HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-12-20, Page 5on C 1a , he is nidalahlee" + tt h ° ti a . es tions of faith and morale. .• t t�fore the Pope when theme is aha no ts' .;t toil in session, he must be be- . prifine falibd other than as the mouthpiece better of the Council. Thele ftra three return tna necessary% alonditione iu Papal lural- and Atwa libility. tat. When the Pope decides latter place, on faith. attd morals, ' ill 'lien he iing in, anal speaks ae the mouthpiece o, a Coon enure of , r to 81. --Lev Bargees, Gila. drd, When he Se its as teacher late eelgrcngatiolial Minister of tilts of the universal Church, who has been ministering to n clot's not say the Pope may not err iu ooitgregtttion eft Nowticgo, Miphigttu, other matters; neither is be ifnpee, shine leaving here, alaout two years cable or free from sin, for he goes to ago, has received and accepted a pall confession like the humblest peasant. to the pastorate of the Congregational On another occasion I may refer to clturch of Canton, Ill. In Mr a ur- Mr. Sltortt's letter pnblished iu your gess there is a grand illustration of edition of the 20tH November, but a$ what perseverance will do for a man. a preparation, 1, ask hint in advance 11r. Burgess only entered the ministry for proofs of his a.ssertiom that the about four years ago, with apparently Jetinits had anyteine, to do with tho uneurwonntable difficulties to coextend wars he ,alludes to, partionlarly the at;ainet, but he is roftping his reward. Franco-Prussian war of 1574 ; not a --111r Charles Watts gave a lecture in quotation that snakes another ^riser- the town hall, last night, on the sub• • thele,. brit he must give Homo informa- jootl "Life and. Death from a Secular . tion as proof,Standpoint." The lecture being free, , Hereafter 1. Will pay no attention to the hall was well filled. Mr Watts is, There assort/Aimee 't icll are not argioneat; a very fine speaker and a close reason neither does calling names prove telly- er. But we fail to see the advan- tlliug.•tages of giving up ohristianity in That certain bad acts have been orlier to ellibrace secularism. Eveu done by Cello ics in any part of the from their standpoint, we see nothing'. world is no reflection on the Church. to be gained, or those of her adherents who live ac- cording t© her tcaohitigs. I might as • well say the Protestants of Toronto are to blame for the recent outrage rind gross insult atfered. to Archbishop Walsh ; but I am weal aware that the. vast majority of the Protestants of Toronto, and indeed of the Dominion, •look .upon this disgraceful affair with horror and detestation. Neither' ;should we cast too much blame on the poor, unfortunate, _ I'nisguided young men and boys who took part in this . owardly attack upon one whose kind- tress and Charity is well known, who has not yet uttered one word of re- proach, not one word of complaint in regard to this display of bad manners and worse morals. It was only when he heard of the window breaking at a neighboring convent, perpetrated by the sante gang of godless, manless,. blackguards," es the Globe of the Nth ult. calls them, that His Grace von- , tired a few words of reproach. Bat the great responsibility rests else,vhere and I leave the Globe t.f above date to point out the reponsibie parties. In an odit'trial tliat liaper condemns the affair in the strongest language, antl'ed o:reles as'folloas t • " 13et, it is the outcome -of : slime of the teaching and spurting .which have; i.itely been current in these gttttaters. 5f a ,Trsttit can ui 1i.011y. "shot down" like e, glad dog, surely en Arcy- ` Bishop may be Oto led 1' .Let these whole it concerns lay this and.that together, and let them henceforth set a .entail upon their tonunes and pens. Eit's$;)ns of violenceare•only too easily .learned,' •Coro Io' LArZb AN. M � *tit - e d ora F+liti( �Iulr :'rue( rGiiit';I:J 111 tweed. eon tt<eab ?Ha for a' temen oolateaderag for et Tt o sen.