HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-11-01, Page 1•
VOL. XVI 1,I.--"N-q,$'1
• LOCAL NEWS. W,►areo,•--A.
to take care c.f
ly usefularo
ply to
- -Walleye been
—N'ovembe . 1st,
--Aaton's 5 er cont, debentures sold for
--Oysters iu uy style. at 1ti;cliolvie's.
....Regular me ting of Town Council next
Monday eveuin
—Bulk oystgre arriving daily at Afc-
Tielvie's, ,
—4djournod westing of Board of Trade -.
aide (Friday) miming.
--Our grata de :lava ars complaining of a •
'seat -city of oars f rr shipping mimeses:
, relr: Wm. Clei 1 is shipping ten oars ot
berley to Bleck I .00k, N. Y., this week,
.Miss II, J. Gallagher, teiforess„ of
Helmer°, is saga: d with Mrs. Hordaman.
riPples by tip barrel or otherwise, at
—Air, J. R. D mage has moved into the
residence formerly occupied by Mr, John
—Fresh fir —ii bw, feuit—in abundance,
at J Mclielvie's 8 lar Restaurant.
—It is said, teed the 1880 Christmas
'Mho will be the• est Christmas edition
-ever issued in Cal da-' •
—Louden has 6,.30 municipal and legis -
Wive eaters; 845 mnnioii3al voters only,
and 1,348 legisletiv, voters only,
a—Remember the sale of Mr. X. J. Ander-
son's saw ,mill, stcv , factory, cooper shop,
town lots and•loueses, today, at 1 o'clock.
--.Nearly all the ots offered for, sale by
the Town Treasut er for taxes were re.
deemed before or o the dey`of sale.
.---Phe annual m sting of :the Leics'
(41 41(1, 'in couriecti n with St. Peel's
Church, will be held n Wednesday next;
for the acetate of of ere, ate.
• --Special .titteutio is directed to the
luargaftnS off'aeed by Mr W, H. hi.oIndoo, in
e.uather column. lie r1 the announcement
and then call find see tiro e ;Dods.
Le; "era nee- eaeaswesestreseatwomettemesmorwaeeee_e_eme_e_
rp, active, willing laoy —Mr Wm Clew has had a new roof put •--miss Bennie Oar
horse, and to be general- on his residence nEdward street. her certificate by o f
4 the house mad office. AP- „_The eutertai tment given in the. Town went, and, as will be
Dn. MAOU02041), gall, •by the Nat ()nal Troubadours, under the school board
wn by I'ostmaatee the auspboesof the town band, did not column, has been. ri
[11 has been granted
Education Depart,
>een by refernnoe to
meting, in another
.engaged by the board.
Fisher a sample of t e first prize wheat at comeup to experations, , ' —Mr. Jahn Elliott formerly teacher at
the Mooge Jaw fall eh vr, which was grown v'Jiui y's OWu`:oigar,the latest novelty. 'Belfast, this county, las been awarded the
by Mr, Wm, Watso , formerly of this The " erld ( igter,".l3 for 25 emits, at.das degree of B. A., by ueen'a College, ging-
town, It is a fine sea pie, and a quantity Mo vie's, etou, Mr. Elliott is rother-in-law to Mr,
of it has been purohao from Mr, Watson —brise Nolte ,Hardy, not being able McMullen, of this t n, and is Icnexvn to
by Mr. O. K. Hendrick on, of deka, P. R. to secure the out de talent atpresent for quite a number in wn, having spent a
Immigration office at ionipeg, for the her intended oouo rt, IAA decided to post- short time each su ex, for the past two
C, P. R. exhibition o r, and will be ex- pone it till furthe on in the. season, t • years, in town:
hi ed in Ontario next Pring, —If you want a genuine good clothe l -
▪ There is a good d 1 of grain coming ringer go and see those kept by Jatnes A. Board = Trade. ,
121 lust now, but the prr}es of nearly every- Cline & Co, Something new, "Very cheap. ' A special meeting •f the Wingharn Board
thing the farmer has tc_sell are low, a --t11r D Stewar hi having his store, of Trade was held in t e Council Chamber
prices peed on the Wiligham market era ` wbioh is occupied y 14r 4 MoDonald, re- on Monday evening : et, Benj. Willson, -
full y as high as are a. in anyof the sur- :shingled and side u ,. which will add Esq., ebou riedthe ,air, au there were a
Y KP g p q p , d
rounding towns. Ti=e are now on too•„ greatly to its appe; once. goodly number of =tubera irny ttendanoe,
market Messrs. Wm Clegg and R. C. Spa —W T dates say_ that the popular ver=: In the absence of the s oretiary=Mr. S. A.
