HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-12-20, Page 1•
e: •
a petition from B "'Vinson and 29 other
.. bast charecter costume BeU's iit.otut-'3'. vviil hoid their. aerie) 1 enterteinment in, retepayerieNsling:410 council to exerript
. the leriinswiek.
nice. Chrietniari Present, g0 to Band etiliven4d the eU:oettedin,git with the teivti 11811 on 141seedaer evening next, ie.
the door fe.ctee et dessis aLloydtt Sons
the Whigham ^Furniture Factory where several choice seleotions. - •
i" -e'•,7 • 23).:1 inst. , The retain feature of the entet• .
you tan get Paelor and Bedroom Settee, -. '
VOL. XV111.--NO ffl.
LOQ'terr NWS.
—The Peeerboro liewera'rer iosito1
neat Christmas ed.' ion.
-Mri Ileynt etc F everted P. pose.
Vole *ith Meisre
Melteleie. of the Ster reetauraut,
takes the htcfli A 1 bill Iines.
-The public s hool oloses for the Christi,
. • ,-, man heti taye• t day. • e,
Appleeey the harreiAtisheI or eeett, at
tent wee eleen 111 the
'lurch oti Therstley even -
•,7,- -An entertali
31.),en •
• -Myth. Loot
as wall ert lee:a niatter, has
crowded it of this issne.
Leeesitie endZetlana
ce --Fresh cot �j it oatineal aiwaya
on heed et A. II eiree-
. .
, - -A public 00111,3:1i8O00 tIrIllla be a letter
Ilex place' at the tee T R etetion. Thee°
-Tar S gor. wo,•dtietist:
put two weee e been eniefeeet eic):
ehrough a, wiv3)? attneL larin)r
etze the brevets. V 'a are glad to,• tent
now rapidly tee ivering..
A ,
( IiIt11)AY, DE014.141.13ER, 20.. 1889.
, ^i^ ..T.VSa et . Mee has hie Ilona. 04 Ithwe f: oetea.
e ne ftelvie' . Call :ma see
F. Ity.tivo candid tes are writing/ at
',ranee Ileamireetion tit the public
`leieweek.. All the ectudiaittee are
•• ruralist:hoots. Mr Turnbull, of
' e•;aorelucting liaexarethations,
canafee from L to 27, emits
. at It 1/111.8.
-For eenien lliriettivie Preeent, go, .4
irch.. NV tegIntan Furniture, Pant:Ivy . wile
yr) I. an Prior and 'tearoom Sallee.
4,1„,„ .0 end Extension 'rabies, leieleboieelea
ee.0 4-Cliairs, etc., woe. which vane be
glia at very low prices. TII04. 1.)$11,1 •
--The benefit •f advartifgile istebewn I
the elIVO Of Mr S I) ivtliwooii. ].as t week
iteipserted Astir 11 a" eeeieernent in the
. Tzsts, offering h S. rese ''' ee for ,. sle. aon
WeanesdaY, Mr Adam^ *tea, of Merris,
saw the. eavertie ^inept an I purchased the,
property the sape day. . .
Choler) buekwli et Elul^ for •pan.caltes,
et A II C:trre.. • .
T EeDowl s,for !Ionia time a, mem-
b7.r of tlie firm of 3owl6i''&•• Iliscooks, loft
tone on Monatey Oleingetelhieeteliere be
eipal :nett keo v • t i
J.,;yPr MOIlla 0 is eandidath for
prospect, of 'being
inn. Ittereirs. Thee
•lane are the canai.
fp, and Mr Goo Me.
aet . et. tertn, witli t
t7t: :41,.. "by Reale:pa
.14,:teiarind e'elni la
'r3,ft,teif!fr'l'Aft Beeves)
erict tliceenely en e we hen heard o
,Feir coemeilberte, it i understoo'd thet near_
,,.1„,„„ iti;'Elic; lie 1 for Deputy -Reeve.
ly a/let:tat tel4'eminci Jars Will Stella for re.
election: "pi") (lids niutte^ hes been
.wmcip.,,,.n•filretit„,atsa robable candidate in
• .
living in the pert siae of the town would goes into bintitterte..E/1- won -inatlef,frieede ••,t.Th -tinges copy of a motion
. • •
An ootoyable nine 'WWI spent be -
who attended ti e Oadfellawte tele(
thole rporne, On block, on Pridey
ing last, The! all was tiled to Oire
there not ng stiftleient seating ex;
and atitudiug -onin was ta prentf
The chair wa aken shortly after.li
by lt Elliott,e made a few rev
tee principle the order itria
that had bee e done iu the past by h
society in reli ving the siele and distressed.
