The Wingham Times, 1889-11-01, Page 7r ti >sutit) IJnalo 1l !tan julep• sd o Chain her etree st k. With a curt, Dou inn the youth, +tile hor+tblaek went to work ou ttie voter man's hoots, while he pulled a writing tattle cut of his pekes rind proceeded to stash off a letter. Yore young feller ;you can't 1 your Foots on the oar, exclaiuled e son(luctor, • Oh, hitt I must, replied the young titan. Got to do it, ; carie of emer- gency. And as he handed ' the con- eluietor the fare 1;e whispered some thing, in his oar that seemed to satisfy that ofiinial. When we reached Prince street, the few mates boots were a patent. teenier hilae. He had four letters written, sealed in an envelope • and 'addressed. Handing them to the bootblack, with a coin, he gave the boy directions where to deliver them land roturu with an answer. I'!I be there at 3.45• --just twenty. minutes he said, looking at his watch, *and llave,•,juat tithe to make " it. Now gallop. The boy left the car and die• appeared on a run. The young men took a seat in the oar, opened a grip and taking out a clean pair of cuffs, collar and necktie, and put thein on. He then took out es hair brush and pocket mirror, brush- ed his hair, put wax ou his moustache, squirted • some cologne on a fresh •Laitdkercbief, put a clove in his Mouth, knocked the duet from his hat and clothing with a whisk bream end giving his cuffs a finishing jerk, turned to the people in the car and said : Ladies and gent'einen, an apology lir due you, and some explanation is likewise dne myself. I don't wish to • be considered fussy. 'I°m no dude, and 1 don't spend half my time before the glass, as you tnight infer. I'm a plain practical, everyday sort of a chap from Bridgeport, Conn. In just twenty minutes by the watch I aro to be married to the boss girl of New York city, barring none.. My train Was two hours late ; bat thanks to the conductor of this car and your own kind indulgence, I'll 'got there just the same. And the people in the car thought Iba would.—N. Y. World. • What might Beare 'Zm. • When the boundtiry i;urveyors were running the line westward through 7t&anitoba, a resident of Pembina cautioned Captain Cameron=head of the Canadian survey—against the • Sioux, who were then mustering in Wood Mountain district, and recom- mended his taking a large escort; Oh, am not afraid of them, replied the gallant little hero ; I shall' just hoist the British ensign, and that will be sufficient. In the course of the con- versation, Captain Cameron inquired Its to the beat means of saving hia. mon and animals from the annoyance of tnosquitoes, which that year were peculiarly troublesome. ,There is no ',remedy for them, replied the Ameri- can, except when -.there is a slight breeze, before which they disappear. Yes, said the gallant °Mfieer, but we must do something. Men can't work and take careful observations with these infernal. mosquitoes buzzing around them ; can't yon do anything 'to get rid ot• them, M r. Lenon ? Wal, sir, we can't do anything here; wb have to put ' up with them. Perhaps if you, were to hoist the .British ensign you spoke of a while ago, that might scare 'em ; 1 don't . • know nothing alae they would care a t A rye" +fit >r O dye I, A SPECIA Dant tor, a5i aG +fit aL $J �LSi : on'" Read O THE;' TRAIN FUER. UER. This GERONIMa VN6ESS ¥QU VYAImT TD B117 GOODS CHPI l.. We Claim to have the -largest and nest assorted stook of Watches Clocks and Jewellery in Winghaln. Our stock 'consists of A.ruerican -ffht1 English Gold Plated, and Rolled plated Jewellery of all descriptions, American and Swiss 1Vtrtcht;s, Canadian tint' American Gold and Silver Watch (Janos, Spectacles and Opera Glasses. 