HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-11-29, Page 7'7EIE ' ► . DERFUL SUN OL. MAIM B. T() eY AND ISY.A1' fill TROTT1Nt} W.i,inafis R' Rani). tb A New York patc gays that Robert Bonner, who bought the wan. derfniCalifarnitt Lilly for ;t, largo suut,is highly pleased that Maud S. now hits a formidable rival in ,senator • Stan. ford's grout three-yttitr.ol(1 Stool, with. her tlierveinue record. of 2,10 , made au the 9th) int., at Sat, Fri n:also, The owner of Mend S. sen the following despatch to Stanford : I congratulate you most Iteartliy on Honol'e wonderful performances. Con. eldariug her age, it is the greatest performance ever made by a trotting horse, If no accidents happens she ought to be able in the clear future to beat llxaud S's recer4, as I believe _Mend S. herself to be capable of beat- ing it. There is a great lesson to be learned from the feet chat Mauch S., Jay -Eye -Seo •and Sunol, the three greatest trotters the world has yet produced, have thoroughbred grand- daws. Speaking of the future of Maud 8 Mr, Bonner said ; Next season r shall hove Maud S. attempt to beat the record made August 31, 1886, namely 2.081. 1 think she can beat it under f,iverable conditions. What I moan by that is it she shall be in the best of e'uulitiou horself and. track and Tviu1'•ire favorable. As regards age, while Maud 8. is, to be sure, fifteen years Hid, still we roust remember that Eley tiatfllk, Uoldstnitii Maid and all the greatest t•r'lttees made their beet time atter they were 15 years old.. Maud S. is the only trotter that ever made inside of 2 10, and she has done tull�ye twice—in 1884 she made' 2.O' ail then h"r record in 1885—also the world's reeord—af L 1181 As to time and 'place where [ shall try to lower 2 081 with Mind S., of coarse 1 can- not at this early day speak definitely. gut the triad will take place so'ue time next summer, at such track as seems to My judgtn.'ut best suited to the requirements of tho trial. A dispatch from Sacremento, Oal:, ,Rays, Senator George 1:Ic:arst euthoriz- es Dr. R. Latham to send'.• dispatch to .Sei actor Stanford, saying if Sunol had not been said learnt would C,tive more for the Lilly than Bonner or any other elan on earth. The Doctor was likewise instrneted to request the Seri. ;ntor to put a price on the horse Palo .,Alto. The Doctor says Hearst insists fiat money its not to stand in the way of l:eepieg the fleet animals in Cali- ornia if 4250,000' will buy Sunol. The Seater is willing to produce the vein if it takes half a million. on't Read This 11111%7E: WANT TO BUY GOODS ;gflJ, 1. We claim to have the largest and best assorted stock of watches Clocks and jewellery in Wingharn. Our stock consists of American and English Gold Plated and Rolled plated Jewellery of all descriptions, A.rorican and Swiss Watches, Canadian and American Gold and Silver Watch Cases, Spectacles and Opera Glasses. 2, We buy all our goods in big lots,laml pay spot cash for every- thing webuy, therefore our, customers may lb() sure that we ;Ore at no disadvantage as compared with others, " It will pay you to call and inspect our gpods before buying else- where, We will sell you 20 per cent lower than any other dealer in W Ingham. In order to make room for our:large Xmas stock, now )rdered, we will sell at cost for 30 days. WATCH REPAIRING A SPEOIALT For quality of material used and class of workmanship we ac- knowledge no superiority at the people's;Jewellers, R. R. VANSTONE 8c Co., PRACTICAL WATCHMAKERS AND JEWET,T: fact. • ONTARIO MUTUAL. LIFE. Cash Income [for 1888 New Assurances written in 1888., Assets, as at Dec. 31st, 1888 Assurances in force, Jan. 1st, 1889 Surplus, Dec. 31st, 1888 SPECIAL FEATURES: Prompt Payment of Claims, Annual Distribution of Profits; Guaranteed Surrender Values, and Liberal Policy Conditions. ALEX. DAWSON, GENERAL., AMT. 1 Wingham Ont $ 393,074 00 2,518,650 00 5,313,853 00 12,041,914 00 90,337 09 MlEal IEWLE11,7 ETAMAIMENT Has a most complete;assortment of theaL ipEsT, Osoiet;sr, and! MOST CHARMING ARTICLES in Watches,. Clocks, Jewelry and 'Sliver Goods. ear CLOSE ATr1CNTION GIVEN TO I.tE PAIEI;!fG, AND WORE , ALL WARRANTED. • Steam Thesahers. The question of steam threshers GO BIG -HT T() GREEN'S FLOCK FOR YOUR JEWEL1JE11? • Ms engaged the attention of farmersi mutual tire insurance companies to a ! 'considerable extent of late. On Saturday a coattail tee from the A.ntual Fire Underwriters' Association wai4., ed. upon the iliinlscet- of .