HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-07-24, Page 10VAGis TEN M.. .1...�.. .� IF YOU NEED CA90- �h 'THEN DON'T.PELAY ti. ... CALL T.C.C. .y THE PHONE ON _TH H0 Y 1 A Tol,LOANS^- 150. to (2,600, TRANS CANADA CREpt, C� Up to,-6pthstorepay- Plans to suit Y21?Y budget, LOANS 111 THE SQUARE, !NONE 7" RODERICH, TM 111 TIRE SALE ON NEW BFGoodrich TIRES Complete line of tires to fit every budget ...driving need all with EXTRA VALUE FEATURESI AND LIFETIME GUARANTEE I YOUR RECAPPABLE TIRES ARE WORTH MORE NOW! SPECIAL! See the new B.F.G. DELUXE NYLON V NYLON PROTECTION V LOWEST PRICES EVER $1 Down Weekly :p SOUTH :END CITIES SERVICE GENERAL REPAIRS Phone HU 2-7055 -� Clinton, Ont. LLOYD :BUTLER WH4TE YtOSE SERVICE S Phone HU 2-9021 --Clinton, -.Ont. Y.N HARRY WATKINS SUNOCO SERVICE Phone HU 2-6661 Clinton, .Ont. CLINTON :NEVA$-RECORD. !,r VR$DAY,. JULY, 241Mg; Hen, all Co�mmun ywation l5clwoi Whine .4glatih ntse keeper CameMn • Vale SS 1' tel" Nilll Vac don Redler 04t the alight do 'the N erht* ity M 0 � C a J (Mrs, Pon Harris, Cpr1'espondent, .Phone Clinton HU 2.3362). period 7 to my I was .�eitd from J 7 to anzly x(3 61v ,110 e ur aal' ',d s c o. Ull h ,b N 'bile oa undlea° td'ue� dungs oapa ,direction of Skipipea^ Rev. G, B. Peac wU, as primpal and teachem '01f Ahs+ VuLm P'eople's Ci ass, The ,ather xnerralberas of this staff house, ?{fie pre-scihopll and Win- 0 c aa+y . assei sauvg senrenaa sem�gs aavd � aecrted an explanation lar r of their i� oqurs-e at study, 'l�hc ltw•uwa� oil�?sS with, Captain Mass Joan Harrison'We4AI4vg defea;teid 410 young F1eop0.e's C kw1r, wav a: rCapp an,, Muss Gaa Lockhart Sell rices Il; our K rr nde y ensall cc►. pt}Po nt) lam, $11.750 $1510;: ` chunks, $1$ $1$,9(?; feedeu , Mhr4ed ladies, Mfrs„ Wdlliaun Harcus Mrs. A. Lockhart Mrs, WA Meets Da W%V*ns, T. July meleta ng. of ' taxa '1>va- JTuraibS urUls, ran ILacl�ilarart, g aha laacl'uded fgatst crate, Mays, C. b 6" a scaore of 7-5 nxv a e , of $211.75 .to $25.50; sows, $58 rears Assocaatran of Grace, Ch- l'egg'y Am. Betties, Patsy Cox; Feacocir tear�yrer of the junnfi�or Baa�le Baselbaal. Certaificates were 11 team caws,. $140 t,a' $175;. urch held, ma ThursOAV aast . boys, Arlilvur 'MCDcugaLl, Donald asp; second trate Mrs.. Gordon awarded )to, the pupils vulva at- Durham cows, $150 to $1 ; ITQQ� dm Ole 611uich basernlemt. Mrs. McDougall, Wayne Bauer- darter- medlhte� girls, Gail Lackih;7 t, Jan- Manna rim- ng .as tea'c7>icx of tie p aw glass; tlhdr�d prate, Mrs. Roy mended aregulaaly and' to t1ho sip f, All' dau stew calves; $11 to $21; Durham. T. 'Saws was do chi of the tfo l and- Mrs. A, levo i 'et Harris!; senior ,girls Shirley Wdlsarr as tea Cher of they rpre- aNl' the SS Porter Hata to have callves , to $t Q period p L0,01 hart, president, presildled Decor — baasaruests Rola' call was Mccowaaa;,P ]ls WCawlazu; sen- hA � boys, John, Harris, Bruce HW school cluss; chief stewardess and Vwr Cr Mhtss Shirley McQonuany as, appears load a happy and Successful, voyage. 470 pag;s and, 125 head of cattle and calves were sold.. answeredy .g ' g Your Flavour- �, Rapp Brauer, sustrartt teacher off a panmaxly Vis; sltewaaidless s,MlissFatlyMc, rte salad Pecdlpe", ym,all plans were made for the Mhr4ed ladies, Mfrs„ Wdlliaun Harcus Mrs. A. Lockhart Mrs, Ilwalin, Miss, Elaine Winson and cold anea�t suppw (being held on Wdffiam Coat; married aneuv, Bill Mrs. Walmer FbEdld'eu, waxy calla were assdsta,nts of the thnrd mane; and Wednesday, July 23, oav Rhe church McIlWain, Blila -Cox, Walmer Raid- M'� Bill siccd. he haiiYere lrawn. A :bumoraus weadmg. was •g v,e',, by Ma; P. Bart Hands, dQl; taaree ;logged'race, Javet He, cltlrar Sh�aroa} ris and Galla Low childrenC, t