HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-11-08, Page 5•POW reJ'rfir in 1d sr, ;a; Id. cal, - l''hb - )ea . Mr. Bretz has an plantation at the. CO, of Georgeto few days at Mr tom. THE G Y ELPEE MURDERS. wilt:nor FOUND G1t1ILTT AND 6NNTICNOND To DE NA W1fD ON 1114 29tH DNbT. Lizzie Scott and tMrs Carradice re- l+oresters' Hall on Tuesday night. turned fro u Loudon on Wednesday.-- Guelph, Nov. 2.—When the (bort Air FI Edwards has returned fromBrusselis. reopened yesterday, Mr. Johnst•ul,tbe Michigan. He sm ees greatly taken Crown counsel, prAceeded in the ,up with the country.—A 'little On Monday evening,11th inst., the Harvey murder case to cell evidence of Mr Joseph Johnson's was burned to annual meeting of the Brussels Branch in reply to the defence on tho plea of death while playing beside the fire,of the Upper Canada Bible Society insanity. The evidence of a turnirey, Coro - one day last week g will ba held in S. John'a church. The Sheriff McKim, Dr, Herod. the Coro - Rev, J. G, Manly, permanent agent of ner, and others was heard in rebuttal Teeswater. the Society, wilt deliver an address of the insanity plea, after which Mr. or_ "Ninevelt and Israel," Louut addressed the juryon behalf Fire was discovered issuing from John - the third story of Uoweon Bros roller. of the prisoner, followed by Mr. John - mill at two o'clock on Tuesday morn- Lower Wingham. stou on the part of the grown. It ing,l5th inst. The alarm was at once Mr.' F Paterson, of Bluevale, has beilag nearly seven o'clock by that time, the Court was adjourned until Ole morning, when Mr, Justice Street charged the jury at considerable length, placing the pointe plainly be- fore the jurors, who retired, and in a little more than an hour afterwards returned a verdict of guilty. His Lordship theu sentenced the prisoner to be hanged on Friday, the 29th inet. The condemned man received the sentence in the same calm and uncon- cerned manner that had marked his actions during the trial. After being sentenced he walked to his cell with the constable as if nothing had taken place. THE THREE MURDERS. weft in a large their business here on the 9th ink.— t2—Dr 11 11 Ma. The Orengemon of this glace eelebrat• en, is spending a ed the ltnnivereary of the Gunpowder 'W Bcott'e.—Miss plot by h'.lding a gr ind ,concert in the given, but the fire had too good a stai moved into the house lately occupied to be put down by the efforts of the by Mr.Miller who has moved to Upper Bremen. The engine house containing • Town, --Mr. Thomas Linklater has the boiler and engine was saved, also moved to Lower Wingham. a frame storehouse, but the balance of the mill was totally destroyed, The asrNivExaAlM origin of the are is Unknown, but is supposed to have started from the The following lines were written overheating of one of the boxings. Sept. 7th, 1862, under the Fella of The lose will be about .$16,000; insur- Minnehaha. "Oa the 19th of August, shoe on building and machinery in the 1862, the Sioux Indians rose en masse Millers and Manufacturers, $4000 Bri_ and massacred several hundred per- ' tial America, $3000; Wellington Ylu• sons (about 1500 in alI) rendering the tual $2,000 ; on stock, etc., Millers' whole Mississippi valley desolate, talc - Mutual, $2,600. This was the first ing the two agencies, the town of New practical test of the new water works Ulm, and besieging Fort Itidgley for and it was in every way entirely satin- one week. It was heroically defend. factory From the time of the first ed by 1160 men under the command of alarm till water was playing on the. Lieut. Sheehan and by Sergeant Jones It was on March 26 last that Har - ill with two streams was out ten in command of the artillery until the 1€y in thkilled his e moningi aland two l Gueph was sur:Teeds1Pantingsg �rst�ds Ouercoa�o s prised to hear that he had been ar- rested for embezzling $400 from his FIT GUARANTEED _.Isuallwao wY.i G.anyw,w*n.,w.111.