HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-12-27, Page 8, • ,S ti ros 1 )14Prr1r. The Council met at the Octuncil 'on, Morris, 18th December, 1889, resreuent to adjournment. Member tin present. 9.`be Reeve in the chair. Minute* of last meeting read and posed. - number of (mounts were erclered to be paid, The following persous were appointed to take the votes :0 the pacee hereafter teention- ed, should a poll be requit ed at the crmitig Municipal Election, namely SO -division No. 1, at the school house in S. S. No. 1, ines New* 'COW" R 0; Sub -division No. 2, at the school house in S S No 9, Alex McCall, D B 0; Sub divielon No 3, at the school house in 8 8 Na 5, Geo Hood, D R 0 ; Sub division No 4, in the Towu tlaU, nos IWUer, D R 0; Sub division No. 6, at the sobool louse heS 8 No 7, T 8 Brandon, D 1 0; Sub-divieion No, 6, at the school house in S 8 No 10, ,A.rthur D It 0. Bylaws Nos.7 and .8 were duly read and passed. The council then adjcu ped. \V, Clx,stut, Clerk. Brussels. Rev.W.T.Cluff has receivede tall to the pastorate of the Episcpoal (Much, Ssaforth. Turnbull & Baliantyne presented Knox Church ' with a new street lamp,—The village council have decided to erect a number of oat, oil lamps. The next monthly irse fair will be held on January 2nd, 18:0.—The Post says : Thomas Max well keeps an ordinary !ored cpw, and just to see what she was worth to hin be kept an accerate account of the milk and butter from March 8th to Nov. lith this year. He found the result to be as follows: 302 pounds of butter, $46.60 ; milk sold, $10. Total -85f40, in seven months. In addition tos there was the milk used by the family during this time, worth at least $6. Mr. Maxwell is pleased with the test and thinks it will keep the well breds moving to beat it. Lower Winghana. Mrs Wilson, of this place, leaves his week for Woodstock, where she intends remaining for the winter. - 11,1r Frank Carruthers, of Berlin, and Miss Lizzie Carruthers, of Torouto, are spending Christmas with their parents, in this pi:tees—Mrs Magnus Linklater fell and broke her arm this 'week. She is getting aloug as well as can be expected.—Mr 8 Lockridge, sr, the other day, had the misfortune' to fall off the headgates into the Lower Wingbam isoe. Mrs Lockridge being with him at the time, rancor assistande, and she and a couple of the neighbor women, succeeded in drawing the old man to shore with a rope. The old man is note the worse for the wetting he realised, but mourns the loss of a hottle aud its contents, which he lost in the water. St. Aueustine. On Thursday oveuing,the 19th inst, a larse number of the friends of Miss Rose. Deify, who, for the past two years hashad charge of the Separate .School at this placer met at the resi- dence of Mr. Geo. Brophy, to say good-bye to that lady. After a few lams very pleasantly spent, the com- pany dispersed to their homes sorry" to part with nn agreeable acquaint- ance, but all e pressing thole best wishes for her f e wellare, Au ion Sales. —Mr W T Wils n, of lot 12, concession C, Turnberry, u account of failing health, will sell is farm stock and im- plements with° reserve, on Saturday, December 28th, t 1 o'clock p m. The terms are 12 months' credit on all • sums oyer 85. Barton, auctioneer. Xtr aoins E uderson, of lot 37, 000 - cession 12, East, Vawanosn, having rented his farm, will d spose of his farm stock and implements by public auction on Sat- trday, December 23th. Sale at 1 o'clock m. Terms— 0 trintithe' credit on an sures over*. ohn Currie, auctioneer. 