HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-11-29, Page 1•
VOL. XVI 11. ---NO 47. WOW:LA.111, ONT., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29 1889.
ler *r4 Button.
'was M Listowel
more chair raaohin
tap jas McKee,
tlit telegraph oper
at th 0 P R static,
,Zr. Wm. Clog
outlay and Tuea y, five oar loads cif -A Mr Cadm nints been giving lessons
peas to Portland nd three to Woodstock, in penaia.nabip idtowu for a week or so,
"Wettese, an apprentice to learn the and has secured f argeas,
esinakiug and rnantlenueking. Apply
o the Misses Flood, Beaver BlOok, Wing j a' Rom h. & Son are giving
great bargains in' o ots and•shees, rabbets,
everahoee, &o. R ad the Timis supple.
meat for full Part, °ultra.
-Regular moat
(mined will be bel
the chair faotory, next,
huredey looking atter -If you want A genuine good clothes
y meeting of the towu " --Messria Elder
on faeuday evenin lead of oatmeal to
-Being your
market and mute the highest prices. Itelticae.
-Mos Iderlard 'e entertaanment is wi. -Mesas. Geay,
geteationably to be the event of the season, ea by CPR two oa
wringer go and gee those kept by James A
Teeewater, is now Ohne & Co, Something new, very oheap.
or and baggage clerk -The neat entr
here. be held on the I
shipped per G T It, on December nezt.
nee examinations will -Meitland Pre
tb, 1tI aLd 2081 of Presbyterian obu
& Clegg shipped a oar 04 -Ten shoe tray
entreal thie week. viols one day lea
ain to the Wingbam -Bulk oysters
M. M. Cassels ishes to intimate to the
vie of Whightt that he intends platting
on is rank wagon, d will deliver Milk to
all parts of the to ,on and after Illoedaye
2ad Deeenatier.
Quite anub. of cair townspeople
tended the funera of Pim Solna Gentles,
Kiecardine, ea S • day last. A. special
eerain eves run op fr • n here by the Grand
Truk. •
-The eaitor of t
been suffering fie a severe attaok of
rhetudatism, says e does not consider, it
a Weary to edit a p per !pug on his baok
and welting oe as ngle.
cors Bowies & iscooks are advertis-,
ing a great aissant sale of their entire
istook, tcost except roceriesXhe sale will
* cemoreenoe on the 2 •of December. See
small hills for furth r iuformation,
-You are invited to mil a W T Yates,
and inspect the Ar est display of table chine,
and glees ever shown in W lugliam. _Prices
away down. '
Mr. R C Spa ing shipped by tJ 4P It
title week, two oa
nae oar of barley Aithur and one oar of
oata to Ottawa.
loads of peas to Boston,
-The next re
Wingham Board o
the town hall on
December 4th, Si
will be considered
is requested.
Berlin Nines; who low •
--Walkerton is pr. eying to give a firm
froin Lietiewel, who amid going into the
nictultfaeture'of Woo working machinery,
*hams al 13,000 for en yeas without ire.
pirest:eand also exe tion from taxes on
ioir feeitoras 'sun pipit for the same
leligth of. tioae.
• .--We bereleeeaf
-0 of &letter addressed by the Rev. Wm.
'Whitfield te •u tow hman, Mr. Lithgow.
• In a future issecewee.aY give an extract
so, the the araee.a., ,at of our readers
-who hail titan Biggar and its neighbor -
baud. . 1
:aae MoDori d returned from his
' ' trip th'*ehigan,'01: .riday last, .He has
a faire Caro, in e morelteen • Part of
the Stag :1fe sityea niteelAtae: VbaY dull
and peteasafor grain oath 'selling
3, and
. •
tired with the perusal
at /8 taliteyots per aa
, Wheat 0 ciente per ha
Purchased Mr.
4 - stave faCitera.,
• thopateagethet witk
land and en eannisee
took poesession on
• carryiug ou the bus
A. large Moak of fog
a fsivir• %lays
aj Auderson's saw
Ingle mill and beeper
uti- f our a es of
eat good figure. hey
hail, end n tend
esti ni snits brenehes.
will be put in ethis
-Gordou & alointyee have, a qaantity
firsaalaes Geese Fat:there on hand,
Parties requiring feathers will do well to
call on tberna They will no doubt be
X‘f pleased to offer many inameemeuts in all
•other lines._
miuister in it hurch not a,thousand
*sad his sermon a
• these words: "We
renvor, to have the
side the door come
therehe is hi here
a geed) deal better
miles from Wiugha
few `Sabbaths ago wit
wont be pleased, 111
young man who is 0
and niatlee 'Jure tch
or nab, That %mid •
than opening the ao.. half an inch and ex-
posing the people in
to a dean."
