HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-10-25, Page 8• • ".• ' „ • A. • ",
I Isno414,04.4=411041.11w04100
f, iLr Dykema'''. a young Itl-Cit VI"
flattAnitA titled by a train it 0a.tt Wednesday.
_ . .witicuo, October 24, 1899 •
ititipvt, •Qmougit 25; .689 Cometed t. poem, PrOdu. co Derrolei.60 to 2 40
p . •
t t "lout pr 1 lgb*,
• „ __,8 ,..- . , NI wheat er imm, . o vo 0 too
--0 to °°° Don't miss the opportunity now offered of securing the Finest Makes and. Lowest Prieba in Nien'a
/ . . Zwia'r. ; ",- ; : . • to to 20 Overcoats, in fine Black Worsteds, tine Velveteens, Broad Wale, Beavers, Blue Naps and. Meltens. Boy$'
26 to 26 "
504t0o" al and Children's Overcoats, 'with and Nvithout capes.
" • °
22ts, ii .a:r. Ordered Clothing in all the Newest Designs.,Fir
Irrenk Baker. a G. T.,R. Vrakeman, rog,7' *.
lost, a finger wltile coupling care et Stia- v"''''' " -
Butter late made t •
forth on Saturday night.
do euunner made .
The enruer-staue of the Hamilton Ripe per closen, *
1)0)110 Library haling was laid on Say p:r ton, $7 00
Wedeesday. ' °(' to It VY 444- pay you to see the suits We are sellincP and after you bee them and get prices, we don't eneet .
8060 60 ' • •
14 to 14 •
, L. ...•to do much persuading to get yoU to buy them. 1:°•
TIaixt TA13Lbl.
Snow fell In conahlerable quantities *
LIZ Zit anninna
ia New York New Jersey and Mar sereve depart as followe : C
laud on Wednesday fronting.
The steemer quinte was burned near
D.eserouto Wednesday evening and
four lives were lest.'
An old pensioner named. Brown was
'burned to death hi a stall() at Windsor
on Tuesday eventeg,
The Canadian ' Pacific earnings for
the week' ending October 14th were
.$363,000; same week last year; $287,.
0:25 a.m.... „ ....For 'greets:. •• „ • • ••4216514113
2'15 in *2:16 itut
1,0:30,p.m ..Vor Teeswater
2:15 p, m 10:80 "
a-mt.A.N-ao .Ezrr
•Through mow* to alt points in .America—North.
Weet, Pacific Coast, etc., via the shortest and all
popular routes. Baggage cheeked through to
destination. Lowest freight rates to all points.
6:80 0.111.20r0a0,011811)11,PAIMOIStOth 40. 8:80 pan.
11 11
In newt desigOs And `styles;without number, Dress Goods, beautiful Costume Pkt et.ns. rioted Hen-
rietta Cloths, in all. shades. Main and Fancy, in all the newest shades. Heavy All Woc.115russ.Setge.
MelteAs, in single and double width. Silks and Satins, in all shades and pliees.
Special Drives in Shawls, Ilosiery, Gloved.; Undarwe.ar,
Grey:Wool: Plapnels, Scarlet Fla.tuels, Shaker Flannels, Fancy. WcOl
ago4Op Tam Q'Sloantera, ClOndis, fateifTiltrool Caps, Tno_nes mad Children's jaaets.
Itt2 • ih • ' Clinton "
.0.0. 1100 " • ,. _ , • :
• rUlitS1 ,ruRs!• FURS!
650 a m. .. • London,ra842.
8:40 pm.
The man who attempted to hill 1
1;10 a.m.. .., .• .. Kincardine, ste.. .. 6:M) a.m. •
Prince Widitun or N.S• urteinburg has Are , .. 33:1-0 v . We never had such value 1-o. offer before as we have this season, including everything in the
*at various titnee shewa • BY MOO= , No person should buy befote seeing these goods and getting prices. See our ,
of insanity. . • FARMFOR SALE.
r. Bezinet, Liberal, was elected The subscriber offe4for sale his farm, befog Lot 8 Boots and, Shoes, Rubbers and evershoes;
to the Quebec Leg • islature in Joliette No.41, Conceesion 13, Eaat Wasvanoah, containing .
