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The Wingham Times, 1889-11-08, Page 1
1 VOL, XVI I1. --N© 44. WIC G UAM, ONT., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1889. LOOAL NEWS. -..Mitchell has ilve burying grounds within the corpora on limits, Mr It C Mun is tea,, qping in one of the rooms of the lllitchdll public school, Instead of Mr J mss Pardon, who mets with 4n ac iaent ecently. —Top P eaten buggy for sato. Appply to Geo, ' owe u, Zetland. mills, Box 125, Win am.. --The uarte y meeting of the Metho- „dist Church in t .is town will be, held ou 'Sunday next, I ev 113 Wwllwin will tau - 'duet the servicer at 11 a. m. --.4.11 iieweeebribersfor 1890, paying $1 iu advance, wi111 heve the Time s for the belauoe of the present year free Those who send in their subsoriptions earliest v¢11l thaws. be the largest gaingri 5areffer Helen's Pulohrilla ial:'tlie latest clitjaovery for chapped hands and face. It .';Teton; pimples,rernoves tau, oto. Beautifies the complexion. Price 25 oonts per bottle,. Wingham agency, Chisholni's Corner Drug Store. --Conductov,W K Snider, of Palmerston, eutertaiuod a arge audieune of young men ou •Snn.irty ewe'iitij in Brantford with the recital of a Tweuty Years' Experience. een'tbe Bail." Froin Su zday, Nov. lO,to Sunday, Nov. 17, will be .bservea as a week of self- elenial by the fialwatiou Army, in response to the invitation of Gen. Booth, who zealtee •the egnest in otder that more .1. 44 ,'t'ands may forthcoming for army work. •=--Everi' person requiriiug carpets or floor oil clothe, ,should not fail to pall on (onnou & MoIz:e es, who have, iu addl. iron to an unusual largely and attractive Mole, a choioe selection of eamples in sJSPELI carpet, which they tete offering' 'xtt oloee prices, a !t ==Tile Q P R cure' iv`from Manitoba Oa thee Notate .Cntario will oom- `•+megiotr `this try nth and continue part of .Dauber and January, "The fare from nit and r 4 p k s a st as Broaden, will :.oto 840. Tidal $ ' yi11 be good for ninety dys. f: „ .- As will;b seen •by >•e7erenoc to the minutes"'of t town counoil, j•,ii opiitract •aeaor'ereotiono the town, halt bas been let, to Mr. Roue ' Patterson, of Hensell. Mr. ° Piitterson i tat experienced contractor, and is at p scut engaged on the new' ?.'resbyterie church atLuoknow, of whioh "he had1ho rntraet.. $'0,.Be:r.—Tho second anti third flat of e. t'ra iia building on Josephine street, near' .Bead's aaotory. A.'nuinber of good rooms. Apply to Geo. Thomson, Zetland mills, box 125, Wingham. • ---Comneen ng on the first instant,pack. ages .contain g mailable liquids, fatty subatanees,o feitione and pastes will be admittedto t e mail exchanged between Canada and lie United States, provided they'aro- put ;p.lathe manner prescribed for each arti :les to entitle them to trans- missioie sn the domeetio mails of the country 31,w rich the articles are mailed, and the full weight of postage prepaid as prescribed, it"the country in which they are mailed. ••-111r.B 3 Conover, of the lexohango ittettel, return :d home ea Tuesday after a twq, months t 'p, "through Iowa, Dakota send Manns a y Mr. Conover visited a number of f ire in Dakota, and was sur- prised to se ;the large herds of well-bred cattle that ere on exhibition at these fairs. In so ' a par tie ea Dakota :ahoy had no rail) for ' e last two soasone;; and con- sequehtly t e crops were a failure. Ili Min- Iieseta and 11 along the Red River Valley the grope h .e been immense, IXr.Conover brought ho. o with lion from the west a,. couple of ft e .horses, ..--Ate the • oultry season hat nommenced . it may not a out of : place to give some ill • strugtions t: farmers and others in:t:afer- onoq to the ay they should ire drestsd 40 command r ady sale at best :prices. Ab- stain from feeding poultry twenty-four hours bah) killing, bleed thoroughly and iiluek glee leaving ou'the head and feet, as well 6a f ahem on wings. Do not draw the entrail nor scald the birds. The last lirooess (a aiding) is readily detected and. will not bang within from one to tti+o'eants per pound IDA dry picked do., Let thetn- be thoreu (lily dry and ()lean and before froesing, dace head and feet under ' the wings, giv ng the bird a neat, plump ap-. Imm nee Poultry so handled will save o�bry is ltaztta from lose and oonamand toady tial wlst . t;hifiped to the oily mar. stew,: fruit ht &btlidaaree, tit Z.14 1 