The Wingham Times, 1889-12-20, Page 7KING F w GLASS,
I.ttnps or Molten Glass penis Turned Into
Things of Ornament soli- A Rosy
Mee. Where It Seem* Tin. 11 Is Coale
fusion, but Itt Is elust t tpOtherIcing.
Flint glass is either hlowniretatded or
pressed. and frequently all tllreo Meth.'
Ws may be seen togothgl' ill the same
A flint glass factory is a most enters
Mining Medley of marvels., As you
enter the great building that surrounds
e t.
the hughi►lanoy the first impression is
that you- are in a human ant hill rumbling
wrists inordinate activity. Or perhaps
the sensation is• bettea .described as a
I`,lurl.;r intp°a purgatorial chamber of in-
dustrious deutons, In the center. the
. opedtings in the esigatitio furnace dazzle
you like glaring eyes from a soul of fire:
but the glow comes really from molten
Eines in tine dozen "monkey pots" about
lin' bbissee - Seores of workers, beys,
S*truths awl ?'nen, throng in restless den -
fusible it leeks as if every one were
running about on some impish deed of
lass own fancy. l.ut stand still and watch
Closely, and you will see it is all a great
systt'ni•of lit ineufclocl:wot•k. eaei1'movez
Trent fitting nicely into the whole effect.
worts emu me. ws Pa;A1ING.
The nlen at the turnaee; who seemed
et first to be deyils thrusting pitcliforhs
into rho blazing depths to toast their
victims, :.are ,.only gathering metal ;in
their purities. When a sufficiently large
lump lass been. collected. the niau wan-
ders off with .it.. l:Ou think he will eer•-
CLainly burn some one with that burning
ball of fire, they are all bustling abotit
hiota so incessantly:. But follow him
carefully and- you see hire silently hand
the tube to an older man, who blows the
glass into a large globe and site down to
-pplay with it at n bench, which has a
l'ierizontal bar on' each side of hila to
.oil the tube ou. • Pack and forth he
• rolls it like a toy, and the glass keeps
curiously changing its shape. He has
made a hole bathe -globe and enlarged it
• into a symmetrical opening, andeiow the
Mass ie 000ied so that he can do nothing.
snore. Will anybody in all that 'hurry-
ing erased help to hole him? • Instantly a
young nonan appeals, and without a word
he holds up to the. cool glass his long
tube with. a disk of red. hot glass on the
end, --which fastens to it. The• nen at
the bench •scratches the globe, jars it,
and it leaves his bar, Off the othol'man
runs with it to the "dory hate," Whore
the broken end is quickly heated again
into softness,. Thon he hurries backwith
it to the bench man, who renews. Ids
play. A couple of minutes more a1idi'•
AA!' In operation shout 180 f ur-
t /which there ere employed
Glx) k fc thousand btvwern,, gatherer*,
fl:attene and cutters,.They are bound
tu,:ether by a union tlzaia dictate's the
quantity '}t ► tan tn.ty wake, the
number of c>. n"i Mit nlay be taken
,((,l neraily lneire than two to to fur-
• 11aeO). that nihilists any foreign work-
, kn:auBlas getting a plaee in the factories,
ttt y ny gtw;s from being matte in the:
menthe of Jnly and August. The aver-
age time they .have worked in the hast
four years has been leas: than eight
mouths anti as half. Much of the time
gest bas been spent ill strikes or dispute*
with the manufacturers tabour wages.--
li arster's 'tltigezine, •
Children um hlarrincgo.
Children are the keenest cif observers
and the most practical deditcors: izideed.
their deductions tare Often worse aston-
ishing than agreeable to their elders,
• Though we laugh, we do not always 'ea-
joy- having our weakness revealed to us
:'by the babbling, of babes.
