HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-11-29, Page 80 '.UMai�I11I11FSA W AiiNwQl4iibtili�ini�..,..+•.i.w,Ai�ll�,iw'illr'iilrlieMO+,ni iitchliRgbnemoTimts Puidie erhool -.....,:., , w F1i11�A � RU.V1 13 it 29, t829: Lie • el- Muuieip.al me .era are begiouiug to revive in t'wu, .i u! already sevorwl c uttdulittee lett . , id to be --i1, the field seeking smite; hot:ors, tllesere. P. Ltliico aucl J. A. king are spoken tic as likely to oppose colt other fur 1Vltayor. T`. E. Illy j likely to go in. •'hopposed for Reeve,. elide n Gelates f, the Deputy-Reev •hip is likely to t tee page between W.Featilerstone` slid W. Welctii.. this programme is.. earned out, po 'ties will not play su prow ieeut a par as has been the case here in past y=: rs. This is as it should be, for •olitical strife in muni- cipal matters an. only have one result Fid that iu t e end will be the.degresd- leg of the to u eta those who repre• rseilt 4.—Toe new firm of Austin, Dash & Co., w t started business here solea time ago, h'• ring , secured shop, r '.oto and tl;e use f the matelainery, & i., ill Mr. A. A Mins machine shop, -fir the purees of : manufacturing woodworking' nh 'hiurery, have had an o tee. frotp alae , wn oC Welkerton with .ittaueetneuts t, u1Q1/e there. In. fact a uy laiw:lie veli submitted to the r ttepayers t .give 'thew, a loan of $ ;.)30 with • -t interest and exemption fe nn taxes for ten years, I under, swaud that 5 nue of the mt:tnbers of toe fires : t1 away trying their luck in West T1-touto Juuction this week. Loosing after Metter inducement`s, likely. 3asiueti3 is reported to be sumetvlil,t dull just now., owing •-to the i4teatisfactory state of the ;;mora to get in with pro - 3 Rev 1 B's -411win roads for =du 46 — t' cd, c. of Blueva„e, prZ dist church o .sermons were 11 the evening ser wd3.wtall filled•/ :la, Rev. Ia. will preach t -of the Metho expected the latgeoeowds will atten.l. Mx. Livings one is the matt the con• gee,;ation. tr edso hard to get as their •p tsaor'win year and • half ago.- - large (1 1a ltiti.s of grain have been ,sinning into this ma See ?1..fa31s'seuR.,,. "ally the a )..rser kin handietl by: Messrs. Meesra. Pe en & Cs, liens also �haulles lite a . ttty at Moorefield. Iu barb. t ley hie handled u b whets at top fie -of the town are g.:, ;tuned in t •te'" 'Metho- Snuday last. His ghly appreciated.. At ice the large church �On the 15tH D,lceui �ivtngstotl.t,of Clinton, - Anuivers.try sermoaR 1st church, when. it is ,tVllicla kV r g;oiW r ne-, welds of 100,000 es -i`3ae otlrlers ting ready for pass . an..t a3 seen a- ,Tank Frost makes L. appearance, p•tacoice is expected to :, in. in earnest. .£ Our town f tj -'others jiFlu`t! friday night in. .ani tans �ro;1 eft ss :eels -se re. Report of exanei»a' tion held Friday, rev 23rd. Int'alats •+•-jun M. Lemont , 90-; M McKee, 60;, Wits Brooks, 50 , J Barton, 30; R S./Mt 15; J Fraser, 15. fat clave -•-•a- ,—J Brower, 96 ; E Wilson, 92, wua clews—Hattie Batters, 100: ' Wilson, 100 ; R Jef- fray,100 ; J ' ram, 100 ; T Fraser,. 10U ; S Riche son, 100: M #iruoks, 96 ; M Mae 90 ; R Stewerc, 96. 8rd junior—G i inner, 100; J. Wil- son ,,,100; R Perk ts, 100; AMcKee, 100; E Perkins 96 ; A Stewart, 96 ; J Fry, 92; 'r Lyi si, 84 Ord senior -51 A Ha' , 96 ; J1; Rolston,96; Abram; 9G ; Terriff, 92. ; E J'ef- fray. 88 ; A Te riff 00 ; J Hall, 08 . A. Wilson. h erase -=-F Perkins; tit; J Flemin , 85 ; M Fleming, 32 ; A hall, 31; Jeffrey, 80; M Fry, 27 ; G Me& , 10 ; G Mopes, 18. Terrill; 20; I Rol SEI, . tan• The special :etings which clave been held . at the Congregational Church, 'Turnbe' y, for three weeks. past, are still ,ontinued. With the exception of 1t f w unfavorable nights last weak, the attendance has been good nod we t st will result in. :such spiritual good to the neighborhood generally. Th: castor, the Rev. J. NI, Totten, hits b en assisted by the Rev. Mr. � Shertt of Winghatn and LlilaM.