Pager Dared gave *pis seleotion
in good style, which sve.ehieriliy applaud-
• •
ed. The or estra-eompeeerl of Iteesciett
iteneeedetieb stiate, Daftield,
Gerster, Ito 11,0154on, Potts, Lleyd,
Latitner-ga o a lei; leteetions,
'were well 1 eeived, ltheitetiens• were
given by Mises Maggie elergill and Bell
Smith fwd.
true bend either(*)
want tente
eperly ereteolieS r 0
r04rirKIP.0 for ir.
n leaseage *4
I air aveteiote, •
44 for Vie nui p
Feel iAnt ftiattio.rx T
- • Atriette
r, W Orawforee, which were
highly appre ling,
55 styte.
utitt, MoItX
osed of •
were heereil encorea *
,411.1iel‘ 1:91.4i4 ivey lat;rtt(VI t'tici. le :Yr ereeeillycle'd
4tt:144, -91;tg arm a
user of lith'e'eledsele
in 3tip-
%silt t8331140:1S ce Oldrirfpni:nt; nr
5, copy hordrei.
lifeteve Scott
Seeeions of the County lernee the
S Gracey ga
t -the -greatly aebern :iodated. tebile Winghtet whe whit' him' .1.1eoefeteeecl , regn tir rneatng of L 0 L Bnsentli Aractcl
'door to Itinicere beolee C PR st io o LUL him good.
tasolYeci 1 the ebers'et ty Tiedkti
•uet weeere oorie ary in tiey eti,eee et it Envoi in Orangileivilll?. 'tent to 'tha to', 704 tiliem en er Oth 1889: '
• ' 4404114 Sabastiau,
••••-•A.n excheng lute We: We'll leave a bleleiPress tr i4 fetiptle 3:118; I:at/Z.
lierse.rthee n'er t
lock sai4 goo d,
a done, let it poiut to --For nie# Clereetneter Present, go to xot). ucl
d feel its ante/flees the Wi
ahem^ l'eruiture 'Factory where thrortgh the
• ' t Patiot • Dedrootn Snitee,
• graciously if ire ing.i'a, loerl o!. wood. 3","°1' and hereby eon.,
e;er •e et cl Extension Tables. Sideboards,
Just *red, 20 boxes oleo omegas for F try Chairs, •teeen. be eondolenee in his.
Xmas' treele, from 15 to en cents per dozaci, ought at very, cievvfi"ri4t041," Nvrtlicrilst finr,3,.. ,_ that the Greet Di.
, . iti It Hill's.
. .. may comfort' and
..The Prone° cad Troops' Dana te
of e
13 211'6,.20.01019 Dead made their first severe trial, end t
Selva,tion Army -arrived in town on. Saxer.,
appose:wee on 1 nrseity evening od f last Stria/nod to convey wfat:4110mi 1 st. On Saturday night
! ' ' week, at the car ivel iu the olie little...0my gaya. ri ler
• t• • h i3 of this resoln
ee edam:men in t e -
• ----' The boys marl It fine enpeare.nee aud rakei and oa , ride,
y they paraded the
; • ^
--At the Genet-
tecteewell. stand assieted theeervices during
of Peel held at Dr
- reets ,
-You are invited to well at Vt T Yates, the append in the. evening. They ieit fora judge Scott,
and inapeot tbe De est display of fable Chine, tow on Monday- Thee/ area fine 10.11E14 on a cleerge of shoo
, • mid' glees civet showil en XV iuglettm. Prices
be of men, an 1 are fair musicians. Annie Bente. The
away down. •
Men Wanted.
mpton Wednesday be. through, lunch
arehall Baer was tried rigs were brou
ng with entene to kill tra,gieeng "Go
hootingtook place at •
tlereore, about - sir T
went through her
her heart, mud for . Th.°
1 'ee-Arratigements 0 being made by the
.e, village called Ott
months a,g6. The but
A number ot men wanted to en and
Caleaoniuu f.loaiety of the town'. for ties •
by. ee oraw cord wood and save tinge by cot rad, btent01) within an inch
celeleration of Pawl s' anniversary
ever 0.
eter, ,
lei re. 1) 1 Meet
emotion, ne the marke
nu Seturday, Dee. ole ,
a quentity of 'tense ola f
itenaila. l'erms ce b. T
ctuctineeer, Seefertit.
