HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-12-27, Page 7I', • . Itf • • e , • it • That WA* Want' fur flint, I 'Murata ; !usury sit, red headed man Otti R4Nact traitt going mit tet with a grip saek got feta to tli.anne wit? n tsIth1',P1' at tilP (inqr or the (gat hear the fat man say: room. I till not hear the first of it, but 1.1 PiTti / 111,1,11.3 "If it wasn't right herd Mott your t s This A SOUTHERN HERO: y)"I wish you'd try it.r. •ropiloti alter. try it soon enongitt going. lo lay for yon, cHfellow:" "Awl IT lay 'for you! Mind, now, what 1 tell -yout do- you up beforo nil", are many years oldert'' The train started and rushed along far fifty or sixty miles. and then sonn.thing gave way tei the englim and we came to r,top. It W8 11 o'clock at night, and the brakeman who ran back fejt a stitch and *eke his leg and lantern at the :no moment. Ten minutes later an accommodation train came booming, down upon us, Its engineer saw the , danger in time to slew up, but the loco- motive sttuck the last ear with force enough. ta NM; it off the mils and turn • it nereas tins track. One of the first pas- aMgers tel get out was the red headed man, mid one of the first men he saw wtta. the engineer whoa he had quer- 'Thal with. They looked at each other for a fpw seconds, and then the traveler pat hI thumb to his nose and snecriag- eNclaimeth - • "Oh, you will do ino up.willyou1 nail a nice little plan, didn't you, but it didn't work! I expected you'd he up to thra, and 1 had the first berth at the other omit gayt Don't you feel rather 1 1latr-11etroit Free Press. ['surmise Nobleman. • & certain prince ly 'family in Russia, ;: each moldier of which can style himself by. (he • family title, has propagated so rapidly in the coarse of 100 years that S there tri) :170.3 maim; of the family now living. All these are equals by right of birth, but only ln of them have anything, in the shav of high position. Of the re- . n1 Wo to have ti‘c ivgest und -nest asiorted stook a Watches Cloeks and jewellery in Wingham. Our Stork consta a A meriean 41:241 14111:41.10) Odd l'inted and Rolled !daw ted abieitery all deNcriptione, American and Swiss. Watelo,s, Canadian and American Cifild and Silver 1 Watch Cases, Spectacles ATI Opera a 1 tuces. • 2. Wo buy ab nur goods in hig. lots, ami pay spot oath for ex cry. usto ng we bey, tlierefssre our et may be sure that we are at no - disadvantage as compared With ot hers. it will pay you nail and inspoct our gzials heforn • httyintr: vise. whera. Wu will tittil ,you 2) p neat hwer th.tn any ether dealer in W Ingham. in order to inalca room for our iarge Xi nas stock, Ili)W irdered, WM Sell at ecs't fur 39 days. WATOU. 13,BP.:-Zglii'..G A SPECIALT ,For quality a material n!,1e1,1 and class wuricaninship o ae- iVO knots/ludn,, riori at. the pe,tirle's Jewellor4, IT Tar;:,Ill rtr WI 0 pp a rprril A r, WITT le.A.;77.1 I'M 70.?1.7117.T,T.1707.74, sisatertenta Jae sled Pldiantbroldts Services of 4sagest 01131. of Judge Milo Olin removed singular ,character from Ocoria. .A man who' lived the life of a recluse, so retiring and utiobtrutdve was his daily life that Ise was never heard of outside of the pale of his immediate neirlidiors except in time of epidemics. Ile had perhaps the most singular and striking individuality of anhi y man Oeorgia. Ile was over six felend b et tall. ski and