ew1 khat Piestem rut, - r, Wm. C11egg a pped ivo oar leads of pease to Portland, wine, per tie T R, thle week, - "Jimmy's Own" oigar,the latest novelty. The "World Cigar," $ for 25 cents, at Jas MoKely o's. Mr Carter, of Lyth, brought a oar load of broncho pool to town, per 0 P B, qn Wednesday. —The man who eads this paper, and sponges as he goes, ill never reach the blessed land wh a milk and honey flows. —If yott want a genuine good clothes ringer go and see those kept by Jamoe A. Cline 4i Co. Something new, very cheap. —A meetiug of th i Caledonian Sooiety will be hold at their hgl on Monday even- iug, at 8 o'olook, ea full attendance of members requested. —Mr jtl McDonald b& ber, who has, been very i11with iuflinmetation of the bowels, during the past weir, is reeidly recover- ing. t %Vezvxnn.-.-A sharp, active, willing boy to take pare of a horse, and to be general. ly useful around the house and office- Ap. ply to Ds. Meonoxern.. —The.atrand Trun, Railway Company, in order to -facilitate t e removal of freight, have.ordered 1,000 fr 'ght was, which will be put iu service as s on as made. " oard of Trade. An adjoa ed meeting of the $pard of Trade was told on Friday evening last, in the council ellamber, President Willson in the chair, and it number of members present. A ter the reading and approval of the mint a few tamall accounts vrere ordered to e paid, A. Ietter from the town oler. of Goderioh to the mayor of Wingham, in reference, to his aooeptamoe of the poli ion of a director en the Goder• lob, Wing m and Paciflo ;motion Rail- way, was ead. On motion, it was deoidea; that the pard take no action in lie matter, b the May oountsil.- to Listow geed to lig ed that th made inq manufaotu in our tow I I. WHOLE NO. 928 and tben galled opo• Mr, W 3 Chap. man, .the secretary, toroad a letter from the secretary of the board of directors in Toront' , which explained the financial oondiaon of the society, showing the diffe nt items of ex- penditure, all of whi at were very saris. faotory.. The treasu- r, Dr. Towler, read his report which sho d that over 680 lied been collected last year, besides that obtained from the sa e of bibles, which will amount to about li 0. Rev ltllr. Shortt, in moving the adoption of the reports, con- .atulated the Wingh m society on its t that the letter be returned ,l41. tri'osperity and warmly eulogised the work r for r$fereuoe to the town of the Bible Society in he oommittee appointed to go to gather information in re - ting the town with gas, report - y had been 'at Listowel and ries from the consumers and ern; that stone similar to those were lighted in Listowel at a coat of from e2 to 07.$3 per mouth,a000rding to the num•:r of lights used and the length of time burn • g; that smaller chops, with one counter, of $1 to 6.15 dances at a c month; that t tied with the charged by the feet. The ma Bros.—are sati —Dr Wad -LI -War lectured to a large and assured' thaudience iu the Presbyterian Churoh, on, consumer had d Wednesday eveningon "The Realities'and the beginning u and Peouliaritfe$ of Oriental Life." are 125 oousum Priest, in a few we seconded the motion 1 mural. Rev. Mr. I. chosen remarks, hioh was carried unanimously. The 1 following ofacers were elected for the ensuing year Prnaideut, 1? Fishei ; Secretary, W J Chapman ;. Treasu-er, Dr. Towler; Depositary, 0 .E Willitams; Auditors, Dr. Macdonald and John eelands. Collectors wore also appointed f r,the different places as follows, for the our ant year : Wingham ndt Bohn Neolands; A Dawson; Ward Kerr; Ward. 4— mond. Zetland— Currie, Holmes' okwell and John ent—Huston Gib- Glentannan--John eemmittee`.atbat not a Button. Bluevale "egad—Peter Fowler scenitiuued the : gas from. cud. Chat HeuderaontFirstcomma=eof to thepreseut time,. There Morris—Mrs 3 it, i �h.oEwen. Currael ;: ,a 4 the output of last Sohoolhouse —R Curt tern" -Ammer Winglr tm year was 1,4 2,001 • feet..,,. F1 a com. —George Fretwell a>idlobert Cranston. mittee were of diel opinion,, froth all After another anthem 'by - the choir, the informatioft gleaned,.,; that gni would the president ea led upon. Ray. Mr. be the most lesiralst way of :- light- 1)20°41011e:3 to deliver his address, which, big the town, at d tliat'the ueoessar'yout- for fervor and eloguteari;.balegeldora been lay to supply gee for 't'iugham would be equalled in Wingham, He eaz th° society euro to yield la o profits to those who en- originated about El iearsago,, the ' necessity gage' in it.