2. We buy all our goads in big lots, and pay spot cash for every- thing we. buy, therefore our customers lnay.be sure that,ywo are at uo disadvantage as compared with other's, It will pay -you to can and inspect our goods before buying else- where. We will ,sen you 20 per cont lower than any other -dealer in W Ingham, In order to make room for our targe Xmas stock, now tettered, we • will sell at cost for 3f) days, WATCH REPAIRING A SPEOIALT For quality of material us id and class of wtr;l;tnanship we ac- kno',vledge no superiority at the people's Jewellers, R. R. V 'A NSTONE & Co., PRACTICAL WATCHTV'AKERS AND ,TEWELT,i! Rr. ONTARIO MUTUAL LTE. Ctlsh Income ;for 1888 New Assuraneeit writteq in 1888 Assets, as at Dec. 81st, 1888 Assurances in force, Jan. let, 1889 Surplus, Dec. 31st, 1888 SPECIAL FEATURES $ 393,074 00 2,518,650 00 5,313,853 00 12,041,914 00' 90,337 09 Prompt Payment of Claims, .Annual Distribution of Profits, Guaranteed Surrender Values, and Liberal Policy Conditions. ALEX. DAWSON, Gxu n ux '"AMT. • Wingham On' ED. DINnal J&LLRT TA&HMT Has most complete ass,)rtment of the L.TEST. CHOICES and? MOST CHARMING ARTICLES in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silver Goods. $'" U 1 GAN ; BUT § AT f BA ,4 APTS. Eiir. CLOSE ATTENTION GIVEN ,TO REPAIRING, AND ,WORK WARRANTED, GO RIGHT TO GREEN'S BLOCK I'OR YOUR JEWELLERY DUFFIELD & S NEW PATENT TOP MILK CAN, Cream Pans, ALL ) Milk Pail§,. Sap Buckets, and Milk Pans, And everytbi>zg iii t Dairying line, The Adventists. The "Adventists" who form some 100,000, of. the population of the United States are a curious people, and are divided into five bodies : (1) Second' Advent Christians, who be [leve in the resurrection -and everlast- ing destruction of the wicked dead ; (2) Evangelical Adventists, who hold the oreich r view respecting the future punishment; (3) Seventh Day Adventists, who observe the seventh day as the Sabbath ; (4) Life, and .Advent Union, a distinctive tenet of Whose 'belief is the non-resurrection.o e the wicked dead ; (5) Age -to -Come EADT Adventists,'who, look to the restore- l e 'c11 a Tromit11 e3. THE LEADING BBOT AND SH'OE STOREI :x: Owing 'to the late Boom T have made room for and have on hand A`Largo Stock of-- ADD f------. iiD ► BUM ' and . aaaast. In addition to my Custom Business, defy Competition in Quality, Sizes, and am determined to self for CASH, AT OOK BO r.ro PRI.OES, ,fir 'Repairing as usurp, and'Oemont Patching a Specialty, I solicit a share of the patronage. Don't Forget the Plass,,�,�Opposite the Ceetral Hotel. Rips sewed free in all boots purobased from 'il e. 13uttor and eggs taken as oast' inn exchaOlt nge �""for goods. ''0, ., 1~aa Lt. R0../DERU r, W1�WG1IA11, Ct'iT Con of the Jews to the holy hand. Old Mrs Polsom-1 was over to eudburry'e to day, and they received tr letter from the college president belling'em that Jini, who is in the eolleget has certainly got the divine e atoll, or suthin' like that. Old tela Folsom—you don't stay!• Xs the family worried i eyll . A Fewness Handit Who Hes t1ade Porte una by His Lawless Acs, "Of ell the smooth and slippery out- latvs nus; loose and enjoying perfect froe- dblu, the smoothest and slipperiest is Geronftno, the train robber of Arizona and Mexico," said A. A. • herring, the mining man, of Vaene Dome, A, T. et do not refer to the wily Apache chief, who a short time ago led in so many depredations on the frontier, but to his white namesake, who, if anything, pos- sesses more cunning, ";`Tot much seems to be known of Geronimi, in many Pacific coast states and territories outside of Arizona and the mountainous regions to the south. Ile flies from one side of the Mexican line to the other in a few hours, and is as hard to get sight of us a will-o'-the-wisp, He goes into the most civilized towns of the frontier whenever he wants to, and no- body seems to have the nerve to tackle hon, "Geronimo was connected with two'or three of the heaviest robberies on the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe road a year or so ago. He lent a hand in the last hold-up on the Southern Pagitic. No detectives are after flim, or if they are they .make no headway tri capturing him. He seems to have the right to go any- where unmolested. "His finances are considerably im- proved by his robberies of Wells, Fargo & Co.. Mine owners, too, caught out with well filled