ��ixun, oif S�herl�.o�k- , r;; �� <.� �' � , � pu�nc�nia'sed biy Ha�naUd� S�a.n. Tflie ,� , ; Mian�arng. Pnam;o� 'Ga. Ltd., a;� ex� Ch,a,n��e is �e�flfectiv�e Nfian�d�ay� Sep�t_ �� , L � ' �p�emien�ce�l iin ��he� w�ark af �,t. �e,r 1�5. <., ,.,# J�o�ht� ttm�(b�u�la�nce. He �has �el�d an T,;Ze mei�';reQnei�t o�F To¢n an�d� J"ea2�� r a�ns�t.rna,�ct�ar� ce�rtyf�c�a,te �ar a aau�m- +ber bif ye�arc�; a�nid com�d`wc,ted; �'1�uss- �'fle;y mami�s L'he� en,d n�f Z� ye�ar5 �� , "�` in� �Gh� ;graoeitYy� 4rusiiness. Tam be- ". j„:" es� Yn, N�,W Br�umsn�vWc,k w(here� h�e �': ��a�n� wiorl� �3 ye�r�s ag�a w�th the 1�i!v�ed� heillare rY�;av:i.ng ta Cinnit��a�, 1,�,{e .M�s's Wi�n�nne O'Nii�1, On, t;he It �s e�ctp�et�d� th�t s!aan�� m�rn> �arnc�ri n.on�^ ac.cu�paed� �y �i;c�e�th x>',,��:.�>., �be�rs� olf �the clas��es� wi��! tiia;i�e�l from arrd; �Ca�n� e!11� Lt�d. � �; �, . ;li`JI1� :�.�s;�°•��£ Se�aiEorth. �,n�o�u�+h �e u�i� +men.t fis� o�n � k � � „�� ��fi"��' � �7a�nd �o�� a cLas�s� oif 2� t.h�oU� h I� �was 2S y,e�ris a�ga t�h:an �Jh� ,< ..„;: p. � ,� �;� .�� � g ]�.ileys oi e,ne�d ther::r �crsi r�o�cer � � � � s �'� €� ` � iif mb�re �p�:rso�n�s a�tten,d tl!�s,e �i�a5ses p � � :; � . � u ���� ; � s�ttare, an!d Gt �ra�� c�o�nlb�ined �w�i�tih ��*��} r'�, more equ�i�pan�e�nt vviil,'1' �be obttzz���e�i. ��n e��o Un�t�ii,h,g slfK�i�taq,n. �.�bcatio�tv ,s,���3« , , ,L, � ���� �� � � � ,�, � : ;�,� %,� �Y�-il T��:5� class � 1�on,tan'u�e ��ery was; in i'he Cro�o�pe�k ,bYo��c, whem� %�'.;t1':5,' S � .1�.C:: : .;;: ; � .. Z`.:�., : .l i� . . ..y..; p ,. i " hlt � �r i� e, � b s� �e � S�o1- ' �a n� t� l�s , , i "�h�urs� d e t � r tll �bolc on�e� the� itomtrn,e Mur�ch i•,,t:. �3� �`r:, � �' g y 4.� . R �� . r:. • . �` ,s . +� �� ,;�;,;r; ��`- �� ��`�" �,�'��� 1;aiW�e�d� by an� aria3 a�nd pma�cl.ica;l grace�ry s,t�anci. A. fri,ave� to�o�li �Cla�e ,: .�':`., ,„�� �;�,� �, 4a :... exaamin�af3lo�rii un Fur�t Ai�d' bn t�a� i,ru �'d1�r.:uar;�r 28� 1957, w�h�e�: t11e� � s:' sev�;n,th nig'h,t, rn�aw�c� a�rdss t'he s�tx.�e�t ���3ta �he� .• � �' ��'°� n `z'l�e�rie wa�11 be a� �m,rn�f�rn.en�t fe�e �+a�"�n�r. �u,tti1ba17 gx�e�e�r;y, Geom��e 'S;' oif ,�3.4U �er +p�ers�om, E���ch cand�i�d- �,urnl�e�i1 h�ci �,v�ca�k��d ifa.r iV�r, �,n�1- ,�,,�; �vnl] re�ceiGrre� a text 'b�o�oi1� �n!d pra�,t- e�' set�errYal� y�ears �laeiftlure, � � ��ce� b+arud�.ge�s. Suc��es;sltul: c�and3:d- 7.''