-Tin etock n4
, con
berry, Will ho ctliered or tr.&
en the promisee.° on Toes/hey
It atuns
t • 4,
. - .
Ca hogs
Our readers wit regen t,
d•death, from aralysis,
orkis, Itt-, his :."1-ghtees
_ ra,LifiVolnof a lOtlf
atalle.advaneed tge oft 82:'
Mr. Jewel Wray. lot
t ), et i teeloe
ejeloutb Organ mouths ' o ou
A. Gerster, 0owitn, ,•041neer.
s, Dodds, and
ibutea very - ar4 "Lotto
at A. ee'e.
evening, aud
onolusion of 4 N43.81)•'••••
the dant sanY09.
IA violin sole moll
ved applause. re ice to fatteiai
enshire gave vitt buy no di
essrs. Cline,
Meld a vocal
A Were well received.
4 were .:4alivered by Bev,,
-11loaviilweese- and Pries
tiretieinee Wes about h
was serYea, The procee
ht to it
se by the Oroh,e a mains were lel erred at
wn 0ofeacie.
neil mifon Monday even-, supplying tile p.citrinitnbroollov,%,
Queen." r''i`e laptlepidna,,:1;1;t.----ilere Will .
" •,e. ', e!".„ :vice in Eadies' 01:ureh on 13aNi
: -the pastor, Re.y. - .Y. Tiaras '
„ ,
elnon'ertote •
I veer iii ovi e , an e ,
sensible man. gamy ' 600:i
'noticed. the evil 13 ) point.
lie alone deserves the creel ti,?e.
ing it under publr-emotite ' .• ..'
admit that his le3r, is '..kj,ene
tiwely. Every star it -by 9A
should read his le -ter; and ttlitiel
for Writing it. 1 c hal.* u got
men in Wingha whe,--wk, ,,,,,
credit to any 01111 icipal lide IP
aro thrust,asIde, y impti
Ude, who audit timely •
selves on tile pe le for
are unequal to thinking
gain something„ in„ impo
popularity, bet sally, th
ceea' in putting lieumeittos i
tions where if. e n he xf.t
how uisCloss the ' aro. ond: how
Apply to Geo TM:map; Zetlend "e eetiple of mouths Sh was at the point 'alg'11- the °°un a ehattllor,
etatute. Prese t-TliaMayor; Reetie; end:
pursuant to,
• rand simper. It tame particulars will 'Box 125, Wingbeen, Ont e of death.. 'The Prose ution :01 ed„ th
e ,
be given in il.fotur lesue. he carnive, on Thuradtey'litsb, at the ehe prisorier ehot th tron3 jeadousy, oneillote Mo are aieeleethi, Ekohit,,q,?
v011eci;„rink we a 0401 en -geese ,• but 0.0,1, t 111:iiaolc shire, ,Sparlingitnvth
veu. Want 're genuine 'eon& :clothe
wriiegee etiaelee teose kefet40^ettteeee 4. zevero ay, aee^00,1eihewe- Gourie., erst. 0. -one paio/ y. eXnettrea
Cline & 00, • SoulPthing now, VilrY Cheap' IlleOlymont, for beet condo coeturne. notines gentled the prieener ancl ot him lb° mintik"5 bz vit3;i8 Meettlig Zeaci anct
tetteireng etote, and will fit it up and remove Maud P euty, *est eomic costame; Miss town. . .