ling, besides the Souring mill ; of Messes. slot is that he " gt is there'" in the linea Cline—Mr, II, W, CY . • v=ser was appointed
Hutton & Carr will re mire a •largo'quan- .carried by •film. ?=sad las advertisement - to that position ptre -:.: After the minutes
tits of wheat: The p ices paidn Thura in another °alums, and Hien call and see had boon"read and • pproved, a oommuni-
day ware ; wheat, 80o ; oats. 5o. ; peas, his stook. 1 . • oaabion from the T• n Counoil of Goderieh
50e,; barley, 40o. '
—Dr Rebie's Pulohrilla 'fig the latest
—The Rev, A. T. ¥artley preached in discovery for chapped bands end face. Tt
the Preab
int; last, He seams to be a favorite with the complexion. rice 25 Qeuts per•hottle.
Winghorn'folks, inasn uch: as there was a. itg stn ago cy, Ohishelm•'s Corner
cod turnout of. hear ;rs. His wealth of Drug ' V ,•
g —lar James W!d•El.Ward, er native of
historical and other it ustratious, hieeasy, ertisalem, willbii aoh in the Presbyterian
natural, unaffected wanner, and his . nee.'
tare). locution all combine i f m' n p, •
f:hnrch, this tosek ,on Stahbath morning
yterfan Chu; p oil Sunday even- oures' pimples,removes tars, eta.. Beautifies
urs o t n or lu„
successful orator. '1'L—s'46th Psalm, the nert,ialid,on the edneelay' evening fol.
eiu festa Bur • dr Lath fir, was the keynote Iowing, be agjllz „lee ,lire in the Fsame plane,
Burg ,.,,,
Its .t.: ,_.,.,
4f the. discolirke,'tvhbol:6he speaker.had to aft ail eg talus ;similarities of Oriental.
breakoff abruptlyi;, t trough a severe de- 'T'iTe'"
rangement of the vbisea organs. 'el" „•—•A co•: At; ttea o t.h§ Wingham Board.
—At the meeting of Court Maitland, leo,' of Trade,.a. trniXeStirAD iii: Gordon;
25, Canadian Order e forester's, held , on John Nee ands an, . Fr L1Iiatt, • ware in•
' Friday evening last, t te following of:doers fistowel on We rJtty sett xg informa-
t .•,
Were eiattted for the o irrerit form • Robert tion in regard ,ir;,iltirg,- • They will -
at the . ,e g of the card to be
V , ( • R: report
—Ever' Person 'e u r'li'carpet's' Eilro t' avae., ppel'tea
ii. ; D, M.' Gordon,'. S I;i. M. llobiuson, s P t n . c1 i x gor
Treas.; Win. Smyth, P,.W ; W, g,"Dont1ttr, SpQr ail elptil55, shoals n.t fail to call on; secooronded.
Moved Pace taken herrn
<T, B h •I Gamow it efoierrxer • •_ • , r have ,• in etddi= . seconded by T. St]. es; .that thin meeting _p
f t.
Ferguson, t
neon, C. R. ; Joh Gilles ie
to the Mayor of 'ingham, asking him to
allow his name t, be need as one of the
provisional direct' a of the Goderich and
Winghaen exteusio• of the Canadian
Paeifio Railway, was r: c . d, good deal of
discussion ensiled, in. w= ich Dr,112aadonald,. _
Messrs. H. W. C. Me er, I), M. Gordon,
Thos. Bell, John •Ilan • a, Thos. Leslie, and
others took part, he following resold.
Hoe vas then put a d carried a Moved by
D. la.. Gordon, se ended by Thos. Bell,
that. no action. be taken on the•lettet re,
oeived by the Mayor Wingham from the
Toyin •0b ucil of Godo ioh• until more
detente 'information be received by the
Mayiir as tothe route p ()posed to be taken
to Goderioh under the. renewed charter.