�rau; ibui: the years iV��f�s, R>:l- . . . 7 .: ��7.5' ' . . . �+&'�'.. . , . K . . , . .' , � . � . tVtit. ,4 t� MRS C I , ,, , �te u�'Ii� re,.ris,r�e �he� wt, �ahn Am- �y ri.�� �v�vr•lceci a�ar��, witl�� �tpr t� . M� '�. ORLESS celebr�ated the�� riftieth �,]�,n�Ce ��rit�i�fic�a.t�e i�n �'9rs�t A5d 1��uslb���nd. W�ddirig Anniversary bn Saturda� Wh�n th�� heId (3perl H�use ,� �;�,� n�xt �i���,r �w�arc�' to �"�i.r�i �Te�v O���ner fbr all theS� friends. t�e� �xe c�ni:if�ed, �Vev�r ai���t�e�� af �tYi.h S�u,�pr�rv'n�rket'� t�► E� � ��� �, �I'iaiwa7�d! Srwan; is •n;o gr.eeii'hlarn w1�en i�t �cocneu� rta �g2b�ceru�s. He ha5 7�,a�1 ��8 ye�ars� t�E e�x�e�ri�nice, begdn;nii��ig �iirSlt wii�t�h i1VLiss� O'Neiil, w�arar�inig �un,d�..�• T'o�rz; Ri3ey �ar �twa ye�ars, rp�ant Uime. Wlhen; fi,t� 193�4 the Ri�- e�ys �veitit flr�to� Ib�sSness ��ar them,- I se�lves, 1VLr, SNv�n t�enh ;i�n th�e s�tar�� site�adiy. �iils�s� O'I�TeS�T' s�oQ�dl biu.�t i,n 1'�3� ta �'. ]VI. Siye�rcn�g and �-ierlb Narman. One yeiar late,r M�r. Nlo�rnrna:n �We»h �ta G�a;d�e�nich to ��o� inta bus�iYtess t�l�er�, and QVtrr. Sn�an� 5rt,aye�,cl o�n w�i�b�r,1VTr, S�he�arfi�7i� unit�iil b�cenjlben� 1�9�5.].. A�t t.h�at tdan� die to�a�lr em- �pP!�yitne��ti1: r�it;11 tlte� T�a�v�t�s- C9o�n�traic�f: i,ni� Co�m���n,y, t�alzi�i� Char�.e oif Uhe ?b.ao�lticee�in� pari: e�f th�1 ��ws- i ne�s. �Ni'r. �and� �12',rs. S�an ���vc d,tua c�hil�dre�n; �G,om�ori; �yad. T��rn��]�c�. i �.b I.:tvi5 4f�it� Glen ,Y.�actc���rt, f�o�m�rTy vwi,fh "Whii�� I�,o�e� �7ri,� Iafer;y nr� fhe �ar� �� �bei��:ne!ss� �irn �xeier, tiviil '�e enn;�rYt�y�.*d �by� t�ie x.xvis� �c�ntr�a�t- in� Counjpany �ta t�e�la�e fVTr. S�wk1.r�. �r����e h.a�ve r�edu,�c3 the chur:c:� rno•rt- ^�z�� ccrn�i cies�a�l,y. At the �i,ime �t91� chu,r��� w��,s� iru- d;��clted in 19a1, tlh�e •text ti��a�s� "Re- d.�e!m�:n�d the hi�i;ae", .fi:anz E�h. 5�: 1�, w+ith. it,he �ciuripo�s�e o?f "siii���iulart- i�n�; and' +ch;a�bien��,n,g tt�,eir e�fif� c!� •th;e nv�;r� o�P Par.t,h arnd� 1�ove". Tne com��z�e;ga,+.ao�n� c�on�bin�ues to %try a.nd� fl���9onv �ih,e� p�a,ttert�, oif the eianIy� chumch, �a�s� re�o�rded� in. the ��ao�k aL A�ccts. "Th,a�t fi,he� a���ay o�we na man �aniyih��r�," rthe can!gre�a- hio�il has• set �asfidle a frield far gl�an�t- inb. 7'h�i�s year 1ih,e� �rap wa�s' ibeans. The .