HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-09-04, Page 5TMISVAX, SWT9M113rA. 4,105$ CL 'ON VOWS RVCOAD PACrEF rrm E+� hIt A T 19BIABCO.. �►1► " 4� t No chaxge for announcements :4f Births, Axl C1�ntan �'ub'lrac ROXY TH�, ,�TU Clinton 1 Niarrlaaes anti nanfhs Ha.;lpatal, ,qn daiY, August 29, J-950, to IAC and' Mrs, Ioloyd IWO, 5ho'ws N`ghtly Articles for sale, rent, etc., Card of 'hanks, fan Babcock, RiC.AP 'Station .0 rotors, isle SIrsir{n Memoriam, engagements, 3c a. word, minimum 75e. .a. daughter, t Now Playing.:Mr _. . . . . . . . .... AD S,_ in Al FOR QU1�K REIT Accommodation --- Articles Fo.r Sale For Rent COAL F!UR1VAt1E! caa>dit4az with blower and "rnato,t', �"iK?e $7ti Reason af4r selling- dr>stall;avg gat -BEDROOM apartment, partly furnace. Pivone Clinton ifJ 2-9647 .furnished, Share bath. Heated, 34 -til :Phone Clinton HU 2-9641, 36-b' p!TiiOt1UC T your hoard earned" amen vN,F1i7�SH-Eii7 ,[,"AR�ME7NT, .avard,ablo now, Phone HU 2-�J.928, cu. Use a tiYuodern' easy to us'E cheque vvaiiter, to 'pe date nan7f 28-tEb and amount right"into the checiue SMIALL FURiNI,S� apartment, Cannot be altered See them" at Clinton Newts -Retard. 36-f>tl suitable ,for couple', available Aug- ast 30• +Pho'ne Hu 2-3�• 36,b GETTING 1VIARItILD7 See camp les' of we stationery at the RNIS1D' 3 -ROOM apart- News -Record office. Invitations, thank -you cards, wedding cake mlent w3ih bath and, gas stove, All boxes, place cards, serviettes, new. Nice :location, P'h'one HU 2- match books, etc, 11-tfb :958+1., 36-g ]HOME IN K PiPEN fear rent. MOTORS AND GENERATORS riewiauavd ,and repaired. Brushes, Ail modern conveniences oil heat- Ing, Call; at Wilfred Aiell.is home, capacitors, switches, bearings; ,mall appliances repaired. Used ,or Orville Workman's. 36.7•b ox recondihioned motors for safe, WCL FURNISI�EiDIIOLTSE on Art Levett, Isaac Street at Dunlop. Phone HU 2-6640. 43�b :S•eafarth, with all modern, conven.- ,fences. Three bedrooms, Phone CL WON OUTBOARD iVfiARINfE, Seaforth 473J. 36-rp full 5 I-I.P., separate 3 -gallon gas tank, weighing only 33 pounds. :34100@4 FURNISHED apartment, Quick stinting, air-cooled, Redac- modern self-contained on, .ground ed" to sell. Riwx> only four hours an floor, 'availa+ble now. Phone HU 2,• holidays. New conditioned Wells J5S1 36 -Ib Auto ERectx'ie. MURZ1NIlSi �M, hearted' 2,raom: a- DGNING ROOM SUITE, tonic p+art'ment, utilities paid, frig. and with loft -up extensions, five Claaixs washing machine supplied, Phone with leabher seats, itaufrfet. A'1sq Mayfield 46x3. 36-b studio couch, ax?gan, library desk, brawn Ste (bed with springs and 3 -ROOM` APARTMENT, self -con- mattress, ¢niscel1aneoaas items. Ph- :tained', unfurnished, centrally lo- one HU 2-3443 for iavforanatian, caked, cheated. Phone HU 2-9498 '6 36 -Ib afterpm. week days or any - ,time S'aturd'ay. , 36-p Articles Wanted 2' - BEDROOM A'P`AIR1111 " : , A TRfnOYCI for .a 3 year-.alcl downstairs, heated, furnished, civ- child'. I"lvone IZiJ 2.3341. 36 ailable September 1. Utilities. paid', refrigeriator and washer suppled. WANTED --OIL SPACE HEAT- 1'hfcne �T11U 2-9540. 35�b er. Call HU 2-7086, evenings. 