HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-12-20, Page 1• • • e: • t, a petition from B "'Vinson and 29 other .. bast charecter costume BeU's iit.otut-'3'. vviil hoid their. aerie) 1 enterteinment in, retepayerieNsling:410 council to exerript . the leriinswiek. nice. Chrietniari Present, g0 to Band etiliven4d the eU:oettedin,git with the teivti 11811 on 141seedaer evening next, ie. r the door fe.ctee et dessis aLloydtt Sons the Whigham ^Furniture Factory where several choice seleotions. - • i" -e'•,7 • 23).:1 inst. , The retain feature of the entet• . you tan get Paelor and Bedroom Settee, -. ' --ateeses •. • VOL. XV111.--NO ffl. LOQ'terr NWS. —The Peeerboro liewera'rer iosito1 neat Christmas ed.' ion. -Mri Ileynt etc F everted P. pose. Vole *ith Meisre owleeetatiseock Melteleie. of the Ster reetauraut, takes the htcfli A 1 bill Iines. -The public s hool oloses for the Christi, . • ,-, man heti taye• t day. • e, Appleeey the harreiAtisheI or eeett, at 1cKe1vo tent wee eleen 111 the 'lurch oti Therstley even - •,7,- -An entertali 31.),en • • -Myth. Loot z1 as wall ert lee:a niatter, has crowded it of this issne. Leeesitie endZetlana ce --Fresh cot �j it oatineal aiwaya on heed et A. II eiree- . . , - -A public 00111,3:1i8O00 tIrIllla be a letter Ilex place' at the tee T R etetion. Thee° -Tar S gor. wo,•dtietist: put two weee e been eniefeeet eic): ehrough a, wiv3)? attneL larin)r etze the brevets. V 'a are glad to,• tent now rapidly tee ivering.. ee. A , ( IiIt11)AY, DE014.141.13ER, 20.. 1889. , ^i^ ..T.VSa et . Mee has hie Ilona. 04 Ithwe f: oetea. e ne ftelvie' . Call :ma see F. Ity.tivo candid tes are writing/ at ',ranee Ileamireetion tit the public `leieweek.. All the ectudiaittee are •• ruralist:hoots. Mr Turnbull, of ' e•;aorelucting liaexarethations, canafee from L to 27, emits . at It 1/111.8. -For eenien lliriettivie Preeent, go, .4 i irch.. NV tegIntan Furniture, Pant:Ivy . wile yr) I. an Prior and 'tearoom Sallee. 4,1„,„ .0 end Extension 'rabies, leieleboieelea ee.0 4-Cliairs, etc., woe. which vane be glia at very low prices. TII04. 1.)$11,1 • --The benefit •f advartifgile istebewn I the elIVO Of Mr S I) ivtliwooii. ].as t week iteipserted Astir 11 a" eeeieernent in the cal . Tzsts, offering h S. rese ''' ee for ,. sle. aon WeanesdaY, Mr Adam^ *tea, of Merris, saw the. eavertie ^inept an I purchased the, property the sape day. . . Choler) buekwli et Elul^ for •pan.caltes, et A II C:trre.. • . --Mr T EeDowl s,for !Ionia time a, mem- b7.r of tlie firm of 3owl6i''&•• Iliscooks, loft tone on Monatey Oleingetelhieeteliere be eipal :nett keo v • t i J.,;yPr MOIlla 0 is eandidath for prospect, of 'being inn. Ittereirs. Thee •lane are the canai. fp, and Mr Goo Me. aet . et. tertn, witli t t7t: :41,.. "by Reale:pa .14,:teiarind e'elni la 'r3,ft,teif!fr'l'Aft Beeves) erict tliceenely en e we hen heard o ,Feir coemeilberte, it i understoo'd thet near_ 5 ,,.1„,„„ iti;'Elic; lie 1 for Deputy -Reeve. ly a/let:tat tel4'eminci Jars Will Stella for re. election: "pi") (lids niutte^ hes been .wmcip.,,,.n•filretit„,atsa robable candidate in • . living in the pert siae of the town would goes into bintitterte..E/1- won -inatlef,frieede ••,t.Th -tinges copy of a motion . • • An ootoyable nine 'WWI spent be - who attended ti e Oadfellawte tele( thole rporne, On