with nge. It. white hair fell about Ids shoultSers and a tong, pointed beard reached. tantrly to his waist, Save where the use of snuff had staiaed his nistche his hair was white astatine, Within his crown of white hair was. a long, wan face with deep set eyes, a kind of benev- aent countenance. yet almost weird in its pallor. The plainest sort of clothes covered hia stooping. form, and he looked like slime old partisan of a former ag,e Mile Olin came to Augusta fifty years ago front New York. lie practiced law, was, some time ia the '40's, .clerk of the superior court, and subsequently elected a magistrate, which position he held for mye ans ars. and IT to the time of his death, Ile was a shritlarly re- served man, and if anybody' knows the story of Ins life that man is not known. Us lived to himself, 'Seemingly he had torn himself away from the FiCelleS y„,,,,„„4, lire. awl to no 'ON ARO UAL LiFc:. • limn, so far ela i,s known, dill he ever tell • (hush Tneotne for iS18 $ 393,07.4 00 ura ,Tew ss tin's written ist 2,51.8,30 90 Vocts. us at Dye.. 81.t, .. 5,113,8511 CO A san ran ce•ti in flortie, Jan. 1st, 18174 • 12,941,1)1 00 urn'os, L)t-e, 3st, i8ti 90,337 00 under, O1 4U'4 in various (-Tidos of the •.a4st armyt sarrare nterehants and shop keep- erS; :ire • merged Into the. lower ranks nnsi aro stablemen, waiters, labor - ere and servants: 19 are in jail for various ofiente-NiI Muter sentence of banging; 3 tiro police pts, and are in partner4iip ‘' Itt,Sper,4 a one of the not notorioua houses of pleasure in Moscow. To rent aro eerna,ka in various ways-, among them bt•ing several hatchet's, bakers and Cab driver I, and. ono who inscribes his sign with Ids fall princely titln and his bossiness. "corn doctor," tanderneath.A.11 • C17)7111'''Y AL A TTP"-' 71' at: his story. . had some friends, and he was ever A faithful and ardeut oue to those he loved; but as in each sueceedb& year death had narrowed the little 01.017, of his early asseaiates did not seek to widen it, but. withdraw more within him- self and grew more; and more like a hermit. !Jost people believed that some great. sorrow thing its blIghting influence over bis young, life and saddened his whole 3=±):;113,,rr12rIt (,)/ainx;, „1„,z,tm9,11, )3i7,4:-.1biltiOn, or procitl Gum.. witood career, What was it I nature no ono Gun...mu:ter Valtte.ii, mad. Libcir,...1 leolieyConditions. knows. It (11(1 not embitter, but softened • ALEX. DAWSON, - and hallowed his life. fie seemed to • • have taken the consecrating vows of G EX BILiTi, A nigwr", philanthropy and oharity, Ile went I,Vin clam Ont about doing pant A self appointed ',— ", ... Vte: r*".."'rr*rf: r''''''''''''''''•• " — --- . V ' ' -•.''..............,.•........ P hp3ician and nurse..no epidemic has oc- 91111 403 Lir! h.t..11,1 o•idr iiv vlitail Ha's a most completo assortmont of the ., 0110ICIP,Itr, antl parr: ..' ct.774' III FM? 1 V 07 It ,iri 0/ lis, _,.! tlq ,,...I•1i Jo.df.T. Milo Ohn did not at once set ont • dt;, idig„tmkpa i, rortbo scene of p::;i Hence and danger: " il.,.." mr.rm.1 curred in. fort,y. ye.ars in the south that fever, and as soon as he recovered went • 1 , 1111116,0" 1 P4114E i• CELERY COMPOIliin AQTS AT THE FAME TIME 90 THE NERVES, THE LIVER, THE BOWELS, ancitheKIDNEYS This combined action gives it won- derful power to Cure An diseases, Why Are Vire Sick? Ileessuse we allow the nerves to remain weakened mid irritated, and these great organs to becosne clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors are therefore forced into the blood diet Should lie expelled naturally. 