HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-10-25, Page 51 •-.-•' 4•''''.;.',"'e, ..e /,,3-"i, ';10-.. -„27-Jer:iie-,• , ' ,,,ee, 77iftW7774:77:MLIV, , Tr4"..7111577:07W:,W.. •f!'','W , 1 Xi ,,r• V, , : •,, , 4.,,. , • . , .. . . • rri Lower Winghara. .0 viz : E C Coleman, President ; .1' S of the throat, several patients were pre- emie had not returned. As for c,arcino were appointed for the ensiling year, . elan:illy, are visiting in this vicinity at Secretary and Treasurer ; John Mc. moved,.and now, several yam after the' ,•e,-- • P cliV eg- present and expect to leave for Bay City the first of the week, to reside.— Milian, M. P., 'Patron ; Rev. A. D aineration, there had been no signs of a . . O. Mrs 13rnneri and child, of Muskeka •and, M 0 Cameron, McDonald, Chaplain; Dr. Cideman, recurrence of the disesie,—BestonsVer- • District, wife of tht Rev Ur Brinnen, Honorary members, . F G Williams, ' " A Flannel. start Etehange«, Esq., God oriel), .ald. , • • • of that place, are visiting at the hone of her parents, Ur Miller, of Lower and R L 8harpt Toronto, and D D • :"You cannot imagine -hew the flannel , .4*. town,—Mr Martin and wife, of Luck -Wilson, • Representative members. ,shirt businesi of our store -has grown in z ....,'.. ,.;_ .0 Skips --John' Lyons, Jelin Weir, ' 'A the past few yeaes," said, atiusted clerk ' now "'ant fewd -th friends 4110111111•56,1 era Huron Item*. of' interest to thonssolvesi but of great, G- wUl . turnitsse Wellt , take lgisent to the town ouch if ther p. , in with about 1101d a Meeting at GOder en attend them, KIWI C11E1011 ore being put on VI/edoesday, Nov. Oth. The milling ay And when the question w&11 come up for diseuesien, Prof, S. Moon, the Bighland piper, tug he air department Thomas Farrow, eir.M. fs, for al;t has gone to Duluth, Minn. Ur, Moon is oomplet , the working staff will t)e Huron and postmaster of Brussels was has 5,7c4 medals* endl.in this reaPect at least cue hundred and twenty-five'• warned on tile ,17th inst. at London it_13 001Y t° p°Lutid DiunleP vell° It is an old saying and it true one that to Mrs. Elizabeth Qualm., daughter P" -1'"t'L'a* --AT' VS • runs dry, and so it in with a manufito Nissouri. the water is net missed mai/ the well of the late Samuel Furdy of West It is reported that Rev. Father ToR IL Graham, late of St. Thomas, will be tiring establishment in any town, it gni. Erwin relict of the late Geo appointed to the parish of mount Whereat! the Novelties oft the Snanonfare$ to. be seen; and nehodygoe is not missed until it shut downa During the time this factory was aged 7 years. She had been Erwin, of Bay'lleld, clied the other da . Cannel, Stephen Township, in succes, away, bech,nee we have the best stook' and everybody are pleased i': son to the late Father Nelly, . with our goods and buy. 5 a res . 'closed, it was very noticeable that dent of that section for the past 85 the were more men unemployed on year'', and was a sister of the Messrs. Teeth Frmont. " (quoin, 0 o eric townsetp. our streets thau any other time in the /3 d . In Zeeland, that country 'of gentle, history of the town.—The Hoy Bros primitive customs. from time irairtemo- Mille are kept conetantly•going, Their Mr, Robert 1Vic Verdi° arid Mrs. rial it has b the fashi ia to t to brands ot flour l‘ri become very Monteit14,0f KiPPen, halls° fallen heir lad.or iassie, when the first baby tooth eetl presen popular in the marlin's of the Lower to a considerable fortune by the death appeared,. a lamb• to be hie or her very Provinoes, as well ae the Old Country. of a relative in the Old Country. Ti. own, cared or and tended as no other •, Owing to the activity of this firm is stated that Mr. MoMeedie