block, on Pridey ing last, The! all was tiled to Oire there not ng stiftleient seating ex; and atitudiug -onin was ta prentf The chair wa aken shortly after.li by lt Elliott,e made a few rev tee principle the order itria that had bee e done iu the past by h society in reli ving the siele and distressed. Pager Dared gave *pis seleotion in good style, which sve.ehieriliy applaud- • • ed. The or estra-eompeeerl of Iteesciett iteneeedetieb stiate, Daftield, Gerster, Ito 11,0154on, Potts, Lleyd, Latitner-ga o a lei; leteetions, 'were well 1 eeived, ltheitetiens• were given by Mises Maggie elergill and Bell Smith fwd. W11 true bend either(*) want tente eperly ereteolieS r 0 r04rirKIP.0 for ir. n leaseage *4 I air aveteiote, • 44 for Vie nui p Feel iAnt ftiattio.rx T - • Atriette .11feetaenist crollerry, lqinet r, W Orawforee, which were highly appre ling, lns 55 styte. • utitt, MoItX osed of • letistikef were heereil encorea * ,411.1iel‘ 1:91.4i4 ivey lat;rtt(VI t'tici. le :Yr ereeeillycle'd 4tt:144, -91;tg arm a user of lith'e'eledsele in 3tip- %silt t8331140:1S ce Oldrirfpni:nt; nr 5, copy hordrei. lifeteve Scott Seeeions of the County lernee the S Gracey ga t -the -greatly aebern :iodated. tebile Winghtet whe whit' him' .1.1eoefeteeecl , regn tir rneatng of L 0 L Bnsentli Aractcl 'door to Itinicere beolee C PR st io o LUL him good. tasolYeci 1 the ebers'et ty Tiedkti •uet weeere oorie ary in tiey eti,eee et it Envoi in Orangileivilll?. 'tent to 'tha to', 704 tiliem en er Oth 1889: ' • ' 4404114 Sabastiau, ••••-•A.n excheng lute We: We'll leave a bleleiPress tr i4 fetiptle 3:118; I:at/Z. lierse.rthee n'er t lock sai4 goo d, a done, let it poiut to --For nie# Clereetneter Present, go to xot). ucl d feel its ante/flees the Wi ahem^ l'eruiture 'Factory where thrortgh the • ' t Patiot • Dedrootn Snitee, • graciously if ire ing.i'a, loerl o!. wood. 3","°1' and hereby eon., e;er •e et cl Extension Tables. Sideboards, Just *red, 20 boxes oleo omegas for F try Chairs, •teeen. be eondolenee in his. Xmas' treele, from 15 to en cents per dozaci, ought at very, cievvfi"ri4t041," Nvrtlicrilst finr,3,.. ,_ that the Greet Di. , . iti It Hill's. . .. may comfort' and ..The Prone° cad Troops' Dana te of e — 13 211'6,.20.01019 Dead made their first severe trial, end t Selva,tion Army -arrived in town on. Saxer., appose:wee on 1 nrseity evening od f last Stria/nod to convey wfat:4110mi 1 st. On Saturday night ! ' ' week, at the car ivel iu the olie little...0my gaya. ri ler • t• • h i3 of this resoln ueio. ee edam:men in t e - • ----' The boys marl It fine enpeare.nee aud rakei and oa , ride, y they paraded the ; • ^ --At the Genet- tecteewell. stand assieted theeervices during of Peel held at Dr - reets , -You are invited to well at Vt T Yates, the append in the. evening. They ieit fora judge Scott, and inapeot tbe De est display of fable Chine, tow on Monday- Thee/ area fine 10.11E14 on a cleerge of shoo , • mid' glees civet showil en XV iuglettm. Prices be of men, an 1 are fair musicians. Annie Bente. The away down. • Men Wanted. mpton Wednesday be. through, lunch arehall Baer was tried rigs were brou ng with entene to kill tra,gieeng "Go hootingtook place at • tlereore, about - sir T went through her her heart, mud for . Th.