HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-11-08, Page 6a, •t a , r , 4e. of a cent, nn the average higher .:.:y �" 'i4),,), �l tit $1_ tf l'� ,,.i thau.titaor)can cheese. On our output u ..,thio represented $1i5,000 into a •eee_ ..: aroma, ._, wx ._ a the pockets of Ontario farmers, as an FRIDAY. NOVI?, 8, 'tat 9. expenditure by the Government of but 6'5.000. IIc said more good could be obtained per acre from cheese than The Ottawa Free 1'ree;s believes that 4"01,831Y other farm product. lie autieparcel a large in+'vase iii. the Minister Fester' is about to retire, lttitilel conaunrption. Quo{ point of, from Polities into the comfortable touch particular value was his recom• u'eurity of the St,John, +.B., collector. mt'Lidation to the cheese makers to whip at $8,000 a year. He will endeavor to keepeptentber cheese aa probably be succeeded in ilia port£•elio cool as possible, even to ' boxing and reutoving of theta from the warns of 1.1ivance by Sir Samuel Tilley. curing room, where no other provision Mn. L'RA'iTUS WiMAY addressed a for keeping thele cool can be matte; on largo aitdieoce in Toronto Thursday the Weber cheese should be kept as y warns as 05 dogs. until cured. evening of last week. He dealt, as E. Carswell, of Ingersoll, thought in. former speeches, with the geograplr the northern district about Listowel, lull obstacles to trade between the by reason of its cool nights, could provinces in Canada, and with the make the best cheese in the world, facility for trade between the different paid for it. provinces and adjoining states of the Union. He dwelt at great length on A Bruce Cattle Buyer Bobbed. the position of Ontarioand the North- On Monday week, Mr. Robt. clip bell, a cattle huger .from Tara, county West, and then tliscussrd,one by one: of Bruce, linea a horse and rig at 1, the national policy; 2, reciprocity Clendenaau's livery, in the town of exchange gives the following as natural products ; 8, unrestricted Lindsay, for ao •uple of days` run witch should he remembered by all as is might be the means of saving ,. ot,t I, 8acoti t d. reciprocity; 4, commercial union, and through Manaus, intending to life and property :—Fires resulting 5, annexation, as remedies for the urehase n likes stock °florin° and it was proved by the high prices merit, seconded by Mr. Gemmill, that the collettor's rod ba delivered to the colleotor on or before the 10th clay of November.'. The follexing accounts were passed and ordered to be paid: Jos Leech, gravel and lumber, $3.72; t'Vm Thornton, repairing • culvert, S1; John Walker, gravelling, $21.90 ;. G Mason, stationery, $1.5'$ ;. Ties Martin, caning ditch, $•a0 ; James 13entiey, .t'r.tvel and tlitnnaites, u.75 ; Robert Currie, cutting fill, $28.01; John Pnllouk, culvert, a 7 ; Jain es Messer,faoiitg brink and gravel- ling, $3 55; Mr Leggatt, contract on boundary, $•t ; John Morrison, covering crossway and repairine hill, $10 ; Frank Paterson, gravel, t?5.45 ; Win McPherson, selecting jarors, $I ; John Burgess, selectiu;,r jurors, $3 ; John a McTavish, selecting jurors, $i3 : .lames Piper, charity, $.8 ; Ed Armstrong, charity, $5) ; Vv m Ander- son, charity, $l ; Richard S11ri;rley, charity, $,a. Moved by Mr. Thomson, seconded by Mr Crnickshank,that this meeting do now adjourn to meet in Saults' ball, Bluevale, on Monday, Nov. 8, 1889.—Carried. r PATERSON, Baton* or EtOnrn ihv!,ION COMM Is$tE* or Moto mans LLeaNBBs• WINGAAttt, • • ONT. FRED. WRIGHT, Contractor and Builder. WiNGII AM, Agent for Downey's (Bnigr„vc) limo, S5OO,OOO 7'Q LOAN. On Fare/ and Town Property at t cry Lowest Rates and on Terms to suit burro/tem MORTOA003 PURCHASER NO COMMISSION CHARGER. borrowers can obtain money in a days if satisfactory, It. VANSTONE. Beaver Block, Wingbam. MONEY TO LEND. awe CORPORATION oT TIIE ToWNSlli' Of 1 Turnbcrry has about 1`3,000 to loan on Mort- gages. ror terms apply to, P. MOLA1tEN, or WM. Me/PHERSON;, Tr. Ttr•.ABDnttrt, winghain, Rs vs, Glenfarrow; Wingiraif, alar Money to Loan on Note. P d I' visit 9 b ttl likely near Lif)urd from burning oil are inextinguishable A T REASONABLE RATES. Ito also Lsl a rt 1 present distress. Annexation he pro- iVeaUesday morning; ire returned with water but may be readily smoth- peptise; e,a pa cal on rho tag d ofat 0 pocaont. with 'n )unced to be unnecessary, undesir• to Linday and informed .Chief ered by throwing flour on burning oil. 1 and accOuntticounetes. otes able and within a lifetime impossible. 