"eir'john Ma in, of the Bruneriteek, johe Angus, b costume; G^'ItleCiennont, aeguitteet.;eene Mr Holnees If oh IticIpea
feom Mr W W Xng is, asking for, enemptien
tis levied. the hal over ler 0 A iv owns, beSt chrete costume. Ladies -Miss above is sciii:c5f '''71.uts• Holnaesi of this of taxes on hie "ellen win for ten years,
including 18a0. 4- Chas Lloyd presented,
tint table to 15 .t110,5 are 3201i in Bessie , beet cojumet Mies Kerr, --The St. Peelle Clegreli Sunday School
epproyea, A. co rime:ideation was read
from eases fee hen eeere-the exemption
C re and Liter:skin Tables, Sideboards, -Having bought Mr Ordbiek'e whole busi- tel vvill be a cet4n.ta, entitled "Cateh. to cover 1880,:;;Illere, by 0 'Williams,
toss, the stock of Farniture, consisting of ing Eriss Rrinkle."
:woe Chairs, etc, eta., which eau be "hm° "all take seconded by Thos G g tl tl li-
e ory, le app
Parlor and Bedroom Suits, Extension eria part) in the °anther., ei evr -1J
baueht very prities. Tiros. Dnexe
Mr " ea,tions of Messra C loyd ce Sons and W
Centre Tables, $1cratary Desks, Bureaue, Liu hes- Mrs 'Wrielat 11.1' Allee. Grand.
-The foilowi ere the °Moore of Mettressee; Spring Bede, Pieteres, Oil g e ' Iss
, W ladle for exenfp n of times be granted.
Techanou Chaptel 'll'olo. 84, 11 A M., for the r"tings, F.t.9. 13°- .. - . 4 e., p P ._ or teklearafrom, , auttry 1st, 1890; aaxes
•ffer the whole lot for s 1 a .. Wright -john S ^e henget); e 13erthae I
rout not 5111 emery est at prices thet Wright -Stella Coolie n; Bridget Murphy th be r`altitted each !ear on condition that
ensuing year. 13 \ l'illson,Z; E L Dickinson, Nvill pity to Canle ten miles foe- I want to -,7ennie Netterfield Same mahoue
j,,,, oroves, S„E ; IT W 0 Meyer, S Et Possible. Be sure and don't miss this Jernlie Dufh°1a; 14°11' White-1Iva Hen" order ; it being undo eta/la that this motion
• .
' refers only to the prnises nod plant, eteele
- Store. -
Gamma Goode o every kind, away"down -An efforb s set. in the school. ,
C E Williams Y; lleelaeds, 'Xmas; selloff the whole stock before January it 57- the factory mid. mill aro in full running
ogee. ea S, GlidellV13 Furniture stone Several Chris nes carols will be
T Bell, P S; a Pleitity, gem
sung by the school, an candies :distribute ctn., used and ocenpi .d in their business oil
ie. vice. Three ne corn for 25 cenes
ardod members of conditions of by -la
thee° of tanutoes or 25 cents three of a monthly fair Carried. Moved. by
pees for 2e mite ; 11 fresh stock, at R. of horse. ceatl , duct and punctual. by llomuth, ha
HilPs. meat of smell a r. itles‘,1tooghton t m
--The Xiaterstle beetle Company aro vvould be given
giursattryi Fri
„„ f this week,
- . spoken.of, and
tropizal On
the " rnmet 11
eabh night. Ad
ula be 'matt to establish eel to the different el^
evinghene for the sale Throe prizes Will be a
ote. 1.14 the establish- each class, for good c
air, farmers and others ity during the pest ye
an opportunity to dispose
Is in the Town Hall of their surpine stock witheet eost to them,:
ay and Saturday nighta selvs. The=is 120 aeubt ilia if •the fair
company is highly was held in IA, Ingham it would be well at-
ilt:. doubt will be well tended by bw-ers, beeause of our good
husday, they played shipping titan tie, Here is an opporturi.
id." A. change of play ftp for the Boe,rd of Track) to aistingeish L 3obb,03.25, repairs
Wien 10 cents; reserved itself.
hating; 3 13 Ferguson.
soctee 25 cent.
has charge of the nue 'lea,' pare of the pro-
gramme, Which is a gparantee that it W W Inglia be r
Counil-Lost. Th
be well carriedauk _earnission 15 cents ; repbteti, recomme
ehildren belonging to the Sunday School. following accounts
free. .
repairs ; Geo Hugh
Geo Fettypiece, 63
Perna Ice
Mr 11 0 Jones, of the Ball Electric scml tie roltairs; T
Light Ccnnptiir,wau in town on Tuesday, lt ee4h95, p
1175, salary to De
This company hiputtin in -works at Xin.