pockets, as well as nu- merous travelers, have paid tribute to him. Mexican and American cattle and horse owners have also suffered. These depredations have been carried on for Arco and possibly for five yeara. A very round sum must have gone into Geron- imo's exchequer in consequence. Peo- ple most intimate with the circumstances of his plundering figure his gains at from $100,000 to $200,000. Perhaps not less than twenty men have been killed also,_ yet he has been regarded as a myth by many who have only heard about him in a curious way. "I assure you ho is about the liveliest blood, muscle and bone myth, however, that there is agoing, There are no flies on him, and evidently it is a good mart who will get him—a second Bob Garland. or somebody of that sort. He knows the mountains as well as Billy the Kid ever did, and better than any out- law now living. Ile came to Tombstone first three years ago, and went under the flame of White, . - "He stayed for a short time around the gambling houses. He never was known to engage in honest labors He was a fair gambler, though he never played for big stakes. He seemed to play for pastime more than anything else. In a short time he disappeared and wont to Clifton. Then he began his open career of crime. His last hauls were ori the - Atchison and Southern Pacific roads, where, it ie-bo'lieved, he got $20;000 each time. Then he went to Mexico and was captured by the regular troops while driving away some horses. But the So- nora jails were not strong enough to hold him, and he is now back in Arizona. ' He often visits Tombstone, and a short. time ago was seen playing billiards in the Comet saloon there. "He has no headquarters, and his de- vices to elude pursuers are always suc- cessful, Nothing is known of his pres- ence till the day after he has left a place, and there is no doubt that 'those who know where he is keep still about it for fear -of death at his hands. His compan- ion is a renegade Mexican named Fred- erico. It has been said that Geronirno is a Mexican, but this is a mistake, He is white, or very nearly so. - '"Geronimo is a dead shot, and officers or anybody else are not in n hurry to try their skill against hint. Some stiff re- wards have been offered by the railroad and express companies for 'him, and private parties have also offered bonuses for him. "Tho governors of Arizona and Sonora have nf;'ered something like $3,000 each, There is money in his scalp if it can be got, but to get it is the trouble."—San Frarcisco Examiner. The Preacher Mut Ris Way. Yesterday, as tho evening train over the Norfolk and 'Western railroad was coming down, a minister on board, who was booked to preach in the county a short distance from the city, approached Capt. Lassiter, the conductor, and asked to be put of at a crossing where the trans does not make a stop, stating that a carriage was waiting there kr him. The minister was persistent, but Capt. Lassiter refused, stating that his train wflgesalready behind time and another stoppage was impossible. The train had not proceeded a great way when it was discovered that a passenger coach had become detached, and it was necessary for the train to be backed to pick it up. It seems a little singular that when the car was readied ono of its platforms wise exactly opposite the spot where the rev- erend gentleman wished to get off,— Norfolk (Va.) Ledger: Coneumi,tion Surely Oared TO yin Enitoft:--Pleawintern' your readers that • have a atositivc r ''gdy for "the above named di+tr+ta.. Hy its timely use thousands of hopeless uvea ha, • bent cured, 1 shall be !:lad to oe.td two bottles my remedy mfrs to nhy of your resdcrs who has, ronsuutntlnn if they will mond the their Expert's and P. 0 addro's. itempeethilly, Da. 