r. in. Batton,
has formed a partne
lagistintaa Teeswate
• Wingham a eller
he last row of seats
the chair factory,
hip with Mr. Wrn.
who will move to
time. Mr. Peasant
will take.chargceof th and tuencial
• management of the. usiness, while Mr,
attion will look aft the raeohanical de -
twee,. They in and, if the weather
ill permit, to ereee aclditiou to their
dory thief:41. T addition will be 40
by 40, in whieh see -of their machines
will be plaoed, in ord:to giee room for the
nitenufecturo othe • int* ofchairs.
Commodious Iteeldentes rot Saha
The um:templet' offer* his commodious
residetwe &tatted On the corner of Pat,
eick and' Vtanoio etreets, for sale ,ou
reesmiable terms, The house is toe of
the bait in Winghainamil le most desirably
looatord. Evert* uonvenienoe; a sere of
lend. ood stable, etc. Parties wishing to
, ; o't full particulars, apply to
a took veleta the beuise can do so by call.
v .
WALT4a Score
• , 'Nt* Edson, Toronto, 'Ont.
, ta
ular meeting of the
Trade will be hold in
ednesday evening next,
area important =Acre
al a full atteudetnae
To Rn. -The second and third fiat of
6. frame building on Josephine street, near
Bell's lactory, .A. number of good room.
A-pply to Geo, Thomson, Zetland naills,
box 125, Wingham.
High School in th
of the different t
master, 11100:
mathematical ms
tent teacher, $50
ill have a four-maater
'future. The salaries
oilers will be; Head
so once master, 1,8i0;
er, 1700; aud an assie-
-The salaries t be paid to the teachers
in the Mitchell p blio 'school for the ensu-
ing year have be'i regulated as follows:
Room 1, $825; 2, 75; 8, 025; 4, 1,300; 5,
$275; 6, 1250; 7, $I00, Cue room is to be
dispensed °ammo lug on With the first of
January next.
-Evair person requiring carpets or
floor oil cloths, shoula not fail to oall ou
Goeriou &KoIxT'
raM who home, in aaai.
'Ron to an unusual io,rgoiyand attractive
'dock, el choice -lotion of samples in
Hatraimes carpet; which they, are offering
at close prices,
-Mr Jobn B lett, formerly a teacher
in Wawariosh, lately of the Brookville
collegiate instittt e, has been engaged as
mathematical te her in the Walkerton
high school at salary of $1,000. tar
Elliott isw. brothe -in-law of Mr Wm Mo
Mullen, of this t ns
IrdohuNeelem s, ,the assignee a the _
estate of Mr H N Nutt, a lot 34, con-
cession It), East " we,nosh, will sell. by
pubfio auoton,on t prenaisekon Taesday,
December 3rd, a • entity of farm stook
and inaplemeuts. ale at 1 o'clock. Pa
further particular see bills.
Peterboro has a °minim. J B Mo.
Willianas, a shoo treatee, went to the
collegiate institute here and honewhipped
the language mast r, Mr C Colbeck,
giving an a reason or so doing that the
teaoher had cruelly unished his son. The
matter will likely vertilated blithe
courts. •
-The Gado Virl Ile speaks as follow of
11r. H. • Day, • e new proprietor
of the Dexter • ivory aCables in
this town : "Ms. rry Day, son of Mr.
Day 'of this tow ehip, who has been in
the °attic buying bu iuess for some years,
has purchased cue o the Wingharn liveries.
Ilgxry is a dewnri it good fellow and his
numerous friends i Gerrie will bo glad to
hear of bis meeting vith emcees."
-The subscriber .egs leave to tender
Mr, Waglituaa.0 his best thaolis for his
Christmas box, th shape of a weekly
Witness fa hie ow ie se, and thee of Mr,
W's fellow members. It bus more than a
money value, in as uch as the newspaper
exactly represents • e subscriber's views
in every partioulee.