secures pet could be, and never to be parted in the produce business, as well as in X40,000, Mrs, Monteith 220,000 and with; the manufacturing business, our grain a eoe £5,000. There comes to• us ill a pretty story market has become a very pleasant • George Hunter, whohas been living that sturdy, truth loving and warm scene of activity, So satisfied are in )01.1n.toba for ei ht y • aa le hearted neOpleaceount of such an offer - the farmers who have been selling Toronto on way home to Grey ing to the bailitre sou. A. winsome, soft township, but died of consumption at eyed creature was Botha, the queen of the house of his brother-in-law, Mr the lamb flock. The pet grew apace, a8 concerning the ways and manners of their grain -here thio fall that coarse grains are being teamed here fifteen miles, and in several instances eighteen miles. As mmili as from two to three thousand bushe s of barley a day has been coining to the -Market. Mr. J. 0. Hay, wile is the principal salesman. of thio firm, sold in one lot 50,000 bushels of barley, but the difficulty seems to be in getting oars to ship it. The on the market square for the grain buyers to stay in, to he out of the cold when not busy, which is furnished with a stove, Ito, • This is as it shoud be.—The Arlington. Hotel, reeently fitted up by Mr. Petor is light., ed with what is known as carbon gas Fred Price," before lie couldi continua did the frolicsome owner, and when he his journey. His body was forwarded was 10 years old, a hardy shepherd lad, to Colebrook for interment. Botna had . become old, toothless and lame. She could no longer go away to. On Friday,potober llth, the only pasture with the herd, or eat her 1311 of child of John and Christens Smillie grass, even in the pleasant midsummer died after a short Meet's aged four weather. Her faithful young master months. The funeral took place on was, however, mindful ef Botna's needs. town council has built a small houseg d f • Saturday, when a lare commr. of He had not forgotten that -every year she. nen a an nen d `ghbors gatherecr toj et had given him a little lamb, and in ber Dress Goods of all qualities and styles. Positively the largest stoelt in the county of Huron to select from, with all the newest trimmings to match. ULSTERINGS AND MANTLINGS from 50 cents per yard upwards. • BITAR VIATTSIMS AND SEAVITTES . of the best qualities, which we cut free of charge; Every lady should see them. You would certainly say we have the best range in town, Flannels, Yarns, Blankets, Shawls, Wool quares, Fascinators, Hose, Gloves, Skirts, Full Cloths, of all kinds. old age &corner was given to her in the L t 1 1 their sympathy with the bereaved P familiar faces and hear the voices of her 0 The annual meeting of the Goderich fed from a bottle, and was never taken. best friends. Many times a day elle waft , . Readpmade Clothing and Overcoats. Purling Olub was held on Tneiday out for fresh air unless the day vvas mild • evening, Oct. fitir, when E R Watson and the air balmy. Fortunate Botnal— tend . the funeral, thereby sbowilig family living roona. where he could see Fa' GIIA.RANTEED EVERY TIME. lamp, 'which makes * light which is. w" elected Presamt, Wm. Proudfoot, ti all styles, in Caps, -Sets, Fur Coats for lades and eritl• vice president, and A 0 Harper's Bazar, -' • . sithply marvellous for the amount "of umber sec men, robes, &o. • Treatment of Catteen. gas consumed,. No system of eiectrie retary-treas. Other business of im- There appears to prevail among the lighting Yet introduced can compare portance was transacted—water from laity a belief that the curtail cancer is Groceries and Crockery with these when cost, simplic- the town service to be put" in rink, and seldom effected by the use of the knife, ity of operation and localization, electric light will likely follow. and that, when it is used, the disease is and the only and most reliable stock of safety and other- things are taken On the 19th of October there died quite certain to reappear.' At tbe recent into account.