HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-11-08, Page 7'wares of Wiatiora, Keep ahead ratlie lean "e i)on•t stop to 01 >Aeries in busi- aa l,r'ht• .. your . UNL1 � VY A p�? fl UY p{i Ue.l your own h ;lens rather than �(heat. of otlivre. Xao not Ittuddio with lltt',tliess you 'mow ill/ nothing of. 1, We mini to have the ittrgeet and neat assorted stook of Watches Italie order, s) 4tIn, regularity lti'ld' Clocks and Jewellery in Winghani, Our stock consists of American and liingli,th Gold Plated and Rolled plated jewellery of all descriptions, American and Swiss Watches, Canadian and American Gold and Silver Watch Oases, Spectacles and Opera Glasses. 2, We buy all our goods in big lots, and pay spot cash• for every. round when wanted, thing we buy, therefore our customers my be Sure tllatjwe are at no He trho,comea up to his own idea of disadvantage as compared with others. greatness !dust always have had e► , It will )a • �(it p ver low staudnrd of it in his: owi4 1 S 1 to call And ins ect our odds before buying else y ;,. yr1tere. We will sell you •LO per cent lowe'R than any other dealer in Make all the looney you can 'Peinohain. and d►A; o tiletheattvllono ia't tit, himself in order to lnaice room for our large Xmas stoek; now n lered, we tieie attune lives forte int•ttue4 wan In wall sell at cost fur 20 days. u behind the on% Read This plompto-hs, No maut eau got Lien by sittiug around store& and tetlnnns. __ A Ulan of hultor respects leis word us lie does has bonds. 1 f you have a place of business be res tion, We are all dependent upon an an other in this world ; but all hoe our sanity sill our shttttuwy days, and we all, i1i our turn, treed sympathy end A ward is A trifle fin light and frail tiivat'vlie foam upon the river, the dew .email upon the rose, or a blush that tittles a girl's fair (:welt:, will live far l.,as;cr. A wun3 is weapon so terrible in its rection, and so deadly in its effects, tko.t it will strike with the force of a thunderbolt, and slay its vletim with the tLbstiing rapidity of lightuiuti; Assurances lli force Jan. 1st 11389 rill (nen have their frailtt ;. and Surplus, Deo. 31st,, 1888 • whoever looks for a friend without itnperfeutions wiii never tits what he • WATO I REPAIRING A SPECIALT For quality of material used and class of workmanship we ac- knowledge no superiority at the people's Jewellers, R., :��. � . VA.• SP 8c Chx, ?x; aOTTOAT., WATf'JkJCT,'it1t4:XMR 3 AND J lWlr+.',LLIgIRS. ONTARIO MUTUAL L LIFE. !'ash Income ,for 1888 8 393,074 00 New Assurances written in 1888 2,518,050 00 Assets, as at Deo. 81st, 1888. 5,318,853 00 12,041,914 00 .. ...,. 90,387 09 seeks- Vie love ourselves notwitli- SPECIAL FEATURES: standing our faults, and we ought to Prompt Payment of Claitims, Annual Distribution of Profits, Guaranteed •lova our friends in itko manner. Surrender Values, and Liberal Polley Conditions. Nothing bindt•rt• the constant agree-. Meet of people who live together bat ALEX. DA VV SOh1, vanity and selfishness. Leff the spirit of humanity and benevolence prevail and discord and disagreement wduld be banished from the household. When cold weather comes charity Regius to hum. If time , were !honey the tramp would be rolling in wealth. S1TILou'6CATAINIS REMEDY—a positive cure for Car arrb,Diphtheria and Canker Mouth. For sale by C. B. Williams. . When a man gives himself away he :naturally loses his self possession., Many who teach the young' idea how to,shoot, apparently don't; know GO RIGHT TO GREEN'S BLOCK FOR YOUR JEWELLER that it's loaded, - WSW will you cough 'when Shiloh's Cure will give you immediate relief? Price lac, 50o. and 161. For sale by 0. E. Williams. bean doesn't know all. The utas- suuiing porcupine can give the. smart- est Mtn on earth many points. Beaton mot or—But, my dear, I would net - cart hunt Die, lc. Richard sounds sg;nnuiili more dignified. Ethel --•true,•thatn(na, but ipne Dicks it. FOR DYsPEPaIA and Liver Complaint you have a