34/nyEas f CELERY • t COMPOUND • • WILL e UR E BILIOTIONBSS,Tolgs, CONSTI2ATION, BIDNEY VON. PLAINTS, TININAZY ntszaszs, rEstsznwzaKNsss,ititEuin.- TISM, 1in11nAT,e7A, VIP ALL ..kisnv OTIS DISORDERS, BY quieting and strengthening the nerves, and causing free action of the liver,howels,and kidneys,and restor- ing their power to throw off disease. Why suffer Bilious Pains and A ahesT 'Why tormented with Piles, Clonstivntlent Whl frightened overIticardsredNidneyet Illy endure nervous or dolt headaches I Why have eleopteJe nights I Use Psnoes Comm Costratnin and rejoice in health. It is an entirely vegeta. bis remedy, harmless in all eases. Sado all Draw's& Price elion• Six for stc.00. WELLS, RICHARDSON &O0,,Proprletarst 7330ETE54L, P. Q. RENDALIS SPAVR4 CURE MoST ailA.HMINck ART/et:ES in • "aro PrinceGatitain. Tlave statistic,: y • Were reeelm ilrouttred at the itmtance of e 1 01,..k.S3 jewAry .cue, stir) is flort An:* some IIIVOTIS fer curtailinr th' lhnit of an aristocratic • title. -In Pavia - there are 07017' 8,001) ..x.Itildiatten of (1t4 ('Tee of prinee (the • 1n.,: -inn frr drew), count and harem in • n -it of parish r:Iltsf—in- sitrilw:1 eel et' the muidelpalitiess itS“pasuo.,.r.4."—.0,1m4t News. to Om ittgItt Car. Yr2.tor7ltr.- t: :'o a Cottage Grove triin v.-ash:I:led at Twenty- saaset by two ladies. The train ted, A man esti the grip 1i4 turned :and t•si csetve:zet with o fri:'nd on •inl him, The two were sleets- •-• ;'• ”t" I' 4 O•la OC the lasliel wins bailed t aai* 1.1:1 tae forward man en Alm arta a a s;•;;.::1-1 if be would kindly sit with hit and allow them to 0...c.tra:y1iell;-;1.; seat, re contl natio ,t,twrwi bat he grenub- !!d tha while rw,att women invading the .,;.,,,making oar wnon there was pleuty raorn for them ia the car behind. The _lady who hall aolMil tho favor overheard • the.guttural resnarks, bat she said noth- Pretziy TO011the turned on the, Man • :who lead the quiet objectioins. There was a el:•;:irette between her lips. • ,'&11311 yon kindly give me a light?" she itslnds as she reached out her, little hand • or his cigar. Tie tniGed at her in anntric- • f&ielta• lint he handed over his torch, The • 1.1.mly took a light and passed the cigar with thanks, Then she gave her friend a light. The rude objector wilted. neegen;?;ain clains that the amok - sirs' mate tire r'1to the men. Tho lady in q. -lotion knocked him out.--4.1hicage • • -.--rtarrnia' hr.- A Journal for Adver- tisers.—print..154' ink is:1ot what, it pur- ports to be tta Journal for e4 VertiSera." It 15 ittmled Ott the, f.1•4 and fifteenth days of each Month, etsvi i the representative 30tuntal—the trade journal, so to speak-- ." .,A.Incricsin Advertisers. It tells the in. tending es.nd • inexperienced advertiser in consprehmetive articles bow, when •• and Wheeirtil advert -b0 ; how to write an ad. vertiscinent f how to display one; What newsrapers or otlier walla, to uses; how 11)33(43 to en essa,• --in iarit, ditsvoemen (111 every point that tseanits of • prolitstble. ' mission. 