HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-11-01, Page 8gintc1I 4:SItAgarDtlf!lia—nle.nr.C6111;11:7 yoenarathe 18th heat,
ship, on 16th the Thompson (heaves.
"c"ntrhrt Ofirivn—in 'Meehan), an the 2304
CUR Crowe, aged 70 'ears.
FRIDAY, NOVE14.18E11 1, 18e9.
' Toronto Street Market& ... •
Tho receipts of grain Wedneedav were
small. Wheat—Steady; 206 bushels eoll.
The Direotors or the On?rosa Mu- ing At flec to 85o for fall, rad winter and
tual Fire Insurance Company met in titiring, and 55e to 764 fer goose. Barley—
taltme*1.10.7t4te8f°Por old. Oats—Richer.; 200
Om town hail, Teeswater, buehele sold at 42o to 55o,
1889. ltlembers all preseu2t6,thvr°ecsit:
. hysltele alining at 83o to Saio. Pens—There
dent in the chair. The minuteS ot , it-oral:woe offered; price nominal at 57e to
previors mooting having been read and 11380.
adopted, Mr. Reid .moved, seconded
by M. MeKague, that all applications , WINGEW1 MAZZETS.
,..ir insurance be now laid on the table ,-, ,..,„, ,,, r, „ wile:num, Weber 81, 1880
for examinatiou—Oarried. Clark— :ii?jii-4-;i:fifoil;0-;"1414 r"414Ce 13ealet.'
Littio_Tiutt hayin„, examined nine Pall Avail per blishel, : * 02 706'2* 02 8202
es Sprin
0 76 to 0 80
ppliegtious and seven of thew being -137 ate. .
1 0 SO 0026tOto 2265
:43und satisfactory, the President and aadoy ..
. 45
oretary are" instructed to prepare 1;:fle: .: :A: : 00 to . 61
40 to
. -808* 80
. ,•id issue policies for same, one ap- Butter late made ,- - 14 to 16
plication rejected being for village pro.. do nc.11%, • • . te 16
'rty and another returned to appli- ran iiranoT4,mada- -- • irtr i.1
Wood per carp, • •
sat for reduction—Carried. Olark • 1 25 to / 50
rot, s
• 111141 SKIM Wel. Ilisi I pOO.1q.i.4 11..1.00 .1 pow 411,.lo mom
, .
Don't miss the opportunity now offered of securing the Finest Makes and t
Overcoats in fine 33Iack Worsteds, fine Velveteens, Broad We, Beavers, Blue Naps and
and Obildren's Overcoats, with and without capes.
074) Ordered Clothing.in ail the Ne
It will pay you to see the suits We are sellitfg, and after you see the
to do much persuading to got you to buy them,
eltons. Boys"
and get prices, we don't expect
In new designs and styles, without number. Dress Goods, beautiful Costnine Patterns. Colored Elie n
rietta shwas. Plain and Fancy, in al1 the newest shades, Heavy all wool Dross Serge
M:oltoris, in single and double -width. Sas and Satins, in all shades and prices,
pecial Drives in Shawls, Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear,
— Gay per tam, ' , , t 6 06 to 7 00 Grey Wciol Flannels Scarlet Flannels, Shaker Flannels Fancy Wool
AIJICague—That Ur. Whiteman hav,.' , , Goods, in- Tam o'skanters, Clouds, Nits, WOO. Caps, Turves and. Ckildren's Jackets.
in requested the consent of the - . ,. Al, B.A..-- „ . .
714-mE TAB/0"
. ' Directors to his placing a Wier liduee:' Train,„,,A; ead0,4,,,4,,,,fonmiisi
"or the purpose of ,boiling feed :for RRAYWO FUXZEI! VITRB I FURFJ!
tock—between bis house and harriz-- ". - ''r"I'°"4"- - l' -,-5:";
, 23 :53 :I,. . ., . Annum
, . .
the saute be grantedaarovicied a propei :2;15 p.m., .. .. .. „icor Teeiniratei.,- .......210 . , We never bad such value to offer before GS we liave this season, inCludinn. everythino. in the furs ne
eniumey is built over such boiler and - 1020 "
to . re
lif0 h
tkerson•emild buy before seeing these goods and getting S
ge ng prices.See our
other conditions mentioned in, 'his .Citar2441/4 I) "I' RV ,ZNT :.EV -2-.
appiication copped with.—Carried. A. 0. SWEI/ME, AsiT, Wuraffix.