Wea Limo%
-The second meet
was Lela in Mr Vial'
evening last, There
and the meeting Was
prolitebie. Or presi
• read pat of every in
ettuceeseful Work," w
g of the YWCT 1:7
s hall on Monday
ere thirteen present
th interesting era
nt, Miss A Agnew,
tructive paper -on
itteu by Miss Pinch,
of Teaento; the rain& or of tile paper
bsiig legit over to b enact at our nest
Meeting. It was deei d ft* meet again at
the scone pima at 7.80 in on Monday
evening Dee Oth. All y ug ladies interes-
ted in this work are ea • eatly requested to
attend. Theo/leers e oted were: Praia-
mism..A, Agnaw; 1 'Vice President,
Milo Lloyd ; Seeretary Miss Dawson;
Traiuraret, Miss Molmee,•COs.
day, Decombet,. 1
Mr. John Haoe
from Buffalo o
been with a load
a hay dealer.
-Wingham h
There is room fo
the fashion of
tatenb is by no in
-Baia WANTED-rarraers should read
the important announcement of J L Gran
& Co, of Lipman, in another column, in
reference to fattening hogs early. This
Bern will buy no dreeried hogs this winter
-An effort is • eiug made to establish a
free library an reading room in. Ingersoll.
The electors wi decide the matter by
their votes at t corning municipal deo-
-Every one a
magnificent colo
Militia," given wi
ytery will meet in the
in this town on Tu
of Wroxeter, returned
aridity, where he had
Iambs. Mr. gooey is
a new quartette -club.
a qeintette eh*, tpo,after
other towns. Musical
this yea. The
to Canada,
uld secure a ciemy of the
"The Canadian
. The Chrbitmas Globe
bole work i creditable
-Moee heaut' ul stooks them:are die -
played by the re • ohamts of Wthieheme are
nob th be found the west. Oa team has
the reputation o • sing the best purchasing
centee west of
-Dr Ifebie's
&woven* for cha
eines phnples,re
the complexion.
Wiughima Igen
Drug Store.
-The ample
• especially great st
market,is universe
Wingham is by no
Pilaceein this respee
are more active or
oval verify this by
ndon. •
ulchrilla is the lateet
ed hands and facer- It
oyes tem, eto. Bereitifies'
Price 25 petite per bottle.
Ceisholm'e Corner
dutra times,* said
*may iu the inouey
• Travellers aver that
esus so bad as many
faciii tar pliteee
rosperous. Anyone
°mg abroad.
-The Concordia
21st hist., contains
marriage festivities
The beequet in th
oribed as the large
town, over 250 g
Elaborate prepaid
occasion and with
gretule.tione, the D
bride began their
Kansas) Empire of the
lengthy report of the
f Dr, I la lifoCasey.
opera house is des -
ever given in the
este being present.
ns ware made for the
'rth, musics and con-
. andhis newly made
curried career, under
the most auspioiou circumstances. • Tho
Empire says the Dr is exceedingly popular
and this is amply stifled to by the foie
midable list of ham ome presentsenumer-
atea as having been ,given. His friends
in this locality will • e pleased 'to hear of
the Dootor's peospeiaty.
W11.01..4E NO. n1
las were at the Bruns, Corneal=
oak. Ou Monday mem
arriving daily at Mo. the friends of Mr. Jo
complimentary OY
oung 84.Sparling ithippe MetIelvie's Star Re
loads of ealathis week, hi to with a fiue
•tory *upper,
hot,a urnber of
Cloghorn gave hint
er supper at Mr. jaa,
tauraut, and presentea
roheurn pipe mid an ail-
juatioe had beim lane the
re won pleasantly speat
fellowiug is a
Mesrrs 0 D E mett and D Stewart
shipped a oar load of cattle to Niagaxii
• Palls on Monday.
4esedIttr. las, Pax, ronto's noted humor-
ous vocalist, has b- -n secure to salad at
Plies Idellardy's o* cat on the 6th of
Poen, in Wing m,a email pocket book
contjiding some s all °bang°. The owner
othaye it by call meat the Tzwss office
�d paying for this • Wee.
esars. Hastings & Ritchie are putting
a chopping ston in their older raill on
Sosepliene street, • nt4and will bo ready
for business in a f
"Jimmy's Owe" igar,the lateat novelty.
The "World Cigar,
en s, atJas
WATen Fousr,--F und on the streets of
Wingh on Tim day, a lady's silver
'wet° The owner an have the same by
pro ng property anpaying the cost of
Senor De Linia,
whohaa fillecgengage
in both hemispheres
e Spanish violinist,
outs hi every country
11 take peat in 3/lise
• the 6th of Decrial-
--The festive seas n is approaching and
plane are being mat ed for social &rause-
ment and intelleotua utertaiument. One
or two splendid °grammes have al-
ready beau announce
'• The MoCourt farm, .eing the south half
• of lot 34, concession 0, Bast Wawanosh,
'tuts sold by auotio at the Brunswick
hotel, on Thursday 1
Pete t Pesos, auction
14280. Mr Maurie
Afelit 314 eAnderreen
days ego to Mr Ca
to Mr jOhti Barber,
He also sold three -1
one to Mr Jobe Hum
Ob nary.
