HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-10-25, Page 7. 1,6604 614111.0■101 11=1 111•6110 ently bap- Mister Moderator, In consequelas of de fuji attenau'1 at die trteetiti', 1 mush de lmeetin" next W'ensday r begin' am postponed to die Monday ebjtt" for de choice oh drectors. Aux you mach misarabie by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Los* of Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a poli. tive Dura. For axle by C. E, William t Hurt n your conscience with any known sin. Sateen's. on will immediately relieve t roup, Whooping eongh and Brenehitle. For sale by 0, E. Williams. The more people become wrapped up in themselves the colder they grow. A NASAL Ixs$cTon free with each bottle at Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 60 Dente. For Sale by 0. E. Williams. It is soxuetunes excusable for a musician to be h ing about big business:, Vas Ray. Geo. M. Timm', of Bourbon, Ind., says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives to. SuIr,on'u CoNsuMPTlox Coas." For sale by 0. E. Williams. The ts,Ik of a ship canal between Edinburgh and Glasgow to cost $35,• 000,000. • roe DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint you have a printed gu.trautee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never tails to cure. For sale by 0. E, Williams. The. London aeronautic society started a paper called the Balloon. It has gone up. Way will you Dough when Shiloh's Cure will give you immediate relief? Price 10o, ado. and ill. For sale by 0. E.Williams. An English improvement by slowing vibration makes an eight•day clock tun a year. SIIILou'SCATAnnn REMEDY—a positive GUTS for Caterrh,Diphtheriu and Canker Mouth For sale by C. E. Williams. Thera are men who confine their praying to Sunday. The rest of the w .ek they prey. " This is a grate experience," said the nutmeg, as it went through the pulverizing process. HOSPITAL, REMEDIES. There is a new departure in the treatment of disease. It consists in the collection of the specifics used by noted specialists of Europe and America, and bringing them within the reach of all. For instance, the treatment pursuedby special physicians who treat indigestion, stomach and liver troubles only, was obtained and prepared. The treatment of other physicians, celebrae ted. for curing catarrh were procured, and so on till these incomparable cures now include disease of the lungs, kidneys, female. weakness, rheumatism and nervous debility., Ask your druggist for them. Those who. cannot procure these remedies frons their druggist may remit the price to Hospital• Remedy Co.,'8O4'West King St:, Toronto, ' and the remedy will be shipped to them direot. (The price is one dollar eac)* Descriptive catalogue sent on receipt of. *tamp tie pay, postage. Oat deal Mill Opened. '1'htt undersigned desire to inform farm ars and the people generally that they hay reopened their Oat keel BliII in Wingham, Aud are now prepared to purchase Cate in unlimited quantities and at the Highest Market Pries. They will supply ouatomere with the Bass GRADES ie Oat Meal,. ELDER dr. CLEGG, 2NC3 E A b11" . - - ON'T RED ROOKER Feelings Store.' A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT —Og— FURNITURE of all Kinds, Which will bo sold at lowest figures, .HAND MADE OR ORDERED GOODS. See my own make of Matrasses; Lbungeo, &o, and everything ht the upholstering line, Picture Framing and ordered work will receive prompt and carefulattention, All work done in` firet.elaes style. Undertaking promptly attended to at any hour Every requisite in Stock, Embalming a specialty. D. B. CALBICK, Funeral Director and Embalmer, BROCK.ENSIII.RE'S Photograph gallery. Long Experience, close attention and unexcelled facilities, enables me to turn out uniformly a class of work equal to that of any Gallery in the west. V -Work of every description artiie• cally, promptly and satisfactorily clone. GJI BINETS AND FAMILY GIjOIJPS —A SPECIALTY. -- Prevention, of Tuberculosis. The pathologists of the New York city, health department, in their report onthe, prevention of tuberculosis, specially em- phasize the following facts: First, that tuberculosis is a distinctly preventable disease: second, that it is not directly in; herited; and, third, that it ipetccluired by the direct transmission of the, tubercle, bacillus from the sick to the. healthy, usually by means of the dried and pule verized eputum floating ois dust in the. air. The measures, then.'which are sug- gested for the prevention; of the spread of tuberculosis,are: first, the security of the public against tuberculous meat and milk, attained by a system,of rigid official inspection of cattle: second, the dissem- ination among the people of the knowl- edge that every tuberculous person way be a source of actual danger to his asso- elates; if the discharges from the lungs. are not immediately destroyed or render- ed harmless: and, third, the 'careful dis- infection of rooms and hospital wards that aro occupied, or have been occupied, by phthisical patients.