HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-11-01, Page 4! 1 roams Clines .. B'iU kr, NOVEMBER 1, 1889. v etteKTQRIAri How. Alex Morris, ex -M P' P, and ea Lieutenant-flovernor of Manitoba,. died at hies hoineir.,,,Toronto, on Mon- day morning last. " Ix is, reported that Mr 1, W Johnston,, of Goderioh, has been ap- pointed Juuic r Judge of Algoma, with hes4quartbrs, at Sault Ste Marie, Tun trade returns of Newfoundland for the year 1888 show that the total value of goods imported into the colony last year was $7,420,400• and the exports amounted to $6,623,137; The was -.a substantial increase in the trade of.the island during •the year. The exports consisted almest exclusive- ly of fish, fish -oils, Dopper ore and seal skins., ON Saturday last the Conservatives of East Huron met in oonveneion at Brussels to nominate a : candidate fur the . Local Lesielature. The names of the following gentlerizen were brought before the meeting A• H lj'Iuegrove, Whitechurch ; Jas Perkins, Gorrie; 13 Gerry, Brussels; Thos E Hays,. McKillop ; . 11 W 0 Meyor, Wingham. After. each of nominees had addressed the meeting, all retired except Mr Musgrove, whose .nomination was made unani- uioue. After passing a number of resolutions the convention adjourned. Turnberry • Mr It W Hastings, of the'9th con- - ession, is going into sheep raising, Be was very •suoceseful in taking prizes at the .Wingham and Blyth meows foie thoroughbred Leicisters, and not to he behind any, he has late- ly purchased some very fine stock . froin. Messrs..Ed. Gaunt & Sons, the noted- breeders .of West Wawonksh, DIx. Hastings. is to •be =commended for his enterprize in this respect—Mrs Jos. Gibson, Vancouver City, B 0, who Lias lately bceh visiting relatives in the vicinity of Listowel, hes rathrned to the residence • of her father in-law, Mr Has tot Gibsou,=Mr Wm Wheelens went for a short visit to friends in the vicinity of Arthur, Monday morning. —As 'we were passing a school hoaee situated not one hundred miles from Wingham, the other day, we noticed a large fioek of hens, pea -fowl • a,nd 'other.poultry,in the yard. We never before. saw•nso clearly the advantage of besting a school house near one's premises. It must materially lesser. the cost of raising fowl ; or perhap - that is one of the ' methods. teachers arh adopting to augment their Salaries, viz; poultry keeping.—We see that Mr Ritchie, the • township engineer, - has notices out asking for tenders for the cleaning out of the drain along the 6th concession.—Mr John Johnstpn, (li:t'tle jack) left on Friday via 'the 0: 2 R for Tessalon, lt.lgoma. lie in- tends to work in the lumber -woods.—_ Quite a number from the northern part of the township attended the funeral of Mr Crowe of Wingham. 1:To was at one time a highly respected resident of the boundary.--e-In another part of this paper' swill be found an article copied from the Hamilton Spectator•, which rotates the good fartane of Mr James Bentley., a former resident of this township.. Wroxeter. The Wroxeter Curling Club re -or- ganized for the season on 'Thursday evening of last week. Mr James. Ireland is President, and Messrs. John Bone, A Paulin and Well' Robinson, Committee of Management. -- The antinal meeting of the Vi;roxeter branch l'3ible Society was held on Wednesday evening -of last week in the Episcopal ehnreh. P,2"r T Gibson, bi• P P, president, iii the chair. The aid officers were..ro electecl and excellent addresses delivered "by Rev. Messrs, Davidson acid Smith. On Sunday evening last Rev. Mr Manly, general agent of the Society, preached to a large eongrilgation tea the Presbyterian church, on Nineveh and. Tsrael,—The