36-b TWO LARGE furnished upstair �� COAL or WOOD stove, rooms and ,hall, share (bath, erect- on; goad, eondit'ian, P+home Bayfield 56r.5. 36-b vie and coal stoves, hat water, arefriigerator and washing machine. AnvaRaMe September 12. Phone --' Automobiles For Sale :HU 2-9773. 36-P - - 1'952 D,O+D1C,iE; sedan, excellent eon- =ROOM FURNISHED 'apartment, dibion inside and out, low mileage. (comfortable and newly decorated, 'EkcelPent family car, Phone IIiJ 2- �wedl located, far couple only, ,priv- 7433. 364b ;ate bath, irefri�gerator included, Av- rau7able now. Phone HU 2-6665. Board and Room q, 36-p Al VJ;007ATION -for four or 3 -ROOM FURNISHED apartment, five aYaoaners or boarders. Phone to coo comfortable' and newly decorated, ,� 2,,9376, 35-6 �b well located, for couple only, quiet ramuple preferred, apartment av- ACCOMMODATI0IV for ROOM- -ailiaWe now. Phone HU 2-9728. ers, one, ar two sharing. Contact 33ttfb Mas- ,Carl MrClcracUaey, HU 2-3844. 36�b A -BEDROOM ROM HOUSE in good .condition, Hlvdro TOeyboze. Hot Business OppOrLdt +unitieS :and cold water..3? dece bath. 11/2 :males west of ippen on county OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. :road, !Available 'by October 1, Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, .Apply :to ,John' Anderson, RR 2, High Street, Clinton. Plaine C'lin- Hensala. Phone Hensall 67vrtl.4. ton HU 2-6692. 16ifb 3'6b Clothing for Sale AccommodationGIRL,s C)AT and leg igwrugs,, size .uy Wanted 5, red yrs colour Wath grey fur Ir ,, cal'lar. Contac Mrs. Murray Crich, AMinton'. 36-b - 13USINE1SiS WOMAN REQUIRES Custom WOrk Iiivin,g accommodation with meads, .after 'September 22, 1'958. Pref-. eralbdy large bedroom in comfor- BULL DIOZING and excavating. -table home, Away most weekends, J. and: G. PostlM, RR 3, Cilanton', B0ax 35A Clinton News -Record. - HU 2-7436. 31-tfb 35-6yp FOR YOUR PLUMBING AND Heating needs, call till 2-9433 .Articles :For Sale Hawkins Hardware, 2-tfb CUSTOiM BEAN THRESHING. MAR�GEI QUAKER.:OIL BURNER Contact +Lloyd Minot, RR 2, Bay- tfox s'ale..Phone ICU 2-983'1. 36-b field, phone Clinton 'HU 23388. 35.6wb .BABY .OARRI.AGE' dor stale, 1n good- ood' condition rice 15. Phone `P $ ATTION FAP�MEERS! Spray- . , 3HU 2'-7212. 36-p ang field crops, corn, grain and pasture. Also white washing, dis- BABY BUGGY, 'Waterloo snake, infecting and cleaning bas+rrs. Pla- silver gray in cioloLur., in good con, one Hubert .Cooper, Exeter, 599rJ3. 4d'ition, Phone' HU 2.9279, 36-:p 29 to 39.p ,COOX STOVE, Entergxise, white 'CUSTOM COMiBTNII�G for beans, enamel. Like' new, cost $265, will ,aliaver, flax and! buckwheat. We oaerif3,ce at $65. Phone HU 2;9879, have fall of the, necessazly. attach- 36-tfb Monts to rcnake this maolune da a goad jolt an various crops. Price- WALNUT IBM; dull size, mat- reasonalble by the acre or wall tress and springs; walnut dressing canlbine clover an a share basis! ,table, triple mirror, Phone 14U 2- if desired. Lyle Montgomery. Ph. 7061, 364b one Seaforth 841x31, RR 1, Clint. I ONLY 10 ft. RI,EFRIG`ERATOR.. on. 36.7-p :I`live year warranty, sligihtlly Farm Equipment =matched, Only $189. T. A. Dut- : tom, Brtucedielid. 86-�b F O h Sale ,C"A IAN CEMENT tanlitted ,quantity an, stock. 'Low prices. A. I I�Ea.