HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-12-20, Page 41* out to new has ae- au outport, y to or• re, , son of Adam ...40.e.t..„1,aneeellffolon.fienefereeenes......,11 • . olidays, and lookiug hale and happy. Dialogue, 'The schoohnester -The weeks hays ?wen aucceinfal Reeding, by Me Moho! ; Si rivets wind Xmas truce, etre, iu the Mr and Miss DUNI; In I , village. They are an epulettito. —A 1 week ode last Solidly was .1Slisslmary Sunday itt the Olturch, and Counuutrion ninuley in the Presby. music, by Miss Stewart ; S Miss L Reake ; Dialogue, no name for it" ; Viols Meesre Tenlor mad Auder road"' ; tug, by omen 0 La.rontan's Melee Shortt. tabs editor of tha Timm Than Stil,—In. you ; a ilea 22nd of November, T. a'°' 4-7 onto more essays to minas Th R J II bliu 'sou uf ewes " The Cobbler"; • Concert i 11 vorsial arena. My lig, fry ri lel ters 11ei ittiansa .410. upfereta theelibt°117 Jtettileith•ouP'eaticesudeldt 01 r any fault of theirs ; and oonsider it untreeeasary to ge into the matter:, farther, sulliee it to say that the Pope end acted conscientiously, ar I haat)," ro- shown, and that the Smite were not ° he. deserying of the e ,esithien offered by ch. their enemies. . Jesuita axe the terian. 0311. U. I s. a.ga n tune to my o ijese on Brueefield, pi:vaulted in tlie latter to Mr 1(G1 ; instrutri!ntal ,J1 bY called 'Romanist," awl says it n itpurvolittive congregations. In the Miss, Stewart ; llociuttion it. ay, • snorter t1itn 'Roman Catholiea hen • gr,stippwit of mission- Motherlis,t (larch, the llev. Dr. Limn Mae Lloy , (1"ti •°rem 01461`n his reason for using the foruier wora, fixesannaresiresenee heroisat nceson, of Listewel, preeched two Air ainentealBhlaawg, ,bY , -if brevity was his only roaster fur using in!.tanitivent •.E;erumos The -00Srings Mc',(1. "Y 44r tttar" the word, 1 accept his apology ;sod that is en eiertuion in tile Cattiolte kir unseen. are gireatiy ahead,. tra; lust than ; Ala6a.l's "Y. hope he want use it ugaiu, To sbove Church from her amuclation to the preeent day. -Front lit.r inexhaustible seer —Toe Preelsyteeetn teraineetang, ler and Annerseti., .s.oncet . sone, that it taceeseed ser°venom by orlicIrs, ou Tnesdny, a:I:Tito the dark, wet " E. ai;ly in the morning ; Recnatten, etni thet was justified in °lase:ca.:gee snaniine thebed tat of the roads, 11 Vs lam than's; 6hieth3a Miusaa its use. I give an extract fean: the II 11idDai I -a, t • Aud sr ay gue, nnt by atuilton, has berm was test, au eueouraging eueoess, both ua to .3: t t is Tab? u New York Independent. • In a, late proceeds, whieli were Omit $50, and he u" u"a u 66 ° ; ' issue, that paper says: 'We purposely poeitioe of Deputy- Th"Home, ;„iweet rionle ; Instrumental the entertainment provided. e aland Iteveatie at Serena I, was geed, the choir giving inusiceby Miss Stewart ; Recitation, exclude from oar colt:tines auy artiote iuug which contains ilio word "Itomatiis," Mr Harrison ; Mouth organ mania, , with all its festivities seinu exeeltent -cis cio;tig horuses, and laussen----sa. or the contemptuous thought whieli by Mr Hingetoa; Recitation, be beer, will have Collo 0,1111 titi:„011-11ryt, Willi' /11°3 were beauti. Mass Littleaur ; Violin smesic, b- is not only a etrong Protestant paper, . that word implies.' The Independent b ore' austher issuof the LU 1 • al4 r. rattey's re,elitip.as always, 'Messrs Taylor' and Andereon ; Sing. . at is, I believo, published in tho in. e e •,./ we tali this opportunity of were beadily cujoyed. DI...Macaw-end, 1!14, by Mr and Miss MoGill ; Dia- Wrests of the Cougregational body. r ra.t ers a "Merry Christ- at, P., dissected and dilated