t et'etary of the School Boded has re+'eived about 75 arplieationa far the places to be teemed atNew Year's by the principal and the assistant teacher of the public school, Paisley had a very deetructiee e,n flegretion on Saturday morning last Um. hotel at,d several /toil s were derifroye4 and the )o,a3 is es:rout ed at #25,0)00, JaJ eatown, Qu; Wednesday of last week a large. number of young folks gathered at the residence of Mr. S, Oaldbriok, of Morris, to witness a ceremony which is booming quite coaainou in our mat. ri:nionially inclined. By 5 o'clock all, was iu readiness and there, in the gloom of the autumn evening and in, the presence of nearly one hundred invited guests, ,.Miss Katie Wain* and Mr. Joseph l3ewwttn were united it. th bonds of . holy matrimony by Rev, Mr, Cleft, of Brussels, The bride. looked 'superb in slate B.enrietta cloth. After the knot was vied, the young peoplereceived the hearty con dratulatiuns of those present, and we join in wishing them health and prosperity as they sail hand in • hand through life's turgid tide. The folrovr rug, list of presents will show the high Weenie in which the bride was held Silver Pickle Cruet; --Miss Annie Johnston; one dozen silver spoons,— Mr. Kiemaghen ; Crystal set and bas- ket,—Miss Marian Forrest ; Silver napkin ring,—Mr. encl.. Miss Robb; Preserve dish, --- Mrs.. (Henderson ; Water set,—Mary Wilson ; celery dish and silver butter Rnife,--Mise Mason ; Berxy set•,—Mrs, Martin ; Plush plaque' ane match. holder,-- Decadter and glass,—Mary. Sample ; Pair bread towels,-l:,izzie Forrest ; one half dozen silver, tea spoons„— J. Bowman ; • Silver pickle cruet,-- Mrs. ruet,— Mrs. Grundy ; lamp;—Prank Wood ; Batter knife and half dozen, silver spoons, — Jane McVety ; Preserve dish,—Misses Peacock ; silver pickle oruet,—Mr. and.Mrs. Jas. Bowman ; Cake stand,. bread plate and half dozen nappies,—W. A. Oaldbick ; Pin cushion,—Miss Oaldbick : Basket of flowers, :Miss E Oaldbick ; Photo- graph album,—1 `isrnark Timmins ; Pair Vases,—.'Miss llicllwain-; Silver butter dish, --Miss . A. Armstrong ; Lemonade Set,—Mrs. W. Wark ; Teapot,—Miss Mary Forrest ; Toilet set, —Will Sellars ; Crystal water pitcher,—Etta Mustard ; Cake stand and vinegar bottle, ;Sarah Johnston; Table olotb,=Mrs.. Woodrow ; Bed spread,—Maggie Gibson: Pair lace curtains,—Miss Kernaghan•; Ireland family and A McColl ; Cane - seated rocking chair,—Mrs Golley Table cloth—BenKing;Tray Dover. and table spread,—Miss Montgomery; Pair gold bracelets.—Mr. Joseph Bowman; Pair 'framed pictures,—Mr. D. D. Caldbielc.—Mrs, Martin, and family and.Miss'Ma,ggie' Caldbiek deft last. week for Rapid City, Michigan, Mrs. Martin goes to join her husband and Mies Maggie ;Des to pursue her studies in the High ,S'chco1. We wish her success, and as she is a clever student we have no doubt•oar wishes will be realized. . s • . . Blyth. The, bridge that crosses the. -river .opposite the 'woollen mill has been undergoing some repairs during the paet week..—Rev. Racey preached in the English church last Sunday. even- ing,,—Next Sunday is quarterly Sun- day in :connection with .the Methodist cSiurch. This will he, • the last . service in the old church.—,r Brownlee has 'secured a situation. with. Mr. 0. -Hamilton, as tinsmitlt.-Mr. Sailows, cf Goderioh, Will give an- entertain- ment to -morrow. (Friday) evening in Industry hall in aid of Trinity chard) Sunday school. Those who miss this will; miss a grand 'treat.—Mr. S. Hodgins lost a valuabb horse last week by - choking.—Mr, 0. Hamilton our popular, aaotioneEir, is having . quite a run this season.—We learn that a quiet wedding occurred here one day last week. However we will mention:.no taunt until :the real' truth has been found ont.