se l . Tile alfte�rncyon was sp A quuat-'u.c�ckiva2ti and Jail o' Bonnie fo chua ,ups. a'omters Ind United Gh- . �e August meebirug vvll4 be Cox and Jo Amit Harrison,, urea, 19; Taylors Corner United hold August 14 uru 010 chu=h. Wheel, (barrow race, Gall Lodi;- Church, 11; Holmesva-Re United baser lent. hart and Dennis S -lams, Pia Church, .8; Union Unrated' Ola�ch' Annual Picnic McCowan and Arthur McDougal, g 6; St. James Angddean Clhur;ch The Sunday School of Grace Janet Haniis and Steve Harris; 13; other Anglican Churches, 2; Church held their annual picnic on aadiies. kick the -4911 +per, Mrs. Wal' Christian Reformed Chnarch, 8; the htwn of Mir. and Mrs. IV( flier OWn MoLlWain, Cat, Loch aro MTs Lutheran Church, Zurich, 6; Bay- Hangson's hams onTuesday ieVen- Abby Bettlles; peanut catcfiaan! fuel United Church, 4; B�enmiller Ing sof rant week. After bount- contest, Phyllis McCowan and Ao United Church, 1; North Street esus supper a, furl. poolgnam, of rthnur McDougall, Mr. and Mrs. United Church, Goderdch, 1; RCAF sports was. enjoined, under tlhle.diir- William FAddela; rladless ;graceful Chapel Prince Charlep, 2; .urn- ection of (Mrs. Racy Cox, Mrs. WE- walk, Mrs. A. Lockhart, Mrs. Wal- known, 2. Baan Cox, Mrs. Engin Cbx, William area" RauddeR; egg` throwing cora- On Thursday evening, July 17, l arras and Tome Sowerby, test, Phyaaii�s' lAcC.�owaan and Don- the pupils displayed their handl- Raaces were shun as folaows: pan- Bald McfDougalli; husband c7aNla7ng craft do the church basement and marry ,girds, Chmastine Harriis, Chle. contest, Mrs. Julius Bauer, Mrs. parrtacdpated' in a program an rthe WA {Cox, CoaElee+n L dkb asrt; boys, Donald Harris, Mrs. Alvin Bet- church auud itor ium. Boatswalin John Manning, Dennis Harris, des. Jlohn Ginn had charge of the bell i01 Sf. ONTARIO #41W is the time to register acv- --mum F. O R N ARIHOSPITAL�ANSURANCE�. effective January 1, 1959. wmw - -� The. plan will pay the cost of essential standard (public) ward `in hospital' �- -_�a services for Ontario residents who are insured under the plan, -�� Benefits will be available in approved hospitals in Ontario for as many ' NINE - days as hospital services are medically necessary. Approved hospitals will �..� include public general hospitals, hospitals for convalescents and the chronically ill, tuberculosis sanatoria and provincial trental hospitals. -..�� The only 'out-patient' benefits in Ontario will be for emergency hospital services received within 24 hours following an accident. ■N- -e� --...� anon Benefits will be allowed for hospital care received outside Ontario as the result of a sudden attack of illness or an accident. ALL RESIDENTS OF ONTARIO ARE ELIGIBLE PREMIUMS: _-NWA Enrolment is open to every resident of Ontario - regardless The low premiums of $2.10 a month for a single person and r� - �■.� of age or physical condition - either through a group, or $4.20 a month for the family (husband, wife, children under ■� individually on a Pay -Direct basis. age 19) are made possible through extensive financial con- Now-' Non-residents of Ontario are not eligible. tributions by the Federal and Provincial Governments. aano- HOW VOU •ENROL O.Y.• COMPULSORY ENROLMENT - If you are a resident apply for approval to act as eol%L-tom of ar of Ontario employed where there are 15 or more on the insurance premiums on behalf of their members. .s• payroll (including the employer) you are subject -to com- Ask your organization: ��- pulsory enrolment through your place of employment. Your (c) Pay -Direct enrolment. If you are not eligible i employer will register you. to participate through a group, you may apply to pay directly to the Commission. See "When You VOLUNTARY ENROLMENT - If you are a resident Enrol", below. of Ontario and not employed where there are 15 or more �.