1 yea es,tIvrrAiset at 01, "Printers' erm• heir yen. rerhapli you 0:.;3eta1 bat Testilollars, 0 year in advertising ; if • PO "Printers' link" may ;Atm you how to • obtain double the setviea you are now teat. ing ter the money. A year's Falb- -'scription coot but One Dolby a sample cam... cow but Vivo fleitti. Adverfiiiiag in* an fl,rt, praetioes1 by many but under- stood by ftrtv. Th() eamluntors of "Print - Ors' Talc" Understand it thotoettlilv. Sum- se,:rs.n.tc:css ; rps "t§rp § 04 i44t) - 4,44 1.4•:A • • and Silver Goos . • • TP11•":',i' e7:.-•••'7.* elosm TTExTrox UL' To Et 113,.1.0 • AN ALT • •W Am.* tro. • 00 Pitilrit'r TO O'4114:E1•3"iii 1A.LOCN. FOR VOI1TZ .7ETNE,T41.21,1:ts:„. Itrromtk:19,0, .1nY,TS 4, rrir-ffi) F • .* • V,/ • & ‘'; t.11 )4J .b t ksilitnntW. t 161tb, 4,.;41 Owing.. to the lath BoOln 1 have made r(mta for and ha:: on liana —77A Large Stock .‘ P. 7,„c.i.? 17' 74' ivai 4'7•;11.c...1.4 r--? roe tc,isv' 47.1- (7,71-K: s4vs'l 4 cr.,J, 4 YA. erIcli ifset,..'7,1 Paring the yellow fever epidemic in Augusta a generation ago he had the to nursdn,rothers in Savannah, Norfolk, Wilmington, Fernandina, New Orleans and Jacksonville. Wherever the dread disease was at work Judgo 9, tin was to be found. He knew; no fear. No r!1:X1 wan ton InatilSellle, no disease too dangerous ts) stoP hint in his -work of humanity and charity. Ile was no pro- fessional nurse, charging* high wages anti getting rich 0:1 the midortunes of lila fellow men. Re ref/meet all pay and • presents fe•ent- those 110 nursed back to life mai strength. and r,ported to the re- lief committee for eltly tvithOut wages of any hind. lie was tender, tireless and SVIan Lt' ronr...114 a patient's side he needed an phien to tell Ishii what to vile had more ft h is his long expo, rien`?•e thal he had in tire mediae1 train- ! lag of !nevi, r„'s.v,.!...isi and there was always 3 C! he 'NC 0:11V (Pane refus• e • 111,141.= 'rt:t;,'":1 tpt7tT:s2:::111).11.1sat 1.111•°onisvt'ttill:1 0 lanthropie. lle had hundreds a let- , ters of 1.11:1:411A trad SCOrt!S of complimentary resuliniens., badges and testimonial.; irons eltLvs, coci.slics and other orgar.;7atioa5, IsutIsluover parathal them'and no one could elicit from him ' anylIth3g of his s-olf tilwri.leing work for publicatialt. When lie et t t,A7ctl a s t ricken t city the rres3Palraett malting fr;.•ra him t•f his bortsies part and on his return Imam ntsillinf.; el' the privatinase he had endured, • the service he had rotelerod, end the thanks that had baen shot upon him. —Atlanta. Cor, St. Loa. (110e-Thar..o- . erat. In addition to My etlittlt DTPiiloRe. 40!-%-t 0,inpetition i gpl,litr, Sizes and ant determined to still ler OASH, AT IVAN BOTTOt PRJOCS •;16*".1tRpniri.w.; as usual, and Content Patching a itIpeeiedt;;„ • 1 solitsi a sitars, of the. patronage, Don't Forget the Place Opposite the Con Hotel Rips sowed ft eo in idi boots littroilat4oti from sue., Butter and eggs taken as cull in excitangetior goods. 7,:p•t.Tpty-fn?...1-11.? t7,1 ('NT _ r'•••• . • eNu A IN Si'S r IF) '11*. HANDL Fir Thu Mgt Successful Remedy ever disco* oral, as it is certain in its effects and does not blister. Read proof below. IFEID&EL'S SitlEiVill CURE. CM= op OrAux..E8 A. Strreta. a TUOTTIXO 13s.m) ECoustErt IIMEEDM 01' Ematwoon, Tut., Nov.20,1858. • tha. B. 3 IMIMALY. CO. l'IpAr ;gra I have always _purchased Iiirut Iron! dews Sparin Cure by the hate dozen bottles, cyanid Imo prices in larger quantity. I think It g • ene of 51,0 5,16 linitnenta on earth. have tmeti It ea my etablas tor three years. Yours truly. - Cate. A.. St•tiama. tc.4 •• .1ETE GIME B-Noeurzy, November 3, ISM • thrt. It. J. Itutmint. Deur Ors: I desire to gIve yott testimonial of• gestl pinion of your lrendall•sSeavira Cure. I laa . liFid it for Litureueugo Stiff .3512160 • nasi • f*rwaving, and I have found it a mire cur.