eloquent. logue, "Tetn's practical joke"; In- 'Itoinaniet." Papist,' &a, ate in the nesday, treasuirs of spiritual aTelth, these 11 .blo Ten Imes. dra su their inspire. tams, have imail•ed the refreshing waters of pure ehristianity.. To her they al wsys look up for gnidal2ers. and are ready at tiny time to go forth gild undergo hardshipe, aye, even death; itself, in order:to may on the work of her Divine Founder, Memo spirit es* animates her. Now, while all Catlenies recognize ' the great good that • lets soul is being d IT the Jemnite, time [1.) not con- ly upon '10a.,aula, its extent, reaJarcuss strunw1.1tal Intmloi N Thal same category, all implying, tao - sister the existeuee of the Society lie Reeitetion, by . eysteus of goverument, of educatiou, ° a er•Y ; Independent pats it, a 'contemptuous essential to the welare of the Church. te great bulk of the tvork is being r d Qae on . . I • I 1 blown armee Mune, by Mr nraylor; clad Cu tu wine), aud its °veva eon! mut re ieunie est - thought.' Mr. Sia t lalted ht. the electien tiese, onpressine upan the oomins, Readms• by I" Meaonnelt Recitatiou on. (:). 0 eulby, the new Presi- men to be worthy of aricl nee their by Lizzie Motet , ague, ofe or s girls hags clo not, however, come very well 'as 1 'Ilk 5 that rri i• "these lectures and regaid for the feel- , . done, and 14aN been done by tile Secu- lar (airway, air the ordinary Parish - , e . . a Priests and the ir teleatee are called, so that if the Pope (Clement XIV) thought the Jesuits would do better. as Seeular Priests, for reasons already stated, he vi -as perfeetly •justified in auppressin,n the Seciety, actin, as he did, conscientiously, after dne and pro. per consideratioe. I do not think the Jesuits looked upon the snppreseion as an injustice. • They, too, prObalrly saw 1-, that under the circumstances it was better te clissolve and slither 1 oiu of the Co oil au the Dominion heritage. Bev. J. 11. Siuipsou's sub. viett"; Recitatemi, "novels little - from an adherent of acquit *Linen ever s Mr. LeBaron, the . . ject was " .Row to be Suecessfule, etre we"; Recitation, "The owl and i denounces Protestants as heretics, as. *410.1 ni.hta cliatura f. . , o, „„ the of niglit.ingree" : Duet, by Mr and Miss g s ern o evenasting perdition, •• • namely, by recoeniziee elaitusThe si n them t ' • a ease, by rivet one God, the claims of men who are our l‘leGill; Reading, ay !dr Taylor. - " and which even still persecutes and usaud majority,. brothers; believing there is a place for meeting was teen brought to a close • hounds them to death, where it has eanese°— io—e, s us, and endues and mine it ; a a d by singing the national anthem. . the power. In alestico, several have ;.,, swot/ LiouLTag, commander crt heeding "litathings." 'he pastor, . lust their lives' within the past few ouitou'e Sontits„nduring the North. in his usual happy wren!, presided.— - Melrose. . ' year; despite the general government.' :set Rebene"anelets ;seen appoiuted to Mr. George Haney returned hatue , Seamte, lo plaera of Ron. Mr, last Saturday front West Winchester, he?n. the lOte. ius.aut, there (ilea at Now let us ex -mine this paragraph horue in. Ceirass, Margaret Wileon, and. see what it all amounts to. Web. L where he has been managing the ltasaultz, now Lieutenaet Governor of reliet of the late Flemmine Ballagh. ster defines a heretic as 'one who -errs lkirraitoba, aud J, A. Lougheed, Q. 0., block. The deceased bad been an invalid . for in•religious 'faith.' .8o that when the • building of Mr. James Timmins' 'smelt . _ . . . more thairawenty yeers and during °berets calls Protestants heretics she, another order or t-entiraue their boiy a Calgery, to fill the' vacancy caused the greatea part of that tune she was merely says they err in religious faith. 