� Vl' .DYT`I'Y International uQ"x, Grigg Son,phone liiJ 2-941L .age wagon, like' new, suitable, for for- ,wagon, Apply Bili I�iall'axid, 18 tfb: hone , Hf7. 2a3245. 36 +b COMBINtA77ON SUPM FILAME sipaco heater and cook stave with Fruit For Sale oil, tarok and stave pitpes: Phone M 2,3809. 36=p 1' =013Ei5 -- Golden Jubilee, Red Haven• and vt�s. Hz>2n cont; riners. VrOtm OLD WASHM IS WORTH Get your fir at the orchard at • money when tradad on a new a reasonable price. Howard James `Westinghouse washer, T, A. Dut- and W. J. Sadler, Forest, Peach- -ton's Appliance. Stare Bruoefl0d. HU 2_�!& wood Avenue,. 35 36-p tPhone Clinton 11,tfb Livesto k For Sale •SEVVR,AL NOW PATTERNS in t0nglish Bone China Dinnerware YEAiRr%nING registered, accredited including lovely "Cornflower'. See Holstein, !bulfi, or exCharrge on reg- altered I4lalsteins J+ahra Lindsay, iIt and others tri our window and •get our low prices for Pirie China, RZI 3 Clinbaat Flu 2-9197, 36-p ' ,.�,.. (ODan-ter'! Jeweollery. 36-p A NiJM33 0'I` GOOD CYRtAbE PSONFIEIR"EAIN SAWS,. nom, In I%alstein Caws axtd heifers , flue Se'pternfber and October. Alp( dy and used, Call in aria 1oX them ove,r. Robert Men, Pioneer Chain to Edgar Rothwell, P.P. 2, Bay- fiClds 36-37LLm Saws Stiles and Service. Phone _. UV 2-9909, ,� HELVY WAN1` C��-r-MALI~ NEW EI�ICTmc Sent Ing Well - Box 1`l'0, to this.":office 1$c .additional. Reheat in' sections 2c a wort}, minimum, 50c, CASK DISCOUNT; ?rs :f paid by Saturday £oi- lowing 'last insertion. Pilling charge- ,Q� 10c added each time bili is sent, Latest Time for inse>stione i2 noon, !f,'4redneigciay . Dial iilfT 2-3443 • . Help Wanted -�- Female Poultry :Far Sale WAITRESS WAaN�D, ,�Ily at H!>r�iR,SON Started �;icks Ltd' y�oux, X11 Iarepared to supply Rnuby' and, Bolls, 35-6.7�b Sea#�artt►' are .. dep'lacernesut 2>��l'ets• WiA(ZZ>ki,�'S for full, time .em- Ready If�pr delivery now, naw, axe 1E rpibay�rivent. .AiPPaY xrr person Bart- week add' arvd' xe1ra�tV to lay pullets, 1�f,�fs� Palter, 7uttl., Giint�om. 36-ih Also younger (birds, A1Z pullets _. are vas+ xiated far Newcastle and , � AGS WC�N�IN or �, 13ror�'ghat� diseases. Ph'ane Sea- to live an, and: rare iEor two child- )forth (i4'S'J7 or wcxiite �.Q, Bbac 300, ;ren (cine �gogra,�g to schpal) aw1LiJ,e 36 to 39�b the mother wanks, Weekends, off. 900 LFC�iHORN X W'YANDO�I'ti'E phone IBJ 2-'9'T�k7. 36-1, ,els starting to Mayr MSH. 22 �GIIILI.�RiEN BACK TO SC,4•IOOL, tractor, A-1 shape; Ospnddx+ with More time on your hands, Make 50 ft. belt, dike :naw,• gas tank, 220 extra online, Ib3n s'ellirvg Avon .Pr9- 'gal.; �ch;ic'lceav ;broadens, oil and ducts. Territories are avia5l'aibil'e an 'electnie, 1Sinas �fee+d'ers, eta. Owner �u+CkeRYs2nftly and Hallett town is givaxug nap farming, -mush ships. Write fon ax foranation to due to lrasphtal �buial:d''ixllg gr'gject lilacs. Laurden Green, Distrlict Man- � Taxan. Contact after 6 �p,m, ager, Box 2$I, Hianaver. 36-b Otto �Faqugrad, RR 2, Gademich, : Ontario. 