HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-09-04, Page 7S WITSON For Free Estimates — Call „ipron.„qa; Equipment Co. '.HU 2.6647 CLINTON, Glass Lined Nothing Down - 3 Years To Pay Gas Fired .. Forced Air FURNACES, CONVERSION UNITS HOT WATER HEATERS LOANS-$150. to $2,600. Up to 30 months to -may-- P*1W to suit MX -budget. IF YOU NEED Mil" THEN DON'T DELAY ON THE PHONE TODAY ©/ r' 14$ THE SQUARE, PHONE Tv QODERICH, ONT, Tis 100 11-0-•,++, HOLIDAYS ARE OVER! Check Your Car For Defects Check: • BRAKES • MOTORS • EXHAUST SYSTEMS • LIGHTS at Wells Auto Electric KING STREET CLINTON Phone HU 2-3851 ri-40-4.4-4.4-4.44.414-10-4-4++ IN THE• BIG NEW GRANDSTAND every evening 4 Fabulous Production Numbers plus 10 Great NOV/ Acts MONDAY AFTERNOON - Children's Day with junior Olympics . . a chance to participate and win valuable prizes. TUESDAY; WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY AFTERNOONS - Harness racing with the country's best horseflesh. FRIDAY AFTERNOON and SATURDAY MORNING - Wild Animal Exhibition with Jungle -Racing. SATURDAY AFTERNOON - Day with Armed Farces Display, • NEW COMMERCIAL EXHIBITS • 1 BIG MIDWAYS • SQUARE DANCE COMPETITION • LIVESTOCK COMPETITIONS • AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY DISPLAY • POULTRY SHOW • HORSE SHOW • OLD-TIME FIDDLERS' CONTEST See , . Handicrafts and hobbies exhibits . . Flower Show „ . Fruit, honey and vegetable exhibits . . . Women's exhibits. WIN SHRINE SHOW-HOUSE SE-4 It WESTERN FAIR .3 A FAMILY AFFAIR•• In this heart of Western Ontario SEP' r.81.13 LONDON OTARIO .Q., How does CreSti4ellit flake application, for ray-Oireet enrolutent? A. If you will not be registered through a group, complete an application form which you can obtain at abank or hospital. In communities without a bank the form may be obtained from the pest office. Mail the form to,tNJ Conunission witli„yoursheque or money order for one month's, prerninm,Ifkreeeivid on or before Sei5teMber 30,1948, `this payMent will' cozier the' three months of January, February and Mareh,1959,In &her viords;ifyOu-register before the closin date yoti get two months' free coverage. Subsequent payments will be on a quarterly basis, beginning January 1959. Yn Visit infortuationo ceotre in the ueen Elizabeth Building CANADIAN NATIONAL' timenoN YOU MUST BE REGISTERED TO BENEFIT ONTARIO HOSPITAL. SERVICES CONIVIISSION HOSPITAL INSORANot EllVtEttONI - TORONTO 7, ONTARIO Taltsphoritot WAIrtiat 4.4301 ,vFxf› 'ct! e /O. TauRs AY, $F.PUMPgB 11, 108 41Ei11NT011 prEw$4tEcom, Young,f011( Noy farewell Doom geld in,'Boy field at Summer's ..End • MY our illSayfield Oorgespondent) A- WOW of young, people ended abdaVVV IS41Olgier an •DaYficid with a _Square dame M. the •Tawas on 1$9,t0rglay Clkapprones were: Mr. and Mrs, P. -Lange, •Ttloy, INtliell.; TV, and Mrs. It G, x tlwzter, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, Fratdt 33uxeh, Wigow. dale; Mr. and Mrs. A. Stephens Mr, and MriS. L, Blaster, TOrOntOi Frank I3urch called off for the dancing Ile also provided the rec. orcis-and loud speaker. and Mrs. .1•4.0.1 PiPitgulm !Tioilmw god Cttly, boncirm,. were: with his iPareinte4 Mr, and Mrs,. 1444 POgrickr., Stratford, at their cottage in Lakeside Park for the weekend. Mr, and Mrs, Man Galbraith and Janis, returned, to Clinton on Monday after flaming occupied their cottage on 'Barfield Terrace for ,August. Miss Joyce Bell.', London, was home over the ,weeltend, Mr, and Mrs-. Arthur R, Ford who occupied Mrs, J. Beechle,s cottage for the summer returned to London on Saturday. Misses M. C. Hodgins and Marg- aret XaMonald„ who! have .spent the .sungner at the .fortmer's cot, tage, "Stonehaven" left on Friday for their respective homes into, .M(sma.u.:41 Sooftmer returned home on. Friday after having mien- ed his sister, Mrs. j. Pounder and family err London from 'fluesday.. Mr, and Mrs, 'Tont ,Ken- ny and Jo Anne, Bay city, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Archer', haott Lake,, visited the former's, par- ,ents,r. and Mrs, V. P, over the weelcend. ,„.. Mrs. giudo Newton, •Detroit, spent the weekend with! her sis- ters, Mrs. R. Blair and Miss .g4za, hail Weston, Mr, and. Mrs. Ken- neth Newton who accompanied his mother stayed at the Wildvvood Motel, Harold Weston, accompanied by his daughter Susanne and Dar- Pen QoocIney, Ferndale, IvIlehigan, were with his father, George West- on, over the long weekend. Miss Ma i3ingley has returned to Detroit and Mr. and Mrs, B, T. Stephenson to Toronto after hav- ing spent the summer at their cottage,. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker and Bonnie, Scarboro, visited his mother, Mrs. J. IL parker over .the weekend'. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pruss and two ehildren, Janice and Charlie, returned to London on Wednesday Of last iweel after having visited Mrs. Press' mother, Mrts. J. H. Parker for a week. Mr. and Mrs. B. J, Bauer and daughter Margaret, returned to Waterloo on Tuesday after hay,- ing • been at 'their cottage for the season. Kenneth Brandon motored to Buffalo on Saturday. His wife and three children who had been visit. ing her parents returned home with !him on Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs, H. Nugent, Han, over, were guests at Mrs.. Wait- er Westlalke!s over the ,weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Alan. Pye, Wind- sor, spent the weeltend with her father and sister, ;Ma:4es Wld, combo and Miss 'Mary Wideontbe. Mr, and: Mrs. JoIhn Towosbend and family returned to London on Wednesday of last week Ot .9,. a holiday at his parents' cottage, AMAMI:el Space Saving Model A K ews of Bayfield By MISS LVOV L WOODS PHONE; BA7'Flgt4D 4.5 r 3 ALL RESIDENTS OF ONTARIO ARE ELIGIBLE Enrolment is open to every resident of Ontario—regard- less of age or physical condition—either through a group, or individually on a Pay-Direct basis. Non-residents of Ontario are not eligible. Q. How long must a person be a resident of Ontario to become eligible? A. There.is no time-period on residency — all residents are eligible to enrol. Q. What are the benefits of the plan? A. The plan pays for the regular and usual standard ward in-hospital services as available in approved hospitals, for as many days as these services are medically necessary: plus -- Emergency put-patient hospital services within 24 hours following an accident. Q. Does the plan pay for doctors' bills or surgeons' fees? A. No. Q. Will there be any waiting periods for bene• fits in the ease of hospitalization for specific conditions such as maternity cases, repairs of hernias, removal of tonsils, appendices, etc.? A. No. An insured person is eligible for insured services on and after his effective date, regardless of the type of condition requiring care in an approved hospital, Q. Are there any medical examinations to , psis or tquegioltitairee to ;.,complete prioir to enrolment? A. No. Atorriswristi.a. PREMIUMS The low 'premiums of $2.10 a month for a single person and $4,20 a month for the family (husband, wife and children under age 19) are made possible by extensive financial participation of the Federal and Provincial Governments. Q. What areas of additional coverage will be offered by prepayment plans and insurance companies? A; The private plans and insurance companies will be offering many forms of additional coverage, including payment for the. difference in cost between standard ward and semi-private or private hospital accommodation, medical benefits, etc. Q. Will benefits be provided for hospital care received outside Ontario? A. Yes. In the event of an insured person being hospital- ized in an approved hospital anywhere outside Ontario as the result of a sudden attack of illness, or an accident, rein• bursement will be made up to the cost of similar care in a comparable hospital in Ontario. Q. If I ant a resident of Ontario, but work outside the province, am I eligible for benefits? A. Yes, so long as your recognized residence is in Ontario. Q. What happens if I do not qualify to enrol in a group and don't enrol as an individual by September 30, 1958? A, You may enrol at arty time BUT you will lose the two months' free coverage, and,you will be required to wait threetneatiatfoll9wing dale'.application ia.received before, benefit's _heed* available, tO;yen. FOr irqtt clo not apply, say, until February you Will -not have protection'' until May let. COMPACT 24" RANGE with big oven capacity . . Automatic Clock and oven control . . . Oven signalite . . . Platform light eliminates shadows . . RANGES as low as $189.00 — HER FREE CHECK YOUR OWN TV AND RADIO TUBES E. Clinton Electric Shop CLINTON Dia Cornish, Proprietor HU 2-6646 TICK ETS AVAILABLE AT Bartliffs Restaurant --- Clinton Bowfin Alley Closing date for Pay-DiieCt enrolment is September 30th, 1958. (See last question, below) QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ONTARIO .111.~.01111.001•11110FAMIIIMMINIMIPIIMMININV REGISTER NOW for 004VINNWOMMOW ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE effective January 1, 1959 On and after January 1, 1959, the Ontario Hospital Services Commission will be the only agency offering standard ward hospital insurance in Ontario. No private insurance company or prepayment plan will offer benefits covering standard ward hospital services after December 31,1958. tr i tt f tw i T I T TI I I M 1 11 1 0) 1 11 1 1 11 M M II I I I I II I II 11 1 11 11 1 , 11 11 11 1 1 11 1 11 11 11 11 11 M II I I II I II II IM II I I I I m m