� i� on the payroll, you are eligible to enrol through any of the (d) Recipients of Public Assistance who arecovered by the Medical Welfare Plan through the Awn— following wn - following means: - Ontario Department of Public Welfare will also 100NEw- rn� (a) Voluntary Groups. Persons employed where be eligible for hospital insurance benefits. It will �- there are from 6 to 14 on the payroll (including the not be necessary for them to apply for enrolment asaum- ..�� or pay a premictm. employer) may be enrolled as a group, if the smanow- ��� employer applies for approval as a Mandatory THE ONLY BASIC HOSPITAL INSURANCE -On and after 11now ._ Group and all employees participate. January 1, 1959, the Ontario Hospital Services Commission `.._ -�� will be the only agency offering standard ward hospital 1101m,...-- -MMIIIII (b) Collector's Groups. Organizations such as pro- insurance in Ontario. No private insurance company or woom1- -�� fessional associations, medical co-operatives, craft prepayment plan will offer benefits covering standard ward som.•-- -�� unions, credit unions, retail federations, etc. may hospital services after December 31, 1958. •-■gin .. �-- "'r WHEN YOU ENROL v- -'� To have protection effective January 1, 1959 ■� And also qualify for the two months' free coverage: GROUPS must submit lists to the Commission by INDIVIDUALS applying for Pay -Direct enrolment -�� �rAugust 31, 1958, and begin payments in December, 1958. must make application by September 30, 1958, and pay -�� Notice to Employers: The Commission has mailed to one month's premium at the time application is made. ION- -most= Ontario firms with 6 or more employees, the required forms MONS.. +MIIIIIIII And instructions for registering their employees, �..-. Application forms will be available at public hospitals _ .ANY EMPLOYER WITH 6 OR MORE ON THE PAYROLL and banks (or at the post office if there is no bank in w-- ,.,■,� WHO HAS NOT RECEIVED THESE FORMS SHOULD' �- ,..�� IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE COMMISSION. your community) on and after Monday, July 28. N• PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS .-.. M �- .—OWN Group premiums will be payable monthly in one remittance LATE REGISTRATION MAY PROVE. COSTLY mom-- --.... to the Commission beginning in December,- 1958. Groups and individuals not registered by the closing mom- -��■ Individuals remitting to the Commission on a Pay -Direct basis -��+•: will pay as follows: dates, stated above under "When you Enrol„ will not only i-• fail to qualify for the two months' free coverage but will One month's premium at the time of application on or before September 30; 1958 -,and after that payable on a be required to wait three months following application quarterly premium basis beginning in Januay, 1959. before benefits become available. For example, a resi- dent or group applying in February will not have pro- mom— PREPAID 'CUSRION'-The first payment of one month's pre- �•-� _. m tectioq effective until Ma L mium by groups .and individuals registered prior to the closing y OWN - dates stated above, will cover a benefit period of three months ON” - -'-"m from January 1, to March 31,-1959. This will set ug a"prepaid" period to maintain benefits during times wlaon a person may be V O U M•tl 8 T `... laid oR, changing jobs, or temporarily out of the province. IBE REGISTERED TO N E N E F I T .....,.. ■n—, ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION ...Irr mom - HOSPITAL 1.NURANCE DIVIIO[i-TORONTO 7• 0'f1TJ1M10 =W_^- ��, T*IephOno: WAlnut 4.3301 .r mom-. i.