—Boston Herald. The Duke of Wellington. "The duke, being asked how he had•euc- eeedeci in beating Napoleon's marshals, _ ono after another, said: 'I will tell you. They, planned their campaigns just as you might make a splendid set or hag tees, It looke very well and answers very well until it gets broken, and then you are done for. Now, 1 made my Campaign of ropes, If anything. went wrong 1 tied a knot and went on,' " Tide, too. is a very characteristic story: "'vVheti•-asked what was the best test of a great general lie replied: 'To know when to retreat and to d:u•e to do it,' " , Here is another aneedote: • "The duke used to say that he attrib- uted his success in some measure to al- -ways being a quarter of an hour earlier than he was expected, and that the wise course in action is to attack your enemy at the moment he is preparing to attack yon." —Bir WiliiarliFraserse R,eminia- eenc88. A Living Ittenple. Brown --I thought 1 told you 10 save every cent you got so you would halo something in your ole] age, And here 1 see you have broken open your bank. Little Johnnie• --Well. dad, I eget an old beggar today. and he told me he used 10 stave every cent be got when ha was young.—Epoch. A Rte to ittsb. leiss Raine. 1AP1860/e PAM mb a summer novel la 4 green cover." The librarian of a circulating .library received the above request in a note yea• terday morning. It was brought in by a lady's maid who waited to cam the book borne. Tha librarian hunted through hie awn - mer novels and at last found one that had a cool, green color, '"That will do," be said, and wrapped it up. "How much?" asked the maid, produce ing her purse, "Fifty cents, please," and he dropped the money into the till. "What was the title of the book?" In- quired a bystander. "I haven't an idea," was the honest answer. "She doesn't want a book to read, but one to hold in her hand and lie in her lap. I reckon it was 'Married for Fun,' or 'Loved and Lost,' or something of that port. Anyhow the cover is all right."—Detroit Free Preen. Found Where He Felt et. OettybarE. While a force of hands under the di- rection of Superintendent N. G. Wilson were opening a new avenue between the positions occupied by the contending armies on the first day's battlefield, the remains of a soldier were found near the surface of the ground and about fifty yards in front of the Seventy-fifth New York infantry motnument. With the few bones which remained, were found a Union brass button and a piece of a 12 - pound shell. As the Union guns in the first day's fight were of lighter caliber the man must have belonged to the Union army and was probably ono of the 284 which, the Seventy-fifth New York infantry lost at that point. The• remains were gathered together in a box and buried at the side of the new avenue. —GettysburgSpeoial to NewYork World, A Large Assortment of Frames lcept constantly' on hand, Prices as low as are consistent with good work ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE E THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car. Load Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any part ,or Winghani. I•TOrders by mail prompt y attended to. GEORGE TIHOMSON, winfham P. 0. 1890. 1890. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE WEEKLY —i 91r-siil"fr CANADA'S LEADING NE WSPAPEB, PATRIOTIC IN TONE . TRUE Td CANADA TRUE TO TEIE EMPIRE: THE EMPUR1, IS NOW TILE GREAT WEEKLY PAPER OF THE DOMINION, and special arrangements aro boingmado to and new and attractive features, which will greatly increase its interest and value. As an Induceu ent to place it in the hands Of all PATRIOTIC CANADIANS the balance of. present year will bo given FREE TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS, Making it only Only One Dollar from now till end of 1890. ADDRESS "THE EMPIRE," TORONTO, ONT. curt Se id�y.ld Watcb. Meld for510IPWalt laiefy Beet M watch ie eke worlt. IWMI tin keepet. Wen. rained: Hwy 0.1 uo Hominy Cum. Loth WNW and rents' ekes, with Werke and sue► br equal rain. One Person Demuth fa enllIy cart alcuto ono hes. together witb our large sod rah uebla line of JIn,..ehold Satrapies. These Amon!. Os well se the Watch, we rend Frog, and after you bare kept MOM M out hems fir s months and &Lown then to those *homy Mrs ailed, theybecome your ova propartr. _ Theta vie Write nt Ono ewe be nuts of rensinfi t the liVAtele Salmon Sample We ay &n a:pptees, keitcbtote. Addrem a n s coo. Bon BIB. P.rataadio. Alae, a,x• c, IrOlt see! am BMW MI ORDS .RED CLOTHING w HATS, To Him That Hath Shalt Be Given. Among the wills admitted to•record by Judge Myers of the Hancock county pro- bate court last week was the testament of A. 13. Arthur, an eccentric farmer of• . Marion township, who departed this life . some time in June and left an. estate• valued at about $Go,000. After his death, when his will was made public, none were more astonishedthan the expectant heirs when it was found.thatthe old gen- tleman had devised his entire possessions to be sold by his executors,.and the pro- ceeds invested, in the building and main- tenance of a, "Home for Indigent Hack - men," --Findlay (O.) Cor. St. Louis Re public. Gathering Ginseng for China. The residents of the Catskill mountains are finding , lucrative employment in gathering it, root called ginseng. The dealers sell the pxoduct to New York ex- porters, who in tail ship it to