Six little children were at play, and
,whether Lt was that they grew tired of
faun}liar ga,nwe or that that innate prin.
elide, "It is troa good for wan to be
alone " craved expression, they deter-
Inined to have a wedding. John, aged 8,
•should marry Hattie, aged $, and Broth-
er ?Tarry would. *speak "the words that
?Vow, Marry had never heard a mar•
siege ceremony and was entirely ignorant
of the pr.valent pledges, but was he at a
loss? Not he. He knew what papa and.
mamma considered of paramount virtue,
and surely what they eaoh so eagerly de.
✓aired must constitute the requisite of a
happy married life.
The candidates for wedlock were
re -
Vested to stand side by side and gravely
obeyed. •
"Uatty. will you get up. in the morn-
ing and see that John has his' breakfast•
in time and tlutt he has good things to• nevbr has to wait for his 'neater
"J'ohn, will you give her all the Money
she %4atltcr'"
That Was all, but does it not contain
the ,quiutessonce of married felicity'?"—
Kansas City $tar:
Watered 11111k.
. The milkman who waters bis good's
generally does so under the impression
that the water. poured; in incorporates
itself With the milk and cannot be de-
tected except upon 611011110er' analysis.
Thee shows gross ignorance: The •mills
will hold only its own fluid: all 'foreign
fluid will be precipitated if the mixture
-is allowed to stand for a couple of days.
Any housewife may spot a dishonest
milkman with very little trouble. Let
her take a long slender bottle, clense it
thortiu •hly and let it dry out. If, then,
it is filled with milk and allowed to
suddenly you pereezrce that he has made stand in a cool—not cold—place for
shade, which. a stroke: . forty-eight hours, all the foreign liuiu
a perfect lamp s
evil] be precipitated—that
detaches from. th® iron rod into as precipitated—that r it will set-
bed of sand. A small boy carries it,orY CIO to the bottom Of the bottle. 'The
gouged milk
on a stink, to the annealiug `furnace, and will then •fill'the middle of
now the gatherer is on bated again with the bottle and. the fatty substance will
a fresh lump ,of -metal tobe begin the pro- be floating on tOp 'Sometimes the top
eess again. will -be a layer of Cream, then will cerise
a layer of albumen, another artificial
Turn to the next man: sitting at his •
work and you. notice pini 'finishing; a device to *slake the milk look rioh;" then
smaller charge into a .lamp chimney,
f'will coma the soured mill. and at the
ins the to b a mold IFere s as bottom will be the foreign water- : The
sleeP p y 'whole scheme. of deception can- be `read
man amus ng Wise wa a eine one by a glance at the bottle after- one has
of.soft glass on his rod. Yon .air sureh
he can Java no serious purpose in turn-
/ had a ;single lesson in . the rudiments of
ing and bending,it into these ridiculout'a' milk inevoction. This °Sort of works is'
hotscientificallysatiela h
shapes. Quickly •a boy seizes it from 'tory , tit it Will
hint ttnd you cannot trace herrn, It has always develop tho fundamental fact—
gone over to a Talley vase, where it was St
Whether or not the milk is ncllnal.-In-
needed to complete the ornanionl. . So terview in ...Leeds (Goa >. Democrat. ,
each beech has itepwn tittle of sill,
:and keeps repeating it Over and :over,
and each boy of the multitude (there are.
l /c
- II-� „"•llK,i rMIBFw� . ��-. „+N�_, u ll(�y-�..�., ( t f -.r
ti; aA fianilsnrfrdstl JraulR eeut,"
The trill* eclentiiic Attitude of the day,
as expressixl, by the preeidenrt of the
13ritisla usscniation, Prufeiso - fowler, is
.A "suspended jud, "1 Yi t." I flssortow.
ler indorses Sir Jt hoe 's idea that
the field of ingi ` intttles sand that
there may be ty other senses as dif-
ferent frons oars as found is from sight,
and even within the boundaries of our
own senses there may be endless sound
which we cannot hear and. colors as dif-
ferent as red from green of which we
hove no conception. These and a thou-
sand otherquestions remain for solution.