--Dr. Sloan and. his son Will, we are told, will soon =leave on a trip.to Muskoka on a hunt- ing expedition, --11r. Will Shane will leave shortly with the T. D. M. 0., .who held''coneerts Were 'last week.--• Easy chairs have been placed in the .new Mothodidtchuroh Tor the use . of the choir which promises to be a good one. ---A. week from: to -day then Ighsv Methodist church. will be- opened. There will be a grand platform nteotino after• which there will be tea served in:tho bueesaaentby the Ladies' Aid Society.—Halloween grassed quietly here, as there was not mucic mischief reported ,nett morning.-- E. M?ne, of the Comnteroiel, has erected two storm porches hi front ef' his hotel.--•. Mr. F. Metcalf was at Goderioh last week sitting on the grand jury,—Mr. G. E. Phillips left on Friday morning for Detroit, Mich., where he has spcur ed a•eituation.--Mr. James Eeniglileft , on Friday morning for • Cleveland, - Ohio.—Mr. Charles Fraser, amnia.. panied by Mr, ' A. Somers, left for eveland, Ohio, on Friday morning. I -4 r peorge'Powell'eft on Rowley m . n her batter porch -aging expedi-- tion up north. --Constable David West. Wawanoah. arrested two tramps on `l.'uestlay of lest week and gave them a night lodging in the look up.—Mr. Joh Bell has been appointed collector . The eoiuneil met in the To s Hall, on Seeturday, 12th . inst. n f clerk reported - having examined iaarelei 1:0.114...'- Mite ol"aow, t9 hers all regent• • The Reeve ia, i'08►so ,toter eQ ha o uzi, Canatliaii, securitygivens bythe collector, an tef at thee ted .y having he bonds xecuted. Tile re !,Tenits Estate Bill. a says,1 need port was accepted. Hamilton Snnit"lr not feel Burt because ho Uses the word. claims compensation for damage don' ' nist, and excuses himself that it n to leis property by ivalPr beim; AocdP(' s o• 'ensiue" than "1'apist4 thus i, on to jt (rota wrent of a ditch acroait a,, ting that it is offensive to some e raadwny on coos. 4 and 5. Phe ,= to lt. ,Now if toy, Rev. friend. will s- matter was, laid over till the next sigh the matter' carefully he will. g meeting: Rev Mr Andersen and W. cowhide that as a matter of good y. 0. Webb, asked for a grant towards breeding 'and regard for the feelings - the establishment of a Mechanics' of Raman Catholics he and all Pro- , Institute and reading room in St. testants should refrain from either f - etelons. On motion of Messrs. Stuart '• Papist" "Romanist'' or ",IUornish.'. e - and Todd, $i15 was granted. `L' ho tali us as we call ourselves. British (1 Treasu er'a report for September was and Canadian laws describe the Oath - f • read. It showed a small : kialance on clic Church as "Roman Catholic°' and. i - hand, Jos W Smith' and W li we think we are not asking too mucro Wilson, !sired for a special grant when we ask to be deeeribed by the- - toward,! 'gravelling opposite 19. and numogiven to our ohurch by English u 20, coos, 2 end 8 A grant of $3t) legislation. The fact that those words- . was voted for the purpose, %Sid . are "con ntonly used by Protestants'."., o amount to be expended, where the is no' reason why they should be used,. • cotarniseioners thought advisable. As .i tae,preeoiatee the occasional courtesy ✓ there is au amount in the rands of Mr S. when he uses the term " of the treasurer to the aredit of •'Roman Catholic" and sometimes ail,,. the drain account, the clerk was it,- eveleTathoio' 'notof coueeding coerce structed to reduce+„the asaes:onent for the 'u°uiversai' which 'C'atholie' MI- ' ' Young's ditch, for the cn'reut year, plies, however if a stranger in Wing- eo that the awouttt ho