° 1 'ee-Arratigements 0 being made by the .e, village called Ott months a,g6. The but A number ot men wanted to en and Caleaoniuu f.loaiety of the town'. for ties • by. ee oraw cord wood and save tinge by cot rad, btent01) within an inch celeleration of Pawl s' anniversary t., 4E, Tntue... ever 0. eter, , lei re. 1) 1 Meet emotion, ne the marke nu Seturday, Dee. ole , a quentity of 'tense ola f itenaila. l'erms ce b. T ctuctineeer, Seefertit. -Tin etock n4 , con berry, Will ho ctliered or tr.& en the promisee.° on Toes/hey It atuns t • 4, et . - . !timbre; cemont anolitift- Ca hogs Our readers wit regen t, d•death, from aralysis, (if orkis, Itt-, his :."1-ghtees _ ra,LifiVolnof a lOtlf atalle.advaneed tge oft 82:' Mr. Jewel Wray. lot t ), et i teeloe ejeloutb Organ mouths ' o ou A. Gerster, 0owitn, ,•041neer. s, Dodds, and ibutea very - ar4 "Lotto at A. ee'e. evening, aud onolusion of 4 N43.81)•'•••• the dant sanY09. IA violin sole moll ved applause. re ice to fatteiai enshire gave vitt buy no di essrs. Cline, Meld a vocal A Were well received. 4 were .:4alivered by Bev,, -11loaviilweese- and Pries tiretieinee Wes about h , was serYea, The procee ht to it Save se by the Oroh,e a mains were lel erred at wn 0ofeacie. neil mifon Monday even-, supplying tile p.citrinitnbroollov,%, a Queen." r''i`e laptlepidna,,:1;1;t.----ilere Will . " •,e. ', e!".„ :vice in Eadies' 01:ureh on 13aNi : -the pastor, Re.y. - .Y. Tiaras ' „ , elnon'ertote • L MA 'our- I veer iii ovi e , an e , sensible man. gamy ' 600:i 'noticed. the evil 13 ) point. lie alone deserves the creel ti,?e. ing it under publr-emotite ' .• ..' admit that his le3r, is '..kj,ene tiwely. Every star it -by 9A should read his le -ter; and ttlitiel for Writing it. 1 c hal.* u got men in Wingha whe,--wk, ,,,,, credit to any 01111 icipal lide IP aro thrust,asIde, y impti Ude, who audit timely • selves on tile pe le for are unequal to thinking gain something„ in„ impo popularity, bet sally, th ceea' in putting lieumeittos i tions where if. e n he xf.t how uisCloss the ' aro. ond: how Apply to Geo TM:map; Zetlend "e eetiple of mouths Sh was at the point 'alg'11- the °°un a ehattllor, etatute. Prese t-TliaMayor; Reetie; end: pursuant to, • rand simper. It tame particulars will 'Box 125, Wingbeen, Ont e of death.. 'The Prose ution :01 ed„ th e , '444 be given in il.fotur lesue. he carnive, on Thuradtey'litsb, at the ehe prisorier ehot th tron3 jeadousy, oneillote Mo are aieeleethi, Ekohit,,q,? v011eci;„rink we a 0401 en -geese ,• but 0.0,1, t 111:iiaolc shire, ,Sparlingitnvth veu. Want 're genuine 'eon& :clothe wriiegee etiaelee teose kefet40^ettteeee 4. zevero ay, aee^00,1eihewe- Gourie., erst. 0. -one paio/ y. eXnettrea Cline & 00, • SoulPthing now, VilrY Cheap' IlleOlymont, for beet condo coeturne. notines gentled the prieener ancl ot him lb° mintik"5 bz vit3;i8 Meettlig Zeaci anct tetteireng etote, and will fit it up and remove Maud P euty, *est eomic costame; Miss town. . . "eir'john Ma in, of the Bruneriteek, johe Angus, b costume; G^'ItleCiennont, aeguitteet.;eene Mr Holnees If oh IticIpea feom Mr W W Xng is, asking for, enemptien tis levied. the hal over ler 0 A iv owns, beSt chrete costume. Ladies -Miss above is sciii:c5f '''71.uts• Holnaesi of this of taxes on hie "ellen win for ten years, including 18a0. 