The Wingham Times, 1889-12-27, Page 1• ,115 1.14 _11 XV1.11.---NO T..o0AL NEvir$, D M Gor ou has moved iuto the reeidehee lately y oated by Mr Walter Scott. Jimmy KoKelvie, of the Star restaurant, takes the lead iu all his lines. 0/1 -:-Messrs, Gila!" at, Green & Co. shipped three carloads Qf ruiture 9U Ueudtty lest rper G R. Cratere done up in any style at R • 'next door to Mesou'e bookstore. —The public 80 °di olosed on Friday %est, It will be r opened 014 Ttleaky, 3auttery 7th. —The Meanie rvey Dramatic Come. Ipany played te t rly good houses, ou Thursday,loridey a%1 saLtrat4y nights of last week. Belle, aotory Baud played for the company es.ii night. just arrived, 20 boXes thee oranges for Xrues trade, from 15 to 40 (elute per dozeu, .at R Hiles. „ • —The Stratford fileraM appeared last , 'rad look's well. The rave male the Herald- adubbi papera iu the erviug of the liberal upon them. Week ja a new- dres present proprietor one of the moat r 'county, and are d line nage b4stowe —Misfire. Head • ohoppiug mill, on the Exchange h ,are giving the fu.x thaupthe s graiu for ohop It WINGII.A.M; ONT., FRIDAY; DECEIV113ER '27, 1889. fed-IIVIr and Mrs 0 Sperling atteuded 1 the funeral of Ur Sparliuget 'nether, et Lakelet, on Sunda lad. Freak minas meet, for Obrietreas, at B Hil ' . --Jack Frost uck having put in an ap- pearance, roller ating is still indulged tn. The rink wa largely patronized en Christunte. Nice mixed candies from 14 to 2:1 cents per pound, at R 4111.8. —Mrs (Bet) Joh Scott, who has been 'eery low with infla atiou of the luugs,is, we are pleased to 1 ree able to be About the house again. —Iu the absence' Bev Mr McQuarrie, the Rev John MoaIb, of Leekuow, co: - ducted the service ie the Presbyterian oliuroh, on Sunday 14t. —The Bishop ufI Huron's Christmas pastoral letter appoalp to the oougregatio on behalf of the off° ory for the recto and incumbents 0 t &Qom. If von ivant entune good teethes' wringer go and pee those kept by berme A. Oline & Co. Something new, very —We unfferstand Lit Messrs W Ing lie and Wm Robe on have leased the Woolen mill from fr Armstrong, and go 6 Ritchie have their tona put it in operab' n in a short time Josephine street, near el, iu full operation, and era their ohop home tee day as they briag the g. —For a nioe 'Christmas 'Present, go to the Wingham Furniture Factory Where you can get Parlor and Bedroom Suites, Centre and Licteusion Tables, Sideboards, Vainly Chairs, etc., etc., which cau be' • bought at very low pries. Tues. Beet. —The Januar t. Louis Magazine is a holiday number of unusual interest. There are illustr ed New Year poems, papere and stori s by Ella Wheeler.' 'Wilcox, heinnie •allard, Firmin Eillie °warm and many others, Editor A N De Me 'l has his•custofnery bright, metonym' ti nal Literary Chats • and Light Mood departateuts. Pri ouly 15 cente.' Sp, iinve copy 6 ezents. • —Everybody c t on Saburda,y, 22nd hist., and everyde up to January ast, it ,you want a bergait . Why -go -to &adieu rt) sales and buy old secoad-hand furniture Viten you scats get new as cheap at S. Gracey's Furnita e Store. Be sure and cad; I are bound sell. -4-The ekrnina, Ion of (media:etas for tho Municipal C ma of Wiugham, for . 'the year 1800, and Iso of Public School !% • 'trustees' will take lace et the towii hall, ° ▪ on Monday evening next, at 7.30 °Woolf. • No doubt threeme hers of the present 'Ammon' will give an account o their stewardship, and eseekieg eleotion for 1809 'will. be exp °bed to enlighten the ratepayers es to th comae they intend to :puesne,ii iiutru.ste with their confidence. There eltheld be a 'arge attendance of rate- .: •payere at the meal tug. —Havinglezught Mx Calbiok's whole bud- !. • • .