HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-11-08, Page 80,7
. —„-
• vn counola ateettee.
tar monthly meeting of the
•Jil was held in the Council
Monday evening last. Pree.
ideo, Mayor, and Councillors
• isms, Ileelende, Agnew, Dow -
Smyth, Brookenshire, Spar -
A of last meeting read and
he Finence Cemmittee re-
' wading payment of the fol.
: IV de T Moore, park
Thos Diokson, work on
;el ; Rogistrar of Huron, deed
Kent lot, 0.10 ; Gutta Per-
.; b1s)r Co., hose, *302; George
tttery material and charity,
't.sbee, work on streets, *13.77;
; Thos Irwin, salary, *20;
t;. 7Yavolling, 1161.60. The report
e -e and the accounts ordered to
A emimuuication was read from
• • l'kiGare, in reference to rent of
•lee by Mrs. Sadler. Moved. by
oeleeishire,seconded by WS olroes,
a, .• ,z‘otelounication at Mr T Moore re
be referred to the Executive
n With power to aot—Carried.
tition was read from Messrs.
• al.41(1 and E 1' Gerster, asking the
reama the *5 paid by the Band
-eat ( u the 29th,- Cotober. Moved
Williams, seconded by T Agnew,
t ..rnt of hall rent paid by the
Will tri id on,,,potober 29th, be re -
n1 -Carried. t Tenders fosE, building
leo. now Town Hall were read follows :
A (I MeCir Kor, Wingbam t 9,200
11 Kerr, Winghain
slob,,4 Pe, Wingharn .... 8,600
17.qhtPant Hensall 8,460
rl',4-ovod by J. Neelands, seconded by
vaaeson, that the tender of Mr R Patter.
awn., for the erection of the' proposed hall,
itecopted, it beiugthe loweiet, ou oorlt
m that he enters iuto: contract to be
up by this Conkcil, for the erection
t,ctid uilditig and Oties security for the
performance Ot4i(t contract satisfactory
• to the Cceinell. •:glib yeas and nays were
celled :"or and the motion was carried on
tilt following vote: Yeas—Messrs. MoIn-
Iio,Noelands, Dawson, Sperling, Smyth,
WilliArns-6. Nays — Messrs. Agnew;
Becekenahire, Holmes -9
M)lted. by J Neelande, seconded by A.
Damson, that George Pettypieoe be re-
appointed Chief of the Fire Brigade for
tho current year—Carried:: *keyed by
1eelanas, seconded by Alex Dawson, that
the committee appointed torepare plans
and specifications far the erection of a new
Town Hell for the corporation, be request-
ed to draw up an agraemeut for the area-
tioe of the hell', to •be signed by Mr. Pat—
terson, as conteactor, and by the Mayor on
behalf of the corporation—Carried. A. de.
• putatiou from the Wingham Board of
Trade addressed the Council in reference
'to the lighting of theitown with gas, giv-
ing information gleaue& by a Committee of
the Board, at Listowel, recently. It was
urged that the Council take the matter of
putting in the gas plant upas a corporation
investnient, and. in the event of it not do-
• ingo, that the town should give all the
encouragement in its power to a private
company to put in gas works in Winghare.
Moved by W Holmes, seconded by R C
:Sperling, that a cominittee, consisting of
the Mayor and Messrs. Neelands, Brooken-
shire and Williams bo appointed to meet
the Board of Trade, at an early date, to
oonfer with them in reference to the light•
ing of the town, atd. report —Carried,
Moved by W F Brockenshire, seconded by
0 E Williams, that the Chairman of the
•Fire ad Water Committee be instructed
t) plaoe a fire alarm at tbe Union Factory
—Carried. The Council then adjourned.
Composed refrarding a mink that wished to make
mince malt, of a duce,tue property of R. Wallace,
may be wrong, but Ain I think,
That Selborne White ne'er saw a mink,
A cousin of blood -stoking weasel,
Whose tastes there's nothing that Can
please well,
As blood of duck or maybe drake,
That leave their coop for tam or 'eke,
Where siviiik and stoat sometimes called
Metre prey of rats and such like vermin
Even like our friends the queer chines°,
Who tett birds' nests as we do chesee,
tura t lett e must differ anyhow,
As WiNn %11 said who kissed her cow.
W LieneoW.
Tlie rhop of Huron will,'preach
the oeentne sermon in the now Eng.
l•ell eh Ira in tins place on Sunday
next, Nuvember 10th, at two o'clock
Qltlell CONIC Anfeatee.e.---There are
few people la Canada mita do 40t see
this entertaining annual. 1t has Pot
made its appearence for the eleveuth
year; and in many respects the new
book is ahead of may predecessor. The
illestratious are abundaut ; and all of
the contents are of a very amusing
character. A new feature is the
calendar of "Remarkable Events',
which rune through the year, and.
which aloue, is worth more than the
price. In thia department it is cer-
tainly entertaining and helpful to be
told the day and year when pancakes
were invented, when the balfholiclay
agitation was started, or washing -day
instituted, or stolen sermons first used,
or Frank Smith was ruined by the
street railway (Jan. 15, 2096), or
mother-in-law joke invented, or Chi-
me() morally reformed (A. D. 069),
or''boot-jacks first used as a cat cure,
or the streets of Toronto finally fixed,
or Friday discovered to be anunlucky
day,—information on all of which, as
illustrations, may be found in the Jan-
uary calendar, And the other months
are quite as communicative. This book
contains 32 pagesaind sell s at bookstores
at the old price, 10 cents ; or, send to
publishers, Tontoi and receive the
book, post-paid, by return mail.