We clip: the fell. wing reference to the
Rev. Wm. Meldrue father to Dr. J. A,
Melanin, of this to n, from the Toronto
aVobe : Rev.Wne. Mel rum,an aged and res.
poste& minister o the Presbyterian
Church, died sudde ly at his home near
Morriston, on The: Uteri:mu, 19th
inst., of Lb paralytic et • He was nearly
in his usual health u till throe o'clock of
the morning mentio ed, when be was sud-
denly struck dow and was never con
ohms afterwards. The deceased was 8.4
eeeteof age, Ile w bon in Abernethy,
Morayshire, Se.otla , in 1806, and came to
this couutry 18 in response to a call
Iron: the °ogee tons of East and West
Puslineh and INT asagaweva. He was in-
dected in 1840, • nd ministered there for
fourteen years, hen he was called to
Vaughan. Prom here he was called to
Harrington, in 0 ord County. After this
he labored in emelt congregations and
mission fields, e tiring in 1876, spending
the remainder o his days at his Immo in
Puslinoh. He wit a man, of sterling worth,
and highly eatee oa and respected where.,
aver he was k which was to a large
circle, being o.a of the pleader Preaby-
'avian rainistS of • Canada. He was
especially fitted for mission work, and
could. preach as readily in Oahe 8.5 15
English. His d th is deeply regretted.
Dr. Meldrum attended the funeral, at
Morristolay on Pe day last.
who Wrestle/tax-el?
1 601 instructed by a pasty in Totonto
to offer fur short OM& a large amount of
money on good farm temerity at 11 per
• D. M, craerievis,
%Dow, Clot. 3110,1880.
t, 23th filet, by Mr
r; for the gum of
Satelbzer was the
a •
Id a tesidenee* Iowa-
pbell Hanna and one
f West Wavianosh.
ts to Mr " B Webb,
and on.e to Mr John
Elder. Mi Anderson las thus readily .dia-
posed of his proper in town.
Miss C Strong, w .ois to take part in
the concert in the t, wn hall on Friday
December 6th, s oken of as follows by
the Terouto Globe: se Kate Strong sang
eYoatt's Good -Bye" nd "Take me, Jamie
Dear," displaying fine tuezzo-soprauo
voice and great pow r of feeling and ex
pression, both numb
Ata meeting of th
of the Goderich an
Railwe,y, bald in.God lob last week, it
was deoided to have t e charter to be ap-
plied foe read. as -fon That the pro-
posedroad run Via Du annon, with the
tight to build, a hre.ncer o Lake Huron at
Port Albert; olio, so t• t the company can
contract, and agree, 4 amalgamate with, .
or sell out to the Calla Ian ?eolith Railway
Company or any other onmany.
The season of big arms and blocked •
'sidewalks is upon • s, We believe the
' t are willing to keep;
that portion of the B eet opposite their -
own premises clear. its the authorities
ought rigorously to exa every onerdthern.
In behalf of citizens nd the general pub-
lio it is but reaseneb to ask that the side-
walks be kept dear one Tainlyn's cornet -
to Diusley's cornefs. is sincerely hoped
that the council 1 promptly devise
means to have this d ne, A. large Blume
of whet is spent in olie, its* scald prab ably
be given through this '_;hannel,
elms. After du
spread, a few he
in speech and sou
•copy of the addres
To Sr. jobli Clegl
Dear Sir aud Prieud, - We, your
fellow oitizeus, oa he eye of your camert.
ure for a new sp re of labor, while to e
press oar regret t the seve.:aime of a baud
of friendship w lob we know has always
ex stet,/ etwee you and us 'dime your
adveu., amino us, We trust your future
labors will be o wned with the success to
which w heli ve you are justly en-
titled and richly deeerve. We beg you
to accept this pipe as a token of our °teem
- and reapect, and a the smoke issues
from it dissolves u surrouuding air, so
may all your fu re troubles. We now
join in wishing ou pleasant trip and
success througl your remaining years.
wSiiiiggnheadmo.re shelf of your many friends
. •
Mr Cleghorn left r Branton, Mauitoba,
monals, •
Mr.' W W Ingl s has speed* couple of
days in Toronto is Week..Mr. Heinilton,
of Walkerton, spen unday tows..tEr
King, teaoher at KM ettriddre was in town
visiting his brother his week..3 P Mo -
Casey, of Cincinne , Ohio, bas been visit-
ing friends in th vicinity of Winghain
this week. alefr. J Armstrong. of Strat-
ford, representi the Watson Manuatotur.
the Cde of Ayr, w in town tbia week..