-Sees, the stook ocrurisiture, consisting 'of IAA Parlor and 13edroc-as Suits, Extension and 'Centre Tables, Se rotary Desks, Bureaus, MAtrosses, Spriwg Beds, Pictures, Oil • Paintings, etc. I of or the whole lot for sale from new- till ;emery 1st at prices that will pay to come tce miles for. I want to ' . Rea off the whole tbook before January if • possible. Bo euro1 mid don't miss this offer. Call at S ' —At the last tioago, No 180, evening last, the ' elected for the • Workman, E T Smyth; Overbear, oice pease ni al for brose at A Ca 's. Call and try it. .e-SeVeral partie •in town have lately re- cei'ved letters from r Geo McKay, who is now living in Winn' eg, He says he is doiug well and 'likes he country. He its engaged in the mettle ylug busluess. M McQuarria, Racer 8 Hutton, Correepon Wightman, Treasure meet every Friday e in the lecture room o '-Mr john Cle,gee, o random Manitoba, nephew of ar Wm Ole g, of this town, are rived iu Wingliant on Tuesday, He re - pieta line weather in Manitoba, With no snow at the time he left. For the past four months they ha no rain either, —ton are invited to call et W T 'retest and inspect the A e est display of table china and gle,ss ever shatenin Wingham.. Prices RAM 010).1. • •, --A. yormg People' Christian Endeavor Society, in oonnoebi4 with the Presby- ganized last week torian Chareh. was With the following o PresidentsW J Kerr, "Kitty KW' pteaeo Truss dace? —911 Today,Infr GealloKe boquet of peiniies in his garden. —Santa Claus and the dancing darkey in Ur jas McKelvie's restauma attracted a great deal of atteut the past week, employeee of Mr Tho 11 at th e —15iVision Oda Thursday, Judge zit plotted were only about a buefuess was soon g darkey, -44A. social in the Window, ba Thursday Week, 64 during There was a good thestate of the w Boll pre e W X Sleefet wast Dented that geutleman with at address— in which they expressed the mod feeling they ze utertaieed towards him ---and a meg. nificent silver tilting water pitcher, on 1 Wednesday 'evening last. Et, Ben re-' plied in appropriate tern's - was held its town on yle presiding, There dozen mem, and the shed through, ougregational Church, o a'ne off pleasantly. tenchtuca, coneidering ether and roads. Rev the ohair, and Rev Mr Priest opened with 'rayer: Miss Billings. ley presided at the organ. The choir did Cock part effeeti Iy. rfr W Robertson and Miss Thyne ng a duet, an Bob.= ertson also a solo ur Cline and family also sang with t ir usual ability. Good, recitations werec, yen by err Graoey, miss Lillie Agnew, err G Wilson and miss Bell - Smith. miss Be -Smith, we understand, is a professional elooutionist, and does her part remarkably ell. bb Thursday n on, the Methodist Church was crowded by townsp epic to witness the marriage of Emma Agnew, d ughter of Mrs, Eliza Agnew, of this town, to Ur $ Wilson, teacher, of White Rock, Michigan., Ths ceremony was performed. ly the Rey John Scott, A, pastor of the church. The bride was melded b Miss Anna Agnew, her sister, Miss moon, s for of the groom, and Mis Annie Westman, whi the groom was atzppotted by Rey A.MoKibbon, of Cobourg; Mr John Mandzeas of Winthrop and Mr tanton Agnew, brother of the bride. Alter the in resting ceremony had been . • —For a nice Christmas Present, go to Wiugham Furniture Factory •lebere you can get Parlor and Bedroom Suitt*, Centre aud Extensiou Tables, Sideboards., Fancy °hake, etc., eto., which can be _ reit at very low prices. 'Num Berm, ineetkg of the Curling kith was held t the Tinsley HMO 'rec 4ntly, when skips were appointed as foil .ws 13 Kent, 3'J Auderson, John Bind* and George McKenzie. The Club decides to take part 'in the • nspiel to be held et Stratford, commencing the 20th Januar e --The quarterly review read entertain- ment under the auspices of elk Methodist Church Sabbath School, on 1unday after- noon next, premises to be aei enjoyable one. The programme will ,ensist of Wag- ing by the children, musio by the choir - and orchestra, recitations, ea a short ad- dress by Ildr j A. Fleck, bestees the review • of the quarters' lessons, wit blackbeerd illustrations. • —A grand Chtistrnae ente ainment will be given by the Sabbath chool in the Baptist Church, this • (Fri ay) evening. The programme will consist o choral selee- /tions, Christmas recitations aid dialoguee, and an address by the Rev $thn Gray, of nt will corn r collection rdial invita- tion extended to all. • • —The Traders 'Tea Coral)°, y,of Toronto were arraigned before the olioa Meek. • gone through with, t o guest) returned to Mrs • Agnew's, where -full j stiCe bad boon one to the bridal dinner. The pr soots were both numerous and oostly. The happy ouple left on the 3.40 train for tho home of the gro m, White Bock, Michigan. . A