HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-07-10, Page 9starts here Ili Pcs &mileage/ SOUTH END CITIES SERVICE GENERAL REPAIRS Phone HU 2-7055 —Clinton, Ont. anis MU ILECTRICITY DOES SO MUCH . COSTS SO LITTLE you will be a happy homemaker ...a popular hostess, with ELECTRIC APPLIANCES to help you live bettei' the safe, cican, modern way ONTARIO SUNSET DRIVE-IN THEATRE 1 1/4 Miles East of Goderich on No. 8 Highway THURSDAY — FRIDAY July 10 11 "DINO" Sal Mine() -- Susan Kahner PLUS Added Shorts SATURDAY — MONDAY July 12 - 14 "Decision at Sundown" Randolph Scott John Carroll AND "CRASH LANDING Gary Marrill -- Nancy Davis Be the lucky Winner Saturday Night and take home a large hamper of groceries, and brother Charge, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weston, Detroit, with Susanne and Roy have ,been visiting at the home of George Weston. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. lVfanness• and Mr. and Mrs. Armond Manness, With son John) are occupying their 'cottage for the season. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. 'Featherston spent two days visiting their idaughter, Doris, in Toronto, and brought back with ithem for a visit their grandchildren, Ray, Linda, 'Sonya, Cheryl and Mavis Leon- ard, Mrs. John Olaf, Jacqueline and Vicky, drove to Taranto on Sun- day. Vicky congaed to attend the summer school classes' at the Western Tec'hn'ical School. Miss Mabel Hoidens., Toronto, has opened her cottage and has With her, as her guest, Miss Mar- garet MacDonald, Toronto. Mrs. Helen A. Brown, London, and Mrs Roy C. Way, Detroit, aunt and •cous,in of the Rev. E. J. B. Harrison, were guests at the rectory, for several days last week. Murray Blackie, popular son of Mr and Mrs. Tom Mackie, while swinging on a rope swing over the 'gully back of the village, fell and suffered a very painful injury to his hip. He was 'taken by ambul- ance to Clinton, and then on to Victoria Hospital, London, for surgery; but on Sunday was able to be brought home in a cast. Pretty hard 'on as lad' to have to spend 'summer holidays in bed, and it happened the first day of school vacation, His many friends sympathize with him. Sunday was the 45th wedding 'anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sturgeon, 'also the tenth anniver- sary of their daughter Jean's wed- ding (Mr. and Mrs. Prank Ander- son, Science Hill), and about .25 relatives 'came home to celebrate the occasion. Dinner was served on the lawn, amid a 'setting of pink and white peonies. Guests attended 'from London, Dashwood, Science Hill, Preston, .Clinton and Port Huron. • Dr. and Mrs. J. Beverly C, Rob- inson, London, with Shirley, Mary Alice and John) are occupying the cottage of Mr. 'and Mrs, Elmer Parker, again this year. M M M M M LLOYD BUTLER WHITE ROSE SERVICE Phone HU 2-9021 — Clinton, Ont. W _e ITE j 1H ROSE HARRY WATKINS SUNOCO SERVICE Phone HU 2-6661 — Clinton, Ont. CANTELON'S Service Station CITIES SERVICE PRODUCTS Phone HU 2-9032 — Clinton, Ont. GROWING PELLETS Just 7 lbs. required from Chick to Maturity! Master Growing Pellets were specially developed to give you economy of feeding on range. It provides all the body building ingredients necessary to sustain profitable egg production for months on end. You need feed only one-third Master Growing Pellets to two-thirds scratch grain, During the entire grow- ing season, one pullet consumes about 7 tbs. of pellets . . . yet it receives all the balanced nourish- ment necessary to lay the foundation for future high production. Master Growing Pellets grow big frame birds with solid flesh- ing. The pellet form eliminates waste, retains vitamin content longer and guarantees that the birds eat all essential ingred- ients. It Pays to Switch to M Master Growing Pellets! Your Local Master Dealer; M M M M FEEDERS WHO KEEP RECORDS USE CLINTON M M M M M M M M M M M M MASTER WETTLAUFER'S FEED MILL. Tele.: HU 2-9792 BMAS ! FrEDV` M istroitirue :ooei M tfif m 474-iVRSPAY, JULY 10, 1956- CLINTON NEWS4LE.0O231) NOV ISTIM •catr B,ayfielcl Correspondent) Forty-One Mernbersi of the Pen.