50 acres, meteor less, situated 2i nilek from Wing.
Wednesday by a majority ,•of , about. ham, all cleated and under a good4 state ,of cultiva- .
- We guarantee to save you. money. on ,evertpurchase.
200. . . moo; well fenced and watered. Om tho premises
, •
. , are good house, bank barn and outbildings, and two.
good rehards. 5 or particulars apply to the owner.
7:25 " ....Palme ton, MITA.. ..10:20 a.m. • • •
• . •A 41
7:45 p.m. • .,,, • ,
. •
()begins are being prepared in the •THOS. K. Incirfavraft, Yours Truly.,
•Quebec Government offices distribfit- . • vViogharc,
„ing the $400,000 granted by the ' wanted.
'Jesuit Estates Act. AtiltharP. active willing boy; to take care of a
horse, and to be gimerally useful around Mar house
President Van 'Borne visited Owen and odic% Apply to
SouDil. OLD.MACDN nd Wednesdaye and made arrange-
ments for the providing of more _ otice to Contract
'elevator and dook facilities Illt that Tenders for e ereetion of an -storey Brick
• port. met for the 00 tion of town of Wingham
reigned up till 4 o'clock,
• _
-will bereceived y
day of November, 1889.
Mr.• Edward Seaton has • been ap- FlanLus8a0TC1 sFpgietar'•tone ca bo seen at my office.
potnted Principal of . the Tiverton The lowest a y tender n necessarily accepted.
&INDOO, May or. i
' school at a salary of $400. He holds . W ara, Oct.% 1889a.on.
a first C. non professional and second ,
-A. professional certificate. . '-, •li A ii, In R S a 0
• P 8e .
. .
• •
The 'Hervey .murder trial, which . mg. MALCOLM IdoDONALD, Executors' Notice. WOOD • AND COA.to, STOVES
The PhrenOlogiet Who livebolos* the 0. P. IL
station, and Who has practised for some years in
England ond.elsawhere, is at liberty oaeh Saturday
till 10 p. to examine persons] phrenolvg cal y
fur line
• M. 11. McINDOO.
give charts, The charge at proent is only 26 cent%
Wishes to state that be has moved into the store lately (templedby T,
Stoek. and has just opened up a large stock of
?dr Cozens Is oleo agent 19r all kinds of Nursery ,
begins on Nfonday next at the Fall (LAVA OP RIPLIST,)
.Assizes,in Guelph,isbi ing 13.1UCh talked Hosing purchased the barbering busines-------- Purstant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887,
and RA many new ones as patronize him, satisfaction CAMPBELL, late of the Township Of Morris, In the •
invitation is extended to those requiring • ol
insan ity. • SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING - D.1839, arereqpired to send to Robert Warwick, -,
who d ed on or about the 8ch dey of September, A. ..
about. It IS Said •that counPel for the Sebastian Bros., is prepared to give all old customers chat 110, ITOetion 30, the creditors of CHRISTINA of every description.- ..4`:
prisoner intend putting hi a plea of in aU lines of the profession. County of 'Heron, and 'Province of Ontado, stidow, si)ev.tid
Coruelins Vanderbilt and party
'posed over the Canada. Southern
divigiOn ,of "the XL C„ R. on Tuesday
at. a very fast. rate. The run frotn
Detroit to St. Thomas, 112 miles, was
made in 92 Minutes, actual running
After eegitroying a very • large,
number of letters, Gladstone has
selected; 60,000 for preservation and
,has built for" "them ' a fire -prod
'room. When his biographer comes
to overhaul them /ie.:will find. his work
•half done in tedyPnett..:- '
The celebrated Springfield case,
where a man disappeared some twenty
years ago, and .the story was circulated
• that lie Itsid been‘intirdereed in. a hotel
;in Springfield and his body 'buried in
'4..a well, hos fallen through, The
the whieli had been filled in, Was At —
were much exeited at the tune, and _ 110-11011 •
people in the yicinity of Springfield
clr anti out and 'some bones found in
ihe bottom, but it now .alleged that
the bones were the bones of 0, sheep. • "
Several years ago Wben Mr. Alex. MR. J. J. ANDERSON,
'ffis, of Alviuston, liquidator of the
-d Minot Fawcett Banks, left for the
--NorthWest, he bad buried a box of
'books in the postoifice cellar. Mr. TOWN OF WINDHAM
Lneashss now returned, and chairing•
to `get the holm, secured a writ, which
constable -Fitzpatrick executed. .A• On. Friday, Nov. 1,
• largaorowd of creditors of the bank
e ol.ected and took the hooks from the
constable. An examination, it is said,
resttlt‘d in the important discovery
that the hooka are those of the five
banks. it witl.be remembered that the
hank books mysteriously disappeared
gtt the tillIA of the failure.