Ou`motioe,'Mr. D ; Mt Gorden was laced
ole the gas ;committee,° the room of Mi.
he 'town, and R. town " ias.t we
ohairnian of the soma tituo iiih
Mr:•"Thos. Boll,:'
`HOLD NO. 927
2 er
Der AR Dewduey,
Dewdney known tor
ics' Institute a visit
bray, from W biteable
of the Rev W Whittl
Dr Thorburn, Otte
Ferguson. ,Mrs 13 Be
last week with her co.
..11r R B Taylor, of G
Sunday with bis cousin,
Mies Marshall retur
Thursday, having been
weeks at Wm Little's,
1Y[oQuarrie, Nebo has be
the past week, return
evening.,Mr J M Shaw.
perfenced journalist, gave
on Tuesday last. Ma fill
fleeted with several Out
during the past thirty
Observer, the Elora ,Light
lately the Oakville Star,
oronto, a relative of
me paid tbeT1echan-
xaday ,,Hiss Mow-
ll, an acquaintance
d, and a relative of
, is on a visit to lli:rs
htel, of Berlin, spent
in, Airs Was Little
nd Valley,spent
s. Wm Little...
4 to Berlin on
n a visitof several
ingham.,Bev II
n in Toronto for
on Wednesday
Elora, an ex -
he Thies a call
w, bag been =t-
rio new g•ap we
ears—the •,Elora
ing Express, and
hich he disposed
•of to Mr A E Bradwin, e; n of Mr. Jos
Bradwin, of this town, and a young smart
named Forster, not long si oe.,Mr, Walter
Scott, of Toronto, spent et Sunda, y with
hie. family here.,Mrs John E Norris, who
has lieeu on an exteude visit to rr,p lativas .,
in Windsors returned last week..errs It•
Hill and daughter, who ere visiting at
Brigden, returned on S, urday .last::DSr.
R Venetotes,. barrister, :. nt a few days 113.,
Godeeieh, the past wee. .Mr S , 20 elvie
and wife, of Mildma •, •pent- Sunday 'and,
Monday last in tow •, •isiting friends „Mr
D13 Calbick was i ' oodstook this week,
Mr .8,. C Stxa"thdee, tation agent G '1`- ij,,
arrived home from", `r "weetarn trip on
Tuesdaylast..Mr •i in 1!'tpLean, e,e,
_has beet on air este ;visit to tfio,e ''
time Provinces, re . ed. on Wedix "'"
Messrs S Elena • and. 0 Mao .t
of tlia Erin • : e •+cafe. staff 'Wit
Mr Dalrymple;
of Hamilton here;
oe agency and his
b-•, lir A W Haun,
Sohn Neelenrfs, Chnnp'. ;wn ; Jos. Rieder], te, herd in the, Couuoi chamber' this evening W 3eott,dvho has left
transferred to th
• ...•.with, filo a ro h of the longoven. sv , oakwit 313 ,Georgi twirl Son to. an uuueualaler and ettvaotive- adjothep until Pride• next, 'at 8•p, m., fled Alliston,•
Pp T. 13, Drs. Mardon • d, Towler, T'ai.loyu ,stock, a chole selpoti 'of samples in ee discuss the town ]la by ia..d the touttery •
ia„a. as effortahoeld
e trade to re -organ- and Chisholm, • Ex
tr. Who wilt move ThO c5 tOri writ be iu
ing, :after a•report 'iif
--The animal, •meetieg :Of the Ontario has been given.
breach of the Domi lion A.11ianee will be ,
---The November St,
held at Termite, cor,.,monoin8 on Weduee- tains' the followieg i
taw, Dooexnber"tett 1889.= • ,. yas9ili Verestchagi,
mihirl . '93eZ s.. I3xiue"TT•
H 004 p , rll +; •' sero Offering .
c ti, of,l^ wtfii 'd111 rit`ren is elleSta; "althea.Ali w v;' t33i •. .8;
tee the Literary feeei , alled.¢t'scat meet., sat dose, prices .f . v g y•
-r matters, und`tha-' 1i secretary notify. the 1 n:
in the rnetter'? •
—The dunuel rx xt.ing of the Ontario paper;'a poene on "
W, C: T. ti, re being ,ield iteGalt this week. Frank H. Reath ; 'i' Se
• Mrs. Fobs Ritchie s. ;d Mies Bessie Thom- a story by Mrs;• Matil
eon aro the • dela: ;Ass from ..Wingham Some `Books and. .