China, where it is considered a good medicine . for the preservation of -health. Tha roots are found in abundance, and if the prices rule high until the close of the season the people will have made a round sum of money, as the price paid is 63 per pound. —Exchange. • A Lady's Idea. Mrs. Charles Carleton Coffin has sent to the war department a new design for the forty-two stars in the flag. It has thirteen of the stars made into a six cornered star for the center to symbolize the thirteen original states. The rest of the stars aro to be almanged about this in straight rows. The device is much • ad- mired by army ofneera who have seen it. =New York Homo Journal. An Industrious Itma.Girl., Miss Jennie Slack, aged, 16 years,re- siding in the blue grass region of Iowa, near Villisca, has this season planted and cultivated thirty-five :acres of corn, i6e- sides milking six cows night and morn- ing, and helping in other werk.about the farm and household. The cern is in splendid condition. for a big crop, and the young lady who .raised it is said to be fine looking; intelligent and none the worse for the hard work shehas done for her invalid father, who was unable to pay a hired hand lar, do it himself. Such girls make good helpmeets for worthy and in- dustrious young. men. -Chicago Inter. Ocean. Another Tail,Tower Proposed. A company' has.,been formed in South Orange, N. J., to, build a tower some- what after_the plate of the famous Eiffel tower ie Paris, on Eagle rock. It will be almost 406 feet high' and rise about 320 feet above Queerest of the • rook. A cSmmodious ,elevator' will be maintained, in it to Convey passengers to the crest of the mountain as well as to the summit, of the tower. Itis proposed to make an. arrangement with Edison to supply an, enormous electric light for the summit of the tower, which will be visible far, out to sea. -Exchange. TO W r;tfS'I'ER'S. CAPS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, CUFFS, Cheap for KAM . AT WEBSTER'S THE CITY GROCERY CHANGED HANDS. C. J. READING Having purchased IT. Fiiscock'd. grocery and made heavy pur-. classes in U; GENERAL GROCERIES and PROVISIONS,, I°rutts, Confectionery, gg Crockery, Czieswears,. dice. He has nor .• F=NTJ FRE EI GOODS ARR^LvL,N G. DAILY,, and offers SOLID BARGAINS FOR CASH • Auvtca TO MOTIIERO.—Aro you disturbed, at night and broken of your teat by a sick child suffering and 1 trying with pain of Cutting Teeth? if so send at (once and got a bottle of " Mrs. Winslotv's Soothing Syrup" for Children '1'eethlhg, Its value le: Meal Jul. • able, It will relieve the poor little hunter immediately. Depend upon 1t, mothers: there Is no mistake about it. It aures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, rut/Mahal the.Stontnch and Botrels, mires Wind f folio, softens the Guute, redness Inflammation. and, g t'es tone and enstyy to the whole system. "Mrs.1Vin- s;ow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of ono of the °limit and'beat female phy,icitms and,nureeo' ht the United States, alae to for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. tie sore aleft ask for "Mas. Wlvetew's SooTlelio Suer," and take no other kind. As every thread of gold is valuable, so is,eVery Inolneut, of, bithsu. Come and see. A CHOICE STOCK OR Try goods and ascertain prices. GARDEN SEEDS & HOUSEHOLD PLANTS. Ce J. READING. INMPTST DER EAOT C `J Tha three wt claimtall p*titi.. aa, unquostioit41- ftn • Int. THAT. f HAVE THE BEST A.SSORTED STOCK• OR WATCHES, CLOCKS AICD JEWELLERY IN WINGHAM; • 2nd. THAT THE QUALITY OF MY GOODS IS EQUAL TO.. THE BEST, 3rd. THAT MY PRICES ARE SLICE. THAT IT IS SAFE .ANI:?'' PROFITA13L1 FQ1 ALL TO DEAL WITH 111E. 12'FST' `' FORO"C3-RSE�BF BY CALLING ON • F. GERSTER.r., REDUCED RTES Pioneer Hardware Store ,, TO ALL. PAINTS Ib, MANITOBA; BRITISH. COLUMBIA —AND THE, NORTH. WESTERN STATES, -vaA= - BEATTY'S ' SARINIA LINE STEAMERS "Mario Eating", "Orrrtnto" and "CAorAN.t, 1 Leaving Snrntalevery TUESDAY and FRIDAY nigh during navigation, (weather permitting). and calling every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at Dederick and Eineattlioe, where they connect with the G. T R. train,lgaping Wingham at 11.10a."m. for St. Joe' Island; Darden River, The Soo, Port Arthur' and Duluth; connecting et Port Arthur with the C. elf R. 'atttl•,lt5. Duluth with the Red River Valley Wy. 1'.09j'RB?e RATES, BM ACCOMMODATION' i Exraaaa TIMa tan enema or Ropers, ' Ask your nearest Grand Tama, lt'y agent freight and passenger rates;. JAS. H, BEATTY,, GENr.RAL'MANAGER, SAIn1IA. ,eva,Eoomil. l MALL. The Society meets every third Monday nu nth. Visiting brethren welcome. This cmntiodions hall eon be secured for roster tninnionts of every kind at a very low Acture. For tame ac., apply to JAMES LOUTIT, Cline 8 Co. STONE BLOCK. We give special attention to the., for.owin g lines: IRON PIPE, ALL. SIZES FROM I TO 3 INeril. IRON. AND: I3,1tA�s- Pi''n F,ITxlNGS. FIRE BRICKS.,„ MILL FILES, MAGH1N41, QILS. AMERIQA14, WATER. WRIT1i CfiAL•, 014 We are sole agents, in Wingban for tbA, sale 0? Genuine Rubber Paint the hest iu the world. All kinds of shelf and, heavy Hardware at bottom prices. Land Fleeter in bags alwevo et h'ne. th. A. iD.d, +:1 ij