'palling in the ranks. of the Secular nsy rthe deathef Dena alr..Hardisty. Salem. confined to her bed. Her ailment Do not nntoy Protestants say Catholics Olorgy, for it mut be understoOd that On Wednesday eyeuing •laet, llta • Tim Rev. Da. Sohn A.. NN interns, inst„ a very suncessful tea meetiug was rheumatism in ite worst form.— are heretics when they say WO err in. the Brief of Suppress -don liad refeteneo 7 • • Married, on the inid inst., Mr. James religious fitithl Aud doesnet each to their existence as a society only). ' !Geilerel uperieteudent,of the Meiho. was held at tfe Salem Methodist Church, whinn vs'es. attonda4 by a Strath to Miss LizM zie arshall, both -and everyProtestant denomination call and did not in any way deprive them iiss much, died. la Torouto, on Tues.of the 2nd concession of Oulross. • each •other heretics when they say the ,of their priestly faculties, showing that his 72a1 yeer. LI his death miswrote; and represehtetiveconn The ceremony took place at the resi- resterr in religious faith 1 Does not they were not "wiped net," aa Mr. S. pony fromhe tsurrouudrae neig4 h". fleece of the bride s parents. The the, bigh Ohurch of leigland say the has it, But they kept on their work Asti heel great ialluenoe in that; body, sad excellent speeches made by the ' their many friends and neighbors,— vice versa ? Da -not the. Baptists say which they needed, or were; trienifere ; evna whose deathwill be regretted by Revs. Wallwin, Wright,hAyers, Tot 'tile ; red, as expediency pointed oat. There. ten, the pastor, Rev. Mr. Smith, and . Mr. Molaiunon, Bajotist Minister, ' of adult baptism is proper, and .all neil religioaa people of, this Provinee, others. Th click, who atteuded from. ineetiin,, t'tt Dir. B. N. Aejokeihs,, nn in held a •very interesting rest -say no, and thae the Baptists err 1 in religious faith ? etc. However, in fore the Pope l'avinfr eetee conscien• tioully iii tlie niatta7r; (mallet be said Nan Methodist Olitieeli loses one wile hood, The nseeting was addressed happy pair Lave the best wishes of loweOliurch err in religious faith and under the Illisnop of the dioceses:2in Tule greet Cronin trial, which has 3Wroxeter, sang some choice selections ?riday eyelike. last. We night be. my experience the word is seldom used I to levee been aunty of nn, intentional • 0 eduein the e.venins, which met with - beet, ill progress for sveeks, hs Chicago, Is et nae all that ueuld bo desired, there among Oatholics. Continuing, we are !wrong. At best it may be said it was applauge. The proceeds, • waL Astottent to a eloae' ori Monday merited was a large endience ani.1 if ,any left told the Cetholic Church consigns which were announced, eanounted to , an error of jedgment. , perhaps ...Itle, Inst. Orsegieliu, O'Stillivate and Barite f27.50, and, wehear, will be expended without being benefited, it was their -Protestants-4e eternal perdition. T - hn I S. may here remark, ; Ilo,w mat Um ete ;found gailty of smarder, the te.defrayinetho debt .on the parson - realty bellies imprisonment for life s agee—aliss Bently.aas returned hoMe own faults —Mr. (3-: Cozens, Phi -en°. •Catholte . Match Witches that many [ogist, of a'yinghem, is giving a series not in her communion, visibly, are yet . Pope err if 110 is In order -to simplify this subject nf infallible -9; • . - tittiOt from Blyth, whore she hes been learn. of lecturedlthis week in the school members of. lier • spiritual body, and ., ing the millinery buseness,—air. Wil- house of stsetion No. 3, - on phrenology will be saved according to their works. from the - °litho M (Arai:basin ils re- apal infallsbility, I give a quo 1 itze gate imprisoinnent or three • • . sole has aleoreturnea tam Tennessee, ' 4... 