adjusted. Ti,Ee ham asked him to point out the 1 following aeceents were ordered to be Catholic ()beech, be would no doubt Paid :—fl unilton Smith, ditehiug, show k iru)to our church, which would n repairing eulviert, Fear,, $37,00; Win eo to show where the title properly $ Sluith, gravelliLlg, eon. 5, '«21.75 ; beiongs. My Rev, friend quotes. Robt. Begley, repairing bridge, sten. largely froln.wbat ho calls the 13rief• 4, $4.00 • Jameb 3lrt1E•r, gravelling, ofCle*ntenr.XIV, 1 say 'what the calls' lots L8 and 19, con, 11, $:#1.69 ; tI b..edause lay does not . quote from the Stone, ft neral expenses, Win Welsh, Brief but from a taaestatiu a of the $12.95; acob Miller, jobs, eon. 13, Brief, for if he is a. Latin scholar and On W B., late 15. a,rd 16, con 1l, $`2S ; read from a duly antitorzed reprint W. Anderson, breakiug stone, con 2 of the grief, he would find a very aid 3, 83; John Kilpatrick, gravell- different meaning. Ile would find as ing, opposite lot 14, cons 4 and 5, as 1 asserted in a former letter that $37.80;11 IC miller, part salary, 875i; the Pepe merely mentioned the core - R Webster, -1 culvert, W. 13, $2.25; plaints, without either believing or Thos. Agar, - culvert, W 13, $8.21 ; denying them. 1 have before me a Robt l3roadfoot, - cedar and. culvert, translation of the Brief by Rev. Kr. W 13, $7.19 ; Pat'k Welsh, gravelling, Austin, principal of Alma College, St. con. 8 and 9, $; George Arm- Thomas, given in an Auti Jesuit • strong, - gravel, con 1, $ 26.40 ; John pamphie•t,arranged by that gentleman, McCoy, gravel; E 13, ; 30,50; John so thea MII` Short .canuot'say 1 quote, Mole,- • job, S B, $10,46;Win Syui- from Catholic or even liberal Protest-. ington, z job, S 13, $818:; Tiros Ander ant authority, quito ditF,re:nt from.his• son, * gravelling, S 13, $5,60; Thus praotiee,forLie 'generally quotes from the Lamb, • breaking stone road, 8 I3, most bitter and predjudieed writers $2;; Sam'1 Carr, b' king stone, S tin;iinst Catholic :natters is general. -i7"; B, 81; Wm Cameron;. repairin; bridr;e, In Rev. Mr. Austin's translation, Lots 18. and 19,'con- 7, 87.50., Council article L6,'we are told the Society was adjourned to meet on Saturday, Nn- first established. Sept. 27,-.154, by vewber, 9th: Paul II1,and from time to time grant- . . R. K. 11i eta:1,.01erk- ed additional privileges: and favors. •'1Elolet3araoxth. In article 17, the translation says, ' 'The mrnificenoe and • liberality of Rev A. Stevenson' hits chosen the others of our predeoessnrs to the • same following snbjects for discourse for the 'society has been equally conspioious, first Sabbath evening of each mouth It is known that Julius 111, Paul IV during the winter season; viz : Wives,' and Pitts IV and V, Gregory XIII, husbands, ohildreu, ,parents, servants Sixtus V,Gregory XIV,Clement VIII, and masters. .The first of. these duh Paul V, Leo XI, Gregory XV, Urban' jects was treated of ' in. a very . able VIII, and other' Roman Pontiffs of mariner on the the first Sabbath even- ';:ions memory, have either 'confirmed frig of October; when the speaker the;priviliged -previously bestowed discussed the subject from a purely upon this Society, or have increased christian . and Biblical standponnt, them by new additions, or' at 'least .clearly and . forcibly explaining, the .have clearly defined them, Then duties of wives as laid down by the .Then conies the quotation given by" Apostle Paul:. Ii every case where Mr. Shortt, beginning, 'Nevertheless the wife is enjoined to be in subjection from the very tenor and wording of, to her. husband; the speaker showed '.these apostolic constitution,. we learn • that the relation of husband and wife i that in the bosom of this society, to be obedient to the Christian husband soaroely out of its cradle yet, various • in the same sense es the honorer it ;germs of discord and jealousy bad Obedient to Christ. The •discourse .sprung ftp; ets. etd. •(Italics are mine;) was pointed and well received by. the It will be seen that Clement XIV audience end n'e feel satisfied that a does not express his belief in the real live interest is taken in these :accusations mentioned. He says, ice subjoots by pastor and people. .