--All now •cisme
in aditatece w.il l
• Wilkie Collipe 'Reli
ersfor 1830, paying $1 eta., byAlexauder'N..
-the 'mores for the and Life Papere,
'balance of 'the pre .11ut year` free. Those Everyday, Medicine,
wife' send in their sobsoriptions earliest ford, Maud Meted'
Will thus be the !aegis . gainers. Handful of Podms,'
,gists will be mot
lion over before;
• n.torm whixli swept til
weeks ago, having dos
titles a the delicious
expensive this sea- and "The Final De
using to the force Topics anit'Light 1%
tlaetiocoastsome cents. Specimen o0
toyed Iar+e uan. —The Boo.: Wm
Y ,.6 q
k' ex
Woodstock, 1
O 5
a , 4
valve.. . P
nual sermons un;lb, he her/aloe of the
s a •convert to the sienary. Puna,, • it);
Hoe nonce in last Churoh, no Sunda
• Mechanics' Institute,
benefits of advertising
week's Trues in roger.
books has'given him
of work this past was.
—All .arrangements
. plated for the autertr
in the Towel. nail, *n Tuesday evening;•
ohiidren 150. 'Mr "Outhkiortson is Chair.
next, November' 5th. The lecture, by the =man -bleat of the i ougregationaC Union in
Rev. James Ieiviui;at o, on "1.'216 Hueuan ,Oanada, and also as the Chairmen of the
Voice," will be worth the price o£•admbs. Congregational 'Union in England. He is
sled; and besides' boob thorn will be spoken of as en able and eloquent epeaker.
splendid programme of songs, duets, este, 'i: Ature was delivered at Grimsby
'ti.5ind this year.
Verge ge :, akos the following per.
• " here is F class of then
g for their surround.
` Contempt for the
re. sur rounded,
'-town or oil,.
ity and pro/
parent in many
to their siuister,ih•
!contempt for every,
e are not' slow in me/
never speak well of the
y dive, always eneeringly
instead of trying to
build it ep the; • are making a eon Stant
effort to pull it d yen. The momenta man
becotnee so ex •ended that he finds the
plane too assail +,r him, he ought to* meVe
Out and giye.hi• ,self room to spread. Re
Vied not feel the t hisplaoe will not be filled.
The seen who kesit neay not be ooignor-
• ant and ooneei • d, blithe may have glove!.
ler head and •• •re °mriit ten settee
past°termOwar1 Ma Thos'yve*ideoelcr general agent • of
the New 'Torii =life` insurance .'Company;, ,mumbere =-•Carried,: Meeting then ad- ":.•
urs Afagusins con., has asci ed to make V.Tfnghere ,his head -
Sortie t"liree ago,
,..,a ti;e. ,;ts..,;,
toresting. contents t quartersaftud o, n lee foiled at the 33rune- ,bu
,+ wiolt 1#• se. byc Se • sal Botard' • town flour mill to _ C
ori ij:luatrated any who wish to become, A Special uieetin: of the Public liohook,: milling. to D1r. Rte._
.-ovember," by Dr. Policyholders a the• largest,life taseera3ice, Board Was held in th Council Chamber, Foundry,Woodetac
n roan' Waiting" .00mpartY on el 's eooetiueert, ori Tuesday evening : et. Allthemembers p
• rile work. was. nom 1
a M. Turner "On —O •x Sande, morpingMyst the,msmbers • present ezoept Mea.ra, Morton and Petty in operation, On
illustrated .Dort Maiden reporter had the
pets," (illustrated), P.