13e11 that he had been waylaid the The national policy bad been weighed previous evening about 8.80 near in the balances -and found wanting Cfiipmulik corners, while, passing can- tbruugli a long and dense swamp on Reciprocity in natural products ca his way to his brother's house, and not be obtained in Canada; nnrestrict- had been robbed of $1,740. In ed,reciprocity an extension of the prin- in ausxwer to the chief's inquiries be ciple of the Brown -Fish treaty of 1874, said he had no idea who his assail - tints be very desirable, but was dif- ants were; he was jogging along quiet ly in the darkness when his' horse Tienof attainment ou account of the suddenly stopped, and at the same featymaking as part of the arrange- time t?revolver was pointed at hint Ment; coutmercialuniou is the most few- and he was commanded to "fork over.') tbie as it calla for ,only concurrent legis This he refused to d.1, and his' assail• tion. lie regarded tan notpro- ant snapped his revolver twice at him, but it failed to explode. Caolp- tive of but the , surest. preventive bell then aimed a blow at him with annexation. �`14Zr. Wiman dealt , bis heavy whipstock, knocking the offctively with the objections to revolver out of hie assailant's hand, have not yet been touohed, and the scheme and. closed with a strong. but at the same moment was struck beds of the Conemaugh river and aI to the young Liberals, under across the upper part of the chest Stoney creek are one half cleared out. with a club, this being followed a The exact loss of life, itis now certain, e auspices the meeting w as 'held, moment later by a second blow across will never be ascertained. Miss Cara e to the occasion and help oi:the the side of the head just above the Barton, the head of the Red Cross on of a commercial policy calcu- ear. This rendered him insensible Society, who has spent the whole o develop the ;realer half of And knocked him out of the rig. summer in ministering to the wants of When he Dame to he found the horse the needy, is just about to close her ntinent fi la mo sof 'ver this aPPc whos t0 ris adopti fated t the co If clothes are sen on fire by spilling oil or by bursting lamp, a handful of flour thrown on immediately may be the moans of quenching the flames and thus -saying life. It is over four months since the great Conettlauh disaster took place, and yet we find it noted as a remark- able flet in a recent dispatch from OFFICE : KENT'S BLOCK, WINGHAM. Johnstown that two days and a half Private funds to loan. had just elapsed without a body being A number of Building Lots and Residence proper found. The discovery of the remains tiesforsale. df"the victims has continued daily,it Thosedtsir'ing to makes homotn R'ingham should commnnlcate with, or apply in person at my Office, would seam, ever since the date of the whore all necessary information can be btaoiued. disaster, and there is no knowing how many corpses still lie buried in the debris,' Although the streets have all been opened, many lots and cellars neap. aseTe DOO, Orrtcn,—Bcaner Brook. Wingham, Ont. Sam'i Ycaukki�Xl' REAL ESTATE AND FiRE INSUR- ANCE AGENCY. About others at tilt• `.L1i to last w ek, 'these pres N. I'. P.,, Robertson, •tle_ge, Gnelp . sial ; E. secretriry of t statistics of 100.000 boxe L dowel Buri ft orient Made t, l be about on After the ns tyne, in. reply c`ieese industry, of the develop factory system id said that th which now has th Ontario; gained th ploying good make care by the patrons He did not think illy to natural adv one timeListowel'c bad flavor. He- ern portauce of paying th • ally ; bq