•M, �}11.11.,� _-.-_ .�. :I'i.�.i■/■�••.i+.4$IOIYYIiIi I 1 • � l iN YM • Kisr..At Winilht4.•1, 01i the ,lith inst., e wife of kir. Geo: '6 k1 Ring;, s. sou. r iklelaxni .Ilh Morri 0n. the 2fitit the wife of Mr Wer rase: a eau. JLati s..Iu Turnberr ou the filet inst., the wife of .fir, 'Thoma Jit,+liesr a sou. SUM .Is - DEstasoN..Guloo... t the rolideuce of the bride's father, o the 20th, by the flev Wm Torrance, !kir calms Dennison, of Uelfiltop, to Miss ' lixltbetll G Grigg. of i1Tc1•rie. STOTizrns,.MA OU051..At the aeeiaeuce of the bride's fat er,. D1114(351113.11D1114(351113.11ou the 20th hist, by t Rev 11 <-F Gaerou, Joseph Stotners, o West Wawanoeb, to ,Martha, dauebter of m Mitllough, J P. JAazxusoN...DErtuaw, .:.t B.ruseele, on the 13th ;net, by .Rev Jou Ross, B ear David J T ieaon,to has Auua Juno Den, how, both of !dorms.!dorms.DI D, IIAAHLTOtl..In roxeter on the 20th inst., Alex 1t rnilt u, aged 84 years, 4 mouthsmouthsand -6 day HEwrrr..Iu wa ton, on the 21st lust., Jobs Ilewitt jr„ •d $2 years and 2 months, idoEwes..In Hay, •n the 10th inst„ Margaret 11teEweu, t- ifs ttE., Mr IJuuoan MoEs.wen, aged 41 ye a, 7 mouths and 4 da viELrzEa..Iu Win ham, on the 22nd nst., John Smeltzer, • aged 66 years, 9 mouths and 12 days. A 0. P. R. TIME TABLE, Trains arrive and depart as follows : txAvlNe 6:36 a. m.. ....•For Toroute., ...... 2:16 p.m " 2:16 Pon • in........- ..For Teeswater 10:30 p. • Rev. Mr. Dunlop of Gerrie, and Rey. G'RAlS717 TRTTltic -WY- Mr. PriVic,sou,+t V4 rexeter.—A mild A. C. STRATHDEE, AGENT, WINOHAM.• . form of typhoid ever has been Preva- lent in the nt:i hborhood, All those hacked with i are, we believe, get.. ting an favor tbiy, We have only h •d f- f, 1 es e which was a In. Ctt1'r1c11 tuwlasb3 7:26 " .... ,.Palmerston, Mixed.. .. ..10:20 a.m, 6:60 a.m, ... London, &a. ,11.00 " B uo'vale• 8:40 pan. .. ' 7:46 p.m. 11:10 a.m. , Kincardine, &c. .. 6:80 a.m. sRop.m " 11:10 " t • to be all the rage here 10;10 " 6:6o p.tu, here are five of John .dren two of A. Yater- WINGHAM MAftIiETs. illiam Messer's, one .of weieuse, November 28. 1889 three of R. N. Duff's Oorreoptter by P. DeanspProduoe Deale�1r.60 to t b0 ohn Farro-w and Mr. eau Wheatper bushel,' - 0 76 0 80 are on the sick iiet.— lBJown ata, . • 0 t6 to 0 X60°. •sold his farm, Lot 12, ' Barley 86 to 46 THE �IWEEN OF THE HOLIDAY NUMBERS FOR 188. FORTY PAGES of Beautiful Illustrations and Litoz ary :natters Coated Paper, Colored Lithographs, ma&nlflcent Presswork, IIands some Colored Co, TWQ LARGE, vSerITPfBB LIT$OGRAPFIC PLATES, in 15 co1.,1,' t accompany this number, entitled FRIENDS ►� ►� T +1 CANADIAN 'MXUXT I L General Sir Fred Middleton, in writing about the latter plate safe :--i •must sou• gratulate TRE GLOBE upon having produced so oreditable la piettiro. It is very well executed, and appears 1;o me to be quite equal to auy from beine. The different uniforms are correctly given, and the grouping not too stiff, Tho whole number is, without doubt, the BEST H0LIDAY PAPER ever issued in this country, and much superior to the great majority of English produotiouu. No Canadian family should Miss securing a, copy ole this magnifi- cent issue, Price 50e, To be hod from all igewedealers and at the bfflce of THE GLOBE PRINTING G®.,TORONTO. Orders from the Old Cowntry must fie accompanied by additional Pico Cel, to cover extra postage. AtrTh 6:35'. Q a,m 2:I6 p.p..11�. 1.16 ' 10:80 " h t k t 1 in In to 1 We t P ciao Coast, eto.,, via the ehortest and all popular routes, Aaggago 'clieeked through to' destination. Lowest freight rates to all points. Wishes —TIME TABLE.