4- Chas Lloyd presented, tint table to 15 .t110,5 are 3201i in Bessie , beet cojumet Mies Kerr, --The St. Peelle Clegreli Sunday School epproyea, A. co rime:ideation was read from eases fee hen eeere-the exemption C re and Liter:skin Tables, Sideboards, -Having bought Mr Ordbiek'e whole busi- tel vvill be a cet4n.ta, entitled "Cateh. to cover 1880,:;;Illere, by 0 'Williams, toss, the stock of Farniture, consisting of ing Eriss Rrinkle." :woe Chairs, etc, eta., which eau be "hm° "all take seconded by Thos G g tl tl li- e ory, le app Parlor and Bedroom Suits, Extension eria part) in the °anther., ei evr -1J baueht very prities. Tiros. Dnexe Mr " ea,tions of Messra C loyd ce Sons and W Centre Tables, $1cratary Desks, Bureaue, Liu hes- Mrs 'Wrielat 11.1' Allee. Grand. -The foilowi ere the °Moore of Mettressee; Spring Bede, Pieteres, Oil g e ' Iss , W ladle for exenfp n of times be granted. Techanou Chaptel 'll'olo. 84, 11 A M., for the r"tings, F.t.9. 13°- .. - . 4 e., p P ._ or teklearafrom, , auttry 1st, 1890; aaxes •ffer the whole lot for s 1 a .. Wright -john S ^e henget); e 13erthae I rout not 5111 emery est at prices thet Wright -Stella Coolie n; Bridget Murphy th be r`altitted each !ear on condition that ensuing year. 13 \ l'illson,Z; E L Dickinson, Nvill pity to Canle ten miles foe- I want to -,7ennie Netterfield Same mahoue j,,,, oroves, S„E ; IT W 0 Meyer, S Et Possible. Be sure and don't miss this Jernlie Dufh°1a; 14°11' White-1Iva Hen" order ; it being undo eta/la that this motion • . ' refers only to the prnises nod plant, eteele - Store. - Gamma Goode o every kind, away"down -An efforb s set. in the school. , C E Williams Y; lleelaeds, 'Xmas; selloff the whole stock before January it 57- the factory mid. mill aro in full running ogee. ea S, GlidellV13 Furniture stone Several Chris nes carols will be T Bell, P S; a Pleitity, gem sung by the school, an candies :distribute ctn., used and ocenpi .d in their business oil ie. vice. Three ne corn for 25 cenes ardod members of conditions of by -la thee° of tanutoes or 25 cents three of a monthly fair Carried. Moved. by pees for 2e mite ; 11 fresh stock, at R. of horse. ceatl , duct and punctual. by llomuth, ha HilPs. meat of smell a r. itles‘,1tooghton t m --The Xiaterstle beetle Company aro vvould be given atitertaintn giursattryi Fri „„ f this week, - . spoken.of, and tropizal On +-,tr the " rnmet 11 eabh night. Ad ula be 'matt to establish eel to the different el^ evinghene for the sale Throe prizes Will be a ote. 1.14 the establish- each class, for good c air, farmers and others ity during the pest ye an opportunity to dispose Is in the Town Hall of their surpine stock witheet eost to them,: ay and Saturday nighta selvs. The=is 120 aeubt ilia if •the fair company is highly was held in IA, Ingham it would be well at- ilt:. doubt will be well tended by bw-ers, beeause of our good husday, they played shipping titan tie, Here is an opporturi. id." A. change of play ftp for the Boe,rd of Track) to aistingeish L 3obb,03.25, repairs Wien 10 cents; reserved itself. hating; 3 13 Ferguson. soctee 25 cent. has charge of the nue 'lea,' pare of the pro- gramme, Which is a gparantee that it W W Inglia be r Counil-Lost. Th be well carriedauk _earnission 15 cents ; repbteti, recomme ehildren belonging to the Sunday School. following accounts free. . repairs ; Geo Hugh Geo