•• 'Permit° Street Markets.
• •The receipts of grain on 'Wednesday
* fere not large. Wheat Steady, 200
'bushels 'selling at '80o to 85e for fall, red
trointer and spring, and GOo to 76e for, goose.
Barley—eatner ; 5,000 bushels sold 430
to 52c. 0414—Steady.selling at 326 to 33e,
Teas—Noue offered.: -Prices nominal at 62o.
Ittiyatirtn ; OS leads selling at 67 to 68 for
olover, and 41.2 to $1.6 for timothy.
• • • . •
aro my spee a es. . • ' • I halo peet.officeon-the County of Buten; on,
the ETII ilky,C11.NOVESIBER, 188 their
183.0ive Me a call at te old stand, opposite Gordon III Ige eacoutere of the said deceased on drbefors PARLOR •WOOD STOVES
and Meintyre's stere.
MCDONALD. nemosreddressee.olid deecrlittlona ; the lull ilartiou-
se and Lot for
lets of tholittlairna; a Statement of their accounts our stock in -this line being very complete.
' and the nab* of the securities (if any) held lo •
ale. executors wiltnnmedfately after the .1rTst mention -
them ; and nofice hetehy given lhut the
• h •
The unde ned offers for sale a ood residence save had Troffee..
Sutherland. On ralf acre of la .
Also, a valuab pr erty in Town
• Tuomee .1, BUORSTEP and 4.011ERT WARIVIOE,
day proceed distributethe meta ot the said de- .
ceased arnonMe partiee entitled theseto, AN mg re.
• - • in enaiess variety. • -
• • Piot of gham. • ciairmni=7y.. of the best makes. '•
J. A. PATON, Soncitor tor
Winghath, Ootr;d:wer; 1889, , 01404P aid &liable.
FURNACE HEATilitt AND 4EPAIRING promptly attended to; and
all work guaranteed satisfactory:
*7- Remember the place--:- old stand. Josephine street; Wingham
i I's City Resta iiand.
Also, for sale, a aluable prop y in the Town
Plot of Winghar consistin/ of 23 a.es of land, on • • Executors' Notice..
tie?* ow. nd straw hed. The prop v is in a
rhiels rife a go • fraide two ling house, tame barn,
goo stet; f cuitivatiorr Vieli fenced arid •atered.
For full tioularsiapplito the proprietor,
• ozattos reETWELt.
' Wingham P
. . •
Having. decided to remove to Manitoba
next spring,will sell by publib auction,
on the premises, in the
ittOttti. - *
orir' Jit• s --In Turnberry, on tho Ilth inst., the
o' wife of Mr. 1) Wallace; a daughter.
• trrratte--11,itinta—At arentford on the 16th Of
(kiln 'T.', by ft Iv. l)rCoehrgire (brother-1,1.1ov/ of the
bride) asehlto•d by the Rev. Dr. McMullen and Roy.
U r. (211therSeen, of Woodstook, Andrew Pattntlo,
editor' of the Woodetrok Sentinel. Review,to Isabella,
.,vo..:-_ . meth daughter Of 18•1 user. Oakville.
.. . Peat ten-A*112011*.n :Metliedist patronage;
r bowel. on 16**,4 the Rev. W. Cl. Bender -
sem. 13.D., Mr. Wm. Allan Pollard to Mies Martha
' &elbow, both of %ft towsieldr) of Cray. .6 Taitme.—One-third cash t tree will be
• Zs lo• given for the balance, on rtgags or tip.