Through tickets to ell points in Americo—North.
Betd—Armstreng—That the annual West, Polite Coast, eto., via Aim shortest and all
levy for increasing the reserve or defraying necessary expenses fund popular rout_?* rti!
gage oheekod thr6ugh to
stination. zowesrfr eight rates to -all points;
in'It889,and 1890, be made iinreedi.,: 1,c4,va. NITI-"7---NOTTAR. 1.161., ..T;A:41*:Txasit3;----"—ofvui:•htoX. VegtiiitAtl.
:Italy 'afte/lie 24th November next,. thio. ,. , ,, Si . IS
8:88 tian.Toronto; Goelph,
10:10- '' p.m.
tile' Said levy to be made at the rate . iiie p.m. A ' .' '''' gion
of• finis and oue half per cent on,
all live premium notes or undertakings
held by this Company at that date ;
the Secretary to prepare a by-law by
next meeting,' et Directors for the pur.
• pose of condiming thin motion_
Carried. A.rinstrong MOE agile—
4P -b. the account of Mr. Charles Tun.
. • Zikt.tpaid, ;amounting to • $1.50,
".'for'eirionto and -reporting *on
fiese:iitto: have oeouritd in the house
,. -' of; AfrOenald, on tho 9th Concession
Ouli•eiss — Carrie& Little .••-• Reid -
That a notice having boon • brought in -
atatingthat Mr. S. .R. Haldenby,
agent for this comps.inv, had Jeft the No. 41, Con 2, t awanosh, contain ng Pursuant to o, 8flo
7 -.26 ..1020 a.m.
Mgna..lut.".* "..'42Ptn, 446" 41:r p
1130 axe.. o.NiiicatVne, &M. .. 0:30 a;rti., •
10:10 • P.m.
• "
• Farm for Sale.'
The undeirsigned offers for sale Lot 18, Coneession
B,Itowlek and &ores off the oast end of Lot 19,
inaking 106 lierea There are. between 80 and 00
Force cleared and in a 000d state of culiivation. On
the premie are good auk barn,rtevo frame house,.
anclgood ritbuildinge, Situated about four Miles
from Wr xeter: Per particulars apply to
• 00.00fIGT WILLITS, 1,3r Cozens is also agent for*all kiwis 'of l8erSery %Wielle3 to state that he has moved into the store lately °aphid by T. A. Mills,
'itkR Ire A
• Boots and Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes.
Wo guarantee to save you money* on every purehase,
• Tours Truly,
The Phrenologist who lives below the 0. P. 11.
station, and who has practised for some years in
w e, atliberty e eh
81810 p. in. to examine persons phrou:legle'alytiVraciatd3'
Ore charts. The charge at present !surd" eente. .
M. 11. MeINDOO,
Wroxeter G. SW** : •, arid, hae just opened up a large stook of
Uxocutors' .NotIce.
, D, ng 1,08
The Sub
riber often; fo sale s rt b 1
e itevisid Statutes of On
district and would he absent for a Err TiCtiTa're giapter 110 see n the creditors of EIST)11.4
Albert 1.,10.1ileUby to act 5,S -agent, are good hods:, ban 4 . an out ,ddings, and tWo Nvliontlred on or e,le:eti drSepteinber, A*.
