The Wingham Times, 1889-12-20, Page 2• request of the eh St Marys, ron has oilered the f r.'eter of the cbttrelt 14%a;l:tlly, of Seaforth. th, bas 01,ry etas I2atwn11fa0- „, to estab- tt'ra1 repair 118 they are t'!istsCrosstt,y and :-Ionter rill tlu.lioll on i 1(tur(1ay next. tr?'utt for their Vleit to Lon' r. net ?leen ruins?l('t,d yet, sill( t> is that they will arrive tnnhe le 'gilt i;iiSinC'SSS men a fGa bt 'aot:ur., em for a+.sent -4,The couple who up in t`te balt,lou,. bleu the beeWave's. he ie not War alio .4 route. struck very cosily if t1 er Xntii;lis get' slit, slip SVVttlk, L1oes note make p sum - r, but cue cat Can wake a spring, Visitor—Do o teat( Jove . dee • piano? (d) —No, I prefer death by elec iity. X hoar that the doctor has given .iggsly up. Yes, he woutdut 'pay is hill A In..ker ought never to be hard op - :it!: RlwayS wake a raise with ` a r:> yeast. am women are best Ole to ei,d a husband by the nose and . some his don't knows. !•14,1 ` r a `ai would o would (sales( that � Ir t? in pain all the time with so many elms syn him bands. It may be true that all inen are born IssaI, 1ttrt inpgaulities begin to appear rte' soon afterward. >S1'e---What do you suppose supports .c ys.st area of heavens? Ile—The loonbealm, 1 gUeSE. Doik't heap coats of fire upon . your tient'. a Lead. Betnember that coni a= ci-notix is wealth. 1 you, lend ane int until the day sorrow?No. I tuight arrant n)vself before Oiiristinas, .--,Wrhat in. thunder is, that yling for now Mrs. Jones— Jones—Then wily don't_ o sills,? tty mean man was that one fused to pay his ele=ction bills utld ,,that public (dice is tedlady—Mr. Brown, you don't :I to fancy the hash. Brown—No, tervous, familiarity breeds coil- -pt, you know. i my- Abfr, my dog has.' a new r. fills - Gu on I dot's nothin'; g gkit kicked clear down stairs 'didn't hurt him a bit. , o ]pans.-Areyou disturbed at night n of y o1r rest bYy a sick chief tulier.nb °,.n0 with pun of Cutting Teeth? It so send at get c bottle of "J,re. Winslov.'s Soothing for f,h,L?reil Teething. Its value is ins tl to- i1I ee'ieio rho hrooe 11 e • but sear ,,,Depend upon it, mothers; thele i3110 it: It Cures Dyscnteey and Ularri;(e:y the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, Guerre,, reduces lutlernmation, and g t e$ 111 _ I -I .. '. Almbeotid.'• i TENXFERANCE COLUMN. ,;tend to twain the study" ut ;in>;, lig j cosh cesXS1"oR td Y W. 1. 17. pporotVatu14t 1t(ri1 lsi,t. te.ut,luTlstnuti this its lam.?ly suit' to the t', "11 ria. Curluics• Noyes of 'Weter1oot `� a Ill 0 r,C lI. A than should not east a ballot J)upltn Ott :lul)t, of Scieil1 Temper - that he cannot eallect (n HI to on- :anon instruction, !tint die '';,$x„canoe cls: se. Calnluitteo of the Ili+ a till lets )1' y !1 U Oen the church "Ge forward” while ,'Unroll ballots go suloo,i,wald? ACROSS THE ANDES IN PALACE CARS.. If the popple arc not ready fur Pro t Tlto Raiiroad to Ile k'ittielted in UM,litltition tile, are 1201 r,'atiy Eta,Chits• TI,rkt, Oatxges'--Vinorit1uun tirades, ti unity. The year 133I will probably be signal - Will you gn with your church against ized in Builth America by a moat tater- the event in eivil engineering and in. tl1Q saloon system, Cr withwithyouryour pearg r''gg for its w.t:'risntional overland commorce. This will be nothing less than the•eontpletion `, inverters can obtain money 14 6 days if A whisky party Christian is half and opening ofltnotherrailroadlien from s(wisfaolory. and half—stint and shiner- a tuiill'r' tiro A. Sande to the Pacific, and the first x. vesier(INE, n fierier Bluets. Kingham, PSII.Stll that no divitee philueoplly can (p'l'eas the continent of t)outh America, tt(rr nr StouTn lvrrwN VOMIT, loamy: or Hi Sat)It i.tenStilith WIND AM, - t► ONT.? FRED. Contractor and Builder) WINGUALI, - Agent for Downey's (Betgravo) lure. ON". 