- hale, Snowden .and WeSitie feinf-.ilieS: :gathered: on Ol;agi Gregor Squ- are, ,Tttne 28. for their aard 4161,Trscw. Many Vacationers At 4owett Cottages Mr:, and Mrs. Thorne Spear, 'Trenton; Mr. and Mrs. J. Eedy and Zanily, Sit. Marry. ; Mr. and Xis) C. Cox and ,daughter, Dot, rOt, Witeh..; Mr, and M,rs., D.. Sop- er and familly, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. J. iparnat3hersi and farnilY, :Dityrallas; Mr. and Mrs, H. FetrY and sons, Detroit, Mich.; Mrs. M. 'Ilisdale, Toronto; Mrs. David Mc- :Nutt and family, Montreal, Que.; 'Mr, and Mrs., Roy Frame and lfarnit4, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs, Grneime iandifamily, Gros- se Pointe llama, Mien.; Mr. and Mars. Graham Cameron and family, `London; • Mr. and Mrs. John Mic- KeMie and (family, Windisor; Rey. :and Mrs, J. G. Morcien and . london. Visitors daring the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Poth were Mr. and Mrs. 3.. 0. Hughes, 13etre5t, Mich. In -.the Woolen Shop Cabins Mr. and Mrs. Denomme and president took eh.arge of the pro- gram following supper. Officers' for the carrying year were elected: president, 'Alfred d n, e; vice w president, RusseN GrOlger; secretary treasurer, Mrs. E. A. Westlake; assistant secretary, Mira, Jack Keys) Sports eornmititee for the 1959 reunion the last Saturday of .June, with be gr. and Mrs. Edward ScuerhY and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Polio*, The place w4 be Clan Gregor Square, and the same "tea-maker" haS been inverted to. officiate, Prizes were given as follows: eldest lady, Mrs, Aleva. Snowden; eldest gentleman., Alfred Scotch:- vier; youngest girt Debra O'Brien; youngest boy, Douglas Keys; larg- est famiuIy, Russell Grainger; tra- veiled farthest, Eglin •Fassel, waukee, Wisconsin; lucky plate) Shirley Keys. A number pf prizes were given for married oven's lace, married wenten's race and down the line to the smallest children present. party of 21, from Grosse Point, Michigan, over the 4th of July holiday weekend. Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Pearson, and Mrs. Pearson's sister, Mrs. Hininly, Loudon. Mr. and Mrs. G. Blackwell and son George, Georgetown, (By oar Royfield Correspondent) The annual picnic held in the 'basement of SS 4 West Stanley june. 26, brought the school year to a close, A peanut hunt Was held) it rain cancelled the sports"and they were held the fol- lawang rrl&coming.- During :the evening program a solo waS sung by Ricky Talbot; jokes were read by Ronald West- lake; a word contest was given by Victor Cornish followed' by a solo by 3/11:Clia:el Greer. .Tobinny Talbot read a poem and Lynnyla Scotchrner sang a song. Jaen. Grain.