—*r 613A9n WINGUAIt, ABRIVO AT WINeltAal, 6:30 a•r.Toronto, Guelph, Palmerston, &o. 8:30 p.tn. 11:10 " " " . 10;10 " young woman p. • 3:40 pan. ,• " Clinton, • " Measles see at present. Burgess's ch son's, one�o,f Win. Gray's at la,d -up.—Mrs. Alex Robertson Roberta ing b Con. 1, Morris —Our 'school Visa Jane. 13 department, Black is an ex ing t&slight her, Mrs. W. H. Le visiting at IYl week. --Mr. has been indi: able to be aro' Wellwood, of pulpit of the Sunday -last. Gi In view of ti rapidly approa 'syth. time hythe fo ers nil a number of It child's play t etiiig in the bank on PUS for the sum of $3,500. p rates, - r ` 63 to 64 truntees have engaged - Butter latelmade Butt Rcls auk to teach the junior do'6mnm,er made R. 031 3.17 of $2255, Miss ,:cod per cord,' rieneed teacher, bay- say per ton, three years ago.— - _ oil, of Goderieb, was IsnuTini Joseph Leech's l=ist9OG tn. Gray, tailor, who ('rl o osed, for some time, is '- Farmore hurry on yourstoro hone and fatten them d again. --Mr. S. D. for the marlret tram January to June, Wo bare de- in}.P,1a is occupied, the totm}•ted to abandon the packing of dressed hogs In order to make the packing of hogs a business Methodist Churoh, olk 'tthhroughout Cie ice:. Weshnl} endeavor to buy at dFpatever the price is, enough live hogs during these ihontbe to run our pack nc;atouse. As this business it. neglected during the late winter and spring months, we think those who have hogs suitable for our regtliremetits will reap a bill benefit. We want tt'gard to the 0. P. R,. To carry out bis place•—• 4114• F. onsconsed hi lx; b ua ie sick hirer t11Id or ash::vi.ry feint=n sedn--twa old au laid:; oil rile ,p1;1bnc street.— wb a?adelli0ls tV a li`rl•i in i'°'" l on Wedneed y e suits;;. leya, o1: Bdlgrave is the u'e;rioe IgA ti +,( t «aic)n this We'-k.—.M.Is4tyh' tt ;Miss t 'aua te, of (Stade thein trio .as in, town ) tis. Wm. Snell,• who reo,. u >i tjoinit g the village, is on ick list this t'sek --.air. S. Iler- .1Tide:boa, of their: of -Herrin ;.ton and leKellar, is on. the :iolt liar this week. --The infans child o M:. and bird. 'Taylor 'sway eit k a' present, with inflects Matto a. -- .vires .Rewed,wbo lies heen keeling a groat y store on Queen 'street for soiue time r est has retnoved Ler business to Aur urn, where she w,ll reside with he u-1e1t " Mr. S 't;xrdwell. iter tn ny friends wish katnr est ry success i lier now home._r•. Mr. O. Ross, of rent°, was in our }iutdgt,An 1i'iday. Some mischievous 1,oya test Tllursd , evenieg, unhitsh- .tl Urn R. Sailers' orse whi:e staud- it g at the station, ilei Mr. Sellars was attending to tiom: business inside ~rhe station house. a would. say, $ooys, be careful, a it is a pretty dangerous job uie• dling with any person while in the isoharge cf their. elety pertaining to the express busi- Iters.—lir. i . B rt,on, of Tor.snto, \vas in town last - reek. —sir. George 'racket, of Woodrack, was hi our midst last, week. Mr. John Massliejt, wf Toronto, was i town last week.— Rosy. eek. .Jody. 3, B. Teat - of Aoburn,occupied Terra ptlilYit .If the it hodist'church, ou ;Sunday Jahr.--•1•ir. W. Mol:ride has I'i'ive i lite fruit sto e hate tlua etend sterols weepier' uy, 1ra. Rsar'd.-- 'Ehe f Court Morning IQ to 14 to is to 12 to 80 16 16' 13 16't0' 16? 1 Is to 1 so. .650to : anneal. 