50O,OOO TO LOAN. On Farre and Totten Property at r cry Lowest Pates sad ear Terme tomtit. hemmers. rQAGE0 PtiH11HAsE4. W1 OOMMISCnON OHA13050. reconcile. .It is nineteen years since this work. was begun, audit is now confidently expected'. Temperance rutin who still cling to that it will e flnielle,l by the beginning Winer parties are a stunibliug•blotltt iu of 1802. rl'1 a road is tonin from .i ucnoa the path of f)rohibitiun, Ayres to Valparaiso, a distance 'oi' 071 exiles. There are liow 040 miles of •it I should suspect, says a writer, that'f;aished at the I:ue21OS ,Ayres end tied tnv preaching had no sa`t in it if no o& hty-ta:oattheValparaisoen(1. O?the gtilletl jade dick win tie..• renxaiuing 1:i8 wiles about ono -third is ractieall 'coin 1alete, the rails teeing laid. The land is not targe endor P y ought not to ba —to hod on Sl! *j. ll ,l The passage of the Andes i.s1.cc•ounpli„hed at the (vt,'ix.lie passt3lahc1 1 1313,013 feet above sea level. The railroad, however, Y t March and one drink shop in peace. p The "abuse" of liquor has its origin does not reach the amnia cf the pass 10 the lettuce of liquor, and fUy but pierces the Mountable by means Of polio, that ignores, tb.Lt fne'1 esus, .a tunnel more thanthree miles long, at fail an elevation of 10,450. feet above the sea.. . This snakes it one of the highest, if nut Eighty Japatlese Gii Is at Na'gasnki. the highest, railroad int',i,xe world, There:Jap'in, etre banded together ;in a Y W is nothing in Europe toe waver() with it. 0 T u, that is said to btu tilt: 'The it Gotflard railroad is 8,73S feet strl,ngeet nrgauizetii>u of the kind in high, and•that On the Rigi only attaiias die empire, a They give special a`- au elovation of 5,753 feet. The grades rcntion to social purity wee and are aro, of course, very steep. For a con - 1 y work, siderable distance the rise is more than preparing a 19�titiuii to the Guvi:rl't 422 -feet to the anile, or one foot in every On this portion of the employed` similar to and other 2nountnin feature of the road, which will seriously impair its. value, is the diversity of gauges adopted. The different sectionsof the road have -been built by different►, companies, and each company has its own;gauge. Thus there aro 0.40 miles from.uenos Ayres to ef en- d ^a 5 feet Ginches gauge,- the -eighty- two miles from Valparaiso to,Santa Rosa; are 4 feet 8.1• inches gauge, and the re- maining 149 miles from Mendoza to Santa Rosa are being laid lathe narrow gauge of one metro. Thus, even when 'the road is finished, itwillnot be possible to run a train through from'end to end. rho seriousness of the defect is now ap- p�re'"',lted, however,- and it is probable Claw 'Steps . will be taken to make the gauge uniform. The opening of the transandean rail- road will. do away with a great deal of the navigation around Cape.Horn,which has been the. only means of commerce between the east and west coasts of South America. It'zvill also, of course, prove of enormous benefit in other ways to both Chili and the River Plate countries. . Pspecially