eardine.. flee -ere. j JI
thing for holiday presents,
rug Store, Also, le full '
Morenzie, students alt
erticle,e, perfurnee, aoa,pe, 11°'''ul•"1 are imm°
mu need in thew Hues or Mr nenrY Bullard, of
to- drawn up -
in Smyth, saconded
the Matter of exereps
re Lloyd Sons and
erred eci :mt years
Ifiteemo Ohnineittee
ding payment of the
11' Steleenson,elleie
03, tank for pump;
5, oil, cee; al Rbin-
' Vey For Xmas Getts. 31, 1i80; Geo Petty.
' -Cin "c°1nb 11 the'144"40nentin'Y in • The best an' cheapest 111209 112 silk phieh
Dooember faille on Christmas day this geode • I'
peer, the nonlin ,;biona for riehool trustees at Dr'l s
ton of toilet
will take please t ThuredaY, DOO. 25t11, ne-ne- e'' 4, ,
make a note of this, le WinghemOhe
• Trustece Mid Jtiters iuterested ebould .2.: ev I thing
It 04.` *« Ur jos Bullard of th s twn, has beee 63.07, wire and pr ding up r,) alarm, The
no has ar. report Was adoP ed and the accounts
few em oyees along the • 1ll4 visiting here for it few ays.
nomination and election of school trusteee ordered to be pa I The Treasurer pro-
of the G T P IV under Mr R Tiffin'n ranged to tele e, eitmetion with Moselle
()Don tad and Geo, Piece, 6106.3, oat 47 to Decal, 18e0 ; &dna
10 0304i0010oueps, Dickson, 018.75, s lary to Dee 811 14880 ;
or the holiday., Jos Coaa,11.25,st leo to Dec, 31 tesa ; Jos
atfora, brother of Dullard, 22n1, rieght ; Jos Hurtibese,
will be hold e.t tie sainketitee mid places
charge, Icarian I of his contemnlated visit Gillies ce Matin, Tawa,ter, after new muted a leinancis Stittemout of the town
as tor menieipa coutsiThs, tip' till the 15th oe Docember.,- The Tree-
• to Gertminy to o treated for .an afreation yoar..mr Ciineingli ne, of Guelph, vvas
• Eleervbedy cell on • Setrday,Vtila
- ^, the eyes au twine desirous of gtving in. town on Weanetela ..2.1r 'Thou Miller :surer cellea atterlenn to some notes of
evetytIay up to Jauuttry let, if -i'',,,,,,.., „„,„„ fq, 1 • • .• 1 M re Kincaid 33 os thet the town eat:Min-
, e e yoa went a bargain.. Why go to mintion ,... - .,.....-, „... line toilet of the esteem in of Itwnk, et one tun t resilient of this ess
' els* end buy 01.1 neeoiel-hand furniture ; which he is I' •Id by tm-i, clecidea to take town, and who tve to Luisian, beet 0(1 5130 Yit'31"n't (It 1V -4:°"a by 3 Ilnattnife
evil 'yea evai gab new as cheap at B. eentribution ' from employees, with spring, is hack on a -it. no 1., • r,,,tly seconded by 3 I t-- Antal), that the inetter
ett y,s Furniture Store. lie sure and ' ot Kincaid Bros ges be referred to the
that object i view. A few days ago, pleaeed 'with the eou ry, says the climate '
erg am bound to eon.
.1121 Mayor, Treaaurer ieinsm. and Mr Cline,
teindtteeir (,..33k mid Mt A Little,of taste. its delightfut, and thaw* Ternberry
4 -Miecs X Catl y and Dell Smith,°- f
' wel, 'wore deputea to 'vist Sti atford. and lIowiek syndiuto 13.•-v(i! done splendidly With rumor to :tut parried. W P Brackn."
the teaching ist....ef oef the plIbliel Pal01,hire,' front the eninitthe appeintea to
tentler the estimonial to Mr Tiflii. The during the paut year alui that their in-
baying declined r •engagetneut to unotherlook into the alIe ed over as-esement of
teitimoniallienusittea of. a parse containing vestmeot is snte ton ^oe•e all that they ex -
tf4tev. Nr. McRae
To theFelltot4t 51:1e:W
HIPS -knew ; fl% - '''11 inin
Sueli. People eee n to forg$ th'
knownint„ tl . 210 (ACP or ti
confer dignity 1 the it' n
man eau impar sorni. cligleit
Wilco or title. Thiul th ,
a lawof the fit Asa a ,,3
cannot be ignoe d or fie'
safety or decen . Ent it thai,
be • ' ' d ,' 1 snob meapab
mute,I1 the worse for the peopl.