Tho familiar world which surrounds us
may be a totally different place to ether
animals. To them it may he full' of mu-
sic which we .cannot Hear, of color which
we cannot sec, of sensation whiola we
cannot conceive,"—,`ioience Gossip.
<AU Reverence tlae Dead,
A day or two ago :a fruit peddler was
pleasing up Elizabeth street east, yelling
"ba-ean-ons" at the top of his voice,.
when he suddenly caught sight of the
crape on a cloor which signified that a
ohild lay dead in the house..
. "Ba•nan•oesl Beenan-oest Ba"----/
tie checked his words as he saw the
crape, reneoced his hat and placed it on
his cart, and be walked to the next
square bareheaded and silent—Detroit
Free Press.
0. P. B. TI;kti TAL'LL.
Trains arrive and depart as follows :
5:30 a. m.... -For Toronto....
1:16 p. m rr
::18 P. m ..Igor Toe
10:30p. n)
2t1.0 p.m
10:30 "
Gr FuLa,rb TRJ• �'
A. 0. £j.rttATBD1r,F�, ACORI , anon:7
Through tickets to all points in America -North.
West, BUM Coast, etc., via the shortest and all
popular routes. Baggage checked through to
ceatinatioa. Lowest freight lutes to all pointe. yl(�J c ID STOVES.' —TIME TAEILE.PARr�Jl Tt /('� 'S X ESS
-..., --GO TO
cciz4B,s, CUFFS, , .
Cita, for EAS:..
ate that he lias moved into the store lately ocupied by T. A
and has just opened up a large stack of
A special invitation
of every description.
is extended'to those requiring
111011 WrnanAti. - ANRNE AT tYtt'OI An,
O:8Oa•ft.Toronto,Guelph,Pahnerston,&a.3:MOp.m• our acetic in this line b?iltb very complete.
illtx , " ,A 10:10 a
Sale p.m. n " Clinton, ar MP �N LAMP Edi OO
7:26 " ...Palmerston Mixed... ..10:1a a.m.
E:40 man� � London, &c ,11:00 a' i. ;-
8:40 p.m. 7:46 p.m.
lino a.m.........gineardine,&e.• ...... 6:80 a.m.
ante pan(' 11:10 "
10:10 " E:BQp,mle best makes,
in endless variety.
OUT T=,r�i; T of tl
''.,. gig 7 :. A Cq TI3�7 = cheap and :;;r(
IMES FURNACE PIEAT1NG AN: REPAIRING° promptly attended f•', a
Tiemembe-r the plane --Mills' old stand, Josephine street, Windt • tri
D. SUTUL1'tL.+ N 1 i
All parties:who have not paid
for the " TIMES " for the years
18133 and 183O, are requested to re-
mit the amount at once. We uevcl
money, and hope this notice will
be suiiieient, and that a general'
response will be the result
The So'iety mcete every.•third• Monday,
month. visiting brethren wcieumo.
This commodious hall can be secured for enter
tainmonte ot every kind if a very low figure. icor
terrns &e., apply to •
Cline & Co.
A eii ke .3D the Dog.
• Last Sunday afternoon an. old, gray
two or more to every man) has itis own .