it will give the coal and cop per and other products of the mines og Chili a splendid market in the Argentine tdepublic; and it will allow the produce of the fertile farnms in the latter country co have better access. to the poorly •sop - plied markets of the Paeifio coast. And the!productiveness of the land inthe val- ley,'0f the River Plate seems to have no Ranh. - The soil greatly resembles that of the richest wheat districts of South Da- kota, and in places that of the Nile delta.. There are hundredaof miles of the 'rich- est blank loam, fifteen or, twenty feet leep. There aro thousands of acres :around Montevideo and Buenos Ayres. .hat have, been raider constant • cultiva- tion for 200, years; in all that time no ar- :ific}al fertilizer has been applied to the ;oil, yet there is no perceptible failing in its crop producing powers. There are nearly a thousand million acres of such land, • . - The clihriete, too, is most favorable. Z1lero is scarcely a week in the, year in which outdoor work cannot be done on the farms. Blizzards are unknown, and. even the bitter cold of the middle At- Iantio. states is not experienced here. In •. summer the heat is great, but (loss not. surpass that of Now England. ''he only defects of the climate are the irrogulari ties of the rainfall. There are some- times droughts and sometimes. fiuode, BM this evil is being steadily l overcome: ec by syutenis of irriatioil. and by whole- sale tree planting Oix'theeepen I I -illus: The Chilians have properly Leet} nick.., named the "Yankees of South America," They do, indeed, e::llibit the cllaractc'r- k,tie Yankee thrift nntl enterprif.e., nit the Argentine Il tiii!)li;i has t,2 late years also become muclr Ii;•:e tale United States, especf•'ly the'rvestc'ril 'totes. The tilt>r- moi.'.s immigration, u1:1Ounthfg, to hint-. ((reds of t!ioat,.and.; annually, gives the p oPle the bailie cosmopolitan eleieoet.'te fee va>:t plains, devoted to li heat grew- i?Ity ((fed to cattlC raising, r( anisic Cti3 • greatly of th;.' p airi u and pluhr4 of the United f t :t.c , The , 0111 :, (,f dirjet '. railroad coni tree I tV.(.e.. il.f Crit mai west c(.tl:t'.o''will tact a practfe-al Gobi- zn reial and 1'rlblilitvl;:1 I+,:lull 1;awci'11 the nai.fo115. Cali will be the it t 3V' thee, land of i!oittli nne.ilinl, the validly; ; anld textunfuCtaI'ing I<) ;ik) 1, while 1114 . 1li•..-r Aide 'to coentr v x,li vertu -Timid to the 3Ii:• ', •i>pi ' ell nice the great agricul- • tilr.l.1 Cteaitry of this CU1:tintut,---Co•(, New York rri;.tute. ,.Harpy to Ms w'huit: eyaten. " airs. Win. thing Syrup" for children teething is iit the taste.aud is theprescription of one of and 'hest female physicians and nurses in Rust(,, and is for sale by all druggists t the world. Price twentS'five erors a f ants autl nth for "Milts. WxaSl,uw's Siam' and take no tither kit d talent against 1. 111 cuncubinage, Temperance. land the temp great progress Danns it' -,.----In Zea- uce CitaSO 11:18 (21 ide talk, During the auwmer.many-1 s eats art held in tiic. island, end net only .have the deplore ;n steoug drink tried to ttlf t. then to their. own account but ` they have also organized fetes in, their per- •' interest. nt 1N'r, st. r? a aw' ot(oaitcer- i• ce(l)ls , the evil"• the ; friends of temperance have organized teetota' fetes, and made tax, it good influence widely felt. .] 