hp, thit Township of rris in the
considerable timo, this Board appoint tion; well fetioti 6 rtergd. as;za
premises •C1211;Doll'ilur n •cl Provinee Of tarin widow
gbo irate ttpplyto the owner. D. 1880, are required d
-50 °ben, Werivielt,
inatead of said 8, Iialdenby until - i 'T 'Et E11.1GLATELI, WM14111111 poSt office i the Co ty of 'Innen, ono
: •
of the executors of ihe id d 'eased, on or before
such' arrangentents are completed—;wingham''°n••,,' the au 08:3 or aiov C. ism their
Carried. Reid--A.ratrong.—That . fittranttid.'t
• names, addres'es'end doe tions; the full perticu-
, an t e,nature of t ecurit s Of any) held by
„ „ babe, antittobe'ireniiratilyninsgul. oound the house them - and troth)* i hereby g •• h
again Teesweter town 11341 Op the] and °MO%
this beard -do now ;adjourn to ;meet • AfkiCtii NVIPIAFX0i,.-•-to take care of a
e• larg oiltheirciaimay,s e nt their iteeounts
,•• •
of every description. • , •
A special invitation is extended to those requiring
our stook in this line Itoing very complete. •• '
Any p'robetd to di, Watts theassets f the ,tOt de.
motion win inaa law -atter t last menitioned LAMPS AND .LADIP GOODS
last Lttu y4.1tly 140vernher , 01A0DOWALD.
" endlese variety.
ALEX. ADAZISOtit. , • B A R.B E 11,'•! S 11'0 P
. have had not e.
gard only`to t claims of which the shall then
o'cloek`iti the afternoon.—Oarried. arti,",s entitled the to, having re.
• •••• . -
I" - : '•:' "•' 'Blnevale.
1.W P-Peteraon iemoVed to 'Or 8 b •
• . J. A. I/ smog, Solicitor for . 0 T11111.3MICR, . of t,he •best makes.
MR. MALOOLI tioDONALD, •TR AS 3, "'testate and RODZRM WAR IC,
(RATA ItIOREY.) Win run, 1st October, 1889 . .
. Exec tors. irrzi.--cv%Azz, I - 4, cheap and durable
• .
Raving purchased the barbering hardness of Ilessrs. V
o Wien Bros., is prepared td old eustomerz PURNACE IIEATING AND REPAIRING promptly attended to, and'
„ and as many new nes AS patronize. satisfaction all work ovaranteed satisfactory
• xeoutors' Netige.
ham, ou Wedne.aday. Mr cott .05 ail olines of the profession, .
AliietfrrifiCi. • •• Pursuant to he Revised Statotes of • , tario, 1887ct.Ar Remember the- place—Ddills' old stand. Josephine street, Wingbam.
nine, opposite Gordon •IfiltrItT131.01,a: •itttlii: TN11:173n1r8 0124,1.xiiin!"! ... ..,. •
• .• . • •
8 the. . . , b.. SUTIIERLAND.
'5 who died on or ab t the hth •y of August, - A. .0. t., -.,---v._
, County of laurel ' and Province Ontario, yeoman, • . . .. • .....
X. MODOI,TA1,11. 18e0, are required -t send to rocket Willits, Wroxo. eqj
• tor Post OfIlee, Count, of uron, one Of the exec:a-
tors of the said Aeon. on or before the STU
DAY OP Novxbuier l,D. 1889, their names. DA- 1 I gg' 11_,. •
.. L,...,...,
, dresses and deseripti ,s; he hill particulars of their
claims; a statement 1 the accounts and thenature - •
of the securities"( u y) hal ' them ; andnotice is „.
hereby given tk • be said o tutors will immediate.
ly after the la. mentioned clay vowed t
o di:tribute
titled ther o, having regard only to claims of which • tars 1,
.2 they shall hW
en e had 0408100.ysters .
the assets of ic said deceased long the parties en- .
J. A. M. TOG, Solleitor for -
W LW/ GESIGILL and 0.110IL T 2‘eillittLT,
WI ham, 1st October, 1889.,
mieupyllr2.Paterson's house, and. *Mr ANO H
jackn will occOy th hou,se•-'vacat-are my specialties.
ea by Mr Scott. -r -)The faotory is still afievaliodsailLac4the old
ranni .24 cheese per day hero; •' • •
roudeltS'.. ptember and,Oatober 'cheese,
bre p itid,*-Mi. It .II Dutra, • EXTE.NSIVE
team' rau away this wifek, and smash- 5
. the wagg.in to tbey were
attached, pretty bacil3g7.-111r W tat-
ersOn •18 patting up'111111t 'addition to
• house -.•--Mr Dungan' Is rpair
Iwo -he , case of Queim
Rebeceik. IllEciopt-This Was tile
cme. or2„the cheese factOry burning at
this pcisee, which was trig ' at the
aesizes at Goderich last week.