-eThe •ommittee cquoluded their for it being urged is eon the mind of Rev. report as follow :: "This report would. be Mr. Charles, who fund in conversation incomplete wit ut saying that the Messrs, with a little Welsh r1 that she bad to Hay Bros;, and ' 11 upon whom; we galled walk seven�zn',ilps to ave au opportunity . in la { e tov l treed your read t �+ t Om Witte toa ':• ,y l) o m e withh ' i wanted : ie . �,. i,: bqa ty the greatest eo rtesy and kindness, for organized for the d:'stributiin oft' bibles which we desire to express our warmest in Wales. But a. Rev.' .Mrt Hughes thanks," After 'considerable discussion, :.,thought its working might include the taken part in b Masers. Bell, John United Kingdom and :even the avorffd. In Hanna, A Roe,. m Clegg, and explana- 1812 there were in Lo idoua 1.700 families tions by member: of the committee,it was , without a Dopy of the scripture. In the moved by S, Gra ey, seconded by 3 A. city of Paris t}Sore•wa.`not one to be found Cline, thatthe re .rt of the committee be in the possession of tie masses in 1814, accepted, and that they be appointed to while hallf the people of '.,Holland were lay the matter befe the town council th without the bible at tl►a same time. There ascertain the views •f that body in refer- : were 100,000 families u Sweeden without eine to the town u dertakida tuba'; erection it and in Iceland, an oug 50,000 people, of gas worke,or whenoourage"moi}t.would there were not 50 pops. This showed be given by the to if a private company the necessity for the so ziety in the past, undertook the wor • Carried, The Presi while by carefully pre ared statistioa he dent brought up th . question of the de- showed that there was no lose necessity sirability of the own going on with for it at the present ti ne. The society the erootiou of e town hall at the has published the bible in 287 different present time. H thought that the languages and in sixty cases they have had expenditure of 600 on the present to reduce the language o a written Mug- hall anehall would make it •o that it might be used uage. Altogether these ;iety hasissued 120 for ten years Ionget Was of the opinion million copies 'df the bible, while last that the town was sending too muoh for year the issue reaehee ,over three mit- a hall. Other towns of the size of Wing- lion copies, The U 0 B S has over 440 bane had hall which inswerea every pur. branches, 23 of which w e organized last pose,at a coat of not Leach more than half year. Since ire organiz' tion it has' ait- what was proposed to a spent in Wingham. i tributed 1,442,679 copies .f the soripture Messrs" W Clegg, D Gordon, Sohn. Nee -land parts ant is in very flourishing lands, John Hanna, P Fisher, and S. - condition. The society is the greatest Graney took part in he discussion that ; .missionary urgency in the world. Ib tends followed, when a moti ni asking the town: to draw the various chit et`sta denoznina- ooun:el to defect the bt,lding of the town tions closer together a el is benevolent, hall was put and lost. The board then ad giving bibles free to tho:: who ate unable journed till Tuesday o /ening,12th'itretant, to buy them. After an ther anthem by the choir, the usual vote: of thauke were Bible Soolotir Meeting. teuderod and the meet ug closed, Too much praise cannot be • •stowed upon the The most euccessfu and best attended committee, and particul rly the president, meeting of the Wingl am branch of the for the very oomplets a angements made Upper Canada Bible `.moiety wtiioh it has for the reeoting,whiah salted so success; been our lot to attend was held in the Bap- fully. tint church Monday Peening. The com• mitten had decided tc get along this year I,eothre awl Veaoort, fold in the Town g haat, under the result must have gen very4, Wingham, was gratifying. • quite sueoessful, and he Orangemen era The meeting opened by the president, Mr. dessrviug of thanks for furnishing such ,an P. Fisher, calling upon Rev Mr 1F1eQuarrie entertaining programrfae. The entertain - to give out the h fir and g 4 y read a postage ,went waw epened liyt5oaingingof a ltym•i, of scripture, after w. ooh Rev. Mr. Scott led by the orcbostra, and prayer by the 1e4 in prayer. An anthem •was then gory Rev John Scott, M A. Mr Wm Clegg 'cis.,,, sing say five