- ger- and Matthew joined. Voices in a duet; Phyllis Grain- ger played a piano sole; 'Brian Mustard gave a reading; Helen Grainger read some jokes;. a duet was sang by Jennifer Smith and Sandra Westlake, The• school sang "Now the Day . is Over"; Garry Talbot gave a closing recitation; "Happy Birth- day" was sung to Archie Mustard, whose birthday fell on that day, Promotions were handed Out the following day by the teacher, Mrs. Raymond Scotchmer Grade 8 to 9: Ronald Westlake; Grade 7 'to 8, Brian Mustard, Hel- en Gralinger, Sandra Westlake., Victor Cornish) Gary Talbot; Gr- ade 5 to 6, Rosalie Westlake, Lynnda Scotchmer, Ricky Must- ard, John Talbat; Grade 3 to 4, Rabble Cornish; •Grade 2 to 3, PhyBis Grainger, Ricky Talbot; Grade 1 to A jaaproy Grainger, Prizes wore given for the best attendance, 1Vlichael Greer; high- est percentage, boys, 'Victor 'Corn. ish, Ricky Talbat; highest percen- %go, girls, Rosalie Westlake; best health chart, boys) Ronald West- lake, Jim Grainger; girls) Helen Grainger, Rosalie. Westlake, Miss Lucy Woods, who has sp- ent 'tire pest seven weeks as a pat- ient in Victoria Hospital, under- going trearnent, is now .convalesc- :ing with her sister Jean, at Mid- diewood, home of Mr. and IVIrs, lVfiddleton, Hensall. "Telling news to Lucy" was so Much easier, than Writing it; and with two holiday weekends, such as we have had she would never know our village, The large in- flux of summer visitors, the .c-oit- stunt stream of passing cars and motorcycles, stores working over- 'time, police directing traffic on streets to 'the beach, the new highway signs, "No U Turn" at corners, Clan Gregor Square filled 'with. picnic parties, new cottages Honsall Community Sale Prices Prices at HerisIall Comenwttby Judy 3: Weardang pigs, $12a0 to $15,30; Chunks, $10,25 tO $19.301 feeders, $22.50 to 628.35; saws, $77 to $95, Holstein cows) $160 to $175.; "Dunham cows) $170 to $190; Tao l- Stein calves, $16 to $29; Ditrhaan calves, $4 to $8. 350 pigs and 110 head of cattle and calves were soul. being boat to the north, to the south, to the east of us . . tit wasn't the Bayfield we used' to know. All night, one could hear our own motorcycle policeman patrolling !the streets. But did hear, very early on Sunday morning, the crowing of a rooster, and Sunday morning was beautifally quiet by contrast. Our •churdhesi were well filled with visiting worshippers. By Monday morning, the quietness and charm of our village had re- turned, and -we hope Lucy will soon be able 'to return, we all miss her very much indeed. Mr. and Mrs'. Arthur Ford, London, have rented Mrs. Joseph Beechey's cottage on Bayfileld Ter- race, for 'the summer season, glad to be in Bayfield again after an absence of two years. Mrs. James iCairryaross, London, wath Jimmy and Sally are also in Bayfield for 'the mummer sea- stoat. Janet Prus's, London, has been spending the week Visiting heir cousins., 'Elaine, Jackie and Cathy Weston, and was joined by her parents, Mr. 'and' Mrs. Keith Pruss LIFE.SAVERSILVERTOWN TUBELESS The premium quality NYLON tire that seats punctures per- manently DELUXE NYLON TUBE-TYPE ' 13.F,Goodrich quality and Nylon safety at lowest prices ever. Penhale, Snowden and Westlake families Hold 33rd Reunion In BayneId Park SS 4 West Stanley School Ends Year With Picnic; Promotions Announced News of Bayfield By MISS R. WOODS PHONE: BAYFIELD 45 r 3 mileage/ The quqlity built into every ELF.Goodrich The assures you of thousands of miles of cater freemotoringandO.F.Goodricb has a quality tire for every price tunas .. • That's Smileugo DELUXE SILVERTOWN TUBELESS The B.F.Goodrich tirethatcomes on most new cats. TUBE-TYPE Famous B.F.Goodrich quality tires give long, safe mileage, PRIZE-WINNERS in MASTER FEEDS DRAW completed June 30 I. Mrs. Aaron Fisher 2. Elgin Noft Draw made by Bobby Vodden Wettlaufer's Feed Mill Clinton Phone RV 209192 TUESDAY — WEDNESDAY July 15 - 16 "Zombies of Mora Tau" Gregg Palme' — Allison Hayes A N "Man Who Turned To. Stone" Victor Joy Ann Doran (Adult Entertainment) Two Shows Rain or Clear Box Office Opens at 8 P.M. First Show at Dusk Children under 12, In dart:, FR5E Playground -- Refreshntent Stand