grinding do even now the quality being injured. Consu land now sought after Canadian cheese," and losers if we lose our cheeses producers by dei -alters from the facto ,hopeful for, the dairy out ink cheese would beoo !able, and drew attention that the dairying district corning Wealthy. Professor Robertson eulogintio terms to the wor M. Ballantyne from the ea the elaeese industry un to th x, a fact, so much was this the Vie present prosperous state tui.;l t be called the perm of 1-allantyne's iadivittuali referred to the work clone by sent system o'1 cheese inspecto ittstrnctots, and said that it ready lessened the evils of mil terati.on, the ° complaints being third k's= this year than last in fi.ttario was this season sold higher prices than in New State, le l,ottt r than in Wisco and wail quoted. inthe English mar standing quietly, and he got in and - •- proceeded to his brother's, but not Zkairyrnan Bine. without first discovering that his fifty-eiglesmen, buyers and wallet was gone. Assistance was pre- tendedtbe annual supper of cured, but only the empty pocket- wel Dairymen's Association, book and a revolver containing two at that town. Amongst misfit unexploded cartridges could ent were: Time Ballantyne, found. tratford V Prof. J. W. Ontario Agriculf:ural Col- . Turrlberrvi- h ; (7. E. Chadwick, Inger- The council met in Saults' Hall, Caswell, Ingersoll. The Bluevale, on Monday, Oct. 21st; the he Association read some members ail present, the reeve iu the the Board showing over chair. The minutes of the last meet. a of cheese boarded at ing were reed and approved. The g the season, and the " reeve reported having redeemed lot in the Listmvel. district 888, Wingham Town Plot, at $10.73 ; e million dollars worth. f atso that the collector's bonds were mal toasts, Mr, Dalian.; signed and approved. q,ho deputy to the toast of the reeve reported that Mr. Leggatt had were a short outline' completed his contract on boundary lent of, the oheese line and recommended that he be paid Ln Western Ontario' $4,Turnberry's portion of the contract; e Lietowel section, also that John Morrison had cern - e beat reputation in ! ph ted contract of 'covering crossway is position by em.: and repairing road on hill and room- rs and insisting on :mended that he be paid $10, Turin in handling milk. berry part of the contract. Mr. it wets due meal- ' Diment reported that John Walker bad antages, becaneea at ' completed his job of gravelling on the eese was 'tofeaiery ;13. line and recommended that he be haeized the aim.' paid 21,90 tor the salve ; also that e makers Tiber ;John Pollock had completed job of n their' salaries culvert and recommended that he. be f the make was' paid $4 ; also that Jatnes Messer had niers in Eng- ° completed job of toeing embankment those "beautiful • with' stone and job of gravelling and we will be the recommended that he be paid $a:: 60 ; reputation as; also that Wm. Thornton had complot- ving the beat' ed job of repairing culvert on Morris r.`ios. He was ! boundary and recommended that he ook, did not be paid $1. Mr. Cruickshank reported the unprofit- that Thos Martie had completed job to the fact !of cleaning out ditch and recommend- s were be -1 ed that ho be paid $20 on account as lit has not yet been meilsursd; also that referred in Itobt. Currie has completed job of k done by I cutting Farley's hill and recommended riy days of that he be paid $28.55, Turnbsrry's e present ; share of contract ; also reported ha" - case that ing let a job of culvert on Culross, of dairy. boundary to Mr, 73allagh� at !Elation Mr Cruickehankmoved,seconatcdby y. no. Thomson, that we take no action to* thst pre- dad' oiit petition in favor of township rs and supporting Rich Shrigley, but that a ]rad al grant of $ 8 be given for bis support k nal- for the: month of November,—Carried. two. ' Moved by Mr. Gemmill, seeouded by 'geese Mr. Thomson, that .a committee he t lc ' a ppointed,consistitig` bf' he reeve land York Mr. Cruickshank, ti inspect Eadie's nsin, bridge and get any