faired gefrtleman appeared:in; Jackson
I,aeticuh t duties.. ;Ro pops up always in Park, leo was accompanied by •a small
the moment and place where he is needed;lap dog of the pug slzecies.,„This. dog
'oltl:INt+ IN TEAMS,, tan about be an aimless way wltieh intli-
All the workers are busy as their wits' .sated .that 11e did have any more
. He trot -
sI pan make them, fon they work by the ted overthe flower gids gild eft his -foot -
gene, and the number of things made
it determine their wages, They are grouped pints r.rnong the plants: and he had his
into setts or 'shops” of three or four, who; own way until as park policeman caught
work together and share profits together:, sight of tum. lrindii:g out \y1'0 was the
... owner of the dna the policeman tip-
on a well understood• grade of division
Generally • four coristituto . shop, ,the.proaohed the old gentleman. tapped hila
most skilful 'workman (the blower) at on the shoulder and said "See, here,
the Bead; the gatherer (a,• young follow)toy friend, y ou inttat have that deo; keel
next, and two boys, o o halide}ne moictti' away from. the flowers. Don't you see
y " that si;n rgad'ingi '11)gs n°1; allowed a'or tools, and the ether carrying dm prod- the ems?' " The Isla gentleman chuckled,
wets to the annealing, oven, The only c'1 kisct 'h'is 'thumb toward the dog, and
tvity to learn the glass • trade is through
replied: "Yes, 1 see it, but haat little
long apprenticeship in t eee four stages. p„ thought „
And no •apprentice is permitted to et,tet' ru rs can't read.” tic and tet it was e.
the full privilege and wages of a master good Jodi )n Clic clot;, he r3.liee i rte):
tlaruk ut rct %%1st. until the pt:lledill to
workman without the consent of the or- threatened to lock him up IP' he did' not
der, Dy this severe means of apprentice" eaualt die (lob, wliiuh ho 61L1*- Ghica- o
ship the ;lass workers keep the skill or Herald,
their trade in their own control, much
lite the okl.Veitetlan artisans, and pram' School Teachers. •
tically dictate their own prices o em-. If evetv',nuw g:,.r1 who is introduced ne
player& ae•.'hool teacher should bo "dropper by
The best wages in the glass industry the board when she proves to be a fail.
are received by the window glass blow ure, we would soon have no teachers, or
girt, sometimes reaching $10 per day good.orael zt I •hast ItiSsti'3Ulge,but afaet,
rJ110 airsitey.', melter's rank next, though . that.. asn'antl, tie) girls t%vba,, for from two
they seldom get more than 'half that to wee yeal•rt, seem utterly ilolnc'lees,1131-
a.nrount. From these earnings the prices ' ally become tl.e best in the stab', whiles,
slope lions to the small tender s boys; on the other htcnl, those who start out
Who aro laid- thirty cents for tela hours' rho -t prorseehle too oatrta env", worth.
work. The blow'er's oecnpationis labor- less, elle ai.le the Ironing' wheel lays a
ions, but not trnlie lt}lful. tie wotlts good foundation, it dots not ihaish n
tight or ten home at as stretch, /Welling .•-in feet, "making a teacher'
ode melt ot glees. `['hero aro four or five ()lits eoln,lr.'nces %viten btiv . makes her
melts (:very %%Tek, each vseuiring dr" _ debat in the echonl•roulti. The ten ter:LI-
1.een hours to :Mit!. tan hours of blowing tru.le'ut's atrial' tatid It^) I)a i►rc+spat %.atcii:
and ten floure of flattening. The wort:: in:trace ems c}.1t:cip',ine her, fin• throe to
is nlwaays tey the pi,:ee, and in teams or four v •ai'a %%11"11 tele is:a thorough, r-
i►1 "Shops." each composed c,f oil' mate ' resole teacher, (001 U en—,hen goeeoff .!ud
ter wee:kntaaa &wtd a,evseu,l younger aediiiit. marrL a, g,.Int'ealiy.—Iu►tl:rview in b..
aids, Louis Globe-1.,t)aoerat.
'(t.ATB PI" R)Fraar,) •
listing ptirchased tho barberingbusiness of Messrs.
Sebaatioh 13ros., ferDrepared to give all old customers
and PO inan3• new ones as patronize him, satisfaction
•n all lin s ofthe lr Tessio
>, C 1 9. n,
E$ - AItlila ti1NIa idamdu TiaiG •
' are my specialties.
t.Gire inc a call at the old stand, oppaslle Gordon
and ttc:intyto's'storel • -•
Photograph Gallery.
hong Exporieuco, close altontion and
unexcelled facilities, enables laic
to turn out uniformly n cass of
world equal to that of any
Gallery in the west,•
'70'Work of aver} description artif-
slly, promptly and satisfactorily done.
els Work guaranteed satisfactory
The undersigned have on hand sa large
quantity of
Hernckind NI Pine
-`OOD &
' ini hair • M
Josephine street, adjoining J.
iLng 0 PR tr ck:
Lr. W AN.