lights, at a Dost —Ward 1—P Fisher per month; private resi- st of 75 cents -to $1.60 per 8—Dr. Macdonald and oonsumerewere well satin- R Malndoo and W Di s supplied and the price RoberaTaylor and Wr company 112,50 per 1000 Sohoolhouse—Geo BI ufaoturera . HayleNiohol. Demise tattle fied with ter investment.. ;rpon and George P0000 --Just arrived at the Sar Restaurant, a large oonsignment f the ohoicest dream eandies. - . J. McKsovis. —Mr` J J Anders nal sale; on friday last, was well attende , f ud considerable real estate and lumbe' were disposed of.. The mill, stave factor •, etc., were• not. sold. . -.The Omuta ' rink are•piitting iu forge the late order it{ Tegard to walking on the railway trek .At Toronto and other points partisa hate Oen aged for trespass, b};."y'r'a�:oraty-the geikttienian who hied: charge of Dr, bl.donald'e practice during his absence atlieirliament, last winter,was in town on Mon ay last. He 'is now looat- ed at Owen Soznd. udge Doyl , hold a Court. in the coun- oil chamber, Pingham, on Monday last, for the r Na ion of the Dominion Voters' List. A. number of . appeals had - been pu in by the Reformers, and none byte Conservatives. Tweuty- two 11,eformer: names were put ou tha lists and ten • conservative names struck off, being a. ga n of 32 votes for the, Re- formers. 5'lr. A 1 Strathdee, while on his Western trip,: au across Mr. James Wilson, V S, and Mr, Josford. V S, formerly of this town, in Lincoln, •Nobraska. They have a large notice, and are doing well Lincoln is a r y of 60,000 people, and is increasing at the rate of 10,000 to 12,- 000 every y lar, being the capital of the State, Mr. Roy 'T Teasdale, formerly with Dr. Toe ler, has a fine large drug store in it growing section of the city. 12r: James ilson has an interest in the store with . Teasdale. Mr. Strathdee enjoyed his rip immensely, and says that the west is great country and growing very rapidl ,Ee was. surprised to find what were t ens of 2,000 or 3,000 people four years o when he visited Nebraska, developed itlto oities, of 10,000 to 20,000 now. fir. Wird-Z1-Wnrd, To the LIditor t the Times: As you re aware, Dr, Wad -El -Ward oonduoted ivine service in the Presby. tartan Ch rob. last Sabbath, Ilia unoen- 'teritonai tyle, his dress, suggestive of i Fite -echo ad nowhere to lay his head, alae -bili " unto knowledge of Bible topo. girphy, a'a Welt as of Eastern planners and eitatams--- 11 these taken together made his diecou e a Inoro vivid presentation of the Same. "tan woman incident than the most pia ate aux learned, sermon from the . c to n Standpoint could litre Waite b tea o 1s ge done. Tn the orient he addrreesd3; .old and. young for he half hour Yen t ,devoted to Sabbath 8 hool work. Here he, seehl4ft to be still m e in his element ,and :ilio tire. close he k tali speli.boa t* law'dosorlb• - ed the oonasrsion of wife and csitild,. and the dee ,h i the latter. W. Taxueow. —We will take platnre In forward. Ing the'pntise to any addrees in Canada itfited Station, from t:1 VW until at.* tot ton Cents. $ubscrlbe at ones. y address, by giving t ne00saary fora pert an Orangeman, 13rookensbire gave which was well r Cargill's meitatio Christmas," was g Rev James L:vingst Haman Voice," o gramme. It would space at our di p.za like a report of it, rev gentlernan en the tudienoe wit T DeWitt Talm others. Mr. Litt voted a great deal the ealtivatioa of Orr's rendering 0 Kerry Dances," the audience, etrumente'solo, ed. Mies Jen audience with he Death," Mies Corgi reciter. The well k splendidly rendered Youhill and Duffield they gave "Three Bl the oath e qualiioatioue 11 ie to possess to become lases Houghton and instrumentai duet, calved. Miss Ma;;gie " The Bootblack's en with good' 'effect. ne's lecture an " Tlfe nee next on the pro- be impossible with the 1 to attempt nuything For over an hour the rtained and delighted his imitations of law ge, 'hlosh Billings and getout has evidently .de - of time and attention to is voice. Mrs Robtet the beautiful song, "The as highly appreciated by Ise MoHardy gave. an in- nd was heartily applaud ie Cargill delighted the recitation "Th S ldier'it e 0 1 bas remarkable talent as "a wn song, " Old grimes," was . by Messrs Cline, Stephenson,, aud in response to an encore ek Crowe," which convulsed ` Bring with 1• ghter, kir T iY'' 'f>rr.wfo*d • of London, gave are. tation, entitled, "Thea-alneiept '• '' Miner's story,"whle was welltecetced and'lotitlly enplaned. "fn the beenGe et Masers, Tanner and Shane, of Iflytlr,fthe Rett.' Jas."Ltr1itgstonsrender. ed in tine style and io ee, the "Song of Trust :'' The entertainment was br• ught to aldose by singling the national anthem, Fits the usual rotes of thanks had been passed.;• Mayor clndoo';ioccupied the obeli 1rµ . -his usual happy mann . r - Pe sonata. : Mr. Alex. Thom son Cud. wife, of ;1 reit heim town ibi , ha ebeen- lsi}tiug at Me. J J Auderso' s and r::. �t yVo,lte' •s'Taylor's;; for the past week; , Mr. Joah Loney, of Hamilton, impede 'of the Meek Turk Life tusnrar:ea'Compau ; Was in town a 'rew,, days this .week. Mrs. Sam, of 154i Elgi#;, is visiting at .z r. E 0 Clatke's, .i't- r nk street—Mrs. R : es, •pf Brussels,' -aa the guest ; of Mrs 'James MolAig`hline abater street, a few . aye last 'week—Mae. Drinnan, of Burk's elle, is visiting friends in Wingham and 'oinity--MissSarah McInnes and Miss • Jessie b2clntosh, of;: Vankleek Hill,are " ' stn atth•1' D Mulnnes'�° this town—Judge D.vie, of Goderich, wets. in town on Monday and Tuesday lost— Rev dames Livingstone, of Clinton, was in= town on. Tuesday.—:lits. Caron of Brus- sels, spent a few darn this week with her sister in Wingham, re MoCanee;,-Miss . Maggie Bailey is v ,itingher parents. in Ashfield, thin eek.—�o r Chas Risdon, wit and child, of Detroit are visiting. 111r Rise don's parents in town —Dr Macdonald; . le P, spent. Saturday •nd Sunday last in Stratford, 'visiting, =latives,—Mrs P B' Flanagan and faml , leave to -day . for Hanover, where they will reside in future. —gra Win 'Young,. � 1 Carlow, Colborne. ' township, is visiting relatives in town.—, Mrs Murray, of Kin • ardine, is a guest of Mrs. H Smellie this ^ eek.—Mr and Mrs• F Korman, were visiting Mende in Luekuow last Su • ay -31.r P Fisher was in Golerioh on busi .esii on Tuesday—Mrs Jos it sdon and daughter returned on Tueeda - from Detroit, where they have been visit • . g for the peek, two a" -moziths.—Mr. Jas. Green,editor, a.,dy proprietor of the Pa . ill Gareita, gave the Trees friendly ea. on Thursday. Mr. : Green is a brother o Mrs Geo Green, of this town, without the assistanoo of the agent and The entertainment so they made mord of an effort than ueuai to Hall, nu Tuesday eYeOI interest the people of the town, and the auspices of L 0 L 7 pleasantly tendered ty a choir composed took the platform, girl gave al history of of members of alts di -trent ohurah cholts, the rise and progress f the Orange Oder. whose contributions o the entertainment Restated brieflythe p' i.neiplosofthesooiety s sobriety, charity, added not a little to t to said that it tem eveningenjoyment of the and , The prethl 4111, in a few antro- honesty, and truth moss. The society priate remarks, expr seed hit pleasure at has no war with our Catholic fellow sob seeing such a large lumber present and jeots, but in at war with error in every felt that the iht•rest 'n the work of the form. Tl a also aunt reel a number of eb- aooiety was inereasin Tie explained the jdctions that are ur d against the society, cctu>:e of the uupleaiantnel i of last yeax and closed his well- 'tapered and delivered i,ioaC - Supposed to be written ail . -S bniton, Wsstilele, u tearful and a dtioitate mammy of her daughter, Annie J hnston, who was done to : death by burning bile endeavoring to ina:le it young child comfo Able. Annie darling gift from Heaven t Now from you me her strangely riven ; Now safe in Jesus' rind embrace,. Inmate of happier, holier plana, Enjoying light of Bather's face. Just when a bsiddia,g, opening flower, On thee fell death rut -forth his power;. Had I but thought' -0, woe is noel laic baptism of fire for thee; Savior of sinners, wear goy prayer; Tell me she sits la side thee there, Ou thy mediatofi Barone, No. grief is there, n sigh, no groan, -About six of ear young juvenile friends - oreated considersa exeltenient last Ilea- loweeu by attirin themsolvee in costumes ' and a n itorta.n n r g lends in a goodly:num- iter of homes. A notable character in the i juvenile band wai_ Maxtor ilarvey btralh. 1 deo, who played ,he pert of the negro. initiator. -Cots. 'alto l'1► M goy 7 1 am inetrueted by a party in Toronto to offer for a short time a large amount of • tinoney on good farm stourity at fie per , gent. yy Gosnoit, VVinghanatOot, 81111le$8,