Rev Mr Geddes, Pre yterian minister at
Whiteohuroh, called t the Teens office on
Monday. He is
pleasing manner
popular with the
•both as preacher a
-eiaaaweeiseeitieelie buy
Wingliarq on Timid
• of the Canadian Ex
• welt spent Sunday w
man.• a genial and
d we learn is very
oplieof his new- charge,
a a pastor. 31r A,
r, Listdwel. was in
..Mr. Chas Taylor,
ress,Corapany, Listo-
MB consin, Mrs
Win Little, Minnie St eet..Mrelas Van.
stone, of Listowel, is "siting relatives 10
anvil -Mrs T Leslie i visiting her dame,.
ter, Mrs itt PiteD Plena: g, at Lietowel..
°Myrna, Mich,
her parents at
, rs A. Roes this
II her sister, mist
W Scott, of Listo-
of Mount Forest,
s being warmly ena
provisional direetors
Wingham Junction
Miss Susie Collie, of Ver
who is borne on a visit t
Bluevale, was visiting
week, in company w
• Nellie Collie -Meese
wel, and J A. Haleted,
Leaking far it a England.
The demand in Engl nd for the Christ.
mas number of the Mout eal SUE is some-
thing unheard of- a gr at compliment to
Canadian enterprise. t is quite encourag-
ing to hear English a Scotch people,
where ever you go on the thee Bide, thy -
leg: "Tho Christmas Sr was the best of
them n.11." The gree American news
companies aro urging th publishers to -sell
the Christmas Sten in he States, but
thero 'will not be more th u enough to fill
the Canadian demand. There are fear
supplements with the hiatus Sten thie
Men Wanted.
A timelier of men wanted to eat mad
draw cord wood ana taw lees by toutraet.
Apply to Gro Tt100014, ZzthollcV male,
Bee 125, Winehani; Ont.
Spam a couple of days' i
being the guests of Mr
artiste& John street.
highly pleased with o
ably surprised to An
so many successful m
lishenente..Me 0 IV. -C
of the Temperance
Aesute,noe Company, i
looking after the into
..11fre Thee Deans a
Mg at her father's, I
East Wawanosh,this WOO
A, Course ok V343 `as fax $1.75.
A. Notable GatlIdring •I the world's teal -
ere cornea before the readers of Tug'
YtitTif$ (102,1rAnI03 the year 1800,
It is like a Great Leetu Coutse of 6'2
weeks, with over lea rete, each a fa -
1110128 authority in so e branch of Ar
Litetature, Statiacraft, aatence or Educa-
Hon, And these loot %es cost only 3a
cents es.ch, on the basis of a year's sub.
soription, or 57 numbets r $1.75.
have Gladstorio
nor? Or to Hanel,
yndall tie the Won-
't is just swab greet
in raPie mecca-
saing every in
tap.° of the day.
gh the reelluen ta
Per*" &Youth's
town this week,
13 Webb and Mee 5
They were both
r town, and agree.
that Wingham hid
"nufaccoring ostab-
adwictr, Inspector
nd General Life
iu towdithis week
eats of iqt company
childtin are visit.
Johu Anderson's,
Is it worth 3a coats
address you for Moll an
for an equal tiine to
dors of Nature ? And
men, following each otlato.
sion each week, and dise
tractive and enterthinin
who speak to you thee
their paper and your
430,003 families eaten • tide t
tato course. You can tend it y reading
The Youth's Compel on " each week. It
will be sae you regal ey Jauuary 1,
1801, et a cost of any 1.75. Send for 11.
histrated proepeotus h.e eutire series te
i "The Youth s Comp • .01," Boehm, Mama
eoAil new eubierthe
' in t civitnee, will h
• balance of the p
'who send in their
1 will thus be the lag
for 1800, payiug $1
La damns for. ticu
t year Pa. TIreste
eriptieus ealioee
' re,
ee,a, .
er • set. a.•
e lane- •
• A