�aa1: af �omip7;efeIy 2�iqwi�d'- �atin�g t�he� anart�gta�ge on 4"neli� ch- u�rch is a�l'�m;o�ft realized, an!d the m.e�mlbe,L�s are '1b�aking fi�ortivard� to 6ruGrc�as��d mlissi:ai�rar�y e;flfomt. Ailso, i�l�ans a�e b�irvg fon^anu7a�ed dbx• an addi.tion ta tlie �ares�e�n,t ��uxe�h�. The ��ast;ar, the Rev. Iv�or 13ad- en!h�a�n reipoirts� 77 Ganivers�i,onsy 70 ixa,pi�li�smus iand ,a memibers�hntp o1f �9: i�r� �e �h�urdh. Tih�se, to�geGh.e�r w2�thi acl�he,re�vtis, have at tn�n�es �filled' tihe ch�ui^Ch. ��ian Ga5 Turw�-On ' Ceream�n�r_at Metche9! Natwra�l� gas� nvid�l be av+ailalb�Le t� res�id�rn:bs� 'vn �11�iii6c;hedil an�d' D�tUblk�u ne.ct nv�e;cilc. A turn-�m. eereun;om� �h,as t�ee�n pl;anned �a,t n.aan n�exd; Tues�day, Se�ptemmlbe�x° 16 isu M;itc�h�l:l' a,t t�he �ar,ner ,o�f We1�li�rugtitarn a,n�i i �-LQrlb!ert tis�treets. 'Pha�t is. �he ;1aoa- t�i�an� oif t�he Uru�an Gas t7am�gany's Toiwru G�a�te�s ,Sfia�ian, Civiile �offlFicd�ls ta�kin�g, pa�rt w�i;Z{i i,nc�lude� Wa.rd�n: Fasil �oyes, +May- or A. E�, 1?�oibnh�san an�d� G�ra�dl I Hall�a�nd, �h�airnn�an df th.e �trus�t,ee b,aard af UuIb�T�`n, A, rece�p�t�ian wyl�I� I�oQ1,aw i.n i'h�e Legaan. H�1�, an S�t. .A�ndrew's� St�neert, Dr. Wv D. M�n� � �ains Drb Addis�� � Wil�i Prac�ice �ere 1?r, Wwl�luamv D. Mun�n hfas c�- meruoed m�d�i;ca�. 1arac�i�ce in CYlu�r�- tan. He is i�iv ,t1�e aflfi;ce �f br, .7, A. Ac�d�iSan: �a� Riat'teu�ibuxy Stm�et 'West, Dr. M'un�, ��]�ia is th,e sor� o� �x. an�d iVt�s. J�aoines A, M�unm, Sea- tarEh, i;s ¢ha'rmied, ancl I2vun�g Iirn an;e .o�E the 1�.eg. B�a11 a�p�as°ian�hni�ts. Mrs, NLu,�,�i ,is �the �ar4n�e;r �'u�1e %�11e, PI�nout�ii �lti�g�l:anc��, an�d s,vas a stuclent nurse� at �I�,e �'�eedbarz I"iel�d5 �S,�xit1��, I��Ty�t2�A'u�t9�., �h�� ]:a i n�l. 'I�he �. a we e nn�aa•> yau �g c u�vle raed fih S,t. ii�'wde,awt 1'�aras'h ,G1���nc3�,, PJ,yun�u�t,i��, �lS�gI��:n�d, in J'urte, ��rrd came t� Can�i�. 3n m6d-,7aly. .._. , ���._._._ av�r 8d Bnr�hday CMu� Jame�s �5�, �t�r��i�n�g, ruz�a:Y� �arre�- �and�e�tt at i'hi�s, :p�a�p�et� �in, Go,deaix�l� �nuvr�s�hn�p, xie�r B,ay�tfie7d4 c�l�e�la���:w ril� �i� $�tlt '�it•Uks�h� tt.t hn�� i7�o5tx�e o�ri. �can�iay. FTe �s �an l��is� O�r w'c�r�.$) ";�a:�ig srtrar���