1.. iria, - '• and mat n '*otiv .He is at home . in But it is wrong to say that she teachers • n-e-enesope guPty. la' thatall P • t f t It a d onrd to this Dogma, aud en pavan 1 ins profession, its for as deeerz ing to es an s -will be tonne . e , ., migut suggest to my reverend Mena • A. os,seinenstscee at fire wanes:writ= where he teasselett fee elm beeefit of his character is concerned. To -night he- She consigns no one to eternal perdi. to procure ono of those little books, netlx on the -Manor of Toronto tioe ' health, svhieli• WO are pleased to fled, • • is ening to• show the young felks how tion, neither does. she teach that all He Will find therein a perfect mine of : is fully.. iestored.--e..We. are drawing who are outwardly members. of the . ite lent vseek in referenee to Minden- • to° el " v n sue ••eas and how ie. se matrinion,.s., Theology, aticl good, kound ebristiain close ta Christmas, and the air is ie- . ,0 1 1' G will**' We erobla nature of eleeteie light i ncress doleut with the -sound of soirees, t , . . to avoid making it a failure.—There at io ic •hurch be saved.. ity. Ile will not, however, find any- sargea upon han the neceseity of meetings, dhristmas trees, eta, and • — °II" died in Oulross,on the 22nd of Novena must all work foi our selvatiou,'Pro, - thing abOut " hounding Protestants to ber alarearet adcLeau, reliot of the testants as Well as Cathelies., Neither. sear' g tnianiptia supervision many * friends and families who lye , • r, path," etc., etc. The following is. the for a time been separated will be wel- lase Peter aleLean, in her 68th year. does she tesob that. at any period.of perfect • quotation referred to trio svir•ee, their insulation, etc Deceased along with her husband, our lives weevil' he hi. that d . .. • . • coined and entertained at the mirth- ,, also urged the appointment of emigrated from Argyleshire, Scotland, condition seine . de the Protestant tanestton—Oan the 'Pope, ae head of' ful, festive hoards. It is at this sn- eer ao ieseect an electric son of the year when we celebrate the in i853, ana shortly after came to churches call beingsareda The battle the 'Church, teach false doctrine, or ap- prove of, its being taught 1 s, ete, - . ; •Oulross, where site resided ever since. is &wive grarog- on ae long as we are in, the aava" of Ellin who came't° gave and She bad hot been very strong for some . .. - 4 lieshas Again, we are told by Answer—No l The Pope ie an in - bless the wprld ; that the christian , „Nen, anentetan, leader.. of the Op. vears bireswas notoonfined to bed for my reverenns friendonliat the Church fallible teacher in all doctrines eon.. . . • philanthropist who follows :in his foot. - . • ' - 1 and fell 'ev,en still hounds illem (Protestants) . Coming faith and tnorals, which he dp,•'' ouly a couple of wont is, fines 14 U in the °uteri° Legislature, eteps will search out and oudeavor to to death where it has the power. In• fias .l'astor and Teacher of all, asleep sweetly . in Jesus on. -the' date epeeen in. London;.on` abeeey relieve the wants of the needy in their immediate neig,hnprhood. There are stated. She was loved and • respected Mexiso,,seyeral, have lost their byes Ohristians. l.) ail who were favored with •her Within the pest few years, despitethe 0. me c o e.y eie . . tuia- v • I s I to+I Nowesuch a matter as the suppres- ea an vsnieh.the lasa. Ontario elec. from siekness4 lain of ensploy.ment or ayequaintatice, for