What a differ lit style of mu
oorrespomt%:nt " oter " is fro
othet correspoodone rt RA
"Mc former loverelloglad mid g
the latter vain, insipid toid
The vain follow. proclaims t
wettld give 850 t)•beve libi li
graved on a dor t slab in
posvd town 11 What
foolish vzinity, - ch mune,
brence, would not toep his
living for one da lifter 1).
fionte ptop0 tire , ei titifeel
hint that if the, n arble sit
Panne, and Mingo', also,
r) near Mr. hliy'..,
publie nor Oven llie fr
uiss him much:
i 'tm, y*it
t, Lioitzi. '
cittma-3t„.., At Woititli ei ti -at
:Mt 0 :sir •1 N Az!, ,ianl(*. "..:'. W.
tint.....",'ON - Id "elite,v..vv, ,. rt
tt iftA uf 3h. Win gt,tp"ot =1; 1, virt
,,t1Ali tnrri,
(It Wein, Atla, Ili .. At t at t
toi.i..s Pah* to the ilet, A
:.qt;;Vt to 1.1.,...tr it. 3, • tec.,tt
Matitaii,v.s.z, all 6i r,
Vrs •'5n'c -?.`, tlelni no 'NI"
of 111.w.0% lf•coittft. .1•44.122111.
34‘11.1•4 111.)?,•, 'O the
IA% Mroon. i.:1;A:.t t tat'
tektite of iititytcs1
'. o • 1 I r
year, inteua leavi g town, Utile Smith ou ti20 pie
e• ' ley (to -day) afLisa Caney, after the
pected„ Ate joint eerennen Went up to 3.10eire Dulinage .tj Son, reported recant-
, , chsst,,,yts, wtsiletsy . It,.., is Ilitousling twit ling that the t mac on the back lets •ot
. . irisernas 110130 4y5 ye: Miss ut‘tioy haebeen Ocimmodlatta.Itentidenee Per Sale. •
with that villege for .ti cite for a tannty. the 23ru11swie1t1116 erty be remitted, -Tho
'`keer: years in W iag m, end will b3gteat- The nederNtnina °lea' '41'''' ennuft"i'ml • •I‘ly411'1 ciff, of 1-eielelurie% was 1111,,Viug. Plater W150 re'erre to next year's 0 it.
laelniseed by al , but especially by the; residene, Situated rin the etcher of lett. h neereeneee . ' • . Th rt mayor, ;webs, .mm1 of the ectmut
• appointed to meek he citizens' committee •
rtutop people
tite oharge of
lOo Goon ty,
end taiens etrots, for eel° on
Jim FiO IA 0110 Of liconnite St -'*et reit.l4. retorted that tit
itam,auti is mot desirably
the town, Shottleem too. gmabie ter
tiohool at Doen, W".tar- the heat le
Smith bee eeeurea. teemd,
ry convenience; sore of The inarieet on Irednesthy Watt ciaitl, telkoa ovec town
, school tudiirSt xtford, her home, far next land, st abl. eto. Pereitis wiehing to and peke% steftity. -it beet vette quoted et able wy, but Wei_
ret.r. look through the house 0.02 110 so by can. 83 sat); for feat and red tinter, anti 83 neel by Alex I).
g, For 1.111 partioare, apply to ceat e for spring. Kerley 119 to 46 crtte.
resh Minos ext, for hriettna, 10 It WA.41411 MC01 tt 0148 30 to ninen AI to 61a, Boklme. 51115 the
Prison, Toronto, Ont. Dreserglh requo4ed to have
:et)tillnitteeM Met Ana
atter*, in very 50112-
uo notion wan tt,kg.
mon, eeconeled by It C
leterterty Committee be
the It uutteernente of the