-41mm. ally raxemmend 11 30 WI horef,mert. lours A. N. Gam:7m • rISITOLIU2S VATIVON .(01cpumt, ouzo, Dcn 30 1 3). 3. l31tt116tL ,,, Gent,: feel 7 tle7::• yoor :eansP4ine1., 1:h:the.t:haSlk '. ti 5I4a 1t:n1Stlra1iE1gll;x bttve never lost ao ygeoolantrialcyn,lda• iwzrmirorTsurte.rocetim EZEOBBIES g1)8WEiti CURE. !Vice GI par bottle. or GIIK bat130 tor 05. AliDrox- 7,1,81847tiTgnegglitt° ortigratIrtri'a prop, -lc - tor. tor& 3)11. 31. J.ItraiDALI. Co., ,flostsrirgh'rall - soLD Er ALL, DRUGGISTS. Imager Troy Laundry litablett. nr A 1. e •'• tt4iiilL61 t4° C 6.1 ' '2E74.111 ‘..‘‘ qZI 1.40ri in fm.Ove,... t. • to, vri I. tea ca m • 1..ft cualr l•rt if: AMC Having purchased IT. J liseock's gr:)co-y and uovh.) heavy • put.- eita90e0 Itt• - • • CV2—.1aS.;.1.1 and.272,0--VIFSIDINfrE, rre.:,a,64„ LiAncltsT us' ••••••;.:2‘711.1....11,;121,.7:::•.,...''', tocava.g z. h. I fiqi.t. urilt,ysigroNi ev-virr, hs ill t‘wsrl 1.0 111 era :ma the talovi....'ae.iwk-oity that thili 'kat C tr. gam 0.a ea .4 ,441' .1*Ar.h V.,10 ka:f rdzt fir.11,1vt-to1ii1 A:; D ••••,'? 73:f • "144 ren p: '4) • '7.-1' ''. 9 i,;;•.,..:).::12:.,:„.... ...,......4„...-...,...........„,44 • When f ray crur, I NI, net 3.0...ia arterel". tee ao. stol.o.,..01.1.a va ) tor ..h: 1.1:1 thot It.t‘. . thani 4 retarn .,N,in. 37:1A N A. '2: .3.1.n.t..1.T., CUlat. ..• I have iii,..ae tho disraele et VITO, .73 :PI 7.3 74211?5*S: or 1.7.41.rs..7.E.s.o 0 icaNigss , 1 Ille long otosiy. i 5t (15.0 my rmely te 1 T tat; the vier:Act-Neg. Itt•cat alriti law; laLtIod •,1 lair reason for het itew rk•e,••atta:*: a mit& •itit4141 .4 owe. for 0 tro:d 11101 a. 1 Lie my , ;3.0 maa ta.14 usailaN. vett rost It costs :ion net ttk.,,. tor a tr..7-1, aaft it il care Jient.INg ,Rotyx./c4.3,,, Braticli10.;.1100,, 3.t.1•Z‘Vest Adelaitio It:cu.:AL; Trironto. YZT.::;""*,,,,301111004 .4 • ir e. • I . • Ctenfaat71,0:zer-j). eilazavir, es 44e., bas IT 1'3, :El (71. 13 ATIRIVINfi DA31,Y, Otrora-----, pp.i,nl1.i:.st,aoi..;oiti‘a.i•:e,t.p1rft,i...aqt.r.,t. .,r....i..-„6,.;‘12:. DL.:i...'l' I0- .'. su.4 ! %. ..,•i . ,• re .cist,i ilitotr n itwp oi IfiiTi nl b11,11) 111(1; rA-:;•fti: i;4i..t.a ,,ls .. iv. 1 11111iie51. 121.0111,41i LA-! ., Aral an,. oow proov(l t,., 1,,:41_13f.,11. i)161,.. In tsar :•:, s,:eist 'sift; .1.61 st.s. 11;s: ;:i4iVS by tc:e. ?, utainulk :.: .itutiititici; alliti :at the and f'01., - SOLID nA1N2A417.i13 r023. Vat BasiatitNcis :zr.tr;,- 117.1Z1E. lailfptat 3Lpilet. Petit* , y, their ariviee, bawl on an eNverteace of come and sot. !try gouts Mitt L1( 511311 pviece more than twenty-five years, will help you. Address. Oos; 1' Howell Szco'llNows- 071"MCri STOC`X. G''Altt-11.41; & IT01119iirtOLD VLA1;4"61.5 Wallet, 'New 'York. . 0 J. READING per, Aa,,,tim4,1 I.13.30130, tipruee is 40110, 3'iki1,041`7113,%int3ole 5030 "AT t'Vlasa% They will 803)J113 utzstotnerq with the 137.1'0' tine. 'Nu wig liberal holt,' 0,..:6,...t,t01 1311A:ow itt Oat Meal* Ca alto 50 tit I it.• Pt'VEtiTISF*3 E;1;1NNG ELDErt & CLEGG) LJi11“, 0113