% .,, d c they expected—The ova tvari'cha for by a tweet). the Listowel tate and after i, el b a held at the "adittrt A nv eting of til inlet,, • 1'eiult '1'lu.„tutt in hcrci). vietery for Atwood, b law chive of J. Ae. miler �' on Tuesday thlit o'olook in theaftern spcctors and the gi to the disposal of. All creditors e mitred to ale the by the said ac Win;hcun, on 1580, after estt• +thief: I sl tether: have notice, and 1 'ill not be responvibi for tho assets of the said est o or any part tiler of to any parson or portions wh o claim or claim ' shall not have boon filed. JOHN NlsILANDS, Assign'., wingh ^A Suspan eel Jud` ' iottetentffle attttiul ° . by the pre. in in, Profuse( r r t," 1'.. ng o esaid est. the said Th claims (dole with Inv sone: v before the lith leg date I shall proccc id Thomas will be held Mr the Town of win hal moo -ober, 25.0q, a the appointment l ot:Huns with 41. las P1 2 In- (0100 tit aro re- al required T. A. Morton, • of January, to distribute o, having regard ooh' to to claims of J MOUTON, Solicitor for Assiwnoe, d December 0, 1580. Wingbam, • Farm for Salo. _ Tile undersigned offers for solo Lot 18, Concession B,ilowiek and 0 acres ale the, east end of Lot 10, making 108 acres. Thorn aro between 80 and 00 acres cleared and in a good state of eultivation. On the premises ave good bank barn, two frame houses, and good outbuildings. Situated about four miles from wroseter. Iron particulars apply to 01tO01i:L'T WILT ITS, Wroxeter P. 0, tice Debtors. flaying sold m • urnitnro and undertaking bush. nese to Mr. S. 0 : ei+ all those indebted to mo aro requested to e ands o on or before the Loth inst. All ac lints not sots • above date will be planed in • . or hande for collect D. ALBIONI. Win am, Dee. 10, 1880, Christmas comes but once a year, And when. it comes it brings good cheer. THIS MONTH Y ust Havo 0 7'1;et•efore they have decided to OFFER THEIR ENTIRE OF G ODS i .,eady'm �d e Clothing, OMING T� ` TOWN SIR JOHN A. SANTA CLAUS Listowel. An agitation is on foot for the formation, of a horticultural society, One day lndt week, a large delivery of cheese was made here, Mr. A. F. 111cLaren, the purchaser, paying otrt to the s.t,lesmen of the different faetor- ies upwarde'•ef' •$30,000. The 'most of the cheese is beings stored here in e.xpectan'cy of a rise in price. The price paid for most of it Was •10i vents per pound.—Mr. 3..F. Money, nf Ingersoll, has been in town getting infernnation for a directory he intends publishing of the counties of Perth, Waterloo and Wellington. The directory will be , issued about the first of IV1arch next..—.11r. A Little, agent G, T. R. at the station here, is takings a few holidays. ---The ma chine shopfirm. that a short time ago was coutentplftting moving to Walker- ton, has made finial twang/meta to stay here, having bought oitt the Business and pleat of Mr .A Aught, . our present fcrindry, 'The new firm lutend petting • in new machinery, enlarging the shops and otherwise ex tending the business. A committee of •.about twentyfive of our business men have gnaranteed a loan of $5,000, and the town gives thein fi piece of laud '75' by IM Poet adjoining the shops and exemption for ten years, The person- nel of the flint is d P Attstiu, d Climie, jr, and Lewis Bush.