36�b Livestock Wanted Tender OLD HORSES '(a6rANTED AT 31%a r, lb„ and dead cattle at value, If TENDERS .to l'a'y •appro�cima�y dead, phone at once, GIZBE;RT 41:•0 square asplaa'It sham�gies, Ph�gne $ROS, MINK RANCH, phone col- Bap�feld 5'3x2, 32-trfb lett, Goderich, 1483 J 4 or ].483 J 1. ATTENTION I+'AIiML+'Ii'S:t ..Cash Notice To Creditors paid far sick, down and disabled In the Estate of HARRIET cow's' ;and limtseas', Dead stock pick, PRANCES SHAW, tate of the ad' up free of ah�amge; no CkvlR' as Town of Clinton in the County of cepte:d under 300 tits, Ca�12' collect Huron, Widow, deceased. Fe'd, Andrews, •851x11., Sea -forth, All persons having claims a- Assac5a�ted' Wath Darling iiia Co. gainst the estate of the above of -Canada Ltd. 39=p•�tfib� deceased are required to file the —.—, same with the undersigned Soli - MR. IrAIt,NL�GTi„ citor for the said Estate, on or be- CJASH PAIjMMMEi & CaMp. Pickett bell Limited D for sick, down fore the 15th day of September, an John, disabled cows sand Horses. Please phone promptly, 24-hour eerwice. No calls accepted under 300 abs. $RUCLr' MARLATT, Phone Collect 183 Brussels, HIGH1uST CASH PRICES Highest cash; prices paid far dead, a'ld, snick and disabled horses• and cattle, Oldhorses for s�la�ught- ea' at 5c a pound'. For prompt, sanitary disposal phone Norman Knapp Blyth, 2J.x1.2; if busy Ph- one; Leroy Acheson, Atwood 153, Wi]diaaxn Morse, Br'�ussels' 15Jr;. Trua�s' arvs'Ji;1�a,1y7!e at all times. 36-9 p Lost and Found �LiOST--+Ohuld�s� dress, shoe 8, calx our white skirt, incl blue Klause, put 'in wrong scar on August 2$. Fi�nd'ea^ please phone Seaforth 49$. . 36,b LOST --Fair of boys, glasses, wzt'h dark tap runs, taken in mistake at the Clinton �Uamaniuxraty Siwo¢ra- aav!ng Pool on Friday afternoon. Funder please contact Lawry H'wg ill;, Sil[J 2-9432. 36p Lots For Sale �CiLIOrZCE Bt1II.D5�tCx .I,On`S, Res, id'ential, Lond;on� Road South, RR 5. Frontages, 63 feet to 66 feet and 70 feet, 'by 1�4 radis+ long, Cash. Arthur E, Parry. 36-7.8 9-b Miscellaneous WATCH REPAIR IS A JOB FOR experts.'; Our -work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron CtN.iity!s Oldest Establish- ed Jew�eliery Store,- 36,p EXPERT REPAIRS Lawn mowers and outboard mot- ors. Factory trained mechanic. Free pick-up and delivery in town and RCAF Station. Phone HU 2- 962. Ellwood Epps Sporting Goads. 1.4-tfb LET '.;S REPAIR AND MAKE your rings .and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chan- ces, Expert work done reasonably o your satisfaction. Watch t o re - y pairs and Pearl restringing, W. N. +Co,.�rter, 36�p SEWING MACHINES SALES -- SERVICE -- REPAIRS A. H. AIiRENS 69 Nile Street, Stratford Phone 163J for free estimate or home trial. 35-38-p >+�oR Aa�Ts�>,ror:AL 'nvs�iv�xrrA- TIOtN 'seayva;ce or more information; telephone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association' collect at: CLINTON HU 2-3441. Between 7.30,and 9.30 a.m. week days., 6 and $ �p,an. on Saturdays. Do not call forservice an Sunday. Caws an heat civ Sunday taxi be inseminated satisfactorilyoft 112an- day. We supply sea-t*ice� .to top gtuadily bwlls .of the 1-IolStefixa, JerseS+, .A.yr- share, Guernsey, Bx'o'wuv Swdss, Red Poll, Hereford Gpalled'aridh�axrved) tic -elf SavarUh�arn (polled and harp ed), and Dual, Purpose. Shorthorn, .A,mgu;� 'and Chardlais lare,eds, The cost asp . low. _ 2$-tfb Property For Sale 2-+B�EiDR,00M nn5ttd �lvtti�clt house, oofi fu�rn�an'e, hardwood floors, loco- i ted on East Street, Phone I�[J 2- !, 947.0, .3,5-t M. Seed For Sale G�EiNEiS,E'i �' seed wheat far stale, Contact Cecil l✓l;liott, HU 2-66�2i, 36�b C>♦E1IV1✓Sl>� �V'HIsA+ T, high y'iCS.d- in'g kind, phane� fixlen Wise, HU 2'- 9891. 