—The, G T R depot is at his residence Clinton, James of them told of the after emits of ope- congeess of Germ130 German surgeons a number 0T8 ..A.Wri SI-10MS now lighted with gas, which makes Biggins, aged 82 years. He took rations for the removal of cancers from • in the county. the waiting room .and the platform great pride in matters agricultural, the tongue and throat.. In one instance very cheerfuil besidesbeing very much more especiall yin stook raising, and the whole tongue was removed from a ALL COME AND GIVE ITS A LOOK THROUGH. safer for travellers getting on. and elf as 'probably as well posted in patient twenty years ago, and the cancer teitins than under the rays of the thorough -bred cattle as any man in never returned. Another patient first coal oil lanips.—Soine of the sports who the Province. He was president of had the left side of his toiigue remoeed, have been away north hunting are the Hullett Branch agricultural society and, as the, disease reappeared, he was 4otne with venison, which they olaina for many years. • as Htly inn I o a , again oPeratecl ell: Prefessor upon and the other side they shot t mmseives and we have no Conservetive politice and a member taken out. That was between five and Wingham, Oct, 16th, 1889. uster of Berlin eix rears ago, and yet eillee'that -time he LETof, to be: put up by 4 P Aosta and The annUal meetine of the Seeforth carcinotha of the tongue Clem which he IlOWN - THE ANCHOR1 A. disposition to doubt their word.—The of the chtirch of Eglatid, ,and an has d 'pw new, foundry project that was talked Eiviishinen by birth. aKremaineeerfe:c!preseiated a case of -• . . Mr Bush see nt 11- t k Id ILL& • Clerling Club was hold last week, operated, ten years 'ago, and, which has These projects•that are like a inunroom There was a hirer, alt d en ance and the not returned since. Professor Von Berg- mann exhibited two patieires; one was a and grow all in one night, are usually meeting was characterised by unusual e'aort lived. case operated upon two yeerspreviou , enthusiasm. The following officers d the th f • ,an o er our years before; the dis Mr, Win McIntosh, of Duluth, and. Roberts, Vice -President ; John Weir, sented who had had the entire larynx LO' ma co E4 . , hero-- Mr Thomas Martin, of this John A Wilson, Alex. Wilson. , Coleman, D 13, ;'Wileob. ; and j S E i ,yearstigo three clerks were enough- to: VCiX,evetytie,pattnieint of our I handle all the trade in flannel eltirts we ' ' NM,v, Seasonable,arge premises is literally jaol mod with place, left last week for Grreenoch lupe- StYlish and RAinarkably Cheap FALL her woods to stay until Christmas. Roberts.' • ,.- , .---------. had. Now /.. hi-va eix,geplendid ran od men 'tinder , —GOODS So.e. of— . • Zegand.. Youn Cioramen, Geo. Patterhon" ;met& Boatel's largest- firm. • s"T-wo • A mectine o the business nen f me, and the work, is.a11 they can do.. f ci Beery hody is„wearing flannel flirts now, ' ' Seaforth f-ci7t.ti `r, "" D E Sna G $0 D e urpose of ortinng. a apc1;oursales omatzzit to melte then Misses Eliza Mid Bella and Mr• • aitinuel, McKibben, of Walton, made h):eir.apuent, assoeiatioti Was heldiately. 000 shirts a,year. • ' ' • . Fred Thonlson, last week.:—Mr Geo iiiing6itnsicoirli:r1 t dtihs:ufrosLonwioni: the.. electric shrinkl: 1 have a plan Which will -not e, , , n every deign an ex tti e from c wapest e ons the ne est, ,g,...prorision, orily wake a man's flannel shirt fit him • --Silks or Satins,— ness, on Tuesday. Aird," iVanaefer•13anic • of 63 out with -a new style nhirt every two .'