Fettypiece, 63 Perna Ice Mr 11 0 Jones, of the Ball Electric scml tie roltairs; T Light Ccnnptiir,wau in town on Tuesday, lt ee4h95, p 1175, salary to De This company hiputtin in -works at Xin. eardine.. flee -ere. j JI thing for holiday presents, rug Store, Also, le full ' Morenzie, students alt erticle,e, perfurnee, aoa,pe, 11°'''ul•"1 are imm° mu need in thew Hues or Mr nenrY Bullard, of to- drawn up - in Smyth, saconded the Matter of exereps re Lloyd Sons and erred eci :mt years Ifiteemo Ohnineittee ding payment of the 11' Steleenson,elleie 03, tank for pump; 5, oil, cee; al Rbin- ' Vey For Xmas Getts. 31, 1i80; Geo Petty. ' -Cin "c°1nb 11 the'144"40nentin'Y in • The best an' cheapest 111209 112 silk phieh Dooember faille on Christmas day this geode • I' peer, the nonlin ,;biona for riehool trustees at Dr'l s ton of toilet will take please t ThuredaY, DOO. 25t11, ne-ne- e'' 4, , make a note of this, le WinghemOhe • Trustece Mid Jtiters iuterested ebould .2.: ev I thing It 04.` *« Ur jos Bullard of th s twn, has beee 63.07, wire and pr ding up r,) alarm, The no has ar. report Was adoP ed and the accounts few em oyees along the • 1ll4 visiting here for it few ays. nomination and election of school trusteee ordered to be pa I The Treasurer pro- of the G T P IV under Mr R Tiffin'n ranged to tele e, eitmetion with Moselle ()Don tad and Geo, Piece, 6106.3, oat 47 to Decal, 18e0 ; &dna 10 0304i0010oueps, Dickson, 018.75, s lary to Dee 811 14880 ; or the holiday., Jos Coaa,11.25,st leo to Dec, 31 tesa ; Jos atfora, brother of Dullard, 22n1, rieght ; Jos Hurtibese, will be hold e.t tie sainketitee mid places charge, Icarian I of his contemnlated visit Gillies ce Matin, Tawa,ter, after new muted a leinancis Stittemout of the town as tor menieipa coutsiThs, tip' till the 15th oe Docember.,- The Tree- • to Gertminy to o treated for .an afreation yoar..mr Ciineingli ne, of Guelph, vvas • Eleervbedy cell on • Setrday,Vtila - ^, the eyes au twine desirous of gtving in. town on Weanetela ..2.1r 'Thou Miller :surer cellea atterlenn to some notes of evetytIay up to Jauuttry let, if -i'',,,,,,.., „„,„„ fq, 1 • • .• 1 M re Kincaid 33 os thet the town eat:Min- , e e yoa went a bargain.. Why go to mintion ,... - .,.....-, „... line toilet of the esteem in of Itwnk, et one tun t resilient of this ess ' els* end buy 01.1 neeoiel-hand furniture ; which he is I' •Id by tm-i, clecidea to take town, and who tve to Luisian, beet 0(1 5130 Yit'31"n't (It 1V -4:°"a by 3 Ilnattnife evil 'yea evai gab new as cheap at B. eentribution ' from employees, with spring, is hack on a -it. no 1., • r,,,tly seconded by 3 I t-- Antal), that the inetter ett y,s Furniture Store. lie sure and ' ot Kincaid Bros ges be referred to the that object i view. A few days ago, pleaeed 'with the eou ry, says the climate ' erg am bound to eon. .1121 Mayor, Treaaurer ieinsm. and Mr Cline, teindtteeir (,..33k mid Mt A Little,of taste. its delightfut, and thaw* Ternberry 4 -Miecs X Catl y and Dell Smith,°- f ' wel, 'wore deputea to 'vist Sti atford. and lIowiek syndiuto 13.•-v(i! done splendidly With rumor to :tut parried. W P Brackn." the teaching ist....ef oef the plIbliel Pal01,hire,' front the eninitthe appeintea to tentler the estimonial to Mr Tiflii. The during the paut year alui that their in- s baying declined r •engagetneut to unotherlook into the alIe ed over as-esement of teitimoniallienusittea of. a parse containing vestmeot is snte ton ^oe•e all that they ex - tf4tev. Nr. McRae 4.