36-p rS� WHir.A'1' off reg'istcrecl Ines on'saiC� for �axl�l,y $5450. A. H, MAN "W"Al`•i'�"Tr1D' to work in fec~Id seed, Last year. $1,50 a (bushel or A"h,Ci�ns, 69 Nile Street, Stratfax'd, mvill, and •drive a truck. Apply to would trade far good clean, oats, ;;phcine itr�J, fat' dace home trial, Canada Paaieers Creamery oil"fa�Ce FteY 'W:hitrncure', la�hon.e 11:U 2-3306', 3.7.g -p aY' d'ee'd' rYi;ill +dfxiCe,., ° 3G-ih Clinton, 3G -p A.D., 1958, after whack date the assets will be distributed amongst the .parties entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given, DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this .25th day of August, AD. 1958, E. I3, MENZIES, CLINTON, ONTARIO, SOLICITOR FOR THE SAID ESTATE. 35-6-7b Notice To Creditors In the .);state aof ALICI+' - L7NE STEWART, late of the Township of Stanley in the County of Huron, Widow, Deceased. All persons having claims a- gainst the. Estate oi;the above de- ceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicit- or for the said Estate, on or be- fore the 1st day of September, A,D. 1958;" after which date the assets Will be: distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 12th day of August, A.D. 1958. E. B. MENSIES. CLINTON, ONTARIO, SOLICITOR, FOR THE SAID ESTATE Auction Sale At 'lC.ot $1, Concession 9, Iluliett Township, 1 � miles south of Landesboro; 1r/ miles west of Highway, 4 pn 'Wednesday, September 7 AT 1.30 P.M. FURNITURE: kitchen gable; China cabinet, large chest, ahes�t of drawers, sideboard, dresser and Plasia, steel bele, antique bedroom furniture, beldranan dishes, Princ- es'! .Pat cook stove, oti,i heater, heater. ]VGA � � Y: M -H draphead ihatylaa�d'er; MdCor;iraiclt D' e e r s ax g mower, 6 ft. cwt; rubber lire wag= +on; two Cudtiviatarsi; 13 disc drill; set of di!amand harrows; dump* rake; wagon box, w+itiv stock rack; br+avel lrax; set o:f grain lliftars�; Clnnlon foraying an.i11; three d'ruan r ler tw furrow s�tee�l land roti a ow walk- arvg plow; riding ipl'ow; turnip dmill;; ha; 11ar'k rope; bay Har and pulleys; wheys+• 32 feat extension ladder, nearly new; 4�0 ft. windmill tower; set of fawn. sleighs; set of light s1e'ig'hcs; cutter; two buiggaes; Panics, shovels, chains, ,other articles torr x�umeraus to mention. :Cerins: Cash Na reserve, as, saran is, sold, Joseplu ,Ivaddon, Proprietor George Nesbitt, Auctioneer George Powell, Clerk 3B -b Dispersal Auction Sale Of HOLSTEIN COV1/S, HEIFERS and STOCKERS at Lot 32, Can: ^, MclCillap Twp., t%a north and ti% west of Seaforth, on Wednesday, September Z 7 At 1.30 p.m. 16 Holstein Cows and heifers, a number milking, others due to freshen from Sept. to .April; one market cow; registered Holstein Cow; 1 Holstein bull, 1.8 months old; 2 Holstein heifers, 9 months cid; 10 Hereford nne�year-old steers; 8 calves from 3 to S mon- ths old. TEt#MS—CASH Gordon Scott, Proprietor Harold Jackson, Aucfiioneer u�zuce, sacs �, tion, a, oau;ga7xer. � DiCIUICF}'!,'TE '.