. - , - jpLusErEs,- 'Perth. Items. g 00 dent ; John Fairle S et , talm,a,shirt Oxalis too Small for a . The Stratford City Council. has • a yir ser ary , F, from washing And give hint ene a r9sinfe' iAll shades from -50 ebe up, and other trimmings to match on the dollar, onnnittee--7 111-ayor Wilson,. 'X . 'W surnef 25 cents provided the shirt he' ' of Knox Oburnb. Pala -191'810a, Rev. ,T. dent and Secretary. The advisillility' '80-incli toiie call get the Shirt' of the 82- lli il A AA ft AtfilillilAfittl AA IRMA A A• A ill Atl. Allii Mt of establislio a - i . , r4,Y MeLetm and tile Prem. brings in is clean. 'Musa man with' a - ii '' ' 1 • ' • • d ' I ' t to the 28hieh, a g & 'n short *Nit with their sister, Mre lore WAS a fair atiendanee. After '"You, iname"how a flannel shirt will d `d. t t • the1 M It totl rhomson went to, London on bust al officers were Appointed,, viz: John all the tiine, but will enable him to come • ..mrriveree, da • President,edeor e d ye My Flannel Shirt Bxehange will ; . • all styles oe diced the rate di taxation at PA iram.ste --Dress Goods.— , • Tre, gainer . :Exeoutive longera the emu? qoa.lity foe the smell. • . Be sure to see our. • . • • *There is potability of the. liistOr M. Anil, being trensfeyred, to Knee. - ig Met Let, graikt ng Ano..11 man, an give lissom. Church, Stratford. --- honuae.i to aid in th6 osfitlaliShment: of while'the "02 -inch man .will take - i• ' fl ' 11 1 f ii • that which beton ed he On of437 1 • ' • . , . UP by ,the association. The business factery r f Mr Bundsolio at /Myer- Iv 'n1,) Vi 'eg , --. oston U 11: ga .yma 1‘ 06 400 2n111 The ,planing and cheese box • an': a 911 wi taken and so n th cat " Globe ' • ton,. Was totally destr4ed by tire On u'Pn- can make the m.Setiags not OnlY • r b • • Monday last 0^t 21 'The fire was . • hrst seen at about 12.90 noon, alai a very short time the Whole 'build- ing was in a flaw and beyciild all hope. of saving; Mr. Ban*oho's 108a VidincEottnetdenatts wt:e°iC,Intr(?11;orliVigg. Seems the lines Last week the I.;ishop of the Diodes°. y, and we of tionclon and Council, Very net% plete as Dean Wagner, Dr. Kilrov,of Stratford, Dr. O'Connor, of Sandwich College, ham, and °Mari met at the pastoral reel. limas or "gor i'LAINTNRLS either ,'red white or blue, aid-ai, dowox -- • • • •,,,,y / in price, lic•sure you visitkthe "Anchor," ., ., . 8tiick s of WiatTio AX. ii Gi,l,tY COTTOS; TtelelliGS, SlitRTINGS anti GENEniti DitY. GooDs offering cheap. -- Vaille offered, in— tolz,te the popular verdict all WORSTED . SU III NCS TWEEDS we carry. OUR STOCZ is COMPLETE, Arid guaralitee evury Suit we make to be satisfactory in style, can show you the finest and most corn- , • ,--w(wktnantalyip'amiflt.— oortment of Goods every: shown in Wing- iVe. have; lately reeehred -several thlupert Piles 0f: SIIIETS„ TIES, BATS and UNDEROLOT denote. Windsor, At that time Bt, To suit every taste. Rev. ;ohn 'Walsh, formally resigned TABLE 'CHINA the mitre of the Diocese in order to iii'. accept the gallium of the Metropolitan 7 -CARPETS "4 FLOOR OIL CLOTEE, f\ty of Toronto. The Administrator • cbr the Diocese of London was Minted To which we desire to call special attentiori. ' Please visit this department beforepving your orders elsewhere. Rome Mines a successor to the _Bishop! NE GROCERIES AND FRUITS. ordon & 1/1:ointyre at the ,ftrao tune Ile wIli take cher e v., r ., .... *f the affairs of the Diocese until I' 1 stoW Atolibishop.elect of Toronto. 1 'W . THI . 11irATES. __S BROWN ANCHOR, WilSj.W.EA!/.1. 1