--P'beEstray •. -e'e . anniversary services in the Methodist church on Sunday, and Monday last, Caine on the premises of The subsrttber Lot ,,s,, were a greatt3uDee5A.. Large crowds Concession iI,Turnberry about the let of October• of. people t1ssenibled both morning and a two year old heifer, of a reddish -grey Amo a is evening, to hear lila Rev �'as hiving- owner is requested. oques y. to prove propnrtv,I y " K and talo hot away. DONALD r,AAION, atone, the gentlemen that so ninon ' WWII= P. ot has been said.boat of Bite and as far is I tan hear everybody wore delighted NOTICE. with him The annual slipper, on lG:iaonclny, t'vening,was also, well attr'nd- The Annual Meet. of the (Imre Cheese and ped, At time platform meeting, nett �' 0ii`t111)5,8.,1Bathe Temohel ,('11 Hall, tLelinoreCcairr. tntl+per, addresses were delivere'l by 'nseneingat10Meek a..r., for the purpose of pay. ing matrons and ethe elving the usual annual reports and cede tit. airs of the Company gonuraliy, JA16411 CLAPS. President. J. H. b',HAIt])Y, Secretary. 1489, — WILL BE AT --- MEE Frog. Iecer.ber "I 1 to X31 st, Inst., With the most efet;diti and largest•stock of NOVELTY AND FINE ART C 3NDIES that h,sss:_ever been uhowe in Wingltaln, Our new lines are ,. is folio we: Twenty different kinds of Cream Candies, the finest in the land. In Artistic Candies WO lead the tredi. We also have some fifty different varieties of other Candies, and our prices cannot be competed with. ORANGES, the. best in the market, such as h'loridas, lliesina, Jamaieas. Also the rich Blood Orange, and Lemons. Thelargesb variety of CANNED GOODS in town, as well as Dates, Raisins, Figs, Malaga Grapes, Orange and Lemon Peels. Fresh stook of Nuts—Roko Poet). Almonds, English Walnuts, Brazils, Filberts, Ooaconuts and Peanuts. Fine stock of Pipes, Tobaccos and Cigars. Try sone of our FANCY BISCUITS, made specially for Xmas. -Our super- fine MINCEMYTEAT, ,sold'in 1 Ib and 5 lb packages, is pronounced by parties in town superior to any they have used. Call and inspect our display.before purchasing elsewhere, and feel confident `air so doing that yours will be a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW W YE r .R. Yours, with good wishes' and ,a prosperous New Year, JAS. BileKELITIE 9 Opposite `Forman's Hotel. P. S:-eOysters arriving daily, and served in any style. --- THE --- "ECLIPSE" 'Co the Front witla e. Large Stock of HOLIDAY GOODS.! 30 Baskets Choice Pears, for table use. Malaga Grapes, Oranges, Lemons. A•large stock of Canned Goods, yams,: Pickles, eta, MINCE MEAT. ° EpaporatedPoaches. Plums, Apricots, &o.,. New Prunes ; Citron, Orange and Lemon Peel. An imilmense Stoat of XMAS. WADIES 1. Pieta and Pattey.Biscuits, Nuts, Etc. Oysters served in every style. JOHN RE1tIL . ilio resident ministers and Mr Living. stone. The choir rendered some new end aolit,btfil music, Listening to. a 'scums, Parrn for ,Sale, Hats Caps, and Gents' nts' Boots, Shoes, Overshoes and Rubbers. Also a Splendid Assortment of RU, SEL ; E RV AND WWOOL, CARP:1'1... --AT—r COSTI FOR CASH Our friends Will confer a great favor upon us by settling tlloh and Aoeounts during thomonth of December. D -81 •11 OFT EpROVNP. .CHOR. . r)t'• %TYRE,. F.FIELD & NEVJ PPTENT TOP ��11LN Ctiia, - Cream Cans, Tba subscriber offers for sale. his farm, being oast half Lot 22, Con. 10, Turnberry, containing 50 50ro+, tnoreor lose. There are seven /acres in fall wheat and all the fetid cleared le seeded clown. On the promises is a good frame barn and a log house, and a good yotfng'orchard. The farm 18 .splendidly 10• Bated,being only three milds from the flourishing town Per of particulars, MITCHELL, near the faun, Vii K• barn Post Wilco, or to the plil+nloter, wM SMITCHUUL7r,. Crandiu,Cats Co., North Dakota. Strayed Cattle. earn° on the premises of the undersigned. Lot 84, Con 3, not wawanosh, two yea llnlf cattle, ono grey steer and one grey heifer. Tbo owner eon hmu them by proving property and pit4ins esparto S. J0IIN kIiil::: 3C '‘11' Milk Parts, SapBuckets, and Mi vrarytilin3 la the a rybb6 • .''TOH.. -A. SP,.5 Fresh, \1i1.. 1 Pin'r.tqlybJ �� m ;-'11 t"1 Je trs n yster$ and gotten up in Eve) ' St FRUITS I FRUIT A Fine Stool< of GRAPES, AMER, 1, ORANGES Int .tri iom 'r; GAPS .fit `r SMOKER'S OK R' 3NFEOT ON ERY 'Clic ' ets.t enml.lete startle in the eennty. Ynrr• 'Crenttis d t•.'+'+i and eery tie.