1101tii. TAXIOr —1n Wingharn, on the 23rd inst., the wife or „dr It It Vanstone, jeweler; a daughter, MARRIED Cma—Treittle—At the reeddence of the bride's father, on the 24thinetent, by the Rey Mr Law, Of nelgrat'e, Mr 3J Clegg, of Brandon, Manitoba, to Mies Belts, datigl-ter of Win Tucker, Esq., of liJorrie. Wirosolv—Ao*stPe-At the Methodist Church, Win. ham, an the SOth inat,„ by the Rev John Seat, 31 A, Mr .1 0 II Mum. totcher, of White Rook, Miehigan, U S., to Mist Emma, daughter Of Mrs Eliza Agnew, ,of this town, itifaisAtut— Eassttre—On Tuesday, Dee, 24th, at the residenee of the bride's father, by the Rev J 3loorehoute, Newton A lienagh, of Oshatea, to Susie .7, third deughter of Robert Bennedy, Zetland, WINGI/AM NCAltitETS. Wtsettalt,Dacetaher26, Corrected t P. Nista, )teaduou Basler. 2.5 2 usurper 1 lbs, 2 26 to Pell Wheat pet butbel, • 0 76 0 I 0 76 to 0 1(wO*, • 25 to le *Parley • 30 63 35 Pete, •• • 64 to Potistitte, *• 10 40 batter. tub 1260 do it Ylls, 12*0 PA's per tiro ea to Woo* v. vr *044, • 6 60 to 1.*ty pet tan, teeteert isays • $ 00 to • 07 40 CS to • (6 20 • t4 to A** Nossro. I & Glifford, let ee, couceseion 13,East Wawenosh, will sell their farm stook and implements, by public: auction, en Friday, December 27tb, at 1 o'clock p, al. Terms -11 moutha ou all :lams over elS. jolui Currie, euctioueer. rxcB TO CREDIT thsslittiva 01 Rttrort, Triogigtesemitstaliteart 8, of ThOlnai Pitaa 01 the 2'esst oat lifewenealt, fieut.iy of rr criven th the above named " • s tuade . = • ignment to um under the provisions of e fiev ed Statute of Ontario, - 18$7, Chapter 124, a 101 nding acts, of all hie et• tate and effectsoc8 ni r for the nenellt of his creditors. A meetin,l, of the c item of the said Thomas Plunkett% J. 'oiled and will 60 6011 at the _ le,e; (mice of J.4. 3 rto in the Town of %%Ingham, specters and the tying of Irectiess with reference to the disposal, the said es t on Tuesday the th da, of December, 1379, at 2 o'clook in the at noon, t the appointment of In. AU creditors of the amid T owes Plunkett are re. ad gamed to Ale Or claims (Jul proved VAI required by the said et) with my eon itor, J. A. Morton, Wingbam, cjt or before the et day of January, the said e ate, having regard on to the elehne FOR --- 1200, after which date I shall pr eed to distribute whioh I ha1L then have notice, n 17 will not be responn1u tor the assets of the sal estate or any PArt the of to any person or person whose claim 30 or dot shall not have been tiled. jOlin NRELANDS, A ignee, Wi ,*harn. 1 .7 A MORTON', Solicitor for Assignee, Date December 0, 1883. Winghani ,,i,466_18480_,00188_ memia MoTiss1+."DO O. u As soma of the Merchants have announced a Clearing Sale at Cost for Cash, and as C IS 11 And to DO BETTER for niy Cust4reers, 1 will give you . You WINGHAM TANNERY! BEST T$BANDS OP Harness. and Upper LEATHER ALWAYS ON HA.ND. Sole, Blantifacturers would do well to examine stock and compare prices, Princeton.—Bev Ladies' & Gents'.Driving Gloves, Bella are spa e In Dog, Coon their sister, M and Astrachan, made to AVY, Eatlore 30 DAYS COMMENCING MONDAY, DEC. 2, 1889, Instead of selling Goods at 10 or 15 per cent. off, 1 will give every person TWENTY PER CENT, OFF STRAIGHT FOR CASH, in every Department. The merits of our Bargains can only be • under, stood by a personal inspection of my stock and prices. gar CALL EARLY AS :EVERYTHING GOES AT QUICK CLEARING PRICES!. See our Dress Goods at 20 per cent. off, Mantlings, 20 per cent. of, Silks and Satins, 20 per cent off, • Sealettes, 20 per cent, off,• Flannels, 20 per cent, off, Cottons, 20 per cent. off, Tweeds and Overcoatings, 20 per cent. off, Suits and Overcoats, 20 per cent, off, Carpets and Laoe Curtains, 20 per cent. off', Ribbons and Laces, 20 per cent. off, Furs, 20 per cent. off, Gents' Furnishings 20 per cent. off Boots and Shoes, 20 per