News Items.
Fire did about $1,000 damage to the
roof of Cowan La Co.'s feundry,Galt,on
Saturday. Insured in the Plicenix, of
—Bulk oysters arriving daily at Mo-
John Mein tyre,a 1VIerrickville school
trustee, was charged with au aggravat-
ed assault on Alex, McDonald, teacher
in the public school there. He was
tried before Judge McDonald at Belle-
ville on Saturday, found guilty and
sentenced to four months in the Central
ecently, at Toronto,a woman sued
telkeeper for damages for supplying
her husband with drink after being
notified not to do so, and was award-
ed a verdict of $100. The hotelkeep-
er appealed, but the appeal was not
entertained, and the woman will re-
ceive her $100.
'—Anyone sending us 10 cents can have
• the Tibias tient to their address—at home
or abroad—for the balance of this year.
The death occurred at Madison,
Wis.,on the 28rd ult., of Mr. Francis
Frak. Deceased was foreman of
the Berlin Telegraph for ten years
previous to his removal to Detroit,and
was held in high estimation by all
who knew hint He was a first class
printer and. compositor, and although
not trained a journalist, wee a ready
and humorous writer. The cense of
his death was a cancer in the left
breast, from which be suffered great
pain for several months past. His
remains were interred at Elora.
,An old and highly respected resident
of St George, Brant County, died at
the residence of his son-in-law, Mr.
Jatnes Kyle, Stratford, the other day.
Ile was horn in Craning, Rexburg -
shire, Scotland, in 1797, and came to
Ontario in 1887. He was father of
Rev W W Smith, of Newmarket, Mr.
J A Smith, Burford, and another son
is in the United States. One daugh-
ter is the wife of Mr. Kyle, of Strat-
ford ; another is the wife of Mr. Alex,
MaLean, of Ottawa, late Government
printer ; e, third, deceased, was the
wife oflyIr. MYMcLean,of the Exposi-
tor, Seat:irth.
Character or the Beach Base.
If you want a real good argument any
day touch up the black bass issue among
the kcal fisherinen. Some of them say
that he is atcenemy to all sport, a mean
low lived, vicious speeimee of the taibif
of Bele who sleep in the mud all winter
and is worm eaten all summer. Fish
corumigsioner Stanley says that the black
bass is a splendid mannered, high bred
• fish, a fighter, it is true, but an onest
• fighter, and one of the best food 'fishes
that swim the streams of Northern
America. 11.e says that the stocking of
ponds with the fish was wise, and that in
Years to oome more sport will be realized
with this fizh than the sporting men of
rod and line have yob drained.—Lewis-
ton Journal
on lineages.
The lea r.. of Philadelphia ears in
earneet expressed determination
to close the barber shops of that city on
Sunday and thus obtain a day of rest
Five barbers 'who kept open th ;orea
en Sunday last have been pr ted,
They were fined beahe tnagistratee under
*law' pawed in Val—Veer York Tribal*,
oott-In WInginim.on the 28th October, the *La
f M, Arthur Gook •ia daughter.
VeDeux—Itoss—&b the residence of the brldes's
mother, oh the rd Oot., by. P•ov, fl, B. McBee, Mr.
, Tem Voles, to Mies Maggio liairr both of grey
Pi e track of the North-Weet Ceti.
iot ltailway has been laid tlie first
fifty miles faun Brandon to a point
twerii,y four tniles eorth west of
Bapil Oiy, and stritioes will be built
and that pert if.. Or, liue teened
tratrie by I)seetubei 1st,
efeast.tele meet ale,
en the 4th in;f., Mon-
t -anent, daueeiter of Mi.. 17in. eAri„
4 months and 16 days,
Ready 41i•
Don't miss the opportunity now offered of securba
Overcoats, in fine Black .Worsteds, fine Velveteens, Brom
and Children's Overcoats, with and without capes.
inest Makes and lowest Price in Melee
'Beavers, Blue Naps and Melton. IloYe
OD' Ordered Clothing in all tfl ewest Designs,r_rn
It will pay you to see the suits wer!are selling, and after y see them and get prices, we don't expo
to do much persuading to get you to buy them,
In new designs and styles, without number, Dress Goo utiful Costume Patterns. Colored Ben-
rietta Cloths, in all shades. Plain and Fancy, in all the newest shades. Heavy all wod Dross Se ges
Meltons, in single and double width. Silks and Satins, in all:Shades and prices.