Wtsaham, Oct. 11,1S80,
wrrxex �+..r:��m,,.'nx•.r,.:.::,,recc..tu.�a�l+,lt,�x
The Best ramify Newspaper in r„,1
By Telegraph, Telephone, Mail, and Carrel-nu:cm%
up to the hour of publication,
Illustrations, Practical awl, tTseiul, ar
even each h week. .
Special Market Department.
Agricultural Deps.rriise
Capital Story always Running.
Ingenious Puzzle Colum.
Just the Thing for the Y't.
Every member of the household eagerly fk
each week.
The Agricultural Department is a notal
't of the "Free Prcrrs,” being always lip to the t
d conducted by persons practically sk?iced l• ei
Pntr FardaStor r
e Store,
A Large Assortment ,of Frames We give epeeial
kGilt Culist:ar.tly cni baud, Prices acs following lines:
UVJ tali ar('consistent, With good work. -
i 1iON Pon, ALL SIZES 1.110J3 TO
• I1dotQ A211) I',21A.S PEP/: FITTINGS,
. t"IL.1.2q 1 SAW FILL
Bl~ , ,
'i i ;S v, Proprietor.
'r n»..,yrb g�'.tt.' of ai
Pl✓,rst-cici1ei1ii tee rte.:"!t .rig xesy,
5 and .;cdWPcsto.
Cats cv, LLou!ad ¢' i( l "8�31ri:ity.
.Q1,a Lab
'el ()Olt) dt'li%etdu ti; tidy past o;
') ttigIi Liss,
lA!,/ cirri td ie1' ht:;b':p:on,i.t y'etf,l,drd te.
attention to the
•Large, $1.00 Paper,
. In clubs of four and tipwards, lie. eeeh.
Zalance of' 1389, .'.'s"?e.
CiiRQST a Aa—. it 'R.
g0n Aaytweh'o hatvngs'to thdb i nb rsUibRCa'
the Christmas numbr.r prohonnee ft a r;eitb; an.'
atone wdrth the price et the subscription.
Agents Wante& lt'erytvhere - LIberaat. 1
Caen. CollandSnian Allowed
The most popular paper to stork for. . by e carni , %
can be resile daring the fall an,1 a t,
wnrkins' for the ' Tree Press" ths.0 at at.; 'area r
Address -I 3g1 E:
Lattab,a. (,
II4L MUCKS, MILL i+ l;c� , �'1 �a.� " a
111ACIIINE OILS. rr minim "I
Vs' aro «)}e ti.ce'itts in WI1'l1Lp}caul tang
the eat• (1f Genuine. Rubber Paint
tlio best hi the wo:Id,
k��*� ���iw � � �
ab;s .tee of chalk `c;�.1 ,alt
ht..• I,: riaJ4L•1L 7vCtl1rs a1!
bottom !pritas.
Land Platter int bees always an
N'it.,,Ie, iSlaaMat mMttit&t.w 4(ttr,
•s'hrihnd.xalr+d wis t.• to r,ra;•: '1t h.
far the liberal patro,oec i e , t•
srvr;;tl ra!s prt.-r to the t•ubh,
' F , :t i an, Isaratls tiro) s ..
3 ,.knot thtt town mill 2u t'
R , itnn 'eri.ut 1bl' r 1'ru, t
0t b. to now alive ceche
utcrt.tfo... \V* t ? ,1 •
',Tx I•'ouapt X1:;: -.)a :oil
QUALITY fi1;CoNI)'l'(' *.
Anti IT c:.te,
e.5 1
%ilogikee t•
1 4