large number were a the train to see them off. The T4M00 eitends its c. gratulations. Kinoardine. The eriterteinm thence at 7.30 o'clock. A. 011N will be taken at the door. A o Po sonata. Mr I G Holmes barrister, of Toronto, sou of Mr Thos Holmes, epent his. Christmas under thparental roof—Misses • Fiorillo. and Louise arling, daughters of Mr F G Sperling, are ono from Whitley Ladies' College, for hair holidays—Mrs D j McCue*, left for Cincinnati, Ohio, on Monday, to, join her husband, who has been there for eor time Frank Bradwin, son ot M -os Bradwin, of this. town, is home from orouto for his hall. day.S Armstrong, of Toronto, owner of the woolen mill, sin town on busi- era: Wm Armour, trate of that city for carryin , on a. lottery. Ness one day last wi ce PresidentMise Their mode of doiegbusines was to sell of Listowel, who has ; ing Secretary; Mist+ can of tea for 61, then the purchaser on wel gas works, spent ing secretary; Wm returning the can and payice, 50oents wa The Society will entitled to another can of r. IF. In eaoh ning at 7.4o'clook, ben °item there was some ar role of jewelry. 5 the church • The company was convicted -of' conductiug s lottery, aud on appeal, t ee decision of the police magistrate was s istained, and the compauy closed up its 'business in the atty. - —For 0., nice Christmas Present, go to the Wirighem Furniture Faotory where yen oan get Parlor and Bedroom Suites, Centre and Extension Tables, Sideboards, Fanoy Cheers, eto., etc., which can bo bought at very low prices. Term. Bete. --The heavy rain of Tuesday evening paused the rivers o rise rapidly. en Wednesday morning hel water was run- ning over the road a Messrs. Hutton & •Oarr's mill, end had i Cot been for timely action, no doubt the d would have boen serried away. Wedus was received to the e Fordwich bad been particulars have bee goingto press, --obristroae was gene townspeople as a hot very ne, blit the to 111,11(18y, state, but li Gauzy's. Furniture dulged in. The Town ' bands serenaded the °ding of Wingbam the whole day, and t JJ NV, held on Friday 1 .been replenished by Bowing officers were ;Oeived. Both of thee ening terra: ISInSiSr- Ottlaib to the town, a lyn; Foreman, Will support of the oitize leo Moffat; Fineucier' .4 -At a meeting 3' W Walker; Rao& er, T Bell; Reeerder, others connected wi I) M Gordon; c:111 de, G Pethiek; Inside church, held on T Watchman, 11 It rt„Ontside Watchman. Annie Eavidson,wha Thos Ilenderson. This Lodge is in a veil of organist of the Se flourishing condi ou, adding new members time, was presente nearly every me The Cans.dis been !soiled. Ne the work mor a refereuoe, ha is a Bit of r4 members of the Mottoes ate dl polities; the sal mows ar d giv institutions an lithograph of the Toronto, is ala The price of t and may be pr • 15 (lents, and in Coll), Clark Apples by., IleKelvie'ssee ting uight. by the teachers of Almeemo foe 1890 has Mr D M Gordon, features %bat Will make words, expressed valuAlk .as a book ,Sabbath school w e been added. There for her services ioorea physioians; tke Mutton made th aminiotr and Ontario be able to devote 'add sweating to their the school, Miss ie4 of the Government position as organ t, a short time ago. - ity afternoon wcrrt sot that the dam at led away, but no received at time of ally obeervedby our ay. The day was ds being•in a very tle driving was in - and Bell's Factory twonspeople during ir exchequers liavo he contributions re- organizations are a are entitled to the f the teachers and the Presbyterian sday evening, Miss issfilled e position bath Sehoolifor some with a purse of Money he school and othets,r n a few Vell.ohosan e, deep obligation the uncler:to Miss Davidson the past, and Miss S resentation. In order to bre time 'hiller doss in Daidsoa d hor ; fon lilts of ealloatienta 00011001tAtette 11.0.01401004 For bale, Miscellaneous 6001011166; a The undersigned effete hie cottimodione yew parHatnentbuildings, residence, situated on the corner of Pat - given with etteh cot31. tisk and Vranois streets, for sate on reasonable tetine, The bowie 'is one of s work has not increased cured in. paper doyere for lotiated. Every conven ono , loth canvas for 26 cents, lend. good