• The learn,- which means, we are told. The subjoct of husbatel falls to be deliver....Brief then goes on to name the differ- ed}on the first. Sabbath ovening; of :-eat -ornmplaints against the Soeiety, • November. • . and althou h the latterpart of article g t e 17 is subetantially the same as Mr. Walton. Shortt's quotation, Mr. Austin does Miss Annie sleep, daughter of- .?.dr not add,as Mr. 'S. does, that o1ri3'tesn- C Sage of this siliaae, hae been in dom was dieturhea for a 'long.; period Toronto for some time attending the of time.' :When the Pope says'we Academy :of Music there, perfecting learn from the apostolic constitutions herself in vocal, violin and .pinno ' he means that the Pope above- men music. Miss Sage has great mantel .Honed had receive ,v.;',isittts about ability arid with' this training will, no the . Society, because in granting doubt, become a highly accomplished the Society still greater privileges. musician, --Mies Maggie Hamilton, of they made mention of them,;'but in- McKillop, has been secured tis organist'. stead of paying any attention to them in the 'Episcopal, church, and .is•giving • renewed their oe•nfidence in the Society sreoelsatiafootion. :by granting still greater privileges •than hitherto enjoyed by thein. Mr. tV 8. quotes further, 'then arose thous- ands bf complaints against this religious -. community, which complaints_ were • lnid'beforo Paul IV', Pius V and Ser. taxes for the current year at a salar of forty dollars. LtstQWel. Manly of the ea'd settlers of the tow will remember Mr Geoffrey Lynch who was, fora number of years in th employ of Mr Geo. Iraper aa, sole man iu his store, Be had been livin iu Guelph for some time, and latel had beGu in the hospital there, suffer ing fronci,bronehitis.ttnd other troubles and died suddenly. on Wednesday o last week, from •heart disease, kl -was a very eccentric individual, an was unmevried.—=Inspector Seatb, o .Toronto, who oiiioielly visited ou high school last week, left some very encouraging reports behind him re •garding the efficiency of that institi tion.•-1kfr Wm Alexander, publi school inspector, visited our pnbli 'school last week and reports favorable —Captain Williams, gets inspector fo the London division, spent part of the last week. instructing our local pointed in the mysteries of inspecting gas 'and gas . meters. Mr Williams report for the past three mouths places the gas supplied by the Listowe Gas Company at 21,;41 candle power, which is considerably above the std dard set by the Government, which i sixteen. candle power.—Mr . Rebort Bogues, :who is deer hunting in Mut• koka district, has • sent word home, which reached here on Saturday last, that ,the party had then captured nine beauties, some of them weighing over 200 pounds, --The: Sunday school anniversary. of the Methodist,' chureli will be held on Sunday next. Sermons will be preached bythe'i3ev G R'Turk, of Paisley ,,street church, Guelph. On Monday; a children's concert' and an' addre lis from MrTurk will complete the anniversary, -'.