--. xzx Clinton Fiairirac � -9 'tall, on Sunday, August 3�1, 1.95$, to LAC and avtxs, Glax'en:Ge �ouC'ette, xoav 'Street, C>Vixutan, a daUgh'kcar, �tAiWtC�i'T -- In Cliintan PubliPeyton Place sell c I-%spitaR, fan 71hux"s'd'av, August 28, 1'9'58, to Mr. and Mrs. I�41on- ,aajdFawcett, North Street, C2!iat- tan, �a. daughter. �E�IG!USp�I` •-" In Oiintoly Public I3b'snaRts�l, -on Saturday, August 30, 7f358, to A+C? and' Mrs. Stec. ling k'ergu�gns �C'l+imto�n, a da�t}g�h- ter, ' I'F�IN�'—,Tm. Clinton X'ulbQic ttI`gs- Raatail:, on Wedh'e's�day, September 3, 19'58, to 112x, and Mrs: Harold( +Kna:givt, Hensa:Ll, a sior>,. 11�A;Ri'i1l�.iJl� -- In St, Thomas, Eli• ;gin General ,Hospital, an Tdvwrs- d�ay, August 28, 1955, to C�rp- oral and Mrs. U, F, Martell �(avee :Fenn Cartes'), A'y17n'eI', a soon. Mk�CiL:DNCaHEIY' —Iry �Ckim�tan P'aab- Jfl+c Hospital, axu Sunday, August 31, 1,958, to Mr. and Mrs. Nor. man MaC71;iri�aheY, `RIR 2, A'ulb- ursa, a daughter. 1VI>aDO4�14ViETJI. — In Clinton Phab- dtuc Hospital, on Satuaidlay, Aug - 2 -6640. 3�Q; 1:9158, to Mr. and' Mrs. Douglas McDonnell, Clinton, a daughter. lVPetK1ArY In �Clintan Pulblic Fi;os- pital, on Saturday, Aitugust 3Q, 1958, to Coxtparad' and Maw, Har- ry McKay, RCAF Station Clixat- on; anon. FRTiFJSTAiF' -- In Clinton 'Fnllbilc Hospital) on Monday, September 1�, 195'8, to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar P.ri'es'tap, CAinton, a Sion. SfI'AdVLEiY —Ira +CE4nlon Public Flasipital, .on Wedlnesd+ay, Sept- ember 3,1:958, la Mr. and Mrs. Jahn: Stanley, Clintoxu, a d'aRaght- er. MARRIAGES P�OJ.�E"-SBigllJl,.--i2u St. Dav�id�s Ang- lican �CivurCh, Hamilton Road, Canaan, cru Friday; August $, 1'95$, by they Rev, G. Pearce, Shi�iley Lorraine, daughter of Mr, aAnywhere nd Mrs. Fred Bell, RRI, 2, GocleriCh, to Stuart Awgioad'Pod'e, London, San of Mr. and Mxs, Kin�gsdey Pale, Irngersoll, DEATHS BROWN—At the home of her diawgihter, Mrs. Ralph Cornish, BaylfieSd, on Monday, Septeanfb- er 1, 1958, Marion Louise Br- atv�al, lav her 78th year. Funeral. from, the Bayfield Baptist Ch- ux�cly, to iB�ay�iedd Cemetery, on (Wednesday aifternaan, Septean- �bem' 3, 'fry the Rev. I, Baden- haan, CARDS OF THANKS i nvHs!tc to take 'th;is� oppomtunity to thank a7Q' those who so kindly remembered ane with cards, let - tens, ('lowers and' treats and wd�a visited me while a patient' in South Huron Hospital. It was all sin - G. -ROBERT Mc- ALLmsTEiR. 36-p Horan County Farming Report (By Dara Rose, student assistant to agricultural representative for Huron County) "Harvesting as about 85 percent coanlplete�d' throughout take county and excellent yields have !been re�- corde'd'. „Tine white (bean harvest is: oom- rnenaiavg and several: fiends' h:atve been combined, an the area along flake Huron. Some Night is ap'- peariaag an the pa�.lis of the beans although. it is not too serious. yet. Rust is also appearing. "Many ZFarnners� are larking o11F �ecarud cut hay, ihawever mas�l of „ v ' cr os: oats short. hR e a q �AI.