-1 111 GOODS CHEAPER THAN E —AT TIIE -•-- (AD IthE13130 $TORt, Where all the Novelties of the season are to be seen, and nobody goes: away, because we have the belt stock and everybody are pleased, with our goods and buy. Dress Goods of all qualities and styles, Positively the largest stock in the county of Huron to select from, with all the newest trimfnin rs to match. ULSTERINGS AND MANTL/NGE4 from 50 cents per yard upwards. E PLUMES AND SEILLITZTES of the best qualities, which we cut free of charge. Every lady should.: see them. You would certainly say we have the best range in town. Flannels, Yarns, Blankets, Shawls, Wool quaresx, Fascinators, Hose, Gloves, Skirts, Full Cloths, of all kinds. minutes, which is excellent time eon morning of Aug. 27th, wheu the seises sidering that the firemen had to run was raised by 150 mounted men from three-quarters of a mile from the hose Minneapolis and St Anthony under ;hose to the fire. The firemen also command of,Oaptains Chittenden and worked well and effectively under Northrup. On the march of the troops Captain .Field, who proved bnnseif to the relief of the Fort they wore equal to the occasion. joined by a Swede, Chas. Nelson, who being a resident of Norwegian Grove, which had been burned the day pre- vious by the Indians, had seen his wife toniahawked in her attempt to escape. Ho had last seen his two little sons running for the corn, pursued by the Indians. He es- caped and,with bleeding feet, walk- ed25 miles to Henderson. Upon again beholding the scene which a few hours before was his home, he seemed utterly stupified with horror, and mechanically closing his garden gate, without a tear, inquir- ed of Sergeant Thompson when it would be safe to return. " His reason had Hunk ander the terrible sorrow :— Jamestown. The Literary and Debating Society in S. S. No. 10, Morris, has been re- organized -with the following officers: President, R. Shaw; Vice -President, R. Moffatt ; Secretary, Frank Wood ; Treasurer, Henry Robb ; Committee, J. Mesaer, S. Ramsey and 0. Forrest. The first meeting will be held on Thursday evening, Nov. 7, when the question "Whether is it better to emi- grate to a prairie or bush eountry4' will be discussed. ---We are pleased to see again the genial face of Mr. Rut - tan, who returned last week from a aininmer's sojourn in the States. Listowel. At a late meeting of Court Maple. Ston, No. 123, Canadian Order of Foresters, the following officers were .elected for the current term :-0. R. —Bro. John Glenn ; V. 0. R. --J Gunther; Chaplain—F. J, L. Tytler; —Rec.-Sec.—J. J. Foster; Fin. -Sec.— Wm. 'Dickson ;. S. W.—A.' Grieve ; J. W.—W. Bierman ; S. B.—Geo. Porter ; J. B.—W. Johnston ; Court Physician --Dr. Thompson.—Mr. Arch McIntosh, the landlord of the Grand Central, has been overhauling and refitting his hotel. Addititional .sample rooms dimes been secured, and the barber shop has been removed to another part of the house. Zetland. Mrs. Cornell, who has been visiting ab Mr. George Thomson's returned to her home in Seaforth last week.—The Misses Kennedy, who spent the sum- mer in the Soo, have come home for the winter.—Mies Ressie Thomson was in Galt attending a Temperance Con- vention. Also 141r. Thomson was in Toronto on business.—The Rev Mr. Moorhouse has commenced the week- ly prayer meetings again.—Tho young people. of this place have organized a Christian Endeavor Society, and hold meetings weekly at Mr. ,Geo. Raby's, who kindly placed his hoose at their disposal. Ethel. While ivtr. George Ford, a Listowel millwright, was working at Mr. Wm Milne's new saw mill lately, he got laic band jammed in between a pully and some woodwork. So fast was his hand pinned that ho could not be released until the engine was stopped and reversed. The flesh was taken off the hand to the hone and one of the bones fractured. This unfortunate aocident will lay Mr. Ford by for a while. ,,Belgravo. nota Orbook11 ace untearedr quo ted usto either a callby and settle the same, on n before tho eth of November, 15 we will close up .ur business 'here on that date, and must haus allcounts settled by that time, or they will be placed n other hands o lleAG Toon. RM Mrs. Tufts -as leased the now stare ' bioh is hi col roe of erection to Mr, J', O. Dotter, o Clinton, so it is said. --- Messrs. Hamilton St Tovell will offer the balance of their stork of stone goods, as well as a quzntity of chat - tele etc by auction on . viday, the doth' inst. , :c:aintf tin t eats Minnehaha, laughing water, Cease laughing now for aye, - Savage heads are red with slaughter Of the innocents to.day. street, had left for Guelph in utter Ill accords thy sportive humor ignorance of the tragedy. Detective Black went to the , son's boarding house at 25 Grosvener street and waited. At a. quarter to nine a despatch boy left smote from William Harvey, asking his son to walk down the west side of Yonge and along the north side. of King to the Palmer Donee to meet him. Detective Black with two young;men who knew Harvey started. At the corner of King and Yonge streets, they found him strol- ling up and