printed gu.ran.ee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. Por sale by C. E. Williams That' stuff, said the editor as ho handed the poem back. That's tough, said the poet, as he turned sorrowfully away. Mars. Jones—Iidw do you manage to keep your husband hotne nights ? Mrs, Smith --By keeping a well -stock- ed sideboard. ,,A.iis you made rniserabte by indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Lose of Appetite, r 'Yellow Skin? 13hiloh's Vitalizer is a pose. .. tivo cure. For side by 0. l 1. Williams' To marry it settle down is no longer au fi ; it's mere the fashion to Marry/ at you may settle up. 1'Vom.if; like diseases, always search .,,, • out the. vdeakeat points for an attauk ; " and they generally find them. /•Tule ILEI), Gto. II. TAAni.n, of Bourbon,. Fetid., says : '" Both myself and wife. owe our 'litres to Sutton's CoNatrurTio.t Ones." For sale by 0, B. Williams. ,, When a man laughs immoderately all the time, decide that bre has some trouble on his mind, and in trying to do away with it. L►, mirviur s GENEALL., A,oENT. •Wiinzham. tint J7LLflT TILIS1MNT Has a most complete assortment of the LATEST, CitroiC]LSr, and • MOST CIIAI192IN( ARTICLES in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Singer moods. GAR vur CLOSE ATTEN'rIoit AT $ Ii,AZrt, E S. Smokers' 8'twet tasanry. "Theresitle, a kind of Freemasonry be- tweten smokers in the United Staten that 1 have never !oxen in my own country," said a Canadian visitor to a reporter, "atnd the first time It camp ilnde'rinyob- tt•;rtation it annoyed me. I was sitting _ un a - Central park beech smoking acigar then a wan approached the and said:. 'IIave you got fire there?' '1 dont un • - deretand you,' I replied, will you give me a tight?' he said. '1 don't think T I have a Match left,' 1 answered, feeling t in my pocket. 'I don't want a match,' he said, 'your weed'lI do,' reaching out I,is hand for toy cigar. I felt rather an- noyed at what I thought his imperti- nence in trying to form my acquaint- ance, and replied: 'I have not the pleas- ure of knowing you, sir, and 1 don't care to have you handle the cigar Howe in my mouth, anyway.' Ile ,;eetnc't1 sur- prised at my refusal, but said nothing. "Since then I find everybody cines it here. Men acost an entire stranger, use his weed to light their own, say 'thank you,' and pass on without the least in- clination to start a conversation or any- thing like that. I leave seen the news- boy borrow a light from a merchant and a negro do so from a swell, and it has even come to bo a point of etiquette for the lender first to give a strong puff on his cigar to snake it burn brightly. and then knock the ashes off before pre- senting it. There is no reasonable 'ob- jection to it, 1 suppose, as the part of the cigar that is put between the lips is not touched, but I never saw it at home that I remember, probably because we look upon cigars there es rather extravagant luxury, anyway, nearly all sinkers habit- ually using the pipe. It surprised me at first in this city to see everybody smoking cigars, from the millionaire down to the car driver."—New York Tribune. GXVEN TO RE PAIRIl1C#," AND WORK ALL WARRANTED. Claus Sprecklns wants to build hooses of sugar, if an apartment building of this material is erected we are willing to take a sweet of A. NAsar. Inarc'roxa free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. PtIco 330 cents. Por bate by C. L, Williams. Professor ofjournalism-..Mr Smith, how would you answer an unanswer- able argument in an °position papoli Student—Call it a yacap. ;An. .A..415) h[1m.WY...S4W�f. NEV PATET TOP 'JHLK g a r 1 Cream Cans, Milk Pai taea and Milk moans, And anything b th Ddryta,s e. -nFt+'E, . "�i. E Fi, 5�'1 pa ri°ra5i � iib �6 Arl li . y Id e z it'rilairre dn THE LED1NG BOOT Ano SIIOE STOHEI Owing to the late Boom I have made room for o.nd have on hand —A Large Stock of—, L • MOB 10073 416 7,7 14'i. "a tl {a ?t".r:3a `J Ia4:4)f In addition to my Custom Business, defy Competition in Quality, Sizaw and ant dotern]inad to 'sell for CASH, AT OJIi •1.3Jtro l'illt3a�3• , irRepairing as usual, and' Cement Patching a Specialty. i` ao.i;03 a share of tale patronage. Don't Forget the Placer Opposite the Central linter hips sewed free in all boots purchased from ine. Hatter and eggs taken as case in exchange fur goods, iR•aa..dD.hr.