�RA�TH I ��D�O and TV � Pho>n►e ICU 2��$4�. E�YCE STATION �r�d � �l��CK �A� 1:01 RENT (i) Located on Na. � Highway in Town of Clinton i2) Completely rerr6vated acrd decarai'ed, (�) ReasonaCile rent arrcirrged dor right' party tt� ensure your suCdesS, i�') Immediate pcsssession. At1A1.'Y I-l�i�old Cy. free l�hb�le �b6 s���arth .- $Oytfb Mario ll.onao �'- dvl;oraso A(lgsiq -� Peggie �pst�e MONDAY TUESDAY i1! WEDNESDAY ADMITTANt'ii ' TO eERsoNs 18 YEARS Of AGE OR OVER 9n the screen at last ,-•-� in Technicolor •••-- the most talked about beck of the year, One showing only each night starting at 8 o'clock, Lor�o Turner _. Lloyd Notion .- Hope longe THURSDAY - FRIDAY -� SATURDAY . �\ "'MERRY ANDREW"' ..,. Everything is "Ticket, -Boo" and filled with laughs in this ..., merriest of musicals. Pier Angell -- Danny Kaye -- Biaccgloni Tie Bible Today Same ,.ears ago a presidc�avt of the iRepu(blic of Argentine declared that the isnxriense siupety faf North America over South Aan'eni- ca Was due to the Bible which, the Pilgrim Fathers made the basos� of 'their life in the new land. Today there is ;nape for Scalia America i� the increased interest in, and Skoal, of, this; great Bock. Last year in B+r,a,zil alone the third largest distribution fd�gure Iry l'iv'e world was reached -31/g m3�iaru copies. Elbangelioal: Christianity is an, the march among our Southern, neighbours, In this forward miove- nvent the Bible Society is playing its part an bringing a new unity to the many tribes:, witlh the mes- sage of cad's redeeming ];ave an Christ Jesus. Suggested reading fon next week: Sunday .............. Eccles. 1: 118 Monday .., ...... Eccles. 3: 1-22 Puesday .............. Eccles. 12: 1-t]:�# Wednesday ..,..,.... (Mark 1: :L_22, Ifhwrsdlay .............. Mamk 1: •23'-45 E'aiday .................. Mark 2: 128 Saturday .............. Mark 3': 1.35 — a Thirteen pieces in Ikers bake'sIozen"originatedwhenouis�fFrance warned all who ;ave under measure that they would be beheaded. , Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY at i.30 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold By Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk G4DERICH PARC THEATRE NOW PLAYING—Sept. 4-5-$ DANNY KAYE in '"MERRY ANDREW"` with Pier Angell —Technicolor Mon., Tues. &Wed. (Adult Entertainment) Shirley Booth -- Anthony Quinn and Shirley Maclaine During atwo-day heat wave in a southern town a finally crisis pro• duces an upsetting turn of events, •"HaT SPELL" -- In Vistavision — Ti',urs.r Fri. � Sat. The Picture you have waited for: "Raintr�e �ou�f�rr -- to Technicolor --• You will thoroughly enjoy this, during and subsequent, Civil War love story. Rated as GREAT by all standards. One showing each night starting at $o'clock. Elizabeth Taylor -- Eva Marie ... Saint and Montgomery Clift COMING: MARtO LANZA in • "THE SEVEN HILLS ole ROME" • °'����� ��owers 4 � Telegraphed K. C. COOKE, F L D R � S T Dial HU 2-7012•—Clinton N.4i"i'li.::.,..........ro....:...n.....vn SPO Ci���� � NEW PATTERNS � ALL -WOOL TWEEDS , 2 and 3 Button Styles A Style and o Shade to Please You, SWEATER VE,,., 1%14 Smart � Color �or»biriatibns tri ibhg or short sleeve Styles, �}�Ia�b �r Orlon from 5.95 u� from 19,95 �p ,Ei1i.ItCtW S13CtIt7'S STIEfiStyi<T 3[x'.1;'8 Phone '�U �+97`3 Clinton, Ont.