ion, and Sorenoe— Foresters,, see Y ., b J C g'11 i nth through. this exte
De Merril ; "Health .ren `frons.. Tae f l 119` db hZr:.,W, B. Hutton,
Hoare, Disease —An grave, proceed h b D itT G d h .three Leffel water
eta., by Dr. Hann- the town ban wheels,and the ot
li, and others A listett to a disco furieishes power -
by several writers`; ttev Mr Moorhb which are used 1
tments"of Literary of 180 he the pr t d d t t r= 'of stones for grin
de. . Price ' ouly .15. ,fine appearance, Th t h th f PS's C others. supply th
e 6 cents: oocatsion was the d f GI ' t 'A U • o • rolls and all the o
uthbertaon, B ,t?.,, of, second,: or grourici
d tri preach the an 3'e may'love ;one of rolls, three': $r
alf•of the Home Mis• eourso was a vee a weighing hi wheat,
the Congregational- cal one.. The dot
10th'Noveinber, rat ardor, as: well
No. 25, Cenadian Order of . piece.. An applioat .. Was read from Miss
partied by.visiting, moth- .envie ar i or re-engagementon e
eter, Luoknow and Bel- teaching staff o the school. ova y Dr.
in -procession, headed by C isholm, seconded' y . Gordon, t bat
to St Paul's Churoh,-to Miss Cargill be 're-engaged at a salary of
rse by the incumbent, the a270—Oarrisd;. 11 Io. d by D. M. Gordon,
hoitn, that this board
ord its very high re -
gill as a• teacher, she
employ of bis board
•s of hot' third-e1ass
e are dosirons of re -
for a farther•terra, we.
ally recommend hor to
finers -for the County of
rote most competent to
as Cargill was awarded a
aohor by the same Board
es Years ago, and that she
By ;and acceptably for
rs, v? id tie f
ask the Board of Ex -
her from the expeuse and
f d forinal re-examination
her •profeseicnal oertifi-
oate for another pet rod of three years, and
that a copy' of thi: resolution be forwarded
to Mr. Malloch, I = speetor for North Huron,
With the raves that he use his influence
towards. securing t e requester this Board,
a' herein express =s',-• •Carried. Moved by
41), ll,i. Gordon, ::conchs]. by Wm. Moore,
that Dr, Mesita „ be appointed delegate
to the annual iventtion of 'public and
high school trust i A, to be held in the city
of Toronto, on t1 12th 'November,. inst:•
Carried. The s card used adjourned.
se. There were upwards - seconded ,by Dr. Chi
esoron, W41.4.1/ ,pr nen eadesire o puon
The • ext:() os }u•,on a gkrrd or i e
or so iris t." new 'laving been in
'dating the three e
give auto you, that 1.11•in„ .i y
another,V and the die certificate, and as
ppropriate and praoti, ` taining her service
s of the members of the would most respe
i' elk clixistians,were the Rood 3Js
11 a.m. and 7 p.m. when collections will forcibly pointed oi Huron as a
to tlie'return of the f d. Mr:
aken:u in a elf of thelei
an immerise amount bat p U
sere. Hutton ee Cart•
reinadelling their
negation proceosof
bitityw, of the Oxford
and a few rlsys ago
ted and the mill pec
esday last the Tares
sire of. being show
establishment by
the• bas9ment are
wheels, ,tvyo F0 %rich
36 in oh, The latter
cis two rues of; stones
•choppiuga, and. one rime
ing Graham Sour. The
owor for drirving the,
o .machinery. ..Onthe
double sets
or,are six e
packers,;ecales for
tc. On the third flat
is the, "bran" ro; inn, capable of',holding
twenty tons of bz• n and=s "shorter :room
of egvaloapetete:, An .aspirator, alti'tely
e for separating the bran.
its; nue brush machine,,
holding wheal after
for the rolls, are else
re are four soitlpe ee .;
rifugal reel, two putt
achines and one brush
urth floor, Besides these
st collectors of .the latest
teach ; 'arid as
Cuthbertson is also to deliver a looture on P;ti tion Sade. oeraiiiceto as a
• ' Monday evening, lth` November, in, the Mr. J.J'Anderren, having decided to re• of'Examiners't
Are about corn= Church, on " The 1 ritish House of Com. move to Manitob a in the spring, will offer has taught success
nmeut and lecture, tions," at 8 o'cico' . kdaaission, 21) colts ;
Mayor Moindoo will occupy the chair.
—• 11e Kinburn strrespondent 'of the o• .
Seaforbh i• xpoaitor w iter as follows : Mrs.