After .hearing the 6'i -donee his Lord-
ship stated there wits n 01/80 to go
to 'the jury, discharged the
prisoner. . •
NOT1Ot —All partla indebted to us °Wider by
-Aldo or book account oto requested to sail and
sewn the 5llt12, 00 00' before the 0818 o NOVOUnber,
an we Wilt 0/0A0 1.1t) cur business hero on thatditto,
•and must histo Ith ROM:WU 40tticd by that time. or
• te.ey will bo 11oued In other baciln for collection.
• - itselitrox 4e Toni&
Thanksgiving services were MI -
ducted .to the Presbyterian chureiron
tinedIty evening last, by ,the Itev,
Mr toes of i3russels.—Mrs Tuft's
new stole if fast approaching 00131-
• *lion, and is a decided' improvement
oti the (id one which was destroyed
by lire.
having decided remove
next spring.will a 11 by p
on tho pre fees,
TOM Or. fl
On Prida
his splendidly
together wit
to' Manitoba
Nov. 10
The undersigned have on hand a large
quantity of
resh, and ,gotten up in Every Style.
A Fine Stock of GRAPES, APPLES, ORANGES Etc, ,
r. 0
the land apper
• - M
The most complete stocli in the county. Pure Cretans a 4peoialtl.
az, 4 and see O.
ALSO, ON liAND. "srearsamerssenvoroSoosswoomeas
lig Hemlock and Dry Pine
BORN. Alt these est ffehments are w
Entinisormt—In on Sunatty; Oat pea and in • t-elagii rutt.ning or
01.18, the wife of Mr Herrington son. are very &sir ly situated RODsr th
VE.antint Wed 'Wawaneah, on the station, Th
Sth 03tober, the wife of John Perrier ; opportunity f
this line o
AI80, wilt
Clinton.. on Aug Mb. tou
y itav l'. 44tone, Thos .to
;title:11 C blase, both of (..11inton.• 13arrel
SIsidza; .
youNant.rx.—In Hulletts „ on 13unaay, single hot'.
-()t at, warner Yonugliluii. 1100,es,
•ertt.-art.--In Morris: on fltunirty,..„Oet samilto
chit 30.50, datiOr ;on* , of lir o 0118
",%n! ery, /0ea 6 years'.
11•14: -.1. -o --Tao Clinton, on gaturday, Oet 2:4MIO•
rif I•vtion aged 83 year. givett to
4A.1 n- To 14.,atorth, on the Lith not, Proved
, rable, aged 71 yeare,6 mouths P. DE
ged• ',NI.
Os 2nd eon Gocleixeli town. Win
er,aud EumBER Seem lbh
la tux exceptional' good riNNSSEN ----- DMISSIO, -------------------- e ca. OU'------------ B
s 0 et e ar verdict in, all
r any one wishing to usage
businsIss. and we can Show you the Itnest and most com-
0 for stae, at ti anni ,
W 0 013, tsz‘-7, /Mete assortment of Goods ever3r shown in Wing-
Littill:18nranVg=le • AT ME • ham. We- have lately received several superb
311s,lines of
If, 1 Stave irointor, 2 pair Log Winghain
rnek Wagons, 2 pairs True tis,
81eigh, 2 Plows,Wheelbar
• other,artieles.
0M10./(01{ AT 1 CY01.00X,
One-thiM cash ; tittle wil
the balance, on mortgage or
*per, at per tient intermit,
8, 3-.„.1. A.NDPIES
etionear. Prop
;u, Oot. 210,1589.
. '
3osephine street, adjoining OPE track., ,
L. & al. MoLEAN.
%VOW% Oct. it 1889
To -which We desire 'call. special, attention.
remora tont others in need of Tiles Ur dridnint
librpotes cikri be ontopSed ist our brIckyird. 'A lot, FINE GROCERIES AND FRA.,, ITITS
BwortBitoi.„ .
. ist,
isrge stook of All also on bood, •
TA 1441:tiriS .
"ffloglmni, Sept nth, 'SO: witigboni:
• • i