cent. off, Don't miss seeing Goods, as the shop is full of the most Fashionable Goods, and overytbihg marked in plain figures. So you will save money by calling, and get $2 back for every $10. • Yours truly,• M. E. McINDOO. etland. Mr and Mrs eeorg Thomson are , spending Christ •' s with friends order. Also • Strong Workingmen's Gloves, cKibbin arta Miss ie, Chisttnas, with s Fred homson. House and Lot l'or Sale. The subscriber offers for sale his House and Lot on In Deer, Goat, Calf and Sheepskin. the corner of Patrick and Catharine streets., Wing* • ham—the finest location in town. The house is a Highest price paid for Furs, 13 ia ces, large new eottage,containingaix rooms ; good cellar, one.fifth of an sore each. Will be sold on easy terms, Sheepskins and Wool. wen, etc. Also two good building lots containing W. J. CHARM. i For full particulars apply toittbourirtusi...0uNG. AN IMMENSE ST CK OF — • • of all qualities ankOyles. Positively the largest stock in the county e Huron to select from, with all the newest trimmings to match C- r_RA GO , Gm ULSTERINGS AND MANTLINGS i4roin 50 cents per yard upwards. GooDs. CHEAPER THAN EVER 1 —AT THE— Where all the Novelties of the season are to be seen, and nobody goes away, because we have the best stock and everybody are pleased • with our g,o6ds ancl buy. AT 023 ,1 0 31121 7 tare! 13ooks, Booklets, Stationery, Cards, Fancy Goods, Toys, Dolls, Notions, Toilet Goods, Games, Fancy Cups and Saucers, Plush Goods, .Etc., Etc. Annuals and Diaries for 1890. Appropriate .Presents for Ladies, Gentlemen sum you desire to spend. .M" A call solicited before bueing. P01 t7LAR BOOKSTORE. Giving •up SUM PLUSECES AND SEALMTES ''of the hest qualities, which we cut free of charge. E'very lady should see them. You would certainly say we have the best range in town, Flannels, Yarns, Blankets, Shawls, Wool. Squares, Fascinators, Hose, Gloves, Skirts, Full loths, • of all kinds. Tweeds, Paritiogs. , Worsteds, Overnatings, Etc., FIT GUARANTEED EVERY TINE, and Children, and at any Beady -made Clothing and Overcoats • F -0 -.Rs of all styles* in Caps, Sets, Fur Coate' for ladies mid gentle ass_ men, robes, &c, Groceries and Crockery and the only and most reliable stock of 0021S• stkiNT:t.) SEIOEiJS in the county, 1ECOME AND GIVE VS A Loot TFIROUGA. AniamormessiEs usiness- , HL b1. c+:Ezi Mgii-p) ALL wiii T. A. MILL$. flaying decided to give np the Jewelry Business by the first of the year, will Winghatn, Oct. 16th, 1889. • sell his entire tock of sxn-vizt, icV"..aaq#Z 4 • SPE aT.A.onms, OLOOES, FAisTGY GOODS AND JEWELRY, AT COST 1 AT COST All Watches sold by. me and . guaranteed will be kept in repair iny sae. erseor. As this is a tc.)NA FIDE CLEARING SALE, parties in- tending to bey XMAS GOODS will do well to tall and have • prices quoted, ..aaw r.T. SPECIAL ORDERS FOR XMAS PRESENTS, ordered by Catalogue, so: ran be. filled at from 24 to 48 hours. As 1 get ordered goods made by tt'e stIM lu‘,11,Pbt.- 1 Most reliable firman (38.7s8C10., entire satisfaction is guaranteed. No 181 * I, IS ; dewsits required by responsible parties, 5u I *pairing and Engraving promptly attended to, and Satisfaction Guaran os '*eed, or limeyitsfunded. Gall and see for yourselves that it it is only facts 6 2.$ trs that we advertise. Call early and get a good °bolos. e7 E. V. GlittiirtlItt, Viratolanutkor and Jeweler. • JUST ARRIVED t Sy SS. Europa, from 'Hamburg, Germany. 8 -OASES FANOY TABLE OHINA' EGG SETTS, SALAD SETTS, FRUIT BOWLS, VASES, BISCUIT JARS, WATER SETTS, ROSE JARS, CUPS Ss SAVOURS, NEW RAMS, NEW CURRANTS, • NEW PEELS, NEW NUTS, NEW FRUITS, CHOICE & RELIABLE GROCER t Call and Inspeet before Making Your XMAS PURCIIA THE CHINA HOSE, W* YA