Joseph Martin has ht,4 erected in her .tiny
family buying gr;tund'in the Kitxburn tltat
Cemetery a handsor o monutnent in mem- in
cry of her husben 1, It is a dark red I
Scotch granite and stands ten feet High
and was sot up by ]:r. Wm, Smyth, of the
Wingharix marble works, and doos that g
gentleman great eyed
•:The annual meting of the Wingham'
brauoh of the Bibl Society, will bo held
iv the Baptist ohs oh on Monday oveniug
next, November 4t4', at 8 o'clock. Reports
will be given of th
aid Rev Mr Moor
address on the o
Sin "Ube fa'
the Yeo t to+
pa la]
'Arrived '
• berth rensignrne
• oaandieli.
work of the' past year
Mite will deliver an.
foots of the Soebety.
nfshed by ;members of
a church choirs.' 'the.
y invited,
t. the Star. Pastaurtrit,
Of The oifoleeee oreatni
$ Xftti ,vzie.
,place i high
or slightingly, a
his saw mill,shin :le fectory,stave factory',
000por shop;v°jtc`t _=sveral houset and town
lots for sale by auction. on friday, Nov.
1st, The prober y is conveniently Ioaat-
ed.near the Gra . Trunk Railway station,
For terms and ulI partioulars, see large
T the' Fsarsnora,
To the }kditor of th Times.
DEA ,San,. , he 'undersigned • wish to
tender their b. t thanks to the many rend-
ers of the T1s s for the liberal patronage
given to our fir „ diving several yeats prior
to the burning o our nii11 by incendiarism.
During the pas season- we have remodel-
led the town ne• 1 to the latest approved
s stem of thin rut pr c
n rdllor " ess mill-
ing, .We believe we tan now glee better
accommodation hen . ever before, We
offer prompt dig • : teh,fair returns, duality
, second to eothin ; in tliis seer, , and by
of ersoniil a tentihn tf'' the business,
ase p
hg to b agai
ttWold ionasand
ngltanl tt1ill,
vort;d with a trial by
u newoua
a y s.
most respeotfully, ,
Herron & Hefts.
t. 29th,1886.
a.te m o titre ye
most res' eatfull
miners to exon
for an extensio
e wou era ore
Spar : re by the*ire,
Boon the win ° ry winds willivhistle,
The town d country o'er
And the youii man and missal'"
• Not stand 1 the entry door.
Rut beyond, ithin the parlor,
Thee, will ek love's blissful goal,
While the tl keeps a burning
tip the of man's costly coal.
--Top Phaeton buggy for sale. Apply
to Cleo. Thomson, Zetland tnille, Box
125, Winghiera. •
invented urachi
aria shorts; filo
one'stock hopper,
itlias been cleaned
oil- this floor. Th
'four bolts, one oeu
fiefs,• two smut
marline oe the f
there are two d
e,pproa'ed patter which are in use in but
few mills in 0 tarso, To the fifth ilot:are
tine universal r dresser, ono bran rod
and one bran du:.:'. The mill braise »up -
plied with. twent -tiro sets of elevators,
and the arrange; ent for conveying the
-grain from thebi is to the hopper are diose
oampleto. The .111fi1' as a whole is very-
: coeveniently ar tinged, and has u capacity
of 125 barrels
per day of 24 (tours. TI a
work of rem delling the mill has boat
dome tender the superintendence of Mr
McCausland'. entieman of ketooeive,ex . '
parlance in this 'ti , and 14iessrs. Hutt .x
- & Garr are toot li sired Witte d
way the wort, bead trail feel ,,ate'` F.
flied they can : ;ria cut a grads of flour Fhc *, ':t`•
bind to none i the Dm- vii.ee. • 'this iirni aka ' , i:+i,
deserving oft d'patkuege of the farw i+.g:'
o•ilurnnnity uti. fixe thanks of the totals.
people for their i ldnmitabie pluolt and sir"
to-prizegivi Wie;,'Itam the bent St of
a diluting milt f Anal eapaeity: 1tt•:o-
tion ie directed t Corurnuul'aatim 4.
Messrs liutiou. l a s., bit aaiot herp I it W
th r gape:.
Whe Wants Money?
lane instrlectedby a party in Toronto
to offer for a abort time a large amount of
money on good
eetari er* at pet