1uele that: is }.eneliciai is moreover, ea.pected ffonr a raeasurt' brought forward by the 'Government, .compliancewitil the popular de- mand,.forbidding the sale of in taxi- . cants by dealers at public fairs and (festivities. • twelve and a half. line a rackrail is those on the Martz roads. One unfortunate 'the 'Want•, aS (ho oaeese. Eernest, Golicernr•cl i eii and women is what the temperance cause need. to -day. Behold the wonderfal impetus given. to•.the nitssionary :moveme>.utsof our ''sllurches within the past few years ! :11'rone, Comfortable 110113es, ortt of col. Tee and. counting .bolt -e have Come ,young wen elk:.woilien who, incrifeil)g_ all these things, Lave given tai nisei VeS 'to the work of carrying the gospel to fareaway heathen. 7, • itlust the clrunl;llr4 enntinue to go down to drunkard's 'r.tve ? and shall "our boys" from our own hearthstones continue to fill up the ranks as they are broken .f—all for need of such (bell ,and womento labor ie. the .rue '"gauss of Total Abstinence and Pro - "1 ibition, Let this fall and u '.ih.ter be one t f earnest work on the peat of Lodge and 1)lviaiCa, Council and League, ---of (-very one in the line of preaching; the gospel of Total Abstinence for the individual and Pr.)hibition for the State ifANOTTI# 1'R ADVANCy. SCIENTIFIC TEMPERANCE INSTRUCTION IN '2111.2 neEIO2NTATte SCi2OOLi3. The October number of the E(uca- tzonual 2iccur(i emit:tins this important information concerning the aetiou of Carload et G11tt1Wtnen. rhe Protestant Committee of the egraln. rec red Isere today fromitnxlO, 6 .1'8: me Council of Public Instruction rtee ,Jr Te , ULlthern H'1seng13rtic'lltron1 ewO Orleans Mr Masten, as convener. of elle lit, 11) Contained one car of Cur3..1 .tl:lding OornMi: tee OW .le:tt.i3coksl igiat. Ili a i 67,;,iaa ;rte emigrant made an interim report and snbmilted tiai-.lhed to tilt; roar sleeper, were a first draft of it revised list of te.it•- ac Chinaincn4 ('n route to China. boast:✓ and rec00llllentlt'd that in the oe from Thele Ila, Cuba, where retluiir0metits of ;;rix; Provincial, Board t h'I:toye(1 'in a char factory. of Health, the peter. nt regulations ,ulations areivol by ,.toalw2r at New Of- colieerriit'lg, the tc,lchittg of-pliysi,dogy e f.;0v'i1 meet (.f t•L l i foili°tr1" j yIIIC1 1314 " u 01' Its iie)(1t°1 "P"17iLn I tut r 1"...1 Ii Wit; oa >laill(d that i , n,y thc, ter- 1 `'.cftt1U13u1(:S of: e:iteinteti to tilt. 4t!' inl:kl 4t'( U!lite,1 e;:.3it1:S tO Sen Fren- ! t`i'ny schtl,1)1s. " '.1,1211 'C[>illCialttPP fltn+"1'0'�(L 10 r..t)('i t'1' (bey lt:_.l �Il�"i1 ;:(:d Ill A 311 . .°d•Niilad''rlal• 5.1!t3 it7.eritf:'<1 the report nod a".dt'pt the riven)1'Iell- t t'e, _i,'::1!:d to !'t•1'.. dittit>If e0o0i I'i1t21 ; 010 teach ldgloi pl1V• 1' :ii. t:' 1_I :1.1 :t toad of tlJ:21 y 111111 hy;4it'at1ild the el.inient,tt'y 1 a,,,,e('•1:'''031 l,(:•• 5'.1)nul1, -•°"- Rely Ct :until .f%...co3'el, Oct. (•re tt, 11 1 "1 to/ l:uar(1 tnti 'yes 2 ,2, i` i1Ytd Wt.Irt r . ,'; t il, t 110 s0 > t two% stet r ° , 21:011111'W ,- � Ur eat, til'•( V'"ire the ,.(.,.:y lir i lent i t t''e fi t5 it t t' pl:y'6i0.044 til,:( 123' 14',30, with direct txtC', rt l r1>. a i ('(1 .I.;.1' ,• lt.iei:eret to the 11 Alien tissue of a)1 :A" • ,I r ,�l a -,' ek :tad the , Itttat•r.ti(':13 ll )r dt >tt 11ha Stat• tot t'_..a:i t t tV t .'I311 the lltt;tl compulsory in tlrc 'weber Pro- p lit ",,pelltrl y p Lu .1 -at tat, -:Jon, ,;r t#'1 t (t$ bol1141e of this proven(.