stable, etc. Parties. wishing to o., publishers, Toronto. look through the house eau do so by ea e }*rel, bushel or rook, at WALTIOn 00T6,. —The Harrieton Tribune, 'at its' report of the Cricketers' concert, heli in that town lately:, speaks thus of Miss 4ello Ma/lardy of this towns The arduon. positien of ac- companist was very 'well Ailed by Miss Meleardy; of Winghara, 3he has a meg- nifieent touchearni is '1.111114y acicomplieh7 ea Musician, as she playeevith the great. estfatility and precision the various ao. - oompanirnents that were laced before her, She gave aninetruinoat4 solo, also, which Was highly appreciated y the audience, who insisted on her ee /ntrance at thrill piano. She has, in or opinion, fulIy justified the flattering n titles that we have seen in the Press of Iter ability as a pianist. —On Monday eveninL, a good.eised an. dienoe gathered in th basement of the Baptist Church to Hite.* to an address by Rev. A .1' Lobes% a Fr: rich missionary la. boring smong the Fre sob. Roman Cattle - lids of Quebec, upon tl- 6 work of The Grande sign Mission. Mr. le beta is himself a convert. from Roman Catholicism and a child of the mission, le spoke in feeling terms of the noble, se -sacrificing work of Madame Feller, the fjunder of the mis- sion, and of the 800004 that has attended the work begun in such in humble manner. Last year, whilst the u meet accommodzie tion f the h 1 hi 040 With the mission islet 105 pupils applications were received from 200 for ad ission, many of whom are Roman,Cath his. He closed a deeply interesting ad& s by impressing by illoettations drawn f ern his 'own life and observation that. the Frani% Roman Catholics have not the iapet, that they need the gospel, and mit 4ligatlou to pro. vide there With it. The rk a this Goa - honored mission will have 6W interest ta those who bad the pleasur Of listening to die best 111Winghealiatla is most desirably the address ing, For full patbionlars, apply to Central PriSon, Toronto, Ont. 1 .1. . • _ _ • WROLE NO. 9&; $ot. rani,.S, Eztertatument. The enteitainn t uuder the auspices of St. Paul's Sun y °hoot, held ir the towu hall on Monde, •evening, was very successful. Tho ha was crowded to the doors, many bol compelled to 'stand during the who entertainment. T.Ite platform was ole- aptly decorated, and the chimney down w 'oh old oicries Krinkle" was to come, was a plendid piece ot work, and was much admir d by those present. Christmas trees, bag of candies and puts, eto„ were strung round j13 profusion, Rev J Moorho e, the Superintendent of the school, op pied the cheer. After a few remarks •the chairrhem it Couple of Christmas arols were magnifieently rendered by ib' Stunlay School scholars. The Rev Mr oorhouse engaged in prayer, after w 'oh, the main feat- ure of the entertai mont, the cantata, en. titled, "Catohing rise Krinkle, was inter- Byery o e engaged in the cineeta seemed to thor ughly understand their part ethieh ten 1 ed greatly to maim ha rendering the ocess that it was, 'Ike °heroes by the ildren were much Ap- preciated, and re (acted (malt on them- selves, as well a their teacher, Mies Houghton., Ab the onclusion of the can. tata, a. couple of awls were sung, and then the distribu on 0 prizes were pro. ceeded with, and were awarded as follows: Sermon Prize Bonier Division. — tot, Mary Cornyn; end, Jane Netterfield. Junior Division. -1- , Frederick Diernond; 2nd, Mande Plenty. Catechism Prize 1st grade—perfect-- Kate Groves, Vary Sealer, Martha Sadler, Isabella* johnst 2nd grade—slight error—Alice Be ebb, Mertba Sadler, Eliza Perdue, Floe Fl Prizes for punotua regular attend. anco and good .00ndu , during the past year. were award° y classes, as. •follows: Gums...Miss Mur eeteaolier—Miuiazizzie Fleuty, Miss- Ali Cesemore an Miss Violet Fields, Ma Dianeoud, teacher — Bertie Kent, Hattie &terns and Lucinda Roderus. Miss Sh v, teecher Bliza Srnall, Maude Devils and Iviaude rieuty. —111r Thos Male, Miss Oornyn, Mao er—Ettie Johnston, arge of the 'duo- Edith Clarke arid 3e to Bell. Ms Gar' -`t nday and pert of braith, teacher—josie Leary, Myria Net- . Monday in town. He sye Wingham could terlield and Lizzie Dr w. Miss Reynolds, be easily and cheaply ighbod with'gas.. teacher—Tome Netterd