'r, A. sl.000 •Y 164 west Adelaide St Toronto Oat' It is !lard work to be done. Afar tle average man has pelt in abeut• half I+ day trying at, it he feel Tike Iasi:. g o[; indefinitely. PAINS s CELERY ER -Y CUMPU Jio ACTS AT THE SAME TIME ON THE NE -RUES, THE LIVER, THE DOWELS, andtheKiIDNEYS This combined action gives it won- derful power to cure *11 diseases Why Are We Sick? Because we allow the nerves to remain weakened and, irritated, and these great organs.tobecome clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors ars therefore forced into the blood that should be expelled naturally. PAINE'S CELERY COMPQUND WiLL. CURE BILIOUSNESS, PILES, CONSTIPATION, KIDNEY COI}[. PLAINTS, URINART DI8EABE8, PE?LALE WEAENE88,RU!UMA. T18M, NEURALGIA, AND ALL NERVOUS DI8ORDLRe, By quieting and strengthening the nerves, and causing free action of the liver, bowels, and kidneys, and restor- ing their power to throw off disease. Why suffer Bilious Pain. and Aches I Why tormented with Piles, Constipation? Why frightened overDisorderedKidfeyal Why endure nervous or sick headaches 1 Why have sleepless nights, Use Praxes Cstsity CDMrOUND and rejoice In health. Itis an entirely vegeta• ble remedy, harmless in all cases. geld 6,, all Droll -ids. PM* tiz.00. Six /or0oo. WELLS. RICNARDSON 4 CO.,Pioprisier% MONTREAL, P. Q. tar °•t Ther Slow Successful Remedy' ever dna. covered, as it L certain 1n its erecta and doesaot buster. Read proof below: • SraarrevtaLs, P. Q.. May !l,1887: - - Dz. H. J. 8strpacr. Co„ Enosburgh Palls, Vt. Oonttemen.—Ibave used Ken - tan's spavin Cure for Sealing and also in erase of lameness and Btlti-Jotnta and found itasure erurelp evefy respect. zcordiauy teoommend It to all horsemen. Very respectfully yonre, Munoz J Ba*clurr. KENDALL% SPAVIN CURE ST Thorns, P Q., Apr1122,1159. Ds. D. J MsiMem. Co.. Enosburgh Falls, Vt. Gents rl have used a tew oottles of your Ken- dal's Sparta Cure en my colt, which was suffering from Intlu- enia in a very bad form, and can.. say that your Ifendall's Spar o Cure wade complete and ra tf cure. Ivan recommend it ea he best and most etteetivelfn+moat 'have ever hat.dled. Kindly send meoneo yourvaluablebooksentitled "ATrea- thseontlta Horse." Yours rem ectfnUy, LpTr. Witham KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURL Font giro's, Httr Mev 10 1980. DR. D. J. KENDALL Co , Euosbntgh Valla dt. Gentlemen:— 1 always keep your-gereeitee Bpavfn Cure and Blister on hand Y: J and they bane never faded in what you state thoy will do. I bate cured abed case of Spavin ,and also two cases of Ringbono efyears standing on maven which, Drought to breed fro,n, snU have not seen any signs of disease in their offspring. Tours truly. D. J. Witham._ Price 91 per bottle, or air bottles for *5. t druggists haven or can got it for you, or (twill 1)0 vont to any address on receipt of price by the mprletore. DDB. B. J. EENDALL CO., linosburgh Falls, vt, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. When I say Gums I do not mean merely tb step them for a time, and teen have thein rouge again. I DIVAN A RADICAL CU1U1,,, I have made the disease of 'ITS, EPILEPSY ole FALLINCf SICKNE$&• A life lona study. I SVABrtnrT my'renledyto CVBxtheworst cases. Beenusoothers have fsfl-at�• is no reason oi not now reeLsing a cure. Sehd at once for n treatise she c Feiner Borns of my - fl rALL.tnLst 1t1:l1 RDY. Give Hapless and fust office. 1t costs you nothing for a trh.1, and it will cure you. Addre,ei See FOOT LO., Brandi OStoe, 164 West ,Adelaide Sweet, Toronto. E®it 16 *1 *nee establish RF trade Se sari pun tby �•� +' peeing 001 maeb:nee sad groan Where tea people ccs see thea. we *Marna fres to ono pennon in *eels Ioealnyabe eery Met *ening-nimbler' trade ti, the werld,witb all the att*eheaeats• we w311 else egad frees complete line of cur tinily and saleable sat p1as. laretwr we ask shah** show ,bat ws *end, to theca vibe nay eau layout bonehead Mar* neatens all shall beton* rear Sive ropers. TMie grad rasehlne Y ansa .Mr t2. eat re tN»bti. wnth t del•It rail eat 1I6* is elikel melt, rod w, wttb arta 11�� �5 . BM*. wad t te*t r M. sedge* ttWYt-rye Ml taerbine as th� drir _ xa aghat reset Met! cis ai o T»1426rediaWmas!5.i **2* 4t�fya�*6 866', MW1441441t.19 0r-nWba» la tM WM'ra, t rRgOwtw OY'.b>A pi : :i 7 �jit �Yrt'Mtz