-Messrs Kidd Bros have solde their celebrated trotter, Prince Frederick, for $750, and now it is currently reported that they kayo 'sold•out their livery.. business to ,'Dir Thos Stevenson, of this place,. tate of the township vf, tins. "Mr. W 0 •Kidd- •takes, up JAW old . business as -veterinary: surgeon; and, Mr R 'Kidd 'goes: to oollege.;-The eldest' seri or -,Rev W.0 H'eedersorl, D D, pastor of the Methodists clrunelis died in„New York on;,TTnesdey morning, where -he hail beet; undergoing an eperatioin for some trouble'in the ;hip. • i1..trs«Tien- deraon has been by the bedside of her . boy since the ;operation, some three weeks ago: The doctor left for Net' York Tuesday noon, He and his family have the entire sympathy of the whole community in theft?; ;sad i bereavement. - ' Seafortle. Mayor Wilson is negotiating with a firm fin St: Marys.for the establishment of a large hart mill in Seafortb.—The,, Seaforth ureamory- ceased opori►tions for this season on Friday last,.. The season. lute been a good one for the .patrons. -=•The Ball Electric Light •Cornpany hap 'just closed a contract •for seventy of their 2,000 'candle power 'street are lights with the town of Seaferth.--The meeting of the liusi- - neps Men's. Association, on Friday evening last, was 'very fairly attended. The cozrstitution and by-laws prepared 'for the goyernment of the aseociajion Ware adopted. The provisional officers appointed at a former . meeting t8re all elected as permanent offrcertt, and are as follows '—J . Aird, - President ; Geo- Good, Viae -President ; John Fairley, Secretary ;: Holmestead, Treasuref. 1 eecutive Committee,-. The,. President and s Secretary and Mayor • Wiluon, and Messrs ” T W Duncan and M Y McLean. The regular meeting of the Association will he held on the first Friday of each month. Glenannan. - . b}r. Richard Wallace al is in Goder- ieh last week serving on the petit jury Drysdale, and M re. S'teveir- son, of Clinton were visiting at Mr. Isaac Metealfe's, they . returned on Saturday, acoctnpanird.hy. Miss Annie Metcalfe, who intends rusticating in Clinton. fora titne.4arcners are teeing advantage of the fine dry weather by. getting their roots ie. -•-A Le►p;and wipter is surely imminent in as roue h as a reindeer put in an appearance not a kindred mike from here. --It is. rumoured that a young lady in this neigh))Eriioocl is thinking seriouey of uhangi7ig her name, tiarriatort. The date •or the. TTarristctt rattle( biir has been changed from the Friday : before Guelph, to the fir:tt 'Ihertday beef Ere Guelph, wbioh is held the :est Wednesday in each wonth. 4 • t3•or•rie.. 'lir John Young, who lad been in Oregon during the semtner, reunited home .a few days ago. John does not think Lunch of that toutrtry and advises vetus V, our predecessors' Mr. Austin all 'who can make a living in Ontario has it 'many complaints'Mr. S. is to remain where they aro, --- 'This more specific which would mean at • Oraingetneu of i or•riteiset nd celehrat- beast two thousand, Mr, A. has it Mg the 5th of Noe ein}ter in good style. Sixtus V, Mr. S. Servatus V. This There -will be a *fob parade in the quotation is from article 18.. The attention awed a grand concert irn the quotation given by Mr. S. beginning ' evening for winchefforts are being with 'but, all these precautions,' is made to secure nem of the best taken .front ur.tiele 20. Mr, Austin's foreign talent. .. translation is very different from that e, quoted by Mr. Shortt. * Theiter J E Woodworth. a Nne•a S' Iinrr would.bavetts believe that theb6 Ly who was at one time tt meinhor of the l*was ' tarn to 'places hi internal and Manitoba' Legislature, has: t'1;en I external diesentlons,' but Mr. Austin's deowued.in Georgia, i translation says sinternal and pater.,