leer gentleness, of 'generale Oleareh is Only a spiritual body, heat hes no eeferenee to faith or morals. It es. tnauy m towers and villages, who, government.'Now as the cion of the Jesuits air any othonorder• its were fought an. Alt tato old other Causes,' experience privations manner. and Ohristiau chaacter. She and her husband' were - members mai we have the power over the lives was a matter of discipline, pure and . : unpreyeu charges, agaiwit . the and. hunger Unknown to their more of the Free Church of ncetlandsa'and pleiesy one i Her rule ispurely spirit. simple, and was given as Commander-, "'eminent. of the Hon. Oliver fortunate neighbors. We could ins- sat for years under the ministratiene, Uhl„ and in Mexico, where my rev in•Ohief of the great Army of th.e wat were forced intervide again. : agine that Christmas might be made of Rev. Mr. Swanson. Her, remaine e friend seems to say that she has some Onurch, who, as he thinks best, sends'. c still more happy and enjoyable if, bypower, the Government is known ta his generals and subordinate officers cheistian sympathyand seasonable were followed to their last resting Meredith. appears to be- deter. •• a 1 be against her. But we are teldthat from one place to another, disbands.. d- to ride tho "Protestant horee gifts, we could elevate the feelings and place—the Teeswater cemetery—ay large concourse of friends, who were all. this was done 'despite the genetel one regiment and • sends its members.. oaring eleetions, and no - cheer the hearts,,,ae it were of but only desirous of showine this mark of res. government' ; that is to say, the gov. to another, eto., etc. ,t Iles tin ' eye to getting the one 'household. . peet to one whom they ale loved.. ernraent had no power. The charge is My reverend friend is mistaken , Arm general and. frivolous. Could net "'lighters to join hands with . . .. . . . . when* he says the words in my tlast Zasa a- oh my rev. friendgive os more perticus atid the Copsorvative party. Teeswater. letter "you pays your money aid you. _tars $ Who were tho murdered ones? • Mrs. A. Davis who has been visit- , On Friday last, the Tennessean Where Were they murderer!? Isehere takes your choice' are mite. It le a, . uotation from an American humorist„ her mother, Airs. W. Snell, on the Jubilee Singers gave a concert in Olen ene y substantial to think, thates the and is marked as a Auotation by, ehe. q 'Maly wai .A Bluevale. . 61 concession, returned to her home church. The entertainment was 0. Church had any hand in the matter 2 writer. a lively day la the viaiu Michigan last londay.—Mr. Geo. really gaud one and was well,patroei... Mexico. is ,ft long way off, but I regret • - Tae Council of Tureiberry• for Huuter, vsho bas been in Dakota, for My reverendfriendc rge • • ' 9 hold its. haat sessio4 at Seal& some years past, has returned te zed.—The Firemen intend giving a to say Mr. S. is adaittel to making . 1111. s me with l, whilst et0.-tie two Tax Col- Wewunosh on 4 pleasure trip,—The grandsa concert on New Year's night. such vaeue, doubtful charges.. mg. ignorance on the infallibility question es irsteclass talent is being engegerhand - tance is noshing to him, Tb more end makea a quotation to show.that rs of Tnenberry and Morris held mun;cip.al nominations will be held,. for the sturdy yeomen cf both in, aultool house No. 13, concessiou. 6 no pains will he spared to make this , remote, ;tab as. to time and space, the 1 am. anathema because 1. believe,. as • ()neer e 6 ett o e seaS slup.5,-1\ext ;t1unday morning a on Monday, December 3001, be held in the o'elook, noon.