(; ,t. N1.it, '..u. (rtriiw.ut:hutch 4:Lthvrit,t-,a k yi MONEY TO LEND. TT'IIE CO1iX01tA.TTON OF TEE TOWNSHIP OF y' Ternhurry has about 03,UUu to lean on n.at- gait'es, For touts apply to, P. VIO AltEN, or W21• )1014-11.111130N, Tr, Ttui.(Sunsa, Winghaal. Basra, tihenfarrue • Viir;haln, May V.Ioney to Loan c n PHINti. STI5CE1 Ol`fT.4Ii? O.. ,.a,;tfper ycar,tott varsea AIIaEISPIsING 11A7'ky1 -- • p . ... •p.... i Iter. 1 it uta. 1 8ii . 1 1 ma. •'iw tt •t .l.tu ,, u) 111 17..';3;:, �134)1.. Val„ Sri (h) Ilan ' 1 Ile > ('u ill UO S 10) Quarter” '1i (11 1d de Onc hu'11 , f 111> .t 00 •1 i 110 4 00 2 ou 1 pe 13'at and eithca• (:ane dv. rti I:ernil Irts, lir.. her liao for Uret insettiou, and::( 1,c r hue tor each subsequtut insertion, Local ((otiees 111 neupercil typo 100. f('r first sertion, and 3r per line for each subsequent nt insert er. No local (loth 1, win be cheretd less thou :40.. Ail vcrtimem ni s 01 Lest, 1.oulul, Strayed, Situation , /tad 1n11ince,,, Chun mu as atitvd, not eNeuer,1141 1l limey nonpareil. t01 t month, Homes Mai easy for Solo, 1301. eatreedinl; 8 lanae, i1 for 0 st mosth, hi t'. pet subsequent month. These t(ym:. will 11..• eta deny ndht led to. Special rate.( for lotnIvr 0.11.1o1'tiscnlu.tn, 4r for lointee yeeitils. A"., ,1 I 4.11.'0sl'rillia t1lrcl0'1113etticls,uil.10 Ins. ,s it fe rh t( ani .1 r (d at r o 1'11 iy ):r.yl,, se1,3,, .3 :lr 1 (. • n'.l: ht 1111(3 in a. 1:11 ce. .t , ,t atIte tl.:S11 1:1,-1... ti.0.11:0 114 , .. • 1. ,.t, ,..31) 1313.11, ill (11 ter to 414h i( t.r ,. w,•t'is It. 1:1.L1 01 T • n Plateau:rim Alin Xc1 I1l>tia ai,.a., r7,+6.a s,n-acv a:,:,.n'an+» ...a+ww.....,...i..�. " ot es ed .1c2fa:51CfiFi ST11E1 T, AT REASONABLE RATES, Moneyy advanced on lifertra)res at 0.per cert, with Privilege of paying at the end of any( year, Notes and accounts e0ileeted. To T. It7cl143300. Orvice,-Bcaver Bleck. y5'itlglictim, Ont. Sar -n'l ouhill's REAL ESTATE A•1A1D FiRE INSUR- Ar'�,10E ACGt'lCY. OFFICE : }83'11"4' FLOCK' WING2 AM. :Private funds to loan. A number of Building Lots anu Residence proper ties fcr Sale These desiring to makes home in Wingham should communicate 31.1111, o>' al lily; in person at my Mee, -vhere all necessary information can be hummed. BANK. ' OF-1iAw1YMXL TON ji T "1F7 N ,$. 1x1 .� Capital, 111.,000,000. Rest, ;WOO,000. Prl'.sident-Jolty STUAW'r. Vice•Yresident-A. 0, RANSLY. • Dieemo'Toteal JOHN PrtocroR, CiuAS. GuaotsT, Gino 120400, A. T Wool, A. 13' Lee (Toronto). @Cashier -J. TUItNBULL. • Savings Ratak hours, 10 to 3 ; Saturdays, 10 to 1. Deposits of 51 and upwards received and interest allowed. Special Deposits also received at current rates of interest. 11:/rates oreGreat Britain :and the United St to bought and sold, . TB. WILisSON, AOP.RT. MBYER do DICIi.Ix7RON, . SQLICITORs. ..•..,,Iy„ f x r- ,:,1111.. e , ...u. IS OFFERINNG , .. i. ON P. ,4&11,2 ;1:2.01=2.'1"2" AT 1.01=2.'1 Y - AT 'FRY Lupe RATES, saO i Till I OFFICE -OPPOSITE THE MARKET. WINGRAIt OCrenEn 4r11, 18S1t • 1,i+t 1 : ly17k.•••+' 21=2.M. " S. GRACEY, ; •., Supplies all necessaries for fun- eral furnishing hr. s' » ' a Delivery Wagon specially X(, ,::,o: in suds' of business, All orders attended , personally, and dlelivered'. any: where whin 10 miles of 'Wing: linin. `Remember the place, first door earth of the big brick -hotel on the 1 main street, 'yl'r iug laze. l6fI..ler''�r'�,ti.+�1 tCtlNY:.Gitrae.•f.Veillet1'ie.C�"''{veer.tl,(G,t eteN'. f;HL:IIUI,AI ,it� iYieutuu, - QO Anr,3. 