0 1) to StI PRt D. SUTHERLAND to state -that he has moved into the store lately ocupied by T. A. Mille, and has just opened up a large stock of WOOD AND COAL STOVES, of every description, , A special invitation is extended to those requiring 'MOR WOOD STOVES, our stock in this line being very complete. LAMPS AND LAMP GOODS in endless variety. G'II•iTZ, I?, 2 0f the best makes.: da=is' IR,M,1 , cheapand attrabie. FURNACE HEATING AND REPAIRING promptly attended i0, a1141 all •work guaranteed satisfactory. • • ,t.seS4Romember the place—Mills' old stand, Josephine street, Wingham. D. SUTHERLAND. GOODS CHEAPER THAN EVER! ---AT THE e festive season now hots not less yea 140 sibs., acus nob over 220 lbs„ sad trill q(�e a handsome price for the same, Re• r r i 4.1 t hit:g, a swain taking cohost wp shalt riot buy • a dressed hogwe a10t k 1110642 1,0 get this winter, whereas peeked, 16,000 dressed $ t>. hogs after Jan. 1st; last win ani .. be called : J. L. GRANT- f.z CO., Ingersoll. IN BOOTS. st his purpose he -either tr `Ca Y e. Where all the Novelties of the season are to be seen, and nobody goes elf in a pair of boots, ."0., � ` away, because we have the best atock,and everybody Are pleased same to the no small ame on rho pre s 8,'•floncesaton 1 ( •et•. with our goods.and buy. wo love sick dame's OctThober laseoft, - otd. g that when bis fit of charges.s him, some tricky Pack hila evenhanded jus - hid away the noyance of o are wishi calf love seize may mete to on. tioe. - o subscriber,Lots 7 and owl), about the 16th of 9 4 .two heifers, two years queste ' o prove property, pay em away. AMC,' IPLINQ, ngham P.0. egtitt meeting .,k,5-,,,4t41,4•'li,zii _0 der of itoresrera, Was ee"•1 r,tt Ttt"ahlt v 'evening, Wit1I a httnit at.r,..:i l.r,.ti,. ra;fi csttrt isgrow ftdi ,y, 1'. CHAPMAN, • UER or MAI4Ri4tlE LICENSES, NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEYANCER, Exc. Orrie8=" 131g" Bookstore, RIPLEY, ONr. Mon to Loan on Farm Security at Low Rates of inter • 6. No eommtsalon charged. Farm for Sale. The subscriber offers for sale his farm, being Lot 22, Concession 10, Turnborry, containing 170 acres, moreor less. Thera are seven acres in fall wheat and all the land cleared is seeded down: On the premises is a good frafne barn and a log house, and a good yattng orchard, The farts is splendidly lo- cated, being only three miles from the flourishing town of Winghatn. Nor further particulars, aW1y to 'ANDREW MITCHELL,near the farm, Wing, ham,P'ost (lilies, or to the proprietor, - WU. MITCHELL, Qrandbt, Cass Co., Norsh Dakota, °IMAGE SALE AT Wingham, at i3r'un wink Hotel, oN Saturday, 7th December, x889, At 1 O'cIock..P, M,, there will bo sold THE MILLEN ?ARM, About 140 acres, being Lot Eleven, In tho Third Con. cession Township of !Jarvis (except 60 pores north of River Maitland. For further particulars sec posters or apply to CitoNY`s k MTS. Vendors' SSlfeitors, London, Ont, Or to 1'. DP ANS, Jn., Auctioneer, 3t Sven ham. The case t.f Mclfahon, sentenced to death on the' charge of murdering Wm Holton near Tilbury Leiter, is being considered by the Minister of Justice. Tho department of Justice has de- cided to ni+Ike et 61 the losiiit gritting out of the frauds uommitted by ad' rate essieseet pistulavter ;Barns, t,f ilfsegrl•tu,t. s „ ' - ..,6,r Pen �m of all qualities and styles. Positively the largest stock in the county of Huron to select from, with all the newest trifnmings to Instep. ULSTERINGSANDIKANTLINGS from 50 Dents p©r yard upwards. SIZE massy •D SALE` T8 of the best qualities; which we cut free of charge. Every lady should see them. You would certainly say we' have the best range in town. - Flannels; Yarns, Blankets, Shawls, Wool Squar , , Fascinators, nose, Gloves, Skirts, Full Cloths, of ,all kinds. ' Tweeds, Pantlogs, Worsteds, Overcoatings, Etc., FIT GUARANTEED EVERY TIME. Ready-made - Cl.othin, and Overcoats s 1 S of all styles, in Caps, - Bets, Fur Coats for ladies and gentle MOB, robes, &e. Groceries and, Crockery and the or11y and most reliable Stock of s 00T$S SIXO s tt-thd county. ALL COME AND GIVE 'US A LOOX THROTTGIi. T. A. MILLS. Wingbam, Oct. lab, 184, ay