necessary repairs kots. done, Carried. Moved bz M. Di. •741.11M,4*.r;. work in the valley, having from first to last attended to over twenty thous- and cases. Contrerioty. Why do the oxen trample the finest gratin ? Why do the things we want most tarry Iatest? Why does one's bread always fall butterside down ? Why does the storm snap the most beautiful oak ? Why does the baby always act worse when yon have company ? Why does it always rain on inaugu- ral,anniversary or picnic .days ? Why are those who scoff at things generally so often superstitious ? Why is blind love intrusted with weapons of ouch awful potency ? Why is one's name always found in the last corner of a pocket' hand- kerchief. Why does an accidental exchange of umbrellas always result for the worse ? Why is it always your great grand- mother's teacup .that the maid lets fall? Why does it always rain when you decide to leave your umbrella at home/ Why is a noble love so often lavish- ed upon thole who know not gold from dross'1 Why does a car window always stay up when you want it to go down, and vice versa? Why do certain people always cry at weddings and have an insane desire to l.angh at funerels'1 Why are those who seek the drowsy god most ardently oblti ed to wait the longest for his coming? Consumption Surely. Cured. To TUE EDITOR :--Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely lute thousands of hopeless cases have been cured: I shall bo glad to send two bottles of my remedy rrttEe to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their Express and P. O. Mili.e3s, Respectfully, Da. T. A. SLOCUtL 164 woo Adelaide St. Toronto Ont. New nurse, rocking the crib, sings Sleep little one, sleep.. , ` roiee from the crib : 'Voice frorw•,thri crib ; Now Paula, you might as well understand at first that I don't want to hear any of those old things. Editor's wife—I wonder 'what can be the matter with Mrs. Smith she has not returned trey visit yet. Editor y (absentmindedly) — Perhaps you tib. Q10110(4.11s CORNEi1 DIttl(t gieoted to enclose a stamp. Wingham Agency. &AN OF HAMILTON, .v7 SN' G-23.PiM- Capital, $1,000,000. Rest, ($400,000. President—Jona Swaim, Vice-President—if mi. Janus TtraNn.. DIRECTORS A. G. BALMY, JoiN PRoeron, CRAB, GURNEY,. OWROAcn, A. T. Woo», Cashier—J, TURNBULL. Savinirs Built hours, 10 to 3 ; Saturdays, 10 to 1. Deposits of 51 and upwards received and interest allowed Special. Deposits also received at current rates Of interest. Waits on Great Britain and the United St to bought and sold. B. WILLSON, AGENT. MEYER & DICKINSON, So>.Iommons. ."�...s DAVIS IS OFFERING 0 Mi ON m'AR PROPR�'Y .AT VERY LOW RATES. salmi 'aimZ OFFICE—OPPo$ITE THE MARKET. WxNoaeu OCTOBER 4r8, 1888. S. GRACEY, 't]32)M7. 2,TA1<RR, Supplies all necessaries for fun- eral furnishing having a Delivery Wagon specially for this branch of .nosiness, All orders attenda,1 personally, and delivered any: where within 10 miles of Wing: hem. Remember the place, first door south of the big brick hotel on the main street,-Wingham. TOTEM .OF•NF,AL7N pII1DIGAk . LAKR • WM. Cuts, Bruises, and Burns, and used connection with the SALTS or NATER and 'OTEIII OF IIEIIIiTJI TOILET 801111; C xxibuiei Salt ithcuni, Eczema, Old Sores, Piles andel) Diseases of the blood and Skin. is Ask your Druggist for Testimonials. Tctern of Health Go. LONDON, ONT* .-15 t 'inti' 1'n -- I Vg1tY I'ttfD\.Y billltNIN(i. -- AT vim— TI r, 0rFICE, JOSEPHINE STRt.E1 WIN di:Li.A.A'i, 1nl:stciatxtercrrice,4 titerYcnr,inadvazoe A11S`ENTIt4IN(; RATES! `apace. 1 yr. 1 e um. 1 3 Ino. 1 1 'so. one coins,. tit OW. 00 I:.,(. 