down; smoking a cigar. Iu the pocket of his mackintosh was a 32 calibre revolver, with three un- exploded charges and three exploded ones, the shells of the latter being still in the cylinder. It is believed Hatvey intended to kill his son and then himself. Ile has said no word since his arrest of his terrible crime. employer, J. W. Lyon. He was bailed out by Dr. Lett, but failed to put in an appearance in the Police Court in the afternoon. Chief of Police Randall and Constable Elliott went to Lis residence, which they found locked and deserted. Forcing their way in, they went up stairs. In the front bedroom lay the body of Geraldine,Harvey's 13 -year-old daugh- ter, her long yellow hair dabbled in the pool of blood on the floor, which oozed from a wound in her head. in the rear room the body of Lily, the eldest daughter, was found. Down stairs Mks Harvey's body was found in the bathroom, with the brains oozing from a bullet wound in the temple. The Toronto detectives were noti- fied at once. Harvey had disappeared from Guelph. His son, J. W. Har- vey, who was employed with C. A. Sandham, engraver, 40 Colborne With their last dispairing wail, While thou'rt dancing in the sunbeam Mangled corpses strew the vale. Change thy note, gayMinnehaha, Let some sadder strain prevail, Listen while a maniac wanderer Sighs to thee his wotul tale. Give me back my Lila's tresses, Let me kiss them once again; She who blessed mo with caresses Lies unburied on the plain. See yon smoke, there was my dwelling, That is all I have of home ; Hark, I hear their fiendish yelling As L houseless, childless, roam. Have they killed my Hans and Otto? Did they find them in the corn 2 Go and tell that savage monster Not to slay my youngest born. Yonder is my new bought reaper Standing amid the ripened grain; E'en my cow ask why I leave her Wandering unmilked o'er the plain. Soldier bury here my Lila ; Place me also 'neath the sod, Long we lived and wrought together, The Rev. Father Kennedy, of the city of L• ondon,.has been appointed to Let me die with her 0 God l the Mount Carmel mission in the Faithful Fido, you they've left me, Can you tell me, Fido, why God at once has thus bereft mel All I ask is here to die. Oh my daughter, .Jenny, darling township of McGillivray, lately ren- dered vacant by the lamented death of the Rev, Father Kelly, the late in- cumbent. EVERY TIME. Ready-made Clothing and Overcoat: �'•i '0-Ets of all styles, in Caps, Sets, Fur Coats for ladies and gen'1,:. ' men, robes, dm. • Worse than death. is Jenny's sad fate." Mrs. Letitia Youmans is recover- • * * * • * * ing from her serious illness. It has Nelson, as our troops wore leaving, been discovered that her malady is not paralysis, as for a long time it was feared, but merely rheumatism, and rt a st thet i tale b friends t' ' oto that she will —Mmes, J platform. Turned and closed the garden gate. But the laughing Minnehaha ee a no wo u a e er .len s an roup What cares laughing Minnehaha soon again appear on the prohibition For the corpses in the vale. Groceries and Crockery and the .only and most reliable stock of �3 0 0 TS .�.�1-I SI -1®.1 S. in the county. ALL COME AND GIVE US A. LOOK THROUGH. Wingham, Oct.16th, 1889. O At:'ILL ET DOWN THE AND •st'IS4oJ,8(1O assna s8vs'ra C=1•- trj e For every Del,artment of our 1: rgr pre •ises is literally j9mrned with New, Seasonable, Sty]is .nd , emarkab]y Cheap —GOODS.. •len a id range of— o - DRE S . GOODS` t In every design and texture, f cheapest Mentons to the richest —S.lks .r 'tins.— • P ►�� S All shades from 50 cts up, . nd other trim nings to match all styles of t —Dress Goods. Be sure to see our Id1t1oGoods,0�ost ings,Readyma�� 'an�as,shaa�ls,8�v� For FLANNEL`, either grey, red, white or lue, and away down , in price, be sure you, 'isit the "Anchor." - Stacks of Wni E AND GREY COTTONS, TICK ► GS, STHIILTINGS snit DS, offering cheap. GEx1> Rth DRY Go s fl h he StagyRestaurant-—Great value offered in— FRESH � 'TiAnd,guarant IN BULK. - Oysters, stewed, fried, raw, or in any style desired. Piles of CANNED, GOODS; 11A Large Stock Just Received I CANNED GOODS CANDIES, CANDIES. CANDIES., A Splendid Assortment of all the different kinds. AP `AES, by the. peck or 'barrel. merrEtvra l ",'1 i h v ".r. a 4, aid'• ?a, CAE Please 0 SUITINCS AND EEDS; - e every Suit wt make to be satisfactot in style, --workmanship and fit.— SHIRTS, TIES, HATS' and T'ND1RCLO MN. To suit every tasstteOOR `. y S f2-1 � CL0.71 ask this department before giving your orciors c"j4-vA F