1,11..1. A. 111'.140111.1M,• LI honor Graduate of Toronto University, Utlico and Residence. --Thu old stand formerly octet- pied by tar. I1e11(310e, at the coraur of Conti ti and. t'attiek streets,' Wiso1Au1, - - - OST. )11 F E. GOUIRI0Y, - rirstclaw honow man and general pram-1e1c7 medal••• 1st Toronto Un13erea . 1ieu,ber College•2'11yeiebins • and Surgeons of Onteli0. nsLanAXs, ONT. Otrire-At 1fetho.ltit Parsonage.' J. A. MORTON, T)ARRIISTER( &c., 1•yinghain Ontario. VANST0t1S, 1 (iA t[(iSTER, SC ICiTOIt, NOTARY Tl. 51.1C- . 0ONV1.i k .ICES --ferret Bleck, VVhiatus, 00r., Genius a110 ISLY'1 i1, ON')'. Private and cesniany fonds ie lean '31Iow rats o1 .interest. 113U1(;,n1res, town sed farm prettily 11011" tt and sold. Aterettit.:te collet -Owls a 1,3u,lpltf.. DENTISTRY,- J.S. 2E11014E, 'isINGUAH. Jerome is manufacturing cel- luloid plates Vu,uuinu plat(, of the �• �) best mate ial tietMap Oa they<tun hu got in the Denlit.iou, All Ve ork Ivor - ranted. Vegetable Vapor atlministe'cd for the painless extraction of teens, the only safe anesthetic 13,.331111. ' OFFICE: In the BcaSa.r Block, oppeetae tltu Brune:tick Betel. y)EVLIS'ItY.--W. B. biACUNALU,. tllxot131). Maker of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy, Siive; Gold, ott., etc., Plates, ral.bhrg ;iii prices from t;u00 upwards per set crowningand bridgework. Teeth ex treated without the least pain by. the inapt Vital, iced ,Air. Head Otte, SS mediate, side entrance op- ! posite the Queen's hotel, opal daily (Sundays exreI't- ed) from 0 a in to 6 p m. UM be at Blyth every 2nd and dth Saturday of eachinouth-Oificent2lihit: s. hetet; Gerrie; 1st and Sed Mondays of each month,. 0(113333 at .Albion hotel. Extracting 26 cents. Dili; �3Tot".;,, V inglluln A,snl.(.y. f'u JOHN RITCIiIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT .- Zvrxoxeu, Onhatr •A. It0B);2T CUN\IIIQHAI1, ; INSURANCE FIR* AND MARINE, G[TELPII. dJ DEAN. dn.,, WnienAit, LICENSED AUCTIONEER F012 TBE COUNT, ' 011' IlL'ItuN. Sales attended in ally part of the Co. Chergic, Moderate,. 1j OIIN CTJEIllli,'Wreci3ALx, U:ix., LICENI'SE3 At elrIONELIt Poli 'Tim corn rr 0r Relies. All tittle's left at the Tuts, ofiles preloptly at r°ti- ed to. 'remit reasun,ibtc, • JAMES 1ti NDER(2013, Llcs5sen AvoTlm55m ren Coueves IIeItmx Asn • 1)111.135. A11 sales attended to promptly and on the Shortestt..• Notice. Charges Moderate awl Eati1(articn Guaranteed..:, All necessary'( erten) ]lt(tdi eat, he made at tilt xutY,d cli,ce WIN ,.31324 CN'r. (0LTON 2G IIAWL(INS .. 1'. L. 1 D. L. Seuvr(eue ,5331 CI ill. Yi$01.11E118,.. LIST0%' tL Am, %Vtt4GI7A32. A1) ordeal left et the 0i.c: of the TiSTia wit Yr, 00110 1nenlpt 11001,0(1. 2:L50:i a h 32102102, P. L. Surveyor, Civil Engineer and Dreegliteb, . Pulte:Moeettcl.tiwl 11:ra (.o db. Mat t.) prtrf"reef. into buhtlii,)i loth, e(tetht)) etet.utc,1 bt linear,(^J, InerLi np, totrlplaoo planet 01 (ciao, at.d ail i.cs, an pet Idt.neAry xt t, ow t1 .. ";1 etas id p1t)t•.tiuu 1 for int hien to 4(,'d'), tl ,.., :,4t ,., pi aver. tondo urali'b(rn;40„stt0dtofbridges, (1111(cets, &c. Ptu• 11(:13 and ttt.ntalus for )r.:u.tl,01.0., di.tluut r, ra:.ul tthd stn ((t itq,.r,l.(nlllrt t•tr(:,32 i,l.,i otL,-r ra,t, i• nt eller! (3(.:1311. Cotic.,,.+Lurl'(7 347,tu(30, 1Latily) 141,,(3> end 310.al,N,«(3 ut ;,43rµ, fit'31,.l.--A. 4. A. Attu.,o1. n ;,o, 01.1(3, V'til.i,•,. 111, 001,, Y CIL/ONES 1'0I1 IheTlttTTION oN 1'(11 o 111128 1-' 1'Karr; vtNuferUurtun.si,d'1)arx,O8 . ne,r ichor at IOU 1114;13t446