$. b',>,_ ,i,.3, W11:ibtiotLi, QCT Iiultdlut: Paper. In 1804 a hot headed French inventor' offered to contract for churches and ca- thedrals, including a peal of bells, to he constructed entirely of paper. From chimes to cannons was but one step, and the Gallic inventor announced his. rea(li- nese to supply a train of artillery of any given caliber, made of the sauce ma- terial. Building paper is enjoying a per- fect boom just now, and is proving a fine material in the hands of architects and builders for several uses, inside and out. The advantages, briefly stated, are: Gon- tiuuity of surface, or its adaptability for making into robs of almost any width- and idthand length and" flexibility; or by gluing several layers together it may be mane stiff, and will stop the passage of air be- cause of the abseen;e of joints; unlike wood, it has no grain, and will not split; it is unaffected by change of tempera- ture, o ae ra- ture, and thus has an advantage over sheet metal for roofing materials; though in its natural condition is is affected by 'moisture, it can be rendered waterproof by saturating with asphalt or by various other methods: bang a non-tgtonant body, it is well fitted to prevent the pas- sage of sound; it is a uan-eons r sf heat, and can alae be ]made it""' oiu- biitttib1e material, like auibe.lti;S, t,; rt<n- dered-resistant to fire by chetnicaL atat- meiit.-1';auer Makers' Circular. The first intimation the public sometimes hes that, an, agtress is worth u dollar in the world is the announce- ment teat she has been robbe i of a fabulous amount iu jewelry. —The Tn(rs will be sent from now 1et11 the end of the year for 10 cants. Bond k r or call and subscribe. Jas. Pickard, merchant ants miller at Exeter, bus Assigned to Mr. Sant web, of Lxetbr. Mr. Pict;ard is an old business mart t f Weatero On• titrio. lie had branch stories at. Seafortht Bienhein and 331. Mary's. Liabilities wiii amount to $p4.0,000, The assets are nut yet maned, but it ife bormeli, eved they are (trial with titsliabilities, though not iii convenient HOSPITAL REMEDIES. There is a new departure in the treatment of disease. It consists in the collection of the specifies used by noted specialists of Europe and America, and bringing them within the reach of all.. For instance the treatment pursued by special physicians who treat indigestion, stomach and liver troubles only, was obtained and prepared. The treatmt+nt of other physicians, celebra- ted for curing catarrh were procured, and so on till these incomparable 'cures now include disease of the lungs, kidneys, female weakness, rheumatism and nervous debility. Ask your druggist for thein. Those who cannot procure these remedies from their druggist may remitthe price to Hospital Remedy Co., $03,} West King St., Toronto, and the, remedy will bo shipped to :them detect. (The price is ono dollar each). Descriptive catalogue sent on receipt at stamp to pay :postage. rYt.Mt,Ks -y-. ..:•Q '•vi'i R N.k aYwa,,,.em. Y.A N+fmwS bay sviri 0500 orlkoft war. h: 8 O (or 4:1 A 4110. until land v. :test $SS watch:61,th*worl0, Perfect timakelrper. , %at raaree:J►ka,y Solid Cold iix.nag town, Doth !adeno' and gout.' eixe,, wlth Wotan end toes of equal vola* OuOPearsoa let each le cattiy can Witte ono M, toer�ethcr with cat large aid vat tibia ilea of nionsehoi4 Bwndlelen. These eantploe, as well no the watch. We tend Free, and tithe yonbue haat et bottle tot * months and than* theft to theta tvepalled,theyybacotns lona awn 3880808. Those at*n�`ee en�,,y pp *ntare o. recti►las the eatCL .S6 tQWuy no* ei . ren *'ritetakt:, AINAa0. Q,em in wke true ado taloa -i a j Brilliant !' Durable! Economical! Diamond Diamond Dyes excel all others' in .Strength, Purity and Fastness.! None other are just as good. Be-: ware of imitations, because they; are made of' cheap and inferior, materials, and give poor, weak; crocky colors. To be sure of. success, use only the DIAMOND' Dx;*s for coloring Dresses, Stock; Ings, 'Yarns, Carpets, Feathers,, Ribbons, Sc., &c. We warrant them to color more goods, pack- age for package, than any other dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and durable colors. Ask for the Diamond and take no other,' A Dress Dyed FOR A Coat Colored Garments Renewed S. GENTS. A Child can use them! At Druggists and Merchants. Dye Book free. WELLS, RICHARDSON & C(�„ Montreal, P. Q. I0 ate RE DAL1 S SPAM CURE The Blest Knaeeeesftil Remedy ever discoo- area' not blister. Bearits d proof below d does P r, RAMAL t'S ' PEIV CURE. OPITICTs Or CDAOL1r0 A. SNYD£n, 33NPZINSt Or 'orm-n8L4ND BAY AND TnoxSnta BOED Boners. ELMMWOOD, ILL., Nov. 20, BM B. S. Z1n DALL CO. Y iCen- dDear l! s S Sirs have by the half dozen -bottles, would lake prices in larger giantity. I think itis one or the beat Ilniinente•on earth. I have used ig en my stables ourthree trulyears. earn Cites. A. SNYDER. K EBALL'S SPESEI CURL Daocor YN, 22. V.. :November a;. 188.3. Dn. B. J. KENDALL Cu. Dear Sirs :I desire to sive you . testimonial of kir good op nionor your Kendali'a'Spavin Care. I have used it for Lameness. S323T Joints and vssaTies, and I have found it a sure cure, !cora. ally rRcotmne,nd It to ell horsemen. Yours truly, S: AFRI Manages Troy LaAUr 3. tant Stabl8S., spezzi SANT, WINTON Cooa'rr, 0100, Dee.10,:888. Dr..13. J. KEhaALL Cu, Gents: I vein my duty M say what I have done with your i(eradalls E"pavin Cure. I have cured twenty-five horses that had t4pa.'ins, ten of Icing 13',ne, nine atiaioted with iBipZ heat! and seven of lite Jaw. Since I have had one of your books and followed the directions, I have never losta ease of any kind. 0) Tours truly, ANDIEW la SomeTvDoctn$uor EiECI ALL'S SPAWN CURL' Price Qt per bottler0sig betties for Alt Drug, Mats have it or caneset i3tor you. or it will be sent to any address on lseetpt'Of price by the proprle. tors. Da..B. J. ItEsnaLLCorillnosburglrrai]s. Vt. SOLD BY >:.t4 `DRUGGISTS, "r..+7,..�,.A '!^,,:�'?�y '+r s •r , s .fir„ _,i•�" t �t ! . ,f1 'l y glia lle ll Z 11 ati�c.'�'''-i•.i .i S.;. When 1 nay Curs T do rot mem aneralyt•a -tern mem l'or a time, and thA4 bans num retina .• (.in. 1 r1ai,1N A 33Ai.xCAL curx, d have ni.tde the a.,..;,..;e of °.1.?E , P Y or ByIOTSjt'ii SS 11:41, .ac'•s. I %'vA3i:ai.jNTm; reuo t4 cr:w Chet tt: mt. iiet.w•t, oilersilavei 1c•e net att3 2.6 Ylint bOD. Teti I Any' et cure. t3sm; tt ow•o jog a ir,e.,tisn and n Fr.= 1n IloptLn, of my :WALT/AIX Lind DT. Give 1,71,re.4.^.ndPoot „ten. It netts gnu none- r�•�� Or a test, and it z •1.: are you. At'i4120,1: C', /IOW. S.O.. Y.' et.e .l. t3 ;icer, 1F. 1rVeit ..Gdellaide: Eitreet, ��!GtrRCA'R�."„�"si't�tl�r.,,.'•'r�SS�'�iaYRf•�'C!�tl�n ' To . sue i1 r "feh .jj 1 • nada in nil.patto, by {L+ , pmdn(; otir mae!inH l sad(:aom. whet.II,- t pie 0Aa x. ill:'..,•'7 V' them,waeill ile tee tame 2,........r ' ' beetort w. r• bralitv,tlm,Yrc (' bre, ta,etnt.0Ih •t0 mese In the ,,i: 81.. ,ate the ae. -omen.'. We of alsosend andelauable ere Mb of Onr 088 , and 111(08le a,i .onto*. to ttN:rn we tank that yen chew what ke Had, fe there *la, may eau 0(708080.81.184 after 2. menthe el shalt begonia yen earn toneetr- Tah d sin* fa made cher the Sin *dr i ateIte which have ran OnetMM'e owns ran oat it sold for �:{, 'wink age 1t�3''�.�A�e4�merea, .aa now eels fo 8 inn ein t1,8 worm rte AN I cul raalloiao� aWasik**. .. 7� M .1 kp.Crnereft frivol, $ease who rmluo 0 twin .nha m - ! lore 'Mm 00 but sewi.kr-1080,4 .0 110 wend, ani 431 , -, �fn rethneef wxka of ky' M.rt pi/roans. wh te,etkaeia eii li,73R .* vo...R!Mei ;Rtn¢oasw,) 'r'!'0. tt, 1 u