- 11111ThriOltP To theFelltot4t 51:1e:W HIPS -knew ; fl% - '''11 inin Sueli. People eee n to forg$ th' knownint„ tl . 210 (ACP or ti confer dignity 1 the it' n man eau impar sorni. cligleit Wilco or title. Thiul th , a lawof the fit Asa a ,,3 cannot be ignoe d or fie' safety or decen . Ent it thai, be • ' ' d ,' 1 snob meapab mute,I1 the worse for the peopl. What a differ lit style of mu oorrespomt%:nt " oter " is fro othet correspoodone rt RA "Mc former loverelloglad mid g the latter vain, insipid toid The vain follow. proclaims t wettld give 850 t)•beve libi li graved on a dor t slab in posvd town 11 What foolish vzinity, - ch mune, brence, would not toep his living for one da lifter 1). fionte ptop0 tire , ei titifeel hint that if the, n arble sit Panne, and Mingo', also, r) near Mr. hliy'.., publie nor Oven llie fr uiss him much: i 'tm, y*it Axtrr t, Lioitzi. ' cittma-3t„.., At Woititli ei ti -at :Mt 0 :sir •1 N Az!, ,ianl(*. "..:'. W. tint.....",'ON - Id "elite,v..vv, ,. rt tt iftA uf 3h. Win gt,tp"ot =1; 1, virt ,,t1Ali tnrri, (It Wein, Atla, Ili .. At t at t toi.i..s Pah* to the ilet, A :.qt;;Vt to 1.1.,...tr it. 3, • tec.,tt Matitaii,v.s.z, all 6i r, Vrs •'5n'c -?.`, tlelni no 'NI" of 111.w.0% lf•coittft. .1•44.122111. 34‘11.1•4 111.)?,•, 'O the IA% Mroon. i.:1;A:.t t tat' , tektite of iititytcs1 * '. o • 1 I r year, inteua leavi g town, Utile Smith ou ti20 pie e• ' ley (to -day) afLisa Caney, after the pected„ Ate joint eerennen Went up to 3.10eire Dulinage .tj Son, reported recant- , , chsst,,,yts, wtsiletsy . It,.., is Ilitousling twit ling that the t mac on the back lets •ot . . irisernas 110130 4y5 ye: Miss ut‘tioy haebeen Ocimmodlatta.Itentidenee Per Sale. • with that villege for .ti cite for a tannty. the 23ru11swie1t1116 erty be remitted, -Tho '`keer: years in W iag m, end will b3gteat- The nederNtnina °lea' '41'''' ennuft"i'ml • •I‘ly411'1 ciff, of 1-eielelurie% was 1111,,Viug. Plater W150 re'erre to next year's 0 it. laelniseed by al , but especially by the; residene, Situated rin the etcher of lett. h neereeneee . ' • . Th rt mayor, ;webs, .mm1 of the ectmut • appointed to meek he citizens' committee • rtutop people tite oharge of lOo Goon ty, end taiens etrots, for eel° on Jim FiO IA 0110 Of liconnite St -'*et reit.l4. retorted that tit itam,auti is mot desirably the town, Shottleem too. gmabie ter tiohool at Doen, W".tar- the heat le Smith bee eeeurea. teemd, ry convenience; sore of The inarieet on Irednesthy Watt ciaitl, telkoa ovec town , school tudiirSt xtford, her home, far next land, st abl. eto. Pereitis wiehing to and peke% steftity. -it beet vette quoted et able wy, but Wei_ ret.r. look through the house 0.02 110 so by can. 83 sat); for feat and red tinter, anti 83 neel by Alex I). 44_luul g, For 1.111 partioare, apply to ceat e for spring. Kerley 119 to 46 crtte. resh Minos ext, for hriettna, 10 It WA.41411 MC01 tt 0148 30 to ninen AI to 61a, Boklme. 51115 the " Prison, Toronto, Ont. Dreserglh requo4ed to have :et)tillnitteeM Met Ana atter*, in very 50112- uo notion wan tt,kg. mon, eeconeled by It C leterterty Committee be the It uutteernente of the es