Specialr.Drives in Shawls, Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear,
Grey Wool Flannels, Scarlet Flannels, 'Shaker Flannels, Fancy Wcol
Goods, in Tam Q'Shanters, Clouds, Kits, Wool Cars, Tuques and Children's Jackets.
We never bad such value to offer before as we have tis season, including everything in the fdr
No person should buy before seeing these toods and getting prices. See our
Boots. and Shoes, _Rubbers and Overshoes.
We guarantee to save you money on every purchtse.
Yo Truly,
There died in Mulmur, Dufferin
county, Ont., on Wednesday last, at,
the ripe old age of 109, one of the
oldest residents of the township, in
the person of Mrs. Dorothy Dean,after
an illness of about two weeks. De-
eeased has always been a very hale
and active person, and up to the time
of her.last illness has been able to
read ordinary print without the aid
of glasses.
WYrtarialt, November 7. 1889
Correbted by P. Deans, Produce Dealer.
''our per 100 lbs, • s 2 0 to 2 50
Fall Wheat per bushel, - 0 76 0 80
Spring 0 75 to 0 80
New Oats, - .,„ • 26 to 20
Old Oats -. • • 26 to 26
Barley • • •- 40 to 45
Peas, 60 to 61
Potato% .. • . SO to 30
Butter late made .• • 14 to 16
do Roils, . 18 to 16
Co summer Made 12 to 13
Eggs per dozen, 16 to 16
Wood Or cord, - 1 25 to 180
flay per ton,• 6 00 to 7 00
Wishes to state that he has moved into the store lately ocupied by T. A.
and has just opened up a large stock of
of every description.
A special invitation is extended to those requiring
our stock in this line being very complete.
in endless 'variety.
C1JTIEEE -, ef tho, best makes,
2:16 p. O. P. R. TIME TABLE,
eleap and duraht
5:35 .. ....For T,Iroato..
2:15 p.m
Trains arrive and depart as follows:.
ArviNG FURN ACE HEATING AND'ItEPAI' ING pimp tly attended 10. mitt -
all work guaranteed satisfactory, • 41,
For Teeswater ...... ...2:La
10:SO " xtetwAnizor the place-r-MilIsr old stand, Josephine street, Wingbare.
10:30 p. m
• .
• , $
Cr72.$D rMM2,17171C: _LRPY
A: C. MAUMEE, ACIONT, wreonam.
Through tickets to all points in Amsrloa-North•
West, Pacific Coast, ete., via the shortest and all
popular „routes. 13aggage checked through to
destination. Lowest freig'nt rates to all points.
--T1 M TAI3LE.
LEAVE WitiollAM. ' nizaWs AT WitieltAn.
6:30 am.Toronto, Guelph, Palmerston, Sto. 3:30 p.m.
" " • ' 10:10 "
11:103:40 ‘
p.m ' " " Clinton, •
6:50 a.m..— ..... London, &e.
1:45 p.m. s ers
7:25 " —.Palmerston, ..
11:10 .... etc.. 630 a.m. •
5:40 p.m.
11:10 "
6:60 p.m.
Presb.-and gotten up in Every Style.
9 ,
Extra •
e_ v
... . . .
came Into thepr ices of the subscriber, Lot 32,
last, a sinall reel arling heifer, The owner is re -
Con. Con. 8, East Was; osh, about the 1st of September , . . i am FRUITS!
gall ivseatsyt, d to p r 0 V propert3, pay charges, and take it
Marnoch P. 0.
Farm for Sale. . •
The undersigned otters for sale Lot 18, Concession
13,1lowlek and 6 acres off theiast enCIGARS & SMOKER'S SUNDRIES
d of tet 10, 6
making 106 acres There are between 80 and 00 •
acres cleared and in a goad state ot cultivation on 0 if
the preinises are good bank barn, two frame houses,
from Wroseter. ror particulars apply to
and good outbuildings. Situated about four miles . CONFECTIONERY
Wroxeter P. The most complete stock in the county. Pure Or'doms a specialty.
. .
and see me.
(LATH or Inn")
Mating purchased the barbering business of Messrs.
Sebastian Ilres., is prepared to give all old customers
and rounany new ones as patronize him, satisfaction
In all lines of the profession.
' aro my speoialties.
trA.Give oto a call at the old stand, opposite Gordon
and Mantyre's store.
The Phrenologist who lives below the C. P. IL
station, and Who Ilea practisedfor some years to
England and chowhere, is at liberty each Saturday
till 10 p. en. to (Amine persohe phrenologleally and
give charts. Th.: charge at pfesent is only 18cents.
Mr Cozens Is also aged 40 all kinds of Nursery
Tux. it1.
Partners and others in heed of Tiles for draining
purposes can he supplied at dui nfickyard. lary
ewes stook of 41 sieto o padibtr
• Wingbara, Sept itau '80,
Seems to be the popular verdict in allt
the lines we carry. OUR STOCK is COMPLETE,
and we can show you the finest and most com-
plete assortment of Goods every shown in Wing -
ham. We have lately received several superb
lines of
To which we desire to call special attention.