7', whiginitt, on gm it /set" wino proved paper, at 8pee can intetest,
. alre4Pittars. DEA.118. I'. ANDZSS011.
it.sre. ,-1 -se inea Wiwootoeit„, lob Ord of /1' rropristen,
oreve. Miry Ann, Mitred %Ito of 1.0,, Aoder, , .. ,.._ 2
Auationser. •
,. leo stost as iouo
nd 4 Moue* , , nregurae, ,
• Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887,
chaEter 1104. section 80; the creditors of WILLIAM
County'. of Buren, and Province of Ontario, yeoman,
Who died on pr -about the 4th day of August, A. D.
lite9, are reedited to send to CrOoket Willits, Wroxe-
tors of the said deceased, on or before the 5eff
DAY OF NOVEMBER, A. muss, their nanieS, tidy
dresses and. dadripuana ; the full particulate of their H
WI MTS. late of the Township 61 Bostick, in the
ter Post Ofilce,Coupty of num, one• of the exe
dolma ; a statement of their accounts and the nature
of the seem:Ries (if rifle) held by them; and notice is
hereby el(ibithat the said exeoutors will immediate- ,
ly after the laatinentioned day proceed to dietribute '
the assets of thd said deceased among the parties en -
gileydathar tthof;nt raivileghriataur(1141.y to claims ,of which'
3. A. MORTON,• Solicitor for
. fIxecutors.
Wingham, 1st October, 1689.
The undersigned have on hand a large
quantity of
-his splendidly equipped hingles;
wmon WIIII, 11E SOLD
Nernintlifid.Ory Pine
together with the land appertaining
• All these establishments are well equip-
ped and, in first-class running order, and
ere very desirably situated near theClir• T
station. This is an exceptionally gond
opportunity for any One wishing to engage
in this lisle of business;
• Also, will be offered for side, at the same
time,4 Houses and Lots and 8 Vacant Lots,
a quantity of Lumber and Shiegleo, several
Barrel itteke, 1 Stave Jointer, 2 pairs Log
Sleighs, 2 Truck Wagons, 2 pairs' Trucke.
single/ borne elelett.2 Plows,Whaelbarrows,
Chains, and other articles.
SAta:To Contra= Er 1 O'Or.00xt, P.it.
DDItfi01318 Olt 'UNDRESSED.
sr, •
wopr)., szc.,
Ingham. 1\11.11,
Josephine ebreet, adjoining 01' 11 track.,
& 34 MuLtAN.
Winghtim, 04. 11, latIO. •
Finest Quality at Bpttoni Prices.
The Most Popular Summer Drink-, Something New. To
Taste is to appreciate.
Any Flavor always ready. Very special Reduced Rates to Aall
Public Entertainments.
The most complete stock. in the county. Pure Creams' a specialty. OW
.‘ and see me. • .
51 of &warrant issued the Mayor, tinder tho Corporate too of the ;-
ham, US me mote a'i1ng date the fourth day of July, 1689, coin.
levy and sell the ods 11 sitIoned In the following list, 101 Arrears of
.0 Mart unless Tell arrears and all cords are sooner paid, I shall pro -
greet as. Oh necessity 301 200 peynient of the taxee and cash
of gluon, on
',sixth Day • of October, 1889.
Town of Wingham; Town of
Ontario 13V V111
, • i
taxes (1u4 thereon, I hereby alto no
eeon to soli the taid lands orte. Much
at the Council Chamber of the said To
• .4111 the.11801 ,r O'CLOOK in the afternooh.
he following lends ere paten 08001)1 1)8115
to. Street
It half of 29 Scott south
It anal & Josephine It
116 Catherine
TILE. TILE.atthar
TILE. 211 John
Fanners and others In need 61 Wee for dr/Unice
purposed CAR be sunplied at our bOokyard. A. ten
large stook al all else, on
bind. -
1112.10Tr DSOS.
.16. Sett*
Oov. Add. •
J & IV Sadler's 1 -
TAO* Davis 1.5
W If 1.6
sol. Lodi ad tielfity 24
. frOEIN XSOn 110.1
d, r gr, Costs.
2.o2022*Total. "
$1 SO • $ 4 .it
2 '2517
14 112
591 *80
591 84'1
s0 Ilif: 097
650, so St
9 41 It
0 41
IS 56
**WO, 4.1540% •
, " .