—Mr, Jolla Neelands, 14: 1 2' The anniversary services of the Meth°, trues service will dist church were held last Sabbath, bit Chemise In the evening the assignee of the estate of Mr. T. •s better it suits his prime; If my rev. e says, t at the Pope is infallible . „. the mouth- fnend notices ehis, I hope he evou't re• only When speaks ply to it by quoting some one do who , piece. a the Couricilsn . my letter ..1 Rey. B. tnakes even a more pedi,dieed awl !in issue of ovembere let, 1 . say, stur inn orntelt to young weir. Plains -eta sold the fain,. stock among were prep le and W, Williams, of Guelph, at . 10.30 a. ee orit il 1 ei '1, a . , 1 "Catholics believe the Pope, infallible es Joseph freele who has been tri implements on Wedueedity. The for thirty years in Biaeveic,lias stock seld try good Prices, but the ot:eisinii, Bev. Mr. Williams delivered !la , and 7.90 :p. In. Cre *Monday .1.a--ae. will :aloe that Mr,Kust' i in la ,ardlt.'10ii'leanpa cloylag!ief"s marg":" I only when hee speaks ex Cathedra '''',, wines pronouncing the decisions of the it his unit te 'Messrs. Ito'esit , implements ,did not bring high prices. a lecture, entitled ".Society and .Councils." This is an error, as 1 in- it bus in 111 n uses dui e 0t, t6 Pa" !rata wai. Thee. Stewart, who i Mr. Peter Delius wielded the hammer. crime. 4tended: to put "and" between "ex- atitii Pf':oali)th(S'oii.„1Madlee‘r'n." 71114*. . es an the basiaess as viler:eau-I —sa, very successful entertainment A good audience groete,d • Oethod ' a "when," part. Ins .W.Lr, S. can „Bee for iim- I Ti • r -, 'a I ' au°1 I": . ia" auaid when 1 As <4,41, alr. Leech is- not illay. I was held in tbe. school base of see. the rhverend gentletnan,. . . - -_ - , , eacuse my remora friend of "lament.. nte Yilinte fur the preseut, n5 he I tem N'o, 9, .011 Monday night, Though self.- . !able igeoranco" because he said the .4. i,Argr, 4,110uat of ItiLahcr un nnd i the weather was very tdeaereeable the Gorrie. ...try rev. friend gtes to great length ;Vatican Councij decided that the tii.v,so wi, Kai it is to. bo 1141301 he ; building was filled to the 'doors, and 11,1rs.rerguson, wile of 111:.D. Ferga- f0 istove that 1 ala en the hems of a1 Pope alone mu; infallible, 1 rojbaa as , asenti tale Kea of his lif . wiro, i the te.acher, aliss Ilallidey, Id to be on, of this place, fell asleep In thotli dilennue because Isaid thelesuits did ' regards matters before the Celina Atways. haea a wait of 4u0,- i reseaite.1 with the getting up of the on Sunday month's!, Iliceuther 84.114 at nothieg to deserve the poiIeeciation of ; and to show that 1 did not mean to • wad i.a .itge.is, ;La LILA:iota alid ! sect:limit programme whieh was ren- the advenced age of 8 years. The the Xing af Surope, who apse:Ilea to 'say that he i$ infallible onty• as a eraai aitiavai a ad *at VA4'Il416t. and 1414red. The clutir wnol ably Haw! 11 dew, ad wio.;16 NAY of refinement the Pope to supp rt them, and thutei ' nouthpieec of the Councils, I call bis - 1 ' iaa. ri,.; ,ii1ek.40 aad tug 1 lir. Stowteet, tuber, t,f Blyth. The and wee erenneentromned, by alt who said the Popp did what ho thought was 'attention to another part of the same. 144 oo.ti,1 di two lax, 1 folloiving is the prOgrannue : 1.1acitai, . knew her.—Mr. Robt. Hays, of How- the best thing at the' time, if the " letter, where 1 say, ,..Bet a believe, . -; ' -:,-,-440/4 ,is home heart , tion, II Clara Kreetints; Vio:in, music, 'ick, hae purohased 4 . residence and Jesuits were right. Mr. S. says the 'as the Chord tesehes,, that when he ,11.31v-aJ. Taylor ak,d Ant4riou ; w.11 son reams *torn, Rope, whe suppressed the °viers was ,n, (the Per) speaks ex.Cathadra pan: 44