Id. Mary Comm Mr Thos Gregory retu •ned from 6 business and AunieKerr. Miss etterson teacher— trip to Toronto on M day niglee., The Martie Sadler, Labe te. Johestore and • Dien 'Want A number of tutu wanted to out and draw cord wood and saw logs by contract. Apply. toGso Taminote 20,1eud mills, Box 125, Wiughem, t. Rev John Scott °Men the Rev Mr Waddell, o One town, on Mon gentleman was strick ly with paralysis.. stone, of Clinton, pas Monday, on his way lectured that evenin Southampton, is with her sisters, Mr ed MoD Flom' aro visiting a Fleminn's father. ed the funeral of Nellie Bell. Mr Sills, t at:her—Ida Kerr, Mount Foreet, at Mabel Kent and Avis eore, ay. The ieverend toes -- Mrs Mo house, feach4— down very sudden- Tommy Fields, Pete Johustou and. John he Rev Jas Living- Stiles, Mr Groves, eaoher —Harry Bell, d through town on George Sills and Wil 'e Alleu. Mrs Bell, o Tara, where he teacher — Robbie ettlepieee, Adam tonthron, of Cornyn and Herrve A i arson. hike Petty - ending short time piece, teacher—Willi ray, Elmer Moore e Aliases Bouthron.. aud Robbie Willson. Mies Broekenshirr, g and wife, of Listowel, teaoher—George Sti es, John Hession ar d Mr J Leslie's, Mrs Willie Moore. lir °colleen, teacher— Mr and Mrs D H Chas Johnston, Fred 1 lamond andeeVtaftkt. on, teaohertWigttit.t tt and. WilHeAdlitteelee, Mr Fred W Hug es, the Seet • the Sabbath Sehool, rea&. his a port, which shows that tliere;‘, soholars on the r.1, with an attendance of 113 uring the year. el' -' receipt for the year ere 678, and expeae diture1/13, leaving balance of 130' in the treasury. , The officers and to- oilers of the school have labored earnest • and faithredly dur- ing the past year, an no doubt Will feel amply rewarded w th the 21100088 that has attended their e cats. Dorman, of Mitchell parents of Mrs Van. Foster. Miss Hong stone, are guests et r R R Vanstone's.. Beemer, Willie Lyd Mr Jas McAlpine, ho has been employed for some time wit the Hault Manufactur- ing Company, in Ingersoll, is home to spend the holidsoya—Mr Simon Mitchell and, wife, of Arteur, are visiting at Mrs Mitchell's talk .ez, Mr John Allenby, Edward street.. aster Charles Biedwin, of Harristoe, is hjme for it few clam .11r Will MoQuarrie, student, is home from Toronto, for his oltdays..Mr Fin Ander- eon, who is nowfa student at 0. Military School, Toronto is spending a few days in town. Fin. tookk well in his regimentals.. Mr and hire 1) B Calbick are spendingthe holidays with fri .ids in and around 010- ton..Mt Duncan Clarke, teacher, who has taught in Culrosze near Teeswater, for the post two years, ft to.day for Winnipeg, where his mothe and sisters reside —We beg to drkw our readers' attention to the great stride which Poultry Culture has taken in Caned of late years. This is clearly evinced the teeming columns of our prosparOt contemporary, the OANADIMI Pont=Jflavziw, published in Torpato, Ont., by Et B Donovan. The Review has sew rhacbod the close of its twelfth year, am is invaluable to all, who take an interast in either Commercial or P`aney. Poultry. It is beautifully illus- trated, contributed to by leading equates ill over America, Thiglsod sad Vtatioe, and nukes it spool zlty of its elledioal' and ,,Question" de rtMeetti. The price only 01 per yea , or trial trip, took moms, ton 26 ciris. A }tont, publiou4iou. and este devoted to rumose and Jcsr.n Pao are also issued from the e!tro Oelke. and several brothers • • • ,rn Nits. , To the Editor of the "TI " Dam Sin,—We 'eh, through Your paper,to tender our • ost sincere tItauks to those who assisted 1 removing the drift. wood, etc., at our pper mill dam, on Christmas day. If not been for their timely aid, our mill a n would likely have beau tarried away b the high water, Ac, it is, but little dams e was done.* ours, etc. unfree & Cana. 'nigh= Mills, 15 20, 1889. Wlngba •, Dec. 21st, 1881 To th o rulitot of the Time Dada SW 1 take gr your colurrius, to than the Bell Pietory Ban must° rendered at o during lest Week, Th Atm they repreeent ab Imola an efacient,me I remain, Mau ager e.t pleasure through the menebare of for the excellent r entertainments citizens &ad the raid /ant proud or loal orgenieatiou ore truly c. °Deal* ezzate livorVer er.