00 $8 00 Dolt " 18 to ' u .u0 12 (40 6 00 Quarter " to tU•' 1' 0" I 7 ((0 4 Oil One inch of Goy° 4 0 00 2 00 100 Lut,el e.u,: lie r ••te,, .,,*Avco lownents, Rt. per lino for fleet besot Ion, a,iutit .1•t,r line torraeheubsequent inneztiort. Leval notices, in nor ;stroll t) pe, 100. for first sethon, and ih'. per• lino vet igen' •,ubnctprent inserter No t, tl , , !et Uhl 1.e eit'n4tcd let's than !:'Cie. A.a e L tih, I,i.:ItIF {nf Lent, Fnnt.tt, Ftiaycd, S:teatlon end Mei en r,,, t'banrt n dant. d, not exceeding 8 lib*uonp .,ra,i, .,l ]nen' nmr.th. llous'•e and 1 nWM ice Sole. not exceeding 8 lines. tel for first month, 50e. per earhe,equeit mouth. Tbe:.e tei•nis will b. •t. frt1, rtihaut! to. Special rates for ler.ger advertisements, or for longer period% Athrr.fe••In<Its without upeeiae directions, wiii he inserted till forbid .:„i t.h.tr„ ed azwerelistely. Tran. sitory advortie, I , b• /west be paid in advance. Changes ;es fe r tt ,triw+t title a tisen t its Wm,' be ;u the Oleo 1 y 1,eanessay neon, in order to app:a, that week II, ELLIOTT Palm n:aTna ANT P0DL1ti1C5S L ,R. MAC1II4NALD, J� JOSEPHINE STREET, Wotan As, - - ONTnnto -nat.., J. A. Rin I Dlirn, fl onor Graduate of Toronto University. Office and Reeitionee—lbe old stand formerly nem - pled by Dr. Bethune, at the cattier of Centro and Patrick streets, 0 R. F. E. GODFREY, First-class honor man and general prnadeney medal- ist Toronto Univereity, Member Cultoi;e Pitysiciens and Surgeons of Ontario. Baacnavn, Orr. Otfet--AtMothodist Parsonage. ONT. J. A. M0itTCN, BAPRISTER c., Winghern - • Ontario. R VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC! CONVEYANCER, ETC. OFFICES—Beaver Block, WixdmABI, ONT., GORRIE aid BLYTn, OaT Private and Company funds to loan at low rates of interest. Mortgages, town and farm property bought and sold. Mercantile e.olloettons a specialty, DDENTISTRY.- J. S. JEROME,14LNoueu. L4'J eel - Inlaid Plates Vome ulcanite plates of th* bestmaterial as cheap as they can bo gotiia the Dominion. All work war- ranted. Vegetable Vapor administered for the painless extraction of teeth, theonly sate anesthetic renown. OFFICE : In tho Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick hotel. DENTISTRY.—W. H. MACDONALIJ, SVIE011A39 «a 33 liakorof Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alley, ;4;'-', s3 Silva: Gold, etc., etc., Plates, ranging �'-', in prices from 000 upwards per sot orownng and bridgework. Teeth ex treated without the least pain by the use of Vital- ized Air. Read Orrice, Wingham, side entrance op- posite the Queen's hotel, open daily (Sandars except- ed) from 0 a m to 5 p m. will, bo at Blyth every 2nd and 4th Saturday' of eaohmonth—Ofiicoat kilns n hotel; Gerrie: lot and 3rd Mondays of each month Office at Albion hotel. Extracting 25 cent& JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAI.INSURANCE AGENT w12(OnADI, ae ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, 1L1. INSURANCE FIRE ANI) MARINE, GUELPH. j. DEAN, Jo., winenau, IdCENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY or HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Chargee Moderato. JOITN CtJRRTE, WINGBA)d,.ONT„ LICENSED AUCTIONISEIt Pen ,TRA e0veya ;or . nvao%.. All orders left at the TIMES ofilea promptly Otani - ed to. Terms reasonable. JAMES HENDERSOIN, montane Auencet35ir BFOancon.CouNriz3 Iltmpn etre All sales attended to promptly and on the Shortest Notice. (,harl;es Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A11 necessary arrangements can be .made at th Tisza' ofllco WINOUMI, BOLTON & HAWKINS P. L. As D. L. Sn v7tYORs AN» Crrrk EuaxEsas, LISTOWEL AND WINGHAM. All orders lett at the office of the, Trines wn, re celve prompt attention. .1.11ELSON T. RITCHIE, c. P. L. Surveyor, Civil Engineer and Draughissair Particular attention paid to division of properties. into building '1ot1, settling disputed boundaries, preparing complete plans of towns and villages, as per Registry Alt, and descriptions of propertio* for thereon in deeds. Cross -Sections of rivers mad* and. estimates of eostof Bridges Culverts, Ste. Pro- files and estimates forgrading frills, drainage, ro,Nl and street improvements, sowers and other Engi- neering works. Correspondence solielted, statin place and character of work. OFFICE—At S. Moaroa's law office, Winghant, Ont, 11I`C?`s'l"✓„. MISS NELL° McfAR1' '. 46•4